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Hey there! Do you ever thought about visiting the Ukraine? This

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Hey there! Do you ever thought about visiting the Ukraine? This summer is a great time to do it due to political situation, westerns now are highly welcome here. There is also more occasions to do it:
1) It's cheap as hell.
2) Visa free.
3) Girls will like you for sure.
4) It's safe. No crazy russkies with akas don't swarming everywhere.
5) It's not far if you European.
And a special offer - i will guide you for free. But not like shit for the tourists with memorials and parks in the Kiev or Lviv. We could visit as much cities as you want using buses or trains (you may rent a car and drive it if you want as well, i'm able to drive but don't like it at all) and do whatever you want to do, (police will forgive you almost anything in common sense). More people is also better. I'm 24 y.o. good looking white male (no homo sorry) will meet you in any city at any time during this summer. My profit is only improving the english talking skills and cultural exchange. If you are interested or have questions please contact me - [email protected]. I will check the thread at least one time a day as well.
just use my daily bump
There you may learn about the expirience of an american guy.
'murrican guys make me crazy (most of them).
They're not happy if they can't find a 4g connection, wifi spot or if they can't find a perfect copy of their lifestyle.

Do they have a hole as toilets? Do they wear tracksuits? What's the matter? Enjoy the differences, fortunately we're not 'murican copies!

ps. 10/10 qt
pps. I would like to visit your country sooner or later!
Hello Ukrainian Dept. Of Tourism. Having fun shilling?
just use my daily bump
Post more face-fuckable cuties and I might consider it.
I've always wanted to visit Chernobyl/Pripyat and Odessa. Recommend me some other stuff to see and research, OP.
Do you mean "girls will use you" for "girls will like you"?
Can I travel Eastern Europe as a girl without being raped and/or killed, y/n
Fucking KEK
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Yes. E. Europe is civil and relaxed. Much more so than W. Europe. It's not irregular for gilrs (25 ageish) and women to walk their dogs even at 3 in the morning, alone.

How old are you? Anyway, just avoid the trouble parts of Serbia and everything else is fine and dandy.

Well, they'll use you as much as you let them. I know that for some r9k lords it's difficult to say no to a woman talking to you, but keep in mind that you're the important person there and they need to impress you to enjoy your company/money some more.

kys senpai
I'm as much of a sex tourist as the next guy on trv, but this is too much
>How old are you?
19 and thanks for the info!
i dont have so much experience traveling in europe i just been in germany and budapest, is couchsurfing popular there? im more fond for the idea to have a local showing me the place than going there as a tourist, it was like that in my 2 last travels
Damn that is a 11/10 face
I'm Ukrainian and everyone are welcome in my friendly country
>is couchsurfing popular there
Not sure, but it's possible to find someone in bar after couple shots who would agree to shelter you for a night. Anyway there is no problem to find a decent apartment for 10$/day.

Are you >40 y.o. or just a stalker fanboy?

just use my daily bump
Is dental care cheap and safe? I'm a broke American that needs to get some healthcare.

Is it easy to start a business in Ukraine too? I don't want to live in the USA anymore.
Yes it is. Dental care is cheaper in comparison with Western Europe and America. What about to start own I can't tell you, I'm just don't now
As of last year you are required to buy health insurance, just like car insurance, want me to stick my finger up your ass again? I can show you my "cancer-finder" and report the findings to the government.
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I'm the guy from >>1119536. I just got back home last night after spending several weeks in Ukraine. I'm a 20 year old male that solo traveled all of the trip without knowing more than a few random Russian words. I planned nothing except a ticket into Ukraine and a ticket out of Ukraine a few weeks later. That left me with a big window to do whatever I wanted. Just a little sidenote, I'm not really an American. I'm a German that spent most of my youth in America, hence the use of "Westerner" instead.

One again, I'm not an American. And I wasn't looking for an exact copy of western life or else I would not have visited Ukraine. The whole point of the trip was to have a little adventure and see something new.
>Do they have a hole as toilets? Do they wear tracksuits? What's the matter? Enjoy the differences, fortunately we're not 'murican copies!
If you would look, you would notice that I created the AMA thread on /int/ and not /trv/. Because I did so there, I used a bit of spicy memes and casual shitposting or else my thread would have been ignored. I had two hours to waste and wanted to have a little bit of fun mixed with informative posts. Had I made that same thread on /trv/ I would have had less than 3 responses in those 2 hours.

But anyways, if anyone has any questions whatsoever about my time in Ukraine or anything about traveling to/in Ukraine please feel free to ask me here. I'll be a bit more informative here and less shitposty as I would be on /int/
Me: >>1119804

Lt me say that I didn't want to offend you.
It's just that here you can read a lot of occidental guys (often from 'mmurica) think that their lifestyles must be the standard of living for everyone and this is really sad for me.

Anyway I take this opportunity...;)
How are the roads and traffic? Do you think it is safe to visit the Ukraine with bicycle and tent?

ps. I'm from Europe.
just use my daily bump
How often are people trying to get one over on you ?

Can you say anything about getting a social worker or case manager position as an american expat?

Mental health services?
Honestly, I never considered it for 2 reasons.
1. I have no idea what to go see there other than maybe Tsjernobyl. I'm mostly into nature.
2. It just doesn't feel safe. Would hate to be on the next MH17.

Don't mean to diss Ukraine at all, just being honest.
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>How are the roads and traffic?
To be honest, I think Ukraine has the worst road conditions in all of Europe. Most towns in the countryside have 1 barely paved road going through them and the rest are dirt roads. In the cities it doesn't get much better. The roadways are full of potholes, cracks, chunks missing, broken curbsides, and cobblestone that was laid 100 years ago and hasn't been touched since. Although, when I was in Kiev I saw one of the main roadways getting paved so maybe they finally got some infrastructure funding.

Traffic seemed really hectic. I took a few taxis in different cities and most of the time we were flying in between other cars, driving down the wrong side of the road, and/or the driver got into a commotion with another driver. Oh and taxi drivers are some crooked people if you can't speak Ukrainian.

>Do you think it is safe to visit the Ukraine with bicycle and tent?
Absolutely, but be prepared for long stretches with nothing in between and dirt roads. Most of the countryside between cities in very old fashioned rural farmland. I remember seeing people cutting grass with scythes and people working by hand in the fields. I don't remember seeing and heavy farm equiptment like tractors or special tools. That being said, there's plenty of untouched land with trees and bushes that you could prop up a tent and no one would say a word or give a shit.
>Mental health services
Mostly asylums, it works pretty good tho. But no such pussy things as in the Sopranos.

>How often are people trying to get one over on you?
It depends on toughness of a person. People are the bald monkeys anywhere.

>Can you say anything about getting a social worker or case manager position
Each school has one of that position it's all what i know.

>I'm mostly into nature
Me too and we have it.

>It just doesn't feel safe. Would hate to be on the next MH17
CIA doesn't do one trick twice. Just kidding. Actually it's safer than in Europe because Ukraine is the least target for the terrorists. You have nothing to worry about.

>Oh and taxi drivers are some crooked people
You got it right. They are always aware about illegal activity like prostitution or gambling.

>ountryside between cities in very old fashioned rural farmland. I remember seeing people cutting grass with scythes and people working by hand in the fields. I don't remember seeing and heavy farm equiptment like tractors or special tools.
You saw the relicts of USSR, Ukraine has 30% of most fertility soil on the planet so we don't have to use much of it, but during USSR times requirements of crop were much bigger.

just use my daily bump
Those holes as hoilets are here in Italian schools, universities... Disgusting; in fact I have never been taking a shit there. If I suspected some weird noise from my stomach I just didn't go to school
just use my daily bump
shit are you serious anon? did china finally surpass eastern europe in terms of development?

in china even rural towns have paved roads and at least half of farming villages have tractors and such now.

I didn't realize ukraine and russia were THAT backward. the building facades always look beautiful in pictures.
I thinking about some vacation in ukraine right now (end of june) 1.5weeks, starting in Lviv for a few days and going down to the Carpathians with the train and going back to lviv a few days later.

>Getting hammered in Lviv
Is this even possible not getting robbed, i'm not that big of a guy and probably going there alone?
how about cabs?
>Hiking in carpathians
Seems like some nice empty hiking trails existing there or are there many ukrainian hiking?
Do you have any recommondation around Volovets?
Sounds like you are looking for female only companions OP, why not just point it out?

Other than that Ukraine does seem like a nice place to visit.
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Allright, OP. Not in this year, but I would like to pass some days on my vacation in Kiev-Odessa-Lviv region, possibly expanding to Kosice and Lublin. It would be at least 7 days in Kiev (being one in Pripyat), 4 days in Odessa, 4 days in Lviv, 2 days in Kirovorad and 2 days in Vinnytsia (those last one due to logistics). Questions:
1) Do you think is it enough/too much?
2) Which other Ukrainan cities in these regions do you recommend me?
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>Is this even possible not getting robbed, i'm not that big of a guy and probably going there alone?
I went last week alone to Lviv and got shitfaced and had 0 problems. To top it off I'm a skinny 20 year kid. Even when I was sober I pulled out my phone and wallet in public all the time with no problems.
>how about cabs?
If you don't speak Ukrainian be prepared to pay up to 10x as much. If you can call and order a taxi it costs basically like 30UAH for a 5 minute ride but if you walk up to one be ready for 200+UAH.

When I first arrived to Lviv I walked up to a cab driver at the train station, showed him the destination on my phone, and rubbed my fingers for the price all without saying one word. He asked for 80UAH which didn't bother me. When we arrived to my destination in the center of the city he told me "cześć" so I'm assuming he thought I was Polish. Had he known I was a westerner I'm sure that price would have been muuuch higher.
>mfw I asked for a cab from the center of the city to the train station and a driver wanted 300UAH
Just take the tram if you can. It costs 2UAH which is 0,07€

>Other than that Ukraine does seem like a nice place to visit.
Can confirm for not being true. Ukraine was absolutely amazing. It may be a big behind in times and run down but the people and experiences make it all worth while.
Not at all. Actually i do not recommend Ukraine for females.

>Is this even possible not getting robbed, i'm not that big of a guy and probably going there alone?
Do not show foreign money to bydlo, hide golden accessories at the deserted places same to expensive camera, try not to show if you are lost or confused. Just advice dicted by logic, no one ever try to rob me but i'm a big guy.

>how about cabs?
Not a problem also you may often use as a cub just a random car it's common practice here.

>Seems like some nice empty hiking trails existing there or are there many ukrainian hiking?
Do you have any recommondation around Volovets?
Sorry i have nothing.

>1) Do you think is it enough/too much?
What would you do in Kiev for so long? And why is Pripyat? It's depressed shit full of builders of safe confinement shelter, there is literally nothing to see except abandon and dirty commieblocks.

>2) Which other Ukrainan cities in these regions do you recommend me?
And why Kirovorad but not Dnipropetrovsk?

>If you can call and order a taxi it costs basically like 30UAH for a 5 minute ride but if you walk up to one be ready for 200+UAH
lol in that case you should discuss the price before you get in and move only if you comfortable with it. It's probably true for all not 1st world countries.

use my daily bump
What's crossing into Transnistria like from Ukraine?
>lol in that case you should discuss the price before you get in and move only if you comfortable with it. It's probably true for all not 1st world countries.
That IS discussing the prices beforehand. They'll try and squeeze ever penny out of you.
Well, Kiev is the capital and deserves more attention. Plus, not always tourist highlights are pleasant to see (e.g. Auschwitz).
Isn't Dnepier too close from conflict zone? I would like also to go to Poltava, but it is not in my plans due to this reason.
Your post seems like nonsense to me. I had reasonable price even at new year night, it's the biggest holiday here.

>Dnepier too close from conflict zone
Far enough besides it's completely surrounded and Russia cannot afford to do something tricky to change it.

>not always tourist highlights are pleasant to see (e.g. Auschwitz)
It's not the same. Auschwitz has historical value and supposed to be a reminder to people of things that shouldn't happen again.

use my daily bump
>Visa free.

Not for everyone, i tried to visit there in winter but i needed a visa, so i went to Bulgaria and Romania instead.


>I didn't realize ukraine and russia were THAT backward.

Ukraine has been like that for ages, Russia is much better because at least the major roads in between towns are well kept (although traveling off main routes is very shit). Even the major highways in parts of Ukraine have serious potholes in them that you sometimes need to actually slow down and drive around.

Most of the roads have been around since the USSR, the Ukrainian government doesn't do any upkeep on most of them (as with everything in Ukraine, almost all infrastructure is soviet built), and the few that they do redo are built so badly that they are ruined within a few years (see the roads they built for the 2012 soccer championship cup they had and what they are now 4 years later).

Also, Ukraine OP, who do you work for?

Your the only one who ever posts this type of general 'come visit my country' thread on a regular basis, like theres always one big thread somewhere in the catalog and it seems bizzare that someone is trying this hard to promote travel to their country for no really good reason.
>I had reasonable price even at new year night, it's the biggest holiday here.
Can you speak Ukrainian/Russian? If so then there is your answer.
>Not for everyone
I have wrote >westerns before so Albania isn't included.

>Also, Ukraine OP, who do you work for?
For Ukrainian KGB we are seek foreign men to recruit as spies.

>promote travel to their country
I don't care about that, I'm just loocking for a companion or companions.

Try to watch the Pawn Stars my friend it might teach you how to bargain.

use my daily bump
Hey OP, I'm genuinely considering coming there in the next month. I'm in Africa on a RTW trip and debating between going to Eastern Europe or to South America next.

I'll be honest that the only thing that makes me consider Eastern Europe right now is the women, though - to me, they're the best in the world. Other than that, I'm not very interested in seeing churches, historic towns, etc - I'm more into adventures and experiencing cultures that are quite different from the west.

So can you give me some other ideas for things to do around Ukraine or the region in general? As it stands it seems like I'd probably end up going full sex-tourist there because nothing else would be interesting.
>implying I paid that much for a taxi
I walked
Thanks for the reply !
I'm thinking of going to Ukraine in a few weeks so I can visit Chernobyl/Pripyat. Is that something you did on your visit? How safe did you feel in Ukraine? What was the atmosphere of the city like? I will be a solo male traveler but only plan on being there a few days,
I was in kharkov in februar.city is not very beautifl but it was very cheap.
I am not native english speaker.I am a turkish guy living in germany berlin
I will go to kharkov again in 2 weeks
if you have interest ,you can write to me
[email protected]
> I'm more into adventures and experiencing cultures that are quite different from the west.
That the type of tourism what i'm talking about.

>so can you give me some other ideas for things to do around Ukraine or the region in general
Sex-tourist is okay i recommend this part of the country becouse of slutiest girls, middle part also good but avoid west as the most religious part.

use my daily bump
use my daily bump
>4) It's safe. No crazy russkies with akas don't swarming everywhere.

Part of your country was literally annexed by a foreign power recently. How can you even say something like that with a straight face?

and it was the best part too!
I'm Croatian, but i speak Russian ( quite decently ).
I only have money and time to visit Western Ukraine with Lviv.
Is it safe to speak Russian there because of recent habbedings, or will i get wpierdol'd/rek't by binderas?
Severe broblems if try to leave Moldova without a Moldavian entry stamp which you won't get that way, in that case you have to go to some ministry in Chisinau to sort it out.
Yes Couchsurfing is widely used in Ukraine
>Part of your country was literally annexed by a foreign
Not really it feels like grandpa went crazy and start to treat everyone with his old shotgun but soon enough he will be handled and sent to the asylum.

>and it was the best part too!
Too fat.

>Is it safe to speak Russian there because of recent habbedings, or will i get wpierdol'd/rek't by binderas?
It's a joke of course, you theoretically might have problems if you were serbian but you are croatian, people here like croatians.

use my daily bump
i am planning to visit ukraine in a few weeks. have, I a friend there in kiev. any advice what i could visit besides the capital, i have basically no plan of this country.
U said its cheap, how cheap? iam german fag and not realy poor but neither am i rich, what can i expect.
I still don't understand the draw of Ukraine and E Europe. I mean obviously the women are probably the best in the world, but is there anything else? Looking at TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet it's all churches and other crap that no one really cares about.

So for those that have travelled there, did you do anything else interesting apart from drinking and hooking up with girls? I'm as much a sex tourist as anyone else on this board, but there are other, more interesting spots that have more than just women available.
>I mean obviously the women are probably the best in the world, but is there anything else?
what else do you want ? let's be honest, majority of fags who want to go there want to find a blue eye blond hair qt and take her home, the few times i have talks irl about ukraine, one way or another this topic come on the table, it's just a matter of time before the guy said "oh their girls are so beautiful if i could find one" they all dream about this and want an aryan wife. White women are becoming rare especially blue eyed, blond hair types and ukraine is a poor country full ot it, the average salary is lower than some african country. Why not take advantage of the situation ? that what a faagot who can't get gf in his homeland would think. Even turks are going to ukraine to fuck and some rich get married.
>anything else interesting apart from drinking and hooking up with girls
Like what? Alpinism, diving, safari hunting, disneyland? If you short of money and don't want to see blacks or asians around during vacation Ukraine is your choose if you prefer exotic it's not. Simple as is.

Ask your friend then it would be more efficiently than asking a stranger, you are german for god's sake.

use my daily bump
>Girls will like you for sure.
No, they'll try to marry you for a visa/green card.
It's more like how at university the millionaire chinese or arab kid who drives a flashy car will date some white girl that he buys thousands of dollars of stuff for.

They'll expect you to take them out to fancy restaurants and buy them flowers maybe a trip to a fancy hotel, but it costs you like $50 for the whole thing so not that big a deal.
1 word: competition. Demand > Supply. You should be able to draw more conclusions from this.
Is Odesa good for a single American guy who wants to bang Ukrainian women?

What would the language barrier be like for that and where would I meet girls?
You have no idea of what are you talking about. It's all about the rank for instance i could arrive to random village and pick up some girls easily only because i'm a "guy from the city" and i don't drink moonshine. These circumstances raise my rank above other local males they know. Same thing with westerns here but even better due to natural xenophilia of females. But with that behavior like - look at me i'm a stupid fat bag with money you of course would attract only whores.

use my daily bump
use my daily bump
Ukraine is literally European Philippines in terms of women
use my daily bump
Hello OP, thanks again for answering my e-mail. I found a place in Kyiv-Obolon for 6 weeks in August/September to learn Russian. It will be great! Hope to visit some places while I'm there.
>4) It's safe. No crazy russkies with akas don't swarming everywhere.

Of course not. Why "swarm everywhere" when just one Russian can shoot your civilian passenger jet down with a rocket launcher?
>2) Visa free.

I've been there recently. It was amazing. The food is delicious, the people are very kind and there is a lot of cool history to learn about. Plus, the women are beautiful and it is very cheap. Would recommend.
Lol he just lied to you. You have about a 30% chance of getting raped.
what you're doing is incredible
wish i could visit

wont have funds until august anyway
keep it up
Do you know much about UA's underground clubbing scene op?
Caлoeд, пoльзyй cвoй хoхляцкий яндeкc, a нe нaш пpaвocлaвный py.
I hope you will have fun.

Rocket launcher it's isn't enough to do this passenger jets are too fast and flying too high.

Where are you from?

I did in 2007-2009 but now i have lost all my contacts.

Moжeт мнe eщe и мaмкy твoю пepecтaть пoльзoвaть?

use my daily bump
use my daily bump
use my daily bump
>Oh and taxi drivers are some crooked people
>You got it right. They are always aware about illegal activity like prostitution or gambling.

Not that guy but I bet he didn't mean that they are aware, ofc they are BUT they are crooked as fuck, stealing passports and than selling them back to you, always charging double or triple if you don't speak at least russian, driving you around in circles. At least in Kiev is like that, can't say for other cities rly.
Official taxis with taximeters are good and cheap, but without Russian/Ukraine language knowledge hard to come by. But yeah, those private fucks rip you off. When I was in Kiev the reception at Hotel Ukraine wouldn't call you a real taxi, but instead pointed you to those fags in front of the hotel who have no idea where to go, use google maps and overcharge you. Took one of those to the shooting range out of town, had the address printed out, idiot left me in the wrong part of the suburb and I had to find my way there.
>Not at all. Actually i do not recommend Ukraine for females.
>That's what he said.

All the men there have that don't take our women attitude because in reality they are super sluts, especially to the people of westeros.
Would recommend.
use my daily bump
I will send you an email with some random questions. I'm trying to plan a trip to urkraine next year.
Haпиcaл нa тeбя зaявy в CБУ зa coтpyдничecтвo c oккyпaнтaми
Cдeлaл нa тeбя зaкaз в ДPГ нa мycopoвoзe.

use my daily bump
>Rocket launcher it's isn't enough to do this passenger jets are too fast and flying too high.

It was slowing down to land when the Russians took it out. The same will happen to any flight you take there. No point in visiting Ukraine desu, the country will not exist much longer.
It was taken out by BUK-3, who operated the system is another story. That's like saying all shooting involving AKs are done by Russians.

Go gulp down some more semen from the western media.
It wasn't even landing there. It was going from Amsterdam to Malaysia.
Also >>1128729 is right.
use my daily bump
Not scared of a terrorist attack or anything but what are the chances of getting bashed by a group of byldos on a night out?
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Ukrainian here, AMA.
You are fine as long as you don`t go to the red zone. That`s where most military personnel is and nothing else really. Green is fine, but you might want to avoid it if you are absolutely not okay with seeing soldiers with weapons. Poltava is safe, and i wonder what is it you wish to see here. Dnieper and Kharkiv are also safe but you will see roadblocks on the entrance to Kharkiv, never been to Dnieper so maybe there too.
Hi OP! I'll be in Kyiv for 6 weeks in Aug/Sep to learn Russian. Thanks for helping me out via E-mail. What are things I can do from Kyiv if I'm interested in Soviet stuff/architecture? I don't care too much about the "pretty architecture" as in Lviv. I want the gritty stuff : -)
Do Ukrainians like Australians?
Do they like Military?
Are you me?
What's the music scene like in Kiev? There are a couple bands I like from there so if I went I'd just want to hang out and go to shows every night.
Chances are you`ll find some place that has local bands playing in no time. Can`t tell when or where, as i`m not from Kiev. There are websites to help look for events but most of them are in Russian or Ukrainian.
https://kiev.concert.ua/ this one has English interface but no English descriptions.
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