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Channel Awesome TGWTG Thread

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Thread replies: 136
Thread images: 40

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2017, what is in store for CA?
>Spoony Cartoon in the works
>Latza Season 3 "The Trump Years"
>JO and Jewario Crossover
>Thanks to AVGN, a new surge in Linkara Views

What's next in-store for CA this year?
the blockbuster buster is getting rebooted next month
Jesus Bro will bring so many back to Eggkara, which is up and running now on Cytube. But since Linkara's movie how many anons have died?
rip cpt rectum, you will not be forgotten, especially by that ethiopian child who is now living thanks to your organs which he bought from the black market
Was JewWario actually Jewish?
if he had any serious religious beliefs he's most definitely burning in hell right now, just ask the Irate Gamer
yes, and yet he got denied a jewish cemetary because his wife had him cremated immediately after he """killed himself""" because she totally had nothing to hide
i don't even know if you're serious
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Irate Gamer is dead or you just mean his life is hell?
I am, he posted a bunch of vlogs about dropping a few characters and rebooting the storyline when he relaunches the series in march

He means Irate Gamer made fun of him for committing suicide.

He converted to Judaism for his Jewish wife. He was not born a Jew.
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Will Bhargav ever return?
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What's the easiest way to paint a bathroom?

Hand JewWario a gun.
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>off by 1
bump for eggkara
Eggkara is watching some Rare Bob Smithy, get in here
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>post the drawing
>don't post the kino it came from
ya blew it op

lel he killed Linkara with an axe

I'd pay to watch that cartoon for real.
Reminder Linkara got cuck'd by his fat black gf on NYE.
wait what
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>Allison has NYE stream with her and Phelan and some other people
>Linkara skypes in
>Allison asks him how things are going with the engagement
>He says great, they're just getting moved into the house he bought for them with his patreon bucks (sound familiar?)
>Allison asks if she's there with his so they can say hi
>He says no, she went to Washington DC to celebrate NYE with some "friends" and left him at home
>Allison can barely hold back making a Debbie Downer face into the webcam
>Phelan stays silent
>It's very awkward
o lawd. shes probably tired of having to peg him. shes a fat beast dat needs sum DICK.
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Reminder it was a justified kill.

>Actual quote from the police report: "Deputy Antwiler fatally shot the suspect after he drew his weapon on the Deputy, Deputy Antwiler then radioed to dispatch: 'You're gonna need to send an ambulance, and a coroner.' in a calm and cool demeanor."
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There is a point in which solitude is better than ending up with a beast like that though, Linkara constantly changing from one monster to another just makes him look increasingly pathetic.
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>It's a Spoony is in Miles' house playing SWAT and acting like he's hot shit while Miles is out killing actual domestic terrorists that are waving around assault rifles at women and children episode
This man is the reason I stopped going to the site. He's so ugly, his teeth look disgusting and his voice is the most grating thing I''ve ever listened to.

Worst of all his fucking opinions are shit. And not just in a "WHAT HE DARE DISAGREE WITH ME?" type of way, he actually seems to be a retarded person.
No. He left because Doug wanted him to use a toilet.
What's our boy Paul Latza been up to? Did he achieve his dream of becoming a content creator for a channel of autists?
Iirc he wrote porn about that hambeast fucking some guy.
He works for the Mouse now. Hopefully working to take it apart from the inside and create the Disney Fourth Reich. At least I like to think that's what Paul's endgame is after the Sand Niggas video.
>after the Sand Niggas video


has he gone off the deep end?

At least he finally "broke into" the industry. With his personality I can't see him lasting long.

He was doing an Aladdin lets play and he called it "Sand Niggas" and said sand niggers in the video. He deleted it but of course someone from /tv/ reupped it and then he made his twitter private. That goddamn bigot jew fuck.
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In this Trump presidency, insensitive remarks towards muslims could be seen as tasteless.
Holy shit his laugh is obnoxious.
>you killed a Muslim
>Well actually he's Sikh
Did Latza really pull all of his shit off youtube? I miss the threads we used to have about him and his deep plotz to get nut to butt with that nostalgia critic guy
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Just the racist Aladdin lets play. He'll occasionally upload a half-assed video but none of them are like his Gamer's Atlas stuff.
>He's so ugly, his teeth look disgusting

Why whatever do you mean?
Isn't it a fucking REVIEW show? Review the media, don't make your own autistic story.
He's not really that much uglier than any of the old TGWTG crowd ever was.

Yeah, he's not attractive, what with the horrible teeth and 2001 tier hair, but the CA crowd was always ugly and greasy
What HAS Latza been up to?
>implying anyone watches for his reviews or insights
he's the worst of the worst, lad
They're all the worst.

I stopped watching them in 2010, and I'm still mortified that I ever did
Making shitty meme videos
Trick statement, no one watches him.
Don't forget he counted words commonly spoken in Gravity Falls
>being attacked by a Mexican drug lord armed with an AK47
>giving him a dirt nap like it ain't no thing

Noah's bro is based as fuck!
Jesus. Did we bully him into shitcanning his garbage "Gamer's Atlas" and "Gameception" series?
He moved to LA and left his board games and friends behind
I guess it's better for him to have an actual career, but I miss his autistic antics.
didn't he make a video stating he and a friend were going to break into the industry? The madman actually did it.
fucking shit, remember when someone from /tv/ impersonated Mike from RLM and got Latza to send in an audition tape? Fucking hell that was some mighty fine shitposting.

There was no friend and the only thing he's been editing is menial shit for Disney's social media platforms.
How the fuck did Latza even fall for that?
I wish /tv/ still did things like this instead of /pol/ shitposting all day.

They posted an unlisted RLM video that gets posted on their patreon. That and Mike graduating from the same college was enough for Latza to think he was talking to the real Mike.
Fuck I remember you. Those threads were always such a clusterfuck. Impersonators impersonating the actual impersonators.
>That time we hacked Brad
I was the one who went for his YouTube account.
>He never fixed it
Reminder that Paul committed voter fraud.
Wasn't that a very old account?
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Is he the best current member of Channel Awesome?
>Implying I would ever delete Bane
Of course he's a bernie supporter.
He only supports him because that's what his idols support
Yeah. I guess he made a new one because the old one was too hacked.

>that part with my little pony

oh god.
Latza's got student debts out the ass, of course he wants that free college.
Anyone else notice that super SJW character Brad had in a couple of his recent reviews, and had a pineapple shoved up his ass, is dressed and talks exactly like OANcitizen? That cracked me the fuck up, I knew Brad had talked about him being a piece of shit in the past but that was some next level fuck you shit.
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Anyone else think that Nostalgia Critic's recent videos have gotten better?
Did he even look at any of RLMs content before he sent this in? I don't think they were doing any videogame shit at the time.
I still don't know how he racked up 800k from film school. He must have burned down an auditorium
Pre Rec was going on at the time.
I mean, that might be a joke, but he delivers it so seriously. I don't know.
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I noticed it was pretty funny.

>tfw he posted a picture of his QT gf cutting up and eating the pineapple after he finished filming

I'd marry this one if I was him. It's never gonna get better and less tumblr than this. The past few he was with were straight up poster women for being psycho tumblrinas. This one doesn't even want to be in the videos and hides from the camera. Lock it down if you're reading this Brad you bald manlet.
>Dresses up like it's the 1600's
>Does his show in a modern house
I don't understand
He needs to get rid of the awful fucking intro.
>Spoony Cartoon in the works

I haven't kept up with Spoony in a long time, did he go crawling back to CA or are you just making funnies?
What intro?

Considering the video is four years old it's definitely WELL ON IT'S WAY!
>Thanks to AVGN, a new surge in Linkara Views
I can't believe James endorsed Mr. NO SET SCHEDULE.
He didn't post a link, he just had him do a quick voice cameo. I guess he expects his fans to already know who the Nasty Cock Slut is.
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Rare Linkara's, get your rare Linkara pics here folks, these are from the era when he was first dabbling in writing about giant cocked black trannys destroying his boipussy. He'd come home from Bible study and get to work on Lightbringer and stories about how thugs would destroy his O ring.
>>79771309 #
That's a good of 'tism for one potato face.
God damn, he's gotten fucking fat over the years.
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Do you guys think his grandpa knew? Did he say "Hey grandpa, I can't watch the ballgame with you today, I'm really deep into this story of the black dickgirls engorging me with their cum because I'm a nasty cock slut!" and his grandpa was like "KILL ME NOW GOD PLEASE GIVE ME CANCER!". I like to think so.
He's been on a steady diet of chicken tendies. He rarely eats anything else.
>Spoony Cartoon in the works

That's a lot of potato faced autistics for one family.
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Welcome to the midwest, senpai

Here's Douge's family
Linkara's mom could get it. Imagine that big round ass bent over naked in front of you and you plowing her as she screamed in ecstasy and you know Linkara can hear it though the wall.
Does Louis have a fucking stuffed animal sitting next to him?
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Aw jeez. I didn't even notice.
Good catch, just more evidence of the 'tism I guess.
>>79771513 #
>Doug has always been chubby-fat

>Doug's brother used to be fat-fat
Double ewww
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So this is what happens when master trole kid fails to kill himself.
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Too bad Latza wasn't there to end the entire Lovhaug line with his superior nippon steel katana.
I think that it might be "Bear". Louis' stuffed animal that has been featured in several of his videos.
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I quite enjoy his videos actually.

You'll be one of the first to die on the Day of the Spoon.
You keep letting these autists nest here, they're going to keep shitting up the board. This is the future you chose.
What are your guys opinion on this fat fuck
Hey fuckface, Spoony threads were being made here in 2007 when the board was first created, they were here long before you were you little redditarian jizzrag.
No they were here BEFORE that, when there were only 3 boards and snacks was a mod. In fact, we've had them since something awful, lawl.
Actually we had them before the internet on the 4chan BBS, also before computers as a snail mail penpal thread.
This all happened.
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>It's a Spoony thread
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>Implying you wouldn't fuck his sister
This is truly autism, there's no other word to describe it.
dylan klebold?
>doesnt know tony soprano's daughter's best friend

wow, good job spoony
The best part is that he seems very oblivious to how it's immoral. He's like a grown-up kid.
>before the decline
awwwwwww :3
Spoony wasn't a character in 2007.
spoony started in january 2007 actually, even on 4chan people mostly liked him back in the day, even ED was more lenient in fucking with him compared to other youtubers.
He had a good thing going on before he completely fucked it up
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I haven't seen him in ages, how recent was this?
No way.

That HAS to be an edit. He had a mop top when he first started in two thousand... what? Thirteen? What caused him to just... JUST?
I remember that actually when Spoony had on his website that he is the only Channel Awesome star approved by ED and 4chan.
I like him.
He got me into GSC and the bad anime he reviews are pretty great
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Brits and hair don't go together

how is this guy surviving? the highest view count for his recent video was 4K views. on dailymotion is was like 20 and he only has $180 bux on patreon.


>TIHYDPs being taken outside of DSP

dunno how I feel about this desu.
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Take this shit down right NOW, or else!
this is the purest insight into the nerd mind I've ever witnessed
Funy how Douge's brother looked like his wife when he was young.
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What about the Angry Joe/Mark from Classic Game Room crossover and that rumored searching for the new Nostalia Chick casting by Doug.
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