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yay, more propaganda

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yay, more propaganda
>casting both jim and roy for your movie
Cry more you commie fuck
Fuck off, dumb redneck
have you ever actually investigated benghazi? or did you believe that people out for a walk at 10pm local time on september 11th just spontaneously started attacking a building that the US ambassador had been in for less than 24 hours? just like hilldog said.

if you don't investigate, you have no idea what is propoganda and what isn't.

yes this movie is propoganda. a real movie about benghazi would go into why they were there in the first place. but if you didn't know the official explanation was bullshit the minute it was said, then you don't have any business telling others what is and isn't propaganda.

literally nobody cares

even less people care than for zero dark thirty
>have you ever actually investigated

Are you an FBI agent? Cause if not and by investigating you mean reading shit on some pages on the internet, then you can fuck right off.
No one cares

It's propaganda because they dramatized it and insist on calling these guys "heroes"
It's ok if validates my points :^)
It was some good shooting. The part at the end where all the Libyan mothers came in and mourned their sons was a nice touch.
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>I investigated benghazi
>unironically supporting Hilldog

even Berniefags are more tolerable, if you get the chance you should kill yourself
Who cares? Bay finally made a great film again. This is objectively his best work. Cry more, libtard.
God this looks so generic and forgettable. It should of been directed by more serious directors like Michael Mann or Clint Eastwood
How operator was this movie?
>great film
It's trash, getting ripped by most critics

Go to bed Hillary
They wouldn't touch this piece of shit
>getting ripped by most critics
because they're all leftist Hillary shills
if you believe the clinton/obama story then whatever. but there is alot more out there and you don't need to be an NCIS or CIA agent to figure it out.

quadaffi had the 5th largest gold reserve in the world. where is it? why exactly was the largest CIA base located in benghazi? what was the mission?

look it up faggot. you don't need to be a super top secret agent to figure this one out. or don't and keep telling yourself that i'm the delusional one.
Jim and Roy are now buddies. Weird.
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That was pretty much a given before the movie even came out though.
because they're not brain dead morons who can't slander the holy warriors that are the troops
If by most critics, you mean angry liberals playing damage control for Hillary, then yes. If it was possible for these """"journalists"""" to review a film without letting their political allegiances get in the way, you wouldn't have an argument. Don't ever fucking reply to me again, nerd.
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the whole site is /pol/ now, sorry kike
Worth watching yay or nay?
It is Bay's magnum opus, so yes.

Unless you like shit like zero dark thirty and lone survivor
I don't really get why Benghazi was such a scandal but the 11 embassies attacked under Bush weren't?
jesus christ you faggots cry every time how many times have you posted that pic today tumblr? fuuucking hell

always has been newfag
>he doesn't like operator movies
consider suicide
how does bay keep improving as a director its insane
So is this flick as bad as Lone Survivor as far as bullshit is concerned, or is it at least believable?
Damn, if it's any where near as good as The Rock I'll be happy.

Zero Dark Thirty was great. Lone Survivor was decent.
>Zero Dark Thirty was great. Lone Survivor was decent.
How is it possible to have such shit taste?
back to /pol/ cancer
Lone Survivor at least had a more realistic body count in the movie than in the book
benghazi was not an embassy. the ambassador was there to investigate something, what that was no one is certain of.

the real scandal is why was he even there? and why was the CIA there? what was actually happening in benghazi?

if you couldn't figure this little bit out then i don't know what to tell you. it isn't anything you will ever care about until someone tells you how to feel.
Still bullshit compared to the actual events which make the Taliban look like the heroes
They're just evening the playing field. If you think 90% of hollywood movies aren't liberal propaganda, then you're blind.
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>oy vey anuddah shoah
kill yourself
What's John Krawhatever like in this?
hngghhh my operator sense is tingling
>implying this film wont show the truth
>implying this wont be the most factual account of Benghazi
>implying Hillary isnt getting BTFO and will soon be rotting in prison
nope, youre free to head back to tumblr if you like though
>implying anyone cares
>implying this isn't just another shit entry into a shit genre
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Literally you: the picture

Are you feeling triggered yet?
>that pic
It's not wrong
The world should care
>>implying anyone cares
oh, the liberals definitely care
Have you seen it, or are you just shitposting for shitposting's sake?

Kidding, I already know the answer.
So why was he there?
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>soldier dying one by one
>Jim and his team keeps getting pushed back
>they're cornered
>surrounded by dune coons
>it's just Jim and Roy now
>a bullet flies through the window and Roy is dead
>the doors all burst open and the terrorists barge in
>Jim looks to the camera
>gives this face
>fade to black
>directed by michael bay
I dunno....how's Bay going to work statutory rape jokes in to a political thriller?

He might be in over his head.
the ambasador was investigating why a huge shipping operation was going on in benghazi. the shipping opporation was US money for the gold and weapons. libyan weapons are being found on syrian 'rebels' (aka ISIS) every fucking day.

the ambasador realized the shitstorm that was about to happen and ordered all the data to be wiped before he left. everyone was evacuated except the ambassador, his IT guy that was wiping everything, and the 2 SF guys that stayed behind to get them out.

but if you did any minor research you could have figured this out yourself.
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>tfw Chris "The Meme" Evans was chosen over John Krasinski for Captain America

Total bullshit, John is perfection. Watching him and his wife make love would be the most beautiful sight on the planet.
>expecting lazy liberals to use their brains
Give it up, anon
Sometimes films have different opinions than you. Both conservacucks and libtards are idiots for calling films that have some opinions on the other side "propaganda". There are propaganda films, but they are few and far between.

Well, how are they not?
The fact that Bay's film is stirring up this much debate makes me like it.
Sounds like a kike
>a retelling of real events is propaganda

wew lad...
Let's just hope it sticks until the elections so Hillary doesn't voted in.
They just hired killers too dumb to get a normal job
>not wanting to watch one of the most beautiful men on the planet fucking one of the most beautiful women on the planet while they are deeply in love
...he typed furiously from his mom's basement.
Those same "critics" enjoyed Star shit.
Their opinions are worth less than the turd out of a dog's anus.
hilldog is a 70 year old woman. that alone should disqualify her. benghazi was a mess but the fact of the matter is that both sides were in on it, and a real investigation will never happen because of that. there are over 15 survivors that want to testify but cannot because of security clearances.

but if hilldog does get the dem nom then whitewater will be proven, half the clinton muders will come to light, and the case against her with the servers will be prosecuted. there is hard proof that she told her subordinates to send secret+ info on non authorized services. people go to prison for that.

and if you can't even keep secrets for a few hours worth of email service, how the fuck can you be president?
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US Military Cinematic Universe when?

>13 Hours
>American Sniper
>Hurt Locker
>Lone Survivor

Any other gritty post-9/11 movies about the recent wars?
ubber underrated post
fuck you /tv/
Pre-9/11 but Black Hawk Down
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Stay mad!
Don't forget Jarhead 2: Field of Fire
>flag pointed the wrong way

amerilards, everyone.
> amerifats eat up the story spoon fed to them by the administration

Why do amerifats enjoy being lied to by authority figures? Its really creepy how you're willing to believe anything if someone with a position of power says it.
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Zero Dark Thirty
That's all I can think of.
Surprised there aren't more by now. It's been 15 years since 9/11
>Watching him and his wife make love would be the most beautiful sight on the planet.


kill me
Military likes to point it that way because that's how it looks when charging forward. If you look closely, it's "backwards" on all military uniforms

There's retelling events and then there's presenting a narrative.

This film will push an "approved" narrative. It's a story, a half truth concocted to sound plausible enough not to question. If you think the CIA or any of the other alphabet agencies have any interest in laying bare whatever shady shit they're up to you're sorely mistaken.

Always keep in mind there are no longer laws in America to prevent the wholesale creation and dispersal of propaganda by the government. Anything you see in an American made film, on network news media or popular print is likely hogwash to some degree.
Shilarys team is in full force on /tv/
>it's a 'Hillary lets Americans die because what difference does it make' movie
She's hemorrhaging support lol
90% of movies are propaganda
You just care about this one because it doesnt cater to your worldview

I love how liberals still have this idea that theyre fighting "the man" even though they hold the same views as teachers, government administrators, and the financial and cultural elite
i like this a lot
The entire 'lol who cares' defense they're using is just laughable. Can you imagine if bush gave a speech at ground zero and was all 'lol who gives a shit. c'mon guys, we need to worry about trans rights and police brutality'.

English is my second language, would someone please translate this to me
That's all I need to know really: will this be the final nail in the coffin of that evil bitch's presidential campaign?
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>implying anyone cares

Can't find anyone who doesn't, Hilldog.
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they are just following their leader. hilldog went before congress as an old woman who fell down. and literally told them 'what difference does it make?' when asked about the 4 people she let die.
Fuck off shill

Na but it does highlight how pathetic Hillary is.

>Trump literally put on blast by the media everyday for one thing or another and takes it in his stride

>Hillary gets questioned on Benghazi and literally goes underground in hiding
> 'what difference does it make?'
If I ever fuck up at work I'll use that line on my boss and see how it goes.
Damage control has been initiated
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Because when those embassies were attacked it wasn't easily preventable, and when they happened a candidate for president of the United States didn't try to cover-up her involvement.
Serious question. I don't much about this stuff. How is any of this supposed to be Hillary Clinton's fault?
> you have to be FBI to research stuff
I suggest looking it up independently instead of waiting for /tv/ of all places to tell you.
Well when the current administration fucks up you can't blame the man in charge, so someone has to get thrown under the bus.
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>would someone please translate this to me

Ghetto POS's don't understand that Fagbook is legal evidence, including statutory rape.
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Investigate 311
damnit it man i'm having my first cup of joe for today and here it is you're making a funny while i'm reading with a gulp of blackness in my mouth...
Yeah. Going full damage control is right
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>i'm reading with a gulp of blackness in my mouth

Not even fags make jokes that gay.
>it's bad to hate foreign intervention
Alright, just how Jewish is this critic?
Is Shillary Cliton shitting in her pantsuit?
Holy shit, look at this thread.

Liberals are fucking TERRIFIED of this movie.
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Huh, didn't know that they already released the Uncharted movie
Are they adapting 2 and 3 as well?
the story you will not find on regular media, but what i have deduced is as follows:

obama wants to smuggle libyan weapons to sryia but the CIA says they flat out won't do it. the state department does it and benghazi happens. the CIA head gets pushed out less than a month after benghazi happens.

look into it for yourself.
yeah, a movie getting panned by critics that probably won't break the top 3 on release weekend and will be forgotten about in a month is really terrifying


>Don’t tell me this movie isn’t political. Michael Bay’s Benghazi bonanza is timed for release just before theIowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. It’ll hit DVD in time for the general election.

>There are approximately 400,000 instances in this not-very-subtle screenplay where Fox News viewers are cued to hiss at a phantomHillary Rodham Clinton, the right wing’s scapegoat for the missteps that kept the Benghazi outpost fighting so long without backup.

He is so fucking mad.
10% of the article is spent actually critiquing the movie.
>Thanks Hillary!
Kek, they should be mortal enemies.

I do have to admit it's pretty scary bay was able to make a competent action film again. too bad the majority of it is still shaky cam dog shit.
Yeah, the CIA refusing to smuggle weapons is so believable...


Holy shit, the double-standards the media has.
They're actually treating Hillary as a fucking VICTIM in this situation.

>a movie getting panned by critics

The fact that they're panning it shows how terrified they are.


Because it is exactly what it is, propaganda, america is a sick fuck country, the lone survivor was nauseous, your whole nation is composed of psychopath, and you fags are gonna elect trump now, it's actually funny never change america
That's a wartime flag, piece of shit.
literally lmaoing at ur life
some investigator you are, sitting on the real info right here

>barely literate Europoor tries to "critique" America
RIP to Vile rat

>Because it is exactly what it is, propaganda

Is any movie about something you don't like "propaganda"?

Were Selma and The Imitation Game also propaganda?
general patraus was the head of the CIA at the time. and yes, smugling weapons to ISIS would be so fucking horrible that only barack obama and friends would want to do it.

but don't believe me. don't look shit up. don't use common sense and all the whistleblowers that now exist.

let me just remind you that william binney gave the exact same intel to us 5 years prior to snowden. but you only believed it when obama himself said snowden was right.

i was called a 'conspiracy theorist' and a nutjob. but somehow the very people that snowden outed tell everyone he is right, and snowden is a hero.

if you are that fucking retarded that you don't think there are dueling factions in the government then i am not sure what i can tell you. just believe that snowden was the guy that made you do nothing. not william binney.
Holy fuck I never knew about this
How can symmetrical flag shits even compete
well no one knows where the gold went. that is the biggest mystery of all. we all know the guns went to syria it is proven all the time.

my guess is that the gold went to secret USA vaults. but i have no idea. maybe it is in switzerland. maybe we paid off china. the greatest mystery of benghazi is where the 5th largest gold reserve known on earth went.

but the main stream media won't say a word about that one.
The CIA was smuggling weapons to Libyan rebels. This fucked them up and they got attacked.
propaganda is really effective on Americans, which is why they don't recognize it as propaganda
no one gave a fuck about that place in the first place. everything was blown out of proportion by the right wing nuts
sort of. libya actually had very good weapons. the cia was robbing libyan weapon caches, giving some to rebels, and sneaking the rest out on boats to syria.
Yes amerifat, never question your government, they know whats best ;^)

Its amazing how gullible you people are.
the death of an ambasador in a lawless port city where he should have never been on 9/11. yea totally blown out of proportion
I haven't done muh investigations to know anything about this. Just pointing out that you can't even spell Gaddafis name, makes me doubt how much you actually looked into this.
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>The Guardian

well there's your problem
I'm new in ebonics but I'm pretty sure he saying he has no interested getting the cunnie and she justs cockblock her from boning the mom.
You dont need to be a fucking genius to figure out that Michael Bay always makes pro-American propaganda, regardless of the source material.
Really? I'm not even an American and I'm mystified by how this all just got handwaved away.
But they have a lot of loyalty
Pussy bros
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>the guardian.
"Jim and Roy Team Up to Fight Terrorists: The Movie"
well they did give American Sniper 3/5. Maybe this is just a shit movie

It really didn't, there was even a bipartisan committee formed to investigate it. Unfortunately the republicans shot themselves in the foot by being unable to control their shaking excitement how the committee would potentially ruin Shillary's presidential prospects. But of course a /tv/ poster knows the real truth. :^)
The dumb shits in marketing forced us to watch 30 minutes of this at another media screening. One of the most disgusting films I've ever seen.
that's a joke, right? quadaffi has been spelled the same since the 70's. do you say ISIL too? even though obambo is so smart that he doesn't even realize the 'levant' is pretty much the same as 'greater israel'.

Ah yes the classic 'ignore it until it goes away' defence.
t. /co/ shitfag
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