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Is Effy Stonem the best Skins character?

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Is Effy Stonem the best Skins character?
no it has to be Pandora
She was such a manipulative slut, kept wishing she'd die of an overdose.
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Yes, she is.

>tfw kiss Effy's forehead, and hold her while she cries about her injured brother.
biggest muslims, niggers and sluts propaganda I ever saw
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Chris for me

The best kind of degen
She looks like a low budget Emma Stone.
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she's better than frog face ever will be
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I loved the Chris and Josie scenes.. that guidance counselor.
Cassie > Cook > Tony > Gen 1 Effy > Emily > others in whatever order you want
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Cook I agree was good.

Sid was my favorite male character because I identified with his autism.
Liked her better when she didn't talk
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why is cassie so lovely?
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>that one ep where effy literally fixes everything

is that the Rapist of Sam Tarly? Look at them choppers, they're enormous wanna brush 'em
I fancy her desu.

>not thinking "That's Cassie!!" immediately when you saw her in GoT.
Must be nice to be young.

>Must be nice to be young.

Or I just never watched Skins.
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I wasn't too huge on her mental breakdown shit though. I liked her as the side character and voice of reason.
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that is young gulli, yes

I actually started watching Skins just because I realized Gulli was on it. I think most people in North America only got exposed to Skins when it came on Netflix unless they just happened to be a Teaboo who torrented Skins.
I thought it was unrealistic too, chicks that hot never mess around with brown people.
Teaboo? Haha I'm for sure one of those. I never knew there was a term for it.

Yeah I torrented it when it was airing. It was talked about on a music forum full of bongs.
You could also use the term "anglophile".

Or, you could just say faggot, like I do.
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yeah at that age all i watched was american tv and anime so I was oblivious to pretty much everything british. in fact i'd say my netflix account is the main reason i've watched a ton of british television.
Not sure if I qualify for anglophile. I'm not that much into Britain just like some of their TV shows and music.

Basically like a weeb that doesn't give a fuck about Japan just wants to watch their cartoons because they are comfy.
lexi belle turned to serious acting?
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That's not Lexie belle, its Hannah murray
Huh Skins? Oh you mean the shitty teenage drama
i like how you don't capitalize surnames, it reminds me of medieval texts
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Skins made me feel even more alone because of how tight their friendships were.

That and how comfortable they were around eachother. Except for maybe Sid there was never any awkwardness.
It was all fake
what was?
I don't know. It was exaggerated, but I'd say a lot of those types of bonds are real. People have groups of friends in school that are just always together and they are natural with eachother.

At least I think so, I wouldn't know because I was at home playing vidya and being an edgelord.
skins isn't actually worth watching is it
if underaged british teens make your dick hard, watch it.
Not unless you're in your 13-18teens

best to douse in petrol and set on fire, sure. her fuckhead brother'd be the best to beat to death so you could feel your bashing instrument reduce his bones to chalk
none of them is or looks underage
they were all about 16-19 at the start of season 1
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>10/10 in britbongistan
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I'd say the first 4 seasons are. It's funny and clever at times. The dialog is sharp.

But as the seasons go on it gets trite and more and more ridiculous.

I re-watched it as an adult and while things were funny the second time through I was too old for it. I'd say over 20 it isn't as relevant.

Only reason to rewatch is if you want some nostalgia.
Post that gif with her you know which one
isnt freddie italian? hes not brown
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Gotta run, but I'll take a stab at which one you mean...
That's it
She sure looks pretty underage here if you ask me
nobody's asking you pham
rude desu
dubs desu
Naomi is patrician
Holy shit first quints in my life gotta screencap that shit
Underage chicks want to fuck too, it's scary but it's true.

It's not even a new trend or anything, it's always been like that.
women only pretend to like sex to manipulate men
>Effy Stonem anagram is Semen Toffy

Now that's what I call real poetry
Never mind me plebs just posting superior skins girl
Jonas Brothers/10
Why was the first season of each generation happy go lucky and then the second season of each generation emo garbage?

At least she has the looks to compensate for being absolutely batshit crazy.
>implying she isn't the sociopathic ice queen of the group

That was true until that retarded mental breakdown about circles or some shit.
Sid was the most reliable desu. And chris had the most interesting plotlines till cook came on the show
because the show was about the progress of exuberant teenage years into the confused drab mess of adulthood
Tony, Sid and Cassie made the show
Second gen fucked up with second season, I guess
Never bothered watching after it
>you will never watch skins for the first time again
Franky grew up.

i love chvrches
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>you will never reassure her about her dead career while caressing her huge tits.

Lauren is a 10/10 though and she's a 4.5/10

>haha look at that skinny twHOLY SHIT THOSE JUGS
cook hands down. guy is a massive sex symbol in britain too.
i hated franky. her autism ruined everything. she was a massive cunt to matty and got away with it and was a bitch to nick too. and she influenced minnie to ditch her family, all the while jibbing at liv for no apparent reason.

literally doesn't help anyone in the entire show, she's a liability who other characters have to sweep up after.
I'm surprised how Cook has better career that most of the cast did
He's a solid actor, no surprise, unlike most of the rest of Skins cast, especially in 2nd and 3rd generation some of them were terrible.
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I'm still mad there was no Pandora centric episode in series 4

I always imagined her as Margaery Tyrell
the careers of some of them are embarrassing.

i find it strange that cassie and chris are in game of thrones. as well as iwan rheon, nathalie emmanuel and a few others i recognize from british channel 4.
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Not only are you a retarded faggot, you also seem to have face blindness.
All those memories come rushing back.
Cassie was such a perfectly written character.
Except for that last season. That was shit.
i had a group of friends like this in high school but then most of us split apart when we went to college. a core group of us went to the same place, but even then we grew apart. i have only 2 friends left from that group and we barely talk, though i still consider us close.
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She was grown up on the show
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She wouldn't last five minutes in the skorch.

I wanted Panda to sit on my face for some reason.
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Franky was a god awful character, yet I still think gen 3 is the most entertaining. And she's still hot as fuck now without the lesbian hair. Those tits are out of this world.
>you will never watch skins for first time again
makes me really sad for a few seconds for some reason, it's like a part of myself has evaporated
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It was weird watching it the first time for me, I'd kind of missed out on a lot of those experiences because I'm a shut in and hated going out to bars, pubs and clubs when I was in my twenties.
But some of that stuff I remember, drinking to excess for no reason, cruising between parties, friends drifting in and out of my life at random.

I liked the twins in generation Two, but only Emily, Katie was a slag.
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Gen 1 Effy was the best since she had some mystery around her and wasn't just a slut.
Gen 2 Effy was nothing but a manipulative slut who had some spontaneous psychotic episode just because 'mental'.
I won't get into Redux since it was a total mess
>tfw you'll never have a threesome with them
b o n e r
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>tfw you will never beat to death with a hammer and then fuck her corpse
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Of course not, Kathryn is on some MTV show now(which used to be good but is now awful) and lives in LA and Megan works in a zoo in England or some shit.

You need to get yourself to the scorch buddy.
em was a super qt and you like her cause she had sex with a beta
I get this feeling too...

Also, my ex introduced Skins to me, who recently dumped me.

It hurts to remember this show.
It doesn't help that her first name is Effy's actress's name.
Cassie = Effy > Michelle > All
That was a great episode with the pot brownies.
op here

how the hell is this thread still up
Was wondering same thing. Effy has staying power m8
I still chill with 5 of my friends from school. We left school 8 years ago. Gonna be quite nice to still hang with them for more years.
>pancake tits
>no ass
>stuck up bitch
No thanks.
if i was you i'd leave this place man, it's not worth it...
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She's not stuck up! Leave Effy alone!!!!
It bugs me that every adult on this show is completly retard.

Also that first season finale... "Oh, I get hit by a bus!!! Let me sing now..."


Was Redux a mess though? It was through and through Effy.
Well the show is about kids raised by retarded parents. That's the plot line on IMDB anyways.

I know what you mean though
Cannot unsee.
damn she looks kind of ugly in here
would probably not hit. maybe if i was drunk or something
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>Not Based Cassie

Amerifat detected.
>tried to kill herself and then fucked all of her friends over
>got Chris fired
yeah no, fuck Cassie
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mad twatter
Even as a virgin 16 year old she did nothing for me.
I would tbH family
Pandora was a qt.
Did she quit or was she not getting work?
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Tony best male character
Effy best female character(saved seasons 3 and 4)
Naomi best waifu

By the way someone give me a good teen drama since I'm finished with skins
I'm watching fucking nothing right now and it sucks
i remember meeting a girl that looked exactly like her and i told her she looked just like cassie from skins and she was pissed. i think she's a top qt
My waifu right herr
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Mini from gen 3 has had some interesting roles after skins
Would lick nipples / 10
She's pretty much perfect.
I thought Tony was indisputably the best Skins character?
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She's getting more licked than that
Misfits is pretty good imho
Nice. Source?
Tony was a jerk. Chris was the best gen 1 guy.
awesome ass
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If her and Tony would've fucked then Skins would be my favorite series.
The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (2015)
in french: La Dame dans l'auto avec des lunettes et un fusil

fucking obscure movies, can't find a torrent for it
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The problem is that it would have put off most of the viewership, many of whom are (understandably) put off by that sort of thing.
But I personally think it would have been an amazing plot twist, and very arousing to watch
not even close
found it

ready to fap
Don't make me go rewatch skins OP. It made me feel strange things.
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Anyone else notice Waj from four lions in season 7?

rubber dinghy rapids
Generation 1 was the best.
Sid was the best guy
Sid is the best Skins character. It's just too bad he fell in love with crazy.
>tfw it went to shit after gen 1

I only watched gen 2 for Effy.

>He was the only to give Michelle an orgasm


The first two seasons are if you're 20 or under like that dude said. The show has some really good shit, the first episode of season two is really damn great, but the rest of season 2 lets it down quite a bit save for Cassie's episode. Season 2 as a whole dropped the ball, and makes me wary of even continuing the series. But the first episode, and the Cassie episode were fantastic.

The Cassie episode of season 1 is good too come to think of it.
that film was so poignant at the end, fuck.
Oh yeah that's another downside to Sid. He just has bad taste in women in general.

>Michelle was supposed to be the hot one
>Even Jal was more attractive

I don't get the Michelle hate, but I have a LOT of gripes against the Michelle/Sid dynamic in general. The subplot with Michelle meeting that orderly at Cassie's institution and them going out was completely unnecessary, and only there to force the drama later for Tony to save Effy. They could've done that a MILLION different ways with Effy, but they should've built up Sid and Michelle's friendship so that when they finally fuck, it would've made fucking sense. Goddamn that shit irks me.

And fuck Sid for not dialing 999 when he knew his dad was dead. I wanted to throw my fucking shoe at my monitor they're just fucking staring at his corpse for 10 fucking minutes it would've already started to smell.
It's funny you say that, part of the reason I like Sid so much is I was despondent like that after my dad died and no one else was around. I think a lot the series was inspired by real life stuff, it's why it's a good show despite all the gratuitous shit it's famous for.

I guarantee you wouldn't be so despondent to not call 999 if your father died in the morning hours and then you left him alone for another 6 fucking hours and walked in the door and he smelled like shit and piss and blood.
Smell doesn't have an effect on you at the time, you don't give a shit.
Also do dead bodies really smell that fast? I mean in air conditioning too.... Not like baking in the sun...
Nic Hoult in tighty whities in the pilot... Should have been the entire series.
They don't, unless they're exposed or something. My dad killed himself last year and when my brother in law found him he didn't mention anything about the smell, and trust me, he was really descriptive.
Did you watch Skins before or after that?
I forgot to mention, he was found 2 days later he did it.
Before that, when I was a teenager. Haven't watched it since. Been wanting to though, with all these Skin threads.
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Did you think back to Sid?
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qt patootie smile.
daddy is home, this thread will 404
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Nicholas Hoult is an alright actor. But Jack O'Connell is the stand out one.
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Not enough ass tbph
Because she just wants to be loved
I've met her irl, AMA
ooh baby
Wanted to work in a zoo, so she quit acting.

Is she actually a giantess?
>sid never found cassie
>michelle and tony will never rekindle their love
>chris is dead

Why does everything good turn to shit

At least Tony found himself and will likely lead a fulfilling life.

Damn, the first generation is so fucking good.
What's up with the scene where she uses the bidet against her pussy and breaks the 4th wall by looking into the camera and saying "ooh lala"? It's the only scene I can remember out of this shitty series.
She does that at the end of one episode where she is laying in bed or something too. Not sure what the purpose of those are...
>that one skins girl with a butt on the tip of her nose



It was just a teaser to show she'll be around next season.
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>2007 was 8 years ago

Almost 9 years, anon...

The older you get, the more quickly the wings of time flutter.
That's what >>62870744 was talking about, there is another where right after Tony is injured she's shown using the bidet or whatever.

I hate how in the DVDs they changed the soundtrack. I have torrents of the original airing TV rips and the music was good, then they must have lost the rights when they put out the DVDs or Netflix editions.
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What am I doing with my life?!
I like the idea of Effy getting #muslimed
How's S07 m8s ?
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Anwar best character

Slide is basically the Aussie Skins.

It's fucking great.
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Meh. It didn't have the same charm. It wasn't terrible though. Effy is a wageslave at that point.
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Only see 2011 Series 1 on BTN, they only did one season?
I believe so, yes.
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>not the misfits
So it basically bombed?
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Is there really a difference in music? I never knew this.

The end of series 1, where they all sing Cat Stevens' Wild World was awesome. I hope that's taken from the original.
No, it was really good.

I think it just never found a big audience or they weren't really willing to commit the cash again.

If I remember right they were going to do a second season for awhile. Maybe everyone just walked away.
From a Google search found this:
>However, much of the popular music used in the original broadcasts is not found on this DVD set due to the high cost of licensing.
>On the North American release of this DVD set, the cast ensemble performance of "Wild World" that appeared at the end of the Series 1 finale is completely missing due to liscening issues.
>However, all the show's original music is intact if purchasing the episodes from itunes.

So depends what rip you download. I have the original ones from when it first aired, and then the HD ones... HD sure looks better, but the music is just awkward.

I saw it on US Netflix---I guess there's no issue with licensing rights there.
Yeah I think streaming services is okay, but something about the cost if you do an actual DVD release.
best girl

Is the American version any good?
It's almost a shot-for-shot remake

It's a hollow remake. None of the charisma, novelty, or atmosphere of the original.

It's a doppelganger's ghost.
No, and it ended in a season. What at terrible idea they should have just bought the rights and rebroadcasted the one that was already made. Same shit and American kids don't mind some different slang terms... maybe even catch on a bit.
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my waifu

literally in love with her
Everyone just loves Effy because she's a hot slut, but her arc sucks. She doesn't grow or change. She really doesn't do a whole lot except hang around and manipulate the boys.

She's best gril, worst character.

You should chase her, anon.
I wish he was man, I wish he was.

But hope he was the only to not have his own episode, and he never really got anywhere with his life.

Plus he opened his results before everyone else
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>yfw series 2 ended with freddie dead
Maxxie is perfect
her arc only really ends when she ends up in prison in the miniseries
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I was really enjoying up until that point too
Slide (SLiDE?) was well written and acted, pretty earnest and overall less dark melodrama than skins but without taking itself too seriously.
Was a bit too soon with the whole multiplat webisode e-comics flash games thing. Good soundtrack though.
every series ends with someone dead

really that sixth form should be investigated
Sid found Cassie familia. she talks about it in redux.
Cook's episodes were based. Besides that, the rest was shit.
Best characters: chris, sid, thomas , jj
This is fact
I will move to manchester and later glasgow for other reasons.
Wish me luck
skins (at least the first two seasons) is the best british drama of all time
prove me wrong
God it gave me feels because i had friends like that in skins and we wpu.d do shit like that. I mean everything from the parties, drugs, the tight group, getting into trouble and just everything even the death so it hit home being able to point myself out and my group
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Reminder Series 1 started filming in 2006. Fuck i feel old.
daaawww what a qtpie
That's Billie Piper, right? What is this from?
True Love.

I'm from Brisbane and really liked Slide. Mostly because it was set in my city so I recognised everything and also because it Brisbane isn't a very exciting place so the episodes when they just sit around in a childrens playground trying to find the energy to do something really rung true.
I only visited Brisbane the once, and while the central city was a lot smaller than Sydney, it had a good vibe. In Sydney you have to know where everything is and where to go, in Brisbane there was like, a dance party in Brisbane square and a radio station caravan live broadcasting further in.
the hell is wrong with her nose
The city has got a lot better over the years but stuff like that isn't very "cool" for teenagers who're all jaded and want to spend their entire day in the food court at Indro(a big shopping centre).

Cassie is the most insufferable character on that insufferable series.

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>this thread is nearly 24 hours old
impressive desu
this desu
I can't say I've ever seen a shot of it
them thighs tho!

post em bois!
Cassie was great, right up to the point when she just up and dumped Sid out of the blue.
>I need answers Cassie
>read every post ITT waiting for someone to post that webum of Holly Earl dancing
>no one did

disappointed, m8s
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fuck you guys, I found it myself, but since i'm a nice guy, here you go.

>you got balls?
Fake taxi when?
now get one from the side....
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Did someone die too with the 3rd gen of skins?
I never finished watching series 5/6.
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OP here

what the actual fuck i made this thread yesterday morning
Grace died at the beginning of her second season, who was in the only relationship worth a damn in that gen
to be honest this is not the first thread i've made yesterday that had over 150 replies, it is however the only one that wasn't deleted by the mods

the moderation really fucking sucks on this board
Guess it's just a trend with skins
Freddy's death was still unjustified though
The first season was fun except for the dumb teen problems and messages. Season 2 was all dumb teen problems and messages without the fun. I stopped watching halfway through s2.
you should watch season 3 senpai, it's the best one
Generation 3 is probably the best for rewatching. The others might be better on first or second viewing but they fall off after that, generation 3 gets better until about the 15th viewing then stays at the same enjoyment level .
>In the original script the first generation should have ended with a massive orgy between the characters

Damn Britain
Its a Effy thread
This needs more Franky

Damn those tits are freaking huge
Never thought she could grow up so BIG
10/10 desu senpai baka
Man I'd love to have those wrapped around my head
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She needs to bring those beasts out dude.

People still watch this shit?
Yeah, it's comfy as fuck
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Those things are disgusting. She needs to get a reduction.
Hot desu
I met Luke Pasqualino at a house party. He's a cousin to my friend back home. Crazy. I didn't watch skins so I didn't know him from that. I knew him from BSG:B&C
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Grace a cute !
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140KB, 1074x1076px
Is Effy/Kaya good in Maze Runner and the sequel?
no, not at all
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Dumb slut that was the cause of every problem. I really wish she was the one who died
Also best girl
No. She doesn't even get gangraped.
Really? There is no rape vibe when she is the only girl there? Nothing?
My buggaloo
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