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/ztg/ - Zootopia General: Dun Dun Dunnnnnmnm! Edition Paste

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Thread replies: 408
Thread images: 123

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/ztg/ - Zootopia General: Dun Dun Dunnnnnmnm! Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG CC List: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org / archive.b-stats.org
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/9519245

Thematic Thursday Theme: Private Detective / Freelance Investigator
Submissions tonight.

More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
you kill me /ztg/
Hey thread guess what!!
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Marty belongs with _______
new things just happen page?
I hope so.
Need swirlyeen
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TT thread seems like a good place to dump my submissions. First up is the original (kinda shitty) sketch version.
all preds getting evicted

I'm really liking where this is going.
Hell yeah
Colors are off the hook
Nah, Henrietta's just always behind on her rent and the landlord said enough was enough. He tried to tell her earlier in the comic [that morning], but she ran off.
anyone got that picture of Charlie with nightmare eyes?
Thank you to the other Op who delete the thrwad
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And the color version. I don't usually do colors so the lighting didn't turn out great, but I'm pretty happy with the look overall.
Thanks!! I mean, Im finally giving Henriettas [current?] apartment a solid look so had fun with how it was set up.
you're welcome, now find me >>9529395
Not that guy but do you mean this one?
yes; do you have the original name?
This is pretty neat, I like the color version. Well done!
I feel like Marty/Ozzy/Charlie are the core of Pack Street
They have the most characterization and screentime out of all the cast, and aren't held back by being in gimmicky positions among the pack
Sorry I do not, just the 4chan numbers 1486205294065
I've got to go, but I know I've translated this before

If this thread's still up roughly five hours from now I can translate it again
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>Nick Wilde, disillusioned hustler, former member of the mob, and former criminal
>A fucking Christian

this shit dont add up
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I agree with Marty and Ozzy but Charlie I don't really like her even without all the alpha beta omega stuff. Not even Sheepdog.

I think the whole thing where Ozzy is kind of everyone's little brother kind of make him have a position in the pack, too. In a way.
Nick never said anything about his religious beliefs, therefore strict Catholicism is entirely in-character.
I'll agree with you on Ozzy and Charlie but I never really considered Marty to be a central character
Colored version is really cool. Great job platonic.
nick never said anything about his sexual identity, therfore he is now an attack helicopter and it's entirey in-charcacter
>It's a "Noir TT" rerun episode.
Its more about their presence within the story rather than their actual character
I consider all of them, including Charlie, to be key players

really? He's the one that's constantly on Remmy's ass for being racist
BRE was a huge turning point for him as well
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>there are actual striped bun species
>but Jack isn't one of them
Who wants to make the first Legitimate Zootopia Lore Friendlyâ„¢ striped bun OC?
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Hey, zoopals! Fanart here!

Thought I'd drop a quick blast for TT. Sorry it's not up to par with what I'd prefer but I'm still figuring out moving and stuff. Just an inspector Judy looking over her notes while drinking in a dive bar.
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Can someone give me some lewd fics?
Uhhh he said hallelujah once, that's as good as hard evidence
>AU where everything is the same, except its just the set up to a Disney cinematic universe.
Holy hell her paws are HUGE! Cute pic though man. Hope your moving goes well, that shit is always exhausting.
>AU where everything is the same, but Nick is wearing an outrageous sombrero at all times.
Judy urges Nick to indulge in his predator side

>I have special eyes.png
Nicely done, FA! I love your colours. Her hands seem a bit proportionally big though.
God I want her to wrap those paws around my entire body
I always assumed Jack was just really, really tryhard. I mean in my mind Jack isn't Rem's Jack or other Tumblr iterations where he really is all that jazz, he's something like Jack Clover real name, changed to Savage later. Stripes are tatoos or whatever that they could use to make permanent markers, he regrets to this day.

I have a hard time with stuff like you posted, their stripes don't translate that well when drawing. Wild cats are especially annoying for me due to that.

Fuck man, you're making me feel bad for not working on stuff. I never thought getting back into working would make it this hard to work on my personal projects. Kudos to you for sticking to it even now.

I know you probably get this a lot but I love the way you do the lighting.
>Sad boy lighting up
>Another damn day of giving everything I have to this godforsaken city. And for what? No recognition. No security. Just to keep the status quo.
>AU where everything is the same, but Nick is Pauly Shore
>"Hey, BU-DDY."
>If Finnick found out he was a father
>Zootopia Hearts

>Metal Mammal Rising: Revegeance
He's probably tied.
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Thanks buddy! I'll give it a read. Getting addicted to reading these fics despite hating reading, binged heat of the moment yesterday.
This is good. I kind of like the color version, but the top right kind of brings me out of it a little with the white light compared to the rest of the picture. Still great! Also, is he wearing glasses in the colored version?

>former member of the mob
>When the Big family gave undertones of being catholic

But I otherwise agree of this not adding up, especially of it being almost extreme.

Absolutely love the lighting in this, kind of gives off this odd bar with a neon sign type of feel. As others have said, the hands seem just a tad bit big, but otherwise this is great.
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tiny penis, he has a tiny penis!
I know, it's just "CARROTS" "NICK" "Ca-carrots..." "Nick..." "CARROTS!" "Ni-nick?" "I did something horrible yesterday" or something. I only post it because I find it funny how it fits most fanfics.
>AU where everything is the same, except Danny DeVito is voices Finnick.
>Your mother was a WHOOORE, Nick!
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Why is Judy such a bitch.
>she's not breaking down crying at the prospect of Nick leaving
>when the waterworks came on back when she barely even knew him, and thought he wouldn't be her friend

I know saying this comic is seriously OOC is like beating a dead horse, and I'm at the point of just not giving a shit anymore, but you have to wonder if that "they didn't do it in the movie" bit was just a stone-faced fucking lie to rationalize his utter contempt for these characters.
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>AU where everything is the same, except Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson voices Nick
>He also breaks into a song when ripping Judy's dream apart, explaining his sobby backstory, forgiving Judy and when getting savage'd by Bellwether (yes, savage singing)
>Just him alone, everyone else just waits like it's normal.
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Here's a better comic for discussions
>AU where everything is the same except Remmy is a random bystander who gets swept up in the Bellwether conspiracy for no reason
>AU where the threads were the same except we didn't talk about IWS
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Root beer then ice cream or ice cream then root beer?
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fucking kill yourselves
>The sun shone brightly in the sky,its reflection still blinding, even as it wavered and shifted on the gently rippling surface of the pond. Judy half-watched it, noting how the reflections of the clouds above onto the dark water looked like milk poured into coffee. It wasn't the town's main reservoir; just a small, somewhat permanent puddle on the outer edge of it. Technically the class were there to see how the town turned silty pondwater into something everyone could drink, but Judy had found this far more engrossing.

>"Hey bunny butt! Everyone's movin! Whaddya doin, waitin' for a prince t' hop by?"

>The taunting voice behind her belonged to Gideon Grey, fulltime fox, part time bully and general nuisance. Judy ignored him and continued to examine the lilies floating in the water, not even looking up as a large, dark shadow blotted out the reflected sun, falling over her in a wave of coolness as the larger vulpine loomed over her.

>"'cause I'm not sure even a frog'd kiss ya, ya know."

>"For your information I'm looking at the water lilies."

>"Pfff! Yeah? What's so special 'bout 'em?"

>"Everything. They grow on the bottom of the pond, in the mud and the dirt and the slime. Yet they always send up shoots above all of that, leaves that float on the surface and soak up the sun. And they're flowering now too, see? Each petal is thinner than tissue paper, so delicate a single touch will bruise them. Don't you think that's neat? That something can be so tough to survive all that and at the same time so fragile? Huh?"
>AU where the threads are the same except we don't talk about anything
AU where everything is the same but Nick is straight.
Hmmm probably ice cream first.
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>Au where I don't want to fuck the bunny.
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It's like a pileup on the highway on an icy day. The casualties keep piling up but you can't tear your eyes away
>AU where everything is the same except, during the bridge scene, Judy grabs Nick right in the dick.
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>AU where everything is the same except Byron was given permission to insert his gay romance subplot in the story
>There was no reply, only a long silence. Some distance away their teacher, Mrs. Flockheart, was trying to herd the class in the same general direction; a futile effort given that there was water to splash in and bugs to chase. For a moment Judy wondered if he'd wandered off, but then a large, heavy paw came down on her shoulder and a pointed, rusty-colored face peered past her, looking over the water at the flowers, each like a delicately folder origami boat, only more intricate, tethered in place by hidden stems. For a moment she was going to tell him to quit leaning on her, but he was staring so intently at them, as if seeing them for the first time, that she stayed quiet. Still he was leaning forward rather insistently; one arm was wrapped rather closely around her, while the other reached out and down, as if to touch the white flowers in the water. Judy could hear every sound; neither of them was breathing.

>And then suddenly they overbalanced and fell into the cold water, breaking the spell of the moment.

>Gideon blinked, shook his head and sneezed, the splashes having got up his nose. Judy quietly thanked her lucky stars that the water was shallow, only a few inches deep. Her clothes were a little wet but she wasn't going to drown. She was looking up now, at the blue sky, Gideon's paw still around her, tucked beneath her chin. She waited for him to get up as he quietened down, but there was no need. Rufus Lupine, a somewhat scruffy wolf, grabbed him by his shift color and dragged him to his feet, while he muttered angrily.

>"Hey Gid! Swimming lessons aren't till may! Or is this the pond your princess kissed ya in? Doesn't seem to have made much difference!"

>"Hey shaddup! I already said that!"

>"Oh? So y're a toad then? Thought so!"
It always weirds me out how Nick and his mom in these renditions are always like an age gap of 16~ years.

I mean at least when I look at it I can't see Ms. Wilde over her 50.
maybe he will in the sequel.
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Thanks for the heads-up, I didn't notice those weird bits in his eye area. I'd tried to draw the reflection of the fire in his eyes, but couldn't make it look right so I just covered it up with black. Guess I missed a few spots, but hopefully this looks better
>The arguing and banter drifted off to join the general hullabaloo of the rest of the class as Judy picked herself up and did her best to wipe herself down.It was a hot day, she'd dry quickly, but it had given her something to think about, perhaps.
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I hope so, he's a good little doggo
Wait you put more sweet shit on that? I only had it once and I felt like I was going to end up with cavities.

It's shitposting hour, how is it an AU?
I want more of the "AU where everything is the same except Nick is replaced by Remmy"
>AU where everything is the same except there are no AUs

All WildeHopps stuff by https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7806888/PredAndPrey (check his other stuff on Ao3, it's none smut but still fun)

Kulkum (Both Ao3 and FF) has some fantastic smut under his belt.

http://archiveofourown.org/works/6893947/chapters/15728932 Has a far amount of character to it, ending with some solid smut.

http://archiveofourown.org/works/7087750/ (Nick's in heat and Judy helps him.)

There's a number of really nice smut works, along with what I already said. (at least on AO3) Just search "explicit" and look through everything on it.

No Idea what you can do for FF, though.
watchu want it called senpai
I think I recall seeing a picture like that before. Don't have it saved though.
fragile? thanks in advance!
AU where Bug Burga's firefly sauce was never discontinued.
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god the composition of this is so fucking frustrating
its almost as if these assholes dont know the first thing about comics
Can someone get me some context to the original picture and quote? I can't tell what the author was going for there.
>AU where everything is subtlety different.
It's also pretty obvious that most (or all) of those poses are traced from stills of the movie
>Every time Judy name is called it's slightly higher pitch than the one before.
>Every time Nick says Carrots the contrast of the movie increases slightly
>Ms. Otterton enters the room and closes the door.
>Nick shoves the red end into Judy hand.
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>I mean at least when I look at it I can't see Ms. Wilde over her 50.
I'm sure she'd be happy to hear you say that
It's funny, I don't think we've ever really had a close examination of a single character save Remmy. We don't really know the inner workings of any other character.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

This is amazing.

I mean, this is straight out of The Producers. It's attempt to be so straight faced makes it come off as a awesome satire.
Sly private investigator, "Nicholas". Thanks for submitting, the second one is less detailed, but more filled.

where's the pink fire? Really hot Judy, dude.
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>premeditated sin
>said the hustler who desecrated a funeral
>to his girlfriend he fucks outside marriage
>said girlfriend is of a complete different species
I can't understand people who find cougars attractive
saggy tits + disgusting body, no thanks

we have, but most anons dont care and only want to fuck their waifus
They're pretty much all full of gross organs and crap.
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>That Bellwether
>Desecrated a funeral
He didn't do that, unless I'm misremembering.
Yeah. Your correct on that one. Nick sold them the rug. Mr Big (for some reason) was the one who decided to bury it with his grandmama. Nick didn't play a role in that, he just conned him for an expensive rug.
>Nick can't see Fininck's face
>"Do not give me that face!"
So, who's the REAL person in the skin? Is Martina the dominant personality, aching to be free, or is she a way for Marty to de-stress? An outlet for his feelings for men?
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You just don't get it because the theme is too mature and all yiu can do is nitpick. This is a realistic interpretation of Nick and Judy having a realistic argument.
Marty's so far gone they've forgotten which one was the original personality
I mean, the evidence is right down there, but they choose to ignore it anyway
Marty has no unresolved feelings around for men. Grape soda is his one and only true love. She makes his tongue fizz like no stoat, male or female, can hope to match.
It is May 25th, 2017, and we still have never seen Ozzy's penis

>Nick and Judy are woken up in the middle of the night by her obnoxiously loud neighbors. Following her on her way to the shower, the fox decides to pay her a little surprise visit.

A personal favorite of mine; it has sex without being... smutty or vulgar about it. There isn't any "HARDER" or "FUCK ME", it is more about loving touches and sweet words. Also Nick singing Unchained Melody.


>It's Mating Season in Zootopia, and love is in the air as animals seek out their partners. It's also the first Mating Season Nick and Judy get to spend together. After some awkward moments and some advice from the Ottertons, Judy and Nick learn that making love can be both strange and wonderful.

Same as the previous link, more romance than smut. Not much else to say.


Sequel to the previous link, Mating Season.


>Ever wondered how Nick and Judy fit into that little three-wheeled-joke-mobile on the way to the Mystic Springs Oasis? This is my take on what happened during that tightly squeezed ride over, and between the scenes we know and enjoy.

Basically adding in smut situations through out the movie.


Chapter 19 - Starting college students Nick and Judy share a hotel room during a group trip.



Two-part, with the second one having sex between them. College AU.
How much evidence is there actually that Marty and Martina are the same person? I know they have similar names and are the same species but I can't really think of anything else.


The grape soda is clearly the one wearing the pants in the relationship. I bet marty takes it missionary position then gets a refreshing Splashâ„¢ across his face.
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I know it's unlikely I still kinda hope that they're different people, just siblings to some parents with very very poor naming skills.

Marty, Martina, Martimor, Martette...
Weaver's probably had sexual thoughts about her at some point, so he'd make her real just so he wouldn't feel weird about it
ever notice how Rex and Al have never been in the same room together?
Actually adds up plenty. It's a fairly common theme that latin / slavic gangsters have a devotion to god.and will fall back on it when they have a conscience.

A decent amount of the time, they'll think or act like their good Christians & etc.
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It's his sister.
"I've dealt drugs, gangbanged hoes, murdered, but I know god loves me"
what is he hiding behind his gorgeous eyes?
honestly i think they're either the same person or completely unrelated, because the only people who would name two kids "marty" and "martina" are crackheads

on the other hand that's entirely possible
It's a little more complicated than that. Suffice to say most of them know it's a really strained relationship and that they're not water walking material.

It's like with anyone else that doesn't have the strength to rise above circumstance and knows they're bad people.

I guess it's kind of like an odd glimmer of hope that what they've done can be taken back.

I don't know, God's a hell of a drug. Leave it that I guess.
that fits in line with my headcanon that Marty dedicated himself to getting educated for the sole purpose of escaping his shitty home
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Hey guys, so as per a recommendation I will be uploading in 3 places.

I will still post to the threads don't worry.

https://tjhcomic.tumblr.com/ the tumblr, which WILL be re-done visually!! Someday.

And http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=167692 smackjeeves!! I had to set it to mature just to be safe.

It'd mean a lot for you guys to check out the other spots I upload in~
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One day there'll be a source of upset in his life that'll never go away and then his coping mechanism won't be a able to save him.

I can't get over this name because I remember what askjeeves was.
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When that happens I hope that he has someone to help him, no badger is an island...
Nice to hear dude
You kickin it now that schools over? Shit good?
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No TT submission from me today... and for the next days, I try to do something on sunday I hope.
Its good and bad. Got a week until I SHOULD be working, but I haven't been able to contact my job!!

I'm also trying to get another job soooo :y
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You do right by you man.
Everything ok?
I hope Rex is happy being with his unnamed boyfriend...

what species is that anyway
I have no idea, asked Weaver once but he was pretty evasive. My bets on wolverine but there are tons of possibilities.
Yeah, just that work has been pretty tiring lately and considering that I have no much free during the week, I'll use that time for rest or I'll try haha. Sorry for worrying you.
he'll just have to use his backup coping mechanism and head down to the rope store
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>Premeditated sin

This comic is premeditated shit.

>A fucking Christian
>Calling this a sin
>While having sex outside of marriage
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EXTRA S H I T T ! ! !
>door can only be unlocked from inside via key

fucking what

isn't that against fire code or something? If you have to get out in a hurry you're fucked
Wedlock is wedlock, but murder is murder.

Don't lynch me for that, I'm paraphrasing what they believe, not how I feel.
Fuck off Aku SJ5 was shit too
Their fucking motivations are all over the god damn place
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>season 5 sucked
>now everyone hates that foolish samurai's show

>Just according to Keik-Aku
I don't know, maybe it's a brazilian thing.

I mean do you know how paranoid middle class / rich brazilians are about stuff like abduction?

They're more ass clinchy than south africans.
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It's weird that Byron only breaks his Twitter silence for rare things like this. Someone please try to talk to him, he's too precious to leave alone.
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Maybe he lives in one of those favela buildings and locks are some kinda mysterious luxury that he dreams of when he falls asleep under a sheet metal roof?
I talked to him but he not replies :C
No, i mean...

a creep looking to get into your apartment is going to get in one way or another if he really wants to. But there should be some way to operate the deadbolt from the inside WITHOUT needing a key. A key should only be needed to get IN, never out.
I'm sure he has a NSFW furry account somewhere.
>I'm offended that you don't try to sneakily kill our baby but instead be honest about it and open up to me

How is marriage supposed to work at all?
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It's impossible for this comic to have been written seriously, the fact so much asshurt has been had to this points prove how much of a master troll this was. Shame he went too hard now, most people will probably realize it. Still I'm glad this is a three parter.
What did you ask?
>murican doesn't know about dead bolts
>pic related
that's just judy's door, the voicebox and lightswitches are added things
he's mad that she isn't taking his feelings into account
but... he's also not taking her's, so they're both bastards
>If you're going to make up your mind without me and ignore everything I have to say you might as well just not say anything at all
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Rex is not for pain. I'd sooner choke on a million dicks than let that lazy smile of his falter.
things about Nick mostly, like if he's is jealous (as fans usually portrait him) can't remember what else, and shared him fan arts and he only faved one of my twits.
>those clothes
he's the type to lay around all day in just a t-shirt though
Do not speak down to me, filthy non-American. If you'd seen my previous post, I know what a deadbolt is. All the doors to my house have one, and on the inside there's a simple knob you turn to unlock it, while on the outside there's an actual keyhole.
which pack street would be most likely to start a rebellion to overthrow an oppressive regime?
>uploading comic on Smackjeeves
>comics are allowed to have explicit content

I could literally pull some pseudo sucking out of fucking nowhere and none of you will expect it coming.
your deadbolt sucks then, you can't lock it from both sides
is there anywhere sexual content isnt allowed even?
Don't threaten me with a good time
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that's because no one follows your comic, whoever you are.
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I think Deviantart doesn't allow OUTRIGHT PORN.

Swirlyeen Comic.
>lock on outside via key
>lock on inside via knob

That's how deadbolts normally work, which is exactly what >>9531549 said.
bruh, what

there's only a single set of tumblrs. Using the key from the outside either unlocks it or locks it. Turning the knob on the inside locks it or unlocks it. No matter which way you engage the lock from, it still is locked. You make zero sense. Are you a leaf? I swear to God if you're a leaf.
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[Pack Street][P.I. AU][TT][reshill]

The Black Casino

Summary: In the city of Zootopia, an animal can disappear without a trace in a moment. These days, the cops won’t even try to find your loved ones - not since the mobs started paying them off. Only citizens can protect each other now, and that means turning to the private sector. In the hellhole that is Zootopia, where can you go when you’re out of luck, but you’ve got just enough money and desperation to bet it all on a pair of twos? Only one place: Anneke and Wolter Aardwolf Investigations. It was this promise of one last final fling that brought a certain hornless ram to their door.

Read here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10998273

The cover does things! click it!

Also, hi! It's zorotokon. Why is the animated cover a webm instead of a gif? Because the gif was artifacting hard. Like, the image was jumping around randomly hard. It looked like shit. Now it doesn't.
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>Swirlyeen Comic
>that's because no one follows your comic
Jealous about what?
I'm pretty sure a few people here read it. I mean, comic does so thats something?
Bit late, but this;

>Double cylinder locks will accept a key on both sides and therefore do not require (and often do not have) any twist knob.

There is more than one type of dead bolt, you muricans
All I can think is what if you literally lose the key inside.

Do you get locked inside.

Are you trapped.


I am fond of Zooooooooooootopia

Nice try but no cigar, Captain Assumption.
What's that, I suddenly lost interest...
Why are we even arguing about deadbolts when Nick is clearly unlocking the doorknob's lock and not the deadbolt located further above it?
I too am fond of Zootopia
yes, she is.

nick is gonna starve judy until she changes her mind and will kill the kit in the process, then he will eat a gun since he's going to fox hell anyway
Romantically, I'm sure I specified it when I twitted, you know how Nick's usually portrait in as jealous (and even possessive) for Judy. I know this is usual and a common theme on fanfictions of any fandom but I just wanted to have a confirmation that he is or he is not a jealous type.
I like that animated cover. I'll be sure to read this!
because dead bolts make more sense and are more important than the comic they are in.
I would legitimately fucking enjoy this ending, if it was actually meant to be entirely fucked up for the whole time.
pack street
pancake stroodle
dead bolts
More like Whack Street, am I right?
This is the slowest TT I have seen in a while... do some of you CCs still have finals going on or something?
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did you just say pancakes
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never again...
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Sleep tight bunner!
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Is a lot of fun and I can't wait till it escapes hiatus hell.
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Yea that's my case
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*double =p*
Yup. I'll probably finish my entry tomorrow.
That sounds oddly specific and kind of too deep in the side of the fandom he doesn't want to interfere with. That question seems kind of tangential.
>I can't understand people who find cougars attractive
saggy tits + disgusting body, no thanks
Ah, young people, always struggling with their emotions and expectations, never sure if the boy/girl they're talking to is going to come across or suddenly yell rape.
Cougars, they know what they want, they know what to do, they can even give you a bit of advice without putting you down, and don't expect to be treated like a princess.
listen here buddy you probably think you're being funny huh? maybe you thought this would be a witty little quip, I'll bet you anticipated a chuckle or giggle of some sort from it didn't you?
well you were dead wrong buster, next time maybe think twice before you decide to leave your putrid post in my thread, dipshit!
yeah, i knew the most probably he wasn't going to answer but I thought "Oh well, It doesn't hurt to try"
Cougars know what they want and how to get it, and that makes them sexy.
Exactly. What if there is a fire? Are you going to scramble around trying to find the keys to your front door because you effing locked yourself inside?

The American (I.e. sane) version has a key lock from the OUTSIDE, but the inside you can just turn a knob to unlock it. That way you can lock/unlock to your hearts content from indoors, but can't access from outside without a key.
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Just lazy and busy, gonna take my time to finish this TT. Still, we got a plenty of cool submissions
Honestly, if I could ask Byron or Moore a single question, I would ask "Why did Nick sell Mr. Big the skunk butt rug?"
Where did he GET a skunk butt rug? I imagine there are not many skunks willing to make the contribution.
dumpster diving
foxes are good at that
Or probably a lot. Hair (and probably fur) traps smell, so get rid of it to be less stinky.
If I could ask them one question it would be if Clawhauser is gay.
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Could have been part of a scam or maybe some skunk owed Nick and Fin a hefty favor... they were out of options for presents and had no idea what the rug was being used for?
Inky's anons make me happy, im so sick of bunnies
Donate butt fur to a shady character for kwik bux? Hugh would do such a thing?!
maybe cause american homes use wood on their houses ?
central and south america prefer cinder block houses
Assuming the rug was mouse sized, he wouldn't need that much fur
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I like buns but it is really nice to have some variety.

You know exactly Hugh would...
...does this make it less able to escape in the event of an emergency? Can you punch a hole in the wall through the cinderblock and not the wooden walls? Because your not getting through that locked door without the key.
Pretty busy. I wish I had done something for it but I had no time.
what i mean is that american houses will burn easily, while cinberblock houses don't and most of the times the fire is contained to a section.

fire is not as much of a concer for those.
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> premeditated sin
What even is this anymore
A Jack Chick tract without the ability to be taken as an ironic joke?
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The original sign says "This sign covers my nipples."
Remmy deserves to get bullied though
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lol nice
what did he mean by this
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u savage af; i love it
I hope you realize I'm going to steal that meme.
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late entries always even out the numbers, as I remember Military, Winter and Illness TT were slow too!
how's everyone doing today, seen any clues, shifty people?

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Wo-oah black Betty, slam the ram
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I love it if a serious comic ends like that.
You're a mean bully.
Oh thanks anon. Now I can improve my stolen meme.
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He recruits Beavis and Butthead to infiltrate the clinic, and ends up getting tazed by McHorn during his side job.
SO glad this was made.
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Someone write "9 1/2 inches" on it. I can't cause Im on my phone. Also "I am a predophile" if you can.
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Who are you?
Al looming over Betty and growling "I AM the one who knots!"
Thread theme:

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Garry and Larry are cute.jpg
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I'm doing good today Neo TT, just chilling and painting. I have seen a few shifty fellows though... Some antlered hoofer hanging up movie posters, a pantsless guy smoking in the dark and some weirdo handing out pamphlets advertising a new ebon casino.

How about you?

Oh and hey, anyone out there have the pic of Clawhouser Noir? Zhan did it but I can't seem to find it, lotsa donuts.
Can't help, I'm too colorblind
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Any other Cormo-Sign requests?
put boobs on it
"Here Mrs Otterton...you should know this coffee has been in the pot for five days, but the bourbon should balance it out."
If you give me $100 I'll
"Have you heard the word of Moomba?"
"I'm knot a predophile!"
"This sign is really heavy."

Shit it's the Weavlars
you dont need justification to spread the truth
Show weaver's face.
Nice work Numbers, this pretty much needed to be made.
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haven't drawn in a while, kind of lost confidence in my abilities
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Well, I think they're cute.
Anytime I need to see your face I just close my eyes
And I am taken to a place
Where your crystal minds and magenta feelings
Take up shelter in the base of my spine
Sweet like a chica cherry cola
I don't need to try to explain
I just hold on tight and If it happens again
I may move so slightly to the arms
And the lips and the face
Of The Human Cannonball that
I need to I want to
when is disney finally going to make the live action zootopia
when will Disney make furries real so I can fuck Nick
That's a Naruto reference right?
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Though Nick is also a great fox.png
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Well that was a blast from the past, thanks Anon I haven't listened to that in years.
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I tried to make a shitty meme but it became the wrong kind of shitty. I'm sure I could fix it if I spent like more than five minutes on it but eh.
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>wanting to fuck jason bateman in a fursuit
In 26 years
Yeah, the one where Goku has to find the pirate's treasure.
are you implying thats not exactly what I wanted?
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Pack Street: The Musical when?
An anon posted a part one to that a while ago.
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Reposting for the new thread!

Its Thematic Thursday!

Private Detective and Freelance Investigator Edition!

The minute she walked into my office, I knew. She was distraught, had something on her mind, weighing on her heart, and nowhere else to go, and that's why she came to me. The police couldn't help her: maybe its too trivial, maybe its too complicated, or maybe she can't give them the full story... but what is the full story? I might be getting my full rate, but I'm not getting everything I need to know! How deep do you want to look into this, darling?

Welcome to the world of Private Detectives and Freelance Investigators! From Sherlock Holmes to Sam Spade to Scooby Doo and the gang, inquirers-for-hire have been an intriguing way to tell and uncover a mysterious story! Will we see stories where Nick and/or Judy go the detective route? Will we see other characters become professional snoops? What OCs might become PIs in this AU? All questions I'm seeking answers to!

Holy moley that's amazing art from Oak! Love the old style film poster, love the colors, love how imposing Bellwether looks!

Great job, TPF! The lighting makes it look super cool, and I love how revealing the cigarette light is!

Always love seeing more Henrietta! Glad you're pumping out more pages, buddy!

You take care of yourself, G! Looking forward to your bedroom-eyes submission later!

The webm came out great! Would you like a read through? If not, I'll just read it for pleasure!

Well you just made a lot of people's day! Too funny, numbers!

I'm doing great, NeoTT! Glad you were holding down the fort while I was away!
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Ozzy's in every scene but always in the background, does ALL the music. https://soundcloud.com/user-594411020/pack-it-up-a-song-by-ozzy-fixed
what the fuck is a burger?
Some kinda french pastry or something
Remmy/Dora version when?
Non-ants version when?
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When someone decides to write at least 50% of Zootopia fics in a nutshell. Nick and Judy tip toe around their feelings while doing detective work even though they are patrol officers.
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Good to see you survived your flight little bun bun.
>doing detective work even though they are patrol officers.
This is what irks me the most.
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Hi, /ztg/! Falke here with some TT goodness - yet another unfinished thing.

Like scifi TT, this is probably going to become the springboard for a longer yarn once I make the time to work on it. I'm shooting for a fun procedural heist story. Until then, this is subject to change and hiatuses and stuff. Characterization still needs some work, I think.

(Also worth noting it's tangential to the TT theme. I wanted to make it fit with the larger story, so this isn't a full AU or anything.)

>There were four flats here, each fixed in the center of an otherwise blank grey wall that felt too large to Judy, like there wasn't enough there. She could hear Nick's claws echoing. Sharp spotlights aimed at each wall. Judy saw the network of cameras, too, blinking their red lights along the ceiling.

>All of the pieces were variations on the same theme. There was an info placard at the center that showed the guide lines Korlinkoff had apparently followed a different way each time, to come up with swirls, or brown polygons, or straight lines in an eye-hurting shade of blue.

>The multi-species consideration here was a set of graceful ramps, fixed to the tile foor. Nick leaned against one of them to study the art.

>"If this Moretti guy had two of these, he was loaded," Nick said.

>"Do you think our thief knew that?" Judy asked. "I thought it was because it was easy to get out for a small mammal."

>"That's true," Nick said. He was tilting his head at the swirly variation on the left.

>He'd be able to carry it out of here, if the staff let him. She could do it just as easily. A mustelid or two could manage, or a team of mice. Maybe they ought to check for loose bricks again.

oh god my heart
Either Borba's an huge troll, attention whore, or a moron. I can't come up with any other reason this comic would be this bad. This is Jack Chick level of shit we're talking about.
A lot of these fics bother my law enforcement autism. Just something to deal with.
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I'm glad I survived it too! Its way better than the alternative!

Always look forward to your writing, Falke! Your stories are always so fun to read; I can't wait to dive into this one as well!
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I examined it too closely in blatant violation of the direction in the tags, and now I see all the stuff I'm guilty of.

After playing Police Quest games, I can feel your pain.
does anyone have that green that was posted a few threads back? the one where they both act like actual reasonable people about this whole thing? Too lazy to look on desuachive for it.
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More like 90% of Zootopia fics.
I'm actually planning on becoming a police officer after college, and have already had a bit of training courtesy of my hometown PD. You can imagine how much worse it is for me. Can't rightly expect fic writers to have a working knowledge of police procedures though I suppose. Now that would be some legitimate autism.
As a writer who takes autistic pains to be well-researched if not entirely plausible, I'm interested in hearing some of the worst offenders. Do you mind sharing a couple things you notice that would or wouldn't be done?
I only have the idea of police work from those games, police officers who visited my high school once and talked about their work, and leaked police dashboard videos. My conclusion is that being Police Officer is fucking terrifying because you can get randomly killed pretty much at any time. Also, procedures and paperwork up the ass.
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Fresh from the shower.


I wrote a sub-3k word thing for TT a ways back and I spent an hour or two looking up proper police terminology.
There are far too many to give specific examples, but I can give a few general no-nos. Biggest one has already been mentioned. Nick and Judy doing detective work as patrol officers. Working patrol, they should be answering radio calls, taking reports, doing traffic stops, and when nothing else is going on they would be catching up on paperwork or cruising through bad neighborhoods looking for observational felonies or misdemeanors.

Becoming a detective usually requires several years of patrol service, and you have to take and pass a civil service exam of some time. If you become a detective, it usually means a rank increase, and you no longer do patrol work. Instead you handle your case load, sometimes dozens at a time. This generally involves working crime scenes, collaborating with forensics techs, interviewing witnesses and suspects, etcetera. But too often Nick and Judy are doing these things as beat cops.

That's my biggest pet peeve, but I'll think of more and add to this.
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Do you mean this?
I want to fuck Remmy's eyehole
It's not a job for the faint of heart, but once you get past the constant exposure to society's less desirable elements, it's actually pretty boring.

And the way I see it, we run the risk of getting killed in some unforeseen fashion just by walking outside in the morning, no matter who we are. A little extra risk is worth it so long as I'm doing something meaningful with my life.

Well, yes, but cops do have way higher risk of death, since they are basically targets. You sir have steel balls to do this job, so I genuinely wish you good luck in that.
that's the one, thank you.
If your autism is really hardcore, I recommend watching End of Watch and Southland to get an idea of how cops operate. Plus they're just really fucking good.
I just legitimately like it, I'm not trying to shitpost.

She's a cutie, and the psuedo is part of it.
>tfw all the fics that tried to get it right died

one day reichstagsbrand will update again
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I hate to be that guy just to excuse this behavior but...I mean, to us it's an alien world. They're idea of a cop might be more of a swiss army knife approach; which I feel is a supported theory given that each cop is not only a detective but also there's a rotational SWAT roster, despite the fact that in real life, SWAT requires very specialized training.
True, which is why it bothers me when people say law enforcement isn't dangerous just because other blue collar jobs have higher fatality rates. Lumberjacks don't have to worry about getting shot in the back by a tree that was behaving congenially towards them only moments ago.
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>when you're late on the TT
>and you waste your time drawing pictures to accompany your post complaining about being late
Why are they keep playing with our hearts?
I recall one anon noticed something clever about some other character using an accessory that perfectly matched this, but I can't recall if it was an OC or canon character or what.
It would probably feel really good since the nerves are so much closer to the brain.
>that filenaming again
I know, but the idea of a standard issue street cop being able to go from patrol to SWAT to undercover work in the course of a week is just too outlandish for me.

Now, officers with smaller agencies will often be cross trained in such a manner, although not to the point that they can switch seamlessly between any of the department's specialized assignments. But larger agencies like LAPD and NYPD, upon which ZPD is presumably based, can afford to employ specialists. Patrol officers patrol, SWAT officers either train, go on call-outs, or work special crime suppression assignments. And there are different specialist detectives for nearly every branch of criminal investigation you can think of.
Hey, thanks!

I guess I always sort of knew there were huge differences between the roles, and just ignored them for the sake of story. No retconning it now, I suppose. I'm going to keep it in mind for future stuff, though. Making mundane patrol work as interesting as murder cases would be a challenge.

Good point here. I thought on this as this topic started up, on how Judy basically blind-lucked into a detective-style role in the film. Maybe it's not usual circumstances.

Then again, you have a whole bullpen full of mammals getting detective-style cases. And the SWAT thing. It must be some intense training.
it's like the Sonichu comic from Chris.
It's so bad, It's good
There is a slight chance we'll hear something about Z2 at D23. More likely it's gonna be next year. Disney has release schedule planned for at least 5 years in advance, and nobody expected Zootopia to blow up like it did, so they would have to do some adjustments, allocate budget, determine schedule, and that includes the production schedule, actor schedule, director's schedule, etc.There's a fuck ton of steps before they even begin to write down initial concepts for a movie.
In real life, patrol work is far and away more interesting than working a case, although that depends on the individual officer. But investigations certainly lends itself better to narrative.

Patrol work would be better for a series of one-shots. Each one-shot is another caper that Nick and Judy get themselves into as they work their beat, with the overall theme being that no matter how crazy or screwed up their current adventure seems to us, it's just another day pushing a black and white for them.
>Remake pic when? I'm being serious.
i luv u 2 bb
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dubs and I finish it
>d23 expo is July 14-16
oh, well
singles on this post and you finish it anyway
if this is dubs you also finish it

Fucking foxes, man.
fuckin shit
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Its okay, buddy! You take your time, pace yourself accordingly, and you'll do great!
this is soooooo bad!
Is borba a 55 year old lonely virgin? Does he really think people in realationship act and speak like this? At this point this comic isn't just fucking misrepresents Judy and Nick... it portrays everyone who ever was in love and had a disagreement with his/her loved one as a walking talking propaganda poster without any regard for the opinion of the other half.

It's just gold. I really hope some artists will take it upon themselves to fix this by writing and drawing an actual, sensible and relatable way to discuss this topic instead of this clickbait angst generating garbage
I believe in you, anon
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Welcome to the club!
Heya buddy! You feeling better? Sleep do you good?
>he can see us
Much better now, going to work right now.
I should be able to finish TT this weekend
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wait if nick is a christian why is jesus a bunny in the earlier pages?
There's probably several unified religions but each species probably sees each prophet/deity as one of their own. So a tiger and bunny might both be share a religion, but each sees the same God as a tiger or a bunny, respectively.
The many faced god has no race
Hard to say. Look at his DA page though. The majority of the comments are just eating this comic up. So many "The feels" and the like. Is his whole fanbase 13? This comic is about as deep as a puddle, but they lap it up.
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So basically Borba is a Brazilian Andrew Dobson that actually knows how to draw fairly decently?
There is only one god...
His name is death!
And what do we say to the god of death?
>Here, take my baby, just leave my career!

^only did it for the kek, I am pro-choice and I understand why Judy would want an abortion... but she is too blunt and cold about it, not even trying to comfort Nick.
And Nick is too manipulative or blinded, self-absorbed.
I can't like either of them in this.
That depends.
Is Borba shutting down any and all constructive criticism as "trolling"?
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I have arrived at the point that I am no longer complacent with this pigshit.

You guys want to fuck with Borba? Let me drop a hint:

Draw him as a Nazi.

Most of the individuals in brazil with in-home access to the internet are the ancestors of german immigrants from the 40s. They live in well off gated communities with complete isolation in traditionally german looking houses and god damn, do they love a good old fashion reading of Mein Kampf in the evening.

If Borba is not spending half his life in an internet cafe with a tablet, he's in his room in his parents house with a fucking swastika flag waving in the yard.

Draw him as a fucking nazi.

He will either get furious or he'll be sociopathic enough to accept it like it's a gift.

Bonus points if you draw him interacting with a frenchman because brazilians fucking hate the god damned french.
It's easier to not think of them as Nick and Judy. And they aren't. The way they handle this is waaaaay to our of character.

Treat them as generic fox and bunny and it works better.Not a LOT better, but better.
No he is shutting them down as "immature / uncultured / pseudo-intellectual / non-sense"
He basically said that everyone that doesn't understand his reasoning is an idiot.
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196KB, 800x815px
Testing out the neural net thing
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1MB, 800x815px
Style 1 (no color hints used; defaults only)
Hell, even a cucumber and a tomato work better
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1MB, 800x815px
Style 2 (no color hints used; defaults only)

That's a bold statement from the guy writing that drivel.
how about another style that doesn't hurt the eyes?
tfw have to make an account on e621 just to fucking comment, and even then have to wait 7 days to post a comment

I really want to shittalk him but I don't have the effort or patience in me
It's just the two styles I'm afraid
you're letting the wait period win if you don't

that's why it's there
then leave it as is
I kinda like this one

It's a little washed out though

Just go on DA, that's his main hovel and where the traffic is.

DA is free and doesn't need anything really to make an account.

But it's not like you are going to get him to reply to you or anything he just ignores everyone that doesn't like it or has problems with it.

But will fully accept and talk with the people that blindly follow him.
The background's a bit of a mess without color hints but I actually really like how Femanon came out.
Soft, pale, and very naked.
I just checked the comments.

It's so bad that even fucking Sprinkah dumped on it.
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228KB, 468x289px
You're fucking shitting me. I cannot believe that without photo evidence.
...I like what you did here.
in his journal some guys gave solid reasoning why the way he portrays them is wrong. All he could reply is the "OOC is fallacy blablabla" He doesn't even stop to take any ideas or tips into consideration. HE is so far up his own ass that he looking at his computer screen through his own mouth.
It's true, saw it too.
Even on e621. Sprinkah got downvoted so hard for speaking out against Nick being backwards...
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43KB, 469x236px


>Agh, i dont know what i expected but even i thought what i said was intolerable, ah well...

>I aint good with discussing these things but then... that "premeditated sin" just sounds so...unproductive



New casefile

Daily reminder that racoonfag will never finish that OC fic that no one actually cares about.
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Might need to wack him, off.png
576KB, 1097x1117px
Weasel as a private dick is kinda chilling, I am dead certain he would blackmail me after the case concluded...
>Most of the individuals in brazil with in-home access to the internet are the ancestors of german immigrants from the 40s.

>the ancestors of german immigrants from the 40s.


The descendants of nazis, the grandchildren of nazis, whatever.

Point is that Borba is a German Brazilian and if you draw him cuddling mein kampf or a hitler doll it's likely he won't even understand that he's being laughed at.

I don't know, do an edit of IWS where Nick & Judy are both espousing the joys of national socialism and being perfect little aryans, go wild.
So Gazelle is really a guy?!
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