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LEGION Renewed For Second Season At FX

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Fuck yes
Based FX

Shit on Plaza's resting bitchface all you want but she's been pretty good in this
Who is this woman and why do I want to make sweet love to her?

Aubrey Plaza.

How can this news be real if the show isn't real?
also spoilered/confirmed Shadow king in the article
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I'm looking forward to it. I hope Syd shows her cute butt more.
do i have to watch legion now?
He marsturbation video i s funny
It's legit Kino. You should watch it.
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I tried watching this but I deleted the episode when they started dancing and singing. I don't want to watch another Glee show.
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kek, take your well earned (You) my son

It was literally a dream sequence, it has nothing to do with singing and dancing overall

I was fully expecting her to bring the show down like she's done in everything else she's been in since Parks, but she's really not half bad in this, especially when she in demon mode.
was that ever confirmed in any way
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this is good news
People said the same thing for BvS and that was shit. Not falling for it again
Actually, it wasn't a dream

The high degree of coordination of all the people and the yellow tones would indicate someone with a great deal of power was in control of David
I don't get why this show is popular. It's like a shitty mix of Supernatural and that Keanu Reeves movie, Constantine.

You didnt watch it?
Marvel quips
>The high degree of coordination of all the people and the yellow tones would indicate someone with a great deal of power was in control of David

it was a dream sequence until you can provide solid evidence of that.

Fucking theoryfags.
>I don't get why this show is popular.

Go watch Flash or a shitty mcu movie
does she have a booger in her nose?
this x100

fucking La La Land destroyed another show

thx Chazelle
It's pure cinema in the Hitchcockian sense.
no thanks, I don't like capeshit meant for 12 year olds.
show feels poor, budget is probably low.
You can clearly see her face fgt.
Don't call attention to what could easily become the new /tv/ meme fetish
What even is Legion?
X-Men character thinks he's crazy but he's actually the most powerful mutant. It's by the same guy who does Fargo and it's trippy and stylistic
>I suppose what Noah Hawley said was true. "I don't need you to understand the show, but I need you to experience it". And man, is this ever an experience! This isn't just a comic-book show done right, it's *television* done right.
Worth noting, I've never seen an X-Men movie, but I love this show. It doesn't really seem to be connected to the films.
I usually hate her, but yeah she's been fantastic so far
Legion truly is Ass kino

True but I'd still love a Professor X cameo. Patrick Stewart said he was up for it!
this is more like Twin Peaks than capeshit, dumbass
Fuck me .I guess I'll have to watch Legion now
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saying shit like this without linking should be a fucking death sentence
I hate how she taps on everything, bros
>I know what i am

is that wut it says
I don't really like her either, but she is really good in this show.

you some kind of anti-tapper?
don't really hate her, but she's been pretty damn good so far
X-Kino is here to stay

based Fox
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mfw her character was an inpiration for JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Based Araki

Do explain.

I don't understand why people think she's a bad actress, she was pretty great in earlier seasons of Parks when April was falling in love with Andy, you could clearly see her frustration and small moments of joy behind the facade. It's just she turned into cartoon just like everyone else in later seasons and only had one mode.
I remember years ago, when a friend first showed me the Jojo ova, I read an article that said the author created stands inspired by the fight between Prof X and Shadow King in X-Men comics.
>it's trippy and stylistic
and its retro 70´s ala Lost¨s Dharma Initiative
Is he /ourguy/?

Seems legit, I know the guy that made Kenshin is a huge westaboo that loves Marvel comics and puts in references when he can.
You think they'll reveal Professor X next episode? Will Patrick Stewart make a cameo?
/r/ ther rope suicide attempt webm
i think Lenny want to investigate that who is the father too, and will be surprised in 2nd season
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Doesn't the show take place in the 1980's -- wouldn't McAvoy cameo instead?

Heck, he kind of shares some similarities in appearance with Dan Stevens...
I don't think the show has a defined time period

>When I wrote the script I assumed it was set in present day and in our world, and I think the network assumed that too. Then when it came time to make it I thought about it more as a fable on some level and I realized I wanted to make something subjective. Which is to say this whole show is not the world, it’s David’s experience of the world. He’s piecing his world together from nostalgia and memory and the world becomes that.

>he kind of shares some similarities in appearance with Dan Stevens...

That wouldn't be weird at all revealing your dad is the same age as you.

It never says when the show takes place, but it's sorta that modern retro thing where they have old and new things in it.
It's my first time seeing her in a show, I don't get what the drama is about. She's pretty good.

The only actress that pisses me off is Camel Day.
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>That wouldn't be weird at all revealing your dad is the same age as you.

But McAvoy's Xavier looked like that in the 60's in X: First Class.
They can easily make him seem older and/or bald again.

Besides, I'm guessing this doesn't connect to the X-Men Films.


Oh, ok.
>Besides, I'm guessing this doesn't connect to the X-Men Films.
then it could be a total different actor be X
Trigun too
She makes my winky weep creamy tears.
The show runner has gone back and forth on whether or not he wants it to tie directly to the movies, allude to the movies or just be its own thing.

I think he's mostly been waiting to see if season 2 got greenlight before deciding.
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Oh he's so cheeky..
She is so goddamn good in this role.
Fucking love the mirror scene.
Wait, didn't the creator intend for this show to only last one season?
that's the inside of her nose you dingus

no booger
just skin
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somebody post the David hanging himself suicide attempt
No I read the opposite
I think that specific hospital had a retro 70's feel. When he's being interviewed by Division 3 in the pilot, the suit has a high tech tablet.
So I'm assuming its modern day, if not slightly in the future.
>she'll never sexually assault you by taking over your body and jacking your/her dick off
Okay so

LENNY in real life was a male, correct? The LENNY inside of the guy's head is the the yellow demon right?
Were not even 100% sure Benny was real.
But yes Lenny is just one of the many forms of the yellow eyed devil that he uses to talk to/fuck with David.
fucking newfag
What episode does this get good?

what is this fetish called when a girl cucks another girl?
YED seems like a cool dude desu, I hope it ends up being just a symbiotic relationship and YED is just acting hostile when he is afraid or feels the same emotions as David.

pls dont be generic antagonist territory

Xavier is meant to be like 50 in Apocalypse lmao
>has done nothing but completely fuck with David and ruin his life
>took full control of his body and gleefully pranced around division 3 killing everyone
Yeah nah hes evil.
Netorare, maybe?
It's when the "cucking" is being done in front of the person
but it really goes both ways.
Lenny/Benny was never "real".

Even the weird egg-shaped entity isn't real because it's just an imaginary body from the toy young David had as a child.

We haven't actually seen YED. He might not have a physical body. it might just be David
Nothing major to go on, but Division 3 for all intensive porpoises is antagonistic to David, so fuck em.

Again>>80466581, we haven't seen YED or have any evidence there is another entity other than David.
I'm not him and I need you to prove it was a dream. Solid evidence lad.
I think Benny was a real individual that was doing drugs with David and Lenny was just a girl he had met at the mental hospital he befriended. Because Plaza's girl was killed in the wall incident, while Benny is never seen again.

I literally stopped caring hours ago.

His ex-girlfriend made reference to Benny though, it's not like no one remembers him like the dog.
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>Her face at 28 seconds

Instant regret lmao
Benny isn't the YED, though, not to my knowledge.

Just because Benny was a bad influence on David (or vice versa), doesn't mean he is the YED. Lenny specifically when going through his/her personas when mentioning "Lenny" passed off Benny with a "whatever", as if it was nothing more than the basis for the character.
b/lenny may not even be a real person outside of David.
>2 seasons of "nothing happening, lots of questions, no real answers"

Sounds like LOST too me. Glad I dropped Legion last episode.
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>when you realize he's powerful enough to manifest a character in his head as a real person so you don't know who is real or not even if third parties confirm

You mean the best tv show ever made?
How many hours until it airs?
Anyone else think that Melanie was going to be Emma Frost at one point? like before they said her name, the fact that she's leading a group of mutants in a sanctuary in the woods is very Emma Frost like. Plus she'd be the right age (kinda)
>Anyone else think that Melanie was going to be Emma Frost at one point?

No because Noah Hawley had stated he wanted this show to be as far from the x-men series so I haven't expected anyone from the movies to appear at all.
I figured she was David's mother or something.
This show uses lack of information as a filler for intrigue. People don't know what is going on, so they try to fill in the blanks. The act of desperately trying to figure out what is going on every step of the way allows people to think and feel smarter for using their brain. Only, like LOST, there's not going to be a sensical payoff in the end. It is camouflage for bad writing.

Take Pulp Fiction. Great movie right? Not really. It uses the same type of method to trick the audience into pseudo-thinking by mixing up the chronological order of scenes. When you watch the scenes chronologically, you realize the movie is actually terribly written.

Basically, movies like Pulp Fiction and shows like Legion and LOST are not smartly written where the audience is able to think logically to see a solution or gain actual insight.

They are mentally cucking you and you love it.
I'm pretty sure in one of the episodes, the lady set that her husband built the place in the 40's, and later said that it was 30 years ago, meaning the show takes place in the 70's.
It's autistic millennial garbage.. must be why it is so popular here.
FX>HBO right now
i thought they're kinda alternate version of the Inner Circle
>Melanie Bird = Emma Frost
>Ptblacky = Mastermind

>Syd = Rogue
I see what you're saying, and you're right. The show was even criticized by some reviewers for that.

The benefit is Dan Steven and Rachel Keller's performance. They're fun to watch, not to mention the cinematography and effects.

You want the real LOST 2.0? Westworld.
haters btfo
Bullshit theory. You could aswell call every crime story a LOST. Legion gave every episode new hints, even if you couldn't recognize them, it's nothing like your fucking Lost or Leftovers.
>FX>HBO right now
>right now

Where have you been?

Taboo, American Crime Story, Terriers (how many years has it been?), Justified, The Americans, Fargo, Always Sunny, Archer
And I guess Legion, though I'm not as huge a fan as the people in this thread.
>You want the real LOST 2.0? Westworld.

Westworld gives logical progression with its clues. The entire thing builds as it moves on. It does use mixed up chronological pacing, but even that happens to be logical. We all knew who the man in black was before the big reveal. We were told that the memories were viewed as real by the AI.
Legion doesn't follow logical progression. It uses tricks like BBC's Sherlock where it will show you what happened in the past in a "smart" way in order to make sense of the non-nonsensical things that have happened.

True that a lot of mysteries do the same thing, but they normally don't do it with the entire universe.
He inherited the horse ranch that turned into the facility in the 40s, there's no set time for when he started building it
didnt stewart mock corden at some awards show? guess it's behind them
You clearly just saw the Marvel brand and didn't bother to fact check what you were saying. It doesn't have quips and any of the usual Marvel shit, it's an X-Men show so you know it's kino
I find it more likely they would be able to get McAvoy to show up in one of David's memories than Patrick Stewart to be in any shape or form
Stewart said he is open to appearing on the show >>80459521

Yeah she's great in the role, but fuck me she's aged like milk way too early!! She was cute as fuck in P&R but here she's got a 40 year olds face on a 20-something year old body!
do you even watched it past the pilot?
The vibe I get is from the very early 1980s. Though, I only lived through the 1980s so that's anecdotal only. There was still a 70s vibe in a lot of buildings and some fashions at that time. My grade school had the same type of decor, lighting, and coloring as the insane asylum place in Legion. Then again lots of places still did back then.
Best way to separate the show from the movies would have been to have her actually be Emma Frost considering she was killed in between First Class and Days of Future Past
Does anyone have a good quality Webm of the Bollywood dance from the pilot?
Stopped at ep5 for Legion. Ep3 for Lost, and sadly nearly the last Ep for Sherlock. I should have stopped sooner for Sherlock but I was watching it with a friend. The rest comes from the wiki pages and 100s of threads about them on /tv/.

Did you?

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She's wearing tons of makeup dude, did you see Kirsten Dunst in Fargo S2?
>Stopped at ep5 for Legion.

You stopped at the latest episode?
All I care about is her in that outfit
Seriously, start watching and get used to the non-narrative and time jumping around, in the afterlife time won't exist and this is what it'll be like.
Correct: >>80467189 Not going to watch another. There's no point.
"I dont have the rights and/or permissions to use or do some stuff in the comic book universe, yet" is what I am hearing
>writing that allows people to accumulate dopamine by using their brains
>bad and dumb
I am sure you will put the time to much better use.
People say I look like him
I don't get it
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I want this dude to show up more.
That was a great opening.
Holy shit that picture is sexy when does she dress like that?
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How will they beat him?
I think I heard her say she is part of Legion.

Can we just drop the fucking pretense and just start calling the collective legion.
One scene confused me in episode one when David went to his sister's house was that all a dream?
How is it anything like supernatural because he is a psychic?

Fuck should I know, use your own judgment
Plaza seems alot more attractive with short hair

her acting like an addict is also oddly attractive
Cucking is getting some one else's wife/gf pregnant and they take care of the child.

By definition it can't happen to women, its called Home wreaking when a woman steals another woman's man..
>Cucking is getting some one else's wife/gf pregnant and they take care of the child.
/tv/ continues to prove they have no idea what "cuck" actually means.
Yeah just turn your tv on to FX
A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.

/tv/ continues to prove they have no idea what "cuck" actually means.
Is the Yellow Eyed Devil literally /our guy/?

>Looks like me
>Edgy sense of humor
>having a tv on /tv/
oh look at this new kid on this block, he's such a loser, hasn't been here for long at all amirite guys? guys? amirite?

you're just as bad
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where can I find a stream?

thank you
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Google "suptv" for stream
what is that thing walking around
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26 minutes from now

10pm est
Well Legion travelled in time to kill Magneto and his dad, so.....
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this show tries way to fucking hard to be edgy
Is this the thread for the episode?
>/tv/ continues to prove they have no idea what "cuck" actually means.
Yeah, right?
That dummy didn't even MENTION black cocks! Sad!
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try this?
bretty good dot com
Actually, I guess yeah.

This one is better than: >>80474588
tonights episode
>threads dead
I have no idea whats going on in this show. Is he creating an alternate reality where all the characters are right now? While hes still alseep in the one room? while he himself is in the alterante reality?
>tfw no pie

>David Lynch Music Video Homage

I love this show

They do that on purpose because everyone but you accepts fictional stories are always made up and sometimes it's better to retain the atmosphere by leaving things ambiguous than letting you know it was all aliens or whatever drivel you'd enjoy as if you're watching an episode of CSI that needs it all spelled out at the end.
We Inland Empire now
it's a new dawn
it's a new day
it's a new life

based nina simone music
Oh shit Fargo is coming back
Wtf is davids body doing while they're trapped in the cortex? Im curious.
just chillen. This dream stuff could be 1 second of real time.
I'm wondering if the mental hospital at the beginning of the show was ever real either. Also was that the other telekinesis dude that was drooling everywhere? Was it the same guy as in episode 1?
Time freeze, Once this ends Syd will get shot.

Remember David jumped everyone and himself into the astral plane just before he/Syd got shot. In the real world at David's old house things are probably at a standstill until they become self-aware they're being tricked by David's subconscious/id.
>be me
>buy a fuckload of weed from my new guy
>smoke a bunch to test it out
>get bored, need something to watch
>have heard good things about Legion, torrent the first ep
>watch it and almost lose my fucking mind
>you think you're thinking right?
>you're not!

The oxymoron is strong in this one

has Patrick Stewart showed up yet? I trust you guys when you say it's good but how do you have a show about Legion and not even bring up his father?
That mental hospital, which he was rescued from, seems to be the base reality, which also has the good guy and bad guy bases. But the whole thing could be bullshit.
Considering David has the power to shape reality? I guess it is as real as this is. Maybe he created this hospital.

Hug. Looks like the whole happening in a second sounds about right.

David is doing this with King behind the wheel of his mind.
Oh god she is gonna die isnt she? Thats why she has been main character the last two episodes
Nah, this is what an actual deviated septum looks like.
Theyve made analogies to him, (father telling David he talks to the stars at night aka. Cerebro)

It's made by the guy from Fargo, he wont go all into xmen he wants a mindfuck for a tv show
we just found out that David is adopted - I'm guessing its a plot point they'll slowly explore. Stewart said he would be interested in appearing
None of the chicks better die.
post more syd webms please?
Like inception matrix with different realities, some of which may be in his mind, and this astral plane with the guy in the deep sea suit.
Maybe this place, 4chan, is a version of reality and not reality itself.

he's adopted in the show!? 95% of his appeal is that he's professor x's son!
We in Silent Hills now.
I mean we just found out that the people we thought were his family weren't his biological family, leaving the door open for the reveal that Prof. X is his real father down the line
Well you don't know who he was adopted from, duh. This keeps their options open.

95% of his appeal is that he has every power imaginable
do not bully my waifu you cataract freak!
Cary and Kerry are fucking adorable together
this is a lewd episode
This show is awesome

Marvel > DC
Its Fox not Marvel (aka Disney)
Fuckin called it prick
can anyone source this jacket?

I'm pretty sure its suppose to be a harrington jacket as I have a baracuta g9, its also got very similar interior design. Exterior of the jacket is completely different though.
Is Jean Smart gonna die?
god damn good job
when she jumped on him and said white room, it seemed like that could never happen fast enough with the bullets on the way already.
She better fucking not
>Syd is gonna die
Hahaha sydneyfags BTFO
ywn put a bun in Aubrey's oven
old lady stops the bullets by stepping in front of them
Maybe? Why bring her there if she can't do anything to change it.
He could just rewind time.
maybe she can only move her own body in the room
You aren't even worth ignoring.
Aubrey wn stomp your crotch with her high heeled boots
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>I knew your father
>your manifestation of your subconscious will never seductively grind up on you

What kind of show...?
So this character was supposed to be an old dude?

leaving her only option to step in front
>she will never be your mind blowing fungus
so, this show is about aubrey plazas career dying and is a syfy show. nice.

I'll see random webms at least
This shows soundtrack is so damn Comfy
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sounded like tori amos
too bad there are like a few dozen singers that sound like her
Next episode is gonna be hype. How many are left?
more Jerome next week
They had a mini-marathon on last week and I recorded 1-5 and re-watched it and still am not sure wth is going on. And now in the preview

the hospital in the "base" reality with the good guy and bad guy bases may not be real either
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Next time on Legion
>close up of a jar of mayo for entire episode
>highest ratings ever
>fans even more confused af and raving about it
>Is the mayo good or evil?
>Was the mayo even real?
I don't know what's real anymore.
>>Is the mayo good or Miracle Whip?
Can somebody post wwebm of syds ass from last episode
that Aubrey Plaza dance sequence

also kinda felt like a filler episode a bit but still good
sound webm of Aubrey dance nao
>because it's just an imaginary body from the toy young David had as a child.
thought about that but im not sure. if you notice the thing grows over the course of different memories. it was the tiny toy, then in the kitchen explosion its like a midget, and in present (??) it's a big4u guy. could still just be a symbolic form tho
that scene is worthless without the audio senpai
>also kinda felt like a filler episode a bit but still good
I get why you say that, but I don't think it was. It wasn't a b-story apart from the main plot. It told the same story and Shadow King makes his first official appearance.
if you watch it again he breaks the lamp, then next scene the lamp is there
>Shadow King makes his first official appearance.
Do explain
i'm actually sort of waiting for a news story where someone gets a little bit mental after watching it
He was just a scary blob before. This is the first time he has announced himself with a purpose.
wasn't really filler, it was explicitly showing you that the devil has the run of the place and is in control of davids mind. free to wander through memories and fuck em all up. this pleases the devil
Despite the fact that I DVR'd it. I just sat through the encore to see it again. I left to get food and when I came back she was humping a pillow and there was that ass shot. Instant diamonds.
i think it seems super fucking likely that the char is based on the shadowking at this point. but going from 75% to 95% sure doesn't make it """""official"""""
Oh that's my bad, I don't follow the comics. I thought it was agreed the blob guy was named Shadow King.

Either way, it's the first time the thing in Davids head has really let itself be known to David.
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they explicitly call him the shadow king in the preview for next episode

there's no question about it at this point
dude weed legion
i have a newfound appreciation for legion after watching logan for some reason
shut the fuck up
this triggered me
What did you mean by this?
What is the point of fucking babies?
Well written, endearing characters, visually interesting. Those are the things I like about it at least.
what? i watched it
Would you like to rephrase the question?
>you will never gag Davids sister

NEITHER one was EVER real.
Nothing says well written like a characters are all in a mental asylum questioning their sanity episode. Truly groundbreaking stuff.
>characters are all in a mental asylum
are they?
>Aubrey literally steps on David's balls while shit talking him
which one of you niggas wrote this episode?
They were in the cortex complex.
Oooh you're right maybe that whole hour wasn't a giant lazy jerkoff waste of time.
she's in her thirties dude
Is there something I should read or watch for background on Legi⨂n? Suddenly, I want more.
why is that elderly woman wearing two kinds of stockings on one leg? she autistic or something?
Noah Hawley Masturbation Videos.
It's what Syd asked David. You can think of it in more than one way.
Must have missed that part...
Hard to imply tone through this medium
1970? 2070?
That is a question for /co/
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Marvel Now X-Men Legacy
This show is really starting to bore me and I'm losing interest, the pace is too slow, it feels like nothing is happening.
Anyone else?
Maybe transformers is more your speed :)
Nothing has happened, the imagery is vapid, the characters and dialogue simplistic and poorly written, it's just got a sheen of pretentiousness that people can't help but latch on to.
Fuck off kike, this last episode for the most part was pretty shit.
Is it okay to watch Legion as a DCguy? I know it's technically fox and not marvel but it feels like cheating anyway

I think Kenny/Benny is a psychic construct or something. Maybe King is an early example of David's power manifesting itself, then as David got older the Devil with Yellow Eyes piggy backs and uses David's power to project Lenny/Benny.
lots of samefag hating going on itt
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Fuck I love the covers for X-Men Legacy.
How was it shit? We saw the DYE directly speak to David about his/it's intentions for the first time.
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On ahead to the other thread:

It was drawn out as fuck. You could have watched the last 5 mins of it and not have missed a thing.
File: X-Men-_Legacy_Vol_2_15_Textless.jpg (161KB, 900x1363px) Image search: [Google]
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Each ep is so slow until the last 3 mins
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It's a new dawn.
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It's a new day.
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53KB, 720x404px
It's a new life.
you are too retarded for this show anyway kiddo. try arrow or flash
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