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Finally received an invite to Pass the Popcorn

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 43

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>download an older movie in 1080p
>been seeding to 0 of 0 peers for about a week
> still owe 11.10 GB in upload credit to keep my ratio at 1
> lost my download ability so now I can't get anything popular
>staff is now threatening me with a ban

Well that was fun.
>not crosseding
>not downloading GP's for ratio

who invited you?
>Joining a private tracker and immediately ruining your ratio
It's like you didn't even read the rules
The same happened to me but in kg lol
>Being this retarded.
Farewell, anon.
I invited some random from the IRC who downloaded 200 GB and uploaded 400 MB before he lost his downloading privileges. Some people just can't into private trackers.
who /ptg/ here?
who /teamdrizzy/ here?
deserved it
So what older movie did you get?
I just joined a few weeks ago and got a bunch of upload credit from the forums, since people give BP to new users, then downloaded a bunch of freeleech GPs to get a nice rate of BP.

maybe you're fucking retarded
Tell me your account name and I'll consider sending you some BP if I think you deserve it.
Backing up this anon. If your snatches are not capeshit, I'll help you recover.
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>needing SD content in the year 2016
wew :^)
What does that HDBits news post say about invites?
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>Just a very firm reminder.

>Invites that you give out are your responsibility.

>What does that mean?

>Basically, you are responsible for the people you invite! If they turn out to be a cheater or a trader, you will lose your invites for certain and have a very high probability that you will lose your account as well.

>Have some common sense, don't invite off forum threads on another tracker.

>If you're a member of an invite forum, no matter how innocent you think they are, we have a zero tolerance policy on this. Decide which one you want to belong to, The Invite Forum or HDBits.org; you can't be a member of both!

>Finally: Remember invites are a privilege not a right, make sure you have read all the rules before you invite someone and make sure they have read the rules as soon as they join. Happy Torrenting and thank you for making HDBits a great community.
>Having to put this much effort into stealing movies
I always had that problem with ratio trackers.

I only ever want obscure old shit that no one else wants so its impossible to keep ratio up.
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>Step 1 : Download a movie
>Step 2 : Watch it
>Step 3 : Seed it when your computer is running
>Step 4 :Accumulate buffer and BPs
Wew, that was hard
The key is to start by downloading popular torrents you don't want to build up a buffer. Eventually you will be able to download only what you want. It sucks to have to do it, but it's worth it in the long run.
do you only watch capeshit? there's a mountain of movies that have never had an HD release.
>not having a NAS running transmission to seed
The longer you seed a movie the more bonus points you get which can be traded for upload credit. Just leave shit seeding 24/7 and you'll never have any problems.
i don't care about those movies :^) if it wasn't released in HD on Criterion, then it's probably shit :^)
Do they make you do a test? Private trackers tend to be retarded .
This. Private trackers are the only places with the old and obscure shit.
Yet downloading them will get your ratio in the gutter.

I prefer an animebytes scheme were you can fix your ratio with points you earn by seed time.
>if it wasn't released in HD on Criterion
Why are plebs so attracted to Criterion?
Penis inspection

They also take your bucket of crab legs.
That's tryharding mode. Even if you don't even try, it's impossible to get banned for bad ratio if you have half a brain.

Ye, send your CV and a letter to admins and they'll let you test the tracker.
I'm sitting at .95 and I'm scared friends. Need to just download every single free leech I can.
>muh obscureness
I get that now, but I never joined a private tracker (no way to get invite, only ones I was interested in were anyways the ones that had obscure vhs only releases).
I mainly download shit via irc anyways, so I never cared enough to keep up a ratio on a public (well, open signup private i guess) tracker
Obscure? Isn't shit like Armageddon and The Rock part of the Criterion Collection?
>ITT nobody knows what a seed box is or how a private tracker works
Honest question: why do you guys get involved in this without first learning about it?
>having ratio problems
>on ptp
your doing it wrong
they can't think for themselves. it's like all tose people buying every apple product.
There isn't one torrent on a private tracker that isn't on tpb or kat. Private trackers are gay and stupid.
>no way to get invite
the way is by joining what.cd and using their invite forum
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>seed box
>paying to pirate
How about Side/Walk/Shuttle?
>it's not about fetishizing obscurity, it's just a fact that lots of great movies have unfortunately never been released in HD

> He tried to delete his shitty opinion
i wasn't saying that the criterion collection harbours only obscure movies..
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i have a poor connection, no seedbox, yet even i am able to maintain ~1 on ptp.
>private tracker
>paying for an invite or a membership
Welcome to 2016, schlomo
>implying it was me who deleted that post
here's your (you)
no i mistakenly(?) thought it was the guy i replied to who posted that about what i said about SD movies.

I've had a PTP acct for 2 weeks. Using a seedbox and snatching the freeleech torrents I have accumulated 1.5TB upload and downloaded 400GB.

It ain't that hard, anon.
You download only capeshit and leave your computer on while your mom drives you to school. She complains that her internet is slow while she's looking up quilting patterns but you have her convinced that some Mexican kids next door are leeching your wifi.
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>Paying to pirate
that's 0 of 3 anon. good job.
Sounds like you speak from experience.
Is this your first private tracker? Sounds like a case of you not knowing what you were doing really. Your first few days on any tracker are always more about "paying your dues" and establishing enough initial buffer so you don't have to worry about it in the future. You should be grabbing popular freeleech torrents, not obscure shit that won't get you any ratio.

Of course, feel free to grab shit you actually want as well if it won't ruin your ratio, but you have to be careful man. Always triple check the rules before downloading anything on a new tracker, last thing you want is to land yourself in ratio hell like you have done.
Why do people still have ratio problems when mratio exists?


Just make sure you mostly use it on free leech torrents
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>samefagging this hard

How many notices from your ISP have you gotten, anon? Or do you watch shitty streams via Kodi/Exodus?
>risking getting banned from every cabal tracker and having to start from scratch just to avoid a week or two of effort getting established and then never worrying about it again
Seems dumb senpai
I've never used a seedbox and I've gotten exactly one notice pirating shamelessly as a motherfucker for as long as the torrent protocol has existed (and quite a while earlier on Kazaa and shady DDL sites) the risk is not exactly that great.
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You're just that much of a faggot.
Not him but you don't need to spend money to survive on PTP. I made it by surviving on BP from AHD/Tik free leech torrents. I only joined a few months ago and now I have more buffer than I know what to do with. I never had to download capeshit or Hollywood shit
>download popular torrent before it gets too many seeds

>upload about 2gb before everyone's downloaded
Lmao just go on pirate bay you cucks

With a vpn if you're concerned about privacy
You can't expect to get significant buffer from a single torrent. You build up a base of a few hundred gigs of stuff you're seeding and then swim in more bonus points than you could ever spend. It's not hard.

I'd like to see you guys survive on an actually difficult tracker if PTP is giving you problems... It's one of the easiest private trackers out there, leaving aside ratioless ones.
How to PtP-

1. Search for torrents that are Freeleech.
2. Download them.
3. Seed them for points. Build up points.
4. Buy upload when you hit 50k points.
5. For points efficiency delete anything that isn't a GP torrent with over 7 seeds.
>tfw fucking shitty 500gb HDD

still manage to have a 1.5 up ratio though
TPB is good if you're only interested in hollywood
Industry people have our own private tracker for trading bootleg'd screeners. Ratio doesn't even matter.
>ptp considers horrific banding normal in rips
>doesn't believe in transparent encodes
>delete banding free rips for being "bloated" in order to replace them with 8gb 2 hour films
>reason for deletion: trump
>complain about how idiotic this is in the forums
>'lol just download a 40gb remux'
These guys have almost no fucking clue.

Is there a tracker run by real encoders that I should be trying to join? Somewhere where bit starving 1080p rips isn't considered a feature?
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>tfw no ptp account.
do this
I downloaded & seeded the most popular straight porn on empornium just so i could get shemale porn with no worries
>be a member of a private site for videogames
>few months later, site goes down
fun while it lasted
Not really, the only place I found a decent seeded copy of Come and See was TPB

I had a tehconnection account but the way that site does seed ratios is fucking idiotic.
BitGamer? Was a tragedy when that place went down, none of the replacements have ever really filled its shoes in my opinion. U-G dying was even worse considering how hard some of that shit has become to find without it.
Ok well come and see currently has 125 seeders on PTP so try getting into a good private tracker
Nah it was Blackcats
BG going down wasn't really a big deal Gazelle and BCG are more than acceptable substitutes.

UG going down was a goddamn tragedy.
How about you give me an invite?
Blackcats is still alive. They did have a long as fuck period of downtime a while back though, but they've been back for a while now.
Can I coast on bonus points in HDbits?

I have shitty upstream bandwidth but I do have a real nas that's always on.
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will trade demonoid invite for ptp inv
Don't know anything about PTP or HDBits, my only secret club is empornium but it's really easy to get a decent ratio even with a shit connection thanks to bonus points.
Most trackers are ran by baboons who've never had a job in IT, poor quality rips are least of your worries if you've got an account on theses websites.
>Can I coast on bonus points
No, you'll need a seedbox if your upload is shit.
I had a suspicion but I can't get in. I don't think I was banned because I only managed to even download a single thing before it went down. Oh well, I guess
Anyone know how I can get a BTN invite?
It's in the granny forum on mam
Post your top 10 movies and if you have good taste I'll give you one
You could probably get re-enabed if you go on their IRC and explain the situation, your account might have been wiped in the rollback (pretty sure they had to do a rollback when they brought everything back online)
1. The grifter
2. Asassination of Jesse james
3. The Dark knight
4. Samsara
5. >having 5 favourite movies
They don't do free leech genre months anymore.

When I first got my invite sent ;^) to me I freely leeched like 40 crime noir films and racked up bonus points to buy upload before I actually got anything I wanted.

Now they have like 4 free leech movies at a time. And it's impossible to actually get any significant upload by seeding.
PTP has closed until 2017
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do the what.cd interview, then build up your what.cd account so you gain access to the vip forums.

now you have access to every private tracker you want, if you're a good boy.
How do I get onto Empornium?
Ooh I didn't think about the IRC. I gave up when all my emails were bounced back
Music is gay.
Fuck I love private tracker threads on /tv/
I can never tell who's trolling who
wish there was an easier way to do this than fucking what.cd

who even cares about music?
>be ptp
>rip has shitty audio
>burn ratio to check the remux
>it has shitty audio
>burn ratio to grab the bd propper
>audio is fine
>complain about the rips audio being shit, state that it's likely caused by the internal remux is fucked up and that's why all the rips using it as a source are fucked up
>post spek graphs
>le staff tells me to fuck off, clears my reports and gives the fucked up rips golden popcorn status
Like a year later a new staff guy deleted the remux and all the rips based on it for this particular film. That's the short of shit that goes on in ptp.
He's fucking with you. HDB has huge free leech picks every week which means even with shit 500kbs upload you'll get tons of buffer on whatever is chosen as all the torrents are pretty big.
Seed boxes actually count download for fl to stop people hogging all the upload so everyone gets their share and bp is ez to get
Try and get in If u can
I never use trackers for newer releases, so PTP is essentially useless for me, especially since I've invested a lot of time onto KG. KG is easily my favorite movie tracker, they have the most obscure collection and also the best subbing community. Its also the most difficult site to maintain a ratio on, but its worth it tbqh.

>pirating new releases
they're literally a dollar at redbox you cheap autists
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>they're literally a dollar at redbox you cheap autists
>not having a dedicated server anyway
Yeah, it's easy to maintain a ratio on HDB when most of the downloads don't count for the full amount and you can exchange BP for upload. I'm getting >100 BP/hr and have more than I need.
anyone giving out invites?
Inbox me.
They recruit from WCD
Just use public trackers

Oh wait those are just as shit

I mean we could have private trackers that aren't full of autism for those who just seed what they download.
Enjoy giving your computer cyber AIDS. The pirate bay is literally the worst place on the Internet to go download shit.
>this is what autists who think they're special because they are on a private tracker actually believe
Same happened with me. I don't know you guys seed so much shit
Only imbeciles are afraid of >le virus or whatever
Start bending over if you want to use something other than Netflix
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>Winter doesn't respond
>Chunky doesn't respond
I'm never getting in am i?

Just hope atleast BTN starts recruitment soon.
Why should you have to download shit you won't watch?

Can you start to see the insanity?
Either HDBits or AHD which is a easier to get into.
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1.4 tb buffer, feelsgoodman
I hate this scheme of ratio and le rules of private trackers. It literally panders to a few, plus who runs it are usually a bunch of power-loving cunts. Hopefully a new system will be in place soon-ish.
just leave these people alone. this gives them a reason for living
tracker staff aren't in this thread
>>>/g/54862967 :^)
/g/ is having an invite giveaway
why seed? I bet you don't use an ad blocker either
Seeding takes up so much fucking data and slows down my Internet, and takes so fucking long
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why do you have a cap in the first place?

>tfw ridiculous download speed but shitty upload that gets throttled if you upload too much in 2 hours
I'm too lazy to even bother with seeding
To get bonus points and build a ratio, which is how torrents work
It literally takes more effort to delete something you downloaded than not touching it
I hate to not be a rich boy like you people. And to top it, fucking privatefags are always acting cuntish and scornful. :^(

You're fucking stupid and deserve it.
download freeleech, upload content, and use bonus points
it worked for me. I operate at a functionally infinite ratio with only 320 bonus points per hour of seeding
I don't have a VPN.
If govt ever cracksdown on piracy, thell start with private tracker retards first
They start with public first
Amount of private trackers taken down by the NSA: a handful
Amount of public trackers taken down by the NSA: a shitton
yeah but that won't happen so who gives a shit
shoulda picked one with a downloader or two, ya doof
Do you have to upload shit once you're apart of a private tracker site?
Not unless you want to climb user classes
>not being /pure/
That fucking sucks
>tfw no one gives out invites to ptp and kg like candy here anymore
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>torrented hundreds of movies and programs
>press STOP to completely avoid seeding as soon as they finish downloading

1. Pick a year
2. Search for torrents of movies released that year
3. Sort by least amount of seeders to most seeders
4. Go through the torrents one by one and find ones that don't have trailers
5. Find corresponding trailers on youtube- eac of these trailers is worth 1000 to 5000 bonus points
6. When you've found enough trailers, open the contests forum and post the list of torrents and trailers in the thread "Bonus points for trailers"
7. Buy ratio with your bonus points payout

I got myself a huge buffer with only a few hours of work. these private trackers give you literally every way to succeed, the only way to fuck up on places like PtP or What is to not pay attention
They don't because dumb fucks kept getting banned
not really
Maybe you shouldn't have been a fucking retard.
Hah, I did the same thing when I joined PTP.
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If I pinky swear to you that I won't get banned can I get invite
>Not just setting auto stop in preferences
I won't get banned
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Why don't you move in a civilized country anon?
I've been a member of certain private tracker for 12 years though. That good enough?
I like point systems where you get currency/credits for each hour you seed, regardless of how many people actually download off of you. You can then use the credits to lower your ratio.
I don't have any invites anyway.
Its always private tracker fags that are the biggest dicks

>hurr private trackers are the best
>hurr why don't you have one?
>ok can i get an invite?
>pshh fuck no hehehe
kek is this the state of tracker "communities" now days?
back in my day all the good places rewarded you with bonus points for seeding rare shit for periods of time even if not a single shithead wanted it
That's how it still works
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>they're literally a dollar at redbox you cheap autists

Why would I pay when I can just click and download them before Redbox gets them?

You don't have to upload at all.
Oh cool
My Interwebz connection allow me to download 10 Mbps and Upload 1 Mbps. Some ISPs just can't into private trackers.
a handful? only one I'm aware of is OiNK.
what did you mean by this?
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Please explain us how a system based on giving and sharing what you took is bad. I'll wait.
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>join private tracker
>download the latest GoT episode
>everyone is seeding
>can't mantain 1:1 ratio
what do?
why are you lying? bonus points you can only get by uploading

go back to your commune, damn hippie
>he joined a private TV tracker that isn't ratioless

You're a dumbfuck.
if it doesn't have bonus points or an extremely generous ratio ruleset, then quit

PTP has bonus points, What.CD lets you download like 1TB before you might have problems
Comparing criterion to meme apple is retarded
Uploading means adding a new torrent to the tracker, you retard. Not seeding torrents.
Will you teach me to get elite on what? ;_;
Fill requests and better.php
don't be a fucking autist
Seed what you downloaded
Make music and upload it or upload whatever you find.
I joined IPT
It's definitely not better than one where people get what they want and don't have by rule and threat to give it back
Wrong, I have 100kbs up and have more than 2TB buffer on PTP. You are just an idiot.
Use public trackers then?
Did you pay?
Not good enough. As I said, I'm expecting something better in the near future
Nah I got invited
Cool. Just bear in mind you won't be getting into any other private trackers through IPT.
I figured. Can I get into other by invites still?
Awesome. I'll have to wait then
>pshh fuck no hehehe
Well that's kinda unfair there.

People are actively punished for just handing out invites. IE they'll ban your account and send your IP and name off to all other private trackers so no one will accept you.

If the person you invite fucks up and doesn't follow the rules you could face the repercussions for their actions, so if they start cheating their ratio you again can both be banned from all private trackers.

It means invites have to be incredibly selective and private. If you give out in invite in public (IE on 4chan) someone only needs to report your email or the invite code on IRC and you can again get your account/IP banned from all trackers.

So if you want an invite from someone you should know them personally, make sure they know you're trustworthy, and have them send that invite in private and not on fucking 4chan.
I have no problem in being a nigger then, if you are going to consider this stealing
Ah, I wasn't aware of that
What a bunch of cunts everywhere in the chain
cute. that's how i do it:

go to my site (won't tell you the url though, enjoy your pleb torrents)
get links
watch movie
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So you know why we go on PTs now. To get ride of fuckers like you that just want to leech and not offer what they have.
Happened to me to in kat.

Oh wait it didn't. lolololol
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Sure m8 :^)
>What is Usenet
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>tfw Sextreme Perv with 30:1 ratio

Internet life is easy
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As a pleb who only uses rutracker and soulseek what are the "rules" for torrenting on a private site? Like I have no idea what >>70318387 said.
of you can't figure out how to use the bonus point system to your advantage... then cut your losses now, OP. private trackers aren't for you.
act like a redditor everywhere you go, call people jealous and pretend you have access to secret movies.
You people do all this shit when you can just find the same shit on piratebay or kat ? Is it you can get fined for torrenting ??
Stay on the tpb. :^)
Enjoy the circlejerk while it's the best thing
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cross-seeding: seeding the same torrent between 2 different private trackers.

GP's: pic related
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It's accurate.
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>people posting about working at ratios
>usenet for less than 3 dollars a month
>paying to pirate will be the only comeback

I had to pay for some bonus points to boost my ratio cause I wasn't reach that 1:1
>paying money is better than keeping a torrent client running

kek what a retard
why cant you just use kodi?
>watching shitty streams over high quality torrents

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>mfw use the pirate bay and never got a letter

Stay autistic, faggots
That's what i use
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All I have is HD-Torrents, a private MEGA-only site and a bunch of open-registration trackers as a fallback. It gets the job done most of the time.
>he's not on ptp
I have an invite to scenetime

If any of you gay ass piece of shits want it
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and yet here you are, trying to convince us you've got it all at your fingertips

Nope. I said it gets the job done most of the time.
I call bullshit on MEGA only.
Because the admins of trackers stalk 4chan and have banned people in the past and gotten them banned on other trackers, removed invite privileges, invites are fucking expensive in bonus points.

Known tracker staff who browse 4chan: Animebytes, Awesome HD, PassthePopcorn, Bibliotik, What.cd
Known tracker staff who have banned 4channers: Awesome HD (banned a 4chan user because they posted a screenshot of their account on 4chan), PassThePopcorn (312c pretended to be an anon on /tv/ received an invite/identified an email banned a 4channer, banned two 4chan invite trees), What.cd (at least two cases where /mu/ anons lost invite privileges)
>I have an invite to scenetime

literally worthless
Is it worth running a seedbox or should I just stack up on bonus points to buy upload?
Nah. its gotten better
You don't know about the private MEGA linksharing sites? Christ you're missing out.

Well that's too bad. I actually have two different sites for MEGA links but I feel one is better than the other.
>Is it worth running a seedbox

The only times you need a seedbox are:

1) You are from Australia and your upload is literally 50kbps

2) You want to grow a massive epeen and upload multiple terabytes of data every month.
I think I'm on the same private MEGA sites as you. I prefer S*******
I've got friends in the scene, but yeah sure private MEGA sites OK.

That would be them. I prefer that one too.
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SMz masterrace
>being a ratiocuck
>but yeah sure private MEGA sites OK.

Wow its amazing that somebody can be this poorly informed about the private MEGA link sharing sites.
>there are peasants on MY /tv/ board that don't have PTP and BTN accounts

You fucking faggots DISGUST me.
lol, it takes minimal effort to get a buffer ratio. then i literally sit here and seed in the background.
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>2GB movies
>"x265 if possible"
Just want to keep my account.
They don't have a system that lets you seed something for x amount of time to count towards your upload? sounds like shit
>Focus on having high ratio
>just download freeleech stuff
>1TB upload
>Find out no one cares about ratio
>need 1TB of download to make PU
Welp. Time to start getting into moe shit.
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>paying to pirate
>sucking e-dicks to pirate
>jumping through hoops to pirate
you are just jealous
I've been on BTN and What for a very long time, and apparently I used to have a PTP account but I don't remember the email I used for it. Shit sucks.
No, he's envious of what he doesn't have.
>he doesn't have a seedbox
>he doesn't know how to set up automatic download of new freeleech torrents

>ordered some blurays on amazon for pennies
>i get them a few days later
>i can keep them forever
>dont have to hassle with shit like this
An anon and I gave out BTN invites here a year or two ago (they had given PU and EU the ability to invite for New Years) and so far no one has gotten into trouble. I've also given out a KG invite a year ago to an anon here, hes still stuck at 4GB, but hes being smart and not overextending his download ratio.
I guess I just got lucky
>use IPT
>just werks
>don't have to worry about ratio as long as the torrent is open
so based
This is bullshit. Ever since I got into private trackers, piracy has never been so easy.

Enjoy trying to find seeders on your pubbie sites.
This is the hilarious thing about the private tracker circle jerk.
>start by downloading popular torrents you don't want

This alone is fucking insane.

So glad I don't have to deal with this shit.
ayy senpai
>learn to encode to get into better trackers
>get good at it
>get promoted to internal on several sites
>made staff on a site
I want off this ride senpai
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Trips get any invite they want
if you have zero experience with any of this, where is a good place to start/learn?
The /ptg/ general on /g/


Read and learn from /g/, my children.
This is a meme already and /g/ is garbage
seedboxfags have ruined private trackers
Did /ptg/ make fun of you too many times?
torrentbytes is gg.. i got a .6 ratio for a long time and they never got mad at me. i think its fair to seed but its just autism to get everything to 1.0
>le epic /g/ay humour
>You actually tried
kill bill vol 1
you're supposed to go seed something popular
Can we all agree that 312cuck is a faggot?

Good luck trying to find me cocksucker :^D
Deeply What a fucking little pathetic cunt
Both of you act like women obsessing over a man and it's gay and pathetic.
aww 312cuck gonna cry?
Oh, yes, very. So '''rekt'''
the BTN system is superior, time instead of amount of data
is anyone here willing to give me an invite to ptp or hdb? i'm only a part of KG and i have a 40 ratio with 3.77TB upload on there
lol no
that's fine. i'm pretty happy with KG as is, but i wouldn't mind having something else as well.
Wew, double sequential trips, this happens literally never
kek faggot
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shit ratios ITT desu
>thinking private trackers are worth it
top kek anon thats cute you got into a private tracker group with your little friends
>showing off bought ratio on a shitty tracker

bad form
>worth it
Worth what? Do you really think they're hard to get into? LMAO
>have to have a video interview via skype
>give up all your personal details including your SSN and mother's maiden name
>have to answer ridiculous questions
>will be blackmailed and/or blacklisted if you somehow piss the site mods off
Is that a joke? What kind of retard would ever join that site?
sent (;
It's a joke you fucking retard.
>Joined: 6 years, 9 months ago
Passthepopcorn is overrated as fuck. I can find a majority of what I want at rutracker.
>dem subs rules

Hail Britannia.
>not knowing poe's law
ok sure because your sarcasm was so obvious.
>I can find a majority of what I want

It's easy to find anything you want when you want Transformers 4.
not the same guy. some of us like to scare the normies by saying you have to give up your SSN to join but really, the only info they take is whatever spam email you created and the IP you torrent from, and even that can be concealed with a VPN.
wow g'day reddit.
>>have to have a video interview via skype
only what.cd
>>give up all your personal details including your SSN and mother's maiden name
just ip
>>have to answer ridiculous questions
>>will be blackmailed and/or blacklisted if you somehow piss the site mods off
oh no, you can't treat other websites like 4chan!!! how awful
if you weren't so autistic you would actually have friends
>It's easy to find anything you want when you want Transformers 4.
hardy har har

but I can find lots of movies there I want to watch, whether it be an old horror film, some art film or even a made for tv movie.
>being in a private tracker

Nigger why? What benefit is there other than being ordered around by virgins?
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>still using private or public trackers when there are direct download repositories
Get your shit together /tv/
Private trackers are basically the best way to torrent. Everything you want is seeded and everybody wants to help each other out.
I've almost never had an issue with finding torrents and downloading them, but I don't really pirate a lot of shit either. I guess if you do it all the time and need obscure stuff it may be helpful
Name one movie which has seeders on Private but not on public

Just 1
Nappun yeonghwa
Mozart in Love
Anticipation of the Night
Man, taraneh, panzdah sal daram
Tôkyô sensô sengo hiwa
Su-ki-da in HD

wow so this is how we get plebs to unconsciously out themselves.

We should have more generals about private trackers sucking and encourage everyone to put on a trip code.
You get bonus point just for seeding, even if no one downloads, and you can spend it on buying upload credit. That's how I got my 2.0+ ratio.

Just leave everything you download seeding 24/7 for years.
NEETs with their mom's laptop dont seed because they think the laptop will die and they will have to get a job to buy a new one
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>not using a ratio-less tracker like BTN

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