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ITT take an actor and combine two roles to make one movie >Mel

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ITT take an actor and combine two roles to make one movie

>Mel Gibson leads a group of brave Scottish warriors across a post-apocalyptic Australia, in pursuit of Edward Longshanks' motorcycle gang, who killed his family
>Leonardo Dicaprio plays racist plantation owner Calvin Candy, who must team up with a black man to recover a giant diamond in post-apartheid South Africa
>Tom Hanks is a retard alone on an island
>Tom hanks is a plastic cowboy with aids
>Tim Allen is Santa Clause trying to go on a cruise instead of celebrating Christmas
>Leonardo Decrapio is a retarded child Stock broker
John Wick travels through time to complete a school project.
>Christian Bale is a famous magician who is also a former box champion
John Wick must execute everyone in the matrix to avenge his dog.
>Clint East Wood is a cowboy who can't keep track of how many bullets are in his revolver, but has forgotten that he doesn't carry his revolver in his raincoat
>Dave Chappelle is a convict on a relocation flight to a new prison. He has to sell weed to get off the flight, but his girlfriend wants him to stay
Christian Bale is a Business man by day and a bat-themed serial killer by night.
Tom Hanks is a retard in charge of a bigass ship
>Brad Pitt is a Nazi-fighting hitchhiking figment of the imagination
John Rhys-Davies travels with the Fellowship through time to find the One true Earth, and destroy it
Tom Hanks is a moped riding retard
would watch
Guy looks like he's with ISIS at this point
what a shame
Christian Bale plays a man who is simultaneously fat and thin.
Steven Seagal is a vietnam veteran and karate master who must stop a terrorist plot
Christian bale is a crime fighting murderer who lives on a diet of tuna and water all the while trying to escape the clutches of truancy officers and sell 90 year old newpapers
Patrick Stewart directs the Enterprise through the alpha quadrant looking for mutants to recruit
A hungover Jack Black enlists the help of private schooled, adolescent Chinese animals to defeat a violent kung fu master in the local Battle of the Bands.
>Sean Penn is a gay guy with a hit on him
>Forest Gump leads a group of American GIs across Nazi-occupied Europe, in search of the last remaining Ryan brother
>This thread is retarded and terrible and completely unfunny
Would watch all day and would have beaten Shakespeare in Love on the Oscars
>Liam Neeson has a very particular set of skills and he doenst know who you are or what you want but he is going to save a bunch of jews
Tom Hanks is a retard trolling the internet (4chan) looking for true love

>Edward Norton is a giant green nigger-hating machine
Ben Stiller gets cucked by Russell Brand and becomes a male model
Ben Affleck robs banks and hangs out with Matt Damon
A blind Charlie Cox cucks Stephen Hawking while also moonlighting as a dare-devil crime-fighter in England.
Tom cruise is a fighter pot doing impossible missions
>Tom Hardy plays a big guy who's in charge here saves a bunch of white women from a masked man, in Masketta Man: 4U Road
>Jake Lloyd plays a gifted young slave child whose only wish is that the newly-arrived Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn will get him a Turbo Man toy for Wookie Life Day
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Macaulay Culkin plays a sociopathic boy defending his home from bumbling invaders on Christmas Eve, killing them in the process, then decides to plot the same for his mother and siblings/cousins in Good to be Alone.

Only Elijah Wood, playing his cousin, can stop him by taking his ring to the basement furnace.
Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor run a candy factory out of their prison cell
Viggo Mortensen is a ranger from the north with a claim on the kingdom of Spain
>Tom Hanks is retard who has mail
>Tom Hardy plays a mixed martial artist tasked with traveling into the layered dreams of his opponents to place fear into their minds, but his final round opponent turns out to be his estranged younger brother in Mind Games Warrior: Big Bro 4 U
Tom Hanks is a retarded plastic cowboy
Samuel Jackson locates the chosen one and leads a resistance against the robot overlords in a computer programmed world, while fighting the aliens who are taking over the world after blowing up the whitehouse
>Denzel Washington is a crooked cop tasked with stopping a runaway train the size of the Chrysler Building
>Forest Gump runs a prison
>Tom Hardy makes you dream about Bane
>Sean Penn is a mentally handicapped man fighting for custody of his 7-year-old daughter while also his struggling as an American gay activist who fights for gay rights and becomes California's first openly gay elected official.
Samuel L Jackson is an old bounty hunter, with a warm black dingus, traveling on a snake filled plane
Matthew McConahuy is gay for TIVO
Samuel L. Jackson is a thug who transports a suitcase with a mystery content to commit treason against the senate.
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>Arnold Musclenigger is a cyborg from the future who's mission is to kill Sarah Conner while ALSO protecting John Conner and obeying everything John Conner demands of him, which includes a direct order not to kill Sarah Conner
Medieval Scottish rebel hunts down and kills jews for the Catholic Church.
Eventually he is caught by Protestants and sentenced to be raped by a pack of niggers.
>Christian Bale is fat and works in a machine shop
>Adam Sandler has to win a golf tournament to save his Grandmother's house but is emotionally crippled after his wife and kids died in a terrorist attack
Prime Oscar bait material right there
>Daniel Radcliffe battles dark wizards and his pathological attraction to horses
Brendan Frazier is a Neanderthal who fights ancient Egyptians
Don Cheadle is a Rwandan hotel owner who crushes Hutus with his mighty powered suit of armour
>Rwan Man
>Tom Cruise and his kidnapped retarded brother get framed for terrorism and must go rogue to prevent a global thermonuclear war
>Tim Allen is both Santa Claus and an astronaut
A retard must catch a slave owner on a sinking island
Robert DeNiro opens a Las Vegas mob casino while dealing with his clumsy nurse son-in-law
underrated post

Seth Rogen is weed-addicted from putting up with Steve Jobs' bullshit
>john connor is a rebel from the future that befriends the robots and turn into a robot and decides to kill himself and his family because it suddenly makes sense
>Tom Hanks is a big retard.
Jesse Eisenberg portrays a young Mark Zuckerberg in his battle with zombies
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John Connor waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were Terminators in the base. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Reese were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a resistence leader for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the computers and he said to mom “I want to have computer mommy.”
Mom said “No! You will BE KILL BY SKYNET”
There was a time when he believed her. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the Skynet headquarters in the ruins of San Francisco he knew there were Terminators.
“This is Reese” the radio crackered. “You must fight the Terminators!”
So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
“HE GOING TO KILL US” said the Terminators
“I will shoot at him” said the T-1000 and he fired the liquid metal knives. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
“No! I must kill the Skynet” he shouted
The radio said “No, John. You are the Skynet”
And then John was robot.
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Tom Hanks is not allowed to leave an airport and is dying of aids
Tom Hanks is a retard stuck in an airport
Tom Hanks is a retard that gets stuck in space
>Klaus Kinski is a cross dressing Nazi officer who must transport a large boat over a mountain in order to find jews in hiding.
Mark Wahlburg is a conartist and murderer who's best friend is a talking teddy bear
Bruce Willis plays a cop on holiday who must stop terrorists from destroying a skyscraper-plane hybrid
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Julie Andrews is a magical nanny helping little Jew kids escape the Third Reich
>CIA is the mayor of Baltimore
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Mark Walhberg is a Boston detective who moonlights as a porn star in a parallel universe where apes rule the world
>johnny depp plays sweeney scissorhands, a demon barber that kills everyone that hates him for his scissorhands
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>Kurt Russell is a one-eyed stuntman who must drive his truck across Antarctica whilst avoiding being assimilated by a hostile alien organism.
>George Clooney is Gulf War soldier trying to steal a bunch of gold but his boat gets caught in a massive storm
Hold on! Which one is this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_l-4rAUAzQ
>After travelling the desert for god knows how long, Tom Hardy finally arrives in Gotham City, where he decides to get some money and break some backs
love this one
Po Will Smith is a cowboy who got into one little fight and has been sent by his overprotective mother to live with his aunt and uncle in Bel Air.

The comedy will be based upon the culture clash and from Will no longer being in the 19th century and being confused by concepts such as indoor toilets and equal rights for blacks.
>Benedict Cumberbatch is a huge, crime-solving dragon
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Would watch.
Tom Hanks is an Eastern European retard trapped in an airport
Nicholas Cage steals John Travolta's face and drinks himself to death
Nicolas Cage's face burns off during the night time, so he has to steal John Travolta's face to conceal his skull.
Isn't that the same movie twice?
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Jesus fucking Christmas
underrated keks
Natalie Portman is a Naboo Senator who moonlights as a loli assassin and schizophrenic dancer by night.

I'd watch the fuck out of this.
>Terminator vs Predator: The Movie
Liam Neeson is a Jedi master who's paean is kidnapped into the underground twi'lek sex trade. He will bet on as many pod races and fool as many Jew - like aliens as he has to in order to get her back.
ryan gosling is an autist
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>look at all these people enjoying something that i don't!
>how could they POSSIBLY like something that I DON'T?!
Tie yourself down to whatever chair you’re sitting in because this post going to be a rough fucking ride.

I will fucking assault you if I find a copy of The Passion of the Christ in your DVD collection.

The prejudice aimed at the Jews in this hateful tale is truly disturbing.
>I don't like it so nobody else can
It's a computer game already

Robocop vs Predator and Terminator vs Predator are already comics, so expect a movie sometime.
Kristen Stewart is a troubled teen who stares off into the distance without changing her expression.
Eddie Redmayne plays a galactic emperor who becomes a transsexual after crashing his starship into a small freighter, killing the lone geriatric female pilot
We've already established that this shit isn't funny. Stop posting it.
Go back to reddit faggot
Nobody here actually cares what you find funny.
Vince Vaughan and his dodgeball team bang lonely bridesmaids at random weddings
>I am the only one who doesnt like something therefore it isnt funny
Unique poster counter didn't increment with this addition. How totally sad.
Nor did it with this one
Ryan Reynolds volunteers himself for an experimental procedure that gives him mutant abilities, helping him graduate college after his dad cuts him off.
Holy shit, that wasn't funny either
>Matt Damon shoots his way through Europe while solving complicated math problems with severe autism
Completely unfunny.
Why are you so upset, angryfriend?
>everything on this site must be comedy
Spotted the redditor
Go back to reddit so you can downboat people you don't like
>1m between responses
>unique poster counter did not increment
Can one anon be this butt hurt?

I think one anon can.

Also the unique post count is nowat 62. Check it when you read this Faggot
>the Roman centurion who nailed Christ to the cross becomes cursed to walk the earth till judgememt day
>becomes braveheart
>then patriot
>then a cop on the edge
>then mad max
like you just did?
Wrong, motherfucker. I can speak for one of those posts was mine. Go back to Reddit faggot. You're the only one who isnt amused by this shit
>Sam Neill begins to have terrifying hallucinations when he brings his new experimental gravity drive to a theme park of genetically engineered dinosaurs
Touche, my good sir! *tips fedora*
>Joe Pesci is about to become a made man, but first he must successfully break into a house occupied by an 8 year old boy.
>Christian Bale is a world-famous multi-millionaire playboy by da, but by night he checks my dubs
This is pretty good
These are yet more unfunny garbage from the retarded samefag, though.
Shh reddit nobody cares.
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It wasn't funny, though. You posted an image as if it deserved one, but it wasn't even close to funny.

Unique poster counter didn't increment with your post btw.
>being this ridiculously autistic

holy shit
Just ignore the shitposting autist like everybody else.
Tom Hanks is a retard who is also a retard.
Brad Pitt controls a thread and its butthurt contributors label him reddit and autistic when they get their asses handed to them on a platter.
Is this nigga serious? I know this place is a renowned autism hive but shit..
>not being monstrously autistic and hostile towards strangers on the internet

>Sandra Bullock saves retarded black kids in space
Unfunny and the unique poster counter didn't increment.
Lol is this a new forced meme or something or do you really think people post once in a thread and then leave?
Jeff Bridges plays an alien who needs to go his carpet back.
Tom Hanks is a retarded X
Tom Hanks is a retarded shitposter
Mom! Cheetos!: The Post
>Ashton Kutcher must find his car, whilst simultaneously founding the Apple Corporation
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After his crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus takes on a new identity as a wealthy count and conspires to get revenge on the Jewish clerics who had him killed
Jack Nicholson tries to murder his family and gets sentenced to running an anger management class where he meets Adam Sandler
Ryan reynolds must finally graduate the green lantern corps, or be failed out by the schemes of the staff members whom have grown tires of his campus parties and hijinks.

Ryan reynolds is

>Hal Wilder
would watch
>Evangeline Lily cucks Matthew Fox with a dwarf
Kelsey Grammer plays a bar-frequenting psychologist who goes on to host his own radio show in Seattle.
ahhhhh i see whadya did ther
Jeremy Renner is a bow wielding agent disarming bombs in the Middle East.
>Ben Affleck is a roughneck who is tasked with saving the planet when an asteroid is found to be approaching Earth. He turns down the job and resorts to spanking underclassmen with customized paddles.
>Hugh Jackman has trapped a man in an abandoned building his dad used to own, while continuously singing Nirvana songs in an attempt to find where his daughter has been taken
Tom hanks is a conductor of a magical north pole train, but it gets hijacked by Somalian pirates. He and his crew must resist and fight them off on order to regain control of the ship and get to the north pole my Christmas eve
One of the stronger plots ITT.Would definitely watch
...and then he gets shot. That part might actually happen.
Make it so.
Samuel L. Jackson is a black guy who... yeah pretty much a black guy.
John Travolta steals Nicholas Cage's face, then helps John Cusack foil an elaborate prison escape aboard a 747
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