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It's like 2007 all over again

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It's like 2007 all over again
kek wills it
>Jews want more money from the Jews that want more money

And so on.
oh no, no more shitty super hero movies.
fug I hope so
That just means we'll get more reality TV and scabs who weren't let into the super "elite" screenwriters club will finally get their stories sold
oh now how will the world survive without shitty movies and money laudring
Hollywood movies have writers????
This gives us more rights to post news here
>Plz we promise this: SNL, Conan, Kimmel, skit isn't the same Trump one
I think I'm qualified for that.
about time Hollywood stood up to these hacks.
how many times can they try to pass another script that is just a remake. Stay stronk Hollybros
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the absolute men did it
Except this time there's no good show on TV that will be ruined
Good. It will only make people with actual talent, like (Conan), stand out more.
They haven't been on strike for the past few years?

Could've fooled me.
time for /tv/ to launch it's channel
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I hope so.
Legion on FX might be affected, but other than that, I can't think of anything that will actually affect me unless the WWE writers go on strike too
They already have the script for all of season one so it would only delay season 2
Awesome, we can once again tell who of the "funny" talking heads is actually funny.
>hollywood still in a deep pit of reboots sequels and prequels from the 2007 strike
>now this
buckle up fellas, this is going to be an absolutely abstract funky feel kind of disgusting

leftovers already wrapped up. let it burn i say.
>MDE gets renewed
inb4 youtube celebs get even bigger
Can they Fucking fire these picks already?

There are thousands of people lined up to write for tv and these assholes want to fuck up the industry. If they don't want to work hire someone that will.
Let em go.
Fuck em
you realize the reason for all those remakes is due to the 2007 strike, right? A lot of the writers who lost their jobs then didn't get them back and they had to turn to new talent.
Surprise, the new talent is predominantly shit.
>pro-Trump scabs take their place
>Hollywood becomes conservative overnight

it's happening people
scabs would be tumblr-tier fan fiction writers
yes because degrading this industry further with unskilled writers who will work for cheap is exactly what we need
The only thing I'm worried about is the newest gen of writers that would benefit from the horrid class of '07 would be even worse and more SJW than the current shit
Didn't Jesus rant about this exact same thing?
Do they not remember the last one? They put a shit load of people out of work for months and got fucking nothing in the end because they are incompetent greedy fucks.

On the bright side, less jew propaganda being made. So there's that.

can't be worse than the ones now
cry about it, bowtie wearing libertarian dweeb
The unskilled writers who work for a premium isn't much better
>Legion on FX
who much worse can it get? it's already bottom of the barrel.
What a gay jacket.
>tfw LOST turned into shit after the 2007 strike
>2007: strike kills Heroes
>2017: strike superheroes flicks
the writing team going on strike would probably improve wwe
I guess I'll have to open a book
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>He watches wrestling
Are you 12?
>Striking in the current year when most TV fans already have a backlog of old shows they still need to watch

My list is too fucking big and just makes me sad since I know I'll never get through it all since I'm an actual person who works, if a strike prevents new shows from coming out for a while I'm all for it.
Not in cape-shit movies
>Not watching the best story lines on tv in the last 20 years
He said pay your taxes to the government
>he watches soccer
Are you retarded? You know the outcome is predetermined, right?
WWE writers are independent contractors, they aren't part of the screenwriters guild.
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Oh no that means we'll be absolutely plagued with remakes and shitty reality TV shows to fill the gap until they're not on strike anymore.
I don't think they ever settled it in the first place. It's been an ongoing dispute.
Uhhh all of the good shows are written up. No one cares!
Writers are shit on pretty hard in hollywood.
Can you name one screenwriter who doesn't have a rainbow colored metrosexual harcut or named Milius?
>Hollywood dies so that Japanese Kaijukino is born
I'll write their shows for half of what the writers are making now. You want tits and fart jokes back on tv? I'm your nigga. No memes, though, those are never funny.
You mean it would be possible for writing to get even worse?
I remember when they filled the airwaves with reality tv and games shows.

Reminder a little tiff happended between Stewart and MacFarlan over the strike.
What was jesus' tax plan?
_That_ was Jesus' tax policy?

And they say Tolkien was a hack...
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's
Can't the studios produce shows overseas? And use mic, limey, bogan, and kiwi writers?
>SAG, directors guild, and the other unions would be fine with this
No but they could just buy up overseas productions.
>I'll write their shows for half of what the writers are making now.
That would a scab or crossing the picket lines. You'll never work again as a writer an you might end up a pariah.

It wouldn't surprise me if there are legal rules that they can't cross without paying fines and shit. Also the unions would go out of their way to sabotage that.
How do we fix the obvious jewish problem affecting hollywood?
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Oh no what will I watch now?
>fuck people that have talent and are the primary part of what makes film & television good because they are Jewish sometimes

Boy you sure are smart, cynically above it all, and able to see through (((their))) system, anon. I think I can say we're all really impressed by your post.
I'm pretty sure that's what they're already considering alongside with getting china money.
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>tfw there's honestly not any real good shows on now anyway
I've been watching more old shit on Amazon Prime. TV is stagnating.
They could easily buy the rights to shows already produced in the english language, from countries like england, ireland, and australia. And simply show them here.

There would also be more sports shown. Get ready for Women's Australian Rules Football, lads.
>Let's cut eachother's throats in a race to the bottom!
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This guy fucking gets it.
I hope we get Bear Grylls presents Feminist Island.
>tfw you stopped watching television

There are too many shows to chose from on too many platforms it's like sensory overload.
He HULK'd out at the Jews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1JWJFGfOU
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All medias are stagnated, what was good already wrapped before turning to shit, leaving only mediocre shit going through the motions for a paycheck behind.

Let it all burn, after the last writers' strike we got some really good shit while it managed to kill the majority of average shows.

I'm curious if this will affect original series from streaming services like hulu, amazon and netflix since they do their series all at once instead of small weekly/monthly bursts.

I'm also curious on how this will affect cable and open channels, without their fresh content they have nothing to offer which means a lot of people might migrate to a streaming service.

This might be the first nail in the coffin of television channels, they only survived the last strike because we had no options besides torrenting.

>kek wills it

God I hope so. It brought everyone to their knees and we go some decent shit out of it.

Writers are what make the world go round in terms of television and film. Let it burn for a while I say.
>we go some decent shit out of it.
We literally got capeshit out of it.
>people who actually do the work deserve less than the jewish owners
good try kike.
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>another strike
Writing has been absolute garbage since the last one finished, what exactly will change if they stop working?
>what exactly will change if they stop working?
Fuck up massive tentpole projects like capeshit movie franchise #7.
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if damon lindelof went on strike no one would notice

as his career is over after the leftovers.
so nothing would change?
hollywood might be able to heal after the past few years of publishing poor excuses of movies
Oh no, television and movies will be affected? That will be horrible, since I love those so much and care greatly about their quality.
Top kek
and so falls the house of marvel
Never a better time to pull up the old typewriter and get that screenplay ready.
>more reality shows and cartoons (their writers are under different deals, because the """real writers""" look down their noses at them)
>more sports, more obscure overseas sports, even e-sports, more racing
>more repeated shows and movies. ABC Disney will replay star wars, pixar, and cape shit during the strike
>no more expensive pilot season
>more overseas comedy and drama production
>more tax incentive chasing
>more youtube tier cheap shows

Hollywood """talent""" is fucking itself over. The studios are multinational corporations, and in Trump's America, they will reign supreme.
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>people who have talent

These people are paid millions of dollars to write for TBBT

You're a ficking retard
>he calls football a soccer
>he calls divegrass football
GOOD. it's all trash anyway. last things I enjoyed was game of plebs and sicario
Explain further. I work in Hollywood. Writers are treated like golden ponies.
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Oh no, what ever will we do without more nostalgia bait and capeshit?
>just when prison break was coming back again
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>the WWE writers
as years ago by, i watch fewer and fewer tv shows because they're all shit, or dont want to take risks
Oooooh shiiit, please tell me this is going to affect the entire industry. My boner couldn't contain it.
>There are thousands of people lined up to write for tv
doesnt make them good
If they had any morals, they'd be striking for less money.
My man.
It's like they didn't learn shit from the last time. All the strike does is remind the studios they can pick their producer and pump out cheap shit that doesn't require a "quality" script. It's gonna be a repeat of last time. Movies filming this year are gonna take a hit unless they have cast and crew on hand to whip up magic in a bottle.
That's fine. BCS, Fargo and Leftovers are all ready to go.
I also feel like this is the work of meme magic, I just know it.
Praise kek.
>2007 writers strike resulted in a solid decade of absolutely horrible movies and the unceremonious murder of a number of good television shows


... well at least it can't get any worse.
If the strike goes on too long, Netflix and Amazon would have to pony up the money for original programming towards renting movies/shows for a year.
>not a single link to a source posted

Why is nu-/tv/ so fucking awful?
we "strike" whenever we're out of ideas or just plain exhausted and need a vacation. nobody will notice. there's room for everyone. god bless.
>i can't use google

Look at this retard who can't spend two seconds to look it up but will make this post. http://nypost.com/2017/03/04/hollywood-braces-for-another-writers-strike/
If Hollywood strikes do I get a better chance of getting a script produced?
Television is garbage, non-art.
American TV certainly is.
>competent writers go on strike
>they hire blue hair sjw bulldykes
>now all series are about BBC and homosex
Can't wait
>You'll never work again as a writer an you might end up a pariah.

So? It's not like we are working as writers now.
Writers are overpaid
They would actually hire people who would be OK never working again when the strike ends as they would never get into the union for crossing the picket line. They'd just ask their producers, directors, and actors to do all the on-set rewrites. Remember all those fun movies from 2007-2009?
is garbage
Well all the scabs they hired in 2007 kept their jobs forever. Why would the new strike be any different?
Really? What kind of union is that? Allowing people who cross the picket line to keep working.
What kind of "job" is writing?
Apparently easy enough to read this and make stuff like Avengers and Transformers
I think it's time for me to finish my script. But you need to register it with the WGA, and they're on strike.

How can I register my script so Jews don't take it, use it, and don't bother to pay me? better yet - which production companies aren't ran by the Jews?
Conan will be better off.

Is not garbage
and that's just a rewrite of aristotle's poetics

writing has been easymode career since writing existed
I fucking hope. That ought to kill some of the trash currently on the air or fuck it up enough to where normies stop watching
Hey man, sitting around at Starbucks day after day, for weeks on end, is pretty tough. Sometimes they don't make my latte correctly!
I HAVE NO PROBLEM with this.
Well it is heavily scripted.
Promos, maybe. The seasoned wrestlers improvise a lot. You don't know anything about wrestling, I can tell.
>You don't know anything about wrestling, I can tell
I can proudly say that you're right, I don't.
It's an interesting culture borne from carnivals and a vicious territorial system which spawned lots of offshoots, including MMA.

Really fascinating stuff. Your loss.
Just in time to sink Star Trek Discovery even further down the shithole than it already was.
Transformers is a masterpiece comparable to the works of Hitchcock and Kubric, when put next to The Avengers.
If you're really good at what you do (and know the right people) and can keep getting spec scripts optioned, who gives a fug about a guild?
You're actually literally mentally impaired. Go to the hospital, man.
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Loved a bit of wrestling back in the days of Jake the Snake and Hulk Hogan. I always suspected it was scripted but still found it quite an exciting display of athletics.
mma is actually a reboot of pro-wrestling using the same techniques only savvier.

it's no coincidence that pridefc was founded by inoki and started with worked matches or that pancrase and vale tudo were both provably false, or that dreamstage entertainment was run by yakuza or that ufc was started by the gracies who used it as a promotional vehicle before being sold to a mob family.

off to the hospital now
And to think, all these guys were coked out of their mind while doing this shit back then. It's a miracle no one suffered a heart attack on stage.
Holy shit, I didn't realize wrestling fans are this delusional.
No writers on SNL might be an improvement frankly.
Imagine what a rush it would be to be flying through the air towards a prone Ultimate Warrior, having jumped from the top turnbuckle, totally wired, in front of tens of thousands of screaming fans.
Dumb post.

The IQ<100s ITT are ruining it.
You're not as smart as you think you are, and you're a miserable cunt. Get over yourself.
Oh boy here we go..

If this is true. Shit movie after shit movie will come out. Eh fuck it can't be worse than it is now. Got plenty of good old TV shows to watch in the meantime
Fucking post your real name and address, cunt. I'll choke you the fuk out.
Fuck it. I care significantly less about this than I did the last time. Let them ruin whatever people watch these day, for whatever dumb reason they want
I don't go to films. I go to/tv/.
lol says the guy who thinks highly of wrestling
take your own advice first
Americans don't want good writers - it means the viewers will expect better quality so they can't shit out 1000s of trashy shows every year.
is it very easy to become a scab writer?

> *That was Jesus' tax policy??
Imagine being Pilot
still looking for non-jewish production companies. hit me up if ur not a Jew and are a production company
Its a Leno doesn't have writers but Letterman does because he owns his own production company but Leno still wins the ratings battle anyway episode.
who the fuck are they
If Hollywood media gets blown to fucking pieces I'll be forever grateful in my life
u just ousted urself, kike
WWE writers striking wouldn't really chance anything because Vince constantly changes their shit on the day of the event.
can't networks just run Canadian programming instead
WWE workers are not allowed to participate in unions. Some are in SAG but sports entertainment does not count as acting.
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>2007 was ten years ago
Its nice writers are rich enough that they can strike every couple of years
Not for long.
>writing scripts for hollywood
>full time job

I'll do it for free :)
I could use Google Voice Search on my farts and compose a better script than 90% of Hollywood's screenwriters.
fuck you
ah shit. The next james bond is going to be fucking even worse now.

The last strike did a number on the QofS script
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but 2007 was the golden age for cinema....
they are already striking why do you think EVERYTHING is way shittier than usual.
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They probably won't even strike and if they do they'll crumble after a few months like they did last time. The worst that will probably happen is the fall season will be delayed until November and a few capeshit tentpoles seem a bit crappier than usual for the next year or two.
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Does this mean Conan will have his beard again? In that case Im okay with it
>are the primary part of what makes film & television good
but film and television aren't good
I wish it was.
any grizzled oldfag TV writers here that could possibly explain anything?
So can we finally look forward to Dr. Horrible 2?
the writer's strike ruined lost.

it went off the rails and never got back on.
>fuck it up enough to where normies stop watching

nearly impossible
Arrested Development, My Name is Earl...
>the writer's strike ruined lost.
and bsg
breaking bad, bsg, prison break...
>Breaking Bad
It's a near-perfect TV show. What do you mean?
JIDF on full blast tonight
Oh no what will we ever do without another reboot of Annie or a sequel to another 30 year old movie?

Grow up you maladjusted manchildren.
fairly large consequences on the original thing they were going for, like pinkman not dying, and cutting the first season short, burying the original tone it was going for
>near perfect
You mean the show that forgot it's entire premise?
It was supposed to be about a bumbling idiot who fails upwards until the stakes get too high and he loses everything.

Walt successfully takes down every drug kingpin and organized crime unit he comes across
Then he's killed by "le totally evil neo nazis"
But wait, he also kills them with a M60 robot car.

What's airing in your shithole country that's so amazing?
wie is de mol
wakker worden met valerio
spuiten en slikken
RTL boulevard
>pinkman not dying
That wasn't the writer's strike.

>What Gilligan calls the “bad pitch” or the worst one ever that made studio execs groan with distaste. It included the death of Jesse Pinkman.
>One of Gilligan’s early ideas before the pilot was that Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) would get killed in season one. Walt, so filled with rage with the drug dealer responsible, would go out for revenge. Walter would lock him up in a basement, torture him every day, removing his toes one-by-one and cauterizing the wound with a blowtorch so he wouldn’t bleed out. Walter would give the drug lord a way out—a trip-wire connected to a shotgun pointed at him would finally give him relief from the pain. But the drug lord, being so bad-ass, would never take that option out. This would continue for weeks until Walter Jr. would discover him and try to help. The drug lord, realizing this was Walter’s son, would pull the tripwire, killing them both.

>Gilligan said he pitched this idea to the studio execs and everyone was like, “Eww, you are seriously fucked up.” “You’ll notice we never actually did that scene,” Gilligan said and he noted throughout the podcast that his m.o. was coming up with wild, morbid, dark ideas and the writers of the show would rein him in. “The good thing about these pitch out meetings is that you pitch out your story to the best of your knowledge, but everyone realizes you can switch things up,” he said.
The premise was turning Mr. Chips into Scarface. Vince had no intentions other than that.
>all these TBBT/capeshit/star wars normalfags
>they think current writers are good
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I think better call Saul and Fargo already have the next seasons wrapped up so I'm fine with that

Yeah, no.
He had to fail though
The entire first few seasons was about Walt having too much hubris and actually thinking he was what he thought he was
Remember that "Stay out of my territory" scene?
Oh so bad ass
But no he's doing it to some nobodies in a fucking Home Depot

Walt was always a joke but he kept winning anyways
After he killed Gus, the writers started to believe the bullshit they had Walt spinning and so they made him the ultimate bad ass instead of some loser pretending to be one.

What should have happened is that after Gus died, the Mexican cartels sweep up, Walt tries to fight them off, and then fails, hard. That's how the show ends. He loses everything because he got too cocky and tried to fuck with some bad hombres.
i forgot hart van nederland
Also, he lost everything in the end. He died. His brother-in-law died. Hank's partner and long-time family friend died. Skyler and Walter Jr. lost the house. Skyler has no money and works some shitty job. Skyler is being prosecuted. Skyler and Walter Jr. are probably infamous and receive hate wherever they go.

It was Pyrrhic victory, if you can even call it that.
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and nothing of value was lost
On no! Gomey died?!
Well that's all the consequences that I need.
That's terrible!

Hank's death was terrible because we saw how little Walt cared about him for seasons upon seasons.
Walt killed literal children.
Tried to kill Jesse, a person he obviously cared about more
But Hank?
Well he better break down and cry big snotty tears.
>the writers started to believe the bullshit they had Walt spinning and so they made him the ultimate bad ass instead of some loser pretending to be one.
The "say my name" scene, the scene where he tips the truck going overboard while erasing Gus' laptop, the scene where he shot Mike out of petty pride and the ridiculous B-B-B-BONFIRE scene are all examples of his hubris.

It's not until the end of the season when he goes on the run after the fallout with his family that he comes to the realisation that he's lost it all and was never actually Heisenberg.
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>walking dead "writers" go on strike
>instead of hiring new ones they simply follow the comics to a t changing characters when necessary
>each episode is now several plotlines at once quickly rushing us through the story and actually entertaining
>all out war is finished by season 8 mid finale
>time skip with Negan in jail is the mid season premiere
Mmm we can only hope
>he comes to the realisation that he's lost it all and was never actually Heisenberg.
Then he blackmails Gretchen and Elliot with a laser pointer and does a robot-assault on a neo-nazi fortress
>walt killed literal children
Who? That kids on the plane? Not at all his fault even if he "killed" Jane. That dude should not have been at work. Brock? He barely poisoned him. The doctor said kids poison themselves with it all the time. walt was a genius and gave him the exact amount to ensure he'd live. How he fed it to him is what I wonder about
laced candy
>are Jewish sometimes

How's the weather in Tel-aviv?
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>>>2007 was ten years ago

>in ten years I will be 40.
>He died
he had too. Americans cling to their morality that ''cold bad guys die at the end'' and ''warm heartful dummies live at the end''
>black people in the simpsons
Dr. Horrible 2 motherfuckers
You'd be surprised
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