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/ztg/ - Zootopia General: Sleepy Foxe Edition Pastebin: pas

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Thread replies: 368
Thread images: 139

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/ztg/ - Zootopia General: Sleepy Foxe Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG CC List: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org / archive.b-stats.org
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/9452519

Thematic Thursday Theme: Private Detective / Freelance Investigator
Submissions due next Thursday.

More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
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first for NOT A FETISH
B-but it's *my* fetish, anon!
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no, it's not your fetish, now ignore that Nick gave birth and appreciate this wonderful baby

join the Trashasaurusrex hugbox
killed at 2am last night. There were no signs of a struggle. His lock was not broken which may suggest he invited his killer in personally. Though there are some external injuries we can't rule out other methods of death. There are no witnesses as far as we know.
little girl
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So it turns out the one thing I failed to do was properly set up a recording of the stream...

This one will have to be chalked up as lost to the aether.

I promise the next streams will be saved and uploaded to the SoundCloud for all to listen to! Very sorry about this one!
Anon, I will have you know
that I have fetishes of almost anything on /d/ and then some!

My dick will not be silenced!
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Third shill. Then I might work on ch 6

Sorbune V: Tomatoes that I Eat in Class


Synopsis: Lino needs help. She won't let time fly away in her tea cup.

Thoughts: I noticed that a lot of people wanted more raccoons in stories, so I added one.
Also, a lot of this chapter has to do about food sciences. If you got the munchies or something, prepare for that.
I wanted to make my reader salivate and eat something delicious, because they deserve it.
Let me know of any errors, because there were a lot of issues with formatting.
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You've failed me for the last time, Comic.
jesus fuck, you're so fucking useless...
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But but... history corner with bun bun! Your fox better bunish you till your raw...
I want al to use remmy as a toilet

At the risk of turning this into a (((([(discussion)), can I just make a subjective complaint for a minute that the whole concept of Nick and Judy having children through any means makes no fucking sense whatsoever?

Whether it's this isabelle character or hybrids or that garbage rabbit thing, Tumblr especially has this fucking weird fixation on giving one or both of the main characters kids.

It feels so forced and out of character to me. The responsibilities and commitments just don't mesh with their jobs, or what we know of their relationship, or their character arcs or anything. They don't have time to be stay-at-home parents. Judy wouldn't want to take maternity leave. Hybrids are an open question, canonically, but the evidence from the film suggests they're not possible. Not even going to touch mpreg. Even adoption (to say nothing of straight up finding a child in a dumpster and KEEPING IT BECAUSE REASONS) just feels off when I compare it to the personalities and aspirations Nick and Judy showed in the film.

I get that some of these are technically possible. It's just that when you apply any of these scenarios to the immediate time frame following the film, everything comes apart at the seams.

It's like sunderance or the borba thing: storytelling is fine, sure whatever. But when you co-opt known characters and a known universe for it, and ignore a fuck ton of their established conventions for the sake of that story, it triggers me to autistic internet screeds.

reeeee stop liking what I don't like
autism OFF
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I know, I screwed up.

Promise I'll make it up to you, buddy. I'll see what I can do about another recording just for you.
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Every thread until we get the full thing

I'm ready to Sakura Fish this shit
RIP comic
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what about
now hear me out
what about

radio drama-esque script intended for live reading
I just wanted to let ya know that this random anon intends to read your work. I think it's got a cool premise but I've been so busy. Can't wait to read it though!
we'll never get it anon
I use remmy to want a toilet as al
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I'll be back though!

I bet a creative anon can totally write one of those up!
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>Failing to set up a recording of your stream
That's a bunishing

Glad I was able to catch it live, it's too bad the people that missed it won't get to see it though
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but where are we supposed to get on of those
there isn't

weaver made this one nonsense page just to fuck with us
Show me the fortune cookies.
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Alpha and Omega.png
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I want Al to use Remmy in general
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Agreed. Plus Tumblr and Deviantart both have a bunch of users that never want to disagree with the creator and will instead just say "daww cute baby", ignoring the mpreg. Same thing with borba. Instead of making any criticisms they'll just compliment him on the drama or art or whatever while disregarding that they actually feel disgusted or weirded out on some level by borba's shit depictions of characters they supposedly like.
Thank you, random anon! ch 1 and 2 might be weird because I was just starting out, but I'm really proud of 4 and 5! I feel like there is a marked improvement from chapter to chapter because I'm learning so much from readthroughs!
That fucking picture holy shit

I've really been enjoying this series so far, keep up the good work
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Think zoot world has a "blue fortune cookie" meme?
I agree that adding in children to the mix, anywhere near after the ending of the movie, is definitely an idea that doesn't seem to fit either characters. Judy has finally gotten her dream job that she has been working towards for a decade and a half, and Nick finally has both a respectable position and a friend/partner who believes in him. It is understandable that they want to sort of stabilize their lives before the very thought of children comes to mind, whether they are together or not. Judy still has to get used to living in the city and not having immediate access to her family, Nick has to kill every bad habit he may or may not have from his years of hustling.

After that though? I could completely believe they entertain the thought of children years later, and by years, I mean at least 5 or more. Judy is still young, so she has plenty of time. Nick is sort of the wild card here though; not only is his mother wanting children, he is nearing 40, the sort of peak of when it comes to having children, before most start thinking "I am too old to raise a child."

I can only remember one fic that decently dealt with the pregnancy idea though it stopped updating before it got to that stage and had its own share of issues; the "foxes mate for life" crap, Judy keeping her relationship from her family, etc.
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I betcha when people see what we're doing with greentext theater, they'll be excited to make stuff for us to read!

Its like planting a seed: in due time, it'll grow into a tree that we can eat.

Let me know what you thought, and if you have any ideas to improve it!

Nah, Judy's gotta cuck Nick with first buck she meets and have a horde of kits, while Nick is crying in the corner.
You know, I really shouldn't, but I can't help but laugh at a comment like this considering how often the whole "Nick gets jealous/angsty when Judy talks to a buck" trope happens in fanfiction.
Somebody recommended Earning the Badge in previous thread, and I'm having trouble even getting through the very beginning psychiatrist part. It's cringy as fuck and that psychiatrist needs to be fired. And Nick is reciting the astronaut and actuary stuff from the beginning of the movie for no reason.

I mean, this is not funny and just offputting, does it get better?
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I'm gonna do one request before I get to work on this fucking TT.
Cripes, it's already Monday.
You got some Jill in you?
I am not familiar.
She's just a genderbent Savage, right?
Gazelle in Aladdin Sane makeup
That's right
Eh, nevermind, it's full of cringy humor like that, it looks like. Also, Clwahauser is Bogo's confidant for some reason, even though there was never such character dynamic between them in the movie. I think I'll pass.
If it's not too late...

Sexy Friedkin?
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Remmy and Al are best bros.png
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As much I like me some Alpha and Omega, watching Remmy and Al getting flustered over their girls wearing skimpy clothing is my fetish
This weasel is without pants
Why is this weasel without pants
Pinup Kameela (DMV raccoon)
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when did weasels get pants
who is buying pants for these weasels
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>sorry pants, you look great, but ass is who I truly love. Now please go so I can be together with her.
I like this artist, they have a pretty good sense of humor.
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And now for the TT.
Hope you like it.
Why are these animals the cutest animals?
You couldn't have picked a more generic furry team than "female spry bunny, male sly fox" but Disney managed to make it work really well.
Curse them
I do
Thank you kindly
>crazy bun - axel f
Nice submission!
I love Jack's expression and how you clearly put care into the gun.
Weasels should have pants
Weasels without pants are lewd weasels
Man, he has no shame
He's just upset
How debauched
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They acknowledged the tropes but the whole movie was about not being defined by tropes and stereotypes. So they made them characters beyond that, characters that the viewer could relate to and imagine having their own life and complex feelings. That's a big reason why I like Zootopia: it has a surface level, basic as fuck furry animated movie feel to it, but it chose to go beyond that and tell a really compelling story.
Guess I was lucky to hear it live and one of my little pieces.
Better luck next time.
>weaver made this one nonsense page just to fuck with us
I can dig it.
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it's like pottery
it just works
About this green text stuff, I see there was a problem with reading direct from the threads and got the impression that you are looking for a jpeg screen-capture of the greens?
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Well he's a weasel, what do you expect.
Their midriffs always exposed, one second and they have already pulled down their pants
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Streaming left me exhausted! I don't know how Nobby does it.

Probably will be easier once I get more accustomed to it in the future. Don't you worry, buddy: I'll make sure these streams can be the best they can be.

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads! I hope you all get a bed time story that lets you fall asleep and have an amazing dream!
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Sleep tight bunner!
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gimme some draw requests
no stream tonight, I'm tired

also could someone link me that last Porn Street
this please

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Could I get Gary or Larry eating some chow mein?
who the fuck a alladin
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a alladin.jpg
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That lewd of Artemis and Sidney that you said you would do so much time ago
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>last Porn Street

lewd: half-naked Jill
non-lewd: something with fox triplets
Possum playing with battle axes please
which one
I forgot
The one when you accidentally shut down your computer

Friedkin in a bikini please.
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actually no wait
I have a better idea

give me some music links
if I jam to it and haven't heard it before, I'll do the request

anything's cool, I usually listen to stuff like Fleet Foxes, Dirt Poor Robins, Kendrick, sbtrkt, Vance Joy

if you've got any sick jazzy stuff like ryu fukui or akira sakata hmu
Male Judy, Female Nick, Sleeping in Bed Comfortably
goddamnit numbers
ah sorry
I totally don't even remember what that was
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Thank you so much
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Well shit I don't have much like that... all I got is vidga music. Well take this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz8c17upEwM I guess.

>>9463483 was my request, Possum playing with axes.
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Best boy.

Prove me wrong.
>Prove me wrong.
he doesn't have a knot, that tie is clip on
I must know what happened to Pandora after she was taken away on the stretcher, and how Remmy reacted to the bad/good news. You'h tearing me apaht! Oh hai Marty.
Remmy was so distraught over the lost of his tiger wife that he killed him. The end.
A lewd of Artemis and Sydney
try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnXABB3Lv1A

my request was >>9463476
Say it ain't so!

Actually I don't mind if Pandora and Remmy aren't together. He just seems to genuinely like her company and I'm hoping she's alright and doesn't lump him in with Bellwethers crew.
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Man that would be pretty wild

Pandora going from the friendliest pred at Pack Street towards Remmy to shifty and suspicious, maybe outright hating him
>not a tubedude
Automatically not best boy
But at the same time I would like a bit of drama and have some people in the Pack start hating him (just temporarily of course!!)
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What happened to Weaver? Did he stop doing Pack Street stuff? I mean it's ok if he did, I appreciate what he gave us, I'm just curious.

Also I do hope Pandora knows Remmy's not to blame, but I could see some conflict being interesting.
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Stylish vampire hunter.png
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Neither a badger or a yeen, sorry Skunkly but you're out of the running. Better luck next time man.
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Shhhh you are not payed to talk.png
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He wants to complete his other thing before coming back to Pack Streat. Take that as you will.
He's taking a break to finish Roommate and other past projects
That's it
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If you could do a picture of a female ferret with maybs a skirt & denim jacket thing or somesuch, that'd be great.

I typically tend to think a ferret chick would still have a lot of the same facial shapes & etc as travis kinda, but with some of ms otterton's roundness to offset the cheekbones
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I miss Inky
Oh cool, thanks!

There's never enough Gazelle
>Heroes intensifies
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Me too, I hope she's doing better out there.
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We need more skunks
Gentle reminder that Charmie is endgame.
Bit of a weird request, but does anyone have any small comics they want translated? Haven't seen anything in the last few days worth translating, and as far as I could tell nobody typeset the couple things I've done in the last week or so. I like being able to contribute to the threads, but it's been a bit of a dry spell lately.

There was a Rikuo pic put up a few threads ago where Nick and Judy were drawn in Japanese garb with katanas, if I remember correctly the kanji was

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Bunurai and adorable.jpg
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This one? Also that's very rad of you, sadly I don't usually pick up untranslated stuff.
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Was this typesetted?
whatever makes you feel better anon
Not yet as far as I know
wait wut, is Inky dead? Did she leave?
Not this shit again
Who drew that?
I just think it'd help for people to acclimatize to the truth now, when they have enough time, rather than absorbing the shock all at once when their misguided ship turns out to be false.
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Mojo issues due to some unknown(to us anyway) real life suckery, Hopefully whatever it is works out for her.
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Slothu I think his name is.png
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Some sloth
That's a Nobby drawing of Rose's skunk
whatever justifies your shitposting buddy
Fug, me too.
>the truth
>after Remmy hug her out to dry when she admitted to suicidal thoughts

My Request here >>9463416
And afterwards going to Annie hoping that he'll get "lucky" on his date. Yea he is so in love with Charlie
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>Charlie mumbles again, quietly, almost whispering into my wool. "It should have been me."
>"What? Oh" I check my phone. "It's 7:30."
>She seems stunned, must be late for something. Whoop, that reminds me, time for my date. "Catch ya later Frank, I gots me a yeen to peen."
>socially inept fucktard Remmy putting pussy before emotional comfort
I'm shocked.
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And a yeen he successfully peen
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Well, now it is
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Or maybe he just didn't care enough to stay and comfort. Remmy has his problems but you can't blame everything on his social ineptitude
>If it us

That was probably a typo on my end; better line would be "If it's us" or "If it's the two of us"
I mean he did give them both some sort of comfort (to Anneke more than Charlie). Its not like he was completely emotionless. Its just like >>9464762 said, maybe Remmy didn't feel emotionally close to them for him to go above and beyond. Can't blame a guy for not being there for people he doesn't feel connected to
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Buddy 1.jpg
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Also, question for the anons here, is a butt too much for a SFW Tumblr?
Bull fucking shit.

If anything, Remmy fucked up with Anneke worse than he did with Charlie.

Face it, the only thing that's for Remmy is a pocket pussy that he managed to get from Pandora's Box before the owner went fucking crazy.
Oh trust me buddy I don't think Remmy will get with anyone in the end. I have my own favorite ship (which is not aardwool despise the post) but even I know that Remmy will end up alone in the end. Its the sad but inevitable truth.
Thanks for doing that, btw
Well, to be honest she was the one who started talking about it. Remmy was just saying "Uh-uh, yeah, yep, the entire time"

She was not angry at him. And he still tried to comfort her as he could, also asking her if she wants him to walk her home

And it was her who wanted to do it again.

I doubt some ship will sail but I am convinced that he will get laid with some pred pucci before it is done. Probably some random girl at a party. Leaving the possibility of relationship up to reader.

>inb4 remmy moves out of the neighborhood finds himself a ewe wife and lives happily ever after. the lesson learned is that you should never meet with other people and never socialy or sexually experiment because people who are not us are just treasonous lying cunts.
>"Prey can't go savage,"
>I trace the edge of my glass with my hooftip. It makes an unsatisfying squeaking sound.
>"I'm really sorry, Annie. That must be terrifying," I agree, gently. "I can't even imagine. You have every reason to be upset."

Yeah, really comforting.
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The problem when it comes to shipping in general is thinking that your ship is definitely going to happen and saying stuff like "[shipname] is endgame" when in reality other ships have more or less potential to occur and at this point, you're just setting yourself up for major disappointment when it doesn't come true. Shipping is fine and all and even thinking your ship has more potential than others is ok too but saying that it is absolute is just you setting yourself up for failure. Just like if wildehopps doesn't happen in the second movie (if there ever is one), alot of prople would be in for a huge disappointment. Ship whoever you wanna ship but don't get frustrated when people challenge you with logic and examples.
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You know, sometimes telling outright lies like "Nothing will happen to you!" can do more harm than good. At least to an adult.

There is at least some empathy.
"I'm really sorry, Annie.
That must be terrifying,
"I can't even imagine.

Not gonna lie he could have been smoother but this is Remmy.

Anneke did not seem to mind or take offense. Maybe you should stop taking any for her.

I would even say that the fact he went on a date with a her, a predator after what just happened would comfort her in some way. He did not pack a pepper spray and act like she was some wild beast like the rest of the crowd early in that chapter.

Give him some credit.
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>Hybrids are an open question, canonically, but the evidence from the film suggests they're not possible.
Hybrids of the real world (Camel/Lamma, Tiger/Lion, etc) are possible. Boxes, Funnies, Sholfs, Dolfs, Tiger bunnies, etc, nope. Byron posted that on twitter.

That said, I enjoy some stories with kids. For me it doesn't feel that far off, obviously when you go "Judy and Nick fuk when they're beat cops and end up with kids" you kinda wonder if people have any respect for the characters, but still it's fun (when it's not forcing drama) to read. I like the idea of them adopting kids too, something like Cooper (abusive home) or Rosie/Mel. Both seem like a situation Judy could rush things without thinking too much.

I don't think it's that situation some anon was talking: Nick and Judy are symbols of the city and must be chaste without children and think of how they represent foxes and bunnies. I do think people point to them for "anyone can be anything", but representing? Think of their image? Seems a bit too much for just two beat cops, no matter how much you try to turn them into egomaniacs with "saved the city". At that point it goes the same problem where Judy and Nick wouldn't do something stupid if they thought it could save the city because "think of the mammals looking up to us".
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>Not!Skye with smaller and smaller face and bigger and bigger head as time pass
>By the only decent Italian Zootopia artist afaik

Why Rem, why
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One thinks that Nick would have actually said;
"Yes, yes you do."
I'm going to put some of the blame on aoimotion
It goes by a bamboozle, babycakes
Considering how aoimotion is constantly bawing because everyone acts like Rem does both writing and art, I think they'd be happy someone is blaming something on them.
Being honest I wouldn't care if not for Rem art.
I love this.
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I agree.
IF, and it's a virtually impossible if, crossbreeding can occur, the offspring almost MUST be of either of the parents, although usually the mother.
If hybrids are allowed to exist, and with the possibility of inter species breeding over the previous millennia, all that would be left, would be a planet of Sparkle Dogs and the movie may as well have been made using MLP's.
Having said that, Violet is so damn cute !!
Violet being cute is DCD/SGaR achievement alone, whenever other people draw them, especially Ziel, she looks like your average hybrid fanart.
Maybe for the dog, yes, they are both guilty of that.
The Skye lookalike acromegaly is instead Rem's fault. Girl is good with lines and shadows, but sometimes she gets the wrong proportions
? Not up with abbreviations.
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This is nice, although Nick does look like a bear?

That artist tumblr

Ziel is pic related.
Because monoflax normally draw him like that.
Fuck, Marry, Kill:

Kill Kris
Fuck Judy
Marry Skye
After Chris Chan, I've lost all ability to take heterochromia seriously at all.

It's just a lazy attempt to visually be a special snowflake without even trying.

Is that Maxine Midnight and Jill Savage-Skye?
kill Kris
fuck Skye
marry Judy
Heterochromia was always pretty hard to take seriously, unless VERY subtle (green-ish blue, blue-ish green) or with a very explicit reason (brown eye with white eye, blotches on the iris, etc). It got ruined for me on anime. Still enjoy Violet since she's basically just made to be 50% Nick 50% Judy impossible children, might as well go full retard.

Also yes, Robyn is JudyNick hybrid, Hannah is JackSkye hybrid. Pretty sure they're also in a relationship.
Can I have a foursome?
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I require medical assistance!
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How've you been
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I love how comfy this pic is, I still need to finish my fic where one of the settings is basically drawn from this pic.
Fuck off asshole
Dammit, I'm not at home and don't have my 'SPARKLE DOGS EVERYWHERE' memepeg!
So this is why the world is not full of hybrids, they're all born female, turn gay and never breed?
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what is this sin
People keep bringing this up but Remmy doesn't think Charlie is his friend

Not yet, anyway. There's bound to be some character development in the future.

I don't even ship Charmy but using this to shoot it down isn't very valid because at this point he still thinks of her as a weird neighbour who's occasionally a nuisance.

Now that I think about it you should actually be shooting Charmy down for THAT reason rather than the ditching her in the middle of a breakdown thing
>skinny Gid
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I want to see more thin Gideon.
But more than that, more fit Clawhauser
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Hy so here is a question to the fandom:

What kind of fox is Skye actually?

I've seen her portrayed with snow-white fur and creme fur.
Also I've seen her portrayed smaller than Nick and as tall as Nick.

creme furred version would mean ->
corsac fox
white furred version would mean ->
arctic fox

But these are both smaller than a red fox, so why is she as tall as Nick? Is it implied that she is a hybrid?

What the hell is Skye?
Or is she just some flexible OC everyone can portray the way he/she wants her to be.
Flexible OC, all that we know is that she is a fully sized fox. Some people assume she's a red fox with a color mutation, some assume she's arctic, some assume she's a swift fox, some assume she's a tan fox.

Never implied.
Skye is a concept character from Savage Skyes and Savage Seas.
All we know of her is the pic you posted, another one with her in a scuba suit (with a little whiter fur), and a post from Byron that say the following:
1) she's not a fennec
2) she's a full size fox
So the possibilities are arctic fox or corsac fox, given the size (a bit smaller than a red fox, so "full size") and the color of her fur (or similar subspecies).
Obviously the rest of her personality is all OC. In the threads usually she is paired with Jack and she is her mechanic.
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Is it time for the hd update? Or do u stick with the stylish one
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Considering her in the diving suit has her with white fur rather than pic related, I'd put arctic out.
Pretty sure I've read somewhere that in one of early scripts she was supposed to be Nick's girlfriend, also.
I'll stick with stylish, for all the disappointment Zistopia became and NW shitposting, it's still one of the pics that makes me fucking love Zis
Because there was a spy/secret agent Nick but all the art I saw it was him paired with a proto-Judy or with her mouse boss
guys guys, I know who she is and how she came to be (discarded proto character adopted by the fandom to be Jack's cuck preventor factor) I was just curious what you guys think / vote for to her to be. Do you like the creme version corsac Skye or the white furred arctic Skye?
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nick morning.png
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posting sketch since i also posted oj's sketch
I like the creme version solely so she doesn't end up PERFECTLY WHITE like Akiric and Rem draw arctic fox.
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I remember reading similiar too but it said "assumed" girlfriend... like Judy thinks she is Nick's girlfriend at the start only to find out they are not and he is free game
I really, really want to see more chubby Gideon from this artist.

Sadly, as far as I'm aware, they only did two pics of this subject (one of which was this).
Has reply been in lately?

I'm just curious about the status of that comic he has going with Judy and Collared Nick.
Arctic foxes are more commonly known, so it's more probable that's her species.
However the eyes, the muzzle and the generally paler fur than a summer arctic fox make me think corsac.

Hi Ciwi! How's it going?
I loved both those drawings.
You should do more collaborations
I think I remember another pic but it was Gid with some other dude's OC so not really my cup of tea
What's the response to this?
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What response to what
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why people must do this
Dogs are result of inbreeding, resulting in defects and mutations. Look at this dog as someone coming from a hillbilly family but lucked on the IQ rulette
Unf damn this style. Really good art
And the offspring can't look like a retarded mix of different body parts from each parent, like having a fox head with bunny ears and tail. The hybrid needs to have a consistent look with subtle changes so that they barely look like they are even hybrids (like a sholf with only sheep eyes or a dolf with only fangs)
That's basically the same, only slower.
Hybrids make no sense
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I still think the simplest way is that it's randomly one of the parent's species.
It's a "cartoon" where land-mammals developed intellect at the same time and evolved with similiar enough vocal cords for a common language. That alone is scientific impossiblity, we don't have to have a logical explenation for everything
I'm not trying to make sense of hybrids because they are an impossibility. I'm saying that IF hybrids were to miraculously exist, these would be the ideal qualities
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>anais has cat mouth
Sheared Remmy and Nick making out with Judy and Charlie in the background grinning
>What if Remmy chose Charlie over Anneke that night?
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holy cow I never noticed that before...
could be just an artistic choice because she didn'T look cute without it... she does have buck teeth.
>I still think the simplest way is that it's randomly one of the parent's species.
The only trouble I have with this is that its illogical even in the realm of hybrids. By the law of genetics, you are bound to inherit some trait from both parents. By having the child just randomly be one of the parent species wouldn't make sense (but we're talking about hybrids so sense is pretty much out the window)
Well, the "it's a cartoon so it's ok" explanation can be used to justify almost anything.
There are grades.
Having all mammals develop intellect at the same time is extremely, extremely unlikely but still anchored to realism, in a way of convergent evolution. Same for the vocal cords (even easier, considering that even we have animals that can imitate the human language).
Going against the laws of genetic and doing the genetic equivalent of fitting a square peg in a round hole is another matter entirely.
IT would've been responsible from him, seeing that Charlie needs some attention and as a member of the pack, he should look out for the others... but then agian, no harm done, she was talking with Avo in the hall the next day that was a relief for me
>still no Regret: Aardwolves Edition
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Cheetahs casually strolling. I'd think one of them say something like, "about everytime I really need Clawhauser to get something."
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Nope, Clive continued with his dialogue
> "about everytime I really need Clawhauser to get something."

Actually, if you think about it, every time we saw Clawhauser going somewhere he was running. He was even running when he showed up in the big character trailer; he was the only one doing so.
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Have some shitty flat colourings
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so when's this movie coming out?
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judy just right.png
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Damn son, this is good
First time in the threads?
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yeah pretty much, I never really went into the zootopia threads, and barely go to this site anymore overall. I Just felt like sharing that image and thought this would be a good enough place to do it in.
That's true, even on the DVD menu, even though it was just recycled.

Speaking of Clawhauser running, that the part where he comes in winded from chasing Mrs. Otterton, he held his back on his way out when he was saying "I gotta go sit down." I wonder if that was a sign of an old back injury or if that was him just being fat.
as >>9467102 said. We discussed this earlier a few weeks back I think. Every instance Clawhauser is portrayed to be going or arriving somewhere it is indicated that he hurried there.

I think it would be a fun easter egg to see in the future that Cheetas ALWAYS run.
>being fat
don't throw around mean words like that.
He is just fluffy and big boned.
you autist will go spastic over anything

didn you know that when these cops arm wrestled chewing gum fell from under the table?
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happy Nick.png
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That's a fine Gazelle.
Right now the thread is a little slow, since it's early morning in America, it will catch up in some hours. It's nice to see more artists. Welcome ECM.
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Now we need one with Nick
I wonder what his ass rating is.
oh sorry guess im also a bit tired, didnt mean to make it sound like I am ECM. I only did the simple flat colouring of his image.
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boy... talking about taking a joke too seriously...
Yes, get through the beginning and past the psychiatrist part.
I cant fug skye and then marry judy, you cuck, but i will freely kill kris
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When the cuck gets cucked.
Still nice!
We have a couple of colorists too!
Usually the threads are a pretty good place full of interesting people >>9467355
Except this anon.
They will be killed in a gruesome manner.
At least i will not live to cuck and neither will kris
But nick is fucking judy, jack is just being a voyeur
I thought that was Skye
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Tgg skye is a golden border, judy is purple
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weasel about to pop
damn it, I want a revenge cuck pic.
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Peepin on the little peoples
>Sticking his dick in the window and giving them all a cum bath
Why is there a window in the first place
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This is the one you want
Do your showers not have windows? You couldn't see people showering in our dorms, but there were windows in the bathrooms
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Or if you want lesbians
Yeah no, nothing like that. The idea that a shower room would have windows leading straight outside, at ground level, with clear/unfrosted windows is a bad one.
It still could be if you think fucked up enough about it; have Judy and Jack in a relationship, but only Nick can satisfy her, so Jack is a good cuck and allows his girlfriend to get fucked by the superior fox.
There's something really weird about this picture where I can taste my ex's dick just looking at that one

Maybe it's the weird, misshapen dickhead
To be fair they weren't even at eye level. I would've had to jump to see through them
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All these three are nice. Take that Jack!
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Pro Jack > Anti Jack
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Pro Jack is generally more gay.
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Ill meet you half way
I wanna fuck this buck
There was that one target they caught Doug taking the call for, a cheetah in Sarah Square. He made it sound like they were always running as he had to remind Dawn that he hit an otter in a moving van.
Aren't Arctic foxes Larger than redfoxes?
No, they're smaller
Theres a special shower at the rodent locker room where only cum comes out of. They hire horses for this.
Arctic foxes balls are bigger though
Been looking through the older stories of Zootopia; it is kind of funny how much Jack was used, even in the early days of the fandom. Unless it was just a coincidence, a lot of stories had a buck named "Jack" to be the love rival, not exactly using the whole spy persona until much later. Either he was a normal rabbit, or he was the "second bunny officer". And then usually tossed aside when Judy realizes her love for Nick.

On that note, I somewhat need to scrub my brain because wow were fics even worse back then. There would be fics where Nick and Judy could be dating when suddenly BAM Judy is snuggling up to a buck, and Nick decides to fake a suicide death and leaves Zootopia.

On the bright side, I did find this piece;


>Judy takes a week off to visit her family in Bunnyburrow and to see the new horror exhibit set up to instill terror into prey animals. Unfortunately, Judy is a changed bunny, and it doesn't have the intended effect on her.

The story is more funny than anything else, at one point Judy masturbating with, what I remember, a fox hand puppet while thinking of Nick.

Red Foxes are the biggest of all the fox species by a decent margin. They can be a foot longer than arctic foxes, and sometimes twice their height. I think gray foxes are the closest to them in terms of size, though they aren't part of the same genus.
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Jack's character had the stain of being a closer-to-canon-than-OC rabbit that could potentially break up wildehopps. People all jumped on the opportunity because relationship drama is second to will-they-wont-they in terms of drumming up easy conflict.
Its a testament to creative writers (usually the ones here) that theyve been able to save him from being nothing more than a cuck.
>sparkledog neon tongues
No thanks
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes), largest of the true foxes, has the greatest geographic range of all members of the Carnivora order.
Was this ever shown to MT to see whether it was taken from them? Someone had said they thought it was stolen.
Honestly I don't mind it this time. Nick getting serviced is good for me, no matter who does it.
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>Ridiculous neon coloured sparkledogs
Why are posting this again?
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because it's hot.
The only fic, that I could think of from the top of my head, not from here that has a decent Jack character would be "Dangerous". I am a bit sad that story is basically dead. His character might have been a bit cliche, but he definitely felt more alive there than most other stories, where he feels like a copy and past spy character with no traits that Nick himself doesn't already do better.
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Who wants a story about Judy breaking down during a BDSM play? :D
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"I'll be the vacuum cleaner" doesn't instill the mental image that I think the artist was going for.
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so much talent at drawing
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I want some of big gay Al
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How about some poly Al instead?
need more avo
Needs more triangles desu
>Al can't get Velvet pregnant
>Remmy can
>Big Cuck Al
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bunny dewlap.jpg
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What is the fluffiest judy you have?
>tfw Al is gonna take care of Remmy and Velvet's child
al turning to remmy for sexual and emotional support when
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>That image
>Not pagemaster.jpg
One job anon
Al and Remmy raising the child together when
But anon, it isn't like Nick called her constant nicknames from the get go! It isn't like Nick only screamed her name once throughout the entire movie. It isn't like that situation was one where he thought she might haveb een dead. How will we know how important Nick calling her name is if the author doesn't use at least five paragraphs to explain how much if affects Judy to hear that?

Also, my first immediate thought to this post was "It is like Ash's hat; nobody needs to explain shit is about to go down when he turns it, you just know."
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I don't have any, so I made you one
>tfw when Al is too distraught over the situation with Velvet and Velvet herself is indifferent that Remmy has to turn to Betty to help raise the child together.
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Every time I read a post like this, I'm absolutely terrified that it's about my story.
And as a thank you, Remmy gives her the ramrod every night
Tired Aggie




Aggie can barely keep its eyes open
My fetish!
I hope all of Remmy's past fuckups and missteps come back to haunt him in the end, like where the power of friendship and the bonds he'd formed would normally help save him in a conventional story instead everyone flips him off because he's a bit of an ass and he gets lynched by an anti-sheep mob.
>Nick and Judy visit the Hopps' family
>He gives her a neck rub while she's talking with some of her sisters
>Gives her dewlap a firm rub-down
>He had no clue that massaging a dewlap was like fingering a girl
>He had no clue he was basically masturbating Judy in front of her sisters
>But she kept her mouth shut on the specifics, and let her head fall into his warms as he continued working his magic
C'mon anon don't spoil the end of Pack Street for me.
It's kinda obviously a parody of the usual harem series, Remy's gonna emotionally hurt all the girls and they're all gonna blow him off right when he actually needs them. Any ending where he ended up with one of the girls would feel pathetically cliche, and fucking lol at harem end. It's lonely Remmy from chronic fuckups and the april fools shitpost is a hint/decoy.
I can't use Aggie
It doesn't register when my pen actually leaves the tablet, so it just keeps on drawing even when it's not touching.

weaver should make the last chapter choose-your-own-adventure with like six different endings and you just choose which one you want as canon
That would be too original.
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look at this!
and tell me what you see?
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comfy fox.jpg
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Hawk food.
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is comfy.jpg
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>"So, you were behind it all along!" Remmy yells at the back of the office chair.
>"Show your face! I want to see who's responsible for all of our suffering!"
>The chair spins around
>Remmy comes face to face with a roach
>"YOUR suffering?!"
The only logical ending I see happening is Remmy possibly learning from his mistakes and living a content life in the Pack. None of the girls have reach a level of emotional connection or even remote closeness to Remmy to ever consider being in a relationship with him. Its a better ending if he just feels happy with himself and learns from his prejudice
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super comfy.jpg
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A future criminal.
we really need more ace aro representation in fiction so I hope for this too
remmy is being set up to figure out the truth about himself and thats why it keeps not working out for him
try using Microsoft Edge, it works best on there for whatever reason
or you might need to install the webapp
As much as I want sheepdog or remdora to happen in the end, Remmy learning from his mistakes and living a happy life is the perfect ending for me
The trend of "actually relationships aren't good just be happy with yourself" as a message in writing these days fuckin sucks. Everything with romantic subplots is always overrun with fans explaining how actually these characters don't have enough of a basis for an emotional connection and love is cliche while everyone just being friends is so fresh and new and it's a nuisance.
According to Google red foxes are both taller (feet to shoulder) and heavier. But Arctic foxes are apparently longer, (ass to head) which would mean that standing bipedally would be taller than a red fox.
Don't any of you guys remember this from the "is jack a puny bunlet?" Discussion, like two months ago?
You're assuming that Pack Street actually has romantic subplots.
read the file name
Red foxes are actually longer than arctic foxes; at max red foxes can be around 3 feet head to rear, while arctic foxes are about 2 feet. The weird thing about their measurements are that length for red foxes only takes into account head to rear, while arctic foxes are measured head to tail tip. There was a similar discussion a while ago when discussing otters, because otters are measured from head to tail, and not head to ass, so it caused some confusion on Mr. and Mrs. Ottertons heights.
her other sisters awkwardly asking for massages when?
So, in the end, I'm still right. Red foxes are the biggest type of 'true' fox in the world.
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Nick and Charlie.jpg
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remove preds
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Tired Aggie




Aggie needs a cup of coffee
Yeah; pretty much every other fox that belongs to the same genus, Vulpes, is either a small fox or a medium size. The corsac and sand foxes are closer to the size of the red fox, each being slightly bigger than an arctic fox, but still a significant difference.
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How the fuck did they get the foxes to do that
They're talented



>ふわふわしてて小さくて... フフッ
"Your hands...
They're so fluffy and small... Fufu
(Morikawa-san)" (TN: I'm guessing this is a character from something, but I don't know what)

"These right here are.. <3"

"So lovely...
I just want to rub our cheeks togetherー" (TN: It's a sign of affection in Japan, but really fucking weird to do to someone you just met)

Nick: "RUN AWAY, JUDYー!!!"
Thank you daddy bear.
>we really need more ace aro representation in fiction so I hope for this too
Remmy is blatantly already established as neither aromantic nor asexual.
The ending would be encouraging the idea that happiness should come from within and you shouldn't rely on others to make you a whole person, not eschewing romantic or sexual pairings entirely.
>we need more ace aro representation
We really don't.
New Borba. It's over between them.
So what does this imply for all the artwork that shows jack way smaller in proportion to Skye than Judy is to nick?
Thread posts: 368
Thread images: 139

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