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Rowling roasts 4chan

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Thread replies: 270
Thread images: 48

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Do you think there'll be any cool references in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Cursed Child adaptation or the Fantastic Beasts sequels?
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>tfw virgin shaming will never be dealt with as a serious problem
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>"My books wouldn't have sold half as well if Harry Potter was black."

What did she mean by this?

Maybe she will be reincarnated as someone who writes actual literature.
Ever notice how women always attack any dissenting male's sexuality?
Thats likely a redditor
Reposting quotes don't cause people to be reincarnated into different people though, that doesn't make much sense
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At least I'm not the writer of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
she's arguing with a frog
Don't worry, it stems from normalfag insecurity. They can't stand someone who isn't entirely ordinary, wageslaving, careerist, and conformist like them. It's like a drug addict making fun of someone for not being an addict too - it doesn't add up, but their pathetic existence doesn't allow them to see it.
Wtf, he was using her own logic, and for that he's a neckbeard virgin loser?
Like clockwork.
Based as fuck. The films are legit cinema.
In other words, the roastie response. It never fails.
>be millionaire writer
>get BTFO
>go into ad hom against a loner who spends his time on 4chan
>implying Hariquan Potzulu wouldn't have sold like wildfire to the WIZZERDS N SHEEEIT crowd

Hood rats low-key love fantasy shit.
Hopefully next time she'll be reincarnated as someone who didn't write one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises.
Lefties in general aren't very good at forming actual arguments. Much easier to attack the man rather than the ball.
Here's my theory
4chan: Slytherin
Tumblr: Ravenclaw
Reddit: Hufflepuff
Facebook: Gryffindor

Any objections?
Is how liberals argue.
well in any argument you go for someone's weakness, and for men there's nothing more shameful than not being able to get laid

let's be honest, why would you care about what a NEET virgin has to say
>alt-right cucks constantly using Pepe

I really wish they wouldn't
Reddit is Ravenclaw, Tumblr is Hufflepuff
I gain enough sexual pleasure from fapping, I could care less about sex with some dumb roastie.
>arguing with 90s kids childrens books authors.
>being this triggered
im not lonely ugly english women.
Switch reddit and tumblr and you're golden
you tell 'em champ
Now separate the Houses based on boards
Gryffindor: /fit/
Slytherin: /pol/
Hufflepuff: /soc/
Ravenclaw: /lit/
>I could care less about sex with some dumb roastie.
Oh I'm, sure.

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Wanna write my next book, anon?
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it's ok guys
Holy shit when will this dumb bitch just drop dead. Everything she did in the last 10 years is terrible anyway.
Plagiarizing whore

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>even jk rowling, whose books i've read and movies those books are based on watched, virginshames me
tumblr is definitely hufflepuff
Only if I can name it...
Harry Potter and the Dullest franchise
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>All those replies making fun of us
just bee urself
>lord of the rings

I agreed with you up until that. If you made the picture, neck yourself. If you didn't, neck yourself whoever did.
whats the difference between being right wing and alt-right?
Yeah but what is she personally doing to help the virgin problem?

She's part of the reason why we're virgins here, because we were reading Harry Potter instead of pursuing puss

bit condescending to be quite frank pham
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wtf, i like harry potter now
Did you literally just arrive here today?
>still using the word "alt-right"
>a word a jewish executive in hollywood used in an interview and started as an autistic word to defame anyone who wasn't a liberal

Fuck off with that goddamned word.
Well, she was a single mother before writing the books. Guess you can't get rid of your roastie side with money.
hey JK, gimme some ass and I will commie cummie you
Mitt Romney vs Donald Trump
Tons of qts that love harry potter, not her fault you're not out perusing them
i love celebrities getting baited into shit. too bad you can't argue with really old as shit people like morgan freeman
Everyone I don't like is an alt right Nazi.
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>tfw you scroll down and see many of the hipster female liberal tumblr SJWs are calling her out for using "lonely" and "virgin" as an insult

It's not women's fault that you're a virgin
>this untalented hack made bank with a children's book
fucking how does this happen
dumb frogposters BTFO
how will virgins ever recover?
aw, that's nice. thx J.K.
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>Moral highgrounding
>triggered /pol/cuck

Sorry faggot, I don't like the alt-right because I respect all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

If this offends you fuck off back to /b/ or Stormfront

Quentin, I thought you were banned from the internet
LOL fuck off, you pathetic fat retard. It's not a girl's fault you're repulsive.
wtf i hate harry potter now
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this guy was a kisless virgin and yet he's one of the most important people of modern philosophy
Wtf i love the dullest franchise now!
yes it is
cant someone have right wing opinions? I dont understand
Jk rowling needs to take my mexican seed inside her for guranteed beautiful master race children

It's nothing new.

"Ur a virgem!!! xD" is a classic stock-response from low-IQ leftists.
It's literally the easiest thing to get a girl to fuck you

Step 1: Ask girl out
Step 2: Take her out and pay for a nice dinner
Step 3: Couple weeks later ask her out again for a nice dinner and get a kiss
Step 4: Take her out again at a fancier restaurant and make out in your car
Step 5: Take her out for a 4 star restaurant and ask her if it would be ok to have intercourse with her, if she says yes then you're in! Or else you will have to marry her and then you can get that sweet pussy

*tips fedora*
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>triggered SJW

Judging by your post I'm gonna assume you respect black men who fuck your wife in the ass, cuck.

pro-tip: J. K. Rowling is smarter than you are. You're not going to win.
Can we all agree its unhealthy to be a virgin past the age of 20?

Good to know J.K. Rowling, the writer that gave me solace through her writing, finds me beneath her because I haven't had sex yet.
Can they? Sure. But get that Nazi shit off of a board intended for intelligent film discussion
She's right /tv/ btfo
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>Clifford for President
Alt-right = "Someone I don't like."

has nothing to do with politics or their ideas, just call them it if you disagree with them at all
>I could care less
That means you do care
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Can we say we're asexual and get tumblr to fight her for being intolerant of our sexual identity?
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>Asking for a friend.
>ask her if it would be ok to have intercourse with her
Who the fuck does this? You dont ask for sex you ease into it by setting the mood.
you mean past 15
I can hire a whore off Craigslist and get my dick wet by 5 pm.

If you have 100 to 200 dollars (which any white American should be able to save up over the course of a month), there is literally no excuse for being a virgin.
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>Those replies that are shaming her for using virgin as an insult
wtf I love SJWs now
the problem is /tv/ is filled with fat cunts who watch porn all day so their standards are extremely high whilst no one they find attractive would even notice them
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>Trying this hard to 4chan
define win
her responding to clowns at all is a win in their minds.
>Ask girl out
>She says okay
>Texts me at FOUR FUCKING AM
>"I'm looking forward to seeing you!"
>Monday rolls around
>No replies at all.
>Ignores me entirely.
>Acts as though she fell off the face of the world.

Is literally how feminist think they will succeed.

>Is ok guys, women will fuck you if you dont wrong-think, i swear it!.

Is how they manipulate numales millennials.

They always eat their own.

Fucking always.

someone made this picture
thought it was funny
and put it on the internet
The books are legit good mind you (as far as kid/ya books go, mind you) and came out at the right time where there was a void of good reading material that was age appropiate.

Then came the movie deals, and those only helped push book sales.
I always thought the "everyone on 4chan is a virgin" saying that's been repeated since this website's inception was just a meme.

Are you guys ITT (the non-underage) actually being truthful in claiming that you've never had sex with a woman? I can't imagine being so repulsive that a virgin would take to this website to defend himself instead of going out and getting laid. Wow.
>All this insecure projection

People please, you're on /tv/.
Notice how it's true?
Morgan Freeman is based.

You have to get a yes otherwise its rape and she will have you arrested, also make sure she didn't drink anything or else thats rape too
Nah, us negroes prefer our fantasy futuristic.

Despite the lack of blacks we're actually hard into star wars 'n shiet. Anything with space lazors gets our trigger finger itching.

You can keep your LotR, harry potter and whatever. Give us Pacific Rim.
Someone was triggered enough to make.
I'm not sure if this is b8 or not, but either way, fuck off.
Harry potter is kino
youve been rumbled for being a newfag already today you cheeky twat

It's both funny and accurate.

Stop getting triggered.
rofl, JK has your number

thread is full of buttblasted virgin /pol/sters
>cuck meme

Never gets old
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It's a kids movie bro, calm down.
If I had sex with a supermodel but I don't ever actually say "yes", did I get raped?
Guess I touched a nerve. You know a shower, haircut, a change of clothes and a set of fingernail clippers would go a long way toward making you seem less disgusting, right?
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Only reason I came to this thread
More like J.K. Rollinginmaddough, amirite
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Yeah, 4chan is bad enough but what the hell is up with this girl that she can't get laid?
Men can't be raped shitlord
And make sure she doesn't change her mind a year later, because that's rape too.

Oh, and if her friends make her feel bad about having slept with you? That's rape also.

Or it soon will be.
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>If I had sex

Let me stop you there
Well no, Richard Spencer took credit for the word and its movement, but it is true that equating them with Neo-Nazis is pretty much as willfully ignorant as calling all black people niggers.

The alt-right movement primarily boasts a desire to return to an independant, culturally closed state, citing the Treaty of Paris as the model they wish to emulate as an end goal. Is it a morally sound model? Debatable. But it is most definitely not Nazi propaganda (if anything they share more in common with the KKK) and anyone who spouts such are ignorant to what they are actually speaking of.
Unironically this.
she got a better offer
abstinent? saving herself for marriage?

why are roasties always so infuriated? why can't they just funpost?
I'm kinda racist with a lot of right wing views but i'm not alt-right, that's just a label made by the media to demonize and dehumanize people with controversial views
>implying anybody actually acts like this in reality
There's a fine line between having drunk sex and taking advantage of a drunk girl, Anon.
You must be new here.
And make sure it's good sex too, or else that's also rape
>I discriminate people because they're bad because they discriminate people

She doesn't want to be with modern guys because they're pussy liberals. The irony of Rowling's remark is a lot of guys are virgins because of the same politics she supports.
I always laugh when I hear that a man was "raped by a woman." You're telling me a woman physically overpowered you, stripped you naked, got your dick hard, and fucked herself with it, all the while with you being helpless to resist? Dead God. Can't really call yourself a man if that happens.
>Larry Potter and His Best Friend Lilly
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It's not just the lack of sex that makes being a virgin terrible. It's the fact that no one will ever love you enough to be that intimate with you. This is something normies can never understand. You can hire a prostitute but it won't make you not a loser.
Hahaha 4chinz BTFO
Why do feminists use 'virgin' as an insult?

It goes against feminist theory to criticize someone for not being sexually active enough.
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But I'm not a virgin anymore thanks to Tinder. What now?
Why do people keep adding shit normie books to the high tiers?
>be very left-leaning
>hoard massive wealth

What did she mean by this?
That response doesn't really make sense. he didn't mention reincarnation.
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>tfw i'm a lonely KHV who posts pepes
>There's a fine line between having drunk sex and taking advantage of a drunk girl, Anon.

No there is not.
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What if she looks like this?
All the pathetic incels ITT should just stop pretending and actually go through with the suicide.
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>asking for a friend
Just be yourselves, you filthy virgins.
>long bottom

That's the joke. You add random books each time and in different categories.
In the mind of a woman, success in life is literally defined by being desirable to men. To be perceived as sexually unsuccessful/undesirable is the WORST thing you could possibly be. It is a shame from which no-one can recover.

Why do you think they get so distraught when women's bodies are criticised? Why do you think "beauty at any size" is a thing?
She is very rich, but she's given away most of her wealth to charities, it's very well documented.

She was a billionaire at one point but not anymore.
>blaming your virginity on leftism because you think rightism will somehow convince women to fuck ugly betas with terrible personalities like yourself
keep dreaming anon, you're fucked in every timeline except the one where you live in a tiny village and everybody has no choice but to fuck
It honestly is a serious problem. People put all this pressure on young men to get laid, young men who might not be ready for sex and certainly aren't fully mature and grown. Then they wonder why these young men are going out and getting young women pregnant and catching STDs. They wonder why young men don't respect young women. They wonder why these young men sometimes date rape young women.

Sorry, but if you use "virgin" as an insult, you hold some of the blame for shit like Brock Turner because you sort of helped create him.
>i'm racist
>don't dehumanize me
a tad hypocritical fampai
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fucking hell
Hi J.K, you should try writing a good book
I'm always calling people lonely virgins on here. This bitch really isn't better than any 4chan poster.
Everyone's at least a little racist, it's literally human nature.
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How can I make this happen to me?
>for these "PeePee the Frog "masculinists" this is the ultimate insult.
It's our fault virgin is being used as an insult it seems. I we weren't masculinist shitlords we wouldn't be hurt by people singling us out for missing out on the first tier of human happiness .
I still get 100% white results, but then I'm not really big into the whole SJW thing so Google doesn't serve me those results
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>virgin shaming
Why is this OK? Why is being a virgin an insult?
>it's okay to do bad things to people who do bad things
That's really faulty logic, friend.
really makes you think

my countryman like to boast how we don't have racism here but when a foreign comes, its all bad taste jokes and 40s racism all day everyday.
Why can't you handle the bants? Hypocrite.

And you're a virgin.
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Is that the burger version of google?
should reply to her and sjws with that.
>fatshaming is baaaaad
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>someone sues JK Rowling/Warner/Scholastic
>lol no this is fraud/ not enough evidence. case dismissed. also you have to pay their legal fees because fuck you
How the fuck did this happen?
>I still get 100% white results
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>asking for a friend
so? if you just succumb to this ugly facet of yourself and openly carry it as a badge of honor, i gotta tell you, you are a piece of garbage.
also, there is a whole spectrum between "i have some prejudices i guess" and "kill all the niggers, hitler should have won".
You don't want to be dehumanized, but you are openly dehumanizing others, even though you made a choice and they were just born a certain way. hypocritical and immoral.
Ive had sex multiple times and have a gf so the virgin part doesnt matter to me.

Am not mad at her ad hominem , am more mad at the all leftists that completly ignore the frogposter truthful tweet and instead go
>OMG she is so based xD.

But also it really rustle my jimmies that this rostie then has the guts to act all sanctimonious when someone calls a girl fat.
Same here. Didn't see a black Hermione until 12 rows down. Just a sea of white Hermiones.
My brother is in the formation to become a priest, literally the happiest person I know
I am fucking loving this virgin NEET outrage ITT. Holy fucking shit, is this the ONE thing 4chan is sensitive about? I'm fucking dying. You're all so repulsive you can't even get a mercy fuck. Using terms like "virgin shaming." Oh my God, fucking beautiful irony.
Why are you making up things that I didn't say? I'm not going to pretend that I want to live near blacks or arabs because I want to pretend I'm not kinda racist.
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Pls stahp
*tips neckbeard*
Feeling like a supreme gentleman today you friendzoned permavirgin foreveralone NEET loser aspie?

>you wrote Elliot Rodget twice on that image
Probably symptomatic of your fear of women desu
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google must be tailoring results to all of the nigger porn you watch, anon
>google "black hermione granger"
>erase "black" but don't hit search
>screenshot and crop out the html address that would show the real search
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for me its the other way around, I could get dozens of roasties but most of them are used up trash and not worth my superior white seed.
The first two were literally asking for it, the first tried to alter the evidence to make her case look stronger and was caught in the act, and the Canadian band was just being a bunch of omnijews desperate to abuse the legal system for maximum shekels.
you do realize it goes both ways?
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Basic morality is to much to ask for some people i suppose. That is true degeneracy.
pls delet
Don't worry, I wouldn't expect a woman to understand the concept of hypocrisy.
You now realize that /tv/ is pathetic and full of pathetic bitter losers with shit taste in everything. Also worth noting, autists don't get irony.
I noticed jk Rowling loves to cherry pick twitter users who she can think of something to insult them on. She's basically a coward who couldn't take on any known name coz she would get BTFO especially if it involved a live debate.
So true. Most of these evil manbabies are virgins who lash out at everyone better than them which is why they hate Rowling and Ghostbusters.
Virginshaming is something only women do because its the only thing they can hold over men
if i had to guess, I'd say maybe 50-60%% of the users here are virgins, but only because the average age of everyone here is about 18-19, perhaps younger, and they just haven't had a good opportunity to have sex yet. only 20-30% of the users here are completely unfuckable
You people are so insensitive to people's struggles, you are such pieces of shit
Haha, yes fellow non-4channers, I am also browsing the sixth or seventh most popular board on 4chan today. What a coincidence that we would all come here to taunt the manbabies instead of the board that generates more than 50% of the site's traffic!

It just goes to show that great FEMALE minds think alike, am I right?
>all these responses in one minute

Holy shit this board really is full of inferiority complex ridden virgins.
>its the only thing they can hold over men

Not all men. Only the virgins.
>person a: does a bad thing
>person b: does a bad thing to person a for doing a bad thing
>person c: does a bad thing to person b for doing a bad thing
And so on and so forth. That's not morality, that's being a shitty person. Moral people don't do bad things at all.
according to girls, that fine line is just whether or not they regret it the day after
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>I could care less

easiest way to spot an amerijuan
something something how female evolution shaped their minds
I'm neither underage nor a virgin. Most of us just pretend to trigger the /r9k/ crossposters.
Hahaha SO TRUE! exactly why they voted for dernald drumpflet the ultimate cuck! Lmao /tv/ eternally Btfo get me in the reddit screencap
>they just haven't had a good opportunity to have sex yet.
If you haven't had sex by then statistically you never will
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All this proves is that he hit a nerve and she was upset because she's insecure about her writing despite being a commercial success on every level, and that she's willing to stoop down in the mud and insult people on the lowest, most base level despite being a role model for children and young adults.
Trump isn't even alt-right

Summer never left
Kill her kek
Oh I'm laffin all you fags do every day is cherrypick arguments
female standards get lower as they become older. assuming you're not a total monster, you could feasibly get laid and potentially fall in love at any age.
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Women are wretched creatures, they are born with thoroughly calcified pineal glands and they will never peer through their third eyes, they will never pierce the veil of ignorance
nobody is
VolCel and proud
I'm very nearly asexual and enjoy being alone

I actually get invited to parties and get togethers quite often at work because i'm pretty charismatic but I never go, I don't really like parties or people, they're boring

>sperg 4channarian misinterprets quote from WC to mean "if you have opponents, that means what you stood up for is right" neglecting that people who say the earth is flat have opponents too
>tries to call a billionaire author out on it because she's anti-trump
>gets roasted
>tries to brag about his normie twitter LE EPIC SALTY LIBERAL MELTDOWN meme on /tv/

How mad were you when she shut you down?

It's just the opposite of what men have been "holding over" women for years, ie, calling them "whores".

Calling a man a "whore" is not an insult, just like calling a woman a "virgin" is not an insult.

I really don't see a problem with it.
But that's probably because I'm not a virgin.
it's not a misinterpreted quote, it's just a dumb statement that sounds profound because WC said it
she brought herself down to his level, which is nothing to be proud of
>you will never have sexy milf brit nanny milk your pee pee every night
>Implying you are supposed to hace sex when you live with your parents and dont even have a job.

I mean i guess is different for girls who are sluts but they end up teen mothers with herpes.
Most boys have a little more self respect.
The ability to give or withhold sex is the only power that women have over men, so they use it mercilessly.
>join feminist facebook groups and internet forums
>start talking with their terms about virgin shaming
>keep at it for good few months, keep using their terms and way of arguing and such
>watch as virgin shaming becomes a thing and people will comment how problematic comments like Rowlgins are
If you've had sex prior to that statistically you'll have AIDS
>Calling a man a "whore" is not an insult,
they are called faggots.
Whores are rewarded by society. These days they even pretend to have the moral high ground.
Calling someone a virgin isn't roasting them. In fact ironically everyones autism is getting triggered in this thread because it's a normie roastie insult that has been tossed around this website since it's inception.
> le neckbeard virgin XD

Damn Rowling how creative
>Responding to something with no followers/likes/retweets

That's just sad, does she just scroll through the comments all day?

Nah they'll just say you're "manslaining" and then shut down everything you say.
>once homeless bitch becomes rich through capitalism
Well as she said, this place is a place full of virgin manlets so nobody cares.

She on the other hand wants to act as a moral crusader who affects millions of minds. Therefore she should be held to a higher standard given her position.

Bingo. Mad virgin detected. ROASTED. 100// 100//
The real window for men is 21-30.

By your 30s-40 is more important to have a career or some job prospects.
Then you just fuck hookers or tinder dates.
You're supposed to have a job in highschool. But that's irrelevant. By your teens you should've already kissed girls, felt titties, and felt pussy.
>I really don't see a problem with it.

The problem stems when anyone, not just actual confirmed virgins, have their opinions disregarded and are simply called the same despite not being one.

Imagine instead of "all perceived white males that seemingly dwell in their basements all day while leeching off their parents' finances" it was "all perceived black individuals" and instead of the assumed insult being "virgins" it was "niggers". You can see now where the hypocrisy starts to shine.

Honestly, I don't care what people think, as long as it's a two-way street for them. Hypocrites on either side of the red-blue divide tend to activate my almonds especially hard.
When in doubt, call them virgins.

Why do all leftist scum do this?

For people who admonish others for thinking so highly of sex with women, they sure do love ridiculing them for their lack of sex with women.
whatever you gotta tell yourself, anon.

Ok? So what? It used to be virgins. Time's change. Deal with it.
>the board that talks about Star Wars, capeshit and children's movies are all virgin manbabies
Can't say I am really surprised.
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What are some good movies that me and my wife's son can watch together?
He's 10 btw.

What a burn
>mfw some normie shit i know imbregnated a whore at 19 and it might not even be his kid
lmfao normies are so stupid lmfao
They do it to trigger you.
What else would she do? Rowling is irrelevant and has been for years, sitting lazily atop the legacy a handful of overrated children's books brought her.

Potterfags are embarrassing, retweeting her opinions like there's any weight behind them
a dull insult from a dull author
>Deal with it.
I do deal with it. Doesn't mean I can't give my 2 cents.
Yet its main audience is adults.
>Makes point a
>Demonstrates flaw with point a
"Ur a faget/virgin"

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Harry potter is pure cancer
so deep o_O
What about all the fat, hairy virgin legbeard feminists who sublimate their frustrations in far-left politics? Does she hate them too?
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>became a billionaire off 7 books
>but she's a bad writer tho

Because people who spend 16 hours a day ranting about feminazis and goobergate and how all women are whores obviously haven't dated many women. Yes there are asshole guys who have dated plenty of women and still view them as garbage but it's rare. It's always some guy who's had one or two short term relationships crying about how good locks are opened by only one key or something. He's just mad some girl dumped him for someone more attractive or popular or richer. Being dumped makes you angry and vulnerable so those people lash out by dabbling in identity politics. Yes, SJWs do it too. Some chad wont' date a fatty so she becomes all body positive and shit. But let's not pretend there's no basis to the 4chan = virgins thing.
I agree that it's a pathetic and worthless attack. Just as pathetic as a man calling a woman a whore when he doesn't agree with her.

That shit used to upset me more, but the stupid jackasses in society have worn me down.
At some point in the future, in my old age, maybe I'll get motivated to do something meaningful towards bettering education standards or something like that so future generations can have more legitimate arguments. But for the present, I just feel apathetic.
Lol a job, working a McDonald's at the summer?.

If you are underage you are not supposed to be fucking anyway.
/tv/ is always wrong. Best timeline. Best franchise.
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Fucking grown men
He's neither grown nor a man.
Why would anyone care what a woman has to say? Especially a fat one
>closeted nazi that didn't care about Indian famines and was fine using chemical weapons against villages in EU and Africa
>I did some good, right? At least I made enemies
best thing Churchill could have done was take Hitler's dick and keep fantasizing about the great Brit empire

delet this
>Millennials spend money on stupid shit.

More news at 11.

>that virtue-signaling

The left really learned nothing from 2016
that just means people were stupid enough to buy your stuff.

just like apple.

>makes a point

But he didn't. He thought he was but he didn't. It's the Galileo fallacy. "Galileo and other people were right and they were criticized so I must be right because I'm criticized too." Obviously Churchill didn't think that just because Hitler had enemies, it meant Hitler was on the right track. Lots of idiots have enemies because they're idiots, not because their ideology is correct.
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>ignores science
>ignores experts
>not alt-right
>Yes there are asshole guys who have dated plenty of women and still view them as garbage but it's rare.

No it isn't. They are biggest women haters alive. Sexless nu-male virgins are the ones clamoring for female approve non-stop. You are deeply dishonest scum.
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