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>we won't ever get a story focused on the engineer because

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>we won't ever get a story focused on the engineer because plebs want their xeno nostalgia

yyaaayy another movie about a crew getting killed one by one by an alien i just love the originality

for my hoped and dreams

>daily reminder Prometheus is a pleb filter
Why are they all bald? Are their women bald?
>implying they don't want to keep the engineers mysterious to the audience
prometheus ending literally has humans and david's head flying towars the engineers' home planet
They're literally white supremacist skinheads after the beta uprising that replaced the females of their species with machines and life giving goo, anon.
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They wanted to create the perfect waifu but instead they got the perfect killing machine.

that is also shaped like a dick.
>>we won't ever get a story focused on the engineer

Good. It was the worst fucking thing to ever happen to the franchise.

Literally turned it from gritty and realistic into retarded fantasy Star Wars/Star Trek bullshit.
Watched Prometheus before ever watching any of the Alien movies. Currently on Alien 3.

The Engineers are by far way more interesting than the Xenomorphs.
Is Prometheus his first name or his last name?
Wanting another movie based around the rubber engineer shlock. Fuck you OP.
Charlie Holloway: What we hoped to achieve was to meet our makers. To get answers. Why they even made us in the first place.
David: Why do you think your people made me?
Charlie Holloway: We made you because we could.
David: Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator?
Charlie Holloway: I guess it's good you can't be disappointed.

this dialogue is kinoécriture

Prometheus is miles ahead of any sci-fi alien ever created
Why he did it?
we should do a master list of all the clichés in the alien franchise.

here's one , that will be in that turd of a movie:

-dude is in quarantine yells "get me outta here i will die!" .reasonable crew member says "nope or we will all die" . dude bangs in window.
>What wouldn you be willing to do to get your answers ?
>anything and everything

He was just trying to act human
Prometheus sucking ass probably didn't help
That has never happened in any of the 4 Alien movies, the AvP movies, or Prometheus
pleb status confirmed
Engineers might be the worst sci-fi idea ever, even the elephant men lore from the Aliens books was better.

I want more xeno stories

What I don't want is another boring ass slasher film

So please don't group me with people who do just because I am totally uninterested in the most unoriginal, uninspired, literally just white human aliens. Seriously, you know what, I actually WOULD take another slasher film over another Prometheus. Fucking awful.
>Typical capeshit lover

Not enough explosions for you little guy?
turbo pleb
Why did the engineers plant wheat?
Damn this is a retarded argument
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>it was David not engineers
>they look exactly like us except kinda whiter and more muscley and they made a weapon that is the xenomorph.

That's it. That's their story. Literally the most interesting thing about them is how they made another more interesting species.

Describe what makes them the opposite of Plebian. I fucking dare you. Describe their depth, explain their kinoness, go for it. Do it. Explain what's great about the Engineers.

Just once I'd love for a Prometheus fan to explain what's good about it without saying "you just didn't get it" (what was there to even get? It's a movie where there's a bong built into an HEV suit for fucks sake).

So go for it, mate. Explain the depth behind the Engineers that I just didn't get.
dude kill yourself my man if you can't see the originiality and the potential of a big budget movie depicting the race that decided to create humans and then end their experience by genociding them

>Just give me generic alien kills a bunch of dumb ass space tourists pls

You're plebs. Prometheus had some problems, but it was kino. All the problems were really minor and it was a refreshing new direction, but nope, bunch of capeshit loving plebs had to meme Paradise out of existence
I enjoyed prometheus, and the whole idea of the engineers seems really cool to me. But I gotta admit they really botched the execution of the film.

I haven't watched it in years, but I just remember that it could have been so so much better than it was. If it was better, I'm positive we would actually be getting a continuation of that story.
What potential? I saw the movie and it was awful.

I already said I am uninterested in yet another slasher.

That doesn't mean I want a garbage film that destroys the franchise even further that isn't a slasher film

and while we're at it

It's hilarious you guys are acting like Prometheus isn't the same shit.. IT IS. It's still a crew dying one by one, but they die to different things than a xenomorph. Like...




Ridley Scott must've been on drugs when he read Damon Lindehack's garbage script.
"Oh shit the engineers are actually ancient aliens and the facial protrusion is just a mask? Excellent idea, now let's have gay sex on PCP."
Alien Covenant is supposed to be the first in a new trilogy, and we are getting at least FOUR new creatures in the movie.
It's going to be fucking brutal broggos.
It's NEOMORPH time.
Engineers were a stupid concept anyway. I could wipe my ass with a blank paper and it'd be about the same quality.
So when can we expect a script?
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Their entire outlook on life and the creation of it. Here we have a society that is no longer motivated by a search for food, fuel or resources and has taken to creating life as experiments, making them godlike. Having an engineer interact with David, as a creation's creation, was very interesting. The black goo is shown to be the giver or taker of life depending on how it is interacted with, see the mural changing in Prometheus.

I'll gladly admit the design is lackluster after the space jockey tease in Alien, and using a flute to operate a vessel carrying terrorfluid is ridiculous, but the engineers are the most interesting and explorable element added to the Alien-mythology in decades.

Also, we look like them, not the other way around.
What even were the engineers? What was so interesting about them? They're aliens, and apparently they want to kill humans. That black goo shit is so clearly whatever the plot needs it to be.

Someone, please make an argument for what makes the engineers interesting, because I don't see it.
I just ate some Chipotle, so it won't be long.
>We will never get a movie documenting the Creator/Engineer Religious Civil War, the fall of the Creator faction, the Engineer's rise and purging of the lesser created races, the unintended outbreak of their bioweapons and the subsequent attack by the predators which wiped them all out, leaving the predators the supreme power of the galaxy
Awesome, will it star omar epps?
>It's hilarious you guys are acting like Prometheus isn't the same shit.. IT IS. It's still a crew dying one by one, but they die to different things than a xenomorph

That's what made the movie so much less than it could have been imo. I don't mind having the xenos stir up shit, since they are still a big part of the story.

But it should have explored more into the engineers, the creation of the xenos/humans, and possibly other creations of theirs. Possible glimpses into the engineer society or something. But it got way watered down into something plebs could easily digest
They probably end up having nothing to do with xenos, it'll be David and itll turn out he was somehow the space jockey in alien
It sounds like it still might explore the creation of Xenos, but I think the idea that the engineers created humans is stupid in the first place. I'm not sure there was a deeper well of ideas to tap there.
normies eat that shit up and normies pay the rent
Dude wheat lmoa

doesn't it say 'the start of the path to paradise' or something in the covenant trailer?
maybe they need the cash from this to make that or something
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I would watch all these movies. Also having the predators thrown in at the end is destined to be kino, I'm fairly sure I've seen at least one of the alien/predator movies and they were just cheap action flicks. But having the predators go to war with the engineers to wipe out the source seems pretty epic. Granted the preds would still have to deal with the xenos who are already out there, but that's where your one off flicks come in. they are just cleaning up the engineers mess
Wanna know how I know you're not above the age of 18?
Because he has no beard?
I hope they still delve into the origins but it'll likely be way less than I would like. I wouldn't even mind if the engineers didn't create humans. just as long as they had some sort of great ability like that.

I mean we could create mutant races today, so whats to say this group of albinos didn't do experiments all over the universe or something.
The Story So Far:
>Long ago the Creators came to primal earth and seeded the water with their DNA, leading to complex life and eventually humans made in their image
>The Creators visited and fostered the primitive humans and gave them information they would need to find them in the future when humans eventually developed interstellar travel
>The Predators hunted the Creators but got their ass kicked. They eventually retreated to deep space and avoided the Creators.
>Around the year 0, the Creator's culture underwent a religious schism which resulted in a fundamental change in belief. The lesser engineered races, such as the humans, were deemed abominations by the new faction. Now dubbed the Engineers, they created advanced bioweapons and began a crusade to wipe out the lesser races of the Creators
>This bioweapon got out of control, weakening the Engineers and prompting an attack by the Predators, who almost wiped them out
>Soon after the Predators began to harvest the Xenomorphs for hunting and to test their new warriors (as seen in the AvP movies and in Predator 2)
>The Predators came to earth at some point after the fall of the Engineers and had limited contact with the people of South America who built a culture based around the example of the Predators, who were treated as gods
>Predators become the supreme power of the galaxy
>Following the events of AvP, Charles Bishop Weyland discovered the existence of a pyramid in Antarctica etc etc.
>Predators continue to hunt on earth
>Following a Xenomorph outbreak on earth during the very early years of the 21st century (AvP 2), a Predator's gun was found and presented to Mrs. Yutani
>The events of Predators happens here
>Later, Peter Weyland traveled to meet the last remaining Engineer during the events of Prometheus
>The events of Alien: Covenant happen soon after
>The Alien movies happen, etc etc.
the engineers arc literally gives the entire alien/ alien vs predator story a reason to exist. plus it ties it in to a rich and complex conspiracy structure we can already relate to...
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just like how anyone who brings up plebit out of nowhere clearly visits the site regularly. Everyone that posts about how someone is young, is almost certainly very young themselves. pretty pathetic defense mechanism.

I'm 28
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maybe if they could make a movie about engineers without the characters being crackheads it would be more appealing
those engineers look fucking retarded
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>is 28
>thinks AvP is a cool concept
They're subterranean humanoids of immense strength. How would you make them? I thought they looked fine.
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>dope feind checking in
just looks super rubbery and generic idk just my opinion. also checked.
I said predators v engineers would be a cool concept you mong.

AvP would just be a way for hollywood to keep making those flicks after the actual arc was finished.
We had to look like them because Scott likes the whole "made in muh image" connection. We aren't as strong or as intelligent as them, but we're cunning and tricky. The comics reveal that the predators think of us highly, because of how craft we are. In Predators for example, we win constantly by trickery and when we result to brute force, we always lose. Dat Russian with the bomb on his chest, the predator thought he'd just stick him and revel in the kill, but nope. Was that movie skipped by most people? It's great but never talked about...
>The comics reveal that the predators think of us highly, because of how craft we are.
thats pretty cool
ayy lemme just take this mask off while i hit dis blunt.

hope no aliums get me
Engineers = Nonmen?
Are the Inchoroi sapient xenos?
No, Predator 3, Predators, w/e Adrien Brody
For example in that movie we learn that the stealth field is created solely by the Predator's wrist unit, because Laurence Fishburn is able to use it. It's a good movie
>you talk too loud...
>No, Predator 3, Predators, w/e Adrien Brody
oh this one. i loved it. the ending was bretty good too i think. fishburn was a fool lol. which russian bomb scene are you talking about though ?
I don't know what that is. But yes the Engineers are giant subterranean humanoids. That's why their skin is pale, their eyes are black and their ship corridors look like tunnels. They aren't artless either, despite their savagery, as they use musical keys to operate their ship

Topher Grace gets lost running out of the old driller that Larry Fishburn lives in. The big guy Russian feels bad and goes back for him. He shoots the predator but get's cornered by him and lets Topher go so he can live. The predator stabs him and lifts him but the Russian reveals a mortar on his chest. He blows it right in the predators face.
>The big guy Russian feels bad and goes back for him.
holy shit i totally forgot about him.
Oh and I also liked the implication that Adrian Brody had read Arnold's account from Predator and knew to cover himself in mud to hide.
So the preds just thought of us like a noble enemy. Like someone who would hunt a lion/tiger a couple hundred years ago?

but like this anon said(if it's true)

>Following a Xenomorph outbreak on earth during the very early years of the 21st century (AvP 2), a Predator's gun was found and presented to Mrs. Yutani
>The events of Predators happens here
>Later, Peter Weyland traveled to meet the last remaining Engineer during the events of Prometheus
>The events of Alien: Covenant happen soon after
>The Alien movies happen, etc etc.

I can't keep track of these movies at all. that would be lame to me if those were the last engineers. If however we got control of the preds weapons I would certainly think they would be a little more worried about us as more than just fun sport hunting.
>5 o'clock, bitch raping time
>best line in any movie
>I can't keep track of these movies at all.
same. also checked.
If there were more Engineers they would have answered the beacon of the engineer from Prometheus, who was sitting in sleep for 2000 years.
The very definition of perfection
Maybe he was wayout as appeared to be an alien back site so would make sense. On of race picked up beacon
My thoughts exactly, and he intends to put out 6 more...
Giant bipedal elephant ayyylamos
>If there were more Engineers they would have answered the beacon of the engineer from Prometheus, who was sitting in sleep for 2000 years

unless they were already at war with the preds? idk. for whatever reason having those two master races fighting while we are in the middle of it and learn their technology and catch up seems cool to me.

like watching some european ally sit on the sidelines while two colonial powerhouses duke it out, all the while learning their ways.

Japan comes to mind.
That site was given to mankind as the place to go to find the creators, so it was once a major base of theirs. The engineers weaponized it and ruined it, but it was likely second only to paradise as a Creator/Engineer base.

The engineers largely succeeded in wiping out the lesser races, as only the humans and arcturians survived, it seems. Humans can breed with arcturians so it stand to reason they are also related to the Engineers/Creators.
Did the engineers meet predator?
A predator named Ahab seeks one out in the comics and finally finds one and gets his ass kicked. Them wiping out the original engineers 2000 years ago is my headcanon, but completely plausible until we have more info
who kicked whos ass ? the predator ?
>That site was given to mankind as the place to go to find the creators, so it was once a major base of theirs.

do we know that outside of the comics that apparently exist? has ridley scott said anything about this?
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predator got his ass kicked
>We will never get a documentary about Engineer Steve Jobs who revolutionizes computing with his eflute interface.
>We will never get a documentary of the freetard Engineer who wants the goo to be free wetware
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Engineers = White men = made everything - then white people decided that they need to destroy everything and the ship Prometheus with black captain and asia guy stopped them.

Is this kino?
prometheus shows the way to the planet in all discovered cave paintings with an invitation to come included in the painting
when they arrived its a launching pad for the death of earth and likely other similar worlds such as Arcturus. it's easy to infer something happened there that ruined it.
i can see the hidden propaganda now.
oh shit lol
When in the movies do we learn about the Creators?
The engineers wear suits while the creators did not. Their suits don't have gadgets like the predators but it makes them insanely resilient and strong. If I remember he beats the predators ass almost easily. It's the main reason why in my headcanon I think the predadors had to wait until the bioweapon malfunctioned to attack them, since their technology and strength is so advanced. In Prometheus David sees that they have almost unlimited knowledge of the cosmos.

first scene of Prometheus and the related deleted scenes. they dress different, act different, have different ships, even sacrifice themselves for humanity. the later engineers hate us and worship the xenomorph images on their religious murals and would never give their lives for us. I just use creators to refer to the Engineers who created and fostered us and guided us.
this guy gets it
Prometheus a shit! Looked nice and nothing more!
They became the engineers. did you not even bother reading the next 5 lines?
But they're clearly the same people. If I were to dress different, act different, have different ships, then would I no longer be human?
You're right lol. I said exactly that. They are the same people who underwent, around the year 0 of our calender, a cultural change that led them to become "evil" and begin to hate the lesser engineered races, such as humans and arcturans. They're the same people that simply became evil
Go here may have answers www.alien-covenant.com
I cannot find a page on the Alien wiki for Arcturans or Creators. Creators are mentioned on the Engineer page as being theorised as being a philosophically different group who liked rather than wanted to destroy genetic engineering, but there's nothing definite.

As for the Creators, as I said several times lol, it's just my headcanon name for the nice Engineers. Those who use their knowledge to foster life rather than to pervert and destroy it. Ridley Scott has said that the Engineers as they appear in Prometheus/Covenant did NOT create mankind. I took that as a confirmation of my headcanon theory that the Engineers are a religious faction that emerged much later than the creation of mankind and the arcturians and instead wants nothing more than to destroy us. But we will just have to say.
>Aliens (mentioned only)

I don't play the games or read the books. When did this happen?
>tfw I didn't read down before posting my response
uhh arcturians are mentioned in the theatrical release of aliens lol
>aliens (mentioned only)
>exactly what he said
>When did this happen?
I didn't understand what he meant
I swear I've seen Alien and Aliens a bunch of times and I always assumed that they hadn't made contact with other alien species, only relics and shit like the space jockey ship.
We even fucked them. So it fits with the idea that the Creators made us all with similar DNA so we could interact and stuff
If you like the Predator aesthetic then the second AvP movie is great for you. It shows a Predator basically getting alerted to the Xenomorph outbreak on earth and being like "Fuck..." then he hops in a ship and leaves the city and flys out. He has this little acid that dissolves all evidence of them too, he basically acts like a detective hunting down the infestation. It's really good. The ship looks really good and so does the home city.
Some grand scheme yet to be alluded to
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made me chuckle
Would've brrn better without human cast just detctive pred. (someone knock up an image)
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>AnCap Engineers
I saw it as the Creators wanted nothing more than to shape the galaxy in their image. They had what appears to be almost unlimited knowledge of the galaxy, which was likely sparsely populated at best. So they began terraforming and spreading their DNA around and fostering those creations. I don't see anything sinister in it prior to the rise of the Engineers, but Alien: Covenant might change that
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The only reason I went to Prometheus is because it was going to have the origin of the Xenomorph. It didn't have shit. The Engineers were revealed and they weren't what I thought. I thought the original pilot guy was awesome, but these Rick Spencer engineers weren't that cool. It also shoehorned a bunch of stupid characters when it should have focused on Shaw 100%. The idea of another exploration mission is insane. They should know all about these fucking things because of Ripley's past stories. Its like the original alien movies don't even exist. When you watch new alien movies they are reboots.
>Originally a mysterious elephantine giant


Anyone who thinks Prometheus engineers are good are retard faggots who grew up with spongebob squarepants as their role model. Scientific FACT.
Is disagree. The addition of the Engineers was really good, and the scene at the beginning of Prometheus was really memorable. I did really like Shaw though. The Xenomorphs being on the walls of the Engineer's temple in Prometheus also worked well for me, because it showed that their existence was part of the Engineer's religion. So was their hatred for mankind. Shaw's unanswered questions to the Engineer made me want to see the sequel ("why do you hate us?" "what did we do?" "why do you want to destroy us?")
I tbink multiple species where made including engineers but i cant figure a purpose yet
Did the original alien movie for sure take place before the prometheus one? Seriously I can't be asked to remember all these movies/timelines. especially when I haven't seen any of them for more than a decade.

If you want to provide me a list, you might as well include predator crossovers, so I can concoct my own crazy theories while we're at it.
no, alien took place after Prometheus. same for alien covenant
err I'm drunk, I mean Prometheus and covenant took place before Alien
>predator 2
>so far...
Fuck you, I want my Elephant man!
Please dont ask for blade runner, Firefly etc to be added to, i want to live not timeline it all
Ridley Scott should just turn the Forerunner Trilogy by Greg Bear into movies, Forerunners are essentially the same thing as Engineers
Good books.
In Alien, the alien is incredibly sexual and childlike, and this was one of the most interesting parts of the film to me. In Aliens, this was removed in favour of generic monster hordes. Does the series ever recapture the original alien?
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vidya shit
Thats because it was very young, aliens in alien had time to mature to full adult
No, it took on Kane's characteristics. Specifically his sexual attractions towards Lambert. And thus saved her for last in whatever it did to her.
Alien 3 was more interesting to me in that sense, they're in a prison with no weapons to kill that thing.
ok thanks. what happened in resurrection though? pretty sure I never saw it.

>leaving that big of a break between Prometheus and anything involving the engineers

I'm guessing resurection only involves the xenos and some rando humans waiting to be killed.

total shit
Same with 3 which i think is the most interesting alien a more sas beast
Thay gave it to a french arthouse twat who fucked it up, gave them wombs unkilled Ripley and brown, FUCKING BROWN aliens. It was really stupid so many things in it to annoy
I love the alien universe but I stopped watching about 20 minutes in. Wedon is a fucking faggot hack. The scene at the beginning with the guy shooting the fly through the straw couldn't have been stupider if he'd tried
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So how this guy get facehugged when the "mask" is one solid piece? It doesn't look mechanical at all.
I agree with you but i rode it out, it had a few good scenes but didnt get the story or love or director/writer it deserved so never had a chance
Got him before he got in
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I want to see aliens that eat Xenomorphs like that one species on their home planet.
Also its david not an engineer
Nah creatures that deadly are top of the chain
The exact moment when what I had hoped after 30 years of wondering were going to be cool elephant trunk faced monstrosities turned out to be albino homosexuals made out of balloons, Ridley Scott was dead to me.
>It doesn't look mechanical at all.
That's because it was designed by Giger. His whole gimmick is making it hard to tell where the machine parts end and the bio parts begin
Facehuggers aren't interested in androids though
Well to be fair, Xenos kill them as well. They're just immune to the acid so Xenos are vulnerable
It was originally supposed to be an elephant alien, but hollywood execs / scotts dementia turned them into stupid looking bald humans. Greatest disappointment in all of cinema history.
Never said it got him just that he inside
>Tfw genuinely enjoyed Prometheus
This is why I have trust issues. Can't we have an explanation that the Engineers were created by the elephant men? And based their tech on their appearance?
>please see 7th picture in thread
Then fuck how dangerous must those fuckers be
Just as dangerous as Xenomorphs but don't rape you to breed.
lol wtf. I knew I wasn't the only one!
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F-Fuck you Ridley
This picture made me cry laughing when i made it just kept it waiting for a moment like this, not even lying either
>It doesn't look mechanical at all.

was it supposed to be mechanical? Have I forgotten that much about the movie? I thought the face huggers were just supposed to be some creation out of their goo, that caused the devastation of planets/races?
Didn't Prometheus end with her and Magento going to the engineer home planet?
It's not really known if the original Xenomorphs are worshipped or were created. Maybe harvested their DNA and started creating variants.
Yea then shit got fucked up
A movie oriented on the engineers would likely remove most of their mystery and appeal. You want a movie since they're enigmatic, but that film would unravel the very thing which makes them interesting.
>It's not really known if the original Xenomorphs are worshipped or were created

I'm pretty sure I've seen some videos where it was said that ridley got heavily pressured out of his original idea.

as long as it involved a larger picture I would be satisfied. ie. the engineers were at least somehow involved with the larger story.
Exactly this
I was the one who pressured Ridley out of his original idea.
>twat, kys
Banter in the mess after the Marines woke up, Frost was talking about getting Arcturian poon-tang, then I think Hudson tells him that he was with a male, which Frost replies with something like "it don't matter when it's Arcturian."
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thanks buddy.
I watched alien first, but the dead jockey was the most interesting thing for me
Always been the alien for me, i feel like golic in the directors cut of 3 towards it
>bald muscular perfect alium chick

Muh dick
I'm a total outlier here, but for the X-files, I was mostly interested in the mytharch. the monsters of the week were interesting but after a certain point they literally did nothing for me. Granted it took, me like 8 seasons to become uninterested. so I better not die here.
How did promethus knew where shaw was
How did shaw kid got so big
Does the black goo turns your cum into xeni cum
If the black goo is a parasite transmitted by intercourse why does it kills the host in about 8 hours
Wouldn't it be betger for it to wait like at least a month
>prometheus is the ship
Goo probably reagranges dna and targets specific genes, and has some built in accelerator to speed results along
Did it make the dude want ro fuck shaw
Fuck off. When Prometheus came out everyone couldn't stop bitching about them and noe suddenly a lot of those people suddenly love them and want movies about them.

Directors should never listen to their audiences.
No it was her or geologist rhi k he chose well
I'd fuck her, she has killer legs
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