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Gay Pokemon thread: Trainers and Pokemon bonding edition.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 235

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Gay Pokemon thread: Trainers and Pokemon bonding edition.
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What's better, to get fucked by your Pokemon or to fuck them.
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Oh man, I was wondering when this thread would pop up again.
(was expecting it tomorrow night)

Been sitting on this one.
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Is this incest or masturbation?
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dicks hanging over things are hot
begging to be milked
It's like almost my favorite kink: through a wall.
It's basically the same pose except you can see their face.
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Another decent artist lost to patreon, oh well.
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Yesss, all the slutty zangoose Marimo pics
And a fuckbox for good measure.
>you will never feel charizard's peepee go twitchy twitch in your bootyhole
das feelen
Anyone got more of this guys patreon stuff?
It's like:
>"Who the hell asks for sex like that?" "OH!? Y-YOUR PENIS!"
>"H-hey, my bad; look, I'm apologizing...could you..." "Oh yesss"
>"Hurry and put it in; no one else is good enough. No one!"

Basically slutification and unending need for the Gum dick.
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lewd edit.png
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Well, since each head has its own brain, incest
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Damn it he drew some nice samurott on the past
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Ken Ken is my favorite Samurott
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bondage backwards is egadnob.png
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thats a very skinny charizard
Black is very slimming.
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I want to do Patreon too, but I don't want to screw over anybody
Any suggestions how I should do it?
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Just use it a way to keep tabs of your commissions. That is the fairest model really. Have the different tiers be whatever you charge for works of different complexity. I am 100% against pay walling but letting the patrons have whatever you draw, let’s say a week early, is fine. If you do the “posting it first on pantreon” then have a dollar or less tier that lets people have easy access to whatever you draw for your patrons

Cute samu and nice dubs

He also has nipples
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That sounds fair enough. And it's good cause I want to start taking on commissions full time
Hey, we have a pokeporn discord set up.
We got comfyposting and porn, feel free to join up!
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Well, good luck and don't let jewry take control of ya
>all those gay pokemon doujins that got distributed at kemoket 6 that I'll never get my hands on
It hurts
Which is all the more surprising considering this year's Kemoket felt more Housamo-orientated in nature.
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Ferals going at it and with a view like this... I'm gonna masturbate furiously.
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i wish there was more reshiram sub porn
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Which Pokémon have the biggest dicks

Asking for a friend
but its a shame nobody appricates him
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Follow up question: do pokémon have to be bred for size or do supplements and training have an effect
Proportionally to their body?
Or just in general?
I hang weights around the meatus of mine while stimulating their prostate with a small electrical charge; frequent stretching and engorging of the tissue does more for them than selective breeding ever could.
you guys like pokeshota?
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I sure do

even if it's /trash/
I'm scared of actually posting it
Saw that this morning. Watermelon is a saint.
even if he updates like once a year
he really is
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Most pokemon can't be shota, since you know, they can breed since birth
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>in the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen
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Is there a better knot than a lucario knot?
Oh fuck. Source?
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it's literally the only fetish that matters
arcanine comes pretty close
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fire chicken gib gud succ
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>tfw you want to suck every dick on your team
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say goodbye to your dick
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gentle beak for gentle succ
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I'd 69 with a blaziken.

Good taste, though I'm not particular towards femininity in males!
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Fire Chicken is a handsome man
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Hell yes he is. I'd go completely 100% gay for a Blaziken and I'm pretty damn bi.
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A fine choice. How do you like your chicken? On Model or more anthro?
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On point. The model. The more bestial the better.

Hell, points for tapered shaft like >>9217959,

and complete talons.
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Very good taste, too bad that is the rarest chicken
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To be fair, he has very particular proportions that are not easy to get right, and even more difficult choose a sort of anthro more more anatomically correct drawing.
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I guess so, still he is nice
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No doubt, nothing wrong with either or in terms of rendition. I love it. Blaziken's my favorite of all time.
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Good to know there is someone devoted here. So, do you fuck him or he is he the top?
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Oh shit, is that custapple line art?

Both, honestly. I'm a switch, I guess, I'd be just as likely to suck him and ride him as much as take from behind. I'd love to feel it all. Keep it varied,

Though first thought's to go down on him. Giving oral is my fetish.
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Don't know the identity of the artist. Also giving oral is nice
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Honestly I think it's custapple, regardless, good find. His lineart is really damned good.

And yes, I have to agree. There's not a lot that are so.. intimate and personal, trusting. And to look up into his eyes the whole time..
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Noi (2).jpg
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>Personal and Intimate
This is the best things to do. On a personal level I love cuddling, naked, just laying around feeling each other's warm
It's exactly why I like it. It's so very close, nothing between you and who's receiving it. That way they could so easily see why I'm enjoying it.

Holding them down by the thighs, reaching around to press down against every different angle.

And other than that.. yes, cuddling. It's difficult to do while trying to sleep, but if you manage it, nothing better..
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Ah, giving head is always fun
I've done it once. Most damned satisfying thing ever to do, despite being able to only do it for a few moments.
I want a male blaziken to do lewd things to me
and inside me
It is fun, hopefully you will find a bf to blow soon
Nice numbers
If I were giving head to someone and they only lasted a few moments, I'd take it as a compliment.
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Who wouldn't want to be wrapped in this?
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Honestly the kissing is the hottest part. Being fucked while kisses are forced into you? Looks pretty awesome, I'd definitely want a Dragonair for this reason.
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That's what does it for me too: being held close and completely indulged in.
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>ywn be spit-roasted by two legendary canines
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I want to eat out a Lucario and cradle his balls, cherishing him.
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I like the idea of the Dragonair kinda forcing itself on you. He wraps around your body, restraining you as you feel his cock start to tease your ass. Then each time you open your mouth to protest he forces you into a deep kiss, distracting you each time until instead of asking him to stop. Until you are panting like a bitch wanting more.
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I want to eat out my buff Blaziken's cloaca with his thick strong feathery thighs wrapped around my head
I am still mad that Male Salandit can't evole
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This man knows what the fuck he wants. I applaud you.
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Here's part of the non-shota too
Depends on Pokemon for me.

There are some I'd like to fug
and some I'd like to bei fugged by
Arcanine and Lycanroc for me, I'm not really fond of aura-doggo
These spread toes are pure joy.
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>Waah! What are we gonna do on the bed?
I love Reshiram
>the Alpha Pokemon
>a switch
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I'd tonguebathe him clean, what else?
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I hope that anon gets fucked by that charizard
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"I didn't say we were done, bitch. Lick it clean."
damn, that's good
more like that please
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Luc (1).png
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what about him?
"You're so cute when you're in denial. Too bad the only thing you're ever going to put in my ass is your tongue."
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Sure thing mate, Lucario are sluts who were born to be used and abused as their masters see fit
If we're going anatomically, Barbacle.
That's the only thing I'd ever want to put in you. Cradle your balls in my hands..
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Ken (1).jpg
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>Page nine
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not enough chubby typhlosions.png
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>tfw you'll never go down on a chubby typhlosion
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Goddamn I'd tongue-bathe every inch of that dick.
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Fuck I love backwards-dicks sandwiched against the ground.
I want to abduct, tie up and rape a lucario
>knot huge but the balls are tiny
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Luc (16).png
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>Skin Fur
>No expretion change after being fucked and spanked
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anybody know what happened to this artist?
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dat sheath THICC
I haven't seen this one before can you tell me the name?
Artist is Nawka on FA and Tumblr
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thought that was a fat pussy and clit at first
now i'm imagining a ditto making the same mistake in the day care. the trainer wondering where his goddamned egg is after all this time while his charizard gets plowed by a stupid fuckin ditto that only knows a hole's a hole and holes are for dick. poor beast subjected to ass rape day and night; the anal agony gradually paling into insignificance in comparison to the pain of knowing that a genderless, brainless, amorphous, pink blob that's only useful as an egg factory is more a male than he could be.
sad but amusing
stopped reading after ditto
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Charizard Narse.jpg
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>Micro penis
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Is Silvally a bottom or a top? Is he going to push you into the ground then knot you, or will he wag his fat girly ass at you wanting to be bred like a bitch in heat?
Silvally is pure and not for lewd.
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First you take the knot, then he takes the knot. Everything else is wrong.
abused pokemon are not for sexual
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Type: Null is not for lewd.

Silvally though, finally trusts somebody enough to lewd, and just wants his master to fuck him like the slut he is.
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Gatr (1).jpg
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Chubby 'zards?
Or tiny dicks?
Perhaps more from the artist?

I can hit two out of three, I guess.
Most of their stuff is not pokemon.
And I only really like that one 'zard pic.
The rest of their stuff is kind of...
I mean, not all of it. But there's something with the faces...
But they're so willing to do anything in order to keep you from leaving them.
can some one edit out the prince albert?
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I want to take some Eeveelution's knot
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That seems weird.
Piercings negatively effect you?
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small dicks but fuck off with the SPH

oh boy are you about to shame him for having a turn-off
Yeah, would you believe that's the less SPH version?
They get pretty bad with it and it's not really my thing.
That's another reason why, as I mentioned, that 'zard pic being the only one I liked.

>about to shame him
Nope, was bumping at page 10 and thought that'd get some discussion or whatever.
Maybe he'd mention a bad experience with those.
I have no interests in tats or piercings myself, but art-wise it never bothered me.
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ah, sorry for being rude
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No prob

Also, super cute totodile.
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they have such good butts
silvally deserves to get fucked to death
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Fucked into seeing god; as is his destiny.
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Would you?
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barbed dick is a no-no
might succ tho
would love to fug him too
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What about one with a non barbed dick?
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Why do people always think the barbs are like Lucario spikes?
It's fucking designer flesh. It's bendy.
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we'll bang

barbed cock is aesthetically displeasing
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male edit.jpg
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How do you like dicks, Anon-chan?
not too picky, but ribbed ones are nice
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Ribbed ones?
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>keep having fantasies where my Gardevoir mind controls me into eating his ass
>All the while he calls me a slut

Why boner, why?
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>tfw neither of them will sit on your face
>tfw you'll never get to jam your tongue in and eat them out until they lift up
>all while they grind down over your nose and you stroke and fondle their balls

Good taste.
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>not being your male Gardevoir's butt slut consensually
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wish i had more pokeshit
It's hotter when you're forced into it.
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This artist is quite the meanie.
that squirtles face oml
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thicc slowpokes best slowpokes
i love glitterdeadbois
I love this image, honestly. That butt looks delicious and the idea of being lovingly cuddled and slowly fucked is incredibly intimate and hot.
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here's looking at you
How many of you used to browse the /v/ pokemon generals since before /vp/ was a thing?
does anyone have that image of charizard's head with cum dripping all over it
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This is the closest I have
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can some tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown
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I want to live my life as your buttslut lucario
Would you?
You know, maybe he has hypno tapes to help you believe it.
And dresses you up in puppy gear colored as a Lucario.
How long would it take to get your butt slutty enough?
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I'd give everything.
I'd wear a collar that say "BUTTSLUT"
my butt was made for taking lucarios cock.
His balls are full of cum, and that cum belongs in my ass.
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I wish I could be a trainer, and travel around with my trap/femboy boyfiend and get fucked by and fuck Pokemon. I want him to sit on my cock while he's jacking off two Pokemon, and they both cum in heavy strands into his open mouth, and he turns around and we share a cum dripping kiss.

That or I want a girly Pokemon with a fatass to be my partner. In public, when we battle or just be walking around he'd look so cute and girly that people would joke that "she's" my waifu, and I'd blush. But they'd have no idea I'm my partner's buttslut, taking that cock whoever he wants to give it to me. I'd spread my legs and moan as he fucked me and I begged for more.
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>latex tf
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It's the last 10 posts, you know that's when the kinky shit starts coming out.
the one on the left fucks my brain like my eyes cannot figure it out
same, you have to look at it for awhile to see the 'stomach bulging from cock' outline
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Ah rip, missed the discord invite
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>uses discord
Yes, he checks out. It's terminal.
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Nigga that is a girl
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Thread posts: 298
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