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The Official CordCutting /tv/ Thread

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How have you cord the cord, /tv/?

How do you manage everything you watch?

What is your system?
I'm a pathetic loser living with mommy so I don't need to worry about it

That said, I've researched out of curiosity. It looks like the price of cable&internet is only $10-15 more than internet on it's own. So why bother?
>private trackers
>50'' tv
>teamviewer as a remote control
>sonarr to auto download stuff
BTN and PTP.

If you don't know what these mean, you are a pleb.
Haven't had a TV or cable in almost 8 years. Watch everything on my laptop at my desk. 17" ASUS.

Had Netflix for a while but even got rid of that as there was usually nothing to watch. I use a site called movie4k.to for newer stuff or TV series and watch a lot of Youtube and Blu-Rays.

Don't pay anything for my internet either so my entertainment budget aside from Blu-Rays is 0.
antenna + converter/recorder

hook up external drive and record as many shows as desired in 1080
Cord cutting is a fad that will end once millennials procreate

pls expand...
need to know specifics, what do I search for, any software/hardware?

any antenna works, of course the amount of channels and signal will vary
>Watch everything on my laptop at my desk

Playstation Vue here so kind of I guess.

Went from $120 a month cable/internet to $40 for internet + $30 for Vue. My interenet only price from Comcast will go up this summer when my special deal runs out but I think it only goes up to $50 a month so I'm still saving.
Actually I'm really happy, get laid all the time, make good money and would rather spend it on taking 4 Vegas trips a year than on a 5K Samsungalama Ultra Def shit box.

How's your life, friendo?
Drop Vue and just torrent everything and make it play on your TV. Get an antenna for your TV and you're set.
Same as you except I'm not sad enough to think Vegas is a good time and I have a 60 inch tv and home theater system in my living room. Plays all my torrents. I get live TV by using an amplified antenna.

Technology is great.
OK, then I guess neither of us is sad and you're just a judgmental prick.

Moving on.
I cut the cord ten years ago. The internet always served my purposes.
I've never had cable service except for that one time I paid a guy named cable mike to illegally hook up my cable.
I've used private trackers with a media center pc for 13 years. I've got a fire tv because I don't want people to witness my autism machine.
I've got a mohu antenna for football.
I still live with my parents, but I'll probably get Playstation Vue when I move out. The package with Turner Classic Movies specifically, because the cable company in my area doesn't have TCM in HD.
Cut the cord many years ago. Don't miss it at all. Internet has more than TV ever did.
Why are all you people so poor? I subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, FilmStruck, and Seeso, plus I buy a lot of Blu-rays.
Britfag here so I just pay £25 a month for unlimited broadband, I have a shit connection so I don't have to get a fibre connection.

Apart from that I get Netflix on and off through the year so about £20 a year there

Overall £350 a year on everything.
The worst thing about cutting the cord is that there isn't anyway to just browse your library like flipping through channels.

Specifically choosing a movie or TV episode is too much work sometimes. It's nice to flip through the channels and catch something in-progress.
We're all richer than you because we don't waste money on free stuff.
Flipping through channels sucks
>nothing on
>nothing on
>nothing on
Owning your own library means everything you love is available all the time any time.
I havent had a TV since i moved out from my mothers house like 4 years ago.
I just watch stuff on the internet.
You get away with it because, by paying for things, I'm essentially subsidizing your worthless existences. I can't wait until all you pirates are dead.
Payfags are the worst. Kill yourself.

pseudo tv
ive literally never had cable in my life. if i want to watch a movie or tv show i just download it or stream it. its pretty easy to find sites.

but my cousins pay for cable and they let me use their cable streaming service since they dont ever use it. so i get all of the channels i want. so i dont usually have to download shows since theyre available on demand.

also share a hulu and netflix account with them. then i just mirror my screen to my tv and watch from bed.

i only pay for internet which is like $30 a months.
>I subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, FilmStruck, and Seeso, plus I buy a lot of Blu-rays.

What a complete waste of money. I get all the same shit for free.

Do you also pay for the air you breathe?
I wish I could recreate the channel flipping experience with my own digital library. I've got tons of cartoons, opening up a series of folders and choosing a specific episode isn't as fun as catching them on TV. Same is true for documentaries and sitcoms and action movies.
but a tv will only run you about $1000, and thats if you want a good one. vagas is expensive. fun, but expensive.
God, this is so true. Sometimes I just wanna flip around. But waiting for Pluto to load or something, it's like, fuck. Getting just the cable internet is like, what, $60? And getting the TV with it is $90? It's almost worth it.
>time to watch TV
>open Kodi
>Kodi is updating
>Kodi crashed
>relaunch Kodi
>open PseudoTV
>PseudoTV has started an update
I enjoyed the novelty for a couple weeks, but it's really more trouble than it's worth

>the oscars are on
>derp have to get a shitty stream on the net

>the superbowl is on
>derp have to get a shitty stream on the net

>the hockey playoffs are on
>derp have to get a shitty stream on the net

>it's happening!
>derp have to get a shitty stream on the net

only poorfags don't have TV..
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My own plexbmc NAS with support for Kodi add ons


i don't use it personally, i just use plex
but all of those are on network television which you dont have to pay anything for. all you need is a regular antenna. were not talking about owning tv's were talking about paying for a cable/satellite subscription.
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how many movies do you guys have on your system?
Before your special deal runs out call and tell them you want to cancel before the price goes up because you can't afford it. They'll extend the deal
I get about a dozen channels from antenna. And I have Netflix.

My parents have an IP TV service. Every channel for $15 a month.

Over a thousand movies, and at last count 75 full series

Built my own NAS when I upgraded my rig, have it pretty much automated now and life is good

I'm at work about to watch the Americans premiere
That is one of the big reasons I still have Vue. Sometimes I just want something on and don't feel like spending an hour looking through Netflix, Amazon, Crackle, Kodi, youtube trying to find something. I can just watch whatever stupid movie is on TNT or whatever and not have to think lol.
Netflix + a Digital TV Antenna (Free TV)

I get channels like Comet, Cozi, MeTV, Laff, Heroes, Movies, Create, Bounce, Antenna, Quiz and a bunch more cool stuff.
Write a script to randomly play an episode. It's easy. A free script with less than 100 lines can entirely replace the whole cable industry.
>My parents have an IP TV service. Every channel for $15 a month.


Well channels are limited as fuck here in quebec, and our weather fucks with reception
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You can get free HD channels using an antenna. It doesn't even need to be an expensive antenna.

Those all air on free broadcast channels, in HD
That is great if you live in an area where you can pick up a lot over the air. Not all of us do.
First you need an iptvbox. I have a mag250

For the IPTV service, you can just search your local Craigslist or whatever for a localprovider. The one is use can be reached at [email protected]. I pay him via etransfer
ITT leeches
Insecurity: the post
I moved into an actual house last year so I've been working on creating a decent setup. I built a small pc for my living room that runs my plex server with kodi as a front-end. You can actually navigate your media library and the master volume on your receiver with 1 smart remote and a flirc usb stick in your pc, which pleasantly surprised me. Kodi is pretty cool overall but I think its potential for customization is a bit exaggerated, although that could just be a problem with titan skin.

That same pc updates the tv library with sonarr + basic usenets with public torrent for backup. The only problem is it saves to a 8tb synology that's almost full now because I wildly underestimated how much storage I'd need.

I think I want to build a dedicated NAS + plex server combo with a lot of drive bays and a good enough processor to transcode a few streams at once incase someone wants to watch on a tablet or something. Not sure if that is a viable option or not.

This is where I'm at

Built a mini itx with a 4790k

Used a normal case and found some hotswap cages

Currently at around 5tb out out of 18
>4 Vegas trips a year
I don't know what makes me more sad. The thought of someone taking 4 trips to vegas a year, or the thought of someone thinking 4 trips to vegas a year is proof of a fulfilling life.
Is 4 trips to Vegas/year the American way to measure success?
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use a proper media streamer you mong

I'm not much for proprietary solutions but PLEX is good enough if you want something free and easy to use
Sonarr, Couch Potato, Headphones, Plex, usenet and public tracker for the odd things i can't find.

Had a freenas setup with 24tb's worth of storage for all my media automation, backup, and other little projects here and there. Had to sell it to pay medical bills though, so just moved the automation to my pc, and cut down the quality/backlog.
I don't have cable. I just piggyback off my brother's Netflix account. Anything else I use various streams and torrents. Feels good to know be tied to the coaxial jew.
set up HAM radio masts on hills
>tfw internet still comes through coax
>tfw I could be rid of jewcast if I paid a local ISP a few thousand dollars to roll fiber to my doorstep
>4 vegas trips
Unless you're on the top floors of the Mandarin for at least weak and dropping $$$ like the whale you are, that's literally nothing.
>paid a local ISP a few thousand dollars to roll fiber to my doorstep
Don't bother. Wireless is getting faster than fiber.
just fuck my ping up, sempai
I was the guy who answered him before and I'm still astonished that he thinks that is something to be proud of.
>why can't i hold all these dropped packets
I just deliberately work myself to death so I don't have time to watch anything
>Is trips to Vegas/year the American way to measure success?
Yes, its pretty much universal here. My brother is always bragging that he's up to 8 trips per year now it's really annoying. I should be able to bump it up to 6 a year soon at my new job, it'll be worth it just get my mom off my case.
> Thinks Comcast cable makes decent packages
> Forgets Comcast and other cable companies spike the price to the hundreds after a year

Stream from pretty decent free sources, have amazon prime, torrent, access to my mom's online comcast streaming, and my ex hasn't changed her netflix password. i don't really watch netflix much anymore other than macguyver but i'll probably kill myself when/if she changes the password. that's when i know it's truly over.
turn off auto update?
I live in the middle of fucking nowhere north dakota and I can pick up 25 channels (including CBS ABC, NBC, CW, FOX, and 4 different PBS stations) using a $10 antennae
i bought a vpn and pirate everything

fuck netflix
Usually it's the number of homes you have, the size of them, and how expensive your vehicles and boat are.

Most people that like to gamble go other places than Vegas, or at least mix it up. I'd honestly rather hang out on the beach or the Mississippi river instead of the Nevada desert if I want to gamble.
Popcorn Time, pretty much exclusively these days
Roku is pretty good. Its like 30 bucks to buy one but there's a bunch of free shows and movies and you can stream from your PC to your TV with it.
I cut the cord. My kinostation is a Firestick with Kodi and salts.

It has left something to be desired on the TV streaming front. Pretty regularly won't get even 720 streams of new shit. I recently reset my sources to see if I got over zealous in my trimming but still seems spotty.

Prices are different depending on who's servicing you and what they carry/what they've dropped, but yeah. Even basic is more then $10 in most places, and that won't usually get you any channels you'd give much of a fuck about.

Expanded basics and packages start racking up high, and prices only go up, since every two-bit station thinks they're indispensable and is a huge bitch at negotiating time. Very few operators have the balls to tell them to fuck off and drop anything.
The only time I remember a station getting dropped was when Dish dropped AMC during like season 2 or 3 of the Walking Dead.

AMC are huge cunts now thanks to all their success, and they're making everyone else cunts in the process, yeah.

>tfw having to put up with both the channel and your cable company whining and snivelling about eachother during your shows until they agree to fuck you a dollar more once again
Only time I ever turn on my tv now is for netflix, or blu-rays.
>not have to think lol.
that's pretty obvious anon
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fucking normalfags
>>People calling themselves "cord cutters" to save on expensive cable bills

>>Companies push $180 cell phone bills because people are watching shit on smartphone all the time
>>$80 for home Internet to actually connect to your "new media" anyways
>>$35 YouTube TV subscription
>>$10 Netflix subscription
>>Even more if you have a PS4

I mean fuck cable and yeah you don't have to have all of the above, but these companies want you to and I don't see how cord cutting saves people money in that case. It just seems like marketing rhetoric.
The cheapest way to cut the cable is to go outside.
>35 bucks a month for phone
>65 bucks a month for internet
>use friend's family sharing on netflix
I don't get how people spend so much.

You're welcome, guys.
My bills are:

40 for phone. Prepaid because fuck contracts.
65 for internet. No cap.
I torrent everything and use an antenna to pull in HD broadcast channels for live stuff.

Fuck paying for media of any kind. Streaming, cable or physical.
kill yourself
wow you're so normal dude
>its a Netflix shill thread
lmao no thanks
Prepaid phone and $70 internet. No cable, no landline. I don't pay for streaming services of any kind. I use officially provided streams if they're free, but if not fuck em, I pirate their shit.
fuck off
My gf's brother has us on his Netflix account for free, I stream it with my PS3

I have a TV antenna for live sports on broadcast networks, it works great and is in non choppy, full HD. For televised games on cable I watch it on my phone with my parents comcast account or drive 10 minutes to their house to watch it there.

I torrent everything I want off public trackers, rewrite all the file names and organize the folders so they're consistent, and put everything on a 128 gig flash drive that I plug into my TV.

Don't really want to bother setting up streaming, I don't mind spending 5 minutes copying something to the flash drive, that way I don't have to worry about my wifi fucking up and the video will play uninterrupted 100% of the time.
>using wifi for streaming

ethernet, nigger
I literally just borrow movies from either the library or the obscure video shop.
Can you be any more insecure my god
Plex with plenty of movies and shows, and for the variety I share and am sharing like 6 friend's Plex servers with all the shit they downloaded.
Instead of cable calling us a bunch of virgins, I think they are betting on us buying cable to distract the kids with TV. Too bad you can already do that by just getting them an old tablet to watch YouTube on, or downloading a few seasons of Sesame Street or My Little Pony. The option of simply playing with your kid is also there.

They are in trouble, the only thing that keeps cable afloat are nerds who religiously watch stuff like Game of Thrones.
>getting this defensive

>haven't seen a commercial in 5 years
>only watch sports via illegal streaming
>torrent all my kino
>Vidya supplies me with infinite entertainment
>read websites for my news
>I can livestream most news sites if there is a HAPPENING
Why do people do this to themselves?
I remember one time growing up, they cut the local Fox affiliate off in the middle of Jeopardy! For the next two weeks or so that channel had this whiny bitch message telling you to call Fox and basically beg them to stop renegotiating so you could watch their shows. We just called to complain to Dish instead and literally everybody in the neighborhood dropped them the moment their contracts expired.
Not him, but Comcast is the only option in my area. Technically I *could* get Windstream but that's a fate worse than death.
I dropped cable TV last year.
I download any cable shows I want to watch off usenet. Other wise I just watch something from by back log of DVD/Bluray disk I had let stack up or random network tv by way of an antenna.

but I don't see any reason to be smug about cutting the cord being for most people comcast still finds a way to fuck you. Like for myself they just slowly raised the cost of internet over time and of course they added in a data cap now. It's seems fine for todays level of content but clearly in the future it's going seem limited.
I haven't had cable in probably close to 5 years now. I pay for Netflix, girlfriend pays for Hulu. HBO Go comes with my internet subscription. For everything else I just use channel apps and log in with my parents' info since they pay for like 700 channels. I use Chromecast to throw it onto my TV.
Fuck yeah, Lightning strike.
It's usually the only option
>have internet connection

thats all you need you fucking retards
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