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Spider-Man: Homecoming

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>The film begins with Spider-man thwarting a bank heist in the beginning of the morning, taking down all of the thugs except for one. The final robber and threatens to blow the head off his victim if Spider-man doesn't let him go. Spider-man responds by doing nothing except for flashing the Spider Signal on him and threatening to summon the spiders, which scares the thug into surrendering. Peter collects pictures he took of the event to turn into the Daily Bugle after school.

>While the police are collecting witness statements, one woman says "Daredevil saved us!" and she's corrected by another guy who explains that it was their friendly neighborhood Spider-man. Spidey is met with appraisal by the people of New York, and the title card appears.

>As soon as he takes of the costume, life starts shitting on him. Peter arrives late for school and misses a test that he is unable to make-up. He's basically invisible to everyone except Harry and the students who think that he's loser. Liz Allen however, who is dating Flash Thompson, seems to have a thing for Peter. Flash is obviously jealous of Peter and is constantly trying to instigate with him, but Peter never budges. Harry tries to get Peter to join the Homecoming Dance Committee that he and Liz are a part of but Peter declines, explaining that he has enough on his plate with school and making up the work he misses.

>After school, Peter turns in the photos to J. Jonah Jameson whose excuse for underpaying Peter is getting the pictures to him late, despite having had to go to school and being the only pictures of Spider-man foiling the robbery since the criminals took out the cameras. JJJ reveals that one of the thugs (by the name of Herman Shultz) actually got away with some of the money and JJJ twists the story into accusing Spider-man of working with the criminals, allowing them to get away before the police arrive.
>Peter returns home to get chastised from Aunt May who's received a call home from school about Peter's chronic tardiness. Peter responds by handing her the little money he got from freelancing at the Bugle. She goes easy on Peter, realizing he's been trying to do a lot for May after losing Uncle Ben and the house. Because of his age and the city, Peter is unable to find any other work. May tries to set Peter up on a date with a friend's niece who she's been trying to for weeks, but Peter declines, using schoolwork as the usual excuse.

>Norman Osborn's "Oscorp" boomed in productivity shortly after the collapse of SHIELD, hiring many of its scientists and resources. It is a fast growing enterprise, perhaps one of the fastest, projected to rival even Stark Industries within the next decade. Many of the world's top scientists are employed at Oscorp, from Adrian Toomes to Otto Octavius. The former is the antagonist of the film, while the latter, among others, is just name-dropped.

>Toomes lives alone with his daughter and has earned the nickname of "the Vulture" for making a career out of refurbishing old or dying scientific advances in fresh, innovative ways. His newest venture is a winged exosuit based off of the technology used by Iron Man, War Machine and the Falcon. Unable to create a battery or arc-reactor powerful enough to run the suit, the proto-type is only able to run on the wearer's vitals for a short amount of time.

>Osborn suggests human test trials, but Toomes argues that it would be illegal and unethical as the suit is not ready. Prolonged exposure would lead to fatally ill side-effects, causing the wearer to age rapidly after removing the suit. Osborn has the tests run behind Toomes' back anyways, and the human subjects age rapidly just as Toomes had predicted.
When Toomes learns Osborn ran the tests behind his back, Osborn convinces Toomes that the suit is a success. Though he believes Osborn, the lie isn't enough to ethically convince Toomes to allow Osborn to get away with his crimes. He threatens to reveal Osborn as the fraud he is and in response, Osborn frames Toomes, hoping the scandal will be public enough to get the project the funding it needs.

>With his name slandered, Toomes himself breaks into Oscorp to destroy the exosuit. When security corners Toomes, he puts on the exosuit himself and breaks out of Oscorp. He returns home to his daughter and explains that they have to leave. She refuses to leave with a criminal, and Toomes is forced to escape alone into an abandoned warehouse that he makes his new base of operations. Though he is tempted to exact his revenge on Osborn, he chooses not to go down that path, believing he's already done enough to slander his own name and lose his daughter. Toomes begins experiencing the side effects and accelerated aging.

>He plans to break back into Oscorp to get the research and technology he needs to revert the side-effects. Until then, he creates a way to reverse engineer the suit to feed off of other's life forces instead of his own, through the talons. He uses it on rodents and small animals to keep the suit from killing him. but believe that eventually they will not be enough.

>Peter Parker gets into a fight with Flash Thompson for "flirting with his girl" where he decides not to fight back and Flash hits him directly in the jaw. While Parker plays the punch off as if it hurt immensely, Flash tries to play off the punch as if it didn't almost shatter his hand. Among other issues, the fight is the last straw for Liz, and the two break up. Liz begins showing more interest in Peter, and Peter has no idea how to handle it.
>Peter reveals to Harry that he really has been crushing on Liz for some time, and Harry Osborn pushes Peter to make his move. Because their relationship has just ended, Peter responds that "he isn't some kind of vulture", following it up with "But he is." after discovering that Toomes is attacking Oscorp. Harry is freaking out because his father might be there, but Peter has to come up with an excuse so that he can go stop Toomes.

>Spider-man arrives as The Vulture leave Oscorp and the two duke it out in the city. Spider-man cracks on his old appearance and tries to rips out his flight systems, but Toomes explains that the flight systems are the most well protected parts of the suit. Spidey accidentally goes for the life-support system not realizing what it is, and Toomes has no choice but to escape with what he has and begin draining the energy of innocent victims.

>With Oscorp's private research and encrypted files, Toomes learns of a secret formula Norman had developed known as "OZ". Toomes believes that if he can replicate the OZ serum once more, it can reverse the accelerated aging and cure the side effects of the Vulture exosuit. There were no human test subjects, only animals, but he believes that it works and he can be the first. Until then, Toomes begins stealing the components he believes he needs to replicate the OZ formula, knowing that soon enough his talons won't be eventually begins to drain the life from living humans.

>Harry is upset at Peter for leaving when he was worried about his father, but Peter makes it up for him by deciding to join the Homecoming Dance Committee, much to Liz's excitement and Flash's disappointment. Flash's hand is put in a caste after the fight with Peter, but he blames it on punching a wall because he missed Liz so much.
>J. Jonah Jameson
Who plays him?!
>The Homecoming Committee decides on making the school dance "Avenger" themed. While some of the faculty advise against this because of the controversy surrounding he Avengers as of late, the students outnumber the faculty and vote for theme virtually unanimously. Peter is always late to meetings because of Spider-man and the Bugle, but one day Harry offers to be Peter's wingman and gives Peter the courage he needs to ask out Liz. Peter offers to take Liz to the Oscorp Science Fair; at first she is weary, until he explains that it's just one of many activities at the carnival later that night.

>Toomes discovers his daughter Valeria is at the carnival and goes there to visit her, where he offers her the money and wealth he has been amassing for her. Valeria however shuns her father, considering him a monster for what he's done. She rejects him and the money, and Toomes considers this the final straw before declaring revenge on Osborn once and for all. When Peter meets Liz at the carnival, the Vulture begins his attack on the carnival to find Osborn. Spider-Man is forced to appear and battle Vulture, who gains the upperhand this time around.

>Osborn tells Toomes what he already knows, that the OZ formula was tested on various animals and never given human trials, and it was a failure. Toomes tells Osborn that he's turned him into a monster in the eyes of his daughter, and Osborn explains that he's done that himself. The suit's upgrades keep Peter from damaging the life support system same way as before, and Toomes uses his talons to drain Peter's energy, restoring youth and granting strength like never before. While Peter doesn't age, he is weakened immensely. Osborn makes his escape, causing Toomes to leave.
>Tony unexpectedly picks up Peter from the carnival, and the two discuss Toomes on the way home. Stark reveals that he doesn't trust Osborn, and not just because he leads a rival company. The Accords keep Tony from directly helping stop Toomes, but he he can indirectly help Peter. Peter asks for schematics on the Iron Man and Falcon suits, and Stark tells them they're a little to advanced for him. When he shows them to Peter on a holoprint, Peter blows Tony away by understanding the tech immediately and building Toomes's suit from scratch. On the drive home, Peter and Tony figure out how to create an anti-magnetic inverter to stop Toomes without killing him. Peter also discusses the difficulty of balancing his responsibility with living a normal teenage life.

>Right before he drops him off, Stark also reveals he saw Peter spill the spaghetti with Liz and gives him some advice on how to deal with women. When Peter asks what Tony looks for in a woman, Tony says redheads. Peter says it's a shame he doesn't know any. Aunt May tries to set Peter up with a date to the Homecoming Dance, but Peter as usual doesn't trust his Aunt and rejects it. After the weekend is over, Flash berates Peter in front of Liz for being too afraid of the Vulture to stay with her at the Carnival, to which Peter immediately responds by asking her to the Homecoming Dance. Liz accepts the invitation, and Flash is left looking like a fool.

>The night of the dance, Peter receives a package from Stark containing the inverter. He stuffs it into his pocket and heads out to the dance to meet with Liz. Shortly after he arrives, The Vulture crashes the Midtown High Homecoming Dance to kidnap Harry. Peter switches into his Spider-man costume and realizes that the inverter is in his dress pants' pockets.
Ice Cube
>When he finally retrieves it, he discovers it doesn't work unless it's within close range. Toomes realizes exactly what it is and destroys it before he can get close enough. Spidey eventually takes the battle outside where Flash Thompson and a few others run after to watch. Toomes realizes Spider-man is going out of his way to keep the casualties and collateral damage to a minimum (save for crashing through a cheap ice sculpture of the Avengers that leaves Tony, Vision, and half of War Machine. You know which half.)

>He fires at the roof of the school to try collapse the gymnasium. He uses the distraction to take Harry and escape. Spider-man is able to save everyone in the gymnasium, and seeing that Liz is alone, assures her that Peter made it home safe. He webs her hand to Flash and tells them to make up. Liz is grossed out by the webbing, while Flash states that he's never washing his hand again.

>Spider-man heads over to Oscorp to meet with Norman who's just recieved a message from Toomes with directions to his abandoned warehouse, telling him to go alone. Norman follows his orders and Spider-man stays behind at Oscorp to fix the inverter. When Norman arrives, Toomes shows Harry all of the illegal experiments that Norman was responsible for. At first Harry backs away from his father, until his father twists the facts and explains everything he's done is for him and the memory of their mother.

>Harry forgives his father, and with his plan in shambles, Vulture prepares to kill Norman Osborn. Spider-Man leaps in the way, just in time, giving the Osborns ample time to escape. Peter takes the battles into the skies and throughout New York City, even passing by the old Avengers tower. The battle ends near Oscorp when Peter uses an amplified version of the inverter, and Toomes is caught in between two buildings like a fly caught in a web.
>Liz gets back together with Flash. As a result, however, Flash's dislike for Peter has been replaced with a fanboy love for Spider-man. Osborn destroys all evidence that could ruin his name, and Toomes is put in jail. Toomes is visited by Osborn and says it's only a matter of time before the public realizes what Osborn really is and he ends up in prison with Toomes. Osborn responds by saying that perhaps one day he can find it in his heart to forgive Toomes, and maybe, just maybe, he'll allow him to work for him again.

>Peter learns Midtown High is holding a second Homecoming Dance, thanks to the donation of an anonymous benefactor. Peter is tired and decides he wants nothing to do with it, especially after blowing his chances with Liz. Aunt May reveals she's already arranged a date for him to go with, someone she's been trying to set him up with for the entire film. Mary Jane is waiting at the door with her famous "Face it Tiger, you just hit the the jackpot."

>Peter freaks out when Aunt May reveals Stark stopped by to drop off "a new suit", only to realize it's a suit for the dance with a note that reads "Go get 'em."

>Peter arrives at the new Homecoming dance with Mary Jane to find that this time around, the dance's theme is Spider-Man.

>The midcredits scene is Osborn rewatching video footage of Peter Parker getting bitten by the spider during a field trip to Oscorp. He has been tracking Peter's progress during all of this time.

Everything from early script drafts.
Thanks Jon
So its an another spider man reboot?
No it's a sequel to Raimi's Spiderman
You're lying. The leaked synopsis OP posted has no racial slurs
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I hope this is true. Thats a great gag in the comics
Idris Elba, if his 007 schedule allows for it.
>one of the thugs (by the name of Herman Shultz) actually got away

Wait so they mention the Shocker but don't actually use him? I hope he will appear in the sequel because I think he is one of Spider-Man's coolest enemies.
Which is probably why it is true because Marvel does a good job of putting iconic gags from the comics into their films.
doesn't sound like shit at all

J K Simmons wants to. They'd be fucking idiots not to have him back.
They mentioned Doc Ock too, it seems they are setting up several villains with this movie
So you just used the first movie from the two spidey movies and the rumors? Really good fan-fic mate.
I like this situation
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If it's true then that's pretty good.
The donor is 100% Tony Stark right?
>Face it Tiger, you just hit the the jackpot.

The fuck? I'm supposed to be a spider, not a tiger
If this is fake, you should write screenplays for a living because your structure is perfect
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Ebin fanfic
I love it.
I hate that it jerks off MCU so bad, but it sounds really solid.
>Peter collects pictures he took of the event

So he managed to take pics while actively engaged in the situation? I call bullshit.
Honestly if they go with this script and cast Simmons we might actually have a decent Spider-Man movie on our hands

He's always done that. He sets up cameras with a timer and takes dozens of shots, then picks the best ones to sell. A lot of the time he intentionally plays for the camera to get good shots.
This sounds really bad. It's the same old Spider-Man film we've seen several times. They need to do some new, original things.
It seems pretty obvious, he wants Peter to get laid.
Marvel only cares about shilling the next movie, not actually building a cohesive world.
This honestly sounds pretty bad. The villain sounds idiotic as usual and Peter sounds like a Mary Sue.

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Half the plot beats sound straight out of Spectacular Spider-Man. Now that Sony and Disney are friends, continuation when?
Sounds pretty generic. How will it top Civil War?
That shit had no business being as good as it was
This sounds fun.
Whi is going to be Bonesaw?
>Zendaya is Liz
>Revolori is Harry
But then who is Harrier? She's supposed to be "significant"
>Not saying they were saved by Deadpool.
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>Hey Spider-fag I want to eat your aunt's asshole out

Seriously Disney Presents a Marvel Studio film : Spider-Man: Homecoming in digital 3D ????
"You'll get your damn rent when I'm done fucking your aryan looking stepdaughter you fucking kike!"

I still miss Raimi.
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>Spidey is met with appraisal by the people of New York

Faulty grammar means you can't be taken seriously as an industry source. Do you know how much reading we have to do?
>Faulty grammar means you can't be taken seriously as an industry source
>he actually thinks people in Hollywood and in the movie industry can read or write
Just look at the fucking leaked Sony emails, they all write horrendously.
A new one every 3 years!
He should be like Q and Moneypenny and M, same actor no matter who plays Spiderman in the umpteenth dozen reboot
It sounds like a silver age comic cover
Well isn't that the question of the day.
>worked for billionaire, philanthropist, playboy, etc.
>still has to sell pictures
sounds boring familia
Honestly sounds really fun desu.

Morally grey villain, Osbourne gets to be a badass business man like lex is supposed to be, spiderman is really a HS kid, and he has to improvise some shit. + no deus ex machina from avengers and stuff.
How is the mcu going to survive without downey?
It's weird how rumors are saying the shoot has been a disaster, if that shit is true it could be pretty good.
>Tony and Peter bonding over tech
>Tony and Peter bonding over redheads
sounds awesome

Meme Lord, Scott Lang, Spider man, etc. They're investing in lots of potential characters to take Downey "charismatic" role.
None of them are on down here jr's level though

Is this movie before or after Civil War, will Peter still bond with Stark after he made him fight Captain America for some personal reason?


Yet, they have potential, Captain America and other heroes appeared in like 4 or mores movies and still didn't get people's attention like Starlord and Scott Lang did..
If we get a decent adaption of USM then I'll be happy.
thats why they are fucked after phase 3 and DC can finally take over
Who's gonna be MJ?
Meme lord is now more popular than downhere.

By far.
RDJ/Ironman isn't as popular as you think.

All the normies love Starlord.
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>Who plays him?!
>J K Simmons wants to
But Simmons has already been stolen by DC to play Commissioner Gordon.

Which, in that case leaves only one casting choice for Jameson...
The plot doesn't sound bad, I just hope the director won't go full cuck for Feige and make the movie bland
Tim Curry if he hadn't had a stroke
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>Peter returns home to get chastised from Aunt May who's received a call home from school about Peter's chronic tardiness. Peter responds by handing her the little money he got from freelancing at the Bugle. She goes easy on Peter, realizing he's been trying to do a lot for May after losing Uncle Ben and the house. Because of his age and the city, Peter is unable to find any other work. May offers to give Peter a footjob which she's been trying to do for weeks, but Peter declines, using schoolwork as the usual excuse.

Holy fuck how is this allowed? I thought this was a kids movie.
I love it just for the virtue of it not being another fucking origin story it
> caught between two buildings like a fly in a web.

Its like the twin towers spiderman teaser all over again.
>You fell harder than the world trade centre
Fucking hell
Also, it was filmed before 9/11, how did Raimi know?
Id say pure coincidence. Checked.
I like it. Those guys definitely got the inspiration from Spectacular Spider-man. Which is in no way a bad thing. SSM was one of the greatest cartoon ever made and seeing that Homecoming is following it I'm hoping for a trilogy worth of live action SSM with them covering Master Planner arc or Venom, possibly Carnage arc.

So far so good. Just hoping the costume won't be full CGI again this time. Just bring back TASM 2 suit. It's already perfect.
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Yep. This is really fucking it, it's Spidey alright. He has a million good stories as an adult, but being a teen was never fully explored in the movies and it works too fucking well. He's the quintessential self insert kid.
>TASM 2 suit
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Oh come on. The eyes are perfect. It's not too angry nor too neutral. Also the lining is just right. If they can somehow combine it with the eyes expression CGI method it'll be all set.
>lining is just right
There's too much webbing nigga. Should be spaced out like the Raimi suit. Rest of it was fine. Except the spider
What was the best Spider-Man TV show?
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>Toomes lives alone with his daughter and has earned the nickname of "the Vulture" for making a career out of refurbishing old or dying scientific advances in fresh, innovative ways.

Capeshit: not even once
>There's too much webbing nigga.
this better be a troll
Spectacular Spider-man. You should watch it.
I still hear the song
Fuck yes!! Tho he'd also make a great Osborne.
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Why do none of these leaks line up with the casting?

Budapest Hotel dude was announced as Peter's "rival / nemesis." You're telling me he's the Flash you're talking about? Doesn't sound right.

Nothing is known about middle girl

Nothing is known about girl on the right except her name is Michelle which is a name not in your "leaks"

I see RDJ absence being a good thing. Have the old Avengers do cameos here and there, only show up if the team-up is important enough. Honestly its a good thing for the MCU where they can actually start doing more instead of having things revolve around Tony. Either way, it will be MCU's chance to either adapt and stay on top or crash.

I don't think DC can turn things around if they keep going with Snyder's direction.
>May tries to set Peter up on a date with a friend's niece who she's been trying to for weeks, but Peter declines, using schoolwork as the usual excuse.
Why doesn't May just date Peter?
Sony Presents faggot not disney a Sony movie
Yeah, it is legal

Too risqué for disnep
First of all, gay.
Second of all, stupid.
Green Goblin, Shocker, and the Vulture are in this movie?
And a new, made-up love interest?

I wanted a Kraven movie, desu.
Sounds pretty fun. Shame it probably isn't real
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BREAKING NEWS: This quipshit has been permanently shelved. Raimi is returning for Spider-Man 4 and bringing the entire original cast including Toby, Dunsty, JK Simmons, old Aunt May etc.

Pic related has signed on for Mysterio

I visited home last fall and went through some old boxes in my parent's house, found a bunch of drawings from when I was a kid. A LOT of Spider-man stuff.

I remember thinking about how crappy and edgy they were. Turns out they were actually pretty bang on.

I resent this.
He'd probably make a GOAT JJJ
If their relationship gets to that point Tony should just give Peter a well-paid job at Stark Industries and it will solve like, 70% of Spidey's main problem in his daily life. Also, no more JJ Jameson,,,
Miserable hope has found
The plot feels quite repetitive with Vulture ruining an event where Peter is attending, but overall I think its quite exciting.

Also, Iron Man cant do anything about the Vulture just because the Accord, why? Different city?

Ratchet and Clank
>Holy fuck how is this allowed?
I bet Raimi's secretly involved
>Liz Allen
> made up
The fact that Tony can solve all of Peter's financial woes, but doesn't, bothers me.

I know the circumstances are part of his mythos, and I don't want to see them changed, but what excuse can Tony come up for making his life so much more difficult than it has to be? It builds character?
I want this more than I want most things. Why couldn't they have just brought back tugboat as Spidey and pretended he was retired for a while.
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What is Tony welfare? His money now should go away from improving humanity but to prop up lazy people? Let me guess, you #FeelTheBern?
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>She goes easy on Peter, realizing he's been trying to do a lot for May after losing Uncle Ben
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>spider-man having trouble knocking out some geriatric
>mary-jane again
>ultimate version of his origin
>tony showing up for no reason

This is fucking shit and I hope it's fake.
Too wierd, she just settles for fucking him every night
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Sure, it sounds great and all, but
>1) Who's playing Spidey?
They'd have a hard time topping Tobey and he's way too old.
>2) Who's directing?
They can't top Raimi and he's probably not allowed to do it.
>3) Who's playing JJJ?
No Simmons, you might as well write out the character.
This seems really, really great boys but I'd like it to be a spiritual successor to the Raimi films instead of another Amazing Spider-Man garbagefest.
Does this mean we're getting Agent Venom?
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I really like it.

>write a fanfiction
>put it all in spoilers
>add picture of an upcoming movie as OP
>250 replies
I hope so, Flash joins the Army because of his wanting to be a hero, also chance to ham fist in "muh wars" for Hollywood... he gets his legs blown off because of being a hero.... comes back home and his alcoholic dad calls him a cripple drives him to drink, meanwhile the only saving grace in his life is that the people like spider-man as much as he does. Venom movie happens, Hank Pym gets his hand on the venom symbiote and finds out about Flash a cripple that likes spider man and is prone to addiction, tells him the symbiote has been neutered and isnt dangerous and that he can go back to work with the government. symbiote recognizes Flash's love for spider man and the symbiote's desire to be spider-man again make a positive bond... there you go. Agent Venom.
More like
>genius teenage scientist capable of reconstructing vultures suit from scratch
>doesn't use his intelligence for money fame bitches and coke
only reason i hope these new spider man movies are good is venom. i want to see a faithful venom movie adaption so fucking bad it hurts.

where is my burly psycho symbiote?!

But what becomes of Brock, just non existent or won't happen yet? I want Anti-Venom more than Agent Venom but both would be great.

Also how do you imagine the symbiote suit getting to Earth? I can see Peter getting it in Infinity War or maybe the Captain Universe power but introducing it via Guardians would be the best shot at doing things. Then again I'd like to see Peter just smash things up in a giant mecha as a nice call back to the Japanese Spider-Man show.
Well MJ is currently dating Stark in the comics
>DC taking over
>with Hack Snyder at the helm
Peter probably declined, to maintain his secret identity and safety
Honestly the symbiote(s) would make a great edgy mcu franchise
Have agent venom teaming up with toxin doing a good guy bad guy sorta thing , hunting down carnage only for axis to happen (throw in a deadpool cameo for free money) and have carnage become a loveable rouge in the final movie.
Would be great especially as agent venom joins GOTG and explores the symbiote planet , would be a nice way to tie the two together

He is a republican, he doesn't believe in handouts
I fucking loathe comic books but this page was pretty funny
Best capeshit news in years. Would be so pumped
>the accords stop Tony from helping

Cap was right, what a useless act
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I teared up a bit, and it was sincerely unironic
>no 2 second clip of Thanos buying some milk at the space-mart after the credits

Hard flop incoming

Don't the accords stop Spider-Man from acting freely?
so let me get this straight

Marvel is behind the screenwriting, the story etc of this movie. yet Sony will get all the box office money?

what the fug
Nope Raimi's movies were shit. He should fuck off make they Superman movie he obviously wanted to make.
Feige here, gonna put it in the script just cause it looks like you guys like it
>Also, Iron Man cant do anything about the Vulture just because the Accord, why? Different city?
It seems pretty small scale, maybe the UN don't deem it a big enough problem?
He's not an Avenger.
Imagine you've lost your kid on a technicality
And the state-assigned foster parents aren't feeding them properly or buying them books for school

You'd still send food and books even if you didn't get your kid back wouldn't you? Because you care about their well-being, even without you
And because Spiderman needs to be successful this time so the MCU continues to make shitloads of money for disney and they don't have to awkwardly reboot him again
>I need to be a contrarian because I'm on 4chan and that's what you're supposed to do

Vulture is a good, sympathetic villain for the first movie out. One that hasn't been explored in a live action movie yet.

>spider-man having trouble knocking out some geriatric
If you read it, he's a man who suffers from advanced aging with a technologically advanced super suit. He's not some geezer.

>mary-jane again
Mary Jane is a main character. Obviously she will be a part of it. Besides, she wasn't really a part of the Amazing Spider-man movies.

>ultimate version of his origin
What's wrong with the ultimate version? It's one of the more popular versions of spiderman,

>tony showing up for no reason
Tony showed an interest in helping Peter out in Civil War. They're friends.
Isn't this movie set before civil war?
I doubt it. That would mean he has his shitty homemade suit that Tony finds in Civil War.
Most definitely after Civil War. Tony and Peter never met before CW.
>rumors are saying the shoot has been a disaster
They're not even shooting yet.
Where'd you get that image? Is there a new PV I missed?
Disney gets all profit from merchandise, IIRC.
Best game
>Osborn is to Peter as Aizen is to Ichigo
It was all apart of his plan, wasn't it?
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>evil Oscorp tracking Peter ALL THIS TIME
they didn't learn did they
Fuck off
spotted the redditor
Spotted the autist
see >>69695255
t. reddit autist
kill yourself faggot
Holy FUCK that sounds shit.
File: spidey is a fucking normie.png (276KB, 621x562px) Image search: [Google]
spidey is a fucking normie.png
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Honestly it sounds better then any of the Amazing Spider Man movies and 3, but I'm hoping that they can pull of the vibe right.

Also I looked up Liz Allen and got this shit.
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>Vulture is a good, sympathetic villain
Vulture is fucking boring, he's a C-lister at best.

>If you read it, he's a man who suffers from advanced aging with a technologically advanced super suit. He's not some geezer.
So... he's old. And he's human, Spider-man shouldn't have problems knocking him out. There's no reason to have a drawn out fight with him. He creamed Falcon with no effort in CW, but Vulture is giving him trouble?

>Mary Jane is a main character.
She's overdone and frankly a bad match for Peter. It would have been nice to give Liz or Betty some love, but no, it has to be MJ again.

>What's wrong with the ultimate version?
>le villain created the hero and the hero created the villain meme

>Tony showed an interest in helping Peter out in Civil War. They're friends.
Except he doesn't really do anything in this one.
Stark dropping off the new "suit" is too good for this to be some shitty fanfic. I bet this is legit.
sounds alot like the Spectacular Spiderman show, which honestly was really good.
Zendaya will probably be Liz honestly, the patel looking arab shit will probably be a nerd who competes with Peter, and middle nigress probably one of the popular black girls from Liz's group. I think Michelle is just a cover up name
whats the deal with every single spider man villain ultimately being a good guy who just went crazy for a short time? think about it. from the raimi movies to the new garfiled movies its been the same shit
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