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/lbg/- Letterboxd General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 266
Thread images: 48

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The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of film logging and reviewing by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Haven't got an account? Follow this link and sign up today! http://letterboxd.com

QOTT: Why do you watch film?

Is it worth going to Letterboxd if I've been using Trakt for everything?
Not really, no. Letterboxd has more reviews, but if you're only interested in logging, Trakt is sufficient and even better because you can log tv.
I watch because my family likes watching film. We were the type a family that went to Blockbuster every Friday and picked 4 things at a time.
ty, I think I'll start to use both because Trakts reviewing system is fucking trash
>Why do you watch film?
No one here watches film. We all just pretend.
Q: Are we not men?

A: We are KINO!
What are you guys getting from avistaz freeleech?
Trakt has a higher honest to dishonest review ration than Tumblrboxd.
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Every so often, some person—wait, let me start over...
Every so often, some total dick will start going on about how Edward Yang isn’t that good or is overrated or whatever other contrarian bullshit he wants to say about Yang to get a rise out of people. And all I can say is: Shut up. Shut your stupid, idiot mouth, you dumb idiot.
I get what you’re doing. Really, I do. You’re trying to shit on people’s cinematic tastes to either appear more well-versed in film than them or you just want to see the shocked look on people’s faces as you besmirch their favorite filmmaker. And listen, I don’t blame you for either. They’re both fun activities that I partake in on the reg. If you name me a director you like, I will find a hundred different ways to judge you on your taste. If the director happens to be a British guy named Nolan, make it three hundred. But Edward Yang, dude? Edward fucking Yang? You are really scraping the barrel if you are knocking people for liking Edward Yang, you moron.
Really, I don’t want to hear your half-cocked, grasping-at-straws theories about how Edward Yang wasn'’t even a talented director or how he stole his style from other directors or how Hou Hsiao-Hsien was the only talented one. What I want you to do is shut your stupid-ass face, you stupid assface.
I’m not even defending Edward Yang, per se. He's not my favorite director or anything. But he's...he is...what’s the word I’m looking for here? Oh right. HE'S FUCKING EDWARD YANG, the cinematic foundation on which just about everything you watch was probably built. Does that even need to be said? Being a movie fan who shits on Edward Yang is like standing in the comfort of your warm house and being like, “Yeah, wood is way overrated, dude. When you think about it, wood’s not really that great.” Just take your mouth and shut it up, you fucking dummy.
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It’s hard to tell through that stupid, shit-eating grin, but are you trying to be funny or do you genuinely not like Edward Yang? Because I’ll bet if we sat you down in a room and started showing “A Brighter Summer Day” or “Yi Yi,” you’d probably start crying and piss your stupid pants from pretending not to have all the emotions in the world. If we played “A Confucian Confusion” when you’re having a bad day, chances are 10,000% that you’d outright shit yourself as a result of the overwhelming melange of joyful optimism and unbridled awe, you pants-pissing pants-pisser.
If you need other ways to torment people that make you come off as less of a pretentious asshole than shitting on Edward Yang, here are some activities to keep you busy...
Inform small children there’s no Santa Claus.
Go to the Holocaust Museum and tell patrons that Hitler had some pretty good ideas.
Stand outside the window at Curves eating a McRib.
Guys: Tell a woman that childbirth isn’t really a big deal.
Ladies: Tell a guy that getting kicked in the junk isn’t all that painful.
Go to the Million Man March and say Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech ran a little long.
For Christ’s sake, the man has made more great films and has had more masterpieces than any director ever. He is the most praised director in the history of fucking cinema. This is the one direct we as a society could all be able to unanimously agree on as a model for… Wait, no. NO. This is exactly what you want. This is the game you want me to play. You want me to get all riled up and start defending Edward Yang. Well I’m not gonna give you the satisfaction.
Instead, I’m gonna go the higher route and take a page from Mr. Yang when I say: "Every citizen in Taiwan has to face a question: what are we going to do in the future -- reunification or independence? No one wants to face it. A Brighter Summer Day is the background for what's going to happen in the future. I hope it helped." And go fuck yourself, idiot
Why do you make this ridiculous professional-like OP? This kind is literally advertising, literally shilling.
or are we dancer?
Wow, what a wise OP!

In this spirit,
CURRENT THREAD!!: >>78931762

This is very, very important
To gain lots of followers to feel good about myself.
French new wave thread

who tf cares bout that shit
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You do.
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You're alone in a room with machill, you're both naked. You try to open the door but it's closed. What do you do?
Might as well fuck the little faggot
Be scared that I met my doppelgänger that I am assured imminent death

>tfw a secret /lbg/ admirer
how exciting
sterling thread as always
> Why do you watch film?
I really enjoy it as an artform. I like the acting and the singing.
Me too. My family always loved a lot of the classic Hollywood stuff like Astaire and Rogers.
I watch film because it's fun and interesting

Bad OP
Lucky you. My parents only cared about new movies and never showed me any classics. Closest I got to having taste was my brother loving foreign fighting movies.
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>mfw my Dad showed me all the Chaplin films, Metropolis and 2001 before I was 5 or 6
This is the only good thread on this board.
Hope you thank him every day
unfortunately this is true
Emily Jean is amazing <3
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>/lbg/ thread
>only one profile posted so far

let's change that
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Why is Letterboxd such jews with changing usernames?
Kind of sad how they realize that's the only "worthwhile" feature and they hide it behind a pay wall.
>choosing a shitty username in the first place
wishful thinkino


>partiots day 1/2 star
not nice fuckface why is coffee spelled backwards
not nice fuckface why is coffee spelled backwards
>Smoothhands is a nice guy with a good sense of humor and seems to predict things perfectly
>Acid is alpha
>Healey is nice if you're nice to him
>Jackieray is full of useful information about film
>nosaj is pleasant to be around
>steakbro is up at 5am if you need someone to talk to
>myrmician knows plenty about screencapping
>slept is good if you need an invite to a private tracker
>Miranna is a nice girl if you're not American
>winstonne is funny 1/10000 of the time
>aeltbx deserves much better than what you guys do to him
>bel has good bants and I miss him terribly
>dropout_bear is my best friend
>machill54 is sweet
>pupkin only called me schmuck once
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taking my coffee without cream or sugar for a week and i want to tell everybody
coffee spelled forwards was taken. only good thing about patriots day is kevin bacon
Randomly got a new follower today after perhaps a year of inactivity. Look at their profile and they're following a 100,000 people.

>get a new follower.
>it's some dude that watches weird obscure stuff
>i can't figure out how he even found my profile.
must've been a misclick desu
That's how I take it now. Took a day or so to get used to, now I can't drink it any other way.
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>kevin bacon
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w-was it me?
Answer that question yourself.
>as catholic in japan im literally shaking rn
>3.44 MB of bacon
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What were the best films of 2016 ? Recommend .I am gonna start torrenting them.
redpill me on Cinemassacre
weird, I was just about to watch The Vanishing. you like it?
Knight of Cups, Manchester by the Sea, 13 Hours, Elle.
Pick one and (articulately) express why:

L'avventura or La dolce vita?
>le paul ws anderson is a secret genius meme
Right Now, Wrong Then
The Wailing
The Bride of Rip Van Winkle
Love & Friendship
Certain Women
La La Land
Hacksaw Ridge
Mountains May Depart
The Witch
Right Now Wrong Then
Yourself and Yours
Everybody Wants Some
Kaili Blues
13 Hours
The Salesman
Happy Hours
The Eyes of My Mother
Manchester by the Sea
Knight of Cups
La Dolce Vita.
It's pretty good.The ending is fucked up, really made me uncomfortable.
welp, turns out my version is the newer one. gotta download the 88 one now
Never watched a Terrence Malick movie . What to expect?
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my wife's son has the Batman logo in his front teeth
The american remake is shit.
invitation to accept the light in your life.
If these turn out to be shit, you will be sorry.
Bring it, beeeatch
Knight of Cups has a sweet soundtrack, with beautiful wide angle cinematography
You're welcome for going out of my way to give you movies to watch
Good soundtrack is my kryptonite.
What is your /lbg/ account?
What's the deal with Sally Jane Black and why do people hate her ? Are her reviews and taste any good ?
every time i see the title of the vanishing it keeps reminding me of vanishing point which is an excellent movie
Her reviews, such as they are, get a lot of likes as such a lot of her writing have a tendency to show up on the front page for everyone because of their popularity. Hence to the kind of people 4chan appeals to this can be aggravating and even to some people infuriating.

As much as I can understand seeing their profile pic on the front page a lot can be annoying. People get far too emotional about it as far as I'm concerned. Sure, you see their pic, that doesn't mean you necessarily have to read whatever they've written.

But what do I know
This is going to get a bunch of


comments now
Haven't watched it . What can I expect?
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a man driving a car, he's also chased by police
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What do you mean ? Google confirms it.
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who are you? do you post your profile here often?
happens to me once in a while, figure they just look at lists or reviews and decided to follow to inflate their numbers
Is this actually sjb or
facebook photo
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id like a sjb bj
ldv bc its by the same guy who did satyricon
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>expect a trashy action film
>get a really well crafted psychological thriller

Also planning to watch All the colors of the dark, seven deaths in the cats eye, the dead are alive this week for giallo week. Maybe some Bava too since I've actually not seen that many of them
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who remembers
ahh the glory days

I miss myrmician screenshots
>glory days

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ledditors have such a high horse
mad that your post got downvoted? lol
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ilol not me. You fucking retard. You sub-human piece of garbage i hope you fucking get cancer you fat ass waste of oxygen I hope you die cold and alone you are a fucking degenerate. kys.
it's not a secret bb
>namedrops Tarkovsky
>hates La La Land
typical redditor
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go aawayy u have the worst account
CURRENT THREAD!!: >>78931762
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t. embryo
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/ p a s t a f r o l a
Bravo to your tastes, sir. That's quite the selection.
Emily Jean is a poster on my wall <3
I just purchased a custom mouse pad with Emily Jean on it <3
No, the frustration comes from the fact that LB, while far from perfect, used to be a cool place some five years ago and is now a festering shithole filled with creatures like SJB, faggots who never had a father figure in their lives, commies, general degenerate losers etc etc.

It's a good example of how they completely take over communities if you don't actively oppose them. They spread like the plague and infest every corner of the internet. Venting these frustrations here takes up little time and is fun because at least they never stop providing things to laugh at.
Are you going to cry?
Good post
Believe me, I was on Letterboxd, 5 years ago. You're viewing it through rose tinted glasses.

Also, what are you actively doing to oppose them exactly? Other than bitching about it on here, of course.
>that is an special event, worthy of massively attention whoring with an ama
What a big boy
bet they're still a pleb
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/ a n g r y f r o l a
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he should just make every day la la land day tbf
do you guys have any rituals to practice before watching a movie?
I always prepare popcorn, masturbate, turn of my phone and close all open browsers before watching a flick otherwise I'm not able to focus
All I d is go to the washroom and turn off all the lights and make sure I have a glass of water nearby in case I get thirsty.

>eating while watching movies
Why do people do this? Too distracting for me.
Which one of you guys was this
why the fuck does /pastafrola get all the good oc? I'm way better than him
>that fucking taste
/tv/ might be a shithole but I feel proud knowing this pleb would get shitposted into submission if he tried his routine here
wtf that pastafrola is angry
Crazy Stupid Love is a good movie starring Emily Jean <3
Yeah, Hacksaw Ridge is shit.
Hacksaw Ridge is very entertaining.
It's her pre-op.
he has no life and memes himself constantly
Autistic Faggotry: the thread. That OP has shit taste and is a humungous faggot. Also he doesn't seem to give a shit about themes or craftwork of cinema but of going "Yeah, I watched a movie a day. Ask me which day and I'll tell you the movie." What a huge fucking faggot.
I try to make sure to use the bathroom before hand.
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I unironically enjoy film. Movies for this feel?
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
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nothing ever cool happens on 4chan anymore. Like raids. I miss those times.. good times
>he hasn't been paying attention to HWNDU or the presidency or most news websites
yeah, it's like you have to get a life now
even Kermode hated it. it must be ultra-shit.
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>raids were cool
HWNDU for the first three days before the ultra-cringey memers showed up was pretty cool.
>that one guy that responds to every other post in these threads with sarcasm and irony because he's too insecure to be honest

Why does he do it /lbgt/ bros?
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Kubo managed to ruin me tonight.

Co-worker asked me if I could take her shift, so I had to tell her that I accidentally stuck my arm in a crab tank
where my emBros at
atonement didn't have a plot twist. You're just an idiot
atonement didn't have a plot twist. You're just an idiot
>Wait but hehe that didn't happen, i lied a bit!
Since the first scenes in the farmhouse it was clear that the story was being told by two different POVs but still, the way editing and writing worked here presented that shit at the end as a plot twist. You could see it coming but still
how was the plot twist not a plot twist?
>I am huge faggot, stop being meanie to me
4chan is literally the same userbase as reddit and has been for the past 2 years
Not him but I made it my full name and now I don't really want to post it here
Oh shit probably don't start with knight of Cups. At least get used to the style of that movie with like The Tree of Life first. They're all worth watching and there's not that many, I just went in chronological order
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that guy has a cute face :^D
That really captures the spirit of /tv/.
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I've reached the point where I enjoy to read SJB reviews just to see how far his nonsenses can go
Wow good thing there are still strong, masculine men like this guy >>78949363 to protect our great web sites
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>tfw everything feels like a 4
also I really liked the wandering through the city at night in Elevator to the gallows

they just tied the canadian shooter to /pol/ in the news
glad you thought it was good
It's already too late for that

And no I'm not, I'd take Del Boy faggotry over the likes of SJB or that matthew cuck any day
Why aren't machill's reviews on the front page?
Because they are consistently terrible

I do have the top review for Don't go in the house though, and my Shoah one was for ages on the popular reviews bit
>>tfw everything feels like a 4
Very relatable feel.
mashills a fag
I know I'm an embryo but am I a comfy embryo?

u seem ok :)
CURRENT THREAD!!: >>78931762 (OP)

Very important!
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>Amazing in True Grit.
>Amazing in Edge of Seventeen.
goat actress already tbhqhgqwhywaafms
>tfw one of the letterboxd users was at the hwndu
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Someone from this general?
pick up the phone baby

i watch film because i'm a social outcast and also because i'm interested in making films of my own. some films also have a cathartic quality that makes me feel "connected" to it's director and cool stuff like that.
actually, i 'm not
Who? What did he say?

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How was your weekend?

It's been straight 3s for ages now. Need to watch something to break the pattern.
Four threes in a row is a good streak, IMO.
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>when you get straight 5s
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Opinions on Ivan's Childhood?

t. embryo
Tarkovsky's only good film because it's a blatant ripoff of Kalatozov
lol sure buddy
Pretty good, very promising. Unfortunately it's a film by a director that triggers the embryos of /lbg/ for whatever reason, so shitposting is inevitable. Case in point >>78966058
Why did you agree with him? :(
I did?
CURRENT THREAD!!: >>78931762
>it's a film by a director that triggers the embryos of /lbg/
lol okay buddy
Dumb lolbuddy poster
Why does Tarkovsky trigger people?
I wrote one of them, glad it inspired a trend so quickly.
He is too complex director for the pretentious faggots inhabiting the thread.
damn.... synt..... so cool..... so patrician....
I must admit that I viscerally hated Tarkovsky's "Nostalgia" and completely hated the use of Beethoven in it. I've seen it only once, but none of the Tarkovsky films that I have seen did I think are really good.
but dat editing in Nostalghia tho
>like raids
yeah, the good old days of forcing families to go into witness protection
>giving a shit about that
consequences will never be the same
>"you cannot be proud of being white & not be a racist. it's a tautology. you can be proud of your irish heritage. you can be proud of your german heritage. you can be proud of your lutheran heritage or your appalachian roots or your large italian family's sunday gravy tradition. you cannot be proud of your *white* heritage b/c there is no such thing. whiteness only exists as a power relationship. a system of domination is not a culture to take pride in unless you are an asshole." - k.m.
I was onboard until the last sentence, when it veered off into nonsense about 'power relationships.'
>post profile and get no (You)s
>Synt gets 3 in under an hour

wtf we are enemies now
who is 'k.m.'?
>I was onboard until the last sentence
damn.... machill..... so cool..... so patrician....
Onboard is the wrong word, on further reflection. I was 'entertaining the argument.'
Try being more embryonic
To be fair 2/3 posts are just autism like >>78966810 this guy over here
See, just follow the example of >>78967061. Be more stupid, be more of an embryo and it'll happen
the tremendous wit of just copying the way I wrote my reply.
Is tremendous wit necessary when dealing with someone like you? Exactly, it's not.
>he didn't deny that he's a simpleton

Anyway, what's your beef? Did I not follow you or something? It's sad to hold grudges like that man.
I think that's the guy who was with Brittney Venti yeaterday.
Why a denial of the accusation of being simpleton be needed?
Why do I have a beef?
Why would I want to be followed by you?
Why would I be holding a grudge?
Why is it sad to hold grudges?

The embryonic Synt mind and its strategies and difficulties...
Not Synt or whoever the anon you're arguing with.

But sperging out like that isn't helping your cause.
>Tony Leung and Chang Chen will never be your bf

why even live?
lol oh my god
Yes, maybe, but you mistake the cause.

The fact that you have a "cause" is autistic as fuck anon.

Fuck these threads are horrible these days.
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t. saikol
seek help
Post profile.
More like I have watched flicks and capeshit everyday lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
The door is right there
Let's be real mate, you're the one who should post profile. If you're gonna rag on someone in the thread you may as well come clean as to who you are, otherwise you just look like a massive pussy.
I knew you wouldn't.
Couldn't find it
I wasn't the anon you were responding to.

What do you mean?
>Why just the other day I missed out on an idiot being laughably idiotic because... it must not stand? The idiot should not be saved from himself because his idiocy is not saved but his idiocy should rather be indelible. How else will the idiot learn? How else, at least, can the idiot be of any use if not to entertain?
>Well, the idiot did of course continue. So there is that. But it's not progress. There is no progress with out history.
What did he mean by this?
t. cuckiegay's discord bf
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reminder that saikol was right and you should all move to RYM since it's a matter of days till cinemos' release!!
sally jane BLACKED
stop sucking cuckiegay off myrmreddit
For anyone keeping track, in Afterlife Alice killed Hollywood, in Retributuon she killed cinema, and in The Final Chapter she kills the image, as well as capitalism, slavery, government, religion, commodification, herself, and even fucking god.
Thank you for this.
8=========D (_(_
PWSA fans everyone
the discord is ded
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I find people who like these films disgusting.
Thread posts: 266
Thread images: 48

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