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/who/ - Doctor Who General

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Thread replies: 344
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The Best Doctor edition

Bad Wolf is heavily underrared episode. I'd place it in top5.
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We Ice Warriors now

>I'm bringing back the Ice Warriors again, one of my favourite monsters. It's a thrill a minute. A sort of Bank Holiday Monday feel, the kind of Jules Verne, Edgar Rice Burroughs story of derring-do, which I've always loved. But it has a new twist - there is a new Ice Warrior in it, a new kind of Ice Warrior.
mark gaypiss
Are there any actual good Ice Warrior stories. Have BF played with them?
Apart from mask lifting I like Cold War, I'm a sucker for base under siege stories
Eccleston's series is incredibly solid. Father's Day is another good one.

inb4 Fire Warrior or an Ice Warrior/Sandman hybrid
yfw we never get Glenn and Terri cameos in S10 completing TTOI actors being in every Capaldi Series
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>Ice Warrior/Sandman hybrid
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Reminder this hasn't happened from 12's point of view.

>War, 10 and 11 all regenerate after saving Gallifrey.
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I still can't quite believe it. I honestly thought he would be the first Doctor in decades to break the absurd 3 season "rule".

Also, after all the critical acclaim for his acting in Heaven Sent, being the only speaking role (apart from one line) etc. Shit, at one point he was in the running for an Emmy nomination!

At least he'll be a hell of a Doctor for one more series. I need a hug /who/.
In honor of the passing of John Hurt, I present the first three volumes of the War Doctor's Big Finish adventures. If you enjoy this series, I highly recommend you visit the Big Finish main page and support them by purchasing some of your favorite stories.

>Replace ABCD with mediafire
>Follow the instructions.

Also as a writing exercise, you have five minutes to write the titles to 13 episodes.

1. The Long Way Down
2. Into the Woods
3. Call of the Void
4. Mind Linked
5. Shivers
6. The Triskelli Coalition
7. The Stranger's Promise
8. Plucked Feathers
9. Clipped Wings
10. The Unseen Servant
11. Devil's Den
12.The Solid Ghost
13. The Long Climb Up
Please welcome the thirteenth Doctor, a hero for a whole new generation. It's …

new doctor will be a man of color i can guarantee it
The new Doctor should be Tony from Skins.
1) A Matter of Time
2) The Lonely Satellite
3) Ruins of the State of the Art
4) Stowaways on Earth
5) A Nightmare Visits - Part 1
6) Orphans of the Stars - Part 2
7) The House on the Moon
8) Secret of the Hexagon
9) The Order of the Stones
10) Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos
11) Assault of the Benefactors - Part 1
12) The Time Opener - Part 2
13) The Man Who Stayed for Christmas
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>we won't see based Perkins return for top-tier banter with 12
The Troughton stuff is all that really stands out afaik - BF did a few, but they're just sort of standard mid-range stories. Plus Gary Russell and Craig Hinton both wrote elaborate fanwank novels about them.
STILL gets me hyped as fuck.
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When will they make the Sontarans sexy again?
I'd much prefer Ben Wishaw. That said, I want his personality to be counter to his appearance. I don't want Tennant 2.0. I want a cocky, arrogant, and slightly sarcastic Doctor that has still his heart in the right place, even if he's grown much more conceited as a result of his long life span.

Also Volume 2 of Hurt's adventures is when things really start to kick off.
Looks too much like Matt Smith
Kinda happy he's leaving.

At least he won't be written shittily under Chibnall and this lends credence to the Moffat's Journey's End theory.
He looks like Tennant 2.0
I cant do anything about it sadly.
Best moment in the series. Yes I'm counting all the seasons that shit came out of nowhere and hit like a truck.
>I want a cocky, arrogant, and slightly sarcastic Doctor that has still his heart in the right place, even if he's grown much more conceited as a result of his long life span.
Literally described 12. Also, you're not getting that with Ben Wishaw. Also, he's already at the top of the bookies' list so you can be sure it won't be him.
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All they'd have to do is cut his hair much shorter and let him grow out a little bit of facial hair to mask his softer features. You'd be surprised what a little change like that could make. If not I'd prefer something more like this.
We get it you want a white male Doctor.
It's gonna be him, isn't it?
Mark aren't you like 50, stop playing with toys.
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I want the reverse of 12's character arc. He started grumpy and then grew more and more attached and fatherly towards Clara and subsequently more social and tactful. I want the Doctor to start off socially open due to his experiences with past companions but his darker traits start to come more and more to the surface until eventually he directly endangers those that rely on him for the sake of ego. 10 started down this path but immediately regretted his mistake and made an attempt to be better if all for not. I want this guy to continue to spiral and spiral into his pit of despair and anger until eventually it's revealed that this incarnation was the Valeyard all along.

I just want a decent actor.

I know next to nothing about him.
They would never cast him because he's not british, but I would love Alexis Denisof as the Doctor. Wesley was GOAT in Angel.
Enemy of Earth pt.1
The Future Killers pt.2
The Crime of a Lifetime
The Whispers of Doom
The Lonely Monster
The Image of Axos
The Lost Power
The Stones of Earth pt.1
The Power of the World pt.2
The Hand of Armageddon pt.1
There and back again pt.2

Deimos/The Resurrection of Mars is brilliant.
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>I know 5 billion languages
What did he mean by this
Was he bluffing?
All I know he's half-BR iirc.
Nope...TARDIS translation matrix

Sammi's critical!
And he makes valid points
well knowing BBC....
He's GOAT and the son of Ian.

Rowan Atkinson for the next doctor plz
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>this meme
Already happened
Anyway isn't HTGAWM still on air? I don't think he'll leave that job for DW.

Implying it wouldn't be GOAT af
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Post Capalmemes
His character just died last month.
What would you say is a high for Doctor #12? And what's the low point?
Playing the guitar
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Thoughts on Jessica Raine taking over the role? Could be interesting?
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Well I didn't knew that. Man my gf is gonna be pissed when she finds that out.

Thoughts on <ACTOR NAME> taking over the role?
Could be interesting.
Repeat until we actually find out who the new Doctor is.
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So this bitch ruined the show, right? This guy wouldnt be quitting if this annoying bitch who succeeds in everything for being stupid wasnt his sidekick, right?
>my gf

You're not fooling anyone.
Don't tempt the hive.
Kek, well he died last month, but that was filmed months ago. It all lines up.
low quality bait
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>this is the Matt Smith situation all over again
Her dimples > Moffat's scripts
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Let's have pic related instead.
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Post Karens
Alfred Enoch is the son of William Russell, who played a popular companion of the 1st Doctor in the 1960s.

His most notable role so far has been as Wes Gibbins in 'How To Get Away with Murder', for which he was nominated for NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series twice.

IMO, he'd be popular the DW fanbase, has the acting credentials, is young and nice looking which will attract 'fangirls' back to the show, plus is bi-racial which would satisfy the anti-diversity and pro-diversity crowds. He's a win-win casting choice.

He's a good bet.
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She's charismatic. I know, she is probably the sexiest woman in a country, but she's charismatic as hell too.
I think she can be the Doctor.
ALSO his presence could mean Ian finally returning to the show somehow.
It's also now or never. If they don't get him now, he'll blow up and be too big of a star by the time the next Doctor has to be cast.
9/10 body, 6/10 face
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New companion please
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>Hyped as fuck for Capaldi's run
>Was shackled to the shittiest companion and Moffuck's terrible writing
>In the end his only great episodes were Mummy on the Orient Express and Heaven Sent, everything else was meh or terrible

God Capaldi was so wasted on this
A "generation" is four years apparently...
With three series
It really is fucking annoying that such an excellent actor like Capaldi had to deal with all the endless shit gimmicks Moffat's thrown his way since his arrival.

Plus now we'll never get to see what a non-Moffat Capaldi season would look like. Bollocks.
leave /who/. dont come back
It was actually an hero.
you too. you're probably from leddit or gallifrey base. we don't want you here.
Eccleston - 2005

Tennant - December 2005 - January 2010
(4 years, 1 month)

Smith - April 2010 - December 2013
(3 years, 8 months)

Capaldi - August 2014 - December 2017
(3 years, 4 months)

NuWho Doctor lengths:

Tennant, Smith, Capaldi, Eccleston.

There's an injustice here...
Stephan dillane for next doctor. He'd ducking hate it, but he'd be good at it
Tennant has about the same number of episodes as SMith or Capaldi though, his extra year was the specials year (2009)
Capaldi's only gonna have had 40 episodes by the time he regenerates
He'll have hundreds of audios.
I'd be totally fine with it. No chance of it happening though.

He's one of the best actors to play the part, one of the most Doctorish Doctors ever - and it feels like so much of his potential has been squandered by substandard scripts, a lack of direction and general Moffat-burnout.

Unless season 10 turns out to have an uncommonly large number of fucking great episodes, Capaldi's going to have a pretty threadbare legacy of "Listen", "Mummy On The Orient Express" and "Heaven Sent".

Still, given that him and Moffat are leaving at the same time, there's a good chance he'll at the very least get a great sendoff episode. Though I do wish they'd stop fucking doing the regenerations at Christmas.
Seeing as he's a fan, hopefully. But Tennant's only done a few. Is the BBC holding them back?
After Hell Bent I finally admitted to myself that I disliked Clara. Now, knowing how much of Capaldi's time was wasted with such a shitty character, I'm starting to despise her.
This, enough with the christmas regens.
are you guys looking forward to babel colours 12 tribute?

also what song should he use?
they are trying to maximize the sales by generating false hype

then again tennant is busy with other shit as well
Nah, they're just busy. Tennant has Broadchurch and it's quite difficult to get Karen and Arthur back to Cardiff or wherever they're recording the audios. Matt has more free time so maybe they'll do a 11xRiver box set.
>one of the most Doctorish Doctors ever

This! When he's in his red velvet suit with the mad hair, and those kind eyes under the paradoxical grimacing frown, that's exactly how I picture 'The Doctor'.

And I'm thinking that, since it's Moffat's last too, he'll do what he did with Doctor Mysterio. i.e, it's a Christmas special, but there's nothing Christmassy about it
Please post more Hayley so we can continue to evaluate her suitability for the role.
Too similar to Capaldi. Also too white and too male.
That sounds fun. Matt hasn't done any Big Finish audios yet, right?
Seriously? Her face is stunning but she has no arse or tits.
Nickelback, Rockstar
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This is who it should be desu
It doesn't feel right that we're getting a new Doctor


Feels like Capaldi's just started
the most enraging thing about that is that I can see where you're coming from!

also do you guys think PC left just because the job is physically demanding? or that being a major factor.
If it isn't going to be a female (and I'm hoping it will be, just not fucking Miranda Hart or Olivia Coleman), I think we need another Eccleston. Race is irrelevant, I'd just like to see another male of his age take over the role. Rory Kinnear top pick
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You can touch that. Trust me, I'm the Doctor.
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>also do you guys think PC left just because the job is physically demanding? or that being a major factor.

The prospect of working under Chris Chibnall probably terrified him. I mean Moffat at his worst is still better than Chinballs.
Why not Olivia Coleman? She's good actor.
Could they give Atwell some sexy scenes if she was the Doctor? Or is that not family friendly enough?
I've seen a lot of people say Rory Kinear but hasn't he been quoted as saying he's never even watched the show and isn't a fan?
Mate, smart is the new sexy.
No, she is, I agree. But I just don't see her a Doctor material. It's just my personal opinion, of course. Also there's the fact she's been in the show already, as a villain, so I don't see how they could incorporate that like they did with Capaldo.
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Dr. Who thread
No mention of Dr. Who.
Eccleston 2.0 Yes please.
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Couldn't they theoretically record from anywhere? I thought I heard that Tom does his lines from home nowadays
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Dr. Phil
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I think she's classy and looks wise. She can handle speech scenes so well.
Who's this Alexandra Roach with a 20/1 chance according to the bookies? Seems nice.. Would a Matt Smith aged female Doctor be taken seriously?
>literally the same people rumoured as when Matt left

Can you link where are you getting bookies' stats?
>The Tardis is mine. By right.

I suppose he's free if the Tunnel isn't doing another season. but yeah, propably too similar to Peter
Am I doing this wrong?
It's the first link I came across this morning.
If the Doctor becomes a woman I will stop watching. I hope the ratings tank and the show gets cancelled.
Aw Christ, Sacha Dhawan would be sweet. Just saw his name pop up.
If its Hayley or Olivia ratings will be highest since Fourth.
Speaking of Sacha, why not Sacha Baron Cohen?
No. Can't explain why, just wrong.

He's good in Poldark, just can't picture him as the Doctor.
Next doctor should be Percy Kent-Smith.
Nah, we don't want someone that can carry the show, not get it canceled.
>Moffat at his worst is still better than Chinballs.

Nail on head. Capaldi's abandoning ship.
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I honestly think Hayley could bring in a whole new audience. Would probably more than make up for the people who drop it because of "muh feminism takeover".
orange space suit BTFO
Say it with me 13th Doctor
I think she's great actress and has a lot of charisma. She can pull it off.
If the BBC ran a competition, looking for 'new talent', asking members of the public to submit audition tapes to YouTube for the role of the new Doctor to be judged by Chibnall and the BBC higher-ups, with the winner becoming the new Doctor, would you risk the ridicule of your peers and submit a public audition to YouTube (your rendition of the Rings of Akhaten speech)...?
Y'know what? Too androgynous. I mean, we don't need to cast a sex symbol, but if you're gonna cast a female doctor fuckin' cast a female doctor, y'know?
Casting a woman would be way too divisive to work in the state the show is right now. It's not happening.
Hit or miss. I'd risk it.
>She can pull it off.

No objections there.
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My second choice was her.
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The BBC won't. All of their big shows are dead or dying without a chance of salvaging, this is the only one they can save.
Her I'd go with, but mostly because I love her body of work, not because I think she'd make a great Doctor. Which is the wrong reason, so I've decided not to go with her. Soz.
Not gonna happen for 13.
Will be a return to the Tennant style of Doctor.
Wouldn't rule it out for 14 though. But that's at least 2-5 years away.
Comic woman Doctor wont work. Making Miranda Hart the Doctor is like making Catherine Tate the Doctor. (aka everyone would be annoyed by second episode)

We need female Matt.
Hayley is too much of a female Matt, she is perfect.
Chinball is probably browsing this thread right now, looking for inspiration....
Most of the people you lot are suggesting are way too famous and in demand for Doctor Who.
I think you mean female 10. Or 9. Or 7? Or 8, actually? Fuckit, let's redo them all with tits.
>Agent Carter star Hayley Atwell: 'I'd like to be Doctor Who'
Alfred Enoch isn't.
Anyone who thinks that a female Doctor, in the state the show is in, would not cause the show to be cancrelled is utterly deluded.
Weak bait
She said that to virtue signal.
I doubt she'll want to when she learns the salary is only 200k for 8 months solid, non-stop work, as opposed to the millions she's already being paid.
She seems to be quite engaged with her fans, too, which is a nice bonus from a fandom perspective.
What about Wilford Brimley?
He was already asked he doesn't want the role.
Beeb couldn't afford her, however would approve.
God, is the salary really that shit? I don't know how much Atwell was getting paid for her ABC shows, but I'm assuming she would make $200k in a couple of episodes on ABC.

Then again, she doesn't have any ABC show to speak of now, and who knows if she has something better lined up?
Only going to watch a female Doctor if it's Hayley Atwell or Olivia Coleman.
Christ, the campaign really aged Milo.
Capaldi subconsciously remembers Clara was a hot ass brunette mid regeneration he gets sexually aroused and turns into Haley Atwell a hot brunette in tribute to his lost hot friend.
Her show probably would have has better ratings if they dressed her like that consistently. At least she can move on to better things now.
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When it's up to british girls how did you forget HER? I'm dissapointed.
Here we are, lads. Vote on potential female Doctors.
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Sounds reasonable.
I'm going to say it, a female Doctor will only work if she can act as if she has been a man most of her life. She has to remind the audience that she is basically a male in a female body, otherwise it's just going to feel like a completely different character, all the male Doctors made me believe through their acting and habits that they were the same man with a new face.
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The new Doctor coming through
>Too similar to Capaldi.
What is this meme? No one was saying that Smith was too similar to Tennant when he was announced. I smell ageism.
They look similar. 13th Haley Doctor crosses paths with Clara again and they have lesbian sex in her Diner Tardis with me cuckholding and watching.
he would do a great job as a darker, selfish doctor with the a more pronounced contempt for humans.
>Doctor Who and the Diabeetus
Why does the Mirror hate Capaldi with such a passion? It's bizarre.
>they choose a female or non-white doctor
>viewing figures drop even more
>in the state the show is in

The show is doing well outside the UK, but yeah I understand viewing figures for series 9 fell in Britain.
If this gets more attention than my poll I'll eat my own dick. You're on, motherfucker.
Because he's boring to them, he has no dirty secrets to hide, and he's older even tho he's not ugly they can't swoon over him and make articles about he's so hot to the young female readers. Basically the Mirror have no dirt on Capaldi so they want a younger Doctor to get all the juicy life details on.
>No Alan Davies
Reminder that it's not going to be a woman, and this is happening:

Calling it now Doctor who is finished after Capaldi. The 13th Doctor whoever they are is going to suck and Chibnall will sink the ship within a year. Doctor who will be cancelled again.
Faye Marsay would be a good female doctor.

What they really need is a new showrunner and writers though.
Chibnall will be bad. But only Moffat is capable of the Gallifrey-sized clusterfuck that is Hell Bent.
I'm, we've had 13 arguably perfect casts so far. Is Chinballs really going to go down as the man who broke the chain?
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>tfw The Beeb loves Miranda Hart and would unironically let her be The Doctor
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>only £200k to play the doctor

what kind of jewish operation is the BBC running?
>Colin Baker

I love the Pie Lord too and he made the best out of a bad situation, but he was a horrible choice for the casting.
I mean, I'd argue that his performance was fine, it's just the writing and his outfit that tarnished his era.

Much like with 12
Really intrigued as to what will be the cause of 12's regeneration.

11's was disappointing, but fitting to his era.

nope, big finish 6 isn't the best of a bad idea, it's shows that he was good enough for the role.

maybe 5 was a mistep
His performance was fine but he was a bad casting. The idea for making this beloved family TV icon an unlikable twat (dressed like a clown) was a fucking awful idea. Colin was great to play that character but it never should've been the main character, one of the things that killed the show.
Do we predict it'll be a sudden shock (like 7) or a long winded affair (ala 10 and 11)?
Suddenly I love idea of femDoctor.
Ah okay, I see what you're saying.
How high up in these was Capaldi before he got cast?
His last episode will start goofy comedy one with him pretending to be a civil servant in 2009.
Expecting he'll save the day, everything will appear fine, he'll be happy and smiley, and then a Weeping Angel will appear from nowhere and grab him by the neck.
The only way to get rid of the Angel will be for Nardole to look away to press the controls to open an air lock. Doing so, the Angel snaps his neck.
Too meme. It'd be cool if he guess starred though.
It's not gonna be a huge star
It's not gonna be a woman. The BBC took a risk with Capaldi and due to some stupid decisions with regards to scheduling and scripting, they think he failed (C Baker all over again)

It's gonna be a 30 something man in the vein of Tennant that the fangirls can get excited over. Mark my words.
>Kidneys, I have new kidneys! And what are these? They are big and firm!
Yeah I probably phrased it wrong. The problem with 6 is that he's such a niche character, fuckers like us or "Whovians" back the day totally can dig a dickass Doctor but it really narrowed the appeal. An aloof professor like McCoy was the best next step, they just took too long to get there.
Do we need a succesful streak to get a woman or old man?
Don't forget if you kill him too quick he can't regenerate.
Hello "4chan" I am Chris Chibnall, showrunner-elect of hit BBC show "Doctor Who". AMA
What'd be the ultimate prize if we can get a long streak going?
Tim Roth wants to do it.

I'd be down for that
What did you do to Capaldi?
I'm fine with both. Olivia would be a better Doctor but Hayley is better fap material
It doesn't get said much, but does anyone else think the Doctor closest to Capaldi's is Tom Baker? It's not just the smile, Capaldi is the only actor since to really try and channel that "cosmic" otherworldiness, probably because he knows the character better than anyone ever cast. 12 is really just an older, slightly grumpier version of 4, you can see it time and time again.
Likewise, he could be good.
Long running male companion without a female companion as well
Alan is too tangled up in QI and other shows he already does to play the Doctor.
(How many replies in a thread is the limit?)

What did he mean by this?
Have you seen who is on their list?
Me too. I wasn't into it at first, but the idea of Hayley Atwell changed my mind.
Think with your brain, and not with your dick.

It would kill the show.
his early grumpiness mad me think of 3 but upon watching more carefully he does the 4 thing extremely well.

I told someone once that Pc was a combination of 1,3 and 4 and they didn't even believe me.

Hey, wasn't that Ninth Doctor clip from "The Parting of Ways" as well? Is it possible that every single Doctor saved Gallifrey before embarking on their final adventures before regenerating?

I think it is.
But she has charisma! And I'd love Coleman to be Doctor too.

Why didn't they just use this theme?
Sure, she's hot, but that's not why I think she'd work. I really liked her performance in Agent Carter, and can see some enough similarities between that role and the Doctor that I could see her succeeding. I also feel like she has the potential to draw in some younger viewers.
May have jumped the gun, but >>78975194
What is this "Journey's End Theory" you speak of?
There really isn't that much 3 in him. Everyone was expecting 3, but past him looking dapper as fuck in velvet jackets and having amazing grey hair, Capaldi plays The Doctor much closer to 4. It's not just the creepy smile, the enthusiasm for things, when he goes full "cosmic" and gives lectures about space and time, he practically uses Tom Baker's voice, and they are both the kinds of Doctors with a huge amount of physicality to will be goofing off one moment and then stern the next.

What's more interesting is that no-one else since Tom Baker has really tried it this much. I think that goes to show how confident an actor Capaldi is, that he is comfortable with the parametres of all the different Doctors to maybe steer nearer the most famous of all than anyone else has dared.

The times when Capaldi isn't channeling Tom Baker, are the times the writers just write him as Space Malcolm Tucker, anyway.
I don't think talented actors should be discriminated against because they are hot women with big breasts.
Far too early. Fuck off.
He was good but my daughter found him "too oogley", I don't know what that means.
people think The Doctor is like a job, anyone who's a good actor can fit the role.
not realising it's a an actual character.

in short, it's about being appropriate for the role rather than being good enough.
Daughter? Chibnall isn't gay?
Yep. You also need a love of the show and a deep understanding of it to pull it off
> le "years as The Doctor" measurement
That stuff does not matter in the long run.

Stories > Episodes > Seasons > Years.

Tennant has the most Episodes but he, Capaldi, and Smith will be tied in season count. Furthermore, Smith has the most stories of New Who.

If we talk Classic Who Hartnell and Troughton have episode counts that rival Tom Baker's in spite of being The Doctor "for three years/seasons."
Agreed. And Hayley is a legitimately talented and professional actor. Who just happens to have huge, pale, mouth-wateringly perfect shaped tits.
He's going to be 60 this year. Too old and not even "Tennant/Smithtard" old. Cast him as a new villain though.
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He is returning.
Returning through the dark.

And so the prophecy begins.

For on the twelfth night -

He will tweet four times.
Average age for an actor starting out as The Doctor is 40/41 so fully agreed. I think it will help recalibrate the general understanding of what the traditional age of The Doctor is.
She also apparently said she would love to play the role.
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>The spine on the Power of the Daleks DVD doesn't match all of the other Who DVDs
Rory Kinnear would be a great choice if it's not Hayley.
But BBC is too poor to pay her. Is she passionate enough to work for 1/10 salary she usually has?
I doubt stuff like The Pillars of the Earth that she did is much better paid than what Capaldi earns.
>a new kind of old monster


> love of the show
The only Doctors to have been fans of the show were Davison, Tennant, and now Capaldi.

> deep understanding
Did Hartnell through Baker understand Doctor Who or did they play their part and influence it in their own ways over time?
I'd say 10 minutes of Marvel flick screentime is paid more than 13 episodes of Capaldi's work
It's hard to say what her salary norms are, though. I know she's been working for US network television lately, but she may not be a big enough name to command a huge salary per episode compared to other Amercians. Overall, the majority of her work as been in the UK. Plus she loves doing theatre, which is obviously less of a time commitment than multiple years of playing the Doctor, but would still be shit salary for a few months.

I read an interview before where she joked that she can be hired for pretty cheap, but that was a few years ago, so maybe I'm grossly underestimating how much she's actually able to demand.
Nowhere. He came out of nowhere the day before.
Not that anon, I think she might. But Pillars of the Earth was 6-7 years ago. Eddie Redmayne was in that as well and I highly doubt he would do it.
I don't know, look how little (comparatively speaking) Daisy Ridley got for Star Wars, and that's for headlining a known and loved franchise. Hayley was a supporting character in her first Marvel movie and was basically as unknown (to Americans) as Daisy at the time. I'm sure she still did well, but maybe not as crazy well as we think.
I remember seeing his name getting thrown around a few weeks before the announcement
Am I the only who cant relate to Doctor character if actor behind him isnt kind and nice person?
Eddie's career as of late has taken off considerably more than Hayley's, though.
Who else besides Hartnell and (debatably) Eccleston?
Are you hype for CLINT BUNGER, /who/?

I was just pointing out the flaw in your argument.
Davison wasn't even a fan that much. He was just the first Doctor that had actually watched it before.
I feel pretty confident that 13 will be a fairly unknown handsome black English actor in his 20s or 30s so screencap this.
That would actually be sweet.
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Daniel Kaluuya?
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>tfw he never comes back
why are there so many italian-glaswegians?

peter capaldi lived on the same street as armando iannuccii growing up without even knowing each other, it just blows my mind

is it because glasgow is catholic?
Thank you for helping quell my autistic raging.
His name is literally fucking "Clint Bunger"
You promised you would never leave, you liar!
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>>In the end his only great episodes were Mummy on the Orient Express and Heaven Sent, everything else was meh or terrible
I wouldn't be quite that harsh but I agree that Clara and Moffhack fucked over a very large portion of Capaldi's run. One of the greatest doctors of all time wasted on an insufferable companion who wouldn't go away and a showrunner who has more misses than hits.
Just turn the cover inside out bro, there's a correct spine inside.
He's Irish-Italian, Irish Mother, Italian-Scottish dad ethnically but nationality wise he's a scot, he would have grown up in the catholic part of Glasgow.
>misses than hits
Is this true? I think they must be very close

Totally fell for this. Good one.
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But it's true
Wtf it actually is just checked on mine too
God dammit son of a bitch America fuck
Kill yourself dumb tripcunt
I wasn't the anon you were replying to FYI, but I get your point.
How come no NuWho Doctors, with the exception of Christopher Eccleston, ever surpassed three seasons?
I feel heartbroken for Capaldi but everyone seems to have forgotten about Pearl Mackie. She's almost certainly out the door after just 13 episodes, if she's lucky. And being black and quite plain looking Doctor Who will probably be her career peak. Sad really.
Tennant and Capaldi both wanted to leave when they still loved it and didn't want it to become just work. Matt Smith mistakenly thought he was going to become a huge Hollywood star and left when he could have stayed and now regrets it.
Is there a chance we might get a couple of specials with Capaldi like we did Tennant before Capaldi departs?
>implying she won't be revealed as the 13th Doctor


It's a reference to Bill Hartnell
>being in the most popular non-soap drama in British TV as your career peak is "Sad Really"

Also it's not Hollywood, looks don't matter as much over here. If she can act she'll have a future, if not she'll be able to milk being in Doctor Who to get middling roles forever.
So we get the first black and first woman Doctor?
might say it's more physically demanding than before. after 3 series they must of just had enough.
So when does James Corden become the new Doctor?
He's going to be in the next Christmas special and that's it.
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>watching torchwood
>police woman says she doesnt know how to use a gun
What the fuck?
Wait, you don't have it ?
You have the zone 2 DVD right ?
Torchwood's writing varies between "What the fuck, why?" and kino in equal measures.
Matt Smith was going to but Moffat kicked him out. And the only explanation we got was a "disagreement: between the two but we're told Matt willingly left the role. Watch his little bit during the Capaldi announcement, he was so fucking disappointed and clearly didn't want to talk about it.
British police officers aren't armed with firearms, right?
Nah. I'm Region 1. Makes collecting the DVDs a real bitch, lemme tell ya. It's cool to see them care enough to do something like that in any release though.
Depends on the situation/part of the country, but not generally, no. Then in London you see police patrolling with submachineguns.
So basically Matt didn't want to go?
To be fair if Moffat knew he had a window suddenly to get Peter Capaldi for 3 years, he was totally right to take this. And I say this as the biggest fucking 11th Doctor fan
Basically. He was even going to have a big dramatic outing like 10 but Moffat didn't do it because Matt said he really liked it. Seriously Moffat is a huge cunt.
Yeah, Brits are fucking pussies. Many beat cops don't carry guns.
That rainy little socialist island is a joke. Redcoats have given the world very little — Doctor Who is good. But precious else is.
the industrial revolution
You are lying. Matt left because he thought he could ride off the 50th anniversary popularity to break into Hollywood. Didn't work. But he really wanted to do a fourth year, but he thought the show's popularity wouldn't have been as high as in 2013 and he'd become typecast.
What's wrong with Victorian values?
Dunno Gareth
What exactly are Victorian values?

I heard this brought up during political arguments too.
Bait, watch every interview he's done about it. He didn't want to leave.
Enjoy your mass shootings, shitty healthcare and legalised bribery you first world savages.
Oh yes, and what a plan. A world full of living ice people. Oh dear me, how very Victorian of you.
That's what I said. He was torn between leaving and staying, fearing he hadn't make the right choice.
Basically Dickens/Jack the Ripper conditions - a handful of posh cunts make out on the deal, but everyone else lives in shit housing with tiny wages and dies at 40
This time yesterday a thing happened...
Then why the fuck is he still not doing Big Finish?
It's something that was said my Margaret Thatcher. Basically means hard work, modesty, self-reliance, but people also use it sarcastically to mean greed and exploitation.
i cried when i heard the news
Everything ends, and it's always sad. But everything begins again too... and that's... always happy. Be happy.
>legalised bribery
What's "Bank Holiday Monday feel"?
>It doesn't get said much, but does anyone else think the Doctor closest to Capaldi's is Tom Baker? It's not just the smile, Capaldi is the only actor since to really try and channel that "cosmic" otherworldiness, probably because he knows the character better than anyone ever cast.

this is why he's the best nuWho doctor. he's the first one to actually play him as an irascible alien, which is what he should be; what he is, rather than some kind of oestrogen bait.

Capaldi understood what The Doctor was supposed to be.

God I will miss him.
New thought on Chibs:

He saved Torchwood. How? Instead of him+Rusty writing 5 episodes and rewriting the other 8 in series 1, he just wrote the opener and closer and edited other people's scripts in series 2. And he didn't force the John Hart arc story too hard.
The true golden age of Doctor Who will forever be 2010-2017.
It sounds like I'm saying there was no crap in TW 2.

There was, just not RTD-style crap, where it's either a lesser version of a better episode, or where it seems like the writer didn't get the point of the story (because RTD rewrote it, and he didn't).
why is it that all the TV adaptations of the books never fucking read the description of Dirk Gently at all?

oh right, everyone has to be young and trendy. of course.
Hello Gareth
Read Oscar Wilde's work

or a history book
I thought it was better to work smarter not harder though.
Yeah what the fuck
That video created anti-hype for his episode
Could we have a streak of 13 GOAT episodes making Peter the Doctor with the most GOAT episodes and the only Doctor with only GOAT episodes in a series?
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Err... so unpopular opinions...

who else agrees with me that

1) The next Doctor shouldn't be female
2) Bill looks like she's going to be the worst companion ever and ruin Capaldi's last season in the worst way?
Are you implying this doesn't happen in every country? lmao at how naive this guy is.
Well, you see, guv'nor, and I mean no disrespect, sometimes old Edward needs some extra change for his political campaign, a little scratch to grease the wheel. And when Louie Limmy Lamb, who ain't got the best morals, but knows how to help get someone along wants to help old Edward, sometimes the law gets in the way. So the good old boys decided to help, and just get rid of those pesky laws. So, guv'nor, rest easy that this assassination attempt was purely legal, and I'm not breaking any rules. Long Live the Queen.

t. Someone who doesn't know crap about Victorian history
I agree with second point, but I think it'll get better if we get more material to jugde.
You think Stephen Mangan, an early-40s goofball who looked like he lived in his bathrobe, was too young and trendy?
Shut the fuck up immigrant
Agreed with both. I'm not entirely sure they're unpopular with anyone other than feminists.
I know some dont carry one but not kowing how to use use?why?
The Doctor should not be female but if a woman is indeed cast I'll give her as much of a chance as any. After all, I can't get enough of Missy.

As for Bill, well, time will tell I guess. With any luck though she will not be special. Just a working class young woman who joins The Doctor for adventures just like the old days. That alone would be a point in her favor.
>The Doctor should not be female

Nice misogynistic slip-up.
yes. if you read the original description of Dirk you'd know that.

>"He is portrayed as a pudgy man who normally wears a heavy old light brown suit, red checked shirt with a green striped tie, long leather coat, red hat and thick metal-rimmed spectacles."
>With any luck though she will not be special. Just a working class young woman who joins The Doctor

also that won't stop her somehow being a romantic interest for the doctor in the most unbelievable love story arc in the whole history of television since Rose.
Slip up?
>A sort of Bank Holiday Monday feel, the kind of Jules Verne, Edgar Rice Burroughs story of derring-do, which I've always loved.

Can someone translate this fucking sentence please
I don't get your point. Stephen Mangan doesn't look like the original description of Dirk, but he doesn't look at all young and trendy, either. So how is it that "all of the TV adaptations" are young and trendy when there's only 2 of them, and the first one isn't?
Nice may-may.

Why do you hate women?
>Stephen Mangen doesn't look young and trendy

In your opinion, which is pretty weak.
If you think Stephen Mangan is young and trendy, you must be really hip and with-it and down with the young people.
Go away, Moffuck.
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