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What DO they mean by this?

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What DO they mean by this?
black dick lovers are gonna get cucked confirmed
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it confirms that hes going to have a redemption arc and come out a good guy at the end of this movie.
>dangerously good looking

we need another holocaust
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JJ Abrahms knows his magic
I feel bad for taking so long to get the root of kylo's name. Tippity top notch obscure reference bro.
what are you referring to?

I hope it's not the "ren rhymes with ben" bullshit
So that means white men are back on menu?

Literally COLD STEEL Sanic-tier

Even anakin was less edgy
That's not even where he got slashed in the face.

He should have some Seifer type scar if anything.
>not losing an eye and getting a cyborg eye that glows red

do you even do edgy
he's jon snow star wars edition
Zuko did nothing wrong

they could have a scene i the dark and all you see is some red dot and it would be really tense and shit
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Do you think Disney will make them end up together?
Everyone looks bad with flash on
What is it about these redeemed school shooters that is so appealing to tumblr?
stop playing mortal kombat
Anakin had an eye scar too.
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He dropped his helm before he shanked Han and then chased after Finn and Rey. His helmet blew up on Starkiller base after being extracted by nazi guy.

What really makes me curious is Phasma. Is she a clone? Does the first order have multiple Phasmas or did she somehow escape Starkiller Base?

TFA left so many questions that I don't think TLJ will have enough time to answer them all.
whoa there, edgemeister. this isn't a Zack Snyder production.
Kano Wins

It's also worth noting that Cyborg is doing that in JL.
I'm pretty sure getting trash compacted means nothing in the SW universe. it's like getting a time out on the naughty step.
how the fuck did he survive the fall
no but there will be an obvious '50 shades of grey' - like romantic tension and shipping between them for those female viewers shekhels

but since its a movie the nice guy cuck will get the girl eventually so that normies can feel good about themselves
There is in fact a huge school shooter fandom on tumblr

I think that scene with Phasma is supposed to be a flashback to when Luke's Jedi academy got destroyed.
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someone explain this to me
Doesn't surprise me one bit.
Kylo Ren
Kyle[/spoiler] Kotaren

From the Dark Forces games.
If that's the case then how did Luke have R2D2 if it was with Leia?
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God I wish
How have you not figured out yet that what any given userbase projects outward, it truly feels the opposite?

The tumblr userbase goes on and on so much about toxic masculinity and bla bla bla that it's exceedingly obvious there's a tsundere thing going on. They all want to bone the Kylo Ren character; not just in relation to Kylo specifically, but the whole archetype into which Kylo fits. But they don't want to admit it outright so they perform an elaborate dance of mental gymnastics to obfuscate it.

Just like /tv/ complaining about how awful capeshit and star wars are is only possible if /tv/ really cares about either of them.
>Idolising school shooters
Fucking why?
Kylo Ren is not really what they complain about
He is not racist. He is not sexist. He is not fat. He doesn't have a neckbeard.
But he is not a "nice guy" he is nothing what they complain about other than a man and kinda ugly
>If that's the case then how did Luke have R2D2 if it was with Leia?
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>but since its a movie the nice guy cuck will get the girl eventually so that normies can feel good about themselves

But what about the homosexuality route?
>I am screaming

What do black women mean by this?
Yeah which was brought to him by Rey. Her vision in TFA was a flash forwards and backwards.

If luke had R2 what did he do, fucking launch it to the resistance out of a cannon? Can R2 suddenly pilot a space ship?
Then who's Jan?
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Tumblr is divided between liking and hating Kylo Ren
Nope, they've already set up Rey with Finn.
and some people always look bad. which would make your point totally irrelevant
dont you mean total annihilation?
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kylo ren looks like sasuke uchihaha from naruto in the new trailer

disney knows what they are doing




um try again sweetie
>bacta tank can heal 4th degree lightsaber burns to the face
>it can't heal a scar
Come on son
>you know what Snoke says about fucking your family?
not like it would be the first time
They strongly indicate that Tumblr needs to be hit with a fucking nuke
It's a website.
You don't understand! They're just interested in the psychology of school shooters. Never mind the fact that they make fanfiction and headcanons about them.
You forget that Tumblrites are the only people who want that

Websites have servers, located in the physical universe.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure I hate reddit no strings attached
Does anyone find Finn attractive?

John Boyega fine, but not the sweating retard he plays
He may have been a marine, but wow this guy got lucky acting with a face like that
it doesnt even look line the scar he gat at the end of tfa

nope disney will push black man white woman, girls on tumblr will write fanfic of kylo shipping instead though.
>caring about Darth Schoolshooter
He got beaten up by someone with no training in the force who wielded a lightsaber for the first time
He's about as relevant to the story as Phasma or whatever she was called.
Dylan was pretty tragic, I can understand people feeling sympathy for him.

Eric was a total cunt all around though.
go back to fucking red dit with that faggot shit you filthy nu-male millenial
Yeah, we can only hope they don't pull some bullshit excuse.

Why the fuck is she hating on Han Solo and what gives her the impression that Kylo is white?
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Did they just forget what happened in the last movie?
He wasn't trying to beat her, he was trying to take her as an apprentice because he felt that she was powerful in the Force.
He even outright says it to her..

Then Rey goes ham on him all of a sudden and there you go. The literal physical hand-to-hand overpowering was a bit too much though, I admit.

Also he is one of the most relevant characters in the story, especially in The Last Jedi judging by the information we got.
He will be the most fleshed out character in the whole trilogy.
Maybe that's the scene from the flashback, you can see everything burning behind him (burning the Jedi Temple?).
He most probably isn't even pointing at Rey, (good) trailers are always edited purposefully mixing different scenes together so when you actually see the film as a whole you have the scenes already spoilered.
That makes sense, but then why wouldn't he have had the scar during Force Awakens?
He's basically a caricature of Star Wars diehards. Like them, he is a lonely, unpleasant young white man who grew up at odds with his parents, obsessed over the paraphernalia of movies that came out before he was born. While every other major new character in the movies is just bumbling around with their own problems, Kylo is obsessed with the story of Star Wars and longs to take his place in its legend. Abrams' Star Trek movies had a similar message which essentially identified old fans with the villains, trusting that the new fans wouldn't care and the old fans would see the movie anyway just because they have to.

The movie is all about costly failures of machismo; the only male character who is broadly portrayed in a positive light (Finn) is also a weak buffoon. Much as Kylo represents the obsessive superfan who hates the movie but goes to see it anyway because it is Star Wars, the focus of his existence, Finn represents the average Tom, Dick, or Jamarcus on the street who just goes to see Star Wars because it is the cool thing to do right now. Meanwhile Rey represents Abrams' vision of the future of the fanbase, a little girl (she is almost completely desexualized and infantile, innocent figure for a female lead (hence /tv/'s obsession with her as a sex object)) whose dreams of Star Wars must take a back seat to her real life problems.

This is also why Rey is ridiculously competent at everything she does despite never training at any of it. It's because her actions are meant to represent the kind of arbitrary imaginative play-pretend way you thought of Star Wars as a kid - you're flying the ships, you're moving things with your mind, you're fighting the evil mask guy with the red sword, you're not thinking about how incongruous that kind of fantasizing is with the world the movie portrays. Kylo's problem is he's past 30 and still loves Star Wars.
Lmao fuck your stale pasta.

Also the new trailer shows us that he will abandon the mask, meaning that he will stop being an edgy wannabe Vader who thinks that he can impose fear with a fake appearance of himself.
They mean that Star Wars shills suck.
reported for spam
i didn't say i like naruto my friend
He's not Jewish, you retard.
sorry, friend
Kylo Ren is the most interesting character in the movie - only Finn was equally engaging.

Rey is cartoonish and Poe is simply a convinient plot device.

Kylo could`ve been fleshed out a lot more but I like him - a Dark Side character we haven`t seen in Star Wars yet.
You can argue Anakin was that but it just fell flat and booring - Driver did a fantastic with the character and the lines he was given.

That said, I`m very worried where they`ll take him - I think in the short-medium term he`ll be a lot more focused, properly menacing and Dark but eventually him killing Han will come and haunt him, leading to his redemption.

We already saw glimpses of that after the commited the patricide - he feels weak, shocked and confused. He thought doing what Vader did not do will only strengthen him.

Ultimately, Kylo is a good person. He has been deluded and is deluding himself in to thinking he has a chance of being what his ancestor was - if you end up begging Vaders ''corpse'' to empower you with his abilities, shit is not working for you.

I will not be surprised if in Episode MCMLXXV someone will be telling the tale of ''The Tragedy of Ben Solo the Decieved''.
Disney won't tank it with a major gay romance.
Minor gay character, sure, but imagine the fallout if they make the black self insert character gay. They'd lose their entire black audience.
And that's a mighty chunk of the movie going public in the us.
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>black audience
>watching cracker space movies
>They'd lose their entire black audience.

So like 12 people?
They would lose more Chinks then Black people.
>John Boyega
No. He's one of the ugliest niggers around in tv and film.
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>Kylo, did I ever tell yout about how my father went back to the light side and died regretting all the bad things he did? He was a good dad

Did Luke really never have this talk with his nephew?
He will probably say it in TLJ. Maybe that's even why Kylo destroys his mask and stops being a wannabe Vader.
Maybe Kylo will even think Darth Vader was too weak because he felt the pull of the light, where Kylo straight up murdered his father despite feeling the same pull of light.
It looks more like a fresh cut than a scar.
>another holocaust
what did he mean by this
No, but he did tell him about that time Biggs took him to a whorehouse at Mos Eisley to get some Twi'lek lovin', but Luke didnt' have enough cash and had to take a BJ from a tranny Rodian instead. He was a good friend.
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That would be really cool. Good thinkin
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You're deluding yourself if you think that most fangirls ship Ren and Rey. It's ginger Hitler and Ren all the way. Good on them too, since it's way less creepy to let evil fuckers fester among themselves instead of putting poor Rey though that sort of shit.
>knowing what Reddit is into
Sounds like you speak from experience. Now go back.
Yes and no. On the one hand he's not conventionally handsome but he does have a very distinctive face and there's a certain attractiveness about that. On top of that his weird face means that he just stands out in general and that's an important consideration in casting actors for a role.
He's a great actor but you can't make Adam Driver handsome in any way. This guy is Klaus Kinski tier.
What if its a hoax scene so they can save the real scar for a big reveal in the movie. I mean, its reasonable- desu.
I think they were very aware that Rey is a Mary Sue and her Character was explained in earlier drafts, wasn't there a possible spoiler leak a few months ago that sad that Rey is basically the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker? And that's why she is so strong?
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He just needs to fix his ears and he would be decent looking.
His face is a bit long and lopsided but it has a certain charm to it.
he was in that show with the real kike lena dunham so it's not surprising seeing (((them)))
My thoughts are the same. I belive that both Kylo and Luke R2D2 shot are some kind of flashback.
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Disproving the Snoke-Is-Plagueis theory:based on his face, Plagueis is actually Kylo
>Kylo Ren + Ben Solo
Shuffle the letters
>BRoKen + So lonely
Facial asymmetry never looks good, it's against human nature to find it attractive. Also he needs his moles removed. His main problem is his recessed, asymmetrical maxilla which is fucking everything else up.

The ears are actually the least of his worries because he can hide it with hair. But however you slice it he's objectively ugly and needs surgery.
Driver is not white.
Shes still bullshit though, Anakin got fucking rekt by Count Dooku after training 10 years with Kenobi, so even Anakin wasn't that overpowered
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>Kylo, did I ever tell you about Dexter Jettster? He was a good friend to my mentor Obi Wan Kenobi. He ran a 50s diner on Coruscant and identified a dart that a bounty hunter used to kill another bounty hunter who he'd hired to assassinate queen Amidala who was a senator and secretly in love with my father. The dart came from Kamino which was a planet covered with water and had a suspicious secret cloning facility which had created the clone army at the request of a long-dead jedi who was or was working for Darth Sidious. But Obi Wan ignored all that and had a pointless chase scene with the bounty hunter, then he went to a planet full of bugs where he, my father, and Amidala fought in a bug colluseum, then a load of droids showed up and then the clone army showed up commanded by Yoda who around the survivors a perimeter created. They were good friends.
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At least line up the scar.

Like is it that much to ask really, for an intern to look at the first movie and see where the scar was. Maybe take a screenshot and hand it to makeup?
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So she's going to turn to the Dark Side then. If she's Anakin's reincarnation, she'll follow his exact path. Mostly because Disney doesn't have a creative bone in its body.
Bullshit is that real

No way
He should play young Snape in the inevitable third harry potter prequel
This is fucking awful.
because E D G Y
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> i am screamiiiiing

JJ is a typical jewish snake.

Rian is an actual fan.
>finn dindu

>Can R2 suddenly pilot a space ship?
Did multiple times throughout the series.

I thought that saber was cut in two? I was kind of hoping he built a different one for this movie. Not that I don't like the cross saber. Its whatever to me, but you'd think after his defeat he would construct a legit saber.
girls like bad boys, you still haven't understood this by now
>disney will push black man white woman

>Darkness, Light, Balance


Even if they did the sexy version of TFW scar, it would still look great. I hope they do.
>i am screaming
Why do tumblrites do this so often?
adam's attractive because that haircut hide his whole face and teen girls like whatever weird character is being thrown at them
>What is it about these redeemed school shooters that is so appealing to tumblr?

Women like "bad boys", news at 11.

That's cute.
he'd be a great cast

A Song of Light and Darkness.
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You either ban this entire thread, or acknowledge the fact that people old enough to post here still watch this infantile garbage. Which is easier, /tv/?
Why do women get wet for ugly guys like this?

He looks like an unwashed edgelord.

They are first cousins dork.

Luke, Han and Leia didn't tell Ben he was related to Darth Vader, Snoke did.
mulatto female main character for sequel sequel trilogy
they should have got an award for make-up because the made Driver look like a pretty boy
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>mulatto female main character for sequel sequel trilogy

Yes please.
All the Warwick Davis-hosted events at SWCO have been pure kino
Does anyone find it ironic that for all the diversity bullshit they forced in this movie the best character was the white male villain.

Absolutely BTFO

I heard he sold a lot of action figures too.
But he has a scar
This looks boring as fuck.

They can rebuild hands that look perfectly fine but it's impossible to fix a scar?
On a different place than were he was cut in TFA

He seems a lot more focused. Excited to see how's he's gonna use the dark side after his training with snoke.
see >>81664960
So a quick swim could heal that huge scar but moved a smaller scar to a different place?
I love that little guy.
Can anyone explaie what they fuck they were going for with this character? I just can't undertand him. Probably they don't either.
This dude is hideous, tumblrinas have no standards.
I dunno, the Imperials are pretty racist
I can't understand what they did with any of the characters
You probably mean Kyle Katarn.
>Kylo becomes the good guy
Wtf I love new Star Wars now

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>Disney says Han Solo isn't Hans real name
>Names his kid "Solo" anyways
Wtf is the story group doing.
heh im not even going to download this one

just watch a 480 Q stream
he looks worse than Luke after the accident. And that 12 year old moustache. HAHAHAH JewJew fucking hates you all.
>goes to Luke's Academy to become a Jedi
>Snoke comes in and tells him Darth Vader was his grandfather
>some unknown things happen so he literally kills all the jedi padawans and burns the whole temple down, joins Snoke and the First Order
>becomes an edgy wannabe Vader, uses a mask to try to impose fear with his appearance, still not even close to his potential
>senses the power of Rey, tries to take her as an apprentice of the Dark Side
>get's fucked, back to Snoke training

Now The Last Jedi speculation
>comes back from the training without a mask, no longer an edgy emo kid, doesn’t need to fake his appearance to impose fear anymore
>Luke tells him about Vader's true last moments in an attempt to reedem Kylo back
>It only cements Kylo even more in the Dark Side, dismissing the image of Vader alltogether and even calling him weak because he felt the pull of the light, where Kylo straight up murdered his father while feeling the same pull
>becomes the even more full of rage and power than ever before, maybe even kills Snoke

I might be going over the top with my speculation, but I'm certain he will be the most fleshed out character in the whole trilogy
Maybe the Han isn't real.
sKYwalker soLO
Don't forget the other Knights of Ren.
scar in the wrong place?
Finn's going to get with that new Asian girl
So 4chan despite the constant usage of faggot,nigga and nigger. Is the actual beacon of progress and tolerance.

Where as Tumblr despite all its virtue-signaling, is the vortex of hatred.
>head like a melted trophy
It's true.
Just like the dangerously good looking Darth Vader
The long con
is that a scar
>Facial asymmetry never looks good, it's against human nature to find it attractive.
False. You need a very tiny amount of asymmetry.
Absolute 100% perfect facial symmetry is creepy as hell because it triggers an "uncanny valley" sensation
>Facial asymmetry never looks good
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Supreme Leader Snoke is going to be the titular "Last Jedi"
He is an extremely powerful jedi, and maybe even created the jedi order thousands of years ago.
The characters are going to find out that Snoke is perpetuating the imbalance of the force with an endless cycle of light and darkness, for one extreme cannot exist without the other.
Kylo and Rei will team up to bring him down, ending the order of the Jedi and Sith forever, and bringing balance to the force with their gray tree shit.
This is literally gonna be Dark Souls in space, and Snoke is the lying Snake who is playing both sides.
Screencap this shit until December.
I mean for real though

On 4chan we're all equal until we speak, at which point (namefags excepted) we are judged solely by our content, not about who we are. Perhaps more importantly, as much as some opinions will get shouted down and insulted, unless you're posting something illegal you're not going to be silenced. Everyone has the same chance to talk and be heard. We are perhaps the greatest proof that you don't need a "safe space" to talk about personal and sensitive topics at depth (though one could argue anonymity is a type of safe space).
It's all non-whites, faggots or in /tv/s case literal pedofags posting this shit over and over again.
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