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Are there any anime /tv/ likes?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 375
Thread images: 85

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Are there any anime /tv/ likes?

fuck off
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The cunycore stuff

Check it out
Pure /tv/ pandering
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Wew forgot link

Warning though it's lewd AF
the nutshack is pretty good
I personally consider Madoka Magica, Cowboy Bebop,Samurai Champloo as good animes and I like them. I like Saint Seiya, DB and DBZ, Dr. Slump, Panty and Stocking, Mitsudomoe, butI lke them either because nostalgia or because they were kinda funny. And while I read weekly One Piece manga and I love it, I consider the anime way too bad, but still painfully watch it weekly too.
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>not even posting best girl
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No you child rejected from /a/. Even the so-called "great" ones do not so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical heights of cinema and literature. It's a trash genre made for East Asian teenagers and white manchildren with short attention spans.
Damn dude wtf hahaha...
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>think its going to be innuendo and stuff
>it's full blown loli shit
wew lad
japan has gone all out
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>anime is art they say
ping pong
ghibli films
most everything else is shit
champloo is overrated but people will keep posting it any way

rule of thumb: if it's about little girls, or there's more attention given to getting the women's tits to bounce right than making the dialogue not cringe worthy, then it's not good.
unironic paedophilia
What now huh?
He said /tv/ you fucking mong. Not dumb /v/edit nuweeb shit
LMAO at people who call anime sluts "pure"
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That's a man in a wig, don't delude yourself anon.
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love kill la kill

love pic related. highlz recommended esp if you like kill la kill
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I highly recommend Michiko e Hachin. Its like the anime version of City of God mainly because it takes place in Brazil and deals primarily with its vast criminal underworld. But its also very sweet. Plus Michiko is baddest bitch I've ever seen in anime
question: what kind of autism do people who use anime girl reaction pictures for each post?
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Well that man has a nice ass.

He's also ambidextrous.
>people are memed by this
for your sake don't click the link in that second post
its pretty much porn
That's so far beyond parody.
explain yourself
It is porn, it's hentai not anime.
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Reminder the rise of /v/edditors coming over to /tv/ as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on /tv/

99% of the anime threads here are made by /v/edditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on /a/ because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about /a/ having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.

/a/ has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you /v/eddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.

Also you all treat /tv/ as a place to ask for recommendations when >>>/wsr/ was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything. This thread should be deleted but since /tv/ mods are garbage it won't be.

Dont like it? Go back to your board manchild.
I quite liked Joshiraku and Space Dandy
Kill la Kill is utter irredeemable shit though
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They're 4chanerians

You're not
/tv/ - video games, anime, and shitposting
From now on every time you post your autistic little shitfit copypasta I'll bump the thread five times.
I love Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Ergo Proxy, Gundam and some other /m/ shows, and classics like Cowboy Bebop.
>steve jobs is anime
>LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash
Pls look at the OP image
That's fine though. I'm just letting people who don't know what's up, what's up. And now they know some more thanks to your upset post dude.
>/v/ posters
Is an /a/ meme you stole. This board has no fucking posting standards at all, you can't spot outsiders like you can on /a/.
If you went on other boards you'd notice unfunny /tv/ memes get shitposted everywhere, you're the epicenter of unfunny newfags who branch out to other boards and stick out like a sore thumb.
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now this... this is kino

I'll wait and see if there's a clear consensus about what's popular on /tv/ before expressing an opinion. I'm not popular enough to be different.
>Scared to post on /a/
/a/ is one of the cringiest boards. Why would you be "scared" of posting in a board full of auties and beta guys?
Yet you come here every fucking day trying to be part of it.

Laughable. I delight in the irony
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>Their HOMERUN looks like a weak anxious scared kitty intstead of the alpha badass butcher lesbian she is

They fucking even got Mami's mammies size wrong for god sakes, if you are ripping off somethign at least rip it off good.
>someone spent years learning to draw and is paid below minimum wage to animate this shit
it's a livin'
this is true
Why would I want to be a part of this cesspool. Epic /got/ general, The Walking Dead threads and wall to wall capeshit.

I browse /s/ more than I browse /tv/.
>Why would I want to be a part of this cesspool.
Yet here you are like every other day.
what the fuck is wrong with 12 angry men
i thought it was interesting
why is the creator comparing this great movie to fucking shawshank redemption?
Monogatari Series
the same few animes are talked about because hardly any of it is any good.
Report link for anyone on mobile:
He literally did nothing wrong, prove me wrong fgts.
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A-am I pedo now
Like every other other day for a short period of time while simultaneously browsing better boards because there are no good threads made on /tv/ if you don't like superhero movies.
>/tv/ is a mostly liberal board
>/tv/ is also a mostly pedo board

Really makes you think
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Forgot pic.
The prequel trilogy
How can I report people for posting here from mobile?
>mostly liberal
YOOOOOOOOOOO isn't this illegal in japan now
>tfw you will never eat out Ryuko's bellybutton

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>"I only watch entry level"
I like plenty of anime, it can be really good escapist entertainment when I'm in the mood for it. I will say I definitely prefer anime from the 80's and 90's before the rise of CG and digital ink & paint, a lot of modern anime comes off as rather sterile, generic and soulless
>actually taking anime so seriously as to look down on others for their tastes
>>Implying all anime isn't garbage
>95% of poster here are directly from reddit, and the other 5% are from /v/ /pol/ /sp/ etc
you tell me
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kek this
this too. 99% correct
/wsr/ wasn't just for their cartoons
t. /v/eddit
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I never go to /v/ tho

For me anime is a niche interest that I watch every once in a while, while my real passion is movies and western shows. I don't go to /a/ because I'm intimidated by their obsession with anime, something I don't share. The fact that my tastes are "entry level" doesn't bother me because I'm not a fucking weeb who thinks anime is serious business. I don't have anything against such people, I'm simply not one of him.

Is it somehow unacceptable for someone to like something without trying to become knowledgeable about it or develop patrician taste?
Satsuki's ass is so lewd :3
/v/ is 100x more weeb than /tv/, you don't even understand your own shitposting anymore.
>totally didn't do it
>it got cleared
looks like based swaglord isn't modding /tv/ right now
Nice try, /v/eddit, but we all know you don't have time to look for good anime because of all your vidya.
>talking shit about ping pong
Never watched anime before what's a great movie or series to watch?
why are you pretending reddit and v doesn't like shit anime?
Aku no Hana
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actual film
Sailormoon R/S
Compare the threads about Japanese media on /v/ to /tv/ at any time on any day, reddi/tv/. You faggots have always had the Something Awful "anime is all shounen shit or moe but Cowboy Bebop is epic !" attitude.
No love for space dandy?
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Perfect Blue
>Actual film
>Picture has 4 anime related movies on it
You didn't even try.
see >>75678095
Name a better Space Opera. I dare you.
>Cowboy Bebop
>Dragonball Z
>Shokugeki no Soma
>Outlaw Star
>The various Gundam series

These are the anime that I actually like. I know that they're all basic entry level shit but that's all I've ever been able to get into desu.
The book, the Lynch or the made for tv shit?

Because if you're talking about the book, you'd have to compare it to the books LogH is based on.
Then go watch The Great Passage. Or does that not count because it doesn't conform to your narrative?

It's anime, not real life.

Just because something happens in anime X doesn't mean it is relevant for anime Y. And that probably is from porn like someone said, which makes it completely irrelevant.

>a lot of modern anime comes off as rather sterile, generic and soulless

Then so is everything else.
It won't pander to your game of thrones /v/edditor mindset though so I don't rec it for your kind. Anyone else thats well into cinema should check it out though.
Oh look Rica Patin has joined the thread
Original Dragonball
Yu You Hakusho
Natsume Yuujinchou
Mob Psycho 100
Great Teacher Onizuka
Salaryman Kintaro
>>The various Gundam series
At least half of the Gundam shows are utter garbage.
And I mean Tomino's stuff too. That guy is just weird.
Pretty much any of the studio ghibli films; Princess Mononoke, Porco Rosso and The Wind Rises I would recommend.
Satoshi Kon films are good too, Perfect Blue as another anon says, also Paprika is great.

As for a series: Cowboy Bebop and Serial Experiments Lain depending on what you want (inb4 entry level scrub). Bebop has guns Lain has weird stuff.
Ping Pong is really nice if you want to watch something about ping pong.

Why do people like this trash?
>not real
your erection is real
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>a bunch of retards from /v/ are posting their garbage taste
You guys I asked for /tv/, not you.
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No, it's the digital, clean animation that makes everything less vibrant. The charm of hand-drawn animation cannot be replicated on a computer
>anime thread
>guaranteed 200 replies
you're a paedo
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91 Days was better than most seasons of Boardwalk Empire. Not all of em. But most.
Let me explain to you about anime

You have the casual /v/ anime watcher, who only watch what I term 'the newfag pool' and think they are the greatest anime ever, then call everything else shit. This group generally watches less than 15 series.
You have the casual anime forum watcher who watches a large range of absolute garbage, including the newfag pool and thinks it's all the greatest shit ever. This group generally watches less than 50 series
Finally, you have the actual anime fan. They watch a wide range of series and genres and generally enjoy the medium while understanding its flaws. They are generally unimpressed after the 100 series point regarding the newfag pool, as they have found better.

For reference, the newfag pool is generally as follows (series do get switched out as the old favorites get forgotten): NGE, Berserk, JoJo, SAO, Attack on Titan, any Kon movie, any GitS series or movie, any edgy 80s/90s gore OVA, Gundam SEED, Kenshin, FMA, Geass, Angel's Egg, Stein's Gate, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Planetes, TTGL, Kill la Kill, Death Note, Ping Pong

Basically anything /v/ likes, because /v/ has AWFUL taste in anime. A W F U L
You know even hand drawn is still coloured and processed on a computer faggot
Paranoia Agent
Neon genesis evangelion
First half of gurren lagann
God how embarrassing

Why are the japanese no uncreative?

Just out of interest where does Appleseed place in the breakdown?

It's something i remember from a LONG time ago.
/tv/ here, I only really care for the anime I watched growing up, muh nostalgia

YuYu Hakusho
Black Cat
Record of Lodoss War
Tenchi Muyo

Watching them now makes me think of happier times. Modern stuff doesn't do it for me
>Why are the japanese no uncreative?
Have you ever seen a movie made before 1984?
It is still hand-drawn animation, it's just scanned in for coloring and compositing. It's not done in flash or whatever you're thinking of. And digital animation is actually more vibrant since it has unlimited colors unlike cel animation.

You are projecting.

They aren't, and having references (or alleged references) to others work has nothing in particular to do with Japan. Everyone does it.
>Angel's Egg
>Ping Pong

so what do you think is better than these "newfag" animes.
It has nothing to do with that, I take no issue with computer-assisted animation. I'm talking about digital ink & paint
Avatar last airbender is good. I recommend that OP
interesting rebuttle
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Fucking christ the japanese have no shame
More vibrant maybe, but I prefer the more crude cel animation. Maybe it's just nostalgia
One Punch Man
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Is there more like this
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In any case you are making a false accusation.

But it's somehow totally fine and totally different when American filmmakers take influence from anime.

Maybe it's time to take off the nostalgia goggles then. A lot of people think anime always has to be exactly like the anime they first discovered as teenagers, and I'm not sure I've ever seen that in other media, at least nowhere near to this extent.
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fucking hell
joke's on you I've never posted on/v/
The Matrix is heavily based on Ghost in the Shell. Inception borrows features from Paprika. The Black Swan borrows from Perfect Blue. Star Wars borrows from Hidden Fortress. Western fiction borrows from itself all the time.
Needs Re:Zero added.
you're gonna go mental when you find out what a fistful of dollars ripped off.
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This is what /v/ and /a/ consider "art"
All anime is trash. It's an immature medium for man children.
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so it's perfect for /tv/ then
Big K was the bay of his time so its fine and also the dollars trilogy is imdb fodder not art
Cowboy Bebop is universally liked.
Never listen to any nu-hipster contrarians who bash it because it was popular, or because it was popular in America but not Japan, or whatever shit reason they have.
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I can't call Bebop bad, but I just had a whole lot more fun watching Outlaw Star.
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>it's a redditfaggot pretends to know boards post

/a/ has dragon ball generals now, and entry level anime threads hit bump limit. Fuck off with your bullshit.
Have you ever based an opinion on a desire to be different than the mainstream even if it was contrary to how you actually felt? Or is it just something you think other people (whose opinions you disagree with) do?
I suspect that rarely if ever happens, and is nothing more than an easy way to dismiss opinions you don't like or can't argue against effectively.
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It's all because some fucking Jew made /a/ accept Naruto threads.
See >>75680505 and >>75680648

Ok, then so is live action.
It's not like I can't enjoy modern anime, but I'll always prefer the style of anime from my youth. It's not just the cel animation, but the characters designs as well. Also while more modern anime might have greater vibrancy and color, they also overindulge in gradient effects.
I know that pic is bait but it points out a lot wrong with modern anime direction.

The amount of un-coordinated colours and bloom makes it just look unappealing compared even to a western kinds cartoon. There are acceptions of course but i think thats why older hand drawn animation resonates with people so much more.

Because of the limitiations artists had they forced themselves to use compisition and detail to make animation look better because they had do handpaint backgrounds, had to limit thier colours to what they could mix. Rather than just being able to colour drop in whatever they want into a scene and shit out boring basic backgrounds in 20 minutes in photoshop and drag them into animation software.
Okay I just watched part of this.

Isn't this shit illegal in canada or something?

Or is it only with characters depicted as children?
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Meguca Rebellion is a masterpiece.

Are you new to the internet?
People do this all the time, even here, on this very board.


Outlaw Star is good, and "wackier" but it's got nowhere near the style or the characterization.

I would even put Trigun above Outlaw Star, because it's also "wacky" but it does serious moments better than Outlaw Star, but not as good as Bebop.
>See >>75680505 and >>75680648
No thanks. I wouldn't even want my worst "enemy" to have sit through one of your plebeian 'reply to every post in the thread' ramblings
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Digital or hand-painted cels. Doesn't matter. Both are just tools. A good director with a keen eye(and surplus budget) can make either look good. A bad or lazy director will make either look bad.
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>Trigun above Outlaw Star
Trigun was just crap. It started alright but it completely shat its pants whenever it tried to be serious. And the ending was the worst thing of all.
>Are you new to the internet?
>People do this all the time, even here, on this very board.
So yes then?
>Trigun was just crap
everything but the theme tune was garbage, like it'd been written by a child, right down to everybody having their own stupid unique weapons and edgelord villain who's not a villian but is a villian.
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Is it gay if he's a cyborg?
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Can someone PLEASE answer this.
cyborg means human brain so yes.
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Yes, pic related, i also saw Mononoke recently and loved it.
You'll be fine
It's illegal in Canada, Bongistan, some states of Clapistan, Straya, New Zealand, France and Germany. I'm serious.
true, im not saying that all modern anime looks bad. Im saying that the convenience of digital and image processing software has made a lot of anime directors lazy and has made studio deadlines much tighter. Digital effects are used in place of doing things that would yeild better results done through traditional mediums because they're quicker and easier. Examples of this are the use of 3D in anime along with the disgusting fucking filters i see all over them.I suppose Filters were used in older animes but no way near to the extreme they are today.
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>The amount of un-coordinated colours and bloom makes it just look unappealing compared even to a western kinds cartoon
Hibike S2 has very high production quality, completely beyond Western shows and even most anime.

>shit out boring basic backgrounds in 20 minutes in photoshop
Surely this was done in 20 minutes in Photoshop.

If you don't want people to reply to your posts then don't make them.
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I'm sad there's no more Grimgar. It's a very slow-burn show, but damn it's got a comfy atmosphere and I loved those watercolor backgrounds.
And the girls. Girls were delicious.
yes, but they're not going to prosecute you over this it's not in their interest, just don't save it.
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Please lads
It was some hollow shit mate.
Its legal where the 4chen servers are located so don't worry about it :^)
go away paedo
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>calling anyone a pedo
At least these degenerates are cartoon autism unlike you actual kiddy fiddlers
I torrented it and then deleted it right away.

This shit is actually illegal? wtf

It's like out in the open and on myanimelist.com

How is this "illegal"?
Go back.

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Pls no bullying
these characters are getting dicked for real

nothing ironic or unironic about it.
>Surely this was done in 20 minutes in Photoshop.
You'd be surprised how quickly industrial/concept artists work

Also read >>75681349
look up your laws on depictions of children
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That's more /r9k/ the anime.

Here you go
>implying I go outside or interact with other people
It was removed from the glorious English dub, but in Japanese, Angel Cop was all about stopping a plot by the Jews from taking over Japan.
The point is not how much time it actually takes but the implication that the backgrounds must be cheap and bad because they are done with computers.
wtf I'm gay now!
how can it be neither ironic nor unironic?
any serious tone anime show with a teenage lead should be labeled as /v/edditcore tbqh
>It's a very slow-burn show, but damn it's got a comfy atmosphere and I loved those watercolor backgrounds.
Exactly how i like my anime, that's why i rarely watch any.
Why is this off topic trash still up?

Ontopic actress threads get deleted all the time even though they're full if discussion and especially quick if they have an image like the op one.
Go back to /b/ for your stupid celebrity fap threads.
Oh nevermind I just saw all the cunny threads near the bottom of the catalog. The mods "are not here" again.

Carry on
Cunnycore is best core.
>god forbid ppl discuss anime on an anime forum once a week
you'll be in jail soon
you should format your pc
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what's that movie on the bottom left?
>once a week
except >>75678338 is actually 100% true. before 2013 it was once a month if even that. now that you retards feel like you're welcome here its because spam almost every day, but you know that
>Japanese television
>Off topic
You're right, these occasional threads are taking up valuable space that could be used by meme, copypasta, cuck, BBC, porn and pedo spam threads instead, or 5 threads about that epic thing that just happened in an episode of Walking Dead or Game of Thrones
so the rumors are true then
it was /v/ that cried on /q/ to get real locals of /tv/ removed for their disgusting sfw /b/ hybrid they turned it into
all normie boards should be removed imo
See >>75681340

Also it's extremely illegal in Russia believe it or not.
>occasional threads
again "occasional" threads was before 2013. what you do now? you spam it almost every day.
>meme, copypasta, cuck, BBC, porn and pedo spam threads instead, or 5 threads about that epic thing that just happened in an episode of Walking Dead or Game of Thrones
are you implying all that isn't from your ilk too? everything you've named has become 'popular' well after the accusation of invasion because of bane.


episode two when
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>you spam it almost every day
This is just flat-out a lie.

>are you implying all that isn't from your ilk too?
Oh wow, now you're trying to pin those on anime fans?
all boards are technically normiecore now though. i don't think theres one that isn't at this point
How the fuck is that even possible?

This shit is right out in the open on the internet.

The trailer for it is on youtube.
>>meme, copypasta, cuck, BBC, porn and pedo spam threads instead, or 5 threads about that epic thing that just happened in an episode of Walking Dead or Game of Thrones
also funny how as soon as you said this spam started up.
but let me guess its just merely a coincidence
The spam is always on.
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>Canada, UK, Australia, NZ
yes it's illegal
>some states of clapistan
unless you plan on importing it, no
>France, Germany
How "illegal" though?

Has anyone ever been convicted for just looking at it or downloading it?
Illegal as in there are laws against it.
The level of enforcement is another question.

Pls respond.
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Hey, it's illegal but that doesn't mean the law is heavily enforced. Just saying. Same way the copyright infringement and pirating is illegal. If a music is uploaded on the Youtube or some other popular place that doesn't make it legal.

There was a case in NZ where the guy got arrested because his wife reported him for having "fairy porn" on his lap-top. He ended up in jail. There was a case in Straya where neighbors reported a guy for watching 2D lolis. In Bongistan even fisting is illegal. In Germany, on repeated offenses they usually just send you e-mails and eventually cut off your internet connection. They can also fine you. France is even more brutal when it comes to copyright infringement. It usually depends how persistent you are when it comes to visiting flagged sites and downloading this shit.

But in Russia, holy shit, their laws are so unspecified when it comes to child depictions that you can and will end up for life in jail if you collect these things.

>unless you plan on importing it, no
There was a chart detailing which states are more illegal than others. I lost it though and I'm not a burger so I have no concern.

>>France, Germany
Read my first reply in this post. It's illegal but they might not fuck you over. I have a friend in Germany who got warnings about it and there was cases in France where people got arrested for pirating. So you can assume they probably won't be happy about this either.
Something's either illegal or it's not.
Welcome to the NHK is lit
Samurai Champloo is dank
Planetes is dude space lmao
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Only the patrician kind
Speeding is illegal but you can still get off with a warning.
Why are people memeing about this?? This is nothing compared to the shit people on /qa/ cry about being able to post outside of /b/
Jaywalking won't put you in jail either.
just because there is a law doesn't mean it will be enforced
Just post your top 9 or 10 pretentious twat.
Way too entry level kid
These aren't illegal crimes, but civil offenses.
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What are you doing at this point? Comforting yourself that you won't get arrested for watching animated children getting diddled? Kek.

You probably won't anon, relax for now. But do what this anon said >>75681513

Depending on your country you might get fucked in the future if you continue.
>actually play vidya
way to showing your newfaggotry
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>American filmmakers EVER taking inspiration from animu trash

Show yourself the fucking door, weeb.
The guy who directed Requiem for a Dream asked Satoshi Kon to borrow a scene from Perfect Blue you ignorant fucking knobhead.

Do some fucking research.
He payed to use that scene then copied the rest of Perfect Blue to make Black Swan and pretended he was so original.
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>Perfect Blue
You mean garbage
I'm explaining the situation to clueless people.

Watching stuff online is fine in those listed countries aside from Canada, UK; Aus and NZ.
The beginning shows borrowed shots in Requiem for a Dream and Inception:

Ghost in the Shell and Matrix:
>it's garbage because i'm irrationally angered by anime because i have mental issues
I bet you probably saved this image without ever watching PB.

Fuck off.
Okay what happens to people in Canada?
The sex stuff is blurred out though.

Doesn't change change the definition of this?
If caught, you get persecuted as if you were watching child pornography.
I find that hard to believe.
That's just Jap's genitalia censorship laws. Doesn't make a difference when it comes to depictions of lewd acts in the west.
Canadian Definition of child pornography

163.1 (1) In this section, child pornography means

(a) a photographic, film, video or other visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means,

(i) that shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity, or

(ii) the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years;

(b) any written material, visual representation or audio recording that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act;

(c) any written material whose dominant characteristic is the description, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act; or

(d) any audio recording that has as its dominant characteristic the description, presentation or representation, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act.
Pacific Rim is also very obviously influenced by anime, and Looper and Dark City were influenced by Akira. Then there's Lion King and Kimba... I think they even wanted to sue Disney over it, that's how similiar it was.
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>tfw this fucking leaf will be worn like a human condom in jail
Then how did Blue is the Warmest Color get shown in Canada?
Who cares about these shitty movies (the American ones) anyway?
Decent attempt at damage control. I'll give it a 6/10. Best I can do.
Tarkovsky and Bergman are not hollywood
The "girls" in bitwc were grannies.

One of the characters was less than 18 during at least one sex scene.
>one meme movie

Try harder, cocksleeves

(6) No person shall be convicted of an offence under this section if the act that is alleged to constitute the offence

(a) has a legitimate purpose related to the administration of justice or to science, medicine, education or art; and

(b) does not pose an undue risk of harm to persons under the age of eighteen years.

All legal precedants so far have shown that striaght up porn, especially of the japanese loli variety, does not get to use the "art" defense.
i liked michiko but for me the series felt too bare, kind of repetitive, lots of filler. i don't regret watching it but i didn't feel like it was very fulfilling. at its best it was like cowboy bebop, at its worst it was a real slog

also hatchin gets blacked and raises the kid on her own, top kek
These are not Hollywood productions

You are crying about about Hollywood directors to defend your cartoons stealing from greater works.
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Well I know what DVD I'm sending to Canuckistan's Parliament this Christmas.
>All legal precedants so far
Which ones.

Where are examples of people getting arrested for this?
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Hajime no Ippo is A MUST. I didn't give a single shit about boxing, my brother kept nagging me to watch it so I watched it and I love it.

Also the other 100+ episode essential anime is LOTGH.
Just the first results of google:
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It says /tv/ not /v/ you fucking troglodyte.
Kill la Kill was gay as fuck. They're in the skimpiest outfit possible but at no point do you even see a slight hint of butthole or even areola .

Fucking nips I swear.
So far I'm counting eight movies. In response to the claim that American/Western film would never take any influence from anime. Which it clearly has.

>These are not Hollywood productions

>You are crying about about Hollywood directors
No I'm not.

>to defend your cartoons
We aren't talking about cartoons, we are talking about anime.

>stealing from greater works
The entire point I made was that everyone "steals." And yet it is ONLY Japan that is ever accused of doing so... everyone else is either claimed to be 100% original with no precedent or merely making a "homage" or something. That's double standards, plain and simple.

>has a legitimate purpose related to the administration of justice or to science, medicine, education or art
>or art
What a cop-out. They can just allow the things they like and disallow the things they don't.
Fucking lmao
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How is this trash still up?
Which rule is it breaking?
>What a cop-out. They can just allow the things they like and disallow the things they don't.

Every country's lawcode has passages like that. No country has the balls to allow true freedom of expression (not sure if that would even be good), so there is always room for interpretation when it comes to where you draw the line.
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>or even areola
Do not ever talk about cinema (or even cartoons if you're who I think you are in this thread) again when you clearly know nothing about it.
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It panders to the /v/edditor mindest. Look at how upset they got at >>75678338
>The entire point I made was that everyone "steals."

You've only given examples of American directors.
If you can prove that guys like Bergman were hacks and stole stuff then it's fine, but so far you only proves that Americans were hacks, not everyone.
Why are you claiming I know nothing about it? What are you rambling about?
it was worth a try
This guy downloaded it on a fucking army base.

This guy tried to import it over the border.

I'm pretty sure many people have casually saw things like this online

I mean there's a thread on /b/ right now about it.
How is this shit not illegal and banned from the internet?
So you're going to claim that non-American directors have never been influenced by anyone else and all their work was born in a creative vacuum? Fuck off.

>If you can prove that guys like Bergman were hacks and stole stuff then it's fine
I'm not the one arguing that it's "stealing" and a sign of being a "hack" when you take influences from other people's work. That's completely normal and people have been doing it for thousands of years. But of course it only becomes a problem when it's the Japanese doing it.

God I fucking love OPM, I show this to people who fucking hate anime and they end up liking it.
He was caught because he downloaded it on an army base, but that's not why he was convicted.

And while it's illegal, catching people fapping to imaginary children is not a high priority, so it's extremely weakly enforced. Like the army guy, you almost have to try to get caught because nobody is actively searching for you.
How would you ban it from the internet when it's not illegal in all countries?
The problem is that Evangelion completely stole and copypasted shit without any form of creative process. At this point it's not inspiration.
god you're annoying to listen to.

just let people enjoy the anime they want, because anime is really the number 1 thing you shouldn't be pretentious about
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Yeah, it's surprising how easy it is for normalfags to get into shows like OPM. Previously could only get them to enjoy Ninja Scroll.
Right. It's "stealing" when Japan does it but "homage" and "inspiration" and "influence" when Westerners do it. You cannot justify this shit at all, so why don't you just stop trying?
It's illegal in America, it's all that matters.
Unless you plan on importing (and even then only some states), no it's not.
>going to jail for downloading cartoon porn
the city of fucking leafs
>because anime is really the number 1 thing you shouldn't be pretentious about
what should you be pretentious about then? film? because we've all seen how insecure you mongoloids get when someone says you're a pleb for liking garbage like Tarantino and Fury Road. tell me anon
AFAIK it isn't, and just because something is illegal in America doesn't mean it will be scrubbed from the internet.
>/tv/ loves anime
wtf I like you guys now
Anime not being on /a/.
Where does it actually say anime is not allowed here?
All this effort and animation quality...and its all joke fights that lego man wins effortlessly. Why did shonen fights peak with mid-shipudden Naruto?
How do we get more actual /a/ friendos here? These /v/ cancer is getting too big dog
because fighting shonen are a lame duck genre
sports shonen is where it's at

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Post more cute anime. /v/ermin hate """moeshit""".
It's also "stealing" when Westerners do it, I never said it wasn't.
And there a line between being inspired, i.e. borrowing some basic plot ideas, and ripping off like Anno did for EoE.
Kill la Kill was one of the worst things i've ever seen, it failed on almost every front.

I say this as a rabid gainax-fag
>indoors volleyball

If it was soccer maybe

This is why /v/-cancer is preferable to "quality taste". Please post some pasta about experienced anime viewers who have learned that Berserk is shit.
Anime is Jap /tv/ which /tv/ is also about though.
worst board on this shit site
You got a rar file full of them? The only cute animes girls I have is the one with the orange hoodie
OPM is seinen.

>ripping off like Anno did for EoE
No, it's not ripping off just because he's Japanese. There are no special rules for Japan. You are a hypocrite and have no valid arguments. Fuck off.
>sports shonen is where it's at
If you're a fujo that is.
Does this mean football and news shows which are american /tv/ are /tv/ related too or should they just stay on /sp/ and /pol/?
They can be posted on /tv/ as well, just not spammed.
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>tv the board is one person

you generally shouldn't be pretentious about other people's hobbies/interest. nobody cares that you think gurren lagann is entry level crap
No, I'd make one but I'm on my phone right now.
The fact that fujoshi like something does not mean that it's a BL show.
Almost the entire front page of /tv/ is filled with shit, but when someone mentions anime it suddenly needs to be compared to the absolute pinnacle of cinema and storytelling
It's ripping off because he copypasted the scene, it's the exact same fucking thing, from the framing to the dialogue. Even Tarantino has more originality.
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nice storytelling weebs
>those eyebrows
Fake as hell, anon. Was this a test for loyalty?
It's ripping off because he's Japanese. That's your whole line of reasoning here. And it's horseshit. So fuck off already.
>OPM is seinen

It still seems incredibly boring to me.
as opposed to brilliant "dude violence lmao" western storytelling?
Yeah except that's not what the story is.

And strange how when a Western movie or show has graphic sex in it everyone praises and defends it.

Seinen is a target demographic for a manga magazine. That's all it is.
What the fuck are you even saying? I genuinely don't care about the fact that he's Japanese, some westerners also ripped shit off like you said. Bit these westerners are Hollywood hacks and we don't care, the real cinema greats don't rip off like that.
You're ""arguing" with someone that has no actual knowledge about either side. someone that changes his taste based on what his superiors are discussing
>Kill la Kill
>not about army of french prostitutes
Did I mention any western retards? Clint is not the only actor on this pic
I fucking hate Japan
Not really, I've watched over 300 shows and I can honestly say that watching anything more than that is truly a waste of time, because the more I watched, the more I got the feeling that I've already seen it and could pretty much say how the series would end. Anime is too predictable, same plots, same archetypes, hell even the same hair color sometimes. 90% of anime is cute girls with single dots instead of noses and trash like this is obviously not worth of anyone's time, the only true breaths of fresh air come quite rarely like once in 10-20 years, but it's not worth it watching through hundreds of hours of rehashed garbage like most of anime is.
It kinda is, though.

Plus it's a wordplay on it's own, Kill (Kiryu) sounds like both "cut" and "wear" (and obviously "kill") in Moonspeak
> I genuinely don't care about the fact that he's Japanese
That's the entire basis of your argument.

>the real cinema greats don't rip off like that
Yeah because when they rip off it's called an homage or an influence. Completely different.

What knowledge am I a lacking and what does that even have to do with anything? This is about his double standards.

Your picture has nothing to do with what you said.

But it's totally fine when Westerners make movies and shows where children are raped and tortured or fuck each other. Japan is the real monster for using drawn fantasy characters that don't look like real people.
Yeah, I know what seinen is.
But that doesnt really invalidate my complaint that OPM's "mock fights" have better animation quality and direction than every shonen anime aside form prime Naruto.

Also I'm kind off fishing for some hypothetical obscure shonen that I havent been aware of.
The hero /tv/ needs
>once in 10-20 years
I wouldn't go that far, there are some fun anime that feel fresh every few years (let's say 5). I don't bother picking up much or finishing anything anymore though because it is mostly trash, but every once in a while you will end up finding something enjoyable, if not for plot and character then for visuals.
You're either lying about how much you've watched or you are so weak-minded that other people's opinions can completely override your knowledge and memories. One of the two explains all the memes in your post.

OPM is a 12 episode late night show whereas Naruto had, what, hundreds of episodes? Late night anime has better production values than daytime anime.
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>That's the entire basis of your argument

But that's wrong. Find me the post where I said explicitly "it's stealing when japs do it but homage when westerners do it" (or a variation of this phrase).
Go on, I'm waiting.
It isn't wrong. Please just fuck off already. You have no valid arguments, you only have nonsensical double standards.
>shit version of internal affairs
no thanks
See >>75684460
You've already got him running around in circles.
>You're either lying about how much you've watched or you are so weak-minded that other people's opinions
I never listen to other people's opinion, especially when it comes to any form of media.
>I wouldn't go that far, there are some fun anime that feel fresh every few years (let's say 5)
It also depends on the premise, setting, etc. Obviously I didn't just picked every series without considering its premise and setting and that will significantly limit the options.
As I said, Naruto is definitely high quality (although people like to snap screenshots during incredibly fast moving action sequences and mock the lack of detail). It has hundreds of episodes, but its like a quarter of those that include ambitious fight scenes. Aside from the retarded ending I dont have a problem with Naruto, but rather the fact that every other shonen is so weak in comparison. Jojo is fun but has completely different appeal.
I'm not running in circles.

>I never listen to other people's opinion, especially when it comes to any form of media.
Ok, then you're just lying.
Nice rebuttal you fucking faggots and great arguments.
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Lulu has tits now.
>then you're just lying
Whatever helps your sleep at night.
Fuck off.

It has nothing to do with me. Liar.

You're spouting the kind of ignorant shit that could only come from people who watch like one anime a year if even that.
>You're spouting the kind of ignorant shit that could only come from people who watch like one anime a year if even that.
This year I've watched 0 anime, because I'm done with it.
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>people unironically enjoy this shitfest
Done with it after watching as many as ten anime and then rounding it up to 300 to make yourself seem more credible.
Eyebrows are real, anon.
It's not Satsuki.
Nope, done watching after having watched over 300 shows, because every season is the same as the previous and I've already watched the old shows I wanted to watch, not sure why this triggers you so much, maybe you've forgotten we're not on /a/?
You have not watched over 300 shows. By your own admission you are lying.

>every season is the same as the previous
Yes this is exactly the kind of meme that people who don't watch or only barely watch anime like to repeat.
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Jojo is essential animu pretty much universally liked across a few boards including/tv/ its/fit/ shit though.
Code Geass was a glorious trainwreck of stupidity.
Really fun to watch. Can't comment on the new sequel with be-titted Lelouch or whatever there.
It's like I'm on /a/ all over again!
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What's /tv/'s AOTY?
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>enjoying anime to the point where you defend it
>calling other people who watch anime man children

Except this would be almost unheard of on /a/.
Anon you don't need to be an anime expert to read the airing charts, scroll back and forth and see you get generic shit #6547 with generic character X Y and Z every fucking season.
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Well well. It seems I underestimated you, anon.
this >>75678020
You're right, you don't need to be an anime expert to read the charts. All the more strange, then, that almost nobody ever consults them or seems to know they exist. And when they do consult them, they say some stupid shit about things being "generic" even though generic doesn't mean anything and is only used by people who have no idea what they're talking about.
I mean, only someone who frequents /a/ would tell me how something went down like they know better than anyone else. This kind of pretentiousness is why I left that place and /tv/'s meme are way funnier.
I know you are lying because there are only two explanations and you ruled out the other one, which leaves us only with lying.
Did you start watching anime a year ago or something? I don't know why you're defending it so much, I've watched this shit for years and even I can easily admit its faults. Tell me you don't actually consider all those harem shows or highschool SoLs completely new in each and every series? it's just the same shit with a different color, and understand that I'm not bashing it as a whole, it just how things are. Just like you expect to see something from your average action film, and something different from your average summer comedy. They're created because people eat it up
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Good thread guys.
>that '''''''animation'''''''
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>not liking Trigger's slideshows
> I've watched this shit for years
Maybe that's true... but you've still only watched a tiny amount, and it makes no difference that you watched them over the course of many years.

>I can easily admit its faults
There is a difference between admitting faults and inventing them from thin air.

>Tell me you don't actually consider all those harem shows or highschool SoLs completely new in each and every series
Tell me you don't actually think those are the only shows that air, and that you don't actually think anime is supposed to consist only of unique shows (you know, like American TV with all its medical and legal dramas and sitcoms).

>it's just the same shit with a different color
This is exactly what someone completely clueless on the matter would say.
KLK is very creative with animation limitation in times I think it's brilliant
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The way they handle their budget is definitely charming.
Even the people working in the fucking industry admit it over and over again, what would you say to them? That they're bitter?

>Tell me you don't actually think those are the only shows that air, and that you don't actually think anime is supposed to consist only of unique shows (you know, like American TV with all its medical and legal dramas and sitcoms).
Where did you get any of this from my post? seems like you just want to create an argument
>Even the people working in the fucking industry admit it over and over again
You are either making things up, taking something out of context or misrepresenting something. And just because someone's in the industry doesn't mean they can't be full of shit. Miyazaki for example has said all kinds of stupid things.

>Where did you get any of this from my post?
Then what are you complaining about?
Yeah. I mostly like how they decided to animate Nui and Mako, they both "move" in the same cut-out way, but the vibes they give are completely different.
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I must say I cant really stand lewd anime but that's some nice looking movement.
Does it make your 3d waifu feel inadequate?
>Then what are you complaining about?
That most of it is trash.

>taking out of context
Yeah, sure. You've brought nothing to this discussion. What a waste of time.
>That most of it is trash.
Not that you have any personal experience on the matter.

>Yeah, sure.
Ironically you just took things out of context. What I actually said was:
>You are either making things up, taking something out of context or misrepresenting something. And just because someone's in the industry doesn't mean they can't be full of shit. Miyazaki for example has said all kinds of stupid things.

>You've brought nothing to this discussion.
All you've brought is memes.
What did you add other than saying I'm wrong with each post? Nothing. What an expert, sure showed me.
That's all I really needed to add.
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I only have naruto gif :^)
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