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>Luke, did I ever tell you about the time I fought Darth

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>Luke, did I ever tell you about the time I fought Darth Maul again in a non-canon comic even by EU standards where he had robotic legs, and then fought him again in a canon EU story after my license was bought by Disney where he also had robotic legs? He wasnt a very good friend


Why are Maul's horns bigger in this? Is this like Zabrak Super Saiyan?
>He wasnt a very good friend
You shut your WHORE MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing Maul back was one of the best decisions ever, as it actually builds obi wans character with their interactions. imagine seeing the guy who murdered your master, who you thought you already killed come back over and over again to continually torment you ever since you cut him in half.
>star wars

He had more demon points due to the nukes he was building
It's fucking retarded and if anything it diminishes his impact.
Luke, did I ever tell you about the recently renamed Emperor Palpatine Surgical Center? It was a good hospital... well no actually, it was pretty shit, they couldn't even afford fitting shoes for their highest-profile patient
Maul secretly found the key to Sith immortality, which is why he always comes back.
TCW had plenty of stupid ideas and moments, but Rebels just kind of sucks in general.
I am literally burning in hype.
I would love some sort of sad end for Maul, explaining how lonelly was he in his life and how Obi was the only thing close to a friend.
Because now that its successful, it takes the more interesting stuff from the old EU and shoves it all into a childrens show instead of making anthology movies around it.
>Maul just becomes Obi-Wan's Joker

>implying that the joker is a bad character and the only shitty incarnation was Leto's
It's more that it's a contrived unnecessary interquel series to begin with that meshes somewhat poorly with the source films, not unlike TCW before it or Rogue One.

Making an anthology movie out of Obi-Wan's last duel with Maul doesn't make the context or premise any less stupid. Rebels is a fairly well-made action adventure cartoon. It just has a pervasively stupid premise with equally stupid characters. Sometimes less is more. The milking of Star Wars (and I would include, though to a lesser degree, the prequels themselves in this category) feels absurd to me.
That key
>the high ground
After all this years I have finally become the dark side of the force
>Dude gets cut in half saying bye bye to his guts, kidneys, butthole, etc
>Falls in a bottomless pit
>Lol turns out he was alive for 12 years living of junk and because he was so angry he didn't need to eat food (not like he could process it) or purify his blood (not like he could either)
It was fucking stupid
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His episodes are always the best.

Maul returning created great character conflict for Obi-Wan.
>darth maul is no longer considered jar jar tier.
>grown up men watch cartoons
>"You are traitors!"
>"Unfortunatelly for you, history will not see it that way. Execute them!"

Absolutelly based quotes
>anger and dark side energy keeps someone alive in a galaxy that has laws of nature that don't exist in reality
Who knew
>dude gets his legs chopped off and gets burned alive
>gets rescued hours later

Sith lords surviving out of pure anger has been canon since Darth Vader existed: always.
>i-i'm too smart and mature for your cartoons
>REAL men only watch the kids MOVIES
>Universe where a mysterious invisible force that makes beings sensible to it create lightning, storms, use telekinesis and boost their physical capabilities
>"Haha lol how can he be alive if he was cut in half"
>Literally the main villain of the OT was a cyborg on life supply

Are you stupid?
Luke, did I ever tell you about pants? Pants were clothes that humanoids wore over their lower bodies. Some sentient species such as Ewoks and Wookiees did not wear pants, but most male Humans did. In some cases pants were culturally significant, as in the case of Corellian Bloodstripes, which were worn as a length of broken cloth piping down the outer seams of the recipient's pants. Ubese trackers such as Boushh were known to wear Shata leather pants, and Princess Leia Organa wore a pair of these when impersonating the bounty hunter.
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>"Doubt will only lead to failure... Our combined efforts will be rewarded, Mandalore shall be yours, and Kenobi, the SITH PRETENDER Dooku, and ALL OUR ENEMIES... Shall fall."

Not gonna lie, this monologue gave me chills when I watched it. Maul is fucking nightmarish, and Sam Witwer was the perfect voice for him.
The actual surprise was how well did he develop as both a politician, a strategist and a overall mastermind compared to the being of rage he was in the comics and TPM.

Quality character progression if you ask me.
>and then Sheev comes in spinning and turns him into his bitch
Luke, did I ever tell you about microwave machines? A microwave machine was a device used to prepare food or drink through the use of microwaves. Augustus Tryll used a portable microwave machine to ferment Deltron spice wine.
>wasting this shit on cartoon when you could be literally milking that shit in Kenobi anthology
>even based McGregor is still down to it
Disney why would you do this?
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It was great because you got to see how his Sith training paid off. He wasn't just a mute attack dog, he was an actual Sith, and we finally got to see him in action.

And of course, the finale to the arc, when Sheev shows up. That was the icing on the cherry on the cake.

I don't know if you're joking or not, but...
Luke, did I ever tell you about jukeboxes? A jukebox was a device that played music. At least some models were designed so that the user could insert jukebox tokens into the machine and then select from a catalog of songs. Jukeboxes were commonly found in cantinas throughout the galaxy.
>Disney why would you do this?
Disney isn't in control of this.
Why is it surprising? Maul was a puppet the show runners revived for the novelty, and because he was an empty red action scene of a character initially they shoehorned actual personality and motivations onto him.

It's not so much progression as the invention of an actual character, which is why reviving him was such an odd idea when divorced from the fanwankery.
Luke, did I ever tell you about churros? At the Star Tours terminal of Spaceport THX1138, droid security agent G2-4T mistook a passenger's churro for a lightsaber and asked that it be put away.
is spinning ACTUALLY a good trick?

>A black lightsaber called a dark saber

lmao what will these gay nerds think of next
So they brought Thrawn and Maul back into canon, but on an actual kid's show on the Disney channel? Is Disney actually trying to ruin this franchise or what?
>Maul was a puppet the show runners revived for the novelty
Wrong. The showrunners actually fought against the decision. It came straight from Lucas himself. Not even kidding.

>It's not so much progression as the invention of an actual character,
True, and its a good thing

>which is why reviving him was such an odd idea
Not true. He was a vital point in the show for two reasons;

A) Disrupting Mandalore causing another civil war, leading the Mandalorians to fall back into their old ways, repercussions still affecting the canon today, and probably forever.

B) Creating a rivalry and character drama for Obi-Wan that Lucas regretted not having in the movies.

It was literally just Lucas fixing what he believed was a mistake, and they turned it into something pretty damn enjoyable to watch.
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Maul has been alive in Canon since about 2012, back when TCW was airing on Cartoon Network.

Thrawn is newly re-canonized, and is also getting his own novel, written by his creator Timophy Zahn, so Thrawn is also getting more content than he ever had in the non-canon EU, simply by having his own book, and actual screentime at all.
If Sion and Nihilus can exist because of dark side hatred, I'm willing to believe Maul can do. But only on the condition that Windu also survived.
Darth maul didn't get rescued, he just was alive for 12 year without eating or shitting or peeing.

Why dooku died then? Because they chopped his head? irrelevant, he can keep himself alive without a head because Durk Sud
>Windu comes back as a cyborg bad black motherfucker

All of my shekels
>tfw EU Maul was actually a good character

he went from mute Sith lackey to carving his own path almost supplanting Count Dooku and Sidious at one point.
The comics of him are pretty nice aswell.
A body can still be alive as long as the heart, lungs and brain are all still in tact and connected. Losing one is a definite death strike against anyone, fictional or not.

Dooku not only had his head chopped off, his entire body was in the half of the Separatist cruiser that broke off in-atmosphere and dropped to Coruscant in a giant ball of flame.
>It came straight from Lucas himself.
Fair, but the gist of my point still stands. Its appeal is in novelty.
>and its a good thing.
Not really. It doesn't correct the blandness of Maul in TPM. It's just a contrivance that might as well have been a new character or something less goofy.

I'm not suggesting that Maul did not in fact alter the plot of the show. I'm suggesting his influence, insofar as it reflected his roots and role in TPM, has been minimal at best and awkward fanservice at worst. They've carried the premise as gracefully as one could expect (save for the fact he really should have swiftly died again in TCW), but it's nonetheless pablum. Even for Star Wars. Good fun at times sure, but the idea it's quality storytelling is absurd. Have some standards.
People survive if they get proper treatment even after losing all their limbs and having 3rd degree burns, people don't survive without kidneys, intestines and stomach, specially not for 10 years without a replacement.

It would make more sense for him to come back as a force ghost and possess someone, but turns out only Jedi can be force ghost, but sith can be immortal zombies except when they don't?
You don't know what Dathomirian-Zabrak biology is, anon. For all you know, the only organs Maul lost on Naboo was some skin and his dick.
Huh, who knew?
>A body can still be alive as long as the heart, lungs and brain are all still in tact and connected
Nope, you need nutrients to keep those organs alive, you need blood for that, and the blood has to be filtered by the kidneys or a similar organ. Maul didn't have any of that for 10 years, he even built himself legs that were actually yunk connected with the force (so he could levitate and do the same job?) no mechanism, engine or whatever
>People survive if they get proper treatment even after losing all their limbs and having 3rd degree burns
People don't survive after having their whole body incinerated and being abandoned there to rot for hours.
Nevermind the fact that the flames magically stopped by the time Sheev found him so he wasn't a pile of ash.
They're near humans that can mate with humans, similar biology is a must
Is Darth Maul, dare I say it, the greatest Sith?

Dathomirian Zabraks are an already physically powerful race with a high tollerance to pain imbued by the dark force aura of the planet.
That plus the training with sidious and the fact that his wounds were cautherized by Obi's blade may have been enough to mantain him alive.
Eitherways in TPM maul is absolutelly ripped and when Savage finds him he is skin and bone and close to dying scavening in the ruins of the planet for some food.
They can have the same organs but that doesn't mean they are all in the same place within their bodies.
He used the force anon how hard is this for you to understand?
your parents must be so ashamed to have you as their offspring
>People don't survive after having their whole body incinerated and being abandoned there to rot for hours.
They actually do, is not impossible. People with 70%-80% and there's even a case of 98% their body with 3rd degree burns have survived (if you can call what comes next life).

Even if you think they don't survive is more credible than being 12 years without medical treatment without your lower body (including your organs).
fuck y'all haters that don't like Clone Wars or Rebels. The cartoons are fucking great for what they are
>Dathomirian Zabraks are an already physically powerful race with a high tollerance to pain imbued by the dark force aura of the planet.
Except for Anger Kolan and Eeth Koth, those two died like fucking nobodies of being stabbed in the guts
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So Maul is just basically Darth Sion v2?
>a literal thread about SW

I swear to god you must be a waifufag or rp online.
Don't forget Savage Opress who also dies of being stabbed in the gut.
>this is a cartoon for kids
literally whom?
Sheev's spin to win is just too much to handle.
A zombie sith, a dude who was literally dead but at the same time alive because he rage
Those two are just plain old Zabraks. They weren't from Dathomir like Maul. Also they didn't die from too much pain overload, they died from having their bodies stabbed with a burning light sword. Quite different.
Wouldn't you be pretty mad after all that?
It really just sounds like you're pissed that they revived a character that clearly died.

The fact is they made a non-character that was popular for being aesthetically pleasing into an actual character. It bothers you that this sort of populist thinking altered the importance of a bad character, I get it; it's just like how Boba Fett was meant to be nothing and then everybody needed to make him survive and turn him into something more interesting.

But his characterization is as legitimate as basically any in Star Wars, which is not saying much, but I don't see the problem. If you can get over the simple fact that he somehow lived, it makes perfect narrative sense that he WOULD be a character, he SHOULD have been one in the first place, and his place as one in those little 3D TV shows is for that reason plenty platable to introducing a new guy that we have zero relationship with thus far. We're never going to be able to CHANGE what happened in the first movie or somehow add new depth to that, you can't, there just wasn't enough there; nonetheless I can appreciate that his role was expanded in canon side material. Even if it is as a goat-legged half guy.
No you didn't. Tell me more about this
You might know him by his other name, Darth Noncanonius.
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TCW has a lot of fucked up stuff.

A lot of it was even censored for tv, and only aired on Netflix.

Plenty of body horror, decapitations, suicide, and even being burned alive. It's probably the second most violent Star Wars media after Episode 3's Mustafar scene
>Being stabbed in the gut is worse than being cut in half from the gut with the same weapon

So what you're saying is if someone shoots you in the head would be more life threatening than beheading you?
i understand that reference
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This is a joke right?
This, he didn't have a helicopter lightsabers, so he isn't canon.
I get that it's literally for small children, but do the character designs really have to be this simplistic and ugly?
What I'm saying is there is no correlation between the two.
No, it's her time to play, deal with it.
>helicopter lightsabers
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Holy fucking shit
Ventress is absolutelly fantastic
So what you're saying is that being shot in the heart is more dangerous than cutting it in two?
It's based on Ralph McQuarrie's artstyle for the original Star Wars concept art
>Darksaber is Mandalorian excalibur

its not as stupid as it looks actually


I'm more annoyed that a mandalorian soldier would dye her hair in kooky colors. what is it with western animators and giving asian characters dyed hair. do they hate asian features or something?
>The fact is they made a non-character that was popular for being aesthetically pleasing into an actual character. It bothers you that this sort of populist thinking altered the importance of a bad character, I get it
No, my issue is with the idea that it's an example of particularly smooth or interesting character "progression." By its very nature it isn't that whatsoever (there was hardly anywhere to build off and progress from) and its context being such a contrivance makes it hard to justify the invention. The plotlines Maul has been part of in TCW and Rebels have, for the most part, been solid. Does that really justify his revival, let alone qualify as quality character *progression*? I say no.

I agree that his characterization now is pretty good. That's not really my point of contention and never was, though.
>what is it with western animators and giving asian characters dyed hair. do they hate asian features or something?
Have you not seen a single anime ever? ASIAN people hate asian features, every other "asian" character has bright colored hair.

Sabine has dyed hair because Mandalorian culture boils down to two things; They're violent, and they're artistic. Obviously a Mandalorian tween girl will lean towards the artsy side of her culture.
>when the whole thing is so retarded you can't distinguish at a glance what's canon and what's not
sith whos body held together because he was perpetually mad. like /pol/
>Sabine has dyed hair because Mandalorian culture boils down to two things; They're violent, and they're autistic.
Everything in that video is canon, anon
>Have you not seen a single anime ever? ASIAN people hate asian features, every other "asian" character has bright colored hair.
not really Anime characters look Asian

western Asian characters look like Asa Akira with a dye streak
>Have you not seen a single anime ever?
Not in the slightless, average Japanese dislikes anime and manga, they only watch it when they're young teenagers and never look back when they grow
>ASIAN people hate asian features
Not really, there's something called Yamato Nadeshiko and they're crazy for it.

Also, most of their bright colored characters aren't even asian in the setting, see Edward and Alphonse, see Naruto (who isn't Asian by the setting he's in) in comparation to Sasuke (who is Asian in the setting). You also forget that they have to do that to differenciate one character from another because Asians tend to have similar hair color (from jet black to dark brown). Again, that doesn't mean they hate their Asian features, and again, try not to use manga as how they envision themselves or did you see how western cartoons portray their characters? does that mean we want to be talking shapeshifting dogs, and other crazy shit?

They all look the same, so they have to give the important asian characters some distinctive features.
>tfw spinning wasn't a good trick

>Thrawn is newly re-canonized
where is this? is he on Rebels?
This fight is amazing

>dat blaster/saber dual weild
>when you realize everything in there is 100% canon
Old EU had crazy stupid shit, understandable after 20+ years, New EU is reaching that poing pretty fast in less than 5 years
Dont spout such bullshit
>The empire is a human white male supremacist organization
>The vast majority of empire antagonists aren't humans
>Half the empire antagonists are females
Do Disney writers even talk to each other?
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Yes my man
They grow like hair. Not kidding.

>Disney shills insist Luuke, the leading act to the Thrawn trilogy, was bad while pretending this didnt happen

>The empire is a human white male supremacist organization
That wasn't written into the universe, it was a personal opinion of a writer. Not the same thing.


but I hate rebels. but I love thrawn.
shit what do

fucking disney
I didn't say it was, I just said do they really don't talk to each other, watch the material or anything? that's dangerous if you want to make a coherent universe
Both are pretty bad.

I've never found the Thrawn trilogy that great.
>not fucking retarded
It's not the writers' job to make it coherent. The Lucas Story Group has all story ideas go through them and they make it either fit in with everything else, or send it back with a "rejected, rework this" note.
Sheev, I'm already a With Lord.
As retarded as the Emperor being a clone since the begining
How was it retarded? It brought up the answer, though perhaps unecessary like a lot of the EU, as to what happened to Luke's hand on Bespin.

>b-b-but thats stupid its a gas giant

Yeah, but then again, Disney used the same exuse to bring back the lightsaber as well :^)
That dragging Maul along with him with the force is great. I wish there were more creative, yet simple and obvious, deas like that in the movies.
>It brought up the answer, though perhaps unecessary like a lot of the EU, as to what happened to Luke's hand on Bespin.
I refuse to believe there's a single person in the whole world that gave a fuck as to what happened to his hand.
Nah, I prefer more new and unique powers like dark blood filtration and dark extraction of food nutrients also dark pooping was a good one.

I watched most of TCW, it's a shame rebels is such garbage. There's a good story underneath it but I just can't get over the raimbow haired kid friendly retardation and watch it

Like honestly they have this fucking raimbow haired chick with the darksaber fighting for the throne of mandalore what the fuck
>I've never found the Thrawn trilogy that great.

for many babies it was the first "serious" look into SW universe.

and by serious I don't mean edgy or dark, it was just a properly written story.

I hate most post-ROTJ developments of the EU, but Thrawn thing made sense.
>that kiss
This is true animated kino. A strong brave colorful POV wields a weapon symbolizing the strength with her blackness, and within all POC. The time of the white man is over, get over yourself
Is that a fucking kid beating darth maul by tossing him off a cliff?
OK serious question.

Is there a list somewhere (wookiepedia?) of things re-canonized?

Is that Filoni doing it? I hope you nerds write him thankful letters all day long, he literally is saving EU.
why do you care about canon when they just change it randomly? goddamn.
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He's not really doing much. He keeps letting the rebels get away. It's all so they come together and he crushes them all at once but we know that can't happen. At best he'll destroy like half and the Empire will pat him on the back and then probably say his talents are needed else where and they'll hint at Tie Fighter or something like mentioning Zaarin. The rebels will be say that they're fucked but then more people will come to them and it will be alright for them.

He did get a custom paint job for his Star Destroyer.
>Like honestly they have this fucking raimbow haired chick with the darksaber fighting for the throne of mandalore what the fuck
No anon, new Mandalorians are way better than old EU ones
Kanan is nearly 30, anon.

He gets 1-up on Maul by using the Force in a dire moment. You kinda need to see the episode to get it, I don't wanna spoil anything because some pretty heavy stuff goes down
Didn't they just CGI maul into the prequels after the clone wars had him? I'm pretty sure the first time I watched the phantom menace he was actually one of those blue aliens with the tentacle hair
Things arent re-canonized you retard. Its just Disney using things from the EU and repurposing them.

Entirely different takes on the characters they do it to as well.Thrawn is prolly gonna die at the end of the season anyways
Wookiepedia has Canon and Legends, Canon is what it's Canon now including new EU, Legends is what it used to be old EU and now isn't canon anymore
A lot of it is Filoni's doing. He was a huge EU fan, so he has made sure to salvage some of the better stuff to make it officially canon.

They have never, ever changed the canon. They declared the EU non-canon in 2014 (officially, it was always non-canon)

That's it. They've never changed things around.
yeah, was just about to ask if he's competent there.

> and they'll hint at Tie Fighter or something like mentioning Zaarin
it will be all worth it for me then. please do not erase that story disney
>they never changed it
>except when they did.
oh shit.
Are you drunk?
I stopped watching that show after he got blind, srly I was even enduring the sabercopters but they fucked my fav character so bye.
>One single time, declaring the non-canon EU as non-canon, and establishing what actually is going to be canon


They have never, EVER taken an actually officially canon product, and changed it to be non-canon. Ever.
but they don't? plot holes aside
I liked the clone wars mandalorians. But are they seriously trying to set this garbage retarded chick up to be the head of mandalore? Fuck off it should be the son of Pre-Vizla or someone equally edgy/badass. The mandalorians are the equivalent of space spartans and this little shit is going to be their leader?

fuck you disney, fucking SJWs ruin everything
He's an alien stupid, how do you know his bioligy is exactly like a humans?
you are making a stupid argument here.

we all know it happened. unless they repeat this procedure every 2 years, we'll be fine.
>Is Disney actually trying to ruin this franchise or what?
The opposite. By putting this dumb shit in cartoons they ensure that it never reaches the movies and hurts the franchise among normal people.
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It's a case of he's one step ahead but can't really win so it's all going according to Keikaku, but in the end that wont matter.
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>Thrawn is prolly gonna die at the end of the season anyways

it's treason then
>officially, it was always non-canon
Is not that easy, back then there was like G,T,C,S y N types of canon, 3 of them were like "canon canon" though George could change something whenever he felt it (see the "only a light saber can stop a light saber" even when then MagnaGuards in EIII have eletrostaffs that stop lightsabers) and the rest were "non canon", a lot of EU was under the first three
> a lot of EU was under the first three
No EU was under G, and that's why it was never canon nor did George consider EU canon, though he did take elements from EU and put them in the movie, making them canon.
>how do you know his bioligy is exactly like a humans?
Because it's said in the new canon (as was in the old) they're something called New Humans, they can mate with humans, they have pretty much our biology but for minor aesthetic changes.
>almost supplanting sidious

didnt sheev just show up and wreck him and his brother in 2 seconds

i guess getting sheev to show up at all is an accomplishment though
No, Maul is obvious CGI go watch the prequels. He obviously gets cut in half at the end- you can't be cut in half in movies unless you are a CGI character. It's illegal to kill your actors in movies you know. I wouldn't expect someone as dumb as you to know that though.

I have perfect 20/20 vision, an IQ of 230 and I'm well trained in 14 different types of sword combat including styles from medieval europe, japan, the middle east and many others. I can tell you for a fact that maul's swordplay does not match his character or build in the movies- he is much to flourishing and refined for someone characterized as a brute beast. its obvious for anyone as intelligent as me to analyze his movement patterns and discern that he was just a CGI character, and since I have the sharpest memory (and sword) among probably all of the people of this planet, I specifically remember him being a different species of blue alien when I watched the phantom menace in the theatre.

Does this answer your question to satisfaction?
>The mandalorians are the equivalent of space spartans and this little shit is going to be their leader?
That's the death guard, mandalorians are pacifists faggets since forever, say bye bye to the conquering beasts ruled by Space Genghis that were in the old EU.
JESUS, Obi-Wan, WHAT happened next!?! How th FUCK am I supposed to SLEEP tonight?!?
You clearly havent watched the shows then
A lot of EU enters in C canon (known as continuity canon), sure it wasn't G canon (movies only and nothing else) but still was pretty canon, see clone wars show.
the point of EU was to create continuity within itself, not to rise to movie status.

it was nice when it happened occasionally, but that wasn't the point.

the point was shared universe between vidya / books / comics.

and the system wasn't too stupid either. definitely better than EVERYTHING IS SAME LEVEL OF CANON we have now.
Yea, but George gave no real fucks about anything but his movies, and made it pretty clear that everything else is a "parallel universe" to him.
yeah well now they're making it even worse. A little girl is about to be leader of mandalore what a fucking joke
it is YOU who haven't watched anything, yet you whine like a baby
>the point of EU was to create continuity within itself, not to rise to movie status.
The hand, not so much, but I kind of wondered about the lightsaber. I mean it must have been valuable, and it was his and his father's so there's a lot of sentimental value and a lot of symbolic story value to it.
mandalorians had women as warriors, jeez, watch the cartoons
re-canonized/elevated to "G" in R1:
>Y-Wings are bombers.
>Ion torpedoes.
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Actually then slowly changed that, seems like you stopped watching CW around season 2, turns out Mandalorians were the conquering beast of the old EU, though not anymore the Mongolian like (Mongols adopted anyone who wanted to join their Empire while Mandalorians are now a pure race and only accept other Mandalorians in their ranks).

Pic related is canon depiction of the battle on the planet Gernika painted by the Master Jedi Pik As Oh.
>is also getting his own novel, written by his creator Timophy Zahn

pls be true
Not TCW. TCW was his and was given the tank of T-canon, second highest form of canon
If you'd watched the show, you'd know the Mandalorians are anything but pacifists
I don't care that they have women for warriors I care that a stupid little ebic meme XDDD GURRLLL POWWRRR shit with raimbow hair and stupid retarded ass hippy armor has the darksaber and is becoming leader of mandalore
It's absolutely true, google it
I don't mind women warriors, I do mind quirky and spiffy special snowflake mary sue multicolored hair paint artists as their leader
That's something TCW fans tell themselves, but he just made the cartoon to keep the franchise going. He didn't consider it on the level of movies either, which is why they made it T rather than G.

And his involvement is overstated, he didn't write a damn thing nor read the scripts, just threw ideas at the writers and approved/vetoed what they did. And this is from the writers themselves.
Also canonized: Whills
>Pic related is canon depiction of the battle on the planet Gernika painted by the Master Jedi Pik As Oh.
Is this canon or a joke?
I just can't tell anymore.


that's where your argument fails. You presume Zabrak biology is exactly like human biology just because he has a human actor portray him. Darth Maul's species might have redundant organs and super coagulating. He might even be a hivemind colony of microscopic xenomorphs for all we know.
No, anon.
There were 2 factions.
The Satyne supporters which believed in a neutral status of peace and non-violence digressing from their warmonger past.

And then there was the mandalorians who lived on the satellite moon of the planet named Death Watch, being Pre Vizsla the head of the organization.
They enforced, or tried to, a resurface of Mandalore's past as a warrior culture.
what? they only had rogue military faction led by Vizla, the general populace was under Duchess pacifist regime.
Yep. They could have convinced me to watch the show purely for the mandalore storyline- if the character wasn't pure leftist garbage

Should have been some edgy scarred dude or literally anyone other than that stupid shitty girl
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>Only a lightsaber can parry a lightsaber
Was George drunk when he said that?

As for the source, remember the DARKsaber? that edgy thing from the TCW? well, the dudes in charge wanted it to be just a vibroblade (sword with a magnetic field like magnaguard's staves) but George went full sperg about "muh Jedi are unnstoppable and so are their weapons!"
oh, so you just hate warrior women in fantasy settings.
ok, /v/ermin.
He's from KOTOR, one of the worst settings in video game history.
>56 posters in an 181 post thread

This is pathetic.
You clearly haven't watched the show.
Get out.

These guys are top tier
each poster made 4 posts.
pathetic indeed.
>We'll never surrender to you, Thwarn
>I'm not accepting surrenders
Thank god that shit is not canon.
I only watched the first season and the first 5 or so episodes of the second, that's true, so unless you tell me they expanded her character above what I just said, I'm not going to buy your bait.
More like 50 posters made 1 post and the other 10 made 13 each.
>there is no difference between a female warrior and a little girl in pink armor

>people are having a nice talk instead of sperging like faggots

call the fucking police m8
They stopped being canon from a year though.
Go back to /co/ you window-licking manchild piece of shit.
I don't give a shit about her character I can't take someone who dresses like that seriously
I understand its significance. I just don't think it's great. Things like the ysalamiri and clones drag it down, and Thrawn himself never grabbed me much either.
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It's hard to believe you watched anything when you interpret Sabine's character as "quirky and spiffy special snowflake mary sue". Post proof she's a mary sue first.
lmao more like go back to /v/ you sperging waifufag

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Obi Wan Kenobi? Obi Wan.. now that's a name I've not heard in a long time, except when my nemesis of 30 years ago showed up inexplicably to fight me.
wait what? how? why? They appear in EP III though
well, no argument here, I don't think it's that great either.

actually fine as an idea, especially useful for vidya settings

also the ending was kinda anti-climatic if I recall correctly? he was killed by his own bodyguard or something like that?
I don't really focus on Sabine but the whole crew.
Clone Wars featured actual characters previously created by Lucasarts in different stories that made us know more about them.
>kit fisto
>plo koon

Characters you'd only knew about if you have been reading the wikies.
In Rebels, though, they seem to have forced a group of le ebin cartoon characters with no relevance whatsoever interacting with the actual characters of SW.

Let me put it into easier terms, CW was a good series and Rebels feels like a MMORPG where you customize your character in the SW universe.
Should I read the Thrawn trilogy books or comics?
That's not even considering the fact he fell into a bottomless pit, he should have gone splat.
see >>78017062
When TCW writers wanted to introduce a weapon like the magnaguard's staff George went all autismo and said only lightsabers can stop lightsabers and anything beyond that is non canon shit (he didn't say shit though, that was to add more dramatism to the sentence), so technically they stopped being canon till George sold SW to Disney
>I am so triggered by the idea of tumblr feminists that I literally cannot enjoy a show with a protagonist who has dyed hair
yep that's it for me. Imagine any of the characters being in a REAL star wars movie. It'd be a fucking joke

Maybe the beard guy but other than that, what a fucking joke


Fuck off
The whole point of Sabine is the whole "please be liberal now"-Asian meme, essentially to normalize the downgrading of more rigid cultures.
>Not wanting Ezra the chosen one who born the same day as Luke and Leia being in the movies
Wut? are you gay?
Im not the same anon complaining about her hair, anon.
so you hate it because it's something new?
ok, that's fine
Man, in the current state of affairs, I can't even tell someone

>dude, you should watch those Star Wars movies, they are dope

let alone would I recommend any EU material.

someone else please help this anon.
Of course not.
I do not hate it in the least since I never used that word.
It just doesn't fit to my taste. Clone Wars was far superior in my eyes.
Yes you are
Well, to each their own, believe what you want I already explained my point.
The sith with the coolest voice
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fuck you, jeez, you came here writing stuff like thism "grown men", ah
That's fine. Though TCW had its share of new cartoon characters with no relevance whatsoever interacting with the actual characters of SW. I don't see how that's suddenly a problem now.
If Ezra and Kanan don't die, what the fuck happens to them?
Meet for sex?
So after seeing the 3rd thread on Darth Maul here today I'm starting to wonder if this is the Disney Marketing team trying to feel out a response for its inclusion in an upcoming movie.
Kylo kills them.
Cameos in other movies or maybe even full movies for themselves. You see the ghost and chopper in Rogue One, so everyone is alive by the time the OT starts
different anon with "opinion" on Rebels.

to give some property "that Star Wars feel", each new entry introduces new millennium falcon with new crew.

(I only noticed it in KOTOR first, but it wasn't as often back then, because EU re-used the movie characters).

But now, you are asking me to
> Here's the new "crew" of rag-tag funky characters (and a droid) - TFA
> Here's the new "crew" of rag-tag funky characters (and a droid) - R1
> Here's the new "crew" of rag-tag funky characters (and a droid) - Rebels

I just don't have any mana left to invest into this...

At least the movies are "short", but subjecting oneself to 90 seasons of CGI faggotry in the same vein is beyond me.
They start a secret Jedi Academy on Alderaan
Sounds pretty stupid.
The expanded universe is top level canon. The new movies are not.
Plinkett was right, sudden swarm of "Top 10 reasons the prequels didn't suck as much as you remember" videos was a Disney psyop. And now this.
>I watched the what if the prequels were good video
Real original thought there pal

Mandalorian where powerful conqueror in the Legends and in the official canon.

They used to be a third faction at the same level of the Jedis, Sith and Republic during the old republic time.

They could fight sith and jedi even without the connection to the force.
poetry, nigga
No that was just people realizing they got memed on by reddit letter media.

But there really are disney shills on /tv/. Its embarassing how many times you see "posters" try to weasel in TFA or RO into OT tier quality or pretend they are above the prequels
Jar Jar is going to show up and it's going to be wonderful.
Maul's never going to go into more movies, m8.

It was a hard sell in the cartoons that only worked because he ended up having a lot of time to not be shit in.
>Make a character with 3 lines
>He appears in a few scenes
>It's not even the main threat of the movie
>Kill him at the end
>Beloved by most people by the mistery surrounding him
>Revive him and make him absolutelly based

Is this god tier marketing?
$100 it's marketers crowd testing public reaction to a young obi wan film.
Maul wouldn't be anywhere near Obi wan at any time they could place a film in
>Before TPM
Busy doing Sheev's heaving
>post TPM - CW Season 3
Busy being batshit insane
>Post CW Season 5 - Rebels Season 2
Busy getting the Sheev Cleave and running away from Vader
Busy already getting the shit kicked out of him by Obi Wan
Last 30 seconds are the only relevant parts to this thread btw
sexual frustration is the bane of us all
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Based Sheev
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Darth Bane?
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Can't peeve the Sheev 2.webm
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Turns out you really can't peeve the Sheev
>over 245 posts
>talking about a cartoon made for children
>talking about a children's cartoon spinoff of a childrens movie franchise
can you believe them?
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you forgot your image
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>childrens movie franchise
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>childrens cartoon
you showed em, anon, you showed em

how dare they
There's never any blood in anything, they're just like toys getting dismembered.
Yes it's for children, it has always been for children.
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>There's never any blood in anything,
What is that from?
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A New Hope dumbass
Those dark lightsabers are just as stupid as helicopter sabers
Star Wars was released in 1977
Children love stuff like that, they think it's what makes something "mature".
Star Wars is for children.
Episode 7 would have been vastly improved with more grumpy Harrison Ford shitting on everybody
Based indeed
>grown up men browse a russian salt and minerals imageboard
>dat goalpost shift
BLACK sabered
Children also love getting indignant over the fact that someone likes something they don't like.
nice digits
He should have used more non-lethal takedowns.
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It's *the* Darksaber.
It's just been the one ancient artifact that's just been changing hands throughout time.
>Pik As Oh
This can't be real.
Gonna watch The Clone Wars.
Should I watch all of Season 1, or just the Season 1 movie?
>where he also had robotic legs?
He wouldn't have fought well with no legs
the movie is kinda shit
s1 is weak but it gets better
That's more a trait of autistic people than of children.
aight thanks
Watch season 1 and the movie. Both of them are terrible though so be careful. It gets better in season 2 but doesn't get great until 3+
Both S1 and the movie?
I thought the movie is just Season 1 condensed?
Nah, it's one of those pilot movies; it came first and the show picks up from there.
The movie is the original first 5 or so episodes condensed. For some reason they decided to do that isntead of air them.
No the movie is an arc from season 1 that they cut into a feature length film and released to theaters. It takes place before season 1
So Maul was in his emo stage?
Thread posts: 284
Thread images: 32

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