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Power Rangers Marathon

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Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 147

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Billy was a fag edition
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>All these fake smiles.
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I want to fuck Ziggy
So who sucked more fanboy dicks, Kim or billy.?
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best girl
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All these edits yet the kid in that shot still remains.
>be a PC cuck or a faggot
>see someone causally joke about gays in a non serious way
>oh my God guys that's so weird that someone would do that in current year. So weird guys


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Kim, my queen
>whole episode was a Trini wet dream
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Kim. Billy was a self-loather during the 90's
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I love the queen.
From what I know they all got along pretty well for a long while (until the replacement rangers came along), Jason and Zack even lived together and had wild parties every week. Billy babysitted Tommy's kids, and Kim and Trin were good friends in real life. It was the production and camera crew that were cunts.
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Where's the Kimberly spreading her legs webm?
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>Current day Jason is fatter than current day bulk
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do girls have them asking for a friend
Is it just me or is the order of the episodes all fucked up?
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>like 6 sentai villain women got replaced because they were too slutty for american eyes
Well it is "Remastered"
Wasn't Kim stalked and harassed so bad by fans she distanced herself from all things PR?
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I want to paint that latex bodysuit of hers white with fellow anons
>as she plays the guitar and sings on the streets dressed as the Pink Ranger

Doubt it.
yeh but who fucked who
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Wikipedia seems to suggest they never finished it.
So there will be green ranger but no cyclopsis.
I swear to fucking god, if I see this god damn falling down the biggest hill ever promo thing one more fucking time
it's the edited version that aired on disney channel
I think this was more right after her stint on the show.
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OH NO.webm
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I miss her...
So this is how Ernie died.
didnt billy hated tommy ecause he bullied him for being a fag?
anyone know where i can get sabans power ranger bootleg?
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Did you miss it earlier today when they played it 10 times in a row?
That's pretty recent, though. What I heard, and take it with a grain of salt because someone posted it in a thread 10000 years ago, is that for many years she didn't want to know anything about Power Rangers and didn't even do cons because of some fucked up experiences that ended causing her a lot of anxiety.

I'll be disappointed in Twitch if they don't end the stream with it.
No, the part when they stop it to make the clip to upload is what really grinds my gears.
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>Kat will never hiss at your dick
Why do these actors look so manly compared to the current day actors? Is it just the low quality cameras or do they not give a fuck about looks and build anymore?
no, JDF was a dick to everyone so david yost never took his pranks personally

The production crew and producers actively disliked him for being a closet homo
He started hitting the gym, actually. He's turned it into muscle.
Probably Tommy and Kim for real
Tommy was already married and with two kids around the time he became the white ranger
I want to believe Zack and Trini got together for real, but that honestly makes her death more painful
unfortunately yeah had to work :(
Goodnight everyone. I won't be able to visit here again before the marathon ends. You're all good people. Maybe I'll see you all again in a Ninja Steel thread one day.
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What exactly was Bulk and Skull's plan here?
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It was near the end if the last season around the last episode, and it kept playing over and over for about 10 times.
It was pretty hilarious in the /prg/ and Twitch chat.
Well yeah, anon. They were porn stars.
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They used to hire actual martial artists and gymnasts. Nowadays they just hire fuccbois.
damn id love to see it
>"The Power Rangers are gonna do for Angel Grove what Batman did for Gotham City."

Power Rangers confirmed DC
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Dr. K is
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>I don't speak billy
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>Come on mystic force work your magic
>Summon the legazords
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comfy cute.webm
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The cutest
I don't get Skull and Bulk's dynamic with the rangers. Like two episodes they would hang out with Pink and managed to get in the plane ride, but here they show up and actively hostile groups.
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She was hotter than Kim
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He hit the hell out of that pole.
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No way fag
>billy has to fuck her wearing a snorkel for the rest of his life

>probally got injured or somtething when countdown to destruction happened
>sad Zack

Right in the feels
does anyone know where I can find a list of all the clips? I'm having trouble navigating the site.
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Then why the beef? I loved these two as a kid.
One more episode till Tommy time
Kim is literally the cutest ranger of all time. I never even watched the original series so Its not nostalgia.
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I'm here to save the stream.
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Not as Kim but still pretty hot.
So, what's happening now? Re-air of MMPR?
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[Oh sweeties in Australian]
"Remixed" MMPR episodes from 2010
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Is Zordon's usual VA? Doesn't sound like it.
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As far as I know they had all agreed to demand better pay or they'd leave, but Kim,Tommy and Billy jumped ship at the last moment and decided to just stay. Jason, Trini and Zack tried to negotiate by themselves and got kicked out.
May new voice.
Oh, that garbage
Something about this student looks off.
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Silly putty
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Don't dig too much into it.
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I need more like this
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What do you mean? Angel Grove High only has normal looking teenage students.
h-how much longer until the stream is done
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twitch tv/twitchpresents/clips
Few more hours, it'll be done way before this time tomorrow.
Dr K's actress was 17 at the time they filmed RPM.
RIP Rita's actress.
Damn Zack is all over Trini
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alternate filename

>fatties getting triggered
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>Kimbo in a dress and choker with matching lolitaslut shoes
That band is so good the don't even need to have their instruments plugged in
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>toy catalog scans

should i post these while we wait for tommy?
we still have ~10 hours left I think
1 to go for green with evil
Depends on what other bonus content they want to give us.
I'm amazed how similar the toys looked to the actual Megazord, even the ones made during the 90s. I guess they just designed the toy first but it's still of pretty good quality.

Thank you. I'm looking for the baybee one.
>~12k viewers
>when it first aired on twitch it had ~70k
Btw, ever since Samurai, all of the Zords stateside are part of the Zord Builder system I think, so no more zords being like their show counterparts.
Do it
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Night fellas, it's been real.
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>can't balance things
>is a gymnast

What the fuck?
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Speak to Ziggys actor about that, they've been dating since filming days and he was like 20 or more there.
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>That loli is now Christmas cake assuming she is still alive
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Who thought these edits would be a good idea?
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This shitty clip art
The clown is legitimately creepy
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I thought one of you fucks said Tommy was being introduced.
Next episode m8.
Thanks black and yellow poster, I was hoping you'd get that scene.
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So are they all homosexuals?

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Don't stop, bb
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trini is pure perfection
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Give me a basic gestalt on Jonathan Tzachor.

How do you even pronounce his last name? It sounds like a PR villain name in itself.
More like pure wormfood.
Nah she's an accident ready to happen.
Someone give me the rundown on the Tommy/Jason behind the scenes feud?

Was it all just a jealousy thing from Jason? Was Tommy a prick? Or does it have to do with something the producers did?
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I'll keep going until I fall asleep....
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>Get out everyone! Rita's attacking!
Tzay-chor. That actually sounds like a monster name lel.
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If DC/WB bought the rights to PR from under (((Saban))), I think the series might be better off. At the very least, they could get a decent budget like the Disney era and hell, they might just move it to Vancouver like the CW series.
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Kino list updated to the start of Disney Era. Will continue tomorrow
Was it at the end of Dino Super Charge or the end of the live-action MMPR show?
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>those lips
>imagining that on my morpher
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It was in between the two clip shows at the end of dino super charge.
Dino Super Charge like before the last episode or two.
Can't remember exactly.
Did billy just say what a fruitcake?

Had this but American version, pink instead of white.
Make sure to spell and grammar check. Forever red has "From the past decade stop them" which is wrong.
Otherwise it's looking good.
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I'm happy Instrument of Destruction is on there.
Is dino charge done? What's gonna happen after dino charge? The whole thing's over?
marathon is kill for a looong time
Are toy retarded.
Shit's been over.
We're watching Remastered MMPR and Bonus Content then it's over.
Now that I think about it, I remember pretty pissed off that they blueballed us on Billy becoming the white ranger.
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Will RPM wedding episode make it?
Ninjasteel. Theres like 6 episides out
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I had this one when I was a kid and some other kid ended up giving me the eagle (but one of the feet was broken). I ended up losing the covers for the Ape and Wolf heads as well as the swords for the ape.
they finish the george lucas redeux and some specials like best of bulk and skull tommy time should start after this episode.
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DC has been done for hours Anon...
Call me a faggot now, Anon.

I dare you
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Also the fucker couldn't even stand up with the legs straight.
A good babysitter wouldn't have let her run off with a stranger in the first place.
>tfw had both of those toys
>Lost the crane immediately
>The frog had kicked off the far cooler Falcon's head within a few month, tried to tape it back on but it wasn't the same playing lightly to ensure it stayed on
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Can't wait til this movie is out.
i don't understand why the production crew had to be assholes to billy.
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nice jacket faggot
Cause Jews.
Now Saban is putting Gay chars in his movies cause it's popular.
Not memeing, but it was a different time.
Gays still weren't welcome at the time.
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i would be too
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Banana brains
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fuck OFF tommyposters
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>Bulk, how should I say this... war has changed
Jeez these toy manufacturers were sleazy

My parents literally bought me all of these and I loved them but it always felt like there was something I was missing and wanted more
Miss me, banana brains?
This coming from YOU zhane?

You know you and adros all alone on that ship during lonley times got together.
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George Lucas edited these episodes
why don't you make like a tree and fuck off
At least in America, they weren't allowed to advertise the toys during the show itself. Compare to Japan where 90% of the ads are the toys.
Welcome to japanese market, the profits are from merch not airing.

Was and is still very different in the US but Saban went with both business models because jews
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Do a Billy and suck OFF.
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Kim gettin all wet
These pictures are breaking my heart. I had almost all of these until my family threw them out during a move.
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Yo, did this nigga use Ranger Powers in a karate fight?
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It's funny to thing how one of the most famous rangers and one of the biggest boosts to the show literally just comes from Rita suddenly saying
>"This random dude is good and would make a great Green Ranger."
Like that was a sudden and out of nowhere idea.
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>tfw when I tried to copy tommy and do jumping roundhouse kicks in my bullies face when I was 7
>I fell after the first one and broke my collar bone

Thanks a lot Tommy

What did Rita mean by this?
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these edits are fucking hilarious, they could make some modern day B movie homage to the 80s-90s and get 100% on rotten tomatoes with this shit.
I had all of mine until my parents decided to remodel our house. I had to share a room with my bro for like 6 months and when I moved they made me donate 90% of my toys to charity.
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lol, what are you? A Jason?
Bet it will be the plot of the second movie If Rita landed on the moon.
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Tommy is based.
Yeah, if Sentai was about ratings, it would either be dead or moved because of certain Electric Yellow Mouse getting a show at the same timeslot on a different channel. However, that's not the case so it gets to stay as its ratings wither. There's the whole matter of streaming and the like, but I don't think it's as strong in Japan when compared to the US.
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This shit is grat, minus the edits.
The batman shit during fights is funny.
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so uh you wanna be Friends with the Benedicts?
any screeners or good versions available?
>Tfw I own a copy of the tape somewhere
>Rita is gonna be found by Zedd
>Tommy gets Green coin somehow
>She uses it to control him/influence him
>Beats Rangers a shit ton
>Breaks free of control
>Helps defeat Zedd/his monster
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>all Zordon can do is watch
Kek everytime
top 10 ranger betrayals
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fuck you tommy
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How does he keep making her orgasm every time?
Shit on me all you want, Tommy is my favorite.
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>second movie
Didn't make back it's production budget opening weekend and you know it's marketing budget was fucking giant.
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I know this now. I had a friend in high school who was a massive weeb and learned Japanese nearly fluently from watching Kamen Rider.

He can't draw or had no design experience basically at all, but impressed the Bandai people so much with his interview and deep knowledge of the show hes been the idea guy for the show for nearly 4 years. He works directly with the show coming up with ideas for the next season and then get some other guy to draw them.
They got around this by putting the toy ads on the VHS tapes
Swag was a word back then??
The first Power Rangers movie becomes a lot more impressive to me now realizing it went from some weird new show made out of clipped footage from some obscure jap thing to a motion picture shown in theaters nationwide in a matter of 2 years. Considering it had to get popular enough to greenlight a movie in the first place (unless they decided to do it from day one), the time left to actually make the movie had to have been on the short end.
>based Billy made a car that can fly
Swag was a regular word like epic, until pop culture and the internet destroyed it
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Hey guys, does anyone else want to kill themselves? I watched the overwhelming majority of this marathon and once its over my life will go back to nothingness. Everything sucks, nothing is worth doing, I just wasted all this time on a show I dont even like convincing myself it's funny because people in the chat type things in caps. I just want to die.
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wait how does a car fly?
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End your suffering Anon.
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You're PR waifu wouldn't be able to think about you if your dead
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stop asking questions
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it's gotta be the hair
yea to be fair 80s ruined the word "bad"
and 90s ruined "whatever" and "not"
Swag wasn't a word in that sense until rappers created it. Swagger was a word.

SWAG was an acronym used at business conferences though

i always want to die, power rangers or no power rangers
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me desu, this shit is so dumb but i've dedicated atleast 100 hours to this fucking marathon spamming in twitch chat. i think im just retarded. if i ever have kids i'm gonna have to tell them about this so they arent surprised if they get early dementia
How did tommy get in the zord?
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your only purpose in life now is to survive until the next marathon
What did the 2000's ruin?
There is a simple explanation for this.
Why don't they have a lock for the door
western civilization
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it flies at like 3000 miles an hour or someshit, it's not fucking rocket applience. you would know this if you were here 3 episodes ago.
So I did a little research on Jason David Frank (Tommy) about him being Native American.
Turns out he's mostly white and itcs not known if he's really Native in real life, although Tommy Oliver the character IS Native American.
Here I thought he was Native in real life.

That sucks coming from a Native American who looked up to him as an idol.
Aww trini isnt here to explain it to kimberly
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Ok. You can Kill yourself... but only if you get into shape like Jason or Tommy, and get good, expensive Ranger suit.

if you do that and still wanna kill urself by then, then you can do it without remorse
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>tfw no more BOMB
His brother erik looks Native American as fuck
>there's some weeb working at the design department of toei
Given that MMPR was literally a phenomenon, it probably wasn't hard for Fox to greenlight a production fairly quickly after the first year. After that, it was basically a year of filming and post production with liberal amounts of cash (relative to the pocket change Saban typically uses) thrown at it.

It quadrupled its reported budget ($15mil), but it premiered alongside Apollo 13 with Pocahontas premiering the week before and Batman Forever the week before that.
Why do his abs look so weird? Like he's fat but his fat managed to actually take shape.
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Might as well ask this now.
Is that MegaZord based on buildings?
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A link is only as long as your longest strong chain and i will destroy the red ranger. just watch
i see kims nips
Japanese castles/keeps.
>This happens to him twice and then in the past
Whoa, really?
20 years or so later and the theme song still gets me amped up
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Looked him up after you mentioned him....hes dead.
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I know I'm late to comment on the billy gay thing but I think what happened is very simple.

The dude wanted to throw a jab at the gay shit but didn't want get caught using one of the un-PC words because the backlash for that can be vicious so basically tried to go for a word that made the point but wasn't something that'd get called hate speech or any bullshit like that but it ended looking passive aggressive and weird, he didn't think it through well, since such a weird choice of word has now drawn even more attention to it so he fucked up either way.
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no you dont perv
i don't know much about the production side of PR, but is saban really this cheap? Why would you keep crippling a phenomenom that could reach even higher heights if they gave it the attention it deserved
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Leave Tommy to me
Yep part of his job is making sure that the next Kamen Rider has some kind of hook, interesting weapon, etc for the next season. Sends it over to the tv writers, they give their opinions about what will or won't work on tv. When they come to an agreement they send it out to be firmed up and tweak until Bandai and the tv production company are happy
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>I know I'm late to comment on the billy gay thing
thats right faggot, it's tommy time now.
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Wrong neighborhood kiddo
So it his fault for the spam of sword guys and Ghost?
Why doesn't zordon have security cameras?
Body fat percentage / insertions
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>tfw autism prevents you from leaving until the stream actually turns off
I think he was just trying to be funny.

To some he was. But not cool of him.

But that was back in the day. The times were differnt. Im sure he would apolagize now.
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;_; Kimberly
I'm a big boy, Kimberly.
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Joined stream to see Jason fuck up Tommy.
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come on bro, i think we all know you want zack
i need cowboy hats on all of them and the image to say what in Power Rangin
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damn that was fuycking mean
Saban is definitely that cheap. While PR is a phenomenon, it wasn't clear how long the gravy train could last. Fwiw, it probably could've made more money if it was scheduled two weeks after a Batman film and a week after a Disney film, but that's Fox's fault at that point.
What did he say?
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>treat pink girl like trash
>she's still wet for him
I had this toy, but it didn't have the tail (probably for obvious reasons) and the chains were ropes instead..
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these edits are something else
just goes to show how easily a little unnecessary editing can fuck up the aesthetics of a show
Bryan Cranston called Billy the Faye guy, as if he was written because David Yost is gay.
I dont watch the show but if its a storyline in the past 4 years he has had a hand in the process
In an interview, Brian Cranston called Billy the "faye one".
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isnt it strange to look up to someone for something that is absolutely out of their control
>goldar doesnt break the morpha
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Even though he wasn't as he's not himself so technically it's not a betrayel

these people are fucking stupid
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Well I'm Native American and so is Tommy, so I wanted to see if his actor was too.
It's just curiosity.
What does faye mean?
What really?

Thats weird.
Fuck off you prick, nobody cares.

Three guesses.
Got a problem beta boy?
goldar is still the GOAT villain
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You're acting weird.
Who okied these edits? Why bother with them?



>Not Ransik
>Not Andromeda
>Not Zed
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>tfw fighting power turds
I look at it like this.
If it wasn't for this re-edit, the MMPR first season would not have been re-aired.
Everyone asked for it, so they decided to give us the Re-edit for something new.
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CG doesn't hold up but stuff like Ivan's minions exploding after getting defeated is well edited. Should have stuck to practical effects like the show. I think they were using a miniature set during the Mech fight, Could of just hired a dude in a Mech Suit.
Holy shit that looks so gay lmao, how do you people like this after age 5
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