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>better than buying Blurays >better than cable TV >better

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>better than buying Blurays
>better than cable TV
>better than Netflix
>better than Amazon Prime Video
>better than Hulu
>better than iTunes
>better than Redbox
>better than your shitty video rental store from the 90's
>better than your shitty video rental store that is still around because plebs feel sorry for it despite being a dead business.

There is no better way to obtain movies and TV shows and become a /tv/ patrician.
>There is no better way to obtain movies and TV shows and become a /tv/ patrician.
There is. It's called Passthepopcorn + karagarga
Or if you're not a special snowflake that gets into private trackers then at least use RARBG
As if you even have accounts there.

Well it still got some flaw

Like last time i wanted to watch a recent classic south korean thriller "The chaser" by the Canne Selectionned Hong-jin Na.

So i typed chaser in the search bar, and the FIRST FUCKING RESULT, with way more seeders than the other was "Tranny chaser"

Like I don't mind porn if you want to be a pleb than be it but please don't be such a degenerate and NEVER place your filth above KinoArt

this site have pretty autistic community for public tarcker
>implying that "Tranny Chaser" or "TC" as the patricians call it isn't pure fucking-kino
im writing a book called "how to spot a pleb 101" and i think i'll use your stupid post as the cover
You can't just filter your search?
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>worse than Rutracker
if you have autism and want to be a special little snowflake redditor then yeah thats the way to go
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>much worse than rutracker
Serious question. Where do I go for films and tv shows torrents now? PirateBay has hardly any content lately. KissAss torrents is a honeypot.
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>not part of what, ptp, btn holy trinity

hush child

Why is it a honeypot ?

and what is a honeypot ? A trap ? You think the feds are monitoring the torrent I dl on kickass ?
Because studying 30 minutes for a WCD interview and then uploading some albums there to get a PTP invite is so hard?
Prove you have those accounts

some torrent are tracked and if you live in Freedomland or Bongistan, you can get letter from your ISP, but they usually sent a few warning first before they actually do something, but most of the time they don't care becuase they like money you give them

I, Anon A. Anonberg, hereby solemnly to have a WCD account as well as a PTP account.
>studying 30 minutes for a WCD interview


>having to study for that babby shit

newest PTP upload is Ya Koo
newest KG upload is GPO Story

what do I win?
>Ya Koo
>DivX / AVI / DVD / 352x288


Hey I could watch this on my 2007 ipod

do people seriously still doing .avi?
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Don't mind me while I'm using superior encrypted Usenet and DDL without fucking up my upload. Enjoy getting busted, retards.
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>he fell for the private tracker meme
>he fell for the VPN meme
>he fell for the seeding meme
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Yall niggas fucking up if you ain't using Livewire
>paying to pirate
>taking pride in using shitty public trackers
>they don't use eDonkey
right dude. I love those autistic reddit posts trying to make themselves feel good with fucking cyber chivalry.
>taking pride in using "private" trackers that are literally no different from public ones

>muh honeypot

Do you know how torrents work?
If they weren't different I wouldn't have left public trackers. Maybe they aren't different to you if all you care about is watching the latest Marvel flick or whatever, but there are thousands of films that I wouldn't be able to get on public trackers.
but muh autism, yo your jus jealous...YEAH thats it. fucking downvote this fool guys.

pshhh fuckin plebs think they can get in on MY kino
>i am too dumb to google shit
>all you care about is watching the latest Marvel flick

Be more typical you lowly plebeian . I love these redditors. They all have their pamphlets with how to respond to people on that pesky 4chan site. Literal autists parroting the same lines every time.
>literally no different from public ones

private trackers guarantee you to have:
>quality torrents
>seeds/high speed downloads
>a selection of torrents bigger than any public tracker could match
Really? OK with your 1337 Google skills find me a public tracker torrent of Owen Land's Noli Me Tangere
Between my library, Hulu, Netflix, and the anime sites I already have way more content than I know what to do with. Haven't torrented a tv show in years.
If enough people repeat the same point and you have no rebuttal, it's probably because they're right.
>>quality torrents
>what are filters
>>seeds/high speed downloads
If the movie is good then this really won't be a problem.
>>a selection of torrents bigger than any public tracker could match
If by this you mean bloated unencoded BDMVs then you've got me there.
>If by this you mean bloated unencoded BDMVs then you've got me there.
It means more movies
>If the movie is good then this really won't be a problem.

some people watch more than the latest, most popular movies

it's fine if you get everything you need from public trackers, but there are plenty of people who require much more and those needs can easily be met by private trackers
No it means the same movie 10 or 20 times.
No I'm not talking about encodes even though private trackers have much more, I just mean they straight up have more movies.
>literally no different from public ones

Holy shit the jealousy and rage in this post
Bump for anon
>he's not part of an elite underground group of hackers

hahaah why are you even here
You might as well have spoken Chinese to him. He doesn't even know what that movie is much less can find it on public trackers.
>using torrents
>not using anonymous FTL p2p which will soon replace torrents.
or autistic you fucking autist.

are you new here kiddo
>better than buying Blurays
Bitch, I pirate 90% of my movies, but the image quality on blurays is always better
>I can download Avengers from any site I want, there's literally no difference between them
>the image quality on blurays is always better

Not when you pirate the 1:1 video file from a Bluray, which is common to do.

You can even download the entire Bluray disc data in a folder, if you want.

Do you even know how to pirate or do you stream all your shit?
>muh speshul snowflake club NO GIRLS ALLOWED its a seekrit

reddittor containment threads like these are a must lately.
you really arent helping your cause with the whole "durr u jus like soperhero muvies" thing. The autism just gets more and more apparent every time that gets posted.
But that's what public tracker retards watch, which is why they are content.
So you have no rebuttal?
>interviews in order to pirate
taking a short interview so you get the highest quality torrents in the world and no need to pay for VPN or worry about notices? seems like a great deal to me
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I love these threads because as soon as somebody mentions private trackers, all the Bernie Sanders-loving plebs come out and start sperging like fucking losers because they can't believe somebody would separate themselves from their public wastelands and look for something better than YIFY and durka durka 300MB movie encodes.
ive been here long enough to know better than to indulge every little crying insecure autistic with a prepared line about why hes so special.

lol and these queers wonder why nobody likes them.
If using a private tracker makes you feel good about your pathetic life then by all means keep shitposting.
Most people don't have an Internet connection capable of that
I love how you get this mad over somebody saying they torrent on sites you can't access. Why would you even care?
Questions for the private tracker patricians

how many obscure horrible 80+ year old movies do I need to download before I can start posting on reddit?

How long do you keep your buttplugs in each day?

How many hours of interracial cuckolding porn do I need to watch at a minimum?

How much vyvanse do you take?
Apparently you can't even indulge one.
>Why would you even care?
ask that about yourself and these supposed horrible fans of evil superhero movies and users of public torrents

Just the usual hypocrite special snowflake redditors. All typical stuff in here this isnt a unique thread.
>paying for seedboxes
I don't think anyone here really cares that you're a capeshitter. The problem is when you mad at people for using sites better suited for their non capeshitter needs. It's like getting mad at someone for buying a mansion: "WHY DO YOU NEED A MANSION YOU AUTISTIC REDDITOR? IM PERFECTLY FINE IN MY MOM'S BASEMENT" etc.

I've never had to use a seedbox
Holy shit this guy is mad as fuck lol and he probably doesnt even have a job haha.
>supposed horrible fans of evil superhero movies

Oh wait. You actually do watch capeshit.

Your opinion doesn't mean shit anymore.
Anybody got Warez-BB?
>blocked in my country and too stupid to use a VPN
Thanks mountain dew
>not using other torrent sites

Must suck to be a dumb liberal arts major like you, huh?
I use others but most of them are blocked

Also I'm a neet with several substance problems m8
Damn, dude. You have worse problems than not knowing how to torrent.
Pretty happy desu
>tfw i've been a member of literally every private torrent tracker for music, movies, games, books, comics and porn since OiNK was first created.

All it takes it getting into one private tracker and it's easy to get into the rest. Never had problems with ratio despite having a mediocre connection, just leave my pc on seeding 24/7.
True. I love how people make it seem like joining them is like getting on your knees to suck cocks all day.
>actually believes in all that autistic special snowflake stuff

haha i thought it was a bit you fags were doing but wow you actually are like that hahah oh man thats funny. Lol private tracker kiddos are gold, I hope these threads pop up every day.
awwww I struck a nerve with a speshul snowflake redditor

thats why i posted it kiddo.

You people have the most obvious inferiority complex.

now go and make another post about superhero movies like the predictable plebs you are.
considering the vast majority of private tracker users are blatant cocksucking faggots its not really a reach to think that way.
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why don't you just work on your job interview instead so you can actually afford things?

Yeah that's just a shared hobby
mad because he downloaded and jacked off raw to tranny chaser and never bothered with the korean movie
>people still think you have to seed on private trackers
>people not realizing you can fake your ratio without using any extra piece of shitty software

For a lot of people paying $10 for a movie is far more worth it than having a 52 gig copy of an ok movie.
care to elaborate?
you can simply edit the tracker in your torrent client after you've connected to peers and it won't count against your download usage
>just leave my pc on seeding 24/7.
This destroys the harddrive.
>I hope these threads pop up every day.

Will do
I work and I pirate. It's the best combination to be. Why pay at all?
>Why pay at all?
girls think you're hot when you spend money.
That's why the Netflix and chill meme exists.
>paying $10 for a movie is far more worth it than having a 52 gig copy of an ok movie.

Why would I pay $10 when I can just download the entire thing in the time it would take me to go to a store and buy a bluray? My movies range from 10-18GB and that takes me about 20 min to download.

If I want the remux, takes around 40 min.

The full untouched disc is around an hour or less.

I don't know about you clicking a link and waiting those times is worth not having to get my ass to some store and stand in line or wait days for a Bluray to get to me from Amazon.

What's more convenient than free movies sent to your PC? Nothing.
>This destroys the harddrive.

Actually turning your PC off and on destroys the harddrive. Leaving it to spin all day 24/7 is best because the heads don't park and wear down.
>girls think you're hot when you spend money.

Oh yeah they see you spending when you use your NEETflix huh?

Nigger, girls dont give a shit about a Bluray disc in your hand. They want to see your nice car, nice clothes, and see you buying them expensive food.

Media is worthless. It should be pirated like the worthless shit it is.
I don't understand why everyone's at each other's throats here, but I use Kodi on my firestick. Apps like Exodus, SALTS, and M4U have great quality streaming. It just takes some time to set up, but very worth it.
I have literally fucked over 100 black women just by showing them Ratatouille in true HD, stop talking out your ass.
>I have literally fucked over 100 black women

lol disgusting
>he thinks all black women are niggers
not everyone is an Ameriburger that only knows the inbred slave spawn.
>what is Kodi + exodus?
>what is buffering...buffering...link down...link down...SD ONLY SD ONLY SD ONLY

Rarely had any issues with finding a functioning HD stream on anything but obscure or old films
Well, its always easy to find your capeshit, isn't it?
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Use rutracker.
>Streaming plebs
Worse than public tracker users t͏͏b͏͏h.

Kodi is a really good media center. Too bad that it's become associate with streaming subhumans.
same shit happened to me with green room
>streaming movies

Christ this is worse than YIFY fags.
well I don´t give a fuck then
So you don't understand how rips work? Fucking autist
>le hulu, le netflix
wtf is that normie shit?


desu anyone who torrents past 2006 is a pleb. DDL is the purest form.
>stream cuck
>having no control over files
LMFAO, get real kid
>DDL is the purest form.

Of not finding what you're looking for lol

404 not found
404 not found
404 not found
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>tfw you got the latest 480p capeshit YIFY encode from cuckasstorrents
it's a good day for a pleb
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>Being a ratio cuck in the current year
It's illegal.

You haven't found the right community. You'll never get a letter from your ISP, and get faster speeds.
>paying for a UL account
>not a cuck
>You haven't found the right community.
Name it

>You'll never get a letter from your ISP, and get faster speeds.
Same goes for private trackers.
it's illegal to seed, just don't seed
It's not illegal to seed.
>tfw used to get riled up by these threads due to being on PTP and so on but now they just bring me to tears with laughter
This christmas i'm gonna invite a ton of you salty little shits to TehC , SC and IPT and if you say I remember you from this thread you get bumped to the top of the list

Bolt, which is unfortunately fucked up right now.
>he doesn't have access to the private MEGA linksharing sites

Oh dear.
I agree but you wouldn't fucking believe how many people today STILL can't operate a computer properly. That goes for young and old.
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What did the autistic OP mean by this?


Like flies to honey
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>being this mad
yea but avi is only allowed when there is no other available source.
>he doesnt use private MEGA linksharing sites.
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BAHAHAHAHAHA, butt ravaged anons, getting triggered like fat girls, just because they don't have a passthepopcorn account, glorious, I can feel your tears penetrating my body.
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>Using Internet mommy and daddy pays for to break the law.
I wear my extended blu-ray LOTR trilogy around my neck on dates because it gets girls all hot and horny.
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>I seed
yeh bruh I love watching my favorite film fight club in the real form it was meant to be viewed on, 700mb YIFY from cuckasstorrents
>highest dmca compliance
>6 strikes in your mailbox
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>there are people on /tv/ who post here EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR YEARS
>they post and post and post and post and post and post
>they're now in their 20s and some of them don't even have jobs yet
>they still torrent from The Pirate Bay and Kickass like they did in high school
>they are literally adults torrenting with little kids on public torrent sites
>they can't find seeds for anything more obscure than capeshit
>they have to put up with 400MB shit encodes uploaded by Indian children named Pajeet
>they literally sit there watching 400MB capeshit movies and they think that's ok

You guys wasted your lives here on /tv/ and you still use public torrents from when you were in high school?

You know you're supposed to upgrade to private torrents when you're grown up, right?
>Anon wants to be on BTN but his mother won't let him
>not paying for good movies
>letting your cinema die

>break the law

Take it easy Walt
Your also suppose to stop going to children's cartoon fantasy world picture places too when you become an adult, but you're still here and insulting the manchildren
It's hard

They even use analysis to see who is who on forums by speech patterns alone fuck that shit
>he downloads 500 gigabytes of shit he will never watch just to be a cuck and seed it
>They even use analysis to see who is who on forums by speech patterns alone

Holy shit people actually believed this troll? You are fucking dumb.
I don't know shit I just heard about that but even if it isn't true you guys need to ask for more rights it's worse than the fucking dprk
>not using primewire
>I don't know shit I just heard about that

Yeah you're clearly a retard for believing that troll. That's hilarious.
Yes, yes, it doesn't matter anyway though.

You're still fucked.
Lol keep rationalizing why you can't join them with these unfounded fears. It might make you feel better about not joining.
No I'm fucked too by shitty public trackers
Would installing Windows 10 make it likelier that you'd get caught for torrenting? Has anyone here ever been sent a notice of any kind or know of anyone who actually got into any deep shit cuz of it?
is this an actual post? that i'm reading correctly?
> So i typed chaser in the search bar

Your inability to use a search engine is evidence that it's bad?

Have you heard of the concept "user error"?

It means you're a retard.
Don't do it man, worst mistake of my life.

ᴾᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᶠᵉᵈᵉʳᵃᶫ ᶜᵒʳʳᵉᶜᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃᶫ ᴵᶰˢᵗᶦᵗᵘᵗᶦᵒᶰ, ᶠᵒʳᵗ ᵂᵒʳᵗʰ
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Yesterday at 10pm, FBI seized most of KAT servers, getting torrents from them is no longer safe (It was never safe in the first place) But now it's a honeypot ready for the FBI.
On the Pirate bay the korean film is first result, tranny chaser not till 5th :^)
>better than buying Blurays
No in the slightest

>better than cable tv

>better than Netflix

>better than Amazon Prime Video

>better than hulu

>better than iTunes

>better than Redbox

>better than your shitty video rental store from the 90s
depends on what movie. The one I went to had obscure media that Kickass doesn't have seeds for

>better than your shitty video rental store that is still around because plebs feel sorry for it despite being a dead business
those don't exist
good thing copyright infringement is a civil offense and not a criminal offense
>not knowing how p2p works

All you need is the torrent hash to download content that is uploaded by other users, not the actual site.
>public tracker
>every rip is either <2 gb with a million seeds or over 10 with 0
Who is the asshole uploading these relatively huge files that nobody will seed and not going for a solid 4-6gb one that looks good on most small screens?

its hard to find obscure movies on kat.

I wish I was apart of a private tracker :(
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