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RLM fans BTFO by Kevin Smith

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"he blocked us on twitter"

Isn't Kevin Smith the bitch who cries on youtube over capeshit?
Pretty much, he also cast his cunt daughter and Johnny Depp's cunt daughter in a shitty movie too.
You can create a link to a specific time you lazy faggot
but RLM is funny every day and kevin smith hasn't made a good movie since mallrats

>it's not a big deal don't bother him about it
>wink wink
was mallrats even really that good though?
Why does Mike let pre-rectum be under the RLM banner? It's such shit. Only redeeming factor is the odd appearances of jay

because it means more money from the fans, and he doesn't even have to go to then RLM studios
did aidsmoby or beardfat make those shitty pixel arts?
cause they are friends and collaborators
I want to know why they know they're blocked, Kevin Smith is a fat piece of shit who is not worth the effort to check his Twitter to see what cringey shit he posts.

Outside of Clerks 1+2 he hasn't made anything I could even partially recommend.

Fuck him, fuck Tusk, fuck Yoga Hosers whatever that fucking means and fuck his ugly wife that he thinks doesn't look like a gremlin
PreCum is a good show
>you lazy faggot

oh the irony
pretty comfy desu familia
I envy them.
I wish I could be blocked by Kevin.
Kevin Smith is the biggest cry baby in Hollywood he even made a movie about him taking on the "haters" that insult him on the internet (Jay and Silent Bob movie) and since RLM destroyed the prequels and the Lucas suck-ups fanboys of course he blocked them

Chasing Amy was good thou
>implying the run of Police Quest 1 isn't the comfiest let's play ever made
Mallrats and Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back are pretty nice too, anon

Mike has a mean uppercut
Jack, please
>blocking someone who has never tried to contact you.
Sounds like Kevin Smith.
This is old news, faggot.
>critics rightfully hate Cop out
>waaaa waaaa stop sending them free tickets for my movies waaaa waaaaaa

smith is like a child
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>It's a akward film school failure thinks he can tell what a good movie is or not
>Gee I wonder why Kevin Smith blocked me, maybe because I insult him to further my pitiful youtube career
>Wow I don't want to go back to wageslaving, Kevin Smith's life must suck he has a family and a job making flicks for the light of his life

Idk why people defend these losers, their comedy bits are unfunny as shit. OMG DEY SAY WHAT I THINK ONE OF US!

Reminder these faggots think they are better than (you).
Prerec streams are comfy
did you even watch the video
Literally nothing in your post resembles reality.
>aidsmoby hates broforce

Why am I not surprised

>The final mission is just you literally high-fiving the president.
Was this on Twitch?

broforce is based
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Duh, he's trying to get Princess average into Hollywood, this is how he's doing it
Read the description before asking retarded questions
Kevin Smith is a youtuber these days.

And hes not even successful at that
Hi Kevin! shouldn't you be shilling for DC and talking about cartoons for children?

No need to be so upset, it said on youtube it was twitch, but their twitch said last stream was 8th August.

Please don't get so upset.
Why did they talk about how sick and tired they were of talking about Ghostbusters and all the "conspiracies" around it then go on to make that scientist man Ghostbusters video a few days after this stream was filmed?
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>Lazy because I don't want to waste my time watching an hour+ long video
Y'know, you could just click on the 1 hour 44 minute mark like OP's post implied you should.
The day they streamed was right when all that shit was Leslie Jones was happening. They didn't want to get into all that. The video they made after had nothing to do with racism/sexm. it was all about Sony's manipulation of the media.
OP wastes everyone time by forcing hundreds of people to seek the time manually when he could have done the job once. There is no irony.
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I've seen RLM videos. /tv/ praises them for spouting their opinions while they try to do funny bits and jokes that are just cringeworthy to watch.

I'm not Kevin Smith nor do I think hes even that good of a director. I just don't see why everyone shits on him so much and call him a man baby when these two fuckstick losers are even worse off than Kevin Smith.

Jay is such a passive-agressive cocksucker, I bet he would kiss Kevin Smith's ass if he ran into him on the street. He exudes so much weak beta aura you can predict the kind of person he is. Then again I bet thats why /tv/ likes him.
>dat autism
Okay, but you didn't answer my question: did you watch the video OP posted? Because you don't seem to have.
Self projecting hard here.
Jay seems like an easygoing fellow that I could have a beer with. Hell they all seem that way.
Kevin Smith is a bit of an egotistical douche. He's not even half good of a director, he's terrible. And for someone who is as talentless as him to go up on stage and talk about himself for hours just shows you what kind of faggot he is.

>Jay is such a passive-agressive cocksucker
That's pretty rich considering Kevin Smith has long history of being a passive-aggresive little bitch in the industry, picking fights with Tim Burton, talking shit about Bruce, Prince, Jon Peters, PTA, etc...
Did he block them way back from the Plinkett reviews? Because Mike insinuated both he was sucking up to Lucas by saying he liked The Phantom Menace.
Do you have to be autistic to like this shit? Why do people watch any of these youtube people?
Because it's entertaining. Why do people watch late night talk shows? Why do people watch anything for that matter?
Might be because one of there episodes they shit on a newspaper with his face on it
Why do you have bad taste?

They then also talk about it for the next 10 minutes...

I work a mundane job in a silent office, it's nice to have banter about subjects you like or are interested in, on in the background
It was atrocious.
They're fun to watch. I don't watch anyone for purposes of review though, I think only I can really judge whether I'd like a movie or not.
Third Reich Mike
>I'm not Kevin Smith
Fuck off Kevin.
>I'm not Kevin Smith
Sure thing Kev
i wonder if he thinks that RLM ripped off the 30 something cynical movie watching store clerks thing
Probably not because that's fucking retarded, you fucking retard.
don't call him a retard he was just wondering
what did he mean by this?
>that's fucking retarded
exactly, this is kevin smith we're talking about
Yeah so it lines up with Smiths thinking perfectly then
Calm down Kevin. Go lick your wife's taint.
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>RLMIDF in full effect
>instead of talking about movies, /tv/ prefers to have their opinions fed to them in a nicely packaged youtube video.
>two uncharasmatic losers who browse /tv/ to get their cues on what to say about certain movies to cater to their niche audience

RLM fags are losers, full blown circle jerk autists.
i can either spend hours and hours actually watching movies and form my own opinions or spend 30 minutes watching a video
I watch RLM but that logic fucking sucks. Either decide based on what the movie looks like or watch it.
This is pretty funny when Will Smith does it, but hilarious when it's done by a guy who hasn't had a proper foot in Hollywood for 20 years.
Has anyone seen that movie they made and if so is it as bad as a Kevin Smith movie?
ya know, for someone that made the Jay and Silent Bob movies, you'd think Kevin Smith would be a laid back guy and not an uptight cunt.
Really makes you think
It's kind of sad what a loser Rich is.
Jay's just loves dat upward intonation
i cannot stand these lazy panderers who are in no way terrific
says the guy posting anonymously on /tv/
Magnolia is Kevin Smith's best film
Why is Jay so personable, knowledgeable and generally nice to get answers from?

shame about him being such a beta, he absolutely loved stranger things but Mike opens with 'it was good, not great' and Jay basically goes along with it not wanting to disagree.
Because Jay is a twisted pervert with sick fetishes and don't want anybody to find out, so he puts up a meticulous front.
Why do you say that? His main interests seems to be movies and video games, and now he at least makes some money talking about both.
He even got 5 dollars for crack.
Should he demand that Mike praise it as much as he did? They really had no reason to argue. They both liked it and I can't recall a major disagreement they had on the show.
>Jay basically goes along with it not wanting to disagree.
Mike says it would work better as a movie, then Jay explains the length gives the show more time to flesh out the characters than a movie would. Mike alters his opinion and says "Yeah I guess that's true."
That fat fuck has never done any uppers
>Why do you say that?
How else is anon supposed to feel better about his worthless life?

He should've made it clear he disagreed instead of nodding along. I guarantee he would've gushed about it if Mike didn't say that at the beginning.

It's always like this, on the rare occasion Jay has the balls to mention that he disagrees at all, like in their Jurassic World review, Jay's criticism gets shut down and trivialised by Mike and Jay puts up a pitiful defence.
Kind of like when Mike liked Independence day 2 and Jay made fun of him for it? Or when Mike and Rich dissliked Civil War and Jay defended it? Or when Mike tried to defend his friend Max Landis' shitty Me Him Her movie and Jay relentlessly shit on it?

The fact that you need to project some sort of power hierarchy amongst e-celebs is pretty fucking sad.
>Jay's criticism gets shut down and trivialised by Mike
Honestly, I think this is the main thing. Mike responds very negatively to people disagreeing with him unless they do it very gently. Jay has nowhere near the same problem disagreeing with the others of RLM, and the BotW episodes without Mike around the table are the visibly most relaxed ones.
I once got a like from Smith on Twitter. Does that mean by extention that I too btfo RLM?
This. Mike is stubborn and close minded. Jay is open to other people's opinions. The fact that faggots here view Mike as some sort of alpha of the group instead of just a grumpy old man is odd.
Mike is a god.
There I said it.
Jay's opinions are trash though because he basis whether he liked something or not on popular opinion. He's a contrarian hipster.

From what I remember, the only grievance Mike had with the show is that it was too derivative, and Jay agreed. He just didn't like it as much as Jay. They had different personal reactions to it. You can't really disagree with that. It's an assholey thing to do if you give someone shit for just not being that enthusiastic about something.
That explains why he raved about Boyhood.
lol what? Are you trying to say he sides with popular opinion or he's a contrarian?

Either one of those is wrong btw.
He's a bitch that cries about EVERYTHING.
>He's a contrarian hipster.
Can you provide enough examples to prove this?

I'll wait.

chasing amy is liberal cuck propoganda
wew lad i'd believe kevin smith was here posting on /tv/ before jay

No he doesn't, but nice projecting.
>Kevin Smith
I'm surprised MATALO MATALO BANE BANE isn't mote of a meme around here.
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does specific time even work on 4chan? test:
Is there a reliable way of keeping track of Jay's appearances on PreRec? I hate regular PreRec but I try to watch every stream where Jay appears.
>Is there a reliable way of keeping track of Jay's appearances on PreRec?
No. He just hangs out with them once in a while if he's at the studio already. His appearances aren't pre-planned.
why does he wear the shirt?
Yeah, I know, which is what makes it hard to keep track of them. I was thinking maybe there is some obsessive autist who set up a subreddit or a wiki or something to keep track of them. I usually just check their past broadcasts and see if I spot an extra seat in the facecam or if I see any mention of Jay in the description or comments.
At one point there was a playlist somebody made that includes only the streams Jay has been on. I have no idea if it's stayed updated.
I heard that business-wise it's completely independent.
Link to that playlist?
Okay. So? It's still under the RLM banner.
just because it's featured on rlm.com, stars two rlm people and is shot in rlm's studio doesn't mean that it has anything to do with rlm you racist
1. So patrons don't feel like they're being jipped
2. So Aidsmoby is on other episodes less
3. Fucking money
anon, stop being sexist.
>why would a business owner want another income stream that would cost him very little?
I've heard that business-wise, it's completely independent.
is it true that kevin smith was photographed eating directly from a block of cheese while he gassed up his vehicle? can someone post that image?
Not really.
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Holy shit, Jay wasn't kidding.
Is Depp gunning for the position as the next Brendan Fraser?
agree, i dont get the hype for these guys at all. maybe they remind tv o their autistic selves and they can relate
>in b4 stream of butthurt replies
Everyone I've ever met who claims to be a fan of Kevin Smith also seems to be a huge fucking retard. Maybe there's a correlation, maybe it's a coincidence, but Kevin Smith movies do suck shit.
fuck you you peace of shit
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>i am not Kevin Smith
It woudn't work kev even if you haven't mentioned it.
Mike made fun of Kevin Smith in the Phantom Menace review, I'm not surprised.

Smith is a noted apologist of shitty movies.
guys I think this was KS
Or perhaps he loves his daughter? Can't get over him naming her Harley Quinn though. That's fucking nigger-tier.
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Kevin smith literally said suicide squad was "dope".
He's too big of a pussy to ever post here desu.
>Why do people watch late night talk shows?
I ask myself this all the time. Why would you ever watch those PG hour long commercials when you've got the internet, podcasts, anything else? Are you 80 fag?
He thought BvS was a perfect film too, and then that Ultimate Cut was perfect because it fixed the problems with the theatrical cut.
you posted that message with the same IP you use to post your tweets Kevin, u fucked up lol
So he's 1 of the 11 shitheads who make threads about BvS that just contain the word "Apologize"?
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Oh God he roped in Stan Lee.
Stan Lee seems like a nice, old Jewish neighbor that'll do any cameo if you ask him nicely.
I get the feeling that Jay and the bald guy don't give a rats ass about Smith. But Evans and Mike are jealous because a no talent guy like Smith can get a career making bad movies. And they will only be know for ripping on the prequels.
Stan Lee will do anything for money so that's not surprising. He's always been a greedy business man. I'm surprised to hear Jay liked Tusk though.
The fat retard named his cuck daughter after a capeshit character
Literally all I can think to reply is wtf I hate kevin smith now

fucking asshole
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>Johnny Depp's hot daughter is in it
what are jacks kids names again
I loved it.
fuck that's awful
Rich has it good. Started off as a poor bullied kid with crack addict parents and is now married and happy doing his job with his friends
>shits on it the day it comes out
>three days later calls it the greatest film ever made
Maybe if you didn't record every thought you had or posted in on Twitter, we wouldn't have noticed you getting paid you fat fuck
I unironically love everything they do.
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>RLM is funny every day
>RLM is funny
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>film school rejects with audience of millenial layabouts versus successful filmmaker with audience of genx layabouts
Yoga Hosers looks abysmal. Do you fuck your daughter often?
they're terrific
myson and mywifeson packard
hehe, Kevin Smith is a cuck but when he had the opportunity of making a real film, with little money, he did it instead of doing a 'sooo bad that is good, but not really good' failure like the faggots in RLM do.
Heck, even his shitty films now are leagues better than the trash those cowards produce.
im pretty sure they know exactly how bad Space Cop is

Mike is the only funny part of it anyway, much like 90% of their content
Mike "Goin' Mental on the Oriental" Stoklasa

I remember when /tv/ would spam posts about depp's daughter. If this was released a few years ago they would be lining up to see it.
> average

The big bird faced bitch is way below average, fucking kikewood nepotism
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