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ITT: How to spot a movie pleb

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>He thinks Terminator 2 is better than The Terminator
>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who think korean cinema is good
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Refn, Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed
>People who say comfy/based
With you on that senpai, most people by far think 2 is better. Mental.

How to tell if someone is a faggot:

1. he is sexually attracted to other men
2. he seeks validation for his own tastes in entertainment from other people on the internet
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>mfw Cameron will never have a scene as this good in any of his movies again


Fuck you The Wrestler is amazing.

t. pleb
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>>People who have no foreign language movies listed
Speaking about foreign language movies, watch A Hole In My Heart
Now this is what you call Kinographic!
Video related

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Quick question, is Run Lola Run kino?
i think Aliens is better than Alien
>Winter Soldier is better than Man of Steel
That line is a dead giveaway thst your a pleb
The terminator is a sci fi slasher flick while terminator 2 is just a straight up action flick.

Almost alpples and oranges

>If you like anything, you have shit taste.
Quickest way to spot movie plebs is if they don't like Liam Neeson
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>The terminator is a sci fi slasher flick
The Terminator is a mix of sci fi, horror and thriller.

>Robotic skeleton wearing human skin which tears off throughout the film as he tries to hunt and kill a woman
It's basically a horror, thriller and not a flick at all

Terminator 2 mean while is about a young kid who befriends a robot from the future.
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Liam Neeson as Qui Gon is one of my favorite characters. Fight me.
He is really good as everything
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>People who pretend to like boring movies to seem intelligent
>People who watch black and white movies and films before the 50s to seem nuanced

Given the choice between an Arnie flick and Citizen Kane on TV you'd watch the Arnie flick.
People who like Godard
>He posts on /tv/ instead of /r/truefilm
Except as a russian sailor. Jesus i keked every time he opened his mouth.
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It is better though. I like the first Terminator more but 2 has more of a plot, more depth in its characters, more interesting conflict. Just generally more. Also I feel like if you watched them originally chronologically T1000 is scarier, and a technological marvel. With all of that said T1 was more straight forward, felt more brutal, and concise. But I fucking hated Arnie's plastic face.

T2 being more popular doesn't make you cooler for liking the first one.
how does that go for non-english countries?
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the infiltration flashback scene is best
>he prefers Ridley to Tony Scott
A film isn't just a collection of ideas. The original is is a better crafted film. It's tight and focused and doesn't waste a single scene. That its world is more believable and realized only adds the horror.

Judgment Day's "deeper" plot and characters, along with it's over indulgent action scenes, only serve to drag the whole thing to a crawl. The movie is practically a comedy with all the gags it throws in, which only makes it's tonal shift whenever the Terminator strikes all the stranger. A handful of scenes might be nice in retrospect, but I never actually want to watch the movie again as a whole. It's just a pain in the ass to sit through.
Doesn't know who these are, or only knows Groucho
The terminator has bits action sprinkled throughout. The dance club shootout, police statiom scene, the car chase
I used to think that way when I was still a kid and a teenager, because T2 had better special effects and looked "cooler".
Only later I realsed what a bunch of pg-13 NOOOO DON'T GO ROBO DADDY HASTA LA VISTA BABBY xD merchandise trimmed shit T2 really was. It was solely made to sell toys.

I wish Cameron would go back to his T1 and Aliens days. But that will never happen as he is a happy tree fucking vegan hippie now who wants to become Lucas 2.0.
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Forgot to include pic related
Enjoy watching random Russian films no one gives a fuck about. You're a faggot, substituting pretentiousness for taste.
Hmm, while I understand while you feel that way I, and many people dont. T2 also had a much higher budget and looked a lot more professional which helps its broad appeal. Also people like comedy, its presence isn't inherently a negative in an action film but obviously T1 is more thrilling and that helps it a lot. Broader appeal elements like characters with emotional depth (John and Sarah) and comedy will generally make people like that one more. At the end of the day I respect you for forming your opinions instead of throwing up on your keyboard like >>79626911
You sound like a butthurt redditor because I insulted your kid shitshow.
That's what T2 boils down to. It's a kids' movie akin to power rangers to sell toys. Nothing more.

>Also people like comedy, its presence isn't inherently a negative in an action film
Full fucking Reddit and Marvel quip faggotry right here. It does not belong anywhere else but to pander to faggots such as yourself.
You are just a shit gobbling pleb from Reddit. I bet you laughed at the sunglasses scene in Terminator 3 like the jackal you are.
very true
while I quoted your post I told myself
>he's going to respond buttblasted
big nice!
>big nice!
Who the hell talks like that?

Face it: Terminator 2 is a movie made in the style of The Iron Giant.

It's a kid's movie basically (not that that's bad) but to me I prefer a more mature approach which is what gives The Terminator an upper hand.
>T2 also had a much higher budget and looked a lot more professional
I disagree. The prosthetic Arnie head in the original obviously stands out, but it's still an interesting looking prop. You can appreciate the craftsmanship and technique even if it isn't perfectly lifelike. T2, on the other hand, is often just sloppy. The motorcycle chase is especially awkward, with shitloads of inconsistencies and obvious stunt actors. It takes

>its presence isn't inherently a negative in an action film
T2 isn't just an action movie. It still retains the same horror/thriller framing for the Terminator. They just mix in big setpieces and comedy/coming of age moments in between. It's precisely this mix that makes T2 so tonally jarring. The nuclear apocalypse scene stands out as being completely at odds with the Boy and his Dog thing they've got going on with John and Arnie.
In my conversation with the other guy I said I liked the first Terminator more. I simply like the second one too, and people shit on it a lot so its a fun discussion.
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>people who unironically keep track of what they watch, or want to watch
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T1 is a thriller

T2 is a action movie
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>I told myself
*it takes you right out of the scene
I dunno man, I get what you're saying but when I watched it I simply didn't get this impression. I thought it mixed into a pretty good action movie with a nice little emotional core.
Why did Cameron cut this scene out? It was a good homage to the first Terminator and was a breath to get away from Terminator and young Connor bonding.
T2 is one of the best movies ever made. Terminator 1 is cheesy 80s horror. Its an almost unwatchable B-movie. T2s special effects and acting shit on Terminator 1.
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Aw fuck not the doggo
>Terminator 1 is cheesy 80s horror. Its an almost unwatchable B-movie.
What the fuck is your problem
Plebs spotted
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