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Finally recieved an invite to BTN, the best place ever

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>not having your dreams come true by joining private trackers

How can /tv/ be this inept when you can be a part of the largest curation of movies and TV ever made?
read: full of subhuman anti-art retards, ie. /tv/

All I need is KG and PTP
All i need popcorn time.

Rest is niche and obscure shit
>just getting in
>All i need popcorn time.
>Rest is niche and obscure shit

Uneducated retard detected

What's the perk of it over just torrenting normally?
Do Private trackers really not have HEVC encodes? Embarrassing.
Speed: If you're familiar with torrents you probably know that the bigger the swarm, the faster you download. Private trackers encourage their members to seed torrents for as long as possible, thus guaranteeing bigger swarms for every torrent. Not only that, but many members use remote seedboxes with huge upload speeds.
Retention: Similarly, private trackers usually enforce rules that encourage long-term seeding. Many torrents for obscure content that you wouldn't normally find any peers for on ThePirateBay or KAT will be still seeded by a few peers on private trackers.
Selection: Some content simply isn't available on any public site and will only be found on private trackers. Sometimes you can't even legally buy it at all, ironically. Some trackers even specialize in obscure or rare content, ensuring that it doesn't get lost from the Internet.
Quality control: A major asset of private trackers, albeit one that can vary a lot across trackers. Good private trackers have very strict rules on content format, quality and organization. Music trackers will ensure you don't get horrible 92kbps transcodes, movie trackers will ensure you only get good encodes, ebook trackers will ensure you get retail quality, etc. Members and staff review and approve each torrent. Trumping rules and the removal of duplicates ensure you only get one, community-approved source for the specific content and format. This, coupled with a decent site layout, makes private trackers much more orderly than public ones.
Security: There are two reasons private trackers are more secure, albeit they may not apply in the future. The first one is that most of them are obscure enough that no one really knows or cares about them (security by obscurity). The second one is that copyright trolls would rather focus on huge public sites that are easy to fish for peers rather than small communities that are hard to join.
HEVC is considered not ready for primetime and only retards download it.
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>How can /tv/ be this inept when you can be a part of the largest curation of movies and TV ever made?
having such an empty life that you care about mediocre products form the american entertainment industry
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>I am proud to be sheep
How long did it take to move on from DivX again?
The "scene" is a laughing stock.
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>not phishing for comcast/dish/directtv logins

yall niggas living in the past. on demand+live tv. literally setup for years
BTN has shows from all over the world though and is ratioless aka no need to care about ratio

Over 15k shows. More than hulu and netflix combined
Invite me ?
10,000,000 points minimum to enter the bidding to Invite someone m8
>tfw used to have unlimited BTN invites
Invited 28 shitheads from all over. Years later half are disabled and nobody has progressed beyond the default user class.
You are a nigger
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I would like to get onto a good movie tracker but my internet is way too shit to get any ratio on what.cd so I have no stepping stone.
Congratulations you're about 6 years behind everyone else.
>popcorn time
literally kill yourself
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>I joined a private tracker to get stuff readily available on public trackers
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>going through all this effort when netflix is half an hours pay
Join a private MEGA site.
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After 8 months from having 0 trackers, I am now in heaven.

I will never invite you losers.
>jumping through ratio hoops and sucking e-dicks of private tracker fags when you can just join a private direct download repo
Oi I'm laffin
>you can just join a private direct download repo

So you sucked their dicks?
Nah they will give you an invite if they know you're not a shit head faggot who wants to stir drama and you're willing to help the community if you can, its as easy as that
Unlike elitist pieces of shit who are willing to kill their own family members just to get higher access to le sekret klub private tracker meme
The private tracker community is just pure cancer now with power tripping mods and faggots like you that keep joining that shitty community even though they know they have to suck cocks and be part of a cancer
So you sucked their cocks. Just admit it's the same shit you loser.
Sure whatever makes you feel better buddy
Now go back and be a good dog and jump through more ratio hoops or the admins will get bored and ban your ass from the secret klub
Sent :^)
Lol you sucked cock to get an invite and you can't admit it. Fucking hilarious.
who did you pay or who did you beg and grovel to like a huge fag?
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The fact that you're so used to sucking cocks for getting a single invite makes you think that the only way to join a community is to suck cocks makes this situation even more hilarious
I didn't have to beg anybody for my private tracker accounts. All 12 of them.
Is this you admitting that you sucked cock to get your private invite?
kek poorfags
why dont you open amazon and buy the movie you are looking for?
No u
>why not pay for something you can get for free?

Because that's stupid.
>invest most of your free time on looking for kino instead on watching them
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>mfw MEGA/1F links for all the rare 60's Italian arthouse or Japanese exploitation films I'm looking for
>I never EVER have to care about ratio bullshit
>just download at full speed in jdl, watch, delete
>all is linked directly in collection pages, directors, genres, etc. so also get to discover stuff I wasn't originally looking for or get full filmographies in one single click
lmao trackerplebs
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>tfw no empornium account
>tfw can't complete tara + xev collection
>paying to watch TV which is free on torrents
you're stupid kiddo
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How I got my private tracker accounts:

>posting on reddit about torrents one day back in 2012
>other guy on reddit PMs me and says "hey buddy you want an invite to reddit's private tracker? I've recently become a staff member there and I thought of you when deciding who on reddit I give an invite to."
>I ask him what private trackers are and he explains that private trackers basically torrent sites where people torrent within a closed community and have rules to make sure everybody gets what they want and there's more security since you have to be a member to see what is even going on in there
>I say ok, that's pretty cool, I will give it a shot. He gives me an invite link via reddit PM
>I use the reddit private tracker, and even post some movies there. I enjoy it. The speeds are faster than TPB.
>a few weeks later, the staff tells us "hey guys, we have recruitment to other trackers, so go in an get your invites to other trackers!"
>I go to the recruitment area, I see there's a movie-only tracker called PTP
>I get the invite from the recruiting guy simply by PMing him.
>Next, I look for more trackers and there's another one for TV-only and it's called BTN.
>I get the invite from the recruiting guy simply by PMing him.
>Next, I look for more trackers and there's another just for books and its called BIB.
>I get the invite from the recruiting guy simply by PMing him.
>Next, I look for more trackers and there's another one just for games called GGn
>I get the invite from the recruiting guy simply by PMing him.
>Next, I look for more trackers and there's one for classic and non-mainstream movies called KG
>I get the invite from the recruiting guy simply by PMing him.
>Next, I look for more trackers and there's one just for music called WCD
>I get the invite from the recruiting guy simply by PMing him.

And that's how I got into PTP/BTN/WCD/BIB and can use those accounts to get into any other tracker I want for the rest of my life, even though they are completely full.
>making shit up
>can't even prove it

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I'd so very much appreciate a PTP invite ;__;

Invites are disabled. Over user limit.
Oh well.
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Lol go away child.

Examples m8?
>posting on reddit

Wow ure cool
Who are these hacks?
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>giving money to the jews
That's how it's broadcasted...
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Why would someone lie on the internet?
Good job, man! :)

After getting on freshon I haven't yet found reason to work to get on BTN desu. The ratioless thing is cool and all but, it wasn't terribly hard for me to get a high ratio on freshon and well, from there HD season rips are freeleech by default so ratio is easy to maintain.

holy shit fuck off
Knowing that there's so many /tv/ shitposters in all these perfect places makes me sick.
Aren't FRESHON staff scamemrs and shit
Join animebytes. The point system makes getting ratio easy and a lot of trackers recruit on their forums.
nothing, except you lose more internet.
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>you lose more internet
I got couple invites, but I'm not giving them to random people over the internet because when they fuck up, I'd be unable to stab them to motivate them to unfuck their situation.
I can post proof that I haven't been banend from other private trackers :#
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>you lose more internet
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just been using iptorrents for the last several years. usually has everything i need desu
>being this stupid
It's Surrealmoviez by the way for anyone wondering
soitgoes is the only one I know of
>screenshot literally has watermarks on it

back to KAT with you pleb
They're not recruiting are they? How did you get in?
literally the reddit tracker
hope you dont use that password anywhere else
>private trackers
>Not having access to the lut
That was before private trackers became super paranoid and they were way more generous with their invites back then (as in invites didn't cost about 10 million bonus points and require the users to be one of the top seeders on the site. )
don't care
What's the use of these threads? Shitposting from either side, with braggadocio and ignorance as the tone.
I suppose there are people who find fun in that
>get into private tracker
>download Mad Men
>want to download all episodes of mad men
>public trackers dont have seeds for Seasons 1 and 2.

I can give you direct download link if you are not memeing me
>wanting to watch Mad Men

Especially since most HEVC encodes use scene releases for their source.
I already use private trackers so no thanks.
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Not that guy but I would like that.
Its about feeling like you are part of an elite club and raising your status not tv shows or movies.

It is like a bad videogame, these people play it and feel like they are above others and that only they are having real fun.
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>not using private MEGA linksharing sites that are invite-only and carry tons of content and never having to seed back
Those literally don't exist.
Yes, they do, and they are better than the linksharing forums.
Do you have an email or something for me to send the links to you with?
I don't want private tracker cucks cancering their way into every where
M8, those dies a long time ago. There is no such thing.

They do. The one I use even has a bot that uploads new TV releases moments after they show up online.
I have this old email. [email protected]
>There is no such thing.

Keep being in denial, champ.
Give me a name then. Im sure there is some info out there that I could then gather from just that.
Nope. Not falling for that. I'll just let you wallow in your ignorance.
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>there are people on /tv/ who don't have accounts that let them download 4K Netflix shows freely
You're so pathetic holy shit.
>taking the super sekret club meme seriously well into adulthood
kill yourself
I can watch them on netflix, my tv remote literally has a netflix button, it couldn't be easier.
Sent ;)
why would we give you a name, go try google :^)
>tfw no KG account
CG has to do for now.
>paying for something you can download for free

You're a true sucker.
all you need is a tracker with a bonus point system and freeleech, and of course a hdd with lots of space, then your speed doesnt matter one bit.
>stuff readily available on public trackers
thx yify 10/10
Did he actually send you anything or he was a /ptg/ cuck shitposting?
I don't really need to see 4K content from TVshows if it is capeshit.

>Spend a squillion on a 4k screen.
>Get stingy over a $10/month subscription.
thanks I won't be such a fool anymore, you've really shown me the way.

cancelling my netflix now, I can afford two extra coffees this month I wouldn't have had otherwise.
Let's hope /g/ is having fun with their own shitposting general on /tv/
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>you lose more internet.
If i post my ratio will you give me one?
don't be silly anon, they didn't buy a 4k tv, mommy and daddy did.
ptp is just great, i love it
invite me
>paying 5$ for a coffee when you could brew it yourself
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sent ;>)
>tfw fa/tv/irgin gets you into BTN years ago
>can't repay the favor to other anons or I'd be a retard risking his account
knowing this place is reddit 2.0 now lessens my guilt
Aw, so cute. He thinks he will get an invite here.
sent ;)
What is the difference between this and Freshon?
Does BTN have kino too?
scusa pizza pasta cappucino?
BTN is objectively the best TV tracker. Most content, best speeds. Lots of dedicated cappers and encoders.
you realize the owner tries to hack his own users right?
woah look at all that stuff I can get from any open tracker

You forgot Autism
You can't get P2P, idiot
He actually did, pretty good guy.
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