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Is this as bad as it looks?

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Is this as bad as it looks?
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This is what happens when autism is unchained.

Its not good, but if you take acid while watching it like me the visuals are good and very tripy how bad it is... like you'll be asking yourself "wtf" during the whole thing.
movie is a good example of the Channing Tatum rule:
don't watch movies with him in it
Mostly. There's a neat scene where they learn about taxes or some shit.
Why would you watch this when you could watch Dr Strange, though?
It's not the worst thing I've ever seen. The action scenes were well directed, and it was original sci-fi, so I guess it's worth a watch
Worth watching for all the beautiful men and Redmayne's hilariously hammy performance.
'cause i can torrent this without getting ass-raped.

Foxcatcher was good tho, shame Steve Caramel didn't win the award.
it's one of the goofiest things ever recorded, and is played 100% straight
Channing Tatum is an ugly monkey faggot that appeals to gross women in their 30s and 40s and I refuse to knowingly watch anything with him in it. I was irritated when he showed up in Hateful Eight but at least he gets his head blown off.
- Spaceship chase scene in Chicago is kino as fuck
- Space DMV is amusing and a nice Gilliam tribute (he actually shows up at the end)

The rest is pretty garbo
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>It's not the worst thing I've ever seen.
this is where you are 100% wrong
Redmayne was great in this horrible movie
>The action scenes were well directed
Wait, wut? What shithole of a country do you live in?
it's worse
you can't even anticipate how bad it is, seriously
10 minutes in and I could tell this is gonna be a bad movie
no quick cuts, no big continuity errors, it looked better than most blockbusters today
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I'm inclined to agree with>>79581524

It may have been bad, but it wasn't inherently offensive in any fashion. It just wasn't particularly good.

This however, I actually could not sit through. I think I shut it off at some point when they get in a cave or something, and generic male lead love interest starts talking and some dialogue happens. Not even the acting- of which none is required, but just the delivery of every line up to I think the 20 minute mark, is just horrendous. I mean fuck, at least Mila. Titums and I guess Redmang can say their retarded lines in a generic fashion.

Sorry Saorsiefags, she is 100% one of the worst I've ever seen on screen. If she can somehow act, then this is a fucking disgrace, and I don't mean the film overall, I mean straight up her performance is goddamn disgusting. Even if the director was shit, the script was shit, and you didn't even know when or if the camera was rolling, surely you could do slightly better than whatever this was.

Awful film. One of, if not the worst. Ever.
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From the creators of The Matrix...
None of that is true.
I like the sci fi story on Jupiter, the action scenes were awful generic capeshit and almost uneccessary to the plot
>from the writer of Twilight saga
gee I wonder why
fuck trump
It's really not the same, I sat through the Twilight movies, as bad as they were. This was a different level, and not because of the subject content. Well... not entirely. It certainly had a better premise than Twilight, that's for sure.

Directed and written by the writer of The Truman Show. How does one fall this far?
The #trumanshow was shit too
Why did Mila Kunis' character go for this ugly fucker and not the two hot evil brothers?
Saoirse is beautiful in that movie tho. That already makes it better than the deranged fagfest Jewpiter.
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>Titums and I guess Redmang can say their retarded lines in a generic fashion.

But he was over the top and entertaining in a "so bad it's good" way, not really generic.
but it is

its worse

just proves the wachowskis talent was entirely contained in their balls

the cops dragged my neighbor away screaming last week. i think he torrented an episode of the big bang theory. boy, am i glad i didn't do that.
I really appreciated that they went all out creating the universe but the movie itself is just pretty bland. Mila Kunis is so bad in it I wonder if she's solely responsible for bringing the whole thing down. Fuck she didn't even try. Eddie Redmayne chews the scenery like a madman and he's absolutely wonderful in the movie
The movie overall is not that great. But it's visually beautiful. You'll like it if you're into CGI spectacles.
What about hail caesar?
why do all Mila movies suck so bad?
Why would you waste acid on this shit? Go outside.
>Eddie Redmayne
that fucking queer should get out of movies altogether
But he's the most attractive and talented actress currently working.
Because they wanted pleb girls to self-insert as her, they wanted pleb money.

I actually watched it and fell asleep after the first half of the movie. never bothered to finish it now that I think about it. that usually never happens.... It was really not a good movie even though the concept seemed quite interesting in my eyes. mila kunis and channing tatumn ruined it though

man, the whole movie was an insult to the matrix franchise
holy fuck that's gorgeous
I may give it a watch after all
its actually really good. like, way better than than it has any right to be
well, you have this https://youtu.be/eNcgOSKcYDg
Also, I think is one of those few movies where concept art reaches the final product almost untouched
it's heavily flawed.

i had some high hopes after cloud atlas, and i believe the wachowskis are unique talents considering their resume. but jupiter is kind of a mess. everything feels rushed, making it hard for any characters or the story to be of much meaning. it sucks that the whachowskis fucked up their one chance at creating an original sci-fi film with money getting thrown at them
two HUGE problems with this flick
the two leads were awful (though they are okay in other films)
and the plot revolves around the girl being captured and rescued about 900 times in 2 hours

Stream line the plot
and hire better lead actors and its fine
>Watching tranny propaganda on acid
Seems like a good way to fuck your brain into an bluepill cuckhold.

I like the jump Street movies though
>just theed palace my shit up senpai
Hateful Eight is great
Nothing like some nice mid-February weather to facilitate a good trip
Black Swan was good. But I guess she was a supporting actor in that.
Yeah.... pretty much..
I would say there's bigger problems with the overall tone. They needed to lean a bit more towards the Fifth Elementy, Terry Gilliamy farce vibe that they had at certain points, and it would have made the silly plot a lot more palatable.
Okay well see ya man
It's even worse

You made me realize how much better this could have been as Gilliam film with it deliberately being nonsensical rather than it trying to take itself seriously.
H8 is OK. The setup is spectacular and the payoff is dogshit. He's in the dogshit portion and for like 10 mins.
>Post 2008
>Doesn't have a proxy or VPN.
The visuals were pretty great throughout the entire picture, the story is just embarassing and stupid, and it makes no sense. Villians had no oomph to them, can't compare to the agents, Mila is a horrible, horrible lead actor. Tatum was fine. Most of it was ok.
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