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why is noone talking about this https://www.youtube.com/wat

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why is noone talking about this

>another capehsit thread

Fuck off loser
It's been talked about. It's trash.
Everytime anyone on 4chan thinks about saying something like "Why no one talked about this" one has to realize there's probably already 10 threads about it earlier.
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Underaged kids on this site are too immature to care about a female lead.
Instead they just resort to MUH STRONK WIMYN meme or don't comment at all
Fuck off with this shit OP
What is this lack of expression trying to convey?
Honestly no one gives a shit about a Wonder Woman movie. This whole feminism bs and how women don't have a super hero movie will be shown why when this comes out. It's gonna bomb, hard. No one actually gives a shit. The women who complain about how there is no woman super heroe aren't really gonna go watch this capeshit. Capeshit is for dumb ass dudes like us.
I don't watch movies that have women in the lead role because I'm not a cuck
To be fair, 90% of the time the only reason the characters are ever female is because of 'le stronk wimyn meme'. Every strong female character has the same personality
> Jewish anorexic plays an amazon warrior

Out of all the female actresses they picked this one. When there's people like Gina Carano and Alexandra Dadario.

If she had at the very least built some muscle I'd be happy.
Because noone cares.
The only female superhero i care about is power girl.
But she's KIND and FIERCE, anon ;^)
They'll make her put on some muscle if this argument stays as part of the critical reception after the movie's ended
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She's supposed to look like this
So was Captain America, at least he went from twink to bodybuilder. (I know you're just kidding but I had to say it)

Perhaps, but doubtfull imo. Hollywood doesn't like muscle on women.
>wonder woman is one of the best super heros out there
she's girl superman
>Perhaps, but doubtfull imo. Hollywood doesn't like muscle on women.
She'll at least look lean, not actually properly muscular. DC doesn't know what the fuck to do anymore, you can tell at this point they're gonna have to start doing what fans say
this film is going to flop female only lead doesn't sell

this aint the 60s nigga wonderwoman isnt popular
so supergirl?
Looks like a TV show covered in shitty filters to appear cinematic
>that greygreen filter
Good call to show it off first on the CW seeing as it looks like a CW production.
>has super speed
>rides a horse
is wonder woman human?

sorry i don't know my marvel

>still no dialogue for Gal Gadot

Fucking hilarious, they know the second she opens her mouth it's fucking over.
she's an Amazon Warrior Princess molded from clay
She's the thor of DC.
She's like, a godly creation out of clay
why does she wear the american flag on her costum then

is she an immigrant

Well isn't she like after Superman and Batman DC's most famous superhero? And seriously what's up with their fucking casting? A skinny jew for Wonder Woman, a nerdy tiny jew for Lex Luthor and a 44 year old edgelord pretending to be 13 for the Joker?

Her origin's changed, she's a demigod born of an Amazon and Zeus.

Also her costume resembles an American flag because in one origin a female american pilot got stranded on Themiscyra and died saving some amazons so to pay tribute to her they made armor based on the symbol on her crashed plane.
That's the french flag, ameritard
Why is Kevin Smith there and why isn't he crying
Why would they give a leading role to a nobody like Gal Gadot? How is this supposed to stack up with the other super hero films?
it's not :)

He is DC's greatest author of all time.
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>that picture
>that appropriate filename
holy fuck I'm mad at how shitty this show turned out to be
Most of the other JL members are nobodies.
That's not the problem. The problem is that she's barely an actress and doesn't look the part.
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is Santa real too, in comics?

holy shit this is getting 2manchildren4me
Yeah she's roughly as animated as a wooden plank in other roles i've seen her in.
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>tfw no Michelle Rodriguez as Wonder Woman

1) she's a jew
2) she's part of one of the most successful franchises ever, see: Fast and the furious (4 movies total)
3) jew
4) jew
5) JEW

Watch this fucking interview about her being a "strong" female character



They have holiday specials with Santa yeah.
>molded from clay
you know what else is made from clay?
jewish poetry
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marvel on some kina hol up suicide watch
Oh boy, what a cutie.
I for one am excited and piqued for the upcoming films brought to us by DC Films, starring DC Comics characters, especially Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Wonder Woman!
>Can't even put on an accent for the movie

And she's just rambling in that interview, wtf.
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You forgot your ™, © and ®
Too lazy to be honest.
I think Galdot is literal 10/10 though and cannot wait to masturbate violently at the theaters to her as Wondie.
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>let's use slow motion to highlight how she's not hitting them
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>the best fighter in the DC universe
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they are still making ps3 games?
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>let's use filters to make everything look like it was filmed in the deep sea
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That spin kick looks so unnatural. Power rangers had better fighting scenes
>it's another fighting scene inspired by visionary director zack snyder scene
>Gal Gadot on playing Wonder Woman: The Amazons are these misunderstood people who have been attacked and hunted throughout history, but still struggle to guide the outside world along the right path. As an Israeli woman, there's a sub-text there, with Hitler, Palestine- There's a lot of subtext.
>she stands for equality
>men aren't worth saving though

th-thanks feminism
>[the amazons believe] men aren't worth saving
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If it's in WWI why are they using WWII uniforms?
Why is she fighting Germans when the Nazi party didn't even exist yet?
If this is set in 1918 shouldn't she be fighting in the Jewish Communist revolt in Germany?

I guess Americans don't get taught about the German Revolution of 1918. Do they just think Hitler randomly picked the Jews? Do they think the German populace backed the Nazi party so hard for no reason?

>directed by a woman
>Gina Carano will never physically dominate you while Gal Gadot humiliates you about liking it
Who are they talking about?

Jimmy Olsen
Didn't Geoff Johns say the Amazons don't think they're worthy to save humanity?

> Using a wire pull in a back heel kick

Wait, so even the stunt women were nonathletic?
>while Gal Gadot humiliates you about liking it

I'd rather have Gene Shalit do it.
Happens all the time in american film. I watched Manhattan and there was a scene from WW1 and the germans had the reichsadler and swastikas on their helmets. Fucking stupid.
Jesus Christ that interview.
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>kevin's smith's face as hes trying to explain her convoluted, out of place and unrelatable backstory
She's sided with the Americans/British/French because Chris Pine's character falls in her Island and she brings him back. Those aren't WWII uniforms.

I agree she shouldn't be completely against the Germans, specially seeing she even hurts (or kills) one with her sword.
>those whiteknights
>that 6/10 cosplay
That's Gadot. Which could explain why the coreography is shit. She's doing her own stunts trying to prove how awesome she is.

you SURE that's Gadot? The way the camera is always fixed behind her head or the hair blocks her face has me skeptical as fuck.
She looks stunning, dev can pull off high class woman role.
>those aren't WWII uniforms
>greatcoats with standard dress
>wearing stahlhelms which were first worn amongst the Wehrmacht in 1935

>feminist icon
>she stands for equality

What the fuck? Fuck off.
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God, this looks awful. Alan Moore was right
She goes against her people by declaring that men are worth saving, which is why she stands for equality.

If you were a woman, maybe you'd be able to understand the synthesis of two ideas.
They used Marvel's Hippolyta image when he was talking about Wonder Woman's mother on his videocast
To be fair they look like m1916 stahlhelm and not the more modern ones.
I wish /pol/ would be wrong for a change.
Stahlhelms were used in WWI, retard
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Literally trying to sell the movie on equality and female empowerment bullshit.

Another one-dimensional female lead incoming
They look like Austrian M17s. That or they're M1933 and the prop designers (and most likely the audience) don't care.

Men understand it, because men made this character and world, just like everything else.

Maybe if women weren't so devoid of creativity, you could make your own.
I really don't care about Wonder Woman and I really don't care about Gal Gadot, but why is it that she constantly looks like she's either mid-shit or just shit her pants and doesn't want anyone to know in every single shot they've shown of her?
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Because that's called ACTING
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You know I was thinking how depressing it must be to be one of the 11 people on earth who actually wants real, relatable, human female characters in modern story, but your desire gets clumped in with the retarded mob who is satisfied with garbage characters like Rey and SuperFem and generic YA Heroine #28491. It must be so disheartening, I legitimately feel bad for those people.

Welcome to the modern female character, I guess.
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The funniest part is that she made Wonder Woman "down to Earth" on her run, but in a retarded way.
Wonder Woman: What We Thought of the First Footage - IGN Video


Unbelievable, IGN says, Gadot is the most beautiful woman in the galaxy.
This can't be real.

>jewish openly pro israeli anti palestine skeleton plays feminist icon

Hmmm, jee, i dunnow
Thank you, first time I've seen this mentioned.
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Sexiest Woman Alive 2016
We know it
who the fuck is Noone and why does she cares?

>wearing a shirt like that for an interview

Thanks for letting us know you didn't do JACKSHIT for this role.
god, comic book universes would suck to be in where your phone/tv get's hacked all the time to display videos of neckbeards with a green screen talking down superheroes
>likes/dislikes hidden
>comments disabled
every fucking time
your "joke" isn't funny fucking samefag
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I wish I could get a job censoring and editing media for public consumption

>you will never work in the Ministry of Truth
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>Lynda Carter will not appear in new 'Wonder Woman' film
>Speaking with the Washington Post Wednesday, Carter's publicist Pete Sanders put an end to the rumors stating that she will not be featured in 2017's Wonder Woman, but said that she is still excited about the revival. "She wishes its success," he said.


>isn't Hippolyta

Damn shame, that would've been perfect. Geez though she was even in Dukes of Hazzard, DC really couldn't throw enough money at her for a cameo?
Of course they could, they just didn't want.
Probably because it looks fucking awful. Just like all the other cape shit.

Fucking JEWS.
Worse than the fight choreography in The Dark Knight Rises.
Marvel is probably laughing at all of this. Whether you love or hate capeshit there's no denying Marvel took their time and carefully setup their cinematic universe. DC is desperately rushing to setup theirs since they couldn't use Nolan's Batman trilogy as the starting point.
>Super speed
>Not flyng

holy fuck at least get right your shitpost dumbass
She doesn't fly in the DCEU (and for the most part of her history), retard
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Is this Kevin Smith's excited face?
she's as fast as the precrisis barry flash you dumb dumb.
ergo, super speed.
and she can fly and do everything supermen can do, because she's a strong independant woman that don't need no man.

she still fine...danm shame
At least they are trying to get her on the Supergirl show. A reason for me to watch it.

Jesus, if there's one show I DON'T want her on it's that piece of shit.
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Post YFW this flops and the feminists blame the patriarchy.
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>implying they won't bitch about the problematic plot
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>If it succeeds, it "gives a black eye to misogynerds" and proves female directors and leads can succeed which there need to be a lot more of.
>If it fails, it proves there's institutionalized misogyny in the film sector which means there needs to be a lot more female directors and leads until people accept it.
kevin smith is literally a paid fanboy at this point, if it wasn't for clerks noone would know who this fat fuck was

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Reminder that /tv/ is only upset about Gadot because their precious Palestinians are fatasses

I thought palestine IPs were blocked from 4chan
Because there's nothing worthy to talk about.
Because it looks like shit? Seriously this isn't rocket science OP.
Watchmen is the primary reason grimdark capeshit became so damn popular, why everything went from being campy and fun and for children to being, "No it's intellectual, it's for mature people like myself, so deep."

Alan Moore ruined everything and can go fuck himself.
>why is noone talking about this
Lol, why is noone talking about this?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SbLdlXNzHU
Alan Moore regrets writing it, he agrees with you.
Remember when tumblrinas were happy Wonder Woman was now "PoC"? She seems rather pale.
Bet you weren't upset at the 40 Star Wars threads we've had daily since TFA came out

Literally using the Reddit response
>>wearing stahlhelms which were first worn amongst the Wehrmacht in 1935

/pol/tards everyone, this is what happens when you learn history from infographics
When is Grant Morrison's WW coming out? They should make a show out of that, it'd be fucking hilarious.
This year. It's a SJW fuckfest at the same time it's problematic for them. The butthurt from all sides will be funny.
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