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Why can't the west write strong female characters as

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Thread replies: 169
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Why can't the west write strong female characters as well as Japan does?
>Strong female jap character
>She has le big boobs and can le punch things xD
by having the protag half nude constantly? Sure.
so you weren't satisfied with your SnK thread

obviously banned on /a/
Kill la Kill is shit la shit

Also that cunt from Attack on Titan was shit too
>nudity is bad
Literally SJWs.
SnK is shit.
What exactly prevents the both of these characters from being male besides their appearance? I'm all for objectification of women, but writing a female character is substantially different from writing a male character. There's no evidence in Kill la Kill that these two have any feminine interests or characteristics.

I know this is bait but fuck i'm bored
because women in the west aren't strong. They're cum dumpsters who can't think for themselves
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>in the west
Not like jap women are much better, they just accepted their place
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>There's no evidence in Kill la Kill that these two have any feminine interests or characteristics.
You apparently haven't watched the show.
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>Why can't the west write strong female characters as well as Japan does?

Japanese women actually work hard and don't expect things handed to them.
A big part of the anime & manga industry workers are women.
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Check yourself.
>strong female characters as well as Japan does
they are just KAWAII UGUU
Because a Japanese audience doesn't bitch about it regardless of what you give them. And enough women show enthusiasm to the writers work to encourage them to keep trying and even do better next time. Where as in the west anything less than an unassailable god like deity that is dressed conservatively will garner critique.
>an unassailable god like deity that is dressed conservatively.

>Creating an impossible standard for girls to live up to.

You can't win, so why try.

Although I would argue there are several strong female characters that are written extremely well that never get any attention.
That's fucking bullshit. A character can being strong AND female without the way it's strong being necessarily related to her femininity.
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lrn2read, kid
Japan only seems less cringy because the fanservice distracts your mind by sending your blood to your cock
That's still a strong character archetype. You can change her gender to male and it wouldn't impact the story in anyway at all.
>implying it isn't empowering for women to be able to be sexy and strong
because they are cucks
>>nudity is bad
>Literally SJWs.
>SnK is shit.
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>there's not really any liveaction fanservice in Hollywood

Are you blind?
of coursh
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That's literally what it said, but it also means that character can be a man without changing anything else.
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Characters can still be feminine and a good characters.

The girl power meme needs to stop. It's okay for a character to be weak and selfish sometimes.

SnK is being talked about on /a/ right now.

Japanese women have a significant presence in the anime and manga industries.


Not all anime has fanservice, let alone any significant amounts.
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Giving OP a (You) anyway

The West is retarded and prefers subservient bitches to strong male characters than to have sexy female protagonists
Siggy was perfect in 1979 but now if you have a girl shoot a gun she better be a shaven-headed dyke with a penis or just a man.
>that line
Fuck me I wasn't prepared to think that dark this evening.
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Exactly what I'm talking about. I cringe ever time I see that token tough girl stereotype.
I actually think it's the oposite. Japan can't write good female characters

I end up only reading fujobait trash because of that
If you're using some definition of "good" that's highly specific to yourself.

Fujobait doesn't exist.
But fujobait has the cutest girls.
Ironically why can't Japan write decent male characters? I swear it's been about ten year since we've had an actual decent male main character in anime.
>Ironically why can't Japan write decent male characters?
They can.

>I swear it's been about ten year since we've had an actual decent male main character in anime.
You mean it's been ten years since you saw some popular show on Toonami?
It's true that generally male characters are worse, but you should lurk more.
Subaru in "Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World" was pretty good. HOWEVER, he was good because he was actually pretty realistically portrayed. Shit gets real and he can't fucking handle it. Then he basically has a mental breakdown but comes back from the brink to be a good man. The ride to that point is fucking horrible and I don't recommend watching it unless you can handle some roller coaster ride type drama.
>Reddit Zero
Because the west (i.e. America) writes its female characters in such a way as to intentionally antagonize the male viewer. Japan will write a strong female lead while simultaneously pandering to the male audience.

The west is obsessed with 'sticking it to the man' and 'fuck every aspect of the establishment past present and future', and men, christianity, and european culture all get caught in the crossfire.
This is the "guilty by association" attack. When you don't like something, just associate it with something negative, even if the association is completely arbitrary.

Pandering doesn't exist in anime, and not all viewers are male.
This. People who go "LE ANIME WAS LE SO MUCH LE BETTER IN MY LE GENERATION LE!" are so fucking retarded. It's conformation bias. It's selective memory. There was so much shit in the 90's and early 2000's. 80's weren't amazing as people say.

There is real dogshit out there. Even stuff which is praised like hack.//SIGN has so much QUALITY and bullshit in it that you wonder how it got praised so much. But you chucklefucks don't watch the shit, you only watch the good which has been curated by people. I recommend people to watch the absolute crap and then say it was great.

Internet gives false impressions. What is popular doesn't mean it's good. What is good doesn't mean it's popular. That shitty dragon yuri waifu bait show is so fucking awful but it's everywhere because LE WAIFU XD.

People don't watch Mars of Destruction, or Mad Bull 34 unless they want to watch terrible anime for a laugh. Nor do they watch shit like Ginga Densetsu Weed or the infamous QUALITY scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48T5fZJpXmk from Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica.

People who think anime is "waifu moe crap" now know nothing and only see what's popular, not what there is.
I'm sure he's just posting it to troll. He'd need to actually go there to know it has any connection which I doubt it does beyond the normal popularity of any random thing.
>writes its female characters in such a way as to intentionally antagonize the male viewer. Japan will write a strong female lead while simultaneously pandering to the male audience
>Pandering doesn't exist in anime
I have to say from Aesthetics alone, 80's anime has a good style. Modern has a variety of styles and I like that. 90's is kinda in the cross fire between 80's and now.
I'm sorry, what are gender specific character qualities? Because if in your mind that boils down to confronting gender in social situations i.e. every character must in someway confront a prejudice based upon his or her sex, you can fuck yourself and your cancerous undergraduate level philosophy.
It doesn't. We've had this debate again, again, again, again and again and it always ends with the conclusion that it doesn't exist.
You're funny.
Styles have changed, obviously. But in terms of content, there is shit in every era. You're not going to get 300 episodes of politics and shit with Legend of the Galactic Heroes any more. Studio's won't do it. You do get 300+ episodes of monster of the week which takes 7 episodes to defeat.

Such is life, eh?
I did not say anything funny.
>Pandering doesn't exist in anime, and not all viewers are male.

Fanservice is literally another term for pandering, and it's fucking everywhere.
You did. claiming that pandering in anime doesn't exist is just hilarious.
Fanservice is a misnomer when talking about anime.
Yeah, I am not going to debate the shittiness of certain anime from every era, but I think the 80's had the most detail in their work, even most of the low budget ones from then had some neat backgrounds.
It has never been proven to exist. People have tried, tried, tried and tried again, and every time they have failed.

Neat backgrounds are a dime a dozen in modern anime.
Sadly they used those background as time sinks. The amount of "pause on sunset for 30 seconds" that happened was huge. Or 'close up of staring faces' to fill time. Modern anime has more movement and less abuse of fillers (I use this in relation to above).
So are we supposed to trust these imaginary past conversations while you keep denying evidence?
Well, what was the arguments that led to that conclusion so we can skip over it?
White women are retarded cunts compared to asian women
>inb4 gtfo yellow fever virgin
What evidence did I deny?

You can try to once again argue that pandering exists but it'll just end the same way it always has.
Okay first let's define what we mean by pandering/fanservice.

I understand pandering to be the addition of otherwise superfluous qualities (e.g. characters, scenes, sequences) into a story, for the primary purpose of attracting or ingratiating the material to a particular audience or segment of the audience.

Pandering is not inherently bad, it's pretty much inseparable from any piece of popular media.

What does pandering mean to you?
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Not him but I guess this is what he's against. Even though it's a ero show and it's entire purpose is this.
Pandering means maliciously including sexual content in a work for the sole purpose of "baiting" people into buying it.

This has never been proven to occur.
Isn't this the basis for Ecchi?
His definition is more sound, and undeniable.
No, it isn't.

His definition is wrong.
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This is my wife. Say something nice to her!
she used to have a cute uniform
Ok, what about Eiken?

The entire focus of that... thing... is on the character's tits and nothing else.
but that's basic
That doesn't make it pandering.
What a coincidence, she's my wife's girlfriend
...According to what standard is my definition wrong?
Satsuki is mai waifu
But it fits your definition:>>81671944

It's inherently sexual to bait people into buying it because it surely isn't being made for story, animation or voice acting.

I was implying it was a good thing...
Why are you so scared of /co/, /v/ed?
According to the standard of how the word is used.

It doesn't fit my definition. Why do you think it does? Do you think any instance of sexual content in anime is malicious? Do you think it's impossible for a content producer to have a personal interest in sexual content?
Do you think short haired Satsuki would prefer a submissive or dominant man?

Cause she mellows the fuck out after beating the ayys and stepping down from being Hitler.
Female sexuality is their strength
If the producer had interest in sexual content, they would go make hentai, not this low budget drivel.

t. Someone who actually enjoys High school of the dead.
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not my waifu but I want to worship that ass
That is just your own personal logic. You would go to make hentai. But that's just you.
>According to the standard of how the word is used.

So you're appealing to some vague, unsourcable descriptivism?
KLK was atrocious garbage.
Sure you were.
Maybe if you're a faggot with no taste.
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look at this fucking pleb
Nice Reddit pic my friend.
I bet you're the only person on the board who knows or cares who that is.
I've spent a lot of time in many anime communities and places where people have talked about anime. I've seen "pandering" used over and over and over again and I know it doesn't mean what >>81671882 thinks it does.
All I see is a bunch of weebdoodles for teenage boys to masturbate to, pure kino
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This whole thread is a testament to why you /a/utists are confined to your own board.
/a/ is not a containment board or the only board of its kind. Anime is also allowed outside of those boards.
A tip for newcomers! Look at the board list. There's a board called /a/, dedicated to anime and manga. Go there and post!
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KLK was fucking awful kys.
This thread is more appropriate on /tv/ than /a/.
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Thoughts on this tushy?
Japan can't write any characters.
Kys Kyoanigger.
Then neither can anyone else.
What is that?
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Don't even like the show just like brown anime ladies.
Kys KLKuck
Because the west is pushing a diversity agenda into it's mediums while Japan is just telling the story as is
>strong female character
>not generic-fighter-2-subplot-1c-revengeplot-5-twist-3.4

She was the worst character in the entire show.
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4chan is rightful weeb clay!
Well, logically /a/ shouldn't be allowed to exist. Anime belongs here or on /co/, it's pretty dumb to have a board dedicated to cartoons from a certain country. Or even worse, a board dedicated to one single cartoon (mlp).
She was the best written character.
This isn't /a/
This is /v/, /co/, /newfags that are playing catchup from reddit/
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agreed OP. Find me a collage of western woman as well written as.
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No this thread should be on /co/, but you're too new to understand that.
4chan was founded for the purpose of discussing anime and sharing anime images, and anime does not belong on /co/. /mlp/ was created as an actual containment board.

Why should this thread be on /co/? And I'm not new, nor did I say anything that would indicate that I am.
those were the good old days
now we have skelly gal gadot as wonder woman
Almost half of those characters are lesbians/show lesbian tenancies.

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Only one on there thats well written is Utena though.
she's the worst one shitskin.
Because you're comparing Japanese female character cartoons to live action. If you've actually seen more than a handful of live action Jap films besides the 5 or so you watched after you left /b/(memetic shit like Battle Royal) in the last 4 years you'd know they're usually always garbage just as bad or even worse than their western counter parts
>And I'm not new, nor did I say anything that would indicate that I am.
All your posts in this thread and almost every other thread prove you are.
>Characters I care about and want to fuck

Kill La Kill is a masterpiece.
>Because you're comparing Japanese female character cartoons to live action.

>If you've actually seen more than a handful of live action Jap films besides the 5 or so you watched after you left /b/(memetic shit like Battle Royal) in the last 4 years you'd know they're usually always garbage just as bad or even worse than their western counter parts
I've basically never been to /b/, and what does this meme about Japanese movies have to do with what we're talking about?

>All your posts in this thread and almost every other thread prove you are.
Cite the posts and explain how they prove I'm new. And what "every other thread"? This is the only thread we're in.
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"if anime is shit then television and film is shit"
This is your line correct?
Is Nui a well written character?
nothing in this fucking show is well written
No. Not a single scene character or interaction in this dog shit show is well written which was why it was so disappointing.
You are the only one to have posted that so far, so no I don't think it is my line. And why would I even say that? Anime is television and film.
>"if anime is shit then television and film is shit"
This is your line.
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I want to hug her!
Then why are you the only one to have posted it so far?
they dont pretend that they are anything more than eye candy
(((diversity agenda)))
>"if anime is shit then television and film is shit"
This is your line when defending this shit on /tv/.
>*replying to every post*
This is how you post.
>"I'm not new even though my style of posting is something that only propped up in the last year or so"
This is how you're new.

Get a tripcode already. You're extremely transparent
Anime characters aren't just eye candy.
>This is your line when defending this shit on /tv/.
Again, you are the only one to have posted that so far.

>*replying to every post*
What about it? If you don't like it then don't make any posts.

>"I'm not new even though my style of posting is something that only propped up in the last year or so"
What style of posting?

>Get a tripcode already. You're extremely transparent
Go back where you came from, redditor.
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Why is /tv/ so pleb? Embarrassing.
>Again, you are the only one to have posted that so far.
I am posting your line. Playing dumb isn't going to change that you're easy to spot.
>What about it? If you don't like it then don't make any posts.
>What style of posting?
Your style of posting. Replying to every post and embarrasingly defending Japanese cartoons, looking for any way to keep posting. Like some sort of redditor that just joined 4chan / /tv/. Thats how
>Go back where you came from, redditor.
Are you stepping up now or is this another thing you're trying to do for your precious (You)votes?

Againm get a tripcode already. You're extremely transparent and you're only proving it more.
not him but you're one of those 'le reddit spacing' guys, aren't you? Glad mods are banning your kind. People have posted like that for years. It's a raid group which started it. I can't remember the post that proved it, I don't care enough. So you're either one of the IRC/Discord raid groups or you're a useful idiot repeating what they said. Original it was pointing out double spacing or whatever, but one of them changed it to 'Reddit spacing' and ta-dah you've got a perfect guilty by association fallacy.

Protip. Stop being a useful idiot to 4chan raid groups. Or go join one of them.
I want to smell Nui's feet!
>not him but you're one of those 'le reddit spacing' guys
No because I use "reddit spacing" when I post from my computer. You talk about invaders/raiders yet you defend one with your post. Are you one too?
For your sake I hope you're not part of the last infestation we received
>I am posting your line.
Then why is it that when I CTRL+F it I only get your posts?

>Playing dumb isn't going to change that you're easy to spot.
Posting on 4chan isn't going to change the fact that you're a redditor who needs to go back.

>Your style of posting. Replying to every post
So is it MY style or is it a NEW style that I am following and thus showing my newness?

>embarrasingly defending Japanese cartoons
There's nothing embarrasing about it, they aren't cartoons, and if this site was less of a joke it would be normal for people to defend anime. Seeing as how this is an anime site and all.

>looking for any way to keep posting
What does this even mean?

>Like some sort of redditor that just joined 4chan / /tv/.
You are the redditor though.

>Are you stepping up now or is this another thing you're trying to do for your precious (You)votes?
I never said or implied I'm trying to get (You)s, and I'm not.

>Againm get a tripcode already.
Go back where you came from already.
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Reminder that all the KLKs are lesbians.
Also why is it that redditors do this thing where they try to "unmask" someone (and usually have the wrong person), but then they never go anywhere with it? So you've "unmasked" someone (or so you think)... now what? The redditor does not know.
What the fuck are you even arguing about? Just fuck already!
>Then why is it that when I CTRL+F it I only get your posts?
Because I am repeating your line, "famicom."
>Posting on 4chan isn't going to change the fact that you're a redditor who needs to go back.
I win. Your grey areas have been exposed and no more needs to be read as you've shown your true anti-/tv/ colors again.

Now the question to our(not yours as you're not /tv/) mod is: Are you(you) from /r9k/ or /co/ as it's clear now you're not from /a/
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>TFW been waifuing hard over KLK since 2013

Nothing has even come close since.
>Because I am repeating your line, "famicom."
Then, again, why is it that when I CTRL+F it I only get your posts?

I am not famicom and the fact that you think I am shows how new you are.

>I win. Your grey areas have been exposed and no more needs to be read as you've shown your true anti-/tv/ colors again.
What are you even talking about?

>Now the question to our(not yours as you're not /tv/) mod is: Are you(you) from /r9k/ or /co/ as it's clear now you're not from /a/
You're trying to ask the mods what board they're from? What?
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Ryuko is probably the cutest recent anime character I've seen since Yoko.
>Then, again, why is it that when I CTRL+F it I only get your posts?
Because no one has said "all anime is shit" yet which if done you post your line "
>I am not famicom and the fact that you think I am shows how new you are.
No you're not, but you legitimately have a mental illness, and I don't think even famicom is as bad as you.
>What are you even talking about?
You've exposed yourself again and countless times.
>You're trying to ask the mods what board they're from? What?
You're finished, cross poster
Name 10 (ten) genuinely well writen female characters that isn't on female-intended media
Here is another cute line you shout just so you know that I know who you are :^)
>Autistic doesn't mean anything.
>Because no one has said "all anime is shit" yet which if done you post your line "
So you are just assuming I will post that exact line if someone else posts "all anime is shit"? Based on what?

>No you're not, but you legitimately have a mental illness, and I don't think even famicom is as bad as you.
I have not indicated in any way that I have any mental illness. You are just projecting.

>You've exposed yourself again and countless times.
See >>81674443

>You're finished, cross poster
Are you saying I'm a mod here? Or what? And what makes you think a redditor like you gets to complain about people being "cross posters"? Cross posting is a meme anyway. Almost everyone uses more than one board, and there's no reason why they shouldn't.

No, because all questions of this nature are a trap.
Autism is reaching critical levels.
It doesn't mean anything, and again see >>81674443
>Almost everyone uses more than one board, and there's no reason why they shouldn't.
Stopped reading here
This is neo/tv/ and he has exposed himself
>Stopped reading here
No wonder, seeing as how it was the end of the post (aside from the other, unrelated reply).

>This is neo/tv/ and he has exposed himself
See >>81674443

Also, explain why people shouldn't use more than one board.
This is worse than the Madoka threads.
>the cross poster admit he browse more than one board and now thinks he can reply to his superior
Disgusting fucking outsiders that aren't true to the /tv/ cause
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>strong independent female that dont take no shit and dont need no man

drummer is and always will be best girl
Explain why people shouldn't use more than one board, and explain why a redditor like you should be able to lecture to others about crossboarding.
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So this is what happens when two unstoppable autistic forces collide
Why do so many people think that threads have to be "saved" from deletion? The thread was done for, nobody was saying anything anymore. In such a case the thread is supposed to get deleted. That's how 4chan works.
The honest answer is that the West is more backwards than they could ever realize.

Strength and femininity are mutual characteristics in a strong female character. Western feminists want to limit femininity in common media. Which would make them.....men.
Kill la Kill was boring garbage and the characters were uninteresting piece of shit. The sperm I've spent jerking off to them have more character than them
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