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>I think... I want you to fuck me in the ass What did

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 51

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>I think... I want you to fuck me in the ass

What did she mean by this?
I think she wanted him to fuck her in the ass
I don't know. I cannot imagine how getting fucked in the ass could possibly feel good. I mean I'm sure many enjoy it but I'm just as sure they are deviants, who have become perverted and are into sodomy and enjoy like getting choked or beaten too.
Either this, or, she wanted him to fuck her in the ass.

Couple of chicks from Banshee had leaks drop...including Lili... They were pretty explicit, desu.
Imagine taking a shit in reverse. Untaking a shit.
I'm pretty sure she wanted him to fuck her in the ass but I could be wrong.

just fuck my shit up

Have you never yo-yo'ed a doody before?
Don't knock it til you've tried it.
yeah right

Link to Lili leak drop or it never happened... desu.
>we will probably never get fights scenes like Banshee ever again

It was a cheesy show overall but god damn those fights
Well dudes can enjoy taking it up the ass because stimulation of the prostate makes your orgasm more intense.

As far as women go, it's just pure kink factor. They know it's dirty and undignified and that it makes their partner feel like an alpha.
she wanted to mow his lawn but he wasn't having any of it
I just don't think I'll ever get to the point in my life where I have to shove things up my ass for pleasure.

I don't know how explicit Lili's pics are but there's a lot of them. The other girl is Trieste Kelly Dunn. SHE had the motherload. Nudes, blowjob pics, sex pics...THEN like ten videos of her blowing some dude, fucking him...relatively sure that she's taking it up the ass in one of them, senpai.
did happen
one has her with cum on her back
I once farted while cumming in a girl and it felt fucking awesome. Sent waves all over my body.

Tried to do it again since but I can never time it right.
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so nice ass
You say like that is a being thing, you are just playing with your body in an way that feels good and is harmless if carefully done, you know that feeling isn't wrong right?
>date a girl
>one night wanted to try anal
>tried to explain to her it's not like porn and can't just slide it in with no preparation
>tried anyway
>took almost 10 minutes to get it in
>lasted 5 seconds before she made me pull out

We broke up a couple weeks later and I've never had a girl want to try anal again
Not everyone is a faggot
its shit, youre missing nothing
Are you gay for jerking off your own cock?
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>Cum for me, yeah, I want you to cum for me

What did she mean by this?
Come on. People like their assholes *licked* with no prostate stimulation or whatever. It's just an erogenous zone for some. I mean, you ever have a girl kiss you in a certain non-penis spot that just drove you wild?

This is my nightmare to be honest. As a married guy with two kids, I don't think I could refuse a young chick offering me her asshole like that.
Shame Trieste is the ugly one.
You gotta get a girl very very comfortable with you first or get a freak.
my asscrack is way too hairy for me to let girls go there. I've actually considered nairing my ass but I feel like that's just a retarded meme and it'll result in my asshole getting really burnt and irritated
can anyone link to the leaked pics?
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>its shit
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this is the best thing to come out of these leaks
Its good shit you don't know what you are missing.
holy shit is that not an iphone

I yanked it to her vids. She's a horny little minx.
>tfw you never talked with a girl like that
>subtly implying I talk with girls at all
As long as you're not hurting anyone but yourself and not spreading any STD's I guess it's alright, though it's still not my thing.
>What did she mean by this?
I don't know, I've been a virgin for so many years that any thing related to sex is completely alien to me.
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it is
just in a case

there isn't a dumb slut alive without an iphone
Hella fucking cringe
It's painful bro. You end up with a painful boner to the point where you'll literally fuck a wall to get that shit out.
This should drive it home for the /tv/ virgins that women are seriously a meme and you dont have to be James Bond or even Joe Blow Bond to get them.

That is some 8th grade shit, but shes all about it.
That still beats feeling nothing at all.
But we already knew chad could pull women easily.
I feel ya man.

Just get out there. Get a haircut, some nice clothes, bit aftershave.

As long as you look capable of looking after yourself you'll pull a girl no probs.
are you implying that guy isn't likely a chad?
No Chad needs to be that thirsty.
You dont have to be Chad, thats my point. You dont even have to be Brad. That fucking goober in the text sure as shit isnt.
I can't get my head around that all these guys have smaller dicks than me, text autistically, and aren't even that facially attractive

it's making me feel like shit for not bothering with women
0% chance he is, talking like that

I'm assuming they are in a sexual relationship already, they are being a bit satirical if you didn't notice.
No one to blame but yourself. They exist to be taken.
the fuck? no.

It's called character development.
>hes being satirical

want to know how I know youve never been with a woman?
fucking kek'd at this one
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same here

it's a terrifying thought. I don't want to cheat man.. but god damn I don't think I could hold back.
based pusy poster
Because anyone that uses "B-but it's just satire!" isn't actually getting any
Know I how I know you haven't?

You think those texts are how people actually talk. It reeks of roleplaying.
>t-theyre roleplaying!
>being this detached from reality

are they both role playing as forest gump
>but god damn those fights
shut up queer
Do you into normies bro? They are serious


You fags need to stop mythologizing relationships and dating in general.

It's initially about the attraction, then it's about the intimacy with women. That feeling where you're sharing your own little universe with the other person. That's intoxicating to women...dudes too...A girl is likely to get a lot more daring and crazy in that safe bubble that is a newer relationship.
Show your work.

>inb4 2trivial4u
well that guy is getting his dick wet, unlike you boys.
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should have fucked his wife's ass before Rust got to it
Are the people itt literally autistic? saying that you really want to fuck the girl that you are in a relationship with is not the same as being a thirsty beta.
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I just wanna cuddle with a qt
the fact that i will never know if this was really her ass or an ass double will haunt me till the end of days
you will never cuddle with a qt if thats what you want

make your life worth sharing then qts will be yours
you clearly are a normalfag

You have to put in the work to get there first, whatever that might entail in your particular case.
so hot, want to touch the hiney hole
It means he has a tiny white benis
fuck off reddit
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it's too late for me, bros

People who enjoy getting fucked in the ass or enjoy fucking people in the ass are mentally retarded.

You're either putting something INTO an orifice that was meant to be an EXIT ONLY or you're WILLINGLY putting your dick into something that EXTRUDES HUMAN FECES OUT of it.

Not the least bit tempting to any normal human being.

Homosexuality should be put back on the DSM-II
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its hers. She has a nice bum
embrace your newfound magical prowess
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Grow up. I hate reddit. I'm an adult who's dated women. You're more the reddit/tumblr asshole. 4chan is just YOUR version of a "safe space." Go outside and meet people, faggot.
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>tfw my wife loves anal, and has perfect control so we can easily do it almost whenever we want.

feels amazing just pounding her ass and cummin inside
>I'm just coming for that dick Marty
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>Lilli leaks

what's the fucking point? I don' think I'v ever seen her in something where she didn't get naked
I hope you don't have kids
you're not fooling anyone reddit
Bone Tomahawk
Well they won't if he keeps cumming up her arse
post pics of wife pusy and ass!
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> Marty thew away dat way hotter mature milf tail for pleb young crazys who would just fuck his life up

He deserved what happened to him in retrospect.

It is never too late. Whatever your hangup, you just have to want to beat it. Granted, the more obstacles, the harder you'll have to work but there are the biggest recluses and fat-fucks who have managed to find SOMEONE in this world. You just have to decide how important it is for you to do the same.
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Nah, the anus has thousands of nerves and is naturally an erogenous zone as a result. Women and men both enjoy it.

Besides the relief you feel after taking a huge shit is half the reason why it's pleasurable and people get into it.
That's not beta at all, that's pretty fucking alpha
Literally gave a valentine to 800 broads and became schoolwide+ known

You're kids, whether emotionally, physically or both. Enjoy your "wizardry" and reactionary woman hating. You're wrong, no matter what you post and, deep down, you know it. Sad.
thanks, bro
No normal person feels pleasure when taking a shit, stop trying to corrupt future generations.
Its always easy to say that when you aren't in the person's shoes, I get anxiety just thinking about what I have to do to get out of the house.
you can't take a joke, thats why you should stay on reddit
>tfw nearly 40

I have the same case.
way too many queers post here these days
What powers have you revived? I hope its better than the typical (Women stay at least 25 yards from me) power.
Who's lili simmons?
reads like an average reddit thread
she showed more in banshee, doesn't proof anything
It only works on women and girls though so is it really a power?
>doesn't proof anything
fucking retard
Michelle M has shown her ass in other shit.
If she liked it from the get go, that means she's done it with multiple partners before.

yea you is dumb nigger
>schoolwide+ known

as "world's thirstiest nigga", that's not a good rep
>YOUR version of a "safe space"

WRONG. You don't change 4chan, 4chan changes you.
Your wife thinks your benis too tiny
i don't wear the socks, the socks wear me.
>get every single girl a flower for Valentine's Day
>become famous throughout the school and semi-famous elsewhere in news outlets
>can now pull good pussy 5 years down the line because women like associating with famous penis

The guy is a smart fucker. You can see the smugness in his eyes. Good on him.
True but I'm coming from the opposite end. I'm a good looking dude...or I was. Had a couple of bad turns in my life and now I'm a fat fuck shut in....BUT I've been on the other side...a few times. If you're fat, get thin (got to want it). If you're mental, seek therapy. If you aren't literally the Elephant Man, then the majority of what you are putting out to the world is your own bullshit...your posture, how you dress, how you groom yourself, even the fucking look on your face...it all speaks volumes of how you view yourself. And that tells a story to others about you, just on sight alone... Also, I'm drunk BUT I'M NOT WRONG
How the fuck have i not gotten laid before... ah yes i never leave the house.
it works on everyone in my case
The sense of relief is real bud and you're lying or have nerve damage if you're serious.
I don't want anyone in my universe but me. Fuck people. I've been over the gf meme for along time, but I still have a desire for sex because of fucking stupid nature and a sex drive that tries to trick me into reproducing. I wish I could shut it off desu senpai.
shut the fuck up reddit
Just become a eunoch.
Had the same kind of "conversations" with a girl even before we did anything. Fun for a week or so but I didn't go through with it, the life of degeneracy is not for me.
Do people on Reddit say go back to 4chan?
How can he force his mouth on her pussy WHILE fucking ? Is he the goddamn elastic man ?
That was nice
No fresh, that's alpha. Took more courage and balls than anything you've done in your life
I know you are right, but it feels like I have to pull myself by my own bootstraps, while having no hands.

Hayden is that you
fuck off reddit
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I'm laughing my fucking balls off at all the permavirgins ITT. As if any woman would even look at you, let alone allow you to touch her. Is there anything that hurts /tv/ more than getting a bruised ego from """"virgin shaming""""?
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>got the expensive hair cuts
>the fashionable well fitting clothes
>hit the gym
>skin, teeth and hair regimines
>put myself about
>uni is 60% female, subject close to 70%

Still get the looks of disgust, the angry sighs, the contempt
Who /fundementallybroken/ here?
holy fuck
her leak photos are from exact same bathroom

what show is that?
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Fuck off Kevin
time to start saving up and consult a maxfac boyo
>fuck her in the ass

buuuuullshit senpai
I've had prostate exams before, and they were anything but pleasurable. I don't get faggots.
Fuk I'm retarded, meant to reply to >>80552836
Better an hero
You're paranoid. With stats like that there is literally nothing holding you back in life other than your innate autism.
>thread hasn't been deleted yet

Well you might as well post the fappening pics now. Mods are out getting drunk.
I have nerve damage because I've never shoved something up my ass? I don't think so..
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>I like mowing my lawn

What did he mean by this?
No I'm not that alpha. And you're worse than me
fuck off reddit
>Still get the looks of disgust, the angry sighs, the contempt
probably because you're acting like an entitled awkward cuntburger
nothing the clothes or the gym can fix
don't emasculate me by usurping my role
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Who was he shooting at?
You're probably just ugly as dogshit. Nothing height or meme cuts can do.
It's very much an acquired feeling that you work into, but once you know where it is and how to manipulate it, it's fucking great.

t. Heterofag
spigen master race reporting
BBC when?
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Is it time?
fag is right
That was in reference to never having a feeling of relief after shitting, not necessarily shoving something up your ass. Calm down, senpai
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>mfw my friend called me gay bc I said I won't fuck a chick in the ass

I'm sorry I'm gonna put my dick in a vagina. The thing made for my penis.

I don't know you, man. There are always those traits intrinsic to your person that the internet can't allow another person to see. I almost guarantee though, unless you are disfigured in some way (sorry to be so blunt if you are), that your problem is a mental one. Little tweaks, man. Talk to someone that you really trust and ask them for an honest evaluation BUT the trick is that you have to REALLY be willing to swallow your pride.

I've done it and I've hated the person doing the critiquing on occasion...but they were usually objective and, at least partially, right.
you've already outed yourself as a dirty queer anon

Holy shit that poor guy
When I date women I tend to just go along with what they like sexually. I 'll never let them talk me into anal.
Probably makes a huge difference when it's someone you're attracted to and you're already in a sexy mood. I've had doctors touch my dick and balls and that never felt good either.
fuck off reddit
I'm 100% calm right now
>When I date women I tend to just go along with what they like sexually.
the numale rises
My ex did something like this once. But she was saying some of the sexiest shit in my ear. Good times.
Seriously what is this from?
If any girl kisses or licks this one little spot on my neck. I lose my shit. It sucks bc then I gotta walk around with giant hickeys like a degenerate.
nice blog post you attention-seeking FAGGOT


Is this just code for "well-adjusted person?"

...because I've been here for years and I've been contemplating what all the various "fuck off, reddit" slings are supposed to signify.
I miss sexting with a chick so bad.
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>the first time you are alone with a girl and she says she's horny

Man it was like seeing a unicorn or having god speak to me.
Innate autism
>so youre saying i SHOULDNT tell girls about thorax posting?
Did u fug?
The Dusty Mesa
I saw a porn with Charlee chase (if u don't know her look her up beautiful milf) getting nailed by one of the ugliest guys I've ever seen. Even the comments section was like how is this dude nailing her. It gives me hope that if I ever met her irl I could 100% nail her because that guy made me look like channing tatum
go on a dating site
she was being paid to fuck him, Anon
>I saw a porn
Congrats, but it's still porn. As in staged sex.
Literally just got done texting this girl I met on tinder about how I was gonna go down on her. It made those leaked texts look pg 13
He literally killed himself a year later because all the girls just thought it was cute and no one would date him. He became the laughing stock of the whole town.
Her stretch marks are sexy, somehow.
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just lol
She made you pull out of her asshole? You both need a class in biology.
>ex gf begging me to fuck her in her ass one night when she was drunk
>decline and don't go to her house cause I was seeing someone
>girl I was seeing was cheating on me the whole time
>tfw current gf tried anal for the first time with me but doesn't like it
>tfw never fucked ex in the ass
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i can provide more examples, but if lurking reddit doesn't make you contemplate shooting yourself in the head, i don't know what will
They just take simple jokes that weren't even that funny and beat them into the ground
I havent left my house in 2 years
>cumming in a butt hole
Reminds me of some other place on the internet.
The ultimate white knight beta.
you've got issues dude
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reddit just means reddit kiddo
9gag xD
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>walk down street
>lady crosses road so they don't have to walk by me

also who here /ugly to the bone/, sucks knowing that nothing you can do will ever fix your ugly face
So much this. I've dated women had sex have had long term relationships. I'm just done with women. But I can't shut off the urge to want them. It sucks.
Lurk more faggot
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normalfags leave
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>A week is Necessary
Not a nu male. I should say im open to whatever turns them on.
Fuck off fag.
Once a man takes it up the ass from another man he's forever tainted like a bitch.
that's why they cast guys like that you stupid 90's born retard
When was the leak
And is this a legal pic
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>Literally just got done texting this girl I met on tinder about how I was gonna go down on her.
I am and I've been. Its weird and I'm trying to get used to it. I've gotten pics and some texts.
stop posting until you develop some reading comprehension faggot
You didn't even have to tell me this and I would assume this is how it ended.
I'm like pretty ugly and I do well with worse stats

You must be REALLY ugly or you don't know how to dress

Show example of outfit so I can critique
Nootka Chronicles look it up
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you're definitely a numale
you're basically a girl yourself anon
BoneR Tomahawk
This thread reminds me I'm too normie for this site sometimes.
you should stay on reddit normalfag
Why did you screencap this?
>girl will have screaming orgasm if I put my hand on her throat
>she asks me to do so
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Leftists saw a glimpse of reality, someone pulled the curtain back for a moment,

and it scared them
>[score hidden]
redditors are so fucking stupid they need hidden scores to protect their opinions lest they are influcenced by le upvotes
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>5'10 (yes I know but lets be real it could be worse
>have been compared to a young Alain Delon
>workout 5-6 days a week
>flawless skin and good teeth
>everyone has always loved my hair
>uni classes are 80%+ female
>no dice
what is wrong with me I try not to be autistic but I probably try so hard I end up boring
Meh I was just looking to help the guy out.
how much are 834 flowers worth? holy shit, they're not even roses
There is nothing unnatural about boy pussy
post your text conversations with women you want to fuck or describe what you talked about when hanging out with her/on a date
>Alain Delon
You're prolly ugly.

So your as good looking as a french sex symbol in the 60's? Yea alrite buddy something smells a little like shit.
>>have been compared to a young Alain Delon
bullshit nobody remembers that nigga
>>workout 5-6 days a week
that's fucking retarded

So, my being sincere is somehow synonymous with people slinging unfunny memes? Wow. It's almost like you are completely incapable of processing real feelings. Whoa.

At some point being so aggressively cynical is just going to get exhausting... It just will. You'll see that it's a pointless exercise and you'll go on about living an actual life.
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This was the last exchange with a girl I went on a date with. She actually cut me off mid sentence to make out with me which was really unexpected. Maybe I missed some cues and she just went for it. After that night she went from chatty to this.
I'm not doxxing myself here so I can't prove it. But I wish I was ugly because then I could blame my failures on something concrete. Honestly I think its just the autisms
What's the contest of this?
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>working several jobs to buy flowers
I can't believe people like this exist, at least this one doesn't any more.
go back to redd it queer
I've had anal once. You can actually feel her anal ring tighten around your cock which is nice. But otherwise it's massively overrated. The amount of time and effort for prep is just not worth it.
You were probably a shitty kisser or did something retarded

But yeah she doesnt want you in the slightest
Delon looked like a fag
I got a gf about a month after that. But its been a year and a bit since that gf and there has been absolutely nobody since then. I feel like a failed normie which is probably about right
she changed her mind. women are flaky like this, don't sweat it. move on to the next one. you just have to keep plowing man.
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>tfw 5'7 CHI and have banged 10 slutty whores
feels good, only four of those were tinder as well. My highschool was full of sluts for some reason

Pic related, it's me
I'm 30 years old. My fiancé left me and the house we just bought to go to another city because my job wasn't giving me enough hours. It could always be worse my friend.
similar situation except she took my house and my cat
This isn't /r9k/ dipshit.
>i bought a house while working part time at a wageslave job

What the fuck is wrong with you.
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Makes me feel like I made the right choice by staying a manchild and living with my folks past age 30. I have little to no stress while most my normie friends are dealing with divorce and child custody while I'm straight chillin.
I fucking hate this meme so much
At one point it will hit you and you'll be overwhelmed with thoughts of suicide.

she was naked in it a lot
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At least my hair won't look like this when I die.
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Is there anyone that wasn't?

Those Siobhan leaks
Will you be happy with life when your parents die and you're all alone? I'm not even trying to be mean but this sounds incredibly depressing.
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this isn't reddit normalfag
there's always 4chan
it's her, she said her ass was extra fat cuz she was pregnant in a conan interview i think? maybe fallon idk some late night show
>all alone
When they die, I'll have my own house. If I'm lonely, then it wouldn't be hard to pull some shot out middle aged broad by that point. Plus, I'll always have my doggos m80.
I know a guy who became a medical researcher and is now in his mid 40's still living at home and another guy who lived with his mother until she died, he was in his 60's when that happened.
Why have you decided to live like this? Are you unattractive or do you have mental issues? Have you never wanted to have kids? Once again, I'm not trying to be mean; I want to know what factors precede this type of lifestyle.
I really hope you've saved a fair bit of money up anon.
I'm an ex drug addict (mostly heroin). Moved back in with my parents to get clean 7 years ago. I'm in a new city now, and the thing that's kept me clean is being an anti-social recluse. I'd rather sit inside and play video games all day then go back to the needle and end up dead or in prison.

Nah I've banged chicks that love anal and had their own vibrating anal beads etc. It feels good for them.
Wait, there's another fappening?
having kids is a mistake at this point
Okay. Well thank you for answering.
Oh you're the resident former drug addict right? I seen this kind of comments on /tv/ lately
fuck off reddit

Don't clinch your anus fagboy
Nah, I rarely come to /tv/ anymore. I'm sure there's lots of drug addicts and former drug addicts on this site.
Nice translation but I think you're wrong.
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You should probably go ahead and kill yourself now.
I've been out of the news loop for about a month and I've never been to plebbit you fucking fag.
>I seen this
fuck off retard
>I've been out of the news loop for about a month
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I don't want to, I have a good reason for it too.
do it faggot, you don't have a good reason not to.

You mean shit dildoing? Someone post the fucking story if you have it saved.

They probably think you are gay, or know that you are socially retarded or you are just paranoid.

I will try to help you, assuming you are above average looking, else you will probably just come out as a weird creepy guy

>Be like an asshole, but not too much
>Be confident, or fake it
>Don't put them on a pedestal
>Act like you don't care about shit
>Don't be needy
>Make them feel confortable around you
>Learn how to hug/touch/hold them naturally
>Don't try to be that funny guy, leave that to the uglies
>Avoid autismo topics unless she started it (nobody needs to know that you play minecraft)
>Ask her whatever, they love talking about themselves
>If it doesn't work out, too bad, keep trying

enough r9k for now
fuck off reddit
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fuck off bellow average manlet
is green guy pusy poster?
Can't risk it.
>Sent waves all over my body.
Stink waves?
do it.
>names and places have been changed to protect the innocent.
that's a strange assumption to make

not quite accurate, imho.
statistically speaking it's a right assumption to make
What did he mean by that?
however you're wrong
So I checked out Hayden Godfrey's facebook and he didn't kill himself. In fact, he's married.

All things considered, I think the boy won and /tv/ should stop taking advice from /r9k/.
What do you mean by this
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