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>Wonder Woman is getting her story updated for a new generation

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>Wonder Woman is getting her story updated for a new generation by the acclaimed author Grant Morrison next year, in a graphic novel titled "Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 1".
>Not only is her origin story going to be a bit different, but her companion, Steve Trevor, is getting a massive update. Grant Morrison explains:
>"Steve Trevor was always sort of this boring, blonde, blue-eyed dude and that just didn’t cut it in the modern world. I wanted some diversity. But I also thought that was a much more potent idea to have Steve Trevor as a Black man. It’s much more powerful in the context of everything that Marston [WW's creator] was doing [in the 1940s] and everything that Wonder Woman is about."

I wish this was just an April 1st joke, but it isn't. Do you agre with him? Also, is there a chance they'll change the Steve Trevor actor for WW's 2017 movie to reflect this new origin?


This is the souce, by the way. Interview was posted on March 30.
Why do you care?
Earth one is a Elseworld, not canon so stop being a faggot.
>she fucks a black guy

Fuck off Grant if you think this is clever writing.

>DC deals with multiverse
>"this universe is canon and this one isn't"

>Michael Richards
>racist post
lol that picture is great, seems to me WW would need a big dig
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>Wonder Woman getting blacked

this has happened before. he was dating a Black guy iirc in the late 90's or 2000s, but before Infinite Crisis
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The only one that matters



Freudian slip
What's racist about his post?
>she fucks a black guy
they're called afro americans Michael
>Black guy instead of nigger.

You had one job.
They should make her gay too.
a-a-april fools
Nothing, I was just not paying attention and got excited at seeing "black guy" in a Michael Richards post
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>a black man

Morrison, you cheeky cunt.

>It’s much more powerful in the context of everything that Marston [WW's creator] was doing [in the 1940s] and everything that Wonder Woman is about."

This sounds more like it though, could be interesting as I'm sure Morrison has actually read Marston's stuff and not just a qucik skim of his wiki page.
If he wanted diversity he should of just made her a lesbian. At least that makes sense, 'dude is boring and doesn't cut it in the modern world because I say so' is worthless.
I still don't get why Wondie wants a stronk man instead of some fuccboi. She hates man's world and shit,doesn't she?
Wonder Woman is a strong woman so I'm sure she'll don fine raising her child alone in the future.

Hey, /pol/ is always right, how do you feel about it manchildren?
no, she is curious about man's world. her sisters and mom hate it because of hercules and his raping ways, at least in the comics, and they pretty much think all men are rapists and perverts.
Not again Michael.. Chill out bro!
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It's okay lads, it's only in the comics. Only fucking losers read comics anyway.
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>Morrison thinks his stuff is better in the context of what Marston was doing than what Marston himself was doing

Morrison is a retard
He will die and her new love interest in modern days will be black
Thank you. My post isn't racist at all. It's about how obvious and shit this "update" is. It's not a creative decision it's obvious and fucking banal.
In some ways, saying "look he's a black guy now!" is fucking racist.
That makes the future black a cuck, though. He'll be getting White Steve's sloppy seconds.
Water is wert.
That's not how it works, Eddie
The cuck is always the first one
Na, Wondie and Steve will have a loving relationship, Steve will have a son called Chad then he'll die. Wondie then marries a black scientist ( :^) ) to be the father to her child and leaves him when Chad is old enough to live on his own, then she ends up with Batman.
So Power Girl, Supergirl and Wonder Woman are all coalburners now
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Heh, Wonder Woman, bastion of change

Personally I think it's a step in the right direction but we will only truly even START to be progressive when all super heroes are People of Color, anything else is just half measures.

I already anticipate racists being upset with this, but it really is a step in the right progressive direction.
Hell of a caucasian there, Jackie
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The worse thing is, Niggers killed his parents.
>Ever doubting Grant Morrison

Are you also going to complaint about Grant Morrisons Animal Man/WE3 whole animal rights thing??
>boring blue eyed dude
>so much better as a black man
How the fuck is this not racism?

White people can't experience true racism in america m8
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How is this allowed?
>dc tries the marvel method
This is too perfect.
The thing is, he's not a racist, that's what's so crazy about this.
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A nigger?
A toast

Animal Man sucks.
meme response, senpai
if the end result of Morrison's hippie magick left-leaning meta stuff is "blacks are potent, whites are boring" then fuck all his fruitcake nonsense
>shitty gal gadot gets blacked

Almost makes this ok
I know that's you, Cobbler. Get out of here you devilman
well it's not really racism if it's a white 50yo pudgy bald hippie who's tiny cock finds black men "more potent"
if modern batman lived in Rotterham he'd fight "asian" rape gangs by beating up japanese and korean men and the evil white cops who allowed shit to happen
I love when /tv/ talks about comics like they know anything.
You know it's not much better on /co/, right?
At least they can understand the concept of an alternate universe.
that's the saddest way to feel superior to a group of people
Like /tv/ when it comes to movies, despite never discussing a non-hollywood blockbuster.
yes it's not like killing joke or DKR or any alternate one off ever changed anything
>a fun and cheap read for children
Like the other Earth Ones prior to this, this will not change anything.
>trying to make a new wonder woman
>cast a fucking Israeli who can't even speak English without sounding like an alien

Fucking wow, DC.
What universe does this take place in? The Dark Worlds? BLACKED Universe?
Earth One.
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Except Grant Morrison is the greatest cape writer of his era and is about to save Wonder Woman the same way he did Animal Man, the Doom Patrol, the JLA, the X-Men, the Seven Soldiers, Superman, Batman, the New Gods, etc. and if you disagree remember you're dealing with the man that practically invented meme magic.
some of those were 20 years ago basically

It's like saying Moore's lovecraft nonsense or his shit about Nemo's daughter is good because of his 80s stuff

I'm sorry King Mob became tumblr
Diversity = black guy

Never an asian, or a latino, or a Samoan. When it comes to a diverse male love interest, it just has to be the BBC.

Multiversity and Nameless were great as anything he's done. Action Comics would have been if it wasn't for the artist.
nah sorry he lost his marbles during that crisis and batman nonsense where editors wouldn't tell him his high-concepts schtick became deepak chopra babble with barely any stories or character arcs (and at best he became like a bad dr who writer)

"If we use magick to see we are all one in the holographic quantum state Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey, the more potent bbc reigns supreme"
I wish all white women greeted black man by gripping their fat cocks.
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Why is it so wrong to be white?

Man you're just the fucking worst aren't you?

Meaningless surface level """criticism"""" because you're too stupid to understand a story with a irrelevant inapplicable /pol/ meme thrown in to hide behind.
>DC rebooting every charactarer again.
Damn it, at least mangos know when to "kill" a character and make the comic about their cousin or son or whatever.
MUH DIVERSITY is the new trend in comic books. Not actually because the artists genuinely WANT "diversity", but because these types of gimmicks are the only things that actually generate sales. Tackling controversy, killing off characters, and changing up origins every few months are essential to comic book survival.

Yeah batman travelling in time was awesome

Fucking numale nerds...

Meaningless surface level """criticism"""" because you're too stupid to understand a story with a irrelevant inapplicable /pol/ meme thrown in to hide behind.
>what if in an alternate universe the black american president is secretly superman just in time for the obama election
fuck off
Don't really mind them changing side characters' race in a different continuity. Unless they do some forced cringe-worthy racial subtext to the story.

>multiverse issue in a world where everyone's black has a President Superman whose black

I know you can't look at a bird in the sky without getting triggered but I'm grasping to figure out what exactly upsets you so much here.
Go on and tell us how relevant the scene was in that messy soup of a non-story written by a soft lazy-minded idiot who garbles every concept in his washed up bald head.

Morrison's a airhead that blows to the wind of the times.

It was foreshadowing for Multiversity
I used to get mad at Alan Moore for calling him a hack, but now I can kind of see where he's coming from.
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same here, i used to like Morrison and Moore a lot and that feud bugged me, but both are pathetic burnout hippies nowadays and it makes me see their previous work differently in hindsight

even before, when i'd hear Morrison going on about how climate change was just "like larvae turning into a cosmic butterfly" just ugh
His run on Batman is very overrated. Al he did was pull obscure from golden age comics and awkwardly try to modernise it.
You're the sort of aids skrillex nerd that made me stop reading his shit, the work was never something in itself, always some bullshit rorsharch test for fans to go "oh it's a trailer building up for the next shit you have to buy to maybe understand this bit" like some McFarlane/Liefeld tier nerds but wanting to look like a hipster caricature
That's what gets me. It wouldn't even be a big deal if they made shit actually DIVERSE. But no, in current year, a room full of nothing but black people is considered "diverse"
yeah with the exception of maybe the first 3 issues of batman&robin it was awful. The differing tones was all off and incoherent and the art and storytelling was some 90s spawn stuff. Complete mess.
"We're going to update this character and they're story"
>Makes one white side-character black and adds in vague terrorism metaphors
Dont worry. Once its released I will personally make Steve white and blonde page by page.

I will upload it to the web and it will be the definitive version. And there is nothing Morrison or reddit can do about it.
Flashpoint was elseworlds, and it's hypertime canon.
no (You)

I hope to christ this is trolling.
>boring old love story done a thousand times over
>with an exciting twist: the man is a nigger
When will this end?
I know, it's current year, come on
This isn't racist at all. Updating doesn't mean turning someone into a black person.
will white boys EVER recover from this?
Man stick to the cuck memes and capeshit cause you anons are pants on the head retarded when it comes to comics.
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the thing is if they want to add diversity make WW black not some 2-bit side character
Mass suicide when?
Steve is WW's Lois
>"But I also thought that was a much more potent (...) to have (...) a Black man. It’s much more powerful
Top kuk

Also lol at capital B in "black"
What is the implication here? Is batman going to kill Darren Wilson in this? Is he just going to beat him up? What then? This guy was never charged by the looks of it. If he really had a problem, he should have gone to Commissioner Gordon about it.

Also "How many cops have gone unpunished." is not a sentence. Did this go through and editor?
>many young black men have been shot
>it's too much to bear
huh I hate niggers now

Pretty late to the party desu senpai. Racism has been in for close to two years now.
Nothing, that's what's so crazy about it
But they can't black her in that case.
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>they pretty much think all men are rapists and perverts.
They're not wrong
>inb4 b-b-but i'm not that way
Well you're nu male
I hope normies wake up to this leftist fetishist bullshit either the jews or some sort of conspiracy is shoving down our throats.

Diversity == codeword for "more niggers". Not Hispanics, not Asians, not Slavics, not SE Asians, not actual Africans, but more American/UK niggers.

Been saying this for years and it's getting worse.
do you want to build a snowman?
Sometimes I hate this board and sometimes I fucking love it
As long as I can a qt negress wife then I'm happy
powergirl? when did this happen?
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Her first appearance was during World’s Finest #23.
They made her a teenager negress, probably to try to cash in on the succes of Muslim Marvel

>Wonder Woman committing sexual assault in issue one of her new origin story.

Fucking Kek!
Black females are near the lowest demographic on TV

Keep on hoping
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can't be a lefty bbc worshipper if you dont make the strong woman who needs no man drop her grumpy rules when it comes to a BBC

lol every white skinnyfat beta fuck would complain about her being sexualized if there wasn't a black dude forcefully taking her and a white cuck watching
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Reminder that current Marvel and DC are dead. This "death to white people" shit being preached to children makes me sick to my stomach.

fuckin lel. best get all day
He's fallen pretty far from his good days.

I'll always like his Animal Man though.
He is right though, a black character would be more interesting. He can play basketball in his spare time. Maybe he could be at his apartment and put on some RnB. Maybe he'll have a sassy female relative busting his balls.

It's funny, for all the racist shit you see on this board, these guys are the most racist of all.

"I have a great idea. Let's change the white guy into a black guy to show how diverse we are."
>"Great idea.What should his character be like?"
"Like every other black guy."
>"Ha ha, fabulous. Now that's done, lets go for some non-alcoholic beverages. Remember your man-scarves though guys, it is a bit chilly today"
Thank goodness Moore didn't write Lost Girls nowadays, that piece of shit would end up as a cuck wizard's suicide note and end as a isis' murder video (plus gangraping his wife and little daughter)
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This guy gets it. Besides Alan Moore there's no one close to him in the last 25 years.
Why do you care? I don't understand we Americans make such a big deal about PC culture. In Germany we have far more leftist than in even San Francisco, but most people don't care at all. You don't like a book, a movie or something? Don't buy it.
But you don't care, you want your ideology to win. Why?
I don't understand why* Americans
how long has he being meme-magicking his cuckness? It's like he became one of his characters, a zombie infected acting just as a carrier for a memetic virus

>black president superman x Luthor-ish evil white man
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Morrison thinks Wonder Woman using a sword is wrong because it's phallic imagery.

Even though she and other Amazons use swords in his own story and Marston had Wonder Woman using a sword sometimes too.
>why do americans have a spine? wait a minute, it's that time of day where i have to sacrifice my daughter to the ficky ficky gods
Americans don't have more spine than Europeans don't tell yourself comforting lies.
Some of this shit has already happened in past decades.

/tv/ faggots shouldn't really be talking /co/ business because it's the cringiest shit ever. Call them Tumblr, at least you're good at that.
"omg the white-patriarchal hero macho shit is so homoerotic and boring"
>big muscly muh bbc right in the 1st issue
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>Did this go through an editor?
i dont know what's worse, the 30yo writer getting by his editors by acting like he's hip to the girly tumblr/ livejournal mannerisms or the editor buying it

"but writer-bro, is this actually funny?"
>answers with a smug anime girl
it's a female writer literally from tumblr
she knows her audience
poor editor, he isn't even allowed to second guess this stuff

"yeah i guess we could go the yaoi road, those 21 cat ladies pirating our comics on scans daily should be our readership"
I agree Kramer.
there are actual tumblrinas writing these, see Arrow (or mass effect 3 or dragon age). It's not just the writers pandering and winking like Supernatural or whatever
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I just finished "flex mentallo". It's a pretty great read Morrison is not usually the type to pander. This seems abit cliche though, so maybe he isnt above the diversity quota
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>Also "How many cops have gone unpunished." is not a sentence.
Yes, it is. Do you not understand how dialogue (or monologue) is written? Do you not understand vernacular?
That cant be real
I find Flex Mentallo by far his best work and I only read any superhero work of his just hoping he'd continue the meta/ magick thread of that book but he never did anything like that again
>I wanted some diversity
Why does "diversity" mean "black American man" 99% of the time?
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