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What is it about H.P. Lovecraft that prevents his stories from

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What is it about H.P. Lovecraft that prevents his stories from being turned into commercially successful films?
shit stories
notions like "undescribable" and "unspeakable"
le sppooky

Lovercraft is the Nolan of /lit/
This >>64310455 but also a lot of this >>64310464
mad arabs writing books about unseen horrors that get a cult following of suicidal maniacs

having one is enough

This implies literature is better capable of telling stories than film, which I whole-heartedly disagree with.
Don't talk shit about Nolan
no, just the Lovecraft kind of stories
he's precisely doing stuff that always revolves around these ideas

Literature can fall back on your imagination the way movies will never be able to.
As to OP, no love interest in 99% of his stories.

It's hard to sell a movie without the forced romance.
>a medium that's literally about visual impression not perfectly apt at displaying the visually undescribable

Weird I know.
maybe you should stop conflating 'telling stories' with 'exploring ideas', because literature can delve into much more abstract stuff than film.
Hellboy was moderately successful for a pre-Marvel comic book movie
he racist
who cares? not a reason to hate his work and didnt he end up marrying a jew and having arab freinds regretting his past racism or some shit?
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>hellboy 3

Kill yourself
don't feed the trolls

Yeah but the funny kind of racist.

> The negro had been knocked out, and a moment's examination shewed us that he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla-like thing, with abnormally long arms which I could not help calling fore legs, and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon. The body must have looked even worse in life -- but the world holds many ugly things.

inb4 some smartass posts Boyega
not him but closest thing we can describe as a mainstream succesfull film with lovecraft elements is hellboy

notice how i said mainstream before you pluck some obscure shit for the thread
>tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon.

what did he mean by this?

>insulting Hellboy
>not insulting Lovecraft, which was arguably pulpier and worse-written than the Hellboy comics

Plebby pleb pleb.

I bet you'd go see a display of Hitler's paintings too, huh?

Because, as you said, WHO CARE'S THAT HE'S RACISTS
The horror in his writings relies incomprehensibleness often, its what is not described shown or explained which is the source of the power of his work, something which takes both great skill to be able to translate into film but also goes against the big in your face spectacle approach of mainstream cinema
they could bullshit there way by showing the character looking and losing their shit, and we only hearing some weird ass sounds of like growls mixed with baby crying and wind howling, but never showing us the monstrosities
Yeah, but his art actually is shit.

That the negro looked like something that just crawled out from the jungle and that it would probably express itself with tribal ways.
In the Mouth of Madness did a decent job

Everything else just felt over the top or not to dependant on the source material.
why would i he was a shit artist
glad you brought up hitler though thats an automatic loss of an argument

But it's actually not
Where are the people?
that is some primary school picture book for 5 year olds illustration tier
nigga that's terrible. it looks like a postcard. but hallmark wouldn't even print that shit because of all the perspective issues. Why are all the windows the same size? What about that little stoop that just spills all over the ground? No corner on the building there. Crooked ass fountain. It looks like shit senpai
Yes it is. It's failry unskilled (e.g staircase on the right looks absolutely fucked), and speaking as art, it's studies of buildings and natures, i.e fucking boring and pointless.
Either you have to do something like The Thing and go balls to the wall, or you have to be subtle about it. Most of lovecrafts stuff is less about the actual horror rather than the before or after. Saying a good lovecraft film resemble more something like the the ninth gate than a traditional horror movie.
>is better capable of telling stories
No medium is "better" at telling stories than another.
Each form of media has its own pros and cons which, when used correctly, create a product that can only truly exists in that one medium.
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Look at the discussion spawned.

Did any marvel film spawn such debate? Did anything this year?

The best thing I love is the "It's unskilled" argument from people who couldn't even dream to create anything on the level of Hitler.
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If you shot a Lovecraft story, recreating the period of early 20th-Century Brooklyn by means of Italian sets, CGI, masks and costumes.... You'd get a good response out of your audience and they'd totally grasp it without being offended.

Lovecraft is like Greek Comedy with a pinch of American nostalgia. It's about Colonial decay, and of course the author sees it in very disparaging terms.
>Wonky perspective
>scale all fucked up
>shadows all over the place

It's obvious that he painted it at different times of the day but seriously, his painting was amateur at best and showed no talent

Mouth of Madness would be a great movie, the fishpeople are easily doable without looking their charm and having good photography and shooting would be half the job as New England is naturally eerie.
woah it looks like shit
>The best thing I love is the "It's unskilled" argument from people who couldn't even dream to create anything on the level of Hitler.
That's a non-argument. I couldn't dream to create anything close to any of the capeshit released this year, yet I'm perfectly capable of identifying it as the heap of turds it is.
Most of Lovecraft's stories are both lacking in traditional action sequences (except 'Innsmouth' has a good escape scene) and also the narrator's are experiencing the story frequently second- or third-hand, like in 'Call of Cthulu' for instance, through letters and fragments and stories told to them by other people.
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The real question is whether or not Hitler had access to a Compositional Grid.... Van Gogh certainly used them, so why not Hitler?
What is 'Crashing this plane' of Lovecraft?
>Did any marvel film spawn such debate? Did anything this year?

Is this your first time on teev?
Well what did you think of this, then?
Even simpler than all listed: his stories are inherently very depressing and that just doesn't sell. People don't go to movies that make them feel bad, so unless they grossly take lovecrafts work out of context or ruin the feeling of it it will always be an immensely hard sell.

it's terrible
something something I stumbled onto a vast trench of unspeakable terrors, an eldritch field of nightmares where the deepest things of ancient antiquity flit briefly in the light of our perverted science, etc.
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>People don't go to movies that make them feel bad

Then why do people read books that make them feel bad?
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Can't show the actual deep ones without ruining them. It needs to be psychological. Can show a little innsmouth look though. I suggest Emma Stone, Steve Buscemi, Jeff Goldblum, and people like that. Benedict Cumbersnatch would be perfect for the protagonist. Make Robert Pattinson his crazy cousin.
That's like the level of a 17 year old who's into drawing. It's not terrible, but it has mistakes and isn't interesting in any way, so you really shouldn't expect to get into art school with it.
can i save this rare pepe senpai?
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I've always preferred Lovecraft's human tales. These are the ones which require Greek masks and costumes.

You can put the book in the freezer whenever it gets too much. You don't do that with movies.
Because people that read books aren't the audience that sees movies

At least to the scale that would attract producers.
They would never make much money , a lot of what he writes about would be hard to portray and they never have happy endings cause the characters usually go insane , that doesnt spell box office success
I guess you could make a small art-house movie experimenting with the concept of indescribable horror, but trying to make a godzilla/indiana jones crossover blockbuster would be largely missing the point.

But more people read books than see films?
>That's like the level of a 17 year old who's into drawing. It's not terrible, but it has mistakes and isn't interesting in any way, so you really shouldn't expect to get into art school with it.

Sorry, but who else should expect to get into art school but a 17 year old who's into drawing? A 45 year old accomplished Jewish performance artist?
Have some dogecoins for a starving artist?
The two films made by the Lovecraft Society or whatever they're called were good. They did Call of Cthulhu as a silent movie and The Whisperer in Darkness as an old black and white talkie. Supposedly they're going to make more, each movie being made as if in a different era of cinema.
>Sorry, but who else should expect to get into art school but a 17 year old who's into drawing?

I went to a HS which had a focus on art and music. There are 17 y/o's who can do MUCH better both in terms of skill and artistic expression than portraits and landscapes.
At The Mountains of Madness is literally just some guys and at a campsite in the Arctic doing an autopsy on something spooky while some other guys wander around a cave looking at paintings. Then they run away from something you never see.

Gee, I wonder why WB didn't want to give GDT $100 million for that.
Are you sure of that in this day and age?

And besides, you know what I'm getting at. Neo-geeks that want action and suspense and a happy quip filled ending wouldn't want to see a proper lovecraft adaptation. A bastardized imitation sure. But not the real thing.
If you have to be a master painter to get into art school, why bother with school then?
>I went to a HS which had a focus on art and music. There are 17 y/o's who can do MUCH better both in terms of skill and artistic expression than portraits and landscapes.
Why do they need art school then?
>my school full of art prodigies had some greater talents than literal hitler
>therefore hitler was too shit for art school
Try "Dagon, la secta del mar", the closest adaptation to the real thing
It's not really about your level of skill. It's about having vision/interest/passion. Landscapes and portraits are important, but if that is your entire portfolio it shows that you really have no clue or interest in developing yourself as an artist.

To refine their skill and understanding of art.

I said focus, not elite-school. And it's only natural that accademies only accept students that already show talent in their respective field, be it scientific or artistic.
He was an anti Semite

You say that like Inglorious Bastards didn't show the Nazi's as sympathetic.
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Can you imagine, for example...

Star Wars creatures or actors in Greek masks crowding into a NY subway, in order to film a Lovecraft story?

Or imagine them scurrying around American colonial mansions at night. That's Lovecraft.
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Here's a little known slice of lovecraftian awesome.
But you won't like it, it will hurt your brain.

Lovecraft would be perfect for small indie horrors. Hopefully we will see more of these in the future. Of course I'm not talking about amateurish stuff, but rather competently made films like It Follows, Babadook or The Witch.
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Hitler's art wasn't technically impressive or promising. In particular, his sense of perspective and lighting is very crude, in a way that is not intentional or purposeful. Worse than that, though, it lacks any kind of soul. Everything about it is just sterile and uninteresting. It evokes nothing, except indifference and cold. He's the kind of painter that would've impressed his friends, given them a few pieces of art to put on their walls at home, but that's it.

Compare his art to that of Atkinson Grimshaw, who also did mainly buildings and streets.
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It makes me sad that people actually think this is acceptable.
>tfw when the best Lovecraft adaptation is a campy 80s movie with crazy doctors and a zombie rapist
>commercially successful films

well lovecraft is horror
and profitable horror movies now have to appeal to teens. and teens only care about jump scares.
but lovecraft stories are at their best when its about a slow buildup into horror, but that tests poorly with audiences.
The only way it could work is to have a director with a lot of patience, who is capable of giving hints to the eldritch truth and then making the audience feel like shit as a result. A Von Trier type that ensures that it doesn't just turn into Godzilla. It would also have to be very character driven, since the action is going to be limited.

An experimental series, perhaps? Something that reminds you of the first season of True Detective, but takes it even further.
>Compare his art to that of Atkinson Grimshaw, who also did mainly buildings and streets.
Yeah, it's much better when you just smudge everything like a photoshop filter, IT'S STYLE MESHUGGINAH
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You seem mad.
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he pissed off the jews by marrying one of their women and calling them out on trying to hold back white people
a bunch of jews are currently pettitioning to replace the lovecraft awards for science fiction, with a new award named after some fat black crippled dyke scifi author no one has ever heard of
>teens only care about jump scares.

Then why was the last Paranormal Activity a failure?

If that is all you see, then you're clearly a pleb and know nothing of art (you're probably proud of it too, so I suppose there's no point in me telling you this).
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>seeing this monstrosity makes you go on insane
How do you put such a thing in a visual medium?
Not that guy but you sound like an insufferably pretentious art-douche
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But it was already released
I like to think a lot people were weak minded back then, I was reading a Lovecraft comic adaptation and my mum thought the drawing was completely horrible
You can literally run Hitler through a filter and get the exact same shit.

All the retarded complaints about perspective (Hitler has perfectly serviceable perspective with two vanishing points in most pics ITT) and windows and whatever the fuck apply even more to your painting, it's just not as visible to a moron like you because MUH SMUDGIES.
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Such a bigoted one, he actually got married to one at one point. His literary agent was also Jewish. Lovecraft’s racism softened as he matured, until, as Bloch points out, “the racist element of earlier efforts is muted or absent in later tales.”
>You can literally run Hitler through a filter and get the exact same shit.
Ultimate maxipleb, but what else to expect from teev
True horror comes from the unknowable which can't be well represented on film. You'll either end up with a schlocky monster movie or some artsy crap.
>you're a big sailor
>for you
>so you got yourself caught, now what's the next step in your master plan?
>crashing this ship... WITH NO SURVIVORS!
>no, this can't be happening. I'm waking up here!
They got to him
>tfw the FA Lovecraft historian is a super contentious Indian who immediately sent back his two awards and called everyone on the committee a hack who would be forgotten in less than a decade and were only besmerching Lovecraft because of their own lack of relevance.
>Proceeds to openly call them all out further by stating who created their own wikipedia page for themselves.

So based. He destroyed an entire organization with one thrust.
>True horror comes from the unknowable

"True" Horror can come from the known, as well.

No True Scotsman, away!
>could paint better than anyone of us
>better than any millennial for that matter
>was an excellent speaker
>could have taken over the world
He literally did nothing wrong
lovecraft invented battle rap
it's not his fault blacks haven't come back at him with some dope as ryhmes in the last 104 years
Terrible prose
not real senpai
>>could paint better than anyone of us
>implying implications
S.T. joshi dont fuck around
Well anon I live in a really liberal town and every "artist" work looks like dogshit but has some super deep meaning like female empowerment or some bullshit, no one just paints to paint something fantastic
Post your work then, since you clearly have superior taste and talent
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Berserk, Dark Souls, Demon's Souls and Bloodborne do it extremely well, especially Bloodborne.

Hollywood sucks end of ostry.

Why hasn't Bollywood done it then?
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this is some abstract kind of bait.

>People who commit evil aren't allowed to create art!
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>did nothing wrong

He lost
What a shit perspective on the arches of the right tower.
Literature will always be better at horror, movies CAN be better at most other genres.
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>Literature will always be better at horror

No "horror" story will create the same sense of fear of me that Babadook did.
What you doing looking up there? You're supposed to be looking at edgy torch man
so you're proud to be illiterate?

Please, name a story, I'll gladly read it.

probably because his books are mostly psychological and about the narrator gradually losing their sanity, which is hard to depict in a visual medium without it either being boring because it's just an actor narrating his thoughts while sitting around or looking fucking daft
What is it with Lovecraft and squid?
Dagon was pretty gewd, mate. So was that Sam Neill flick.
I still haven't seen this, I figured it was a Reddit movie.
Is it really that good?

To the oven you go.

Scarier than Woman in Black, Sinister, Insidious, etc.

It bothers me, to this day.
You have my apologize's
>Not posting the Wayne June version
blair witch?

No one actually thinks Blair Witch is scary.
Blair Witch IS tense and at least somewhat creepy - moreso than Insidious or any of the other movies you listed.
Still sounds like a reddit movie to me

>Art can have mistakes

So, you're saying that opinions can be objective then? Fuck off with that retarded shit
Nyarlotep also took on the terrifying appearance of a black man with Caucasian facial features.
When blair witch came out it was a fucking fantastic, genuinely creepy movie.
The ad campaign around it and the timing of it's release was perfect.

It really wasn't. I say this as a person who was 17 when it came out.

Everyone talked about it, sure, but no one saw it and of the people who did, they told the rest of us to avoid seeing it.

plebs gettin btfo by learned folk all day errday

>plebs criticizing art done in gouache and watercolor
>the two hardest fucking mediums to ever exist

>coming from NEETs that butfuck MLP dolls and draw furry porn
Bad writing and shit stories. 's why he only found success post mortem from ebin meme'rs and tumblrites going lelelelel cthulhu!!!!!!!!!!!

He had a cat named Niggerman" in one of his stories. That's all it takes.

Mark Twain had a character named Nigger Jim and now his books are required high school reading.

nigger detected
literature is better for some things, cinema for others

but broad generalizations aren't always that useful
It wasn't just in his story. That was his irl cat's name. He loved cats, hated dogs, and despised blacks
>Hey guys, if you strip away everything from a piece and give a dumbed down synopsis of the plot, it sounds like shit!

Citizen Kane is about an rich guy who's an asshole and dies alone because he's an asshole.

They're slow, dry period pieces with almost no action and whose exposition is nearly always delivered through narration or internal monologue. That's a difficult film to make for a variety of reasons.
butthurt artfaggot over hitler being just as good if not better than his favourite smudgy line jew fraud artist
But Citizen Kane IS shit.
shut up faggot no one cares about your armchair perspective expertise
In descending order of importance:

Too reliant on narration and internal monologue.
Too many 'indescribable eldritch horrors'.
Not enough sex.
Too bleak.

Can we put this in the sticky and stop making these threads?
They are first narratives with little to no dialogue written as a suicide note. They are fragments. To adapt it as a movie you have to fill in the blanks of the story. It's the blanks where the hard part comes in. You can fill it in a thousand different ways and purists will not agree what is faithful to the intent.
Fucking niggers and their fucking drums
>Too many 'indescribable eldritch horrors'.
That's a misconception. He often describes them right after he says they are indescribable.
>Too bleak.

But Chinatown is a very successful, very popular film.
I would also add that the period setting and style of horror really isn't in fashion in the film industry right now.

It's last on the list, bro. It just makes the plots less likely to be picked up by a studio.
I meant to say first person narratives.
>I would also add that the period setting and style of horror really isn't in fashion in the film industry right now.
Strangely the period setting wasn't important to Lovecraft as you think. He wasn't trying to set it in a particular timeframe. There are very few cultural references to the 20's. No flappers or rum runners here.
>I would also add that the period setting and style of horror really isn't in fashion in the film industry right now.

Crimson Peak is doing quite well, thank you very much.
I forget the name of the story, but I liked the one about a traveling bard who fancies himself an immortal adonis and goes around telling people he comes from a distant magical land but in the end it's revealed he's just some sad deluded old fuck from a local town.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of his stories was adapted into a big Hollywood film, there would be a big topic from the media about H.P. Lovecraft's history with racism.
And that it would cause a lot of controversy and maybe even protests (even if his stories have no relevancy to the writer) that Hollywood executives and liberals wouldn't wanna touch. So his stuff is put aside to avoid such scandal.
Oh, I wouldn't say it was important to the stories (something I'm glad of, because it really doesn't interest me), I just think that, like "too bleak", it's just another thing that hurts their chances.

Points one and two are by far the most important.

Again, guys, you can critique individual points all you like. Other than the first two, they just serve to contribute to making adapted script less appealing to the money-centric industry.
>draw furry porn
Excuse me sir, I've never drawn a thing in my life
>What is it about H.P. Lovecraft that prevents his stories from being turned into commercially successful films?

The invention of the cellphone.
there are neat and well done lovecraft elements in the first hellboy movie
the racism
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Just in case you're curious, /lit/ is having the exact same thread right now.

This, he talks about creatures that literay can not be described, and buildings or places with non-euclidean geometry, how can you put that shit into a movie?
Twain's book was commenting on the way people viewed black people in the South and Midwest. Huck Finn is actually a pretty progressive book for the time. Lovecraft's work is all about the fear of the foreign, the alien, or the unknowable. The feelings that underlie Racism are pervasive in the work even when it doesn't concern Black people at all.
We have the same thread every week.
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>literay can not be described
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>that literay can not be described, and buildings or places with non-euclidean geometry

Non-euclidean geometry can be described, both in words and in visuals.
>Thinking this looks Lovecraftian
>All golden and lovely it blazed in the sunset, with walls, temples, colonnades, and arched bridges of veined marble, silver-basined fountains of prismatic spray in broad squares and perfumed gardens, and wide streets marching between delicate trees and blossom-laden urns and ivory statues in gleaming rows; while on steep northward slopes climbed tiers of red roofs and old peaked gables harbouring little lanes of grassy cobbles. It was a fever of the gods; a fanfare of supernal trumpets and a clash of immortal cymbals. Mystery hung about it as clouds about a fabulous unvisited mountain; and as Carter stood breathless and expectant on that balustraded parapet there swept up to him the poignancy and suspense of almost-vanished memory, the pain of lost things, and the maddening need to place again what once had an awesome and momentous place.

Cthulhu a cute. CUTE!
>implying Call of Cthulhu should ever seriously be adapted

ignore the fact that it was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Call_of_Cthulhu_(film)
Bloodborne is imitating Brian Lumley imitating Lovecraft
Penumbra did it better
Amnesia did it better
Dark Corners of the Earth did it better
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I mean stuff like 4th dimension stuff, and stuff like optical illusions

Again, easily shown visually
Chtulhu is described, but for example Nyarlatothep or the creatures from "At the mountain of madness" are vaguely described and formless
It's harder to show in 3D and live action

Since Lovecraft tells us they're indescribable by men of science, then the goal post is always moving ahead. It's like saying "I'll do it tomorrow" and never do it, because no matter how many times the Earth spins on its axis, it's always today and never tomorrow.
Which was a simple trick showing a shot from a specific angle, they even acknowledge this and use them wisely.
Anyone who paid close attention to it knew it wasn't truly found footage. My wife knew it was fake as soon as the lead actress was stranded in the woods and got up and did a perfect french braid and full make up. The marketing was brilliant though. But it was never scary.
>all those blatant cuts in one scene
Film can't even pretend to live up to its premise outside of money saving showing us nothing.
>implying anyone cares about the Dream Cycle
This was the cultists' interpretation of him, not what he actually looks like.

>Implying anyone cares about Lovecraft at all.

I mean if we're going to start saying that most people don't care about one part we have to admit that they don't care about any of it.

Fuck you faggot Dream Quest is awesome and The White Ship is one of his best stories I will literally fist fight you.
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his stories can clearly be articulated into the visual medium. The majority of the recent video game Bloodborne is evidently and significantly influenced by Lovecraft and it's never on the nose about it (except the lumenwood rune that is literally the initials HP)

Hollywood won't touch him because A) niche audience, B) actual effort required and C) he was incomprehensibly racist. He would break down into crying fits seeing foreigners and had a lifelong grudge against those who weren't of pure new england stock.

In this day and age it would be difficult to justify making money based on the works of a virulent racist (which is bullshit, I love his stories), so just give it a few years.

some things that lovecraft does are simply not meant to be shown
No, literature will always be better except for the time it takes to finish
Holy shit, could anyone be more objectively wrong?

Honestly, it's one of his stories that would work best as a film. Most of it is an archaeologist talking about tracking down traces and mentions of Cthulu in various cultures around the planet. It's a fairly conventional investigation story that wouldn't be hard to turn into a good movie (the silent one is good, but a gimmick, a better version could be made).
But Walt Disney was a vicious antisemite in his day. What about all of those early caricatures of Jews, Blacks, East Asians...

It's right up Disney's alley, actually.
La Herencia Valdemar part1 was pretty good but once it started actually showing the horrors in part 2, it went downhill.

Pretty low budget but I liked whisperer in darkness. It was true to the story unlike most adaptations. You can always tell from the women in the movie, as there should be almost none according to his stories
>Del Toro's At The Mountains of Madness is still never going to happen

he will -as always- put style over substance

Can movies really convey what the character is going through as the events progress? When you read a book you associate and identify with the character as it is told in first person. But in a movie we are a spectator, we aren't really invested in what happens to the character on an emotional level, and that makes all the difference in such a movie. Acting can only portray so much fear, awe, confusion, curiosity etc...
I'm sure it will be a disappointment regardless of the director
Bullshit, art schools pre cubism and other modernist shit were not there to teach beginners but for people who spent the last 3 years rigorously studying day in day out, and people who today would be considered gods of deviantart, if you weren't really skilled they wouldn't look at you.

>protagonist faints/blacks out
lovecrafts works are a century old now, since then horror writers and film have borrowed concepts from him (amongst others) to return to his work would require a jump back in horror themes that have already been overused since then. perhaps some talent or vision like Del Toro could make it work.
Lovecraft didn't cause a world war, m8
I get what you're saying, that books can convey more through the text than a film can. He's still the best shot as far as big name directors go, though.

There's always been a small piece of Lovecraft in his films, what with the Victorian influences, the references to to old gods, psychological horror subtext, etc.

It wouldnt be perfect, but it'd be close.
So, Nightbreed , then?
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