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>it's a Kirk and McCoy reflect on the greatness of Nazi

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>it's a Kirk and McCoy reflect on the greatness of Nazi Germany in front of Spock episode
>Nazi Germany, the most efficient nation state in Earth history
What the fuck did he mean by this?
>lose the only war you fought
>collapse and taint everything remotely close to your ideology for decades
>less efficient at killing civilians than Rwandans with machetes

>computer, make 1000 sentient Deanna Trois shitting liquid diarrhea into a giant cube with funnel directly into my mouth
>slowly release cyanide gas into the room and inject morphine into my bloodstream
>disengage safety protocols
Who would pull that in TOS for Uhura?

>"Without Hitlers victory over the Allies in WWII and the founding of the Third Reich, our great planet would never have united and finally explored the stars!"

Never really noticed this tidbit until recently. Star Trek lore is so dense.
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>The Nazis came to power in the midst of Great Depression. The unemployment rate at that point in time was close to 30%.[27] By 1938 unemployment was practically extinct.[10] Wages increased by 10.9% in real terms during this period.[2]
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Yes a lion losing out against a whole horde swarm of hyeanas zerg rushing him until he's overwhelmed makes him such a "pleb-tier" animal

Fucking idiot retard
>It's an archer and company experience holodeck technology and go "well golly gee maybe we'll get that in another 168.2 cycles hehe"
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The Federation could only exist under a leader like Adolf
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Please do go on

more like a lion getting its shit kicked in by a bear
There is always a cost. The goal of a leader is to make sure its other people who pay it. only globalist idiots think everyone can have a good life with no cost
>sperg out and attack everyone
>lel why are you fighting back cheating faggots lel
yeah but hitler started that shit. his country was running on momentum and had he not started it they would have crashed anyway. also mismanagement and poor choices lead to both the rise in number of countries that stood against him and allies that failed him. meaning in the end the lion was not a lion
TOS had some weird episodes.
More like a rabid dog.
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Too bad the aliens had set up Hitler and kickstarted the First Interstellar War.
Hitler didn't start shit, it was the poles all along
t. Joseph "Manlet" Goebells
bitch please. Its not like he could not have called for an intervention or basically done anything else to help Germans in Poland
The Nazi's weren't about killing civilians, they were about making the people they would have killed useless. Hence why they worked in labor camps and turned them into fucking soap.
too bad he was a bigot.
he could have made something great
Sucked at it even compared to the English. Everything they tried to do they fucked up.
ur cute
That episode where the Enterprise traveled back in time just so Kirk could run down, Edith Keeler, the leader of the anti-Nazi protesters really took me by surprise. At least the Spock and Bones bants were good.

>Spock: I fail to see the logic in eliminating members of ones on species.
>Dr. McCoy: Are you out of your Vulcan mind? No human can tolerate the Jews!
>Spock: As you are so fond of observing, doctor, I am not human.
I quite liked the gangster episode. The 2 of them really looked good in those suits.
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Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Probably my favorite TOS episode.
Was there a McCoy western episode or would that have been a little.on the nose?
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There was. They didn't put them in outfits however, which was a major mistake.
no one who aims to make something great can avoid being seen as a bigot from a certain point of view
>wow it took 5 of you to kill me
Sure but Hitler was literally bigoted. Wanted to systematically exterminate Jews.

If he'd just tried to make life better for Germans instead of scapegoating German Jewish citizens and trying to conquer their neighbors maybe he would have gone down in the books as a beloved leader.

Couldn't have just tended his own house.
Well it wasn't so much he wanted to physically exterminate them as remove them from the country, but when you're at war with everyone it makes emigrating them difficult
Bad feels anon. They did ride into town in ST V but it was kinda shit.
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>If he'd just tried to make life better for Germans
with what, magic? Doing it in an inoffensive way would take more than 50 years and chances are he would have been removed long before that for his slow results
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>The only way to improve German lives was kill the jews and start WWII
>defending Hitlers methods
Fucking season 3
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Season 3 was fun

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That episode*
If it was anything but star trek, s3 would of killed it. I watched all three seasons back to back last year and it was jarring and laughable how this is how it ended.

Hitler gave the jews multiple chances to leave Germany before resorting to extreme methods. That's why the Final Solution is called that.
>fastest way
you assume that just because no one is killed its inoffensive. also you never answered me, how would you have pulled it off.
Hitler also wanted to exterminate, enslave and germanize all of the Slavic peoples, which was a stupid decision because a lot of them supported Germany because they feared the Bolsheviks
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Please stop, you're only showing yourself to be uneducated as well as baiting unfortunate /pol/friends
its called Final Solution because death is final.
>Yeah, we'll totally give you your shit back guys, pinkie promise
Hitler outjewing the Jews
No, it's literally called Final Solution to the Jewish Question, meaning there were other attempts to solve the problem before that.
>pinkie promise
It's pinky promise, except for a very specific case.
Minor kek
Who's talking about the British?
I don't have to offer an alternative to assert that racial cleansing and annexing neighbouring countries was wrong, both morally and for the direction of the country.

Crippling dept, he was spending so much on goverment projects that of course everyone had a job. Tanks, roads, planes, new palaces don't built themselves. But it wouldn't have been sustainable over a prolonged period of time.
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>Bear had to throw all it's cubs into the grinder
>collapses years later because it was shit tier
>continues to be an archaic, poor, laughing stock to this day
>And the eagle is still shit scared of it
Really makes you think
Literally this. The villages that Germany took from the Soviets hailed the Germans as heroes, until the SS started massacring them
What's most interesting going forward with this fun new direction America is going down is that you know Americans aren't going to own up and suck shit for whatever horrible consequences come from this.

Germany has been quietly atoning and apologising for the Holocaust for decades. We both know that America won't take that kind of responsibility. They'll start lashing out and blaming everyone else for the consequences of their actions.

>You should feel sorry for this America
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>that time they discussed how well Khan's empire went with fascism where there were no massacres or wars until he was attacked
>Germany has been quietly atoning and apologising for the Holocaust for decades.
And look where it's got them! They're now competing with Sweden for the title of 'Biggest Cucks in Europe'. Sad!
I just watched the """infamous""" Spock's Brain episode. Why does everybody hate this one again? It had some stupid/weirdness to its premise, but nothing out of the ordinary for Trek. I liked this history and various sci-fi concepts of the planet. I dare say I liked it more than """great""" episodes like Trouble with Tribbles.
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Season 3 is an odd one. They didn't exactly get less creative, it's just their creativity went to a weird place.

Spock's Brain really isn't the worst episode of TOS, for my money that would be either The Alternative Factor or And the Children Shall Lead.

While season 3 certainly had a lot more stinkers than the previous two, there were still plenty of great episodes; The Tholian Web, Day of the Dove, Wink of an Eye, Whom Gods Destroy and Spectre of the Gun being favorites.
Yeah, season 3 has bad episodes. I just found it weird that of all of them "Spock's Brain" become THE shitty episode by reputation. I thought it was fun.

And man rewatching TOS reminded me how bland and boring the lighting and camerawork in TNG is.
>, but when you're at war with everyone it makes emigrating them difficult
so slaughtered as many as he could get his hands on. Thumbs up really there anon
>it's a let's design an episode around random items from the costume department episode
That was nearly half of TOS
Campy 60's cinematography is fucking great. The color palette was fucking great and made.all those dudes with silly makeup and sillier hats feel... kind of natural. Shit, the lighting on the Romulan ship when Kirk fights not Sarek is kino.
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>Germans destroy London
>anglos so butthurt they can't even reach Berlin they attack a 100% civilian city

Extermination of anglos when?
One of my favorite things is the common use of extreme lighting, and often having a computer or console be the light source. Reflecting a bright blue or red onto a character's face in constrast to a dark or mild background is my fetish.

Also the thing where the lighting is dark except for a bar of light over the eyes.
Imagine the Starship Troopers Federation starting shit in the Star Trek universe. Would really give spoonheads a run for their money when it comes to prppaganda and cloak and dagger shit.
By 100% civilian do you mean "the largest industrial center of Germany and a massive producer of weapons and ammunition"?
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the weirdest thing about TOS is the complete earth copy planets.
im not talking about "lol its really earth guys cause its a tv show", they land on a random planet that is just earth 60s and everyone is a kid and they die when they turn 14 or something.
And just in passing they mention that its an exact copy of earth.

then other times they have a roman civilization where they even make a point to notice that they SPEAKING ENGLISH WHAT THE FUCK so odd
of course that ep was written by rodden "retarded hack" berry
Also called the Kirk. Again, camp sometimes works wonders for a series that embraces it. The lighting is actually kind of reminiscent of the Hammer Horror and Mario Bava films of the era. The fact that some stories read like a sci fi horror in spaaaaaaace, not unlike Planet of the Vampires, also helps.

The colors are really bright too which gives a nice contrast to the sometimes dark background.
Fucking beautiful. Again, contrast is everything. Shatner being an intense cunt helps.
Yeah the constrast and variety does it for me. I remember when the TNG movies tried to do dark lighting and it just came out grim dark and retarded looking. The darks in TOS really helped elevate the colors.

Also, the music, man. The weird western tinged cord that sometimes appears is so funky. I wish a new Trek would be ballsy enough to copy all the style elements of TOS but with higher budget costumes.
nope, all you're going to get now is another prequel with lots of "science" and a female muslim captain
Thing is, they had gorgeous cinematography in the TOS films too, including FF. Just remember the Klingon dinner scene in VI and how well the shot and lighting and edits built up both tension and slight humor. In part, Beyond worked really well on a color variety and lighting level.

I do wonder whether they'll pay some homage to the TOS in the new series especially since it takes place in the same period. Hell, they could do a 80's stylish set, kind of like Beyond the Black Rainbow or the scenes in the control areas of Westworld which were very nicely colored to a mute white and whenever something happened tirned nightmarish red.

Shit now I'm in the mood for TOS. Can't wait for my shift to end.
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I always get a Tangerine Dream/Goblin vibe from the.music. Really complements the show's weirdness.
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Cute dog
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>The weird western tinged cord that sometimes appears is so funky.
Anyone know what's this called? I fucking loved it in the show, I would love to listen to it in a pure form.
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I love their use of coloured lighting. How about some hot pink light down this corridor? Sure, why not! It really was the pop art era. You can see the influence of the Batman series that started in february the same year Star Trek began.

TNG had a more calming earth tone look and DS9 went full on dark because of the cardassian decor but I never much cared for the darkened look of the later series.
The sound design in Star Trek was unique to say the least. I always liked when they visited Bones sick bay and there was some instrument that had this throbbing dissonant sound that pulsed through the medical scenes. Made it intense, almost like a John Carpenter score.
I think DS9's moody slightly oppressive lighting and dark corridors complimented the tone very well. I think Sisko's office was a great place to films, as his office is above ground level and there's a large starwindoq behind him making him look larger than life. Typical Dukat.

TNG was very very mute and uninteresting visually. Apart from the always great Klingon ships and the random alien race, it was pretty boring. The only set I remember is the one on The Wounded on O"Brien's former captain's ship. And that was just lights flickering and alaem signals.
Made him look a bit ominous. Like a master in control of this unholy mechanical contraption and your life. I loved the look of the nazi universe Enterprise. Slightly dim rooms with cold grey lights and dead silence otherwise. It's the little things.
>lose the only war you fought
People don't understand how plucky little Germany completely turned the world on its head back then. Think about it: A war-torn 3rd world country fighting - and winning - against the superpowers of that time.

Just imagine fucking Ghana declaring war on the EU, the US, Russia and China, then proceeding to beat the EU in an unprecedented string of blitz victories inside a few weeks, then immediately attacking and stalemating Russia to a point of the Russians having to sell 80% of their sphere of influence just to hang even with Ghana. Then, at the same time, buttfucking and easily conquering the US East Coast and having boots on the ground up to almost Washington DC, with only the weather stopping their incredible flash warfare.

Only when China throws its army into the scales can Ghana finally be beaten. But it comes at a high cost nobody could foresee.

That's preposterous, right? Completely unbelievable. Yet that is exactly what Germany did. In fact, if you go by casualities (as Americans like to do when asked about Vietnam), Germany actually WON WW2.
We're talking TOS faggot take that shit to /his/ or /pol/.
Problem, Jude?
>We're talking TOS faggot take that shit to /his/ or /pol/.

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How did you guess my name anon?
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Kirk > Sisko > Picard > Janeway > Sterling

VI > Khan > IV > III > I > Beyond > First Contact > 2009 > V > Nemesis > Generations > Insurrection > 9/11

This might be due to me liking Pine post-fact.
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Would you fuck Kirk as a girl?
they have skulls on their hats, how did they not know they were evil?
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>Implying skull decor automatically makes a group evil
Skull ornaments exist to show, that even in its barest form, the human body is beautiful.
t. Best-peror
It definitely made sense on Terrok Nor but it was hard to feel at home on a ship like that. But that fits DS9 to a t; espionage and shadows.

You can justify the dark look for Voyager too since they're in survival mode trying to make it back home.

TNG's decor seems like it would be super relaxing and comfortable to live in. I dream about walking around the carpeted quarters listening to the white noise created by the hum of the engines. Maximum comfy.

But looking at it on tv, it is a little sterile. Then when they did the movies they shot everything all dark and moody and it just didn't match up.
You mean the mirror universe? The uniforms in that were absolutely top tier. Even the logo, the knife through the Earth, was rad.
This is what happens when people bring up the Nazi episode.
Not bad rankings. I especially like Into Darkness not being on the list in favour of 9/11
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Thanks, now I'm thinking about THIS episode

>as a girl
Great skit
You can purchase (or torrent) the complete TOS soundtrack.

Don't even have to click to know what it is.

>are we the baddies?
I don't even know what that show is called but that is easily their best skit.
The New Fuhrer is slightly better.
>It's a wall mounted step machine is able to entirely judge ones medical status episode
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Is my favourite honestly
Are we the baddies just comes off a tad hypocritical at this time.
Although it's funny how many of the badges here are American https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_crossbones_(military)
I saw James T. Kirk in a cafe on Risa yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued ordering from the replicator, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen chicken sandwiches and a coffee without paying.

The Tholian at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear xer, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the sandwiches and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any sub-space infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a thing. After xe scanned each sandwich and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting xer by yell beastie boy lyrics.
>by yelling beastie boys lyrics

I.... Cantstand-It!
Iknow!... You, planned-it!
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>The Tholian at the counter
>Spectre of the Gun
That ep always gave me the creeps. The blood red color they used for the sky on the planet just looked so surreal.
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>11 million Germans surrender in WW2
>2/3 of Wehrmacht/SS
>More than every other European combatant COMBINED
>No meaningful resistance post-occupation, something Albania and Ethiopia managed

Why were Nazi's such cowards, /pol/?
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This is easy to do when you just conscript everyone.

German economic model was unsustainable, which is why Nazis rushed the unprepared country into war in 1939.
The USSR model was a complete failure too.
>The USSR eventually collapsed too 50 years later remember muh dresden

Brilliant argument from /pol/beards
If nazi germany wasn't attacked their economy would have clearly outlasted the ussr.

Communism is a massive failure.
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