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Doctor Who General /who/

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Thread replies: 365
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Movellans edition

Last thread: >>81660686
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Does anybody on /who/ actually want Kris Marshall as the Doctor?
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Obligatory "where can I watch The Pilot?" post
He's alright? I think.
No wow effect though. Seen him in a couple episodes of Death in Paradise, he was quirky and stuff.
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This is episode 11, Missy is going to be executed, Doctor goes to save her, it's a trap for both the Master and Doctor, the Doctor messes up Time and creatures from various time lines come out, along with Simms Master...
Bill is okay but I honestly preferred the Clara and 12 dynamic much more
The episode was great but can we all agree that all the new themes of the soundtrack sucked really hard??
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where's the fucking mega lads

Fucking class had mega links consistently posted right after release
Don't know enough about him to judge desu. What's he like?


>People who don't like decades old anime tropes infecting Dr Who are autistic



I guarantee I've been watching this show longer than you've been alive.
>preferred Clara
Simm. Or else a Mondas Cyberman.
GB certainly doesn't. 13th Doctor Speculation thread is on fire at the moment.
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Any off season /who/res that participated in the live thread? How Was it? I glanced over a few times and it didn't seem as bad as last year? Is my perception wrong? It was bad but not enough to go to the secret club house right?
I was better right?

Simm or the next doctor somehow.
Don't even know who he is dezu sempai
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But anon, Doctor Who is an anime.
No. That was some of Golds best music in years. Not joking. Felt fresh.
I'm not brave enough for live threads.
Literally everyone hated it during live.
Rant, rant, rant.

I loved it though and all of my /who/ fellas seem to agree.
You know an episode is GOAT when even Gareth loves it.
You might have a point if she was a lead character and it was anything more than a plot device, but as it stands, no this is just autism.
This man.

Is top left supposed to be River?
Series 10 will make the Normies love Capaldi and Moffat, the majority of Comments on the offical fb page are positive for once.
It was pretty average tho
>bitching about le tumblr xD
ok gramps


It was fun as fuck honestly.
The Sun's "inside sources" are the Mirror, and a month-old tweet by a music journalist.

As long as the doctor is ginger I don't care who they are.

As long as they are white, british and male.

It's another TARDIS with a bunch of things living inside.
I didn't love all of it, but at least it was all pretty different and new, and it's definitely nice to see Marigold reaching in different directions after all this time.
It's Eccleston, and Bill smelling of chips will make him break out.
Eh, it'll do in a pinch

He'll be popular with the normies. So that's good.
almost killed my post-Who high when I looked back at it
never again
I actually wouldn't be surprised if it's another TARDIS, he did describe it as "something".
i want bob mortimer as the doctor.
What? Series 1-4 were typical actiony OST, 5-7 were orchestral song, 8 and 9 were classic-like. 10 is a mix of all three. And it's GOAT.
Wait, is the episode really called The Pilot?
What does the Moph fatty think he's doing? rebooting the show?
Can someone explain the basement autism to me? What basement?

Remember when he wanted to call Matt's first series "Series 1"?
Just watch the episode you ravioli.
You've watched the episode, right?
And Vic as his (deceased) companion?
People like you are why god doesn't talk to us anymore.
>What does the Moph fatty think he's doing? rebooting the show?
That is the joke, well spotted.

Watch the episode.

I have watched the episode, but people were talking about it long beforehand. Is it the safe?
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My mother in law, who's never seen the show before, was here visiting so was forced to watch this episode.

She fucking liked it!! She can't wait for the next episode!! Age 74 Newbie confirmed, bless her long elasticated support socks.
>Bill Murray
i wouldn't mind him as a recurring character rather than a companion. prime claudia winkleman would be a nice as the companion.
The vault in the basement under the college, yes.
There were rumours and various nonsense flying around about it beforehand.
I want Matt Lucas to be the Doctor.

I was wasn't it? The Morricone stuff is great.
I mean I didn't post and you had your regular shitposting as one might expect, but it seemed to be a lesser volume.
I genuinely liked it too. I could be blowing smoke up my own ass, but it seemed more cinematic and I can't say why.
Interesting. I almost make a video of the /who/posting next week. You can kinda tell the low energy typical shitposting from the genuine detractions better when synced up with the show than re reading. I kinda feel like it might be a decent benchmark, but I also think it would fuel my autism.
I think it's always uglier in hind sight.
Best new song
basement = clara's diner tardis but chameleon circuited as a mystery box

but also simm and susan are inside
>return of the female voice going "aaaaah"

When was the last fucking time we heard her?
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PS...I thought it was pretty good too. Bill a qt.
Can you please post this screen without the shitty bait please i would like an high quality one thank you
>tfw don't actually dislike Nardole

Feels good
really fucking good
The music in the vault scenes was great - when Bill was sneaking around.. I can't really describe it but the electronic percussion kind of sounded like Metal Gear Solid or something. Loved the brief spooky female vocals when they land the TARDIS near the vault too, 29 minutes in.
You can tell the shitposting vs the real autism because the people who sound like the rest of /tv/ rather than /who/
American here, I've been pretty excited about Gay Bill, is the episode shit though?
What "fatphobic" thing does she say?
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here you go
Oh shit yeah, then he joked about it being Series Fnarg instead.
I stopped listening to the majority opinion of /who/ after they rated the Voyage of the Damned a measly 5/10, despite the fact the episode itself is the finest Christmas episode ever made, and was fun and comfy and deserved an 8 easily.
>She was fat
Start of the soundtrack version of Twelve's theme.
There's a brief gag about a woman who got fat from eating chips.
she tells that she had a crush on a girl but stopped when she got fat. that was actually pretty rude desu
original rumour on GB said the basement contained a former Doctor...

...12. On the verge of regeneration.

Probably because of Bill in some way.

Doctor at the end of the episode isn't the same one that kicks her out of the study.
Their dynamic was great. Clara was a moral compass for 12 when there was a hard discussion and 12 was Clara's very close friend. They ironically made a better couple than Rose&10, Clara&11 and Doctor&River without actually forcing a relationship down our throats like Moffat did with those three.
Thats true though. Fat people aren't attractive.

T. Former obese guy.
In other words, you realised that you had hopelessly bad taste for liking such a mess of an episode and elected not to pester us about it any more? Thanks

Well here's the thing Comfy and fun doesn't always equate to good. I say this being voyage is easily my favorite Tennant special and is probably top 3 for me for Tennant in general.
>we had to wait nearly 8 years to see the Master again

Fuck, I am excited
it's quite nice and subtle. it sounds like it's menu music from a Sims game though.
No, you only had to wait 4 years.

I haven't been this excited since Capaldi was announced
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who didn't like this

Annnnd the ban hammer falls on another brave soul.
What do you guys have against Missy?
GallifreyBase are a parody of themselves at this point.

Because it's Kris Marshall, it's 'just the Sun' and 'probably not true'.

If they were reporting Michaela Coel or Phoebe Waller Bridge, they'd be believing every word of it.

>Still getting humans to play the Doctor

I don't see why he can't be played by a robotic dog.
Every time he was on screen I was waiting for the meter to tick from "Just corny enough" to "Wayyy too corny". Thankfully Lucas hit all the right notes. He's a nice foil to Capaldi.
>Being a white male puts me in the top runnings for being the next Doctor
Look out /who/, I'm going to save this trainwreck

Exactly. They are desperate for either a black or female or muslim or whatever the fuck else other than 'another white male'.

It's going to be amazing when he is officially announced and they are BTFO.
>Kris Marshall as The 13th Doctor
>Not Alfred Enoch

What would have happened if they didn't run?
Go to bed, Bob.
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Made you guys a Simm Poster
But that wasn't in any episode.
I can't understand Bill half the time
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>Simm rocking the goatee
>still a slight memory of Clara
They'd just have stared at each other until Nardole farted.
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I can't wait for their BTFO'ing. Feels pretty good man.

Seriously, you have to be absolutely delusional to think the next doctor won't be a Tennant-type male.
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Reminder that Nardole left a huge shit in the Tardis toilet
>Clara's memory makes him have a new companion

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Bill's eventual exit will be her decision to join puddle Heather.

Screenshot this.
I mean, the choice really is boring. Though not bad.

But what would Wet Heather have done?

Would she have killed Bill and made a Wet Bill? If she could just do that, why did the Doctor say she was trying to tempt Bill to travel with her?
I'd join puddle heather in a heartbeat she's cute.
As long as whites are the majority in Britain the Doctor will always be a whiteman.
seeing these two posts right next to each other made me realize that Lucas would be perfect in the role of Pepe for the inevitable biopic
Simm's master is what's in the vault btw
Oh I think Bill was wet from the minute she first laid eyes on Heather.
If well done it could be GOAT.
But they would really need to work more on Heather and Bill's relationship, maybe with some flashbacks or something.
Neither Bill nor the Doctor seemed that upset that a young woman just died.
anyone has a link ? I missed the episode
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It's pretty good , I thought they were playing the lesbian thing up too much in the beginning but hopefully that's over.

She has a crush on student, gives her extra food as sign of affection, student porks up.

Bill confirmed for feeder fetish

You didn't notice the tears?
Probably. I mean, she became the passenger but she needed Bill, it was the last fragment of consciousness she still had. She said she wouldn't leave her. She wanted Bill to join her in the puddle to travel.
If the Doctor isn't a woman, that's the best case scenario for me. I'm not into retarded fan fic tier shit that was only shoehorned into the show a few series ago.
I don't have anything against a black or female doctor, Missy showed you could act like the Master and be a girl, and british black blokes are ten a penny.
Craig Charles for Doctor Who when.

The thing I have an issue with is 1. IT SHOULD BE, like having a female doctor or black doctor will somehow bring a new age to the show or explore more themes or something.
What, on fucking Gallifrey, where War Lord Rassilon is a black woman, where they are the master race above every race. It'd bring nothing new for the show, unless you want to pull the "What's a nigger doing on the front of the bus" every other episode, it'd be a one time gimmick.

I'm all up for Whoopi Goldberg being the doctor though, it'd be the Golden Age of Doctor Who.

Daily express reporting Marshall now too.
What I would give to kidnap Nardole and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. Just terrible degradation and shameful acts. It would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn’t let him do it. If I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well, a really big dog like a mastiff. He would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. A big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal man, but to Nardole? Might as well be a dragon. I’d keep him in a cell and what’s more is that I would actually place a key inside with him but put it in a high place. Not extremely high but just ever so slight out of reach. It would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and for feed him 99 cent store baby food. I’d alsp pick him like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I’d grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I’d rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I’d hole him down with one hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I’d force him to fight David Walliams to the death. Just so many things I would do.
Jesus, is the chip tray bigger on the inside or something.

>It would be so easy to break his spirit

Would it though? Would it really?
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Fuck continuity, we might get more Jenna.

>mfw I know I'm kidding myself on

So until 2019?
>it's a Doctor Who does Class better than Class episode
She said they weren't hers. Bill didn't give a fuck actually. Pretty surprising.
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/who/ I havent't been this excited for the show in ages wtf
>I’d keep him in a cell and what’s more is that I would actually place a key inside with him but put it in a high place. Not extremely high but just ever so slight out of reach.
Too risky, he'd find a way to get it. Your overconfidence will be your undoing.
There was a memory of Clara?
This big lassie ain't bigger on the inside that's for sure
They just let slip that Kris is the next Doctor this is Simm 2.0 I mean we knew he was probably going to be the Doctor, but it hasn't gotten this much coverage from so many sites before, they will announce him very soon. Which is not a good idea, they should wait until series 10 is finished.
He is unbreakable
I'd hide the key in a plate of chips and let him eat it.
It doesn't matter anymore. We are going to all die in a termonuclear war against North Korea.
Daily Express have literally copied and pasted the Sun article whose only source is the Mirror article.

Are people really stupid enough to believe this is some kind of "independent confirmation"?
I mean after his work on Heaven Sent, I can't shit on Marigolds anymore, that was literally, unironically the GOAT soundtrack to a Doctor Who episode or maybe just a TV episode ever.
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This. It would be like that episode of King of the Hill where Cotton tries to break Bobby.
It's literally what they all did when Capaldi was basically confirmed, copied and pasted. It's Kris
>Nabila in the office says 70 years!
I feel like talking ship about Class at this point is just raping a dead horse.
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>S10 Premieres
>S09 OST nowhere to be seen

Truly life is suffering
It's literally what they all did when Paterson Joseph was "confirmed" too.

It's literally what they always do, whether it's real or not.

So the number of copies of the same article in different tabloids means nothing.
What did he mean by this?
Funny how Bill is a completely different character to the Bill we saw in the Dalek clip last year.
Almost like they noted the reaction ("fuck, she looks annoying") and did a bit of a swerve and toned her down
Poor Gareth, finds a woman who turns him straight… and she's gay.
When was Matt Smith announced as Tennant's replacement? I remember they released a special issue of the Doctor Who magazine to announce it, while Capaldi's announcement was on the show they did in August of 2013. But I doubt we are going to get an announcement as big as that of Capaldi, as it was also the year of the 50th anniversary.
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Based digits confirm.

Marshall has a 5th Doctor vibe (you'd need to see a few eps of Death in Paradise to see why), and Five is Chibnall's admitted favourite of Classic Who. I could see this happening.

However, the original Mirror article only confirms from their 'source' that Marshall is playing 'another Time Lord'. May not be the Doctor.
Be prepared for it to be Kris.
They literally butchered the Dalek scene from last year.
She really wasn't, did you miss that whole scene in the bathroom where she was like "why does it say pull to enter?" The difference was that it was Moffat writing a script and not an audition sketch.
>I remember they released a special issue of the Doctor Who magazine to announce it
You mean Confidential?

It was on January 3rd, 2009.
Anyone else feel really bad for those Movellans? Their screams were really brutal. I loved how quick a cameo it was as well. To casual viewers, they're just some funky soldiers fighting the Daleks. But we know. We know.
>mfw John Simm is the next Doctor and they are keeping it underwrapped

How would you react /who/? They managed to keep quiet about the Master returning for over one year and a half, so it's not unthinkable that the BBC would do the same with his announcement as the Doctor.

Why was Heather such a bitch? Bill was only trying to be friendly. I bet she browsed 4chan.

I feel bad everyone was expecting them to get an actual episode.

Man with chips from The Bells of St John and her are the main villains in the finale, screenshot this.
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Capaldi is still leaving
I would be pretty fucking hyped for the next series
So what was wrong with the reflection?

Actually it's a giant monster genetically engineered by the Rutans to eat nothing but potatoes, that breaks out of the vault and starts devouring Earth's supply of chips.
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Doctor Who is currently third on Twitters world wide trends. Seriously a show this popular and beens still only give them a shite budget.
Nobody's face looks right in a reflection.
wtf, on-season /who/ isn't cancer so far
It wasn't a mirror. It was something copying the person looking into it. Bill's reflection didn't show her badge or something.
Am I the only one who thought his Christmas gift to Bill was really sweet?
I feel bitter about it. Do you think it was Capaldi who decided to leave or the BBC just wanted a clean slate with the never showrunner and get rid of Moffat's legacy?
I think it might be an indicator of how good an episode it was.
Yeah but what was that stuff about symmetrical faces or something?
>Bill's reflection didn't show her badge or something.
It showed it on the wrong side. The whole point was, it was showing them the right way round instead of mirrored.
The BBC see this as just more profit. Why spend more when you can reap all this from the money they already put in?
>No really, I think I've figured out how this could work.

>We know the Valeyard has to be coming soon - what if this is it? Hear me out here. So Derek Jacobi was actually the Master, right, but what if that was his last incarnation? In the movie they mention the Master being at the end of his regenerative cycle. Perhaps when Chan-tho shot him, he had no more regenerations left. But wait, I hear you say - "We saw him regenerate!" Not quite. What if we weren't looking at a regeneration at all? Instead, what if he was being possessed by the Thirteenth Doctor, a.k.a John Simm, a.k.a the Valeyard. We know Time Lords can possess dead/dying bodies - the Master himself does it many times. So the Valeyard could do it too. And then, of course, he pretends to be a regenerated Master just to mess with the Doctor!

>And there's more. Of course the Valeyard dresses like the War Doctor, right? It reminds the Doctor of all his wrongdoings in the Time War. Only someone like the Valeyard could be so cruel as to remind him of this. The real Master wouldn't stoop that low. And you know, the War Doctor himself is quite Valeyardian in the sense that he is a darker, harsher incarnation than we usually see.
there must be a tumblr infilitration because there's no way a black lesbian character could get introduced without this board sperging. Maybe tomorrow.
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>expecting 5/10 episode
>is actually 9/10
YFW John Simm appearing saved series 10.
Ooooh that's clever!

What if Bill's mom is in the vault?
I'm pretty sure that by this point the audience is made up almost entirely of actual doctor who fans
It's not like people didn't know before today
Fucking hell where is this from
How many jump scares did you count in that episode?
What gift?
Doctor went back shagged Bills mum and Bill is the Doctors Daughter, it would explain her hair.

Were you not watching the episode?
I'm impressed that the most autistic thing I read in /who/ today ends up being copypasted from somewhere else.
Lawrence Gough is one of the best directors this show has ever had. Wow!
It's like how you look different in a photograph than you do in the mirror
In a mirror, your left side becomes your right and vice versa, but that wasn't happening in the puddle. It stands out more if you have something really noticeable on one side of your face, but Bill had a more symmetrical face than star eye girl so she couldn't see it until she focused on her clothes
He didn't get her a christmas gift I thought?
12 is a stalker.
Well, the budget is increasing as rather than being produced by BBC Wales (which means it had a lower budget than that allocated to those shows produced in England), Doctor Who is now the competency of the main drama production team, which means budgetary increases for its production.
Oh my fucking god did someone unironically write this?
Please no
>he didn't get her a gift
>they have a conversation where she says she has no photos of her mum
>she goes home
>suddenly she has photos, the Doctor is in one of them
Join the dots
Definitely seemed like a budget increase. Aside from Heaven Sent this ep shat on most of Season 9 cinematography wise.
At this point, I think they should never bring up the valeyard in the show and one day we can have a comfy big finish story about it with 12 or an even later doctor.
More photos of Bill's mum

It was a really impressive episode. So much interesting camera work, like when the TARDIS is dark and you can just see Bill in the doorway. Some really nice lighting and colour grading too.
Oh my God, that's really great. Moffat's back on form, thank you.
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>mfw he knows Bill is Susan and wanted to ensure he was protecting her
>mfw he wanted to wipe her memory so she wouldn't remember him or being a Gallifreyan
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No more bitching from colour grade anon.
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That wasn't at christmas though

The point was The Doctor forgets things like christmas, but when he sees someone who really needs something, he'll go to great lengths just for them.
>That wasn't at christmas though
Yes it was.
I miss people who were autistic but not stupid. What happened to them?

If we ever get an About Time-like series about NuWho, it's going to be written by idiots like this.
Yes I have to say this was really really nicely coloured. There were actual reasons for blue/dark filters this time. Fuck Series 9.
It was quite a few of us bitching about it. It deserves to be bitched about.
Is anyone going to comment on this guy??

I hope Bill gets multiple new hairstyles every episode.
No because it's just a load of incoherent dribble.

How would you react, /who/?
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>In a mirror, your left side becomes your right and vice versa,

Uh no it doesn't.
>dat South London accent

I could understand her perfectly, but I live in South England so can't really understand why anyone is unable to. Does your TV have a subtitle option?
Are you retarded?
the image you posted proves the opposite of what you claim.
I would cry tears of joy if that happened.
I think what I didn't like about Clara was she never felt like she was Capaldi's companion, more of a loose end from Matt's run the whole time it just felt wrong. Bill doesn't feel this way at all and i'm genuinely excited again.
The side that's on the left side of the mirror is the side that would be the right side of the face if it were a different person standing in front of you looking at you, but it's the left side of your reflected face.

This is only hard to explain because it's something that 6 year olds understand, so nobody ever has to explain it.
I showed this episode to my friend couldnt stand s9 opener and his kind of normie (likes GoT, BrBa, Better Caul Saul etc.)

And he fucking loved it and asked me when next episode is going to air.
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I feel series 10 is going to be like McCoy's last season where they finally get everything right and then it's over he's gone.
Bill Potts might be my favorite companion since Amy Pond. I really hope Moffat keeps up this writing throughout the series.
Seriously. I thought series 9 was a huge improvement but this is even better.

All is forgiven Gold can stay if he keeps up like this.
I showed this episode to my cat couldn't understands 9 opener because hes kind of a cat (likes catnip, sardines, etc.)

And he fucking loved it and tried to walk all over the remote to make the next episode start.
Is Netflix pop culture
I was a kid when 9th Doctor happened, and I was distraught to see him go and replaced by some new guy, not my Doctor, how could you, kind of thing.
And then I realised this was a long running show and oh god this happens a lot apparently.
It took me some time to warm up to Tennant, but the Master episodes won all of my love. Also Wilfred.
John Simm is still the most entertaining thing from my childhood Who.
For him to be returning at all is a fucking miracle for me.
For him to somehow be the doctor, I'd never stop watching.
Heather is definitely returning isn't she?

My cat came in to watch the episode then ran away when the dog came back.
I feel like now is the time to finally say that the Pilot just revealed practically every problem series 9 had.
Marks episode is obvious, Humans invade mars, Martians fight back, the big drill leaks out the Flood, which infect an Ice warrior, Humans and Martians team up (pretty cool) and come to an agreement.
Yes. Also what show did she refer to when she talked about lizards in brains?

Of course, she is part of the Master's TARDIS, after all.
He was such a better Master than Missy too. Part of me is hoping Missy was never the Master and just tricked the Doctor into believing she was. Then later on this season Simm shows up and exposes Missy as the fraud Master she is. I know it won't happen I just really hope it does.
Totally agree. is it weird to say that series 8 and 9 didn't feel like Doctor Who? It was like watching the show through a mirror. This is the 1st Capaldi episode that actually felt like Doctor Who.
Who do we think that creepy ass voice was who infected heather with the water.
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>If THIS music plays when Simm is revealed
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tfw too dark to salvage
I love you so much guys
TITANIUM AGE is truly there
Anyone want to jump in the stream and watch fan kino?
Please kek I cannot wait 3 months for Simm Kino, by your glory leak all 12 episodes. Contact based Marcelo to do thy deed.
Series 8 felt like Doctor Who but 9 really didn't.

I hope Missy kills Simm to force him to regenerate into her.
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>there are people who genuinely dislike simm's master
Sorry, Marcelo has been killed.

Either that, or locked in the basement until the finale.
I don't think that's what happens, looks like there's a weird high tec group about to execute Missy, so they are probably responsible for Simm's execution too/into Missy.
Going to go watch the end of S3 now. Everyone here hates it but it was my favourite.
well that would be a special kind of fucked up paridoxical crap and I'd expect no less from Moffat
Yes, but it took until this episode to realise that. It is like somewhere in 8/9 they lost something that I can't quite explain.

Both series' still had great episodes, but yeah, something wasn't right. I hope Series 10 continues as it has started.
9 did to me, more than 8 in many ways. Really it differs from episode to episode. Nothing about Capaldi's era has been that different to make it seem like a new show.

The only part that I find hard to fit with the rest is the worst of RTD's era, that just isn't Who to me.
This is 100% happening.
9 didn't really feel like anything. I've not felt such tonal confusion in Doctor Who before.

Thank God for Heaven Sent.
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>mean after his work on Heaven Sent, I can't shit on Marigolds anymore, that was literally, unironically the GOAT soundtrack to a Doctor Who episode or maybe just a TV episode ever.

Based digits and agree.
The thing about Missy, I don't dislike her, because she plays a very admirable John Simms.
Her Master is very much John but with a lot more homo towards the doctor.

Which means that Missy herself, the actor is amazing for managing to be so on point, but it's a continuation, not a new form, if you get me.
It just makes you miss John.

8 and 9 had glimpses but 9 felt like some other scifi show.
Is series 6 actually bad? Just finished 5 and it was the best since 1. Don't really see how it could go wrong.
>He's got a beard again
Fuck we haven't had a bearded Master since that time he was a cat. I'm fucking hype.
Probably bad memories from The End of Time. He's GOAT in the other episodes.

I don't know if I dislike him or just his scripts.
I've liked all the last few series openers, but this is genuinely the best Moffat has been at -bringing back Doctor Who after a year- since The Eleventh Hour. The public reaction to it speaks for itself (not saying this inherently makes it better television, but it's certainly television that's going to be more popular). Barely any plot to speak of, but the themes and charm of the show are woven in beautifully. Moffat really is sharpest when he's speaking frankly to the viewer, and not trying to pal around assuming he already has their good graces.
It was underwhelming and failed to deliver on the premise it set up
I don't know if I'd call it ""bad"" though
Neither 8 or 9 felt anywhere even close to doctor who.
so fucking good

now if we could just get that series 9 soundtrack release...
Utopia = GOAT
The Sound of Drums = GOAT
Last of the Time Lords = Ehhhhh didn't stick the landing, but the actual ending is sweet. Stuff after the time bollocks and how Tennant handled Simm's "death" especially.
This opinion comes from the person who also thinks 1 and 5 are fucking fantastic and perfect.

You'll like first half of the season.
But episode "Let's Kill Hitler" will make you mad. You will Steven damn Moffat. And you will probably never enjoy Doctor Who until Day of the Doctor and Heaven Sent.
And Series 10.
Simm will be GOAT in Series 10.

I think he'll steal the show.
S6 is not as bad as people like to say.

The story arc is a big mess that completely falls apart. But the majority of the individual episodes are good, and some of them are great.

So just don't get too invested in the arc. That was hard to do after S5 was the most successful story arc in the history of the show and we were all primed for Moffat to repeat it (because that's all Moffat kept promising), but it should be a lot easier now.
Ok, can I watch Heaven Sent and Hell's Bent without watching anything previous of Capaldi?
I know he's apparently best doctor, but I really can't stand Clara.
I need a list of must watch and can't miss, if you guys happen to have such a thing.
Who is the big bad? I don't think it's Simm/Missy, I just think they are independent players in the arc. I'm thinking that creepy voiced guy who killed heather.
Series 6 is basically the complete opposite of 5 in most ways. The first two parter is really strong but things begin to fall apart basically as soon as that ends.

Very arc driven and is quite the cluster fuck. Enjoyable, but all over the place.
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each glimpse of the cybermen fills me with hype
>Her Master is very much John but with a lot more homo towards the doctor.
Rewatch the scene in TMA where Missy explains her relationship with the Doctor to Clara, and show me which part of it is a 'continuation of Simm'. She plays the character in a far more ancient and self-confident way.
Simm wanted the doctor to suffer
Missy just wants to be friends

Their personalities are similar in a sense but their motives are very different
Oh, go integrate your matrices elsewhere 10.
The "creepy voiced guy" is literally just the voice of the puddle ship before it ate her, don't read too deeply into it.
Michelle looks better without that blue eye shadow. Get rid of that. She looks like a boy who wound up in a boys body and doesn't know how to apply makeup.
Series 10 is gonna be so GOAT. Even the emoji episode looks GOAT. Bless you Moffat.


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>same jacket as he's wearing in the coming soon trailer
this is SIMM
9 was terrible. I don't know why but there isn't a single episode I want to rewatch.

How? Series 9 was all over the place. Ironically, it relied heavily on past monsters but didn't feel like Doctor Who at all.

>good opening two parter but they just talk for 90 minutes
>actual Doctor Who first part followed by shit convoluted second part
>shit two parter with Ashildr
>current year two parter, too political, too much James Bond
>let's not talk about this one
>last three parter actually pretty good and almost Doctor Who (except FTR)
I only dislike him when he's a crazy cannibal skeleton.
What the hell did they do to their mouths? They were supposed to be made of duct tape!
Does Missy still hear the drums?
Did they recycle the same audio of 12 playing beethoven's fifth?
do you have a clean version of this?
New track confirmed for series 10:

Literally the only good thing about bill is that she acts like a real life nigger. Namely, she's unwatchably retarded.
I see what you mean but I have to disagree. Simm's Master added a layer of insanity never before seen in his previous incarnations and it was a cool twist on his character for sure. But he was still able to come up with ingenious plans within seconds and was the same cunning man he always has been.

Missy however, just ups the insanity more and losses basically everything else. All her plans have been stupid and it seems like she just dances from scene to scene acting like a lunatic. That was never what the Master was, even when he was Simm.

Missy isn't necessarily a bad character she's just not The Master. That's why I kind of hope she literally isn't the Master and never was. It's a long shot but there's a chance I guess.
>didn't feel like Doctor Who at all.
Meaningless statement
Miss/Simm aren't the main bad guys. It's the Black Guardian.

Maybe the bigbad is the pilot of the ship with an oil leak.
There will be more too it. I think.
Is this going to be lik series 8 and 9 where everyone is sucking the series' dick while it's airing but as soon as the final finishes airing we start hating everything about it except for one episode?
There's no evidence for it. Based on his own comments, Moffat seems to explicitly be trying to take influence from the Delgado era for the character's motives (i.e. the Doctor and the Master are friends who have conflicting tastes), and basically just brushing the drums thing under the rug.
The last one wasn't a three-parter, they were three separate stories.
9 I understand but 8? Why not?
I think most people saying S8 and S9 "don't feel like Doctor Who" are people who haven't watched much Classic Who.

Not that S8 and S9 feel like any particular era of Classic Who, just that they've strayed farther from RTD Who than S5-7 did, so if your vision of "what Doctor Who is" is based primarily on S1-7 of NuWho, then S8-9 don't feel like that. But if your vision encompasses everything, S8-9 are definitely within that (incredibly wide) span.
if you're a boardie maybe
>All her plans have been stupid and it seems like she just dances from scene to scene acting like a lunatic. That was never what the Master was, even when he was Simm.
You're saying the Master has never just done stupid plans? Are you sure you want to commit to this statement?
Simms appearance is good for the show. It reminds viewers that Capaldi is still the same man Tennant was, which even though it's straight out explained people seem to forget.

Probably my favourite Steven Moffat penned story since S5.

Fixed a lot of my recent issues with the show, specifically in relation to the companion - Bill just reacted to everything in a much more relatable fashion than the sitcom quippery we've had for the last 7 years.

Thank God they didn't use the Friend from the Future take on the Dalek battle scenes. The version here is SO much better - scared Bill asking scared questions in scary situation works so much better.

I think Steven Moffat has found an ideal channel for his sillier comedy instincts in Matt Lucas's Nardole, who gets all the lines that would otherwise have been given to Amy / Clara and punctured their realism.

Slightly slow to get going, and it's another "machine gone wrong" story, but these are thankfully quibbles rather than defining features.

Like with Rose in 2005, this was Bill's story. And I rather enjoyed it.

>Black Guardian is owned by Bob Baker
>Black Guardian isn't in TimeQuake for some reason
Confirmed, Baker must have licensed Blackie to Moffat for S10. What other explanation could there be?
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>Let me have some good dreams for once...

Bill = best NuWho companion
Ok so is there any possibility that John Simm could be the 13th doctor? And that the master announcement is just a cover? Imagine if they pulled that off.
I hope Simm kills Missy ASAP
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This hit me hard too for some reason.
>tfw just noticed bill's hair at the bottom of frame
What's with all the kino quick camera shots in the Pilot? they never had those much before.
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Season 1 didn't really feel like Doctor Who to me. There's some grumpy old guy trying to kill cavemen with rocks, sure it's got the Daleks but they didn't really do much and the Doctor was basically dead the whole time. He's also sabotaging his own ship as an excuse to explore? This guy is a straight cunt and the stories are long and boring. Definitely not Doctor Who.
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With all these obviously staged leaks it seems possible.
>inb4 Simm is actually back to play a young War Doctor

True, but I just have real problems with Missy's "master plan" from S8. It was so long and convoluted but ultimately relied on so many variables it just seems ridiculous. Doctor Who is no longer the same cheesy budget sci-fi show it was 30+ years ago. It evolved and got a little less ridiculous and I personally liked that.

Like, why was Missy hoping the Doctor would die from the fall in the S8 finale when the whole idea behind her plan revolved around The Doctor being alive to gift the cyber army to? It doesn't make any sense and really annoys me. Why did she even think the Doctor would accept her Cyber army anyway? Really think about her "plan" from S8 and tell me it remotely makes any sense.
Please God let Simm be the 13th.
this is the 1st episode in a while I've wanted to rewatch.
Not only that, but she crafted a Cyber Army. Every single Master before her would've been like "holy shit, I've actually won here... now to take my army and take over some planets" yet Missy just goes "here ya go, Doctor, a prezzie for you"

That's not particularly about Missy, but after three years I still dont get it.
How did corpses convert into the Cybermen? I understood that some magic cyber liquid got into the ground, but how did actual cybersuits were built?
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Holy shit he's literally channeling Smug Pepe.
This. The first one since Mummy on the Orient Express and Listen, for me. Heaven Sent was good but can't be arsed to rewatch FTR and HB.
I think in 10-20 years people will re-evaluate series 8 and 9 as an unpopular-with-audiences-but-actually-good era, the way they have with late period McCoy. The distance of history changes the whole set of values you have while watching the show.
I'm glad series 10 is actually managing to be both popular and good thouggh.
Exactly! It's like another anon said earlier in the thread, she's not the Doctor's ultimate enemy, she's trying to be his best friend. She almost feels like River Song in that sense. Nothing about Missy makes sense when compared to any previous Master.
8 and 9 were basically the same thing. the only thing that differentiates them is the garbage, amateurish SO ARTFUL presentation of 9. Writing and direction were completely uncharacteristic of doctor who and really accentuated the death thereof.
What really doesn't make sense to me is, she got people from the future. She grabbed people during the Dalek episode, why? She doesn't have their bodies, she can't convert them. Even if she did is she taking these people back to Earth in the 21st century? Is every dead person on Earth not enough by that point? Seriously what the fuck is she thinking?
I grew with classic who, poser faggot. Are you aware that you must be 18 or older to browse this site?

Friendly reminder that this means Missy met Bill before she met Clara.
>Simm enslaves Bill's entire family like he did Martha's
I know, right?

Plus, the companion is some weird alien chick who calls the Doctor "grandfather" instead of a 20-year-old from present-day England. How are we supposed to relate to that?

And all those historical episodes? Not a single one of them has any aliens in it.

Aliens don't even invade modern-day London. Hell, the closest they ever get to modern-day London is 196fucking3, like that's going to be familiar to any of us.

Also, 3-parters are one thing, but a 7-parter?

Seriously, not Doctor Who.
Tbqh with you all, I have no interest in finding out who the next Doctor is. Peter Capaldi is beyond amazing and I’m sad to see him go and I just want to enjoy the time he has left on the show without freaking out over the 13th Doctor. He was let down by Moffat and it is fucking unfair that his only truly great series is his last, when he deserved so much better.
What is she 12?

>be color grade anon
>watch tonight's episode
>watch the coming soon / next time trailer
>it's on every fucking scene
You missed the licensed song use. "Love Will Tear Us Apart" was playing in the club at the beginning.
Wrong, it's everything after that isn't real Doctor Who.


This is the first discussion of the new ep. I've read, and I'm really surprised it's so positive. Nothing happened for the first 10 minutes, the monster was really vaguely defined/explained, and the Daleks were shoehorned in just for the sake of having them appear. Poor.
This. I'm fairly certain there are shills among us (of course we know they're everywhere outside).
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