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*Warning: This article describes scenes from the film of a graphic

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"Some folks stuck around after a woman chewed on concrete until her teeth disintegrated, but still peaced out when an alien creature force-yanked a fetus from another woman's womb (accompanied by a Mortal Kombat sound clip: 'Get over here!"), then smoked the tiny corpse."

Various scenes are said to feature a man having sex with a talking boil on a woman's neck, genital mutilation, and a doctor, played by George Clinton, who keeps a medicinal cockroach in his anus.

Flying Lotus said he approached Clinton for the role by texting him: "Would you mind showing your butthole on camera?"
Imagine if the races were switched, everyone would be outraged and screaming. Why is there a double standard
I like FlyLos music enough to check it out but I generally dislike vomit/shit/etc. humor.
what movie
Sounds like meme marketing
>people in response to his tweet are complaining it was too gross when that's the entire point of the movie
It's kind of like complaining a hot pepper is hot.

And the only reason why people go shit like 50 years a slave is out of guilt
>NC-17, because a man has sex with a talking boil on a woman’s neck, and we see it in close-up to completion, and then the boil keeps talking, even though its mouth is full of semen.

Lel, I'll watch it.
is this it? is the dawn of scatkino finally upon us?
Is this film....dare I say it...
>only 20 out of 400 walked out
>the rest kept slipping on vomit and couldn't get up
>if you don't like graphic gore scenes you're racist

really activated my almonds
yes, this is dare I say it, our film
What about the 380 white people who stayed because black people don't go to film festivals.
Where can I watch it??
The movie is titled Kuso which means shit or crap in Japanese.
David Firth is the real mad man behind this
>movie is literally named "kuso"

So did he make an intentionally bad movie or is it just 2deep4me
Holy shit is David Firth actually affiliated?

Good on him, he's a genius but I never thought he'd make it. Normies can't stomach his content.
This movie is not for normies anyway.
totemo baka to omoimasu
>*Warning: This article describes scenes from the film of a graphic nature*
>It was so gross people walked out!
>I was too much for some people!

Fuck off.
Counterpoint: imagine if someone that wasn't a celebrity made this. Nobody would give it the time of day
that's not a counterpoint

anyone in a movie is a celebrity

Tom Sixxx wasnt known until HC was made

that didnt stop this same fervor from his movie
Sounds fun, like Peter Jackson's slapstick movies.
Is this the Pink Flamingos of our generation?

No.... Kino
it seems like if you say it's shit they'll pull, "IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE"
>I’ll start with the footage of an erect penis being stabbed. As with most footage of an erect penis being violently gored by a long steel rod, it’s certainly unexpected. A large chunk of the audience left my screening early, when a boil-covered woman choked a man with a strap until he covered half her face with semen that looked like a muted version of Nickelodeon slime. But the walk-outs continued in a consistent stream up to the final scene. Some gross-out films are one-note, but ‘Kuso’ finds new ways to test viewers’ fortitude. Some folks stuck around after a woman chewed on concrete until her teeth disintegrated, but still peaced out when an alien creature force-yanked a fetus from another woman’s womb (accompanied by a ‘Mortal Kombat’ sound clip: ‘Get over here!’), then smoked the tiny corpse
Lotus is a shitty person.
I recall seeing him at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I have no idea who "Flying Lotus" is, but he sounds like a thirteen year old edgemeister.
>David Firth

Come on, let's not get crazy...
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Is Flying Lotus some idiot /mu/ circlejerks about?
The kikes flaunt their hatred of whites blatantly
This is why Trump won, and will win again
Imagine you had a good argument.
normie detected
I actually kinda like his work.

Does making outsider art automatically make you a genius?
Los Angeles is FlyLo's only good album desu

Looks intolerable.

Like a Tim and Eric sketch that goes on for way too long.
nothing automatically makes you a genius you retarded faggot
Uwe Boll presents: The Mighty Boosh
Way to avoid the point.
i responded to your "point" and you've provided nothing for me to argue with this post. firth's genius continues to stand while your pathetic "point" remains sullied and disregarded
You're calling him a genius because is work is bizarre.

When you throw around that word like that, you just end up watering it down.
Flying Lotus Kuso.
>stuff black ppl like
But it is. When has pointless violence, over the top so randumb sex and shit like that ever been 'good'? And by 'good' I mean generally and genuinely good, not 'it's so bad you hang around to see how far it goes and end up finishing the whole thing' good, not Star Wars 'good'.
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>If you don't like my movie you rayciss cracka
that's not why i'm calling him a genius at all, way to assume you fuck head.

i'm not going to be told how i can and can't use words by someone who attempts to write with proper grammar and fucks up a 2 sentence post.
oh i made another thread, didnt see this one

sorry, wish i could delete it

>people think this is good

Uh-huh. This looks like typical try hard gross-out crap. People walking out from these does not equate them 'disgusted', it can simply be out of sheer boredom. This is the film equivalent of the old pre-FBI/CIA/NSA takedown request 'Shock' page of Encyclopedia Dramatica.
>When has pointless violence, over the top so randumb sex and shit like that ever been 'good'?

Good question.

Why bother making it then?
>muh spelling error


Continue to water down the word then.
are we suppose to know who or what flying lotus is?

fuck off, go shit up another board with your unfounded pretensions
this is offensive, but not the way the director intended
>an alien creature force-yanked a fetus from another woman's womb (accompanied by a Mortal Kombat sound clip: 'Get over here!")

Fucking kek, I gotta see this movie!
>When has pointless violence, over the top so randumb sex and shit like that ever been 'good'?

Since always.
Because good or not, things like this have a place in film. A good film does not equate it having some merit of some sort. It is, unfortunately, 'art', if we use the definition that art is 'something that evokes emotion, even negative emotion'.

At the very least, it is an example of what not to do. Film makers these days have forgotten what being subtle is all about. Many classic horror films have very little blood and the blood they do use, is very minor.

This film reminds me of the 80's Japanese horror films which were more hilarious than shocking. You know, where a woman gets raped by a big penis devil woman and the devil woman is defeated not coming first. Shit like that. Or the woman raped by a man with a 30ft penis who she defeats by blowing air into the penis with her vagina until it explodes.

You know, pointless sex and violence, but when 80's Japan did it basically for the sake of humour or to justify the porn, this guy has done it because he legit thinks what he's creating is good.

Any edge 15 year old can create what this guy has done. There is a limit to gore and sex in films, even the old justification of 'lol this is set in hell so all the porn and gore is OK in the story' lose it's point.

But, shit like SAW series sold well so maybe this guy is trying to sell it to those teens who go

>At the very least, it is an example of what not to do

Fair enough.
I went on to qualify what I meant by 'good'. What he's doing is no pushing the media. Everything he is doing has been done before, on a higher budget and by much better directors than him.

This is literally, as I somebody else has said, the 'Shock Page' of the late 90's early 2000's internet. If you want to see better shit like this, Asia has you covered.
Ah, so just a more gross-out Funky Forest then? Pity.
Yeah, you qualified it but you were wrong, those things are generally and genuinely good.
Maybe if you're twelve.
>This is literally, as I somebody else has said,

Shit, I'm so embarrassed for you for making this error, quoting yourself, then deciding to attribute it to someone else to make you look less of a lone obsessive, but forgetting to delete the 'I'.
No, sex and violence are gun, they're why a lot of people watch movies period.
This looks like garbage, and I realize it's supposed to but it looks like double layered garbage because of that.
There is a certain shittiness to any movie, or any media, that has too much of something on purpose and this looks like everything to the max.
It's always used as a built in defense mechanism to guard from criticism and for easy advertising.
You can't just make a shit movie on purpose and act like that devalues the opinions of people who thought it was shit.
You can do a great job of making an awful gross movie, but all you've succeeded at was making a bad movie.
> Film makers these days have forgotten what being subtle is all about. Many classic horror films have very little blood and the blood they do use, is very minor.

This doesn't look like a horror movie.
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Keep believe that. Read this picture, it'll help you make less of an ass yourself next time. But, in the 99.9% chance you won't just admit you're being a shitposting faggot, don't reply next time. After all, I'm obviously just a 'lone obsessive'. Pretty pathetic to reply to me, desu.

Can you explain to me how they are genuinely good. Sex and violence has a place in film and there are films which have large amounts of sex and violence in them which are good. This is neither of those things.

Out of pure morbid curiosity, name me 10 films which are 100% gore/sex/random shit which are genuinely good.
1. No censorship. 2. We know now that horror audiences are pigfuckers, have already seen Faces of Death and fapped to it, and will watch anything you show them however poorly justified or base. They will watch a shitty gif of a guy committing suicide for realzies. Why waste sophistication on them?
>sex and violence is good in and of itself

Again, only if you're a juvenile retard.
Maybe it isn't, but it has horror shit in it, body horror being one of those things. Even going by the OP, there is genital mutilation and a guy fucking a talking boil.
I'm not reacting to the shared opinion, you forgot to delete 'I' before typing 'somebody else'. It's really obvious, dude. It's like when Mr. Burns disguised himself as Mr. Snrnb.
Your value judgement is futile.
>This is what passes for shock schlock now
It looked like a bunch of porno-tier props being thrown around with some shitty CGI every now and then.
Yeah, but it's not horrific, it's gross-out giggly. Booger jokes aren't body horror, and it's closer to them than to Cronenberg.
You seem to be implying that there is no distinct difference between good and bad art.
Do people think this is a revolutionary point every time it's brought up?
The first line in the trailer is great. A film of that kind of humor would be great. I would love to see a more or less naturalistic film that suddenly goes berserk, but this ain't that.
>a movie
>not ironic
>means what it says
No, I'm stating that your value judgement is futile.
>as I somebody else has said
KEKing loudly
>change what i'm going to say
>don't delete the entire post

pathetic, we're done here
You said 'I' dude. You said the first person singular. 'As I somebody else has said' - it's a joke, it's so obvious. You're right to be too shamefaced to continue.
Fine, revel in bad art.
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More than one person is laughing at you.
I hope you are writhing on the floor in embarrassment for being caught out this badly you filthy samefag
>Joe Whiteperson, who worked on the film, tweeted "this film was too deep for y'all niggers go home watch Frozen darkie"
Your permission is equally superfluous.
I was typing something else that had I as part of the sentence, when my page updated and I saw somebody else post the same thing, I did a quick delete and carried on. Had I not, you'd have called me a samefag for posting what I was going to post, which was about old shock pages that use to exist, the most famous being ED's 'You can't look at everything on this page' challenge.

fuck off.
>we want the Salo crowd
Remember when movies were extreme to see how much shit they could get away without?
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The easiest (You)'s I've ever got is jumping into a conversation and pretending to be somebody else. Nobody bothers to check the times of the post these days either.

Sometimes I start arguments with myself just to get people to jump in on one side or the other.
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
But the 'as I' beginning to the clause implies you were going to refer to something you'd already said, which you did, just pretending it was someone else. Give it up, man.
Thanks for that, Stanley Kauffmann.
correct, but it is the honest truth, had i actually been that guy, why wouldn't I have said 'as I said in another post', what would be the bad point of doing that? how would that have been a negative? how is referring to another post bad? I deleted it cause wasn't my post and ended up living a bit in.

but finally, why would i defend myself when i could just ignore everything you've said and just pretend nothing happened?
>the buttress

holy shit, she's basically an unknown youtube rapper and she got in this shit? noice
Why are you bringing up some irrelevant kike?
I don't really know anything about this movie, but there was a time when a shocking film causing people to walk out was a huge badge of honor and pride instead of something to whine and cry about.

I'm glad you've decided to be honest.

You would know why referring to your own stuff is bad, you were the one who decided to pretend you weren't doing it.

>but finally, why would i defend myself when i could just ignore everything you've said and just pretend nothing happened?

Because your pomposity is bound up with your insecurity.
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I couldn't give less of a fuck about the samefaging itself, but
>I somebody else
Is funny as fuck holy shit, I'm actually shit giggling.
He was an obvious old school patrician (in the real, not meme sense) critic, and that post appeared after a lot of 'people need me to tell them what bad art is' shit, so it amused me to sarcastically call the pretentious guy seemingly collapsing into abuse after a critic who reflected his apparent self-image. Probably wasn't even the same guy, it just amused me. And now you know how good art is made.
>there was a time when a shocking film causing people to walk out was a huge badge of honor

Those days are long gone, and I'm not sure they ever actually existed.
>music by Akira Yamaoka
What in the fuck
>le so edgy and deep cartoon man
off yourself please
wow what an asshole
This movie is what happens when retards read too many shintaro kago comics
t. retard
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>It's another "/tv/ doesn't understand art" episode
Will this be better than the japanese movies it rips off?
Apart from the soundtrack choices, I doubt it.

i like this niggas cheeky bantz
Dude i mean im not gonna lie literally all of his content where he replicates dreams is almost perfectly accurate like no other content creator, it's amazing how he does it
Flying Lotus is Aphex Twin for Redditers
If it has David firth content it's worth it
The trailer music is really fucking tacky.
Just looked her up. Maybe the most pretentious person I've ever seen in my life. Weird.
>that's the entire point of the movie
>It's kind of like complaining a hot pepper is hot
>people complain that a bad movie is bad
>haha it's supposed to be bad xD
Kill yourself, and the woman that birthed you.
>Flying Lotus made a stupid gross out movie
That's legitimately disappointing. I know Adult Swim features his music. He probably got poisoned during his partnership with them
Whose willing to bet those "white" people were Jewish studio execs leaving the room so they can bid on the film
>>78829595the value of the film is greatly lowered by the focus on disgusting black skin actors
Maybe they walked out because the movie was shitty, even though the subject matter was interesting?

I've seen gore movies that made me want to rip my eyes out because they were so fucking bad and boring.
>make a POS "movie"
Anon, pls. I thought we were better than this.
Is it like the video he did with David Firth?

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