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Get Out

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>transfer your mind into young black stud's body
>do maid work and grounds keeping
>stay with your old, fat wife

This movie was retarded.
The whites want to be blacks meme is the stupidest one of them all.
Is it very funny? The premise seems ridiculous enough but I'm worried it's just going to be creepy and uncomfortable?
There's a subplot with the main character's friend, who plays the comic relief. Beyond that, there's unintentional comedy. Some of the black actors talk like Peele does when he's doing his funny voice in his skits.
Does Peele not know how to write anything outside of race? It seems like its been his crutch for god knows how long and low hanging fruit. I think Chris Rock once said black comedians whos entire bit is centered around race relations is poorly written and stagnant. At least Key can diversify, and he was always the funnier one anyway
How do you distinguish who wrote what between Key and Peele?
Does Key have any credit behind this? But I suppose you have a point about their show. Its just that between the two, Key seems to have more range
their gremlins 2 brainstorming skit was funny and didn't have anything to do with race. But I agree that Key was always funnier
>Speedreader not even able to read entire wikipedia page.
>MC fails to save the other black people, pretty much leaves one for shit

Any percent runs are fucking stupid.
It's made specifically for black people to shout at the screen. In that, it's fucking hilarious.

Middle of the movie someone in my theater shouted "NIGGA BEEN WEARIN' THE SAME SHIRT FOR THREE DAYS" and the entire theater was fuckin' rolling.
I feel repulsed about that and even more at trying to imagine how white people behaved during Back to the future first screening.
>Not having a grandma that liked to cook and clean for you

>Not thinking that if given youthful vigor your grandpa wouldn't be outside chopping wood and timing himself against Jesse Owen's sprinting times because it feels good to be physical active.

Makes sense to me.
Don't worry dude, they didn't forget about Dre.
Fucking white people got to stop forcing blacks to live among them. Its creepy.
I heard a review this morning on the radio and the critic kept saying "mindblowing" over and over. Are critics actually enthralled or are they afraid to say anything negative?
How hollywood destroys careers
Actors are picked at random and given a call by their agent for an interview.
In the interview room they are sat down at a table with a person that asks them mundane questions for a short period of time.
Finally the interviewer says "we want you to play a role in interracial cuckoldry porn"
Naturally the interviewed actor or actress says no.
The interviewer than says thats ok and ends the interview politely.
The next week all of the actors or actresses acting jobs are cancelled and they find themselves unable to find work. Permenantly.
Keith was there. But the whole plot is just boring. Entertaining movie with nothing relevant. Also, wasn't this a remake?
>LITERALLY the plot to skeleton key
I knew you guys would dislike it
Amy mention of race anywhere and you cover your ears and shout slurs to try and drown out your own ignorance.
They suck the studio's dick, the studios are owned by the same corporations that own the news- NBC-Universal is one example, Viacom is another (both headed by Jews FYI). It's a cycle of nepotism and sychophancy.
Yet apparently we're racists.
Makes you think.
I didn't hate the movie, but it's no where as good as everyone is saying. The last act is clunky, and they could have cut out everything with the TSA friend's investigation.
I've seen the film. I'm amused by /pol/'s autistic screeching about it. You guys really have become delicate little snowflakes. It's barely political. A black guy is the good guy and the bad guys are white. So the fuck what. You're just like the tumblerinas who expect people like you to be portrayed in a positive light in every single role and if not you rush to the internet to cry about it.
>It's barely political

are you trying to be retarded? The director himself said it's about race relations
The movie is about "the black experience" and "micro aggressions". It's playing on the fear some black men have of

>meeting their white girlfriend's family
>being around nothing but white people

as well as the idea that white people placate and unintentionally say racist things to black people.
The scary thing is the people like that anon aren't joking.
The scary thing is that you /pol/ get triggered about this type of stupid things.
I can't wait for the signs at protests saying "stop /pol/"
It was good but some people are praising it way to much.
You haven't even seen it.
an interesting thing about the beginning of the movie is the police man at the beginning of the movie may have actually been looking out for Chris because of how black people mysteriously disappear. He wanted to establish some sort of paper-trail that he saw him at some point. It also explains why April was so vehemently against him looking at his ID. So the biggest twist of all is that the police are actually the good guys.
Oh right I hadn't put that together. Clever.
The villains were literally cuckholds taking their fetish to extreme.
Except that was never established, and there wasn't a single good white person in the film.

I'm not bothered by that per se, but don't try to give the movie credit it doesn't deserve.
>The you havent seen it so you have to watch it shill meme.
"/pol/ triggered" is not a legitimate defense of the movie you faggot. It reminded me of You're Next except not as well done. The whole race angle is just a distraction to trick dumbfuck reviewers into thinking the movie has any substance.
That's not in the movie. Stop making things up.
>per se
Well when the whole film takes place in a remote forest mansion full of cult members, yeah. Why do you feel that every film must include characters that represent your ethnicity in a positive light?
why would I want to see this leftist tripe?
You're Next was a bad movie, too. You don't subvert a horror movie by changing the POV to the killers'. That's just an action movie.

A subversion of the slasher genre should stay in the POV of the protagonist, but have the protagonist beat up the killer easily.
what do you mean? white people were the good guys
What are you autisticly screeching about? I watched the movie this morning and yes it was.
read >>79766109 again then respond to it properly
So how anti white is the movie?
Because you're spending time complaining about a movie and you don't even know why. You know why I think it is? Because that black dude in the trailer has a hot girlfriend and you live with your mom. That's what I think.

But hey maybe I'm totally wrong and you're a really successful guy with a really hot girl that just spends your days complaining about movie trailers that offend you.
It's not established that the cop was asking for his ID for any reason other than racism. It's possible he was, but the movie never revisits the issue.

As an aside, it's fucking retarded that the guy didn't have a driver's license and only had a state ID. I think that's a Peele thing, because his character in Keanu didn't have a driver's license either.
I wonder what it is that makes you think you have some authority here. Cause ya got none.
The movie is as anti-white as your persecution complex wants to read into it
The next step is that they have movies where black characters are just murdering and raping whites in riots and thats it. No "humour" or meaning just "revenge" murder porn for dumbshit niggers financed by clapping white liberals.
It will get perfect scores too.
Hillary lost, cuck. Get over it.

Shill your anti-white trash elsewhere. This is our board.
Actually on 4chan the people whining about minorities usually are virulent teenage racists
It's the standard

>White people mean well, but accidentally commit micro-aggressions.

What about Final girl? That movie is so comfy and perfect homage.
It is purely conjecture, you could also make the argument that he was in on it but was going about it poorly/being too obvious and the daughter tried to hush him up. For example, the deer. The way it flew across the road and damaged the car didn't really make sense. What would the point have been to delay them like that? The only real reason is to have the officer to check out the goods before his arrival at the home but that honestly seems unnecessary. It's open to interpretation I suppose.
Pretty close to black supremacist rantings snuff film.
No but it makes perfect sense. If he's going to be disappearing they don't want a record of him being in an accident in the girl's car right before the disappearance. It took them like 6 years to get this movie made, you think they might not have thought about that?
A lot of people in NYC don't have driver's licenses
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>100 percent on rottentomtoes
Mike Ross
Lmao he fucking rekt you
I wonder if they pay you in cuck porn to shill.
Yeah anon, you know all these people personally and have seen them.
kek no
you guys are hilarious
It's more anti-cuck than anti-white
Depends how paranoid you are about jewish tricks
>plot literally lifted from black supremacist pamphlets
>all the whites are killed
I remember the plot was leaked on /tv/ months ago from a pre showing. I knew this shit was crazy enough to be the actual plot, but I wasent sure I believed it.
Fuck this guy.

That is a great idea. I didn't think about that at all.
Can we all agree that Chris's friend was based as fuck?
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>niggers acting inappropriately in public

>it was great guise X)))
You sound like a girl on her period. The plot is like any other stupid plot around. Seriously, just stop being a drama queen.
Hardly, it still spouts the "all whites wanna be black muhfugguh" nonsense, playing on black men's already large yet fragile egos.
Maybe put a spoiler warning you cockmeat-sandwhich
>black supremacist pamphlets
That is rich. Are you a black supremacist pamphlets expert? Do these pamphlets say "if you get captured by a cult full of white guys and they won't let you leave and they're trying to kill you then it's okay to kill them?"

I had no idea black supermacist literature was so meta.
Best character in the movie.
The only one with common sense.
>This movie was retarded

You had to actually watch it to come to that conclusion?
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>ignore spoiler tags
>he doesn't know about the black Israelites or Yakub
kek get out more
I've seen a few. This movie reminds me of one showing an "innocent" black family (with a father) being surrounded by corrupting white caricatures like blonde bimbos, hipsters, gays etc all trying to destroy them with hypnotic psychic powers.
This. I read the plot and saw the ridiculously glowing reviews and realized its just white guilt brainwashing
Black supremacists are pretty retarded, though.

Go ahead and post some examples of these black supermacist pamphlets then. We're all so excited to share in your deep knowledge of black supremacist propaganda and its close relation to this film.
My theater literally cheered when he got out of the car at the end
Nah actually it's just a good movie.
Just search youtube for the black Israelites, you stupid cuck.
Kind of funny that all of those groups are also reviled by /pol/.
>villains of the movie are white liberals
>only people who would want to watch the movie are white liberals
I dont get it. Who would want to watch this?
Have fun and goodbye

>blindly believing everything on Youtube
I bet you watch Game Theory and worship Plinkett
The white cucks literally fetishize black people, just look at how the dad goes on about how he voted for Obama.

Yes you can say it plays up black men's egos but it also tears down the subservient libcucks who unconditionally love miniorities.
It doesnt quite work as a comedy or as horror, and the premise is silly. So no, its not a good movie at all
Actually you're gay.
Some are even Holocaust deniers/down-players
Peele's redpilling libcucks
>white liberals
If you actually watched the movie you'd know that isn't what they are at all. Their whole appearance of welcoming to black people is part of the charade. But whatever if you're triggered by the trailer just get it off your chest, you probably need to get it out.
White liberals and altruistic masochists who hand their children's futures to others so it makes sense in a way.
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>suggesting others have to "go out more" so they can become acclimated to nigger "culture"
The Black Israelites are an actual black supremacist group.

How fucking sheltered are you?
Its actually not much different to the A wyatt mann pictures.
Its more insanely illogical though. Like Black guys being lured away from their wives by white hookers, or white rappers turning blacks into criminals.
Blacks guys blame their love of cock on white gays and gentrification on white hipsters
Well I for one appreciate that most of you confine yourselves to your mom's house.
>Their whole appearance of welcoming to black people is part of the charade

Just like white liberals
theres no other way to describe them. They are white liberals who are so obsessed with black people that they want to kidnap and become them. They arent conservative by any means
Holy fuck, are you retarded. The movie is a metaphor for white liberals being unintentionally racist to black people. It's not literally



>White liberals try not to be racist, but are still racist.

None of the white characters in the movie hated black people. It's the opposite. They idolized black people, which is why they stole their bodies.
You're a broken record, aren't you?
Funny thing is no one wants to live in black dominant areas- Detroit, East St. Louis, etc., and yet you keep acting like anyone not wanting to go near these people are some sort of shut-in.
>bunch of voodoo cult members
>but what are their political views really though??
who cares they are voodoo cult members. Their political ideology is voodoo cult membership.
its ok if youre laughing at them, not with them
the message of the movie is all white people are racist, and if they try to be liberal and your friend they are even more racist. Its a retarded message

He was technically right about the family being eyes wide shut cultists
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>a movie about race relations not only flies over /tv/'s heads, but some people are willingly ducking to avoid it

How am I not surprised
Hopefully itll redpill some cucks. You can guarrentee their whore feminist gfs will be tricking them into watching it.
Shit, I just recalled this. The way the deer died after being hit by the car was similar to how he described his mother's death.

So perhaps the deer was purely random and merely served as a thematic device.

No, that's not what the movie is about at all. It's literally a horror thriller where freaky cult member behavior is mistaken for awkward white poeple trying to be cool around black people. It's really not that complex of a movie. You should watch it and come back.
Race relations the me is blacks GET OUT
But I confine myself to predominantly nigger free areas, anon
maybe some people are sick of endlessly focusing on race? It doesnt appeal to me in any way
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>he wears that hat to hide the stitches

How do we save him, bros?
That's the dumbest thing I've read here yet. You obviously haven't seen the film.
Haven't even seen it asshole but reviewers have a poor track record, especially recently after shit like ghostbusters 2016. how am i supposed to believe anything they hype up now?
are there any good white people in the movie? Nope
>you haven't seen the film. See it
>the message of the movie is all cucks are racist
Then continue your autistic shreiking about something you don't even know about I guess. I'm just tellling you, you guys don't even comprehend what you're raging about. This is some serious delicate snowflake shit going on.
Again the whole movie takes place in a mansion full of cult members. You're upset that your ethnicity wasn't represented by a positive character? Why, who cares. It's one movie amongst thousands.
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>white people be like this, and black people be like that

Im so sick of racial shit. I literally couldnt care less
No one cares, cuck.

Continue shilling your fag movie.
I didn't need your permission but thanks anyway.
Are you retarded? your idea would have the same result as switching the pov to the killers except it would potentially be comedy instead of action
You sound really angry im not watching the film.
Protip: the movie has already been spoiled I read the plot.
george lincoln rockwell and the nation of islam supposedly got along pretty well too
Isn't this movie more against white guilt liberals than general white people?
John wick 2 and lego batman are both much better movies. Go see them instead
This comment is a great example of privilege.
For many of us, race isn't something you can just "stop" focusing on. It is quite literally why some people hate us and some white people don't get that because they can just exist without feeling like their life is in danger.
You're trying to avoid it because it makes you uncomfortable.
Yeah nobody cares whether you watch it dude. It's just that, not having watched it, the people who are most upset about it don't even seem to know what it is they're upset about
>it's actually just that a black dude in a movie had a hot girlfriend and they don't
See, fiction has this thing called "themes", where a story can mean more than its plot. The movie is literally and intentionally about race relations. Not only is this fucking obvious, the director said so himself.
You got to understand basic black racism. They think nearly every white is like a white liberal.
Its like the lame insta posts about whites all loving mayonaise, not eating spicy food and only fucking in missionary.
No one cares.

kys yourself.
>has not watched the film
How is it subverting your expectations if you know the protagonist is a badass by the POV switch? It takes away all the tension.
Then why are you so angry people arent going to watch it.
The problem is that all black people movies have to be about race or race relations or have to shoehorn it in at some point. any movie directed by a black or with a majority black cast I know is going to be about race issues and I get enough of that garbage here on the internet so why the fuck do I want to watch a movie about? this culture is so obsessed with race that it's driving me insane
>joke's on them I haven't fucked a girl in years
reported for breaking global rule #3:

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
I literally don't care what you do. You aren't important to me at all.
weak bait. also, the whole privilege thing is bullshit because the biggest privilege of all is and always has been, money
>I've literally never had to worry about my race, why do other people have to??
Ok so why are you mad then? If i don't watch the film or like it?
u mad brah
jimmies rustled
lol thats because chris rock is so rich he is white now. he doesnt have to deal with that anymore
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>privilege is bullshit
>except for this one thing that is totally a key part of privilege in general
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Interesting that Armond's (predictable) negative review still has not been posted to RT.
The poster just said he's forced to think about his race way more often than he wants to, are you literally retarded?
yeah, To Kill a Mockingbird fucking sucked.
The movie was prettty funny and was more /pol/ than it was SJW.

definitely overrated by critics though because DUDE BLACK PEOPLE! LMAO
The funniest one i saw was a post implying ordinary white guys are secretly kinky sex monsters.
Instead of the comments being lol fuck whitey it was full of turned on women then assmad blacks saying"b-but blacks can be kinky dungeon owners too!"
overrated as shit actually. also that was 55 years ago and not a horror/satire. Great comparison
To Kill a Mockingbird is actually pretty shitty.
kek I remember when someone posted that it was about white people wanting to put their brains in black people's bodies and so many people were like "no come on that's fake".

This honestly sounds hilarious.
I'm pretty sure half the traffic for BLACKED is from /pol/.
The people shilling this movie in this thread is unreal.
He never mentioned his race
>only has a 91% on rottentomatoes
really makes you think
> wahhh ppl give me a dirty look when I walk around the supermarket must be because of my race!
> wahhh white ppl try to be nice to me all the time but it's not because they like me it's because of my race
> wahhh women look away when they walk past me on the street at night it must be because of my race

Wow you have it so tough, my friend
hurr good one
Wait till they connect "you are racist if you don't see it "
>people who like things are shills
It's almost as if people who frequent a tv and movie board who saw a movie they liked would come here and say good things about it. Crazy huh
You know it's true.
Tbh blacks are pigs any sane white would keep away from them.
So why are you making assumptions
Whites are more triggered than asians are at this point
>why can't those uppity niggers just shut up reeee

I am so glad i don'r live in america jesus fuck
I find it so interesting that you guys think that other people care so much about your consumption of a product. You remind me of old-school liberals who are always boycotting things. "Oh yeah? Well I am not going to buy ONE Nestle product until they stop abusing the poor immigrants of Columbia!" (or whatever stupid shit). It really does not matter whether you see the movie. It's a fairly low-budget horror thriller with great reviews. It will be successful for the studio. They weren't expecting to get the racist-white-guy-on-the-internet demographic. Your dollars weren't part of their budget.
>entire mass media is devoted to attacking whites
>asians get to enjoy asian only tv shows, advertising and movies
Yeah, the jews really ruined this place.
>/pol/ pretends they don't get just as triggered as SJW landwhales
This thread is pathetic.
well, they do have hot women and great production values
Why are Americans obsessed with race
Most people who complain about this shit aren't the victims of it
>Hating Latin
Oh lol you are doing the nigger intellectual babble thing.
Asian countries tend to be really homogeneous.
I don't know wether to find this all amusing or disturbing.
You're acting like this isn't the fifth time we've seen this hit play itself out, with shills claiming that you're triggered if you don't have a good time at the latest movie where all the white people are evil and get murdered.
Yeah the latest one. You know, in a string of movies where all the white people are evil and get murdered. So many of those.
I live in a country where nigger violence and racism has suddenly become so widespread and serious the government is talking seriously about mass deporting them.
And you are doing the I'm not able to comprehend sentences longer than a bumper sticker thing.
What's wrong with intellectual?
>implying this thread is about the movie
The thing im more pissed off about nowadays is how white westerners do not get their own media and it goes for everything including forums.
While people in other countries have their own media and forums and can interact in peace.
For instance most people don't know 4chan is full of 3rd world scum posting stupid hateful comments towards everyone.
You're literally advocating for safe spaces. Fucking classic.
They should.

No country should be obligated to take in vermin.
Nigger intellectual babble is when they try to sound more intelligent than they are. Its like slam poetry.
What other countries?
Well, at least we're on the same ground about what this movie is, m8. Honestly though, the fact that this is getting 100% on Rotten Tomatoes is pretty telling. Movies will just get more and more anti-white, to the point where I honestly believe in a few years you could have a black character look at the camera and give a speech about how all white people deserve to die Zimbabwe style, and white movie critics would call it brave and bold.

Anyways, just of the top of my head, they had that slave movie where they idolized a mass murderer of white women and children that only got shat on because of rape charges that were probably bullshit, and Django Unchained. Killing all the white people is how you prove you're racially woke now.
This movie is literally advocating for safe spaces from whites.
Okay so Django Unchained was 2012. Others?
Calling it now in 2017 we will have a white genocide movie.
Yeah, no. You don't understand the film at all.
>be Jordan Peele
>make a movie shitting on white people
>marry a white woman

Insecure much, Jordy?
Not on white people per se but on elite white liberals.
'Elite white liberals' are the majority of movie critics. It can't be doing a very good job of shitting on them when everyone one of them likes it.
Stream please.
Yeah yeah, you can rationalize however you want, cucky.
Well, cult members who disguise themselves as white liberals.
Man they were BTFO by this movie! I bet they're pissed
>half the movie also shits on black people
>ignore that part and get triggered
>implying liberals are smart.
They cannot dislike a black film that is the irony even one which calls for their brains to be bashed out.
There are tons of black films and interracial films with terrible reviews. You guys live in a fantasy world.

>Moses blew them up with dynamite

What the fuck
Perhaps shitting isn't the right word. I think it's trying to show white people how uncomfortable they make black people. If you've seen the trailer, you see Steve Carrel tell the MC that he would have voted for Obama for 3rd term. In the movie it's pretty awkward because it comes out of nowhere and the MC doesn't really want to talk about his race.
Stop preaching you little cunt.

You're a bitch and no one gives a fuck.
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What did Armond say?
Its all bullshit though. Blacks don't feel uncomfortable around whites unless the whites are all wearing hoods and carrying shotguns.
Blacks are renowned for their lack of inhibition. They just walk into white neighbourhoods and steal.
Also blacks never stfu about race another unrealistic thing.
That's pretty explicitly discussed in the film before that scene even. Spoilers:

>Black dude is worried about meeting white girlfriend family
>She tells him that they are liberals and they will probably try too hard to be sensitive to him as a black man and it will be awkward
>He shows up, and it's awkward ... then it gets REALLY awkward
>He mistakes this for their racial sensitivity when actually it's because they're a bunch of freako cult members who want to steal his body
>Standard horror film from there

So are they even liberals? Or is that just their schtick? I don't think they're supposed to represent anything, they're just the bad guys in a horror movie.
Yeah, no. You obviously don't know many black people. You're wrong on just about every count.
On new years day a group of blacks travelled to my countries major city and began casually robbing and stabbing people with broken bottles.
When they were arrested they were all smiling as if nothing had happened.
Which country?
Lol the black racists have started porn spamming. I guess not liking their film got to them.
That's so stupid though. I could just as easily say "in my country white people kidnapped their neighbors and ate their brains." Yeah, black people commit more crimes statistically. But most of them don't. You're just living in a little bubble where whatever you saw on the internet today is your personal reality.
You must be new here.

These were people just watching the sunrise.
First thing I would do with a black man's body would be traveling to a college campus and white women.
shut up nigger
shut up nigger
The most direct movie I can compare it to is Hot Fuzz, except more horror than comedy
Also if anyone doubted an ealier post.

This is because of black violence.
Aww you're cute when you're angry! Tickle tickle!
No one even cared. It's a movie discussion board. But I'm sure the bad black people in the news did some real bad black people stuff.
Its kinda of a warning that blacks behaviour will eventually have repercussions
It's a thread about nigger movies, talk about nigger things is inevitable cuck.
Jesus Christ.

You sound like a 15 year old girl. Are you?
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>that scene in the police department

This "police never believes the truth" is the overdone but that was hilarious.
I won't lie I'm kinda disappointed you didn't just call me a nigger again. But I might be. Do you want my kik?
Its a reddit poster it could be a full grown man and you couldn't tell the difference.
i want to FUCK Catherine Keener
How about I just call you a 15 year old nigger?
So it's not the Wicker man done with a black guy?
>critics see the movie as "YES BLACK MAN, KILL WHITEY" when it's really a man freeing himself from the leash of elite liberals who wish to control him

really jogs my noggin
As long as you keep flailing I remain mildly amused, so why not. Kik me bb
This dude looks like the ass baby of Dave Chappelle, Bokeem Woodbine, and Mos Def.
As soon as she invited the other two guys I knew where it was headed. The director was making fun of the premise of his own movie. Hearty kek.
But was it good?
Hmmm ... actually that interpretation makes a lot of sense. Well shit.
I watched it and yeah it was good.
Solid horror/thriller with some funny parts, I was entertained, but the RT 100% set my expectations way too high.
The RT score is definitely overblown but yeah, it was a good thriller with comedic elements.
When were Asians ever triggered?
It was fine. It didn't blow me away, but I wasn't bored or anything. I enjoyed it overall.
Niggers make a shit movie gold though, especially if you're not an autistic faggot who can join in the making fun of the shit movie. I paid my $15 with the $5 singles tax and if I want to shit on a bad movie with a group of fun loving moon crickets, I'll get down with the best of them.
>the message of the movie is all white people are racist, and if they try to be liberal and your friend they are even more racist

How come whenever there's a black film talking about race and oppression, whites will some way do mental gymnastics to act like they're the victims? Yall reach too much.
>make a movie vilifying whites
>conclude the film with killing them all
Duurr i wonder why
Racial oppression in modern America is as realistic as this movie.

Why are you surprised that whitey is sick of being a punching bag?
peele is hampered by the fact that he's still in the closet officially. once that sham is dropped he'll be fine
Holy shit you're right
So what's the message we're supposed to get from the film? White people patronize black people? Sure, that happens with groups of white people who live in a completely homogenous area and have never seen a black guy in their life. At the same time, EVERY RACE does that to EVERY OTHER RACE.

Black people who live in all-black communities don't know how the fuck to act around Asians, for instance.

Stop pretending black people have special snowflake problems. You're describing a universal human experience.
Tell us more about this racial oppression that you personally have experienced anon. It sounds like you've had a rough road.
>do maid work and grounds keeping
Did you ever stop for 1 second to think that they were probably pretending to servants because Chris was there?
It'd be suspicious if the dad went up to Georgina and was like "Hey, mom!".
>Django Unchained

He killed slave masters and his partner was white. He TOO was killing white people. I guess it's okay for whites to abuse their slaves, but not okay for them to take revenge.
Why should I bother?

If I shared my personal experiences, you just mock them and dismiss them anyway.
You're probably right. Just, as a white guy, I never understand the claim that we are punching bags. Beyond some people making fun of me in a movie or whatever, it hasn't been a problem for me. If I put on a collared shirt and nice shoes I get treated with respect everywhere I go. My life hasn't been easy but I've hardly felt like I was racially oppressed. So I literally don't get it.

Also I can't dance and can't jump, they got those jokes right.
>make a movie vilifying whites

The movie is about whites being psychopaths to black people. Doesn't portray to whole white population. Most blacks aren't racist shits like you where you see a hood film and think "Hmm I guess all black act this way"

>"W-why do people make fun of us? I mean, we kreated da internet, much purer race, better IQ than niggers and commit less crime. Muh genocide"

You can try and treat people like human beings, especially blacks. The ones that don't deserve to get shit on. That's the main reason for this movie and "Dear White People "

Don't degrade or patronize someone for their race
>I never understand the claim that we are punching bags

Because you're a pathetic cuckold who gets some bizarre satisfaction out of mocking your own race.

Or you're a kike, which is much more likely.
that's what I got from it as well, when the black people get hypnotized to where they can't move or whatever, it shows them surrounded by darkness (like in a theater) looking at a literal fucking RECTANGULAR screen.
they could've made it look any other way, it was way too specific
When did I mock my own race? When I said I can't dance and can't jump? I can't.
Not a Jew but I have had two of them rip me off for large sums of money. Not a fan. Long story, wrong board.
>tfw white liberals will watch this movie and think "haha white people are so awful, glad I'm taking a stand against injustice!" and not realize the movie is actually about white liberals.

Honestly, up until your post, I've only seen about three or four people who sound like they've actually seen it. The rest are shitposting and complaining like you.
>So are they even liberals? Or is that just their schtick?

Pretty sure the Dad says they would've elected Obama for a third term if they could have.
Yeah but he also pretends they're not part of a creepy voodoo cult. He's not exactly the most sincere character.
>conservatives don't patronize us so fuck them
>liberals patronize us so fuck them
What does niggers want actually?
>100% consensus means it's an absolutely perfect movie!

Do you guys really not understand how RT works?
I didnt buy a colored tv to watch niggers on it.
>The movie is about whites being psychopaths to black people. Doesn't portray to whole white population. Most blacks aren't racist shits like you where you see a hood film and think "Hmm I guess all black act this way"
Holy shit you are an idiot. Do you even know what vilify means? Ironic " y-yeah you are racist too" just to highlight how much of a thick cunt you are.
My area is like 45% Mexican, 45% white, 5% black, 3% native, and 2% Asian. Nobody here spazzes out just by seeing someone who's a different race than they are.

Maybe there really are white people who ask Indians if they live in teepees and randomly touch black people's hair. But it's not as common as these movies make it seem.
So what's your fucking point?

You agree with me that this thread is filled with shills?
Neither are liberals. That's the joke.
I'm not going to pay to see a black and white film.
Wait, americans touch other people's hair? What's wrong with you?
The liberals I know are pretty sincere. They're just dorks who try too hard around black people. Which is the setup of the movie.
Oh boy. Are we really going down this road? The everyone-who-disagrees-with-me-is-paid-to-do-it road?
>I've only seen about three or four people who sound like they've actually seen it

These are your own words.

Quick, try to think of a black comedian that hasn't used race as a crutch.

Bill Cosby and... ?? 0 other people.
Not him but I agree not that many people have seen it, mostly these threads are autistic shrieking from /pol/ kids who freak out if they see a black man with a white girl. What's your point?
Hannibal Burress is funny. So wasn't Patric O'Neal.
Comedy is based on observing and pointing out things that are absurd. What could be more absurd than modern race relations in the USA?
White people are angry, we get it.

When do we rally around class instead of race in this country?
Point went over your head

>Maybe there really are white people who ask Indians if they live in teepees and randomly touch black people's hair. But it's not as common as these movies make it seem.

You don't know everyone's anecdotal evidence. If it wasn't common, there wouldn't be films like theses



Sounds familiar t b h
You don't know what i'm saying you dumb fuck.
Maybe you're too stupid to understand. Just like how you don't understand the concept of this movie.
You made it clear you didn't understand what vilification means because your first sentence was " the movie makes whites look like psychotics"
You're not fooling anyone darkie mcdumbfuck.
>things that never happened:the post
File: get-out-trailer-1_xb9r.640.jpg (17KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
17KB, 640x360px
Would you make her pay the toll?
I dunno man I used to live in a black neighborhood and they legit yell stuff at the screen during movies
I'd bang her and I don't care where she's been
>You made it clear you didn't understand what vilification means because your first sentence was " the movie makes whites look like psychotics"

Except I told you what was the point of the movie, why disproves your argument , whether or not what you meant by "vilifying" whites . This movie doesn't "vilify" whites as a whole and not the intent of the movie

brilliant old chap
>So how anti white is the movie?

on a scale of 1 to 10? I'd say a light 6
I've already seen Look Who's Coming to Dinner
This film was a black power fantasy against white people
wait really?

that seems too "against the grain" for this movie
slightly overrated by critics, but worth the price of admission.
Nope. Not even close.
pretty much
Why do you keep making posts where the second part contradicts the first part? Are you an idiot?
The best thing about this thread is showing that no one watched this garbage lmao
I watched it. You seem pretty proud of a bunch of easily triggered kids from /pol/ autistically shrieking about a trailer, why is that?
Why are you still here lmao
why not try reddit if you actually want to try to talk about this shitpile
Ah so you watched the film. Tell me specifically what you didn't like about it?
>If it wasn't common, there wouldn't be films like theses

Do you think Satanic Ritual Abuse really happened too?
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