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/nitwg/ - Night in the Woods General Crocodile Grin Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 125

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/nitwg/ - Night in the Woods General

Crocodile Grin Edition

Trust only this MEGA for the OST: https://mega.nz/#F!RQhxBZJA!u5Y781s6xWM3uSBPeFBxTQ

>Write Bin

>Art Booru
Is this the new Undertale?
here's my 800 page manifesto on why bea is the people's champion
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here's my 8000 page manifesto on why you should shut the heck up
Here's muh dick
here's my 80000 page manifesto on why alex is a f**king niggerr
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>when you leave your shitty aunt to die of dehydration in a mine shaft
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Homer, we're in Night in the woods!
Fuck off MaeBaeFag.
And starvation.
They'll probably cannibalize eachother first, after they throw in some unlucky
YouTube sensation Killer Keemstar?!
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Was Paul blart Mall cop really part of the cult? I noticed I couldn't find her anywhere in the epilogue
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She was supposed to be, but got cut, like so many other things
Now hold on. I've never heard anything about that.
It's pure speculation whether or not she was part of the cult. The way Bea talks about the cult as a "cult of dads" imply everyone there was male.
She could have still been part of the cult working on the outside, however.
DAE get sad when they hear certain songs from the game? Especially the credits.
The game has shit music so no.
Paul Blart Mae cop
I've tried to go down the OST list a few times now and I always get hung up on Home Again

just the connotation of it all hits me hard every time
When does that play again?
think about it
always shows up right after cult shenanigans
takes you off the trail

and, like, if you were a cult, who would be great to have on your side if you ran a shitty little town

note that im biased here because i hate cops
>i hate cops
criminal detected
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mae's house, her first day back

in actuality it plays every morning, but that's where I remember it most
hey all, i beat the game and i was seeing other people posting about it, and i'd like to see if i'm understanding this right

i've seen some people claiming that the cult that mae & co face off against was the same group as the tooth club guys, but that doesn't mesh with what i remember from the game, about the year the hole was found, and the number of folks tossed in. are people just getting the two mixed up?

the tooth guys are definitely defunct by the time mae opens the safe, iirc

No, Undertale had perfect gameplay, impeccable humor and timing, literally the most ambitious and moving plot a video game has ever had and additionally has done things the genre had never done before (or since). It's the citizen Kane of video games

Night is the woods is a pity party about millennial drop outs jerking each other off about their refusal to grow up. I still enjoyed it but let'snot make it something it isn't
More like: Undertale was a great game and so was NITW. They both really stick with you if you let them. To me Undertale's first ending was amazing and the second was pretty good, but the middle was just kind of boring. NITW had an amazing middle and the ending was meh, but I really love both pretty equally
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>unironically using millenials
>falling for the generational jew
Normally id ironically say you're a shill and to kill yourself, but this is one of few times I'm going to say it and mean it

Kill yourself, you fucking shill.
You're responding to an ironic shitpost
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And you too.
This is poor bait on /v/, the fuck are you guys taking it for? Stop giving him yous
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i just couldnt resist those tasty [spoilerdontworkhere]eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels honey! [/nospoiler]
It's their kids. Sacrificing people to the pit was going to be a generational thing, that's why they were trying to get Mae and her friends to continue the tradition.
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Sig really needs to draw Mae and Candy taking some Eeeeeels together.
I bet Candy is really into lubricants. She probably goes through a tub of flavored lube a night with Stan.
>Falling for the meme jew meme
>Falling for the meme site jew meme jew jew
>Falling for the jew
Are you fatshaming such a wonderful and gorgeous woman?
Nah, I'm just implying that she enjoys the slick feeling of her husband's lubed up body against hers as his eel wiggles its way into her body.
That would explain why Mae never goes into her parent's room.
Apparently cat dicks are barbed and sharp
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I got a boner.png
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Reminds me of pic related
I want to kiss Mae's Mom
I wan't to drunkenly abuse Mae's mom
Stan we talked about this.
>not keeping your balance
But NITW characters probably have human dicks.
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>human dicks

>implying Gregg has a fat knot
>implying baes dad has two dicks
>implying angus doesn't sleep like a lazy fuck all winter
>implying the birds don't just scissor like lesbians while farting cum out their holes
Are you saying you don't have barbs on your penis? Anon, maybe you should see a doctor.
Larger birds in nature have penises though.
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>happy Bea
Stop this meme
>the straight up lizard with a cartoon cigarette
top kek
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is it so wrong to want her to be happy?
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ur a meme
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>A general exists for liberal propaganda the game
Wew lad.
>Shitty characters
>Nonexistent story
>Liberal propaganda
>Walking simulator
>3 colour pallet graphics
>Liberal propaganda
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Once again the shit brigade has to ruin this fucking thread with their OC tier autistic lust for some nobody bear bitch that shouldn't have even been in the game in the first place. Don't you faggots have anything better to do or is getting off to 2D whores your only task in life? Don't even bother answering that, we both know the sad answer you nipple piercing degenerates are going to give. Just shut down your computer, take a walk into highway traffic, and think about what you've done to deserve your fate, which is a lot, but having shit taste in bear women should be the final nail in your coffin. Don't even bother to reply, I don't need any more (You)s from retards, just go.
frigg off virusanon
Hey newfag
The real virus anon has not posted in weeks. I think you're the newfag here.
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first off
don't steal my shitpost
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Ivan go back to bed while your Mom neglects you some more and regrets having you.
That one and Church Hill are by far my favorites. Church of the First Convalescence is right behind. And generally any of the "in town" themes. The rest of em, eh.
You idiots are getting it all wrong.
I've done this same post in a previous thread. You aren't unique.
Fuck you, I may be neglected but you will never suck on Mae's tits!
lets just shitpost together
ok virusanon
So I've got an empty house till Wednesday, and so far my most adventurous plan is to shit post on the Internet. My God I'm boring.

Guess I can walk around the house naked at least.
where do you live
Fuck boys I think he's got me there.
And I'm straight
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well your fucked
>not even masturbating to the nice clean marble slab in your kitchen
You disappoint me anon.
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Actually I'm not and that's the problem
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I live in Alabama the fuck makes you think I can afford marble?
Fine, linoleum or whatever. What I'm saying is to fuck the bin of dried fruit and jizz all over your kitchen.
if you're alone and bored then write something you fucking fagtron, preferably not something shit
i know who you are
I know you aren't into girls that aren't related to you, but I can come over and we could pork some barnyard animals if you're up for it. I got a real hankering for some bacon and there's probably plenty of mice scurrying around at night if you're more of a Lori lover.
Dallas is that you
How the fuck do you know who someone is just because they said they're from Alabama, do we already have /soc/ tier faggotry where all you have to say is where you live to have an identity? god you fags are fucking gay
Hint: it's the image
But yes, this is a circlejerk at this point
>the image
So avatarfagging? go kill yourselves
I'm confused as to how you know who I am just because of the image? I haven't posted that in a while, and I didn't post any identifying information the last time I used that reaction face.
Fuck off
what the fuck is going on
Mae's OC demon spawn son is shitposting us.
I don't know?
Just gonna post porn?
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fucking ungg wanna make her single mom problem worse
oh don't worry i got my ways, and it's not like they're advanced, they're basic shit wew
remember, you're never anonymous on a general you've been on for a long time
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Monogamy is overrated?
Y'know, it must kinda suck being the doe, what with being the only one in town that doesn't have proper hands.
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Oh yeah, the Doe sucks alright
If I cum one more time to this fucking image set I'm going to spawn a child from just trash semen. GOD I LOVE THIS DOE
This is never an issue in animal worlds, they just adapt. Jackie has hooves and she can hold a beer cup just fine somehow.

cool blog bro
You mean adoept
thx bb
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I love the way Sig drew her in these two, she's the same but something about the art just feels different in these, idk what, but she looks damn good.


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Truly Sig is our greatest ally
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>no one commissioned the licking version
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What compels a man to make a picture like this?
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Im only more upset now anon
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Take your mine off it with bare butts including some bear butts
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That's cute
Sig needs to draw some petite Lori playing with herself on the train tracks
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I assume Mae's wondering what keeps hitting her in the back of the skull?
>Germ x Mae
So it begins
Xd well fukin MEMMEMED Meuine FREUIND :DDDD
Seconding this
Also pushing this idea. C'mon Sig, that petite mouse butt is too nice to go to waste.
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Underage ain't my cup of tea my dude, which is a shame because rats and mice are qt. At most I'll do some cute shit
Cute is overrated, we need more Doe butts! actually scratch that, her butt is cute so it counts
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lori cute.png
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Aw c'mon. Draw her older then, I don't care. I doubt she's going to put on that much weight by the time she's 18.
I'm pretty sure he can't draw somebody who is petite.

Woah now anon, you don't have to suck some artfag's dick just so they draw Lori as an adult. Fuck that shit. She's 15 and you'll fucking like it. Fuck him if he doesn't want to draw her how she is.
She's actually 14, but she's gonna grow up and go to college for film school. I'd love to see some college Lori experimenting.
He's done petite before, at least compared to what he normally draws.
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This. Most girls finish physically growing around 15 anyway. This is an accurate depiction of her at 18.
Hell, his NitW stuff in general is a lot less curvaceous than his usual stuff. He's drawn a lot of EXTRA THICC Mable.
Man I don't give a shit who draws Lori, we just need more lewds of her already
Not that I'm complaining about his EXTRA THICC Mable, mind you.
>Candy and Mae version when

How about fuck off
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Candy is pure
I want to see her corrupted
EXTRA THICC is the best
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It's Sable, not Mable you nerds. Mable is worst girl and Sable is best
fuck off to /acg/ cocksucker, we don't care about your porcupine waifu war
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Look man I haven't played Animal Crossing since I was 14 forgive me if I can't remember their names.
Why would you censor "fucking", but not "nigger"?
He put two r's.
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What'st the appeal of this game? For the longest time, I thought it was something you guys on /trash/ made, kind of like this board's version of Towergirls over on /tg/. I looked at a few early threads and thought you guys had made your own version of Undertale or something, but with more porn.

It's come as a real shock that this game was actually made my professionals. I checked the wiki a while ago, and it seems so lackluster. The characters seem uninteresting and boring, and sound like a bunch of jackasses who millennals can relate to. The plot sounds nonsensical as well, but the artstyle's nice at least.

And what's up with all the freaking liberal stuff? I don't mind gay people, but it seems so forced,. And one of the characters is trans too, like really?

I don't mean to come off as a /poltard/, I'm rally just curious. Why do you guys like this game so much? Is it just for the porn, or do you like the characters and story?
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Yes, yes and yes.
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I like the characters and the music, because I like the characters, I also like the porn.
But the cute stuff is also great.
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it reminds me alot of catcher in the rye, which is one of my favorite books
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mae nightmare eyes 2.png
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>kind of like this board's version of Towergirls over on /tg/
What? There's a towergirl general on /trash/. How did you get the idea that this general is like Towergirls?

Also, it has gone long past the time to talk about the game extensively here, so all we do is shitpost and hope that there is new art to post, especially porn. I'm not particularly proud of getting the game. It was pretty lackluster (storywise) for its price.
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Well Mae is a Caulfield archetype, yeah.
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The "gameplay" is mediocre at best, the writing can be awful at times, and the story was a bit of a mess but I can't help but really like the characters and the world presented

I probably liked it more because I pirated it instead of dropping twenty goddamn dollars on it
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mae is smol.png
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Hey we've talked about the game a fair amount in the last couple threads. Mostly cause of new people that had just finished the game, but we did.

Professional fuckups, maybe. The devs seem too unfocused to even give them that kind of credit.
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>anime reaction image

>A bunch of uninteresting millenials.
That's kind of the point. They're a bunch of stupid young adults. The four main characters have all grown up, except for the player character, who suffers from psychosis and disassociation and dropped out of college and is still a teen, socially.
A lot of plot threads were cut because the animator for the game is horrendously lazy. Its main attraction is the writing, which flows pretty well, despite there being a typo or two.

Its basically what Life is Strange tried to be.

>all the freaking liberal stuff
>trans character
The trans character in question shows up a total of two times, and is shown to be a fucking jerk in one of them. The Antifa thing is also sort of mocked as well. I don't think her trans-ness is even brought up? It was background info that got cut I think.

As for the "liberal stuff " that's extremely sparse, too.
One of the characters, Bea, mentions a young socialist chat group, but its unclear if she's being sarcastic or not, and calls a bunch of people "conservative dad's".
And Gregg, another character, is teased about being a facist for wearing a world war 1 german helmet.
That's about it.

I personally like it because its dsmn cozy and the art style as you said, is interesting.

Fun fact: they were supposed to have tails, but the animator, Scott Benson, is a goddamn lazy fuckin hack.
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bea lying in the grass.png
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That's a really nice Bea.
The keyword is extensively. We usually don't have discussions often unless some new person asks a question about the story or somebody like this anon >>9456447 asks the "what's the appeal?" question. Also, I agree with your thing about the creators. Those fuckers know how to make a game, but not how to manage one.
Which girl would smack me in the face with their huge futa dick?
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We pretty much burnt out all there is to discuss in the first two weeks of this general to be honest. Everything vague in the game is either easily explainable or too obscure to be worth talking about without extreme autistic speculation. All we can confirm is that the Bea ending is cannon, and her and Mae like barbecue ribs.
Well not Jackie, she has a cute girl cock.
Probably Mae's meaty dick.
Jackie is probably 5 inches flaccid. Trannies always have big dicks. Traps have cute girl cocks.
Nahh she's packing a cute girly dick, she's all tough talking but a total poof in the sheets
Sorry homo, she's definitely a bottom but she's got a long kick stand to keep her propped up when she's face down.
I thought it was a game some anons on /trash/ got together and made or something. Kind of like how Towergirls was made by /tg/ anons, I thought this was /trash/'s version of that.
No faggot, she's got a cute girly dick with a pretty bow on it, ready to be untied [spoiler]by me[/spoiler]
I don't remember the characters ever having tails.

Fun Fact: In other projects (Where he has freetime) Scott Benson has still never drawn animals with tails, it's part of his really simplistic style.
More lazy as fucking shit style. They just didn't want to hassle with animating tails the faget
Sorry sissy sucker, she has a uncut monster just begging to jerked while she has her gooch eaten like cooch [spoiler]by me[/spoiler]
the guys who made the game aren't liberals

they're socialists

get it together
I said it first though so I win, all your posts are auto discarded :^)
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First is the worst, second is the best!
Hey, who wants a REALLY hot Bea pic?
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bless Slugbox
I do, post it
Please do not post pictures of Bea on fire.

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ooooh...yeah that's a nice one
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As much as I like the Bea in pic related, I just want to play with that Bea's breasts after a day at the beach.
>you will never play with those gator tiddies on the beach in broad public

why even live
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anon no, that's indecent
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>have a public sex fetish
>have a breastplay fetish
>both with Bea
Please don't do this to me, anon.

well the thighs are under control but he still couldn't help himself on the huge fucking meaty crab claws
Dude it's cool no one's looking (I think)
Are you me? those perky gator tits flopping out of those bikini tops would drive me nuts just by watching, let alone getting to grope and play with them while people wonder just what the heck is going on right over there
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Would you stop fondling her breasts if someone where to walk past you two? Or would you continue and let them get startled and run off?
What ARE those things around her neck?
>get startled
Come now anon, you know damn well when you see something lewd IRL you always try to get a good peek by hiding or just trying to look without being obvious. I'd keep fondling and let any sneaky perv get as many peeks as they want at those gorgeous tits. I get to touch em after all, so they'd just be jealous, but at least they get a free boner.

According to the artist Slugbox, it's a bikini top combine with a hoodie.

A hoodiekini
Please do post pictures of Bea on fire.

I know this picture!
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big bear cock.jpg
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>not canon
As if, they do this all the time you hack
Holy shit
pirating makes everything better
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This image cracks me up.
I can't wait until the idiot who makes ohjoysextoy tries to explain why vore is healthy.
I mean, the guy already did fursuits...
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my face when.png
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>so I've been hearing a lot of negative things about snuff play, and I just wanted to clear up some misconceptions
I have no idea what you guys are talking about, link?
You really don't want it
Either you're so degenerate you already know about it, or you still retain some level of human decency and will be insulted these people exist on the same planet you do.
we know at least one of the cult- eide- could walk through walls, right?

the rest of the cult is just stuck down there, with the black goat. they've got time to figure it out, and probably a few of them will go in the hole
Assuming they actually can.
It's difficult but not impossible for Eide to have gotten over the fence naturally.
Him teleporting is less explainable, kind of the thing that puts about 1001 nails in the coffin for the "it was just in her head" theory.
It might be that Eide was special in a way the others weren't, he seemed unhinged while the others were pretty. Natural? Maybe the Black Goat touched him specifically, which in doing so both gave him powers and shattered his mind, or maybe he was fine for a time, but being in direct mental contact with an eldritch being slowly drove him insane.
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bea daki.png
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I need to stop doing these things so late

I hope the guy who originally asked for this is still around
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bea by s8.png
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I dunno.
Partially because I don't remember if I was the one who asked, or the one who seconded it. Or if I did either of those, or did something else entirely.

All I know is that I was both on board with the idea and am here to appreciate it.
yo that's amazing! thinking about doing any others?
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mae daki extended.png
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Bombshell daki when
Except instead of looking nervous and blushing she needs to have "fuck me" eyes.
Doe would also be acceptable. Good job though. I thought it'd be hard to make on model porn be sexy, but damn if you didn't do just that.
i just mean that it's theoretically possible that one of the cultists could huck the others into the pit and be like 'okay black goat, gimme noclip'

not saying it'd work,
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Honestly I just like seeing them showing off their bods like that. Clothes coming off / teasing is top tier kink.

Now do one for Doe!
I think Eide was trying to size up Mae, considering if she was worth putting in the hole or not.
(20 something college dropout? FEED THE GOAT)
He also seemed way more fanatical than the rest.

Hell, if it wasn't for Eide, the cult would have gotten away with /everything/.
But the baby boomer just had to.have his revenge.
eide just had a crush on mae

here's eight thousand words of fanfiction about it:
Angus butt suffering
The Black Goat had a crush on Mae, Eide was just his wingman
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bombshell butt.png
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I feel like this is a slight at a certain someone
Yes you do. I was heading over to bed, but I decided to check the general one last time. I love her seductive gaze, the underwear (?) between her legs, and them panties.
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bea legs.png
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Those are her tights
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there could be more in the future as long as I can come up with designs

bombshell would probably be next in line

they're her "tights/leggings/whatever" according to scott
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bombshell topless.png
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My dick waits eagerly
>you will grope those delicious bear tiddies at the club
; ;
Should her feet be exposed when they're pulled down?
Yes please
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I'm just going to pretend they don't have the foot part

there are tights/leggings/whatever like that, right? right
exposed feet is nice
If they're leggings, they don't have feet, yes. If they're pantyhose they also cover the foot, but pantyhose aren't exactly gothic.
multiple people could have a crush on mae
thats not a crime yet (yet)
any black goat of the timeless void x mae borowski fanfics out there
Ahaha, you fucked up. Kidding, I'll think of them as her shorts or something.
Shut up, fags.
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It's just that the Bombshell stuff is about 8k words long.

You can think of them as leggings since leggings don't cover the feet.
>for example
ok good

honestly I remember thinking about it way at the beginning and by the time I was done I had completely forgotten about that possibility
I probably thought of something like that when I first saw the image, but I always think of leggings, stockings, thighhighs, etc as the same thing.
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bea chibi 2.png
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They're all female legwear that aren't actual pants. Thighighs of course only come up to the thighs, they're not pantsu, stockings are thin and usually see through, leggings are stretchy and cover the crotch but not the feet. They're not actually pants but girls often wear these body tight sin inducers as pants anyways, and I'd be lying if I was complaining.

Bea actually wears them correctly, which is to say, alongside a dress since they do a very poor job of maintaining modesty when the crotch and ass are observable.
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I was looking for fanart that shows her without shoes but still in leggings for more references because I think the horse is still alive.
I uh, I could have sworn there was one better than this?
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haiku mae and bea tickle 1.png
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I guess there's haiku's stuff, yeah.
>super detailed feet relative to the rest of the image
Gee I wonder what his fetish is
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haiku mae and bea tickle 2.png
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At least he draws them cute. Nothing worse than feet art that's drawn like deviant art scribbles.
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bea daki alt.png
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well, either way, here's this

gotta say I think I like it more like this, good call
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haiku stan tickles mae.png
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Ye, the dude is pretty good at perspective and has nice clean lines generally speaking.
I like it more like that too. If you do bombshell hope she'll be barefoot as well. Cute bear toes!
Not bad either. There's plenty of legwear that covers the entire lower half too.
I will do my very best to include bare feet on at least one side
pretty accurate
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mae squint.png
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>two stylized OCs
>both doing the arm thing
>foot-heart symbol
>something tells me the leo symbol on the mouse's shirt isn't just his astrological sign
>mae's shoe size conspicuously displayed
there's a lot going on here
It's pretty awful ain't it? I mean, overall the art itself is okay, but on a metaphysical level it's just awful.
new stuff
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Please just don't.jpg
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She's 14...
wow it's shit as usual xd!!!!
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mae thinking.png
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So when mae said her dad was a danger to her and her mother, what did she mean?
I'm a footfag and what is this

so why does Mae have balls

is this why his father drank so much
What do you Anons think about HIS animation?
I think that Maebeafag needs to FUCK off.
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Holy shit this is hot. I love it when a girl sits like that.
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>Mae actually does something cool by bringing those two musicians together to play
>Instantly spills her spaghetti everywhere and makes it awkward
She's so socially inept, I love it
Is not balls, its
She meant they had a high voltage relationship and his kiss and touch could start fires.
He was one bad night away from locking Mae in the cupboard.
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Good morning Possum Springs!
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Good morning, Anon!
Good morning Maebeafag, hope you choke on a cucumber!
Id choke Mae's ass with a cucumbee
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Hello boner my old friend
I've come to pull on you again
Because I find this drawing way too sexy
It's flat and grey and just a headpiece
But my dick
Loves it anyways
What they hey
I love this, cat too much
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She loves you too Anon.jpg
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I can always count on you, anon
Where the fuck do you think you are, fag
>The posting of loli or shota pornography is not permitted.
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Really? because there's Lori porn posted all the time and I can already spot at least 2 threads with furry loli porn.

Literally fuck off minimod, go suck janitor dick
can you link me them ;)
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fuck you.png
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I can link you this
14 year olds have boobs and get periods.
lori loli sack maj pindoli
What the fuck did you just say
Calm down kurwa
I don't speak Italian sorry
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i just really like the story and characters
>using millenials in a derogatory manner
dont be so gullible
New thread where?
Hold on I'm making it.
So...where is it?
Shit, was doing something, I'll post it in a second.
Thread posts: 310
Thread images: 125

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