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Edit, Lineart and Color Thread #15: Fox Cock Edition Post s

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 140

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Edit, Lineart and Color Thread #15: Fox Cock Edition

Post sketches you want to have linearts, inks, colors, and/or edits of, and anons will work their magic on them.

>How do I request?
- When requesting the same request more than once, check the colorbooru before requesting.
- Post your request, external reference links, and names as ONE POST.
- When posting a request, PLEASE CITE THE IMAGE SOURCE, author, characters, and show/franchise/series.
- Your request should have the highest quality images available.
- Please keep the thread alive if it reaches past page 9. Remake the thread if it dies.

After the 270 posts mark, a list of delivery references will be posted.

>Booru: http://colordump.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list

>Link to the previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/8663995/#8663995
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493KB, 1298x891px
Requesting this colored
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Hirci stomp musk.png
2MB, 1728x1689px
Requesting a sweaty feet edit
sweat edit for this version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5HaXeJJZtLHSnIyQ0FHaFl3Sm8
some recolors based off these: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yeo83a2hcjvn20h/AAACWdhVQdWnwGKWs-U4-P_9a?dl=0
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484KB, 1920x1200px
Can I have this image of Panthro from Thundercats 2011 masturbating with one hand and pinching his nipple with the other, while with his back to a full body mirror showing his butt, finished and colorized? And give him a more erect cock. References below.



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Requesting this image of this tribal man wearing nothing but a penis gourd, finished and colorized, maybe re-drawn to full body. He's white with brown hair.
Use these images as reference.
im pretty drunk so you get half a green hand.
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1MB, 1280x905px
Could someone edit spooge into this pic? I'd love a gallon or two, but just a little's fine, too. And maybe bigger balls, if possible.
Thanks in advance!
lol thanks dude
File: C9fU411UAAA0GSJ.jpg (56KB, 857x1200px) Image search: [Google]
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/r/ color for this Morgana of Persona 5, by Seyrmo. And if possible foreskin covering the head of cock.
Can you do cock edits here? If so, can you add an erect cock to this saiyan?
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Wrong spot, fool!
I know where you can go...
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Requesting a ballgag in her mouth and a dog collar on her neck.
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Requesting stray marks/lines cleaned up and minccino from Pokemon series colored. Use ref colors. Pink-reddish colors for vagina. Same background color as request.

Artist is Twang. It is an old request from the /trash/ drawthread.

Ref: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/e/ec/572Minccino.png
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spelunking with celestia.png
133KB, 600x968px
Requesting this celestia with anatomically correct genitals
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requesting nude edit
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/r/ nude or at least pantyless edit
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requesting decensor edit
Pink vagina or skin-colored vagina? Same question /w titties.
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Don't know why censors are a thing. Especially the rectangles covering the edges of the penis. It's a great boner killer and it doesn't really accomplish much: I still know it's a penis and it wouldn't be SFW. Do people really get off to censors like that (I blame Japan for this)?

If any colorfags like decensoring, can you decensor this small animal crossing comic? Including the top panels where the villager's penis should be.
Basically it's japan's legal system that keeps this dumb censorship law in place
If any higher-ups proposed the idea they would have bad publicity as a pervert.
Due to the way things are, it can be safely assumed that Japan's censorship laws won't be lifted in your lifetime
less requests more deliveries
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What a shame.

less chicks more dicks?
more chicks WITH dicks
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yowe's musk looks like an earth aura from the thumbnail.

So I got the claws and a lighter belly. The claws took me some time because I can't freehand for shit. I almost always have to find references/tutorials of claws and learn how to apply it in my own way. I think I'm going to move on after the bat request.

My coloring will probably slow down due to other stuff I want to do.
...I'm pretty sure this isn't what I had mind.
Damn. What did you have in mind? Are the claws out of place?

"I think his belly is a bit dark and maybe you should add toe claws
Also maybe a penis could be added if you want to"
I was expecting you to place the claws at the middle of his toes, lining up with the lines on them.
(is this starting to get a bit too demanding of you?)
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I'm just getting tired due to bad sleeping habits. If it was too demanding I wouldn't do it. Except when there's no other colorfags (thankfully there are), then I feel guilty in not doing it. Not your fault at all.

I tried to go with dragon-like claws at first since furries in general like that more. But it seems like you like human-like "claws" more (basically toenails), which is fine.
That's much better, but can you combine them into one large claw for each toe? (I guess that you think that there's 2 toes on each joint instead of one)
And if it's fine with you, can you make a recolor based on zubat?
why does it seem like nobody gets deliveries besides this one footguy

how are these threads even still alive anymore
I have no idea, but I seem to have a bite on my requests so I don't really care
I meant to say request, not requests
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Because people have certain fetish preferences and for a requester's request to get fulfilled, both of their preferences usually have to somewhat match. Also, I don't like leaving people with unsatisfied deliveries, so that's why you keep seeing bat feet.

Assuming I guessed who one of you are (sorry if it's the wrong requester), I wanted the gardevoir colorfag to color yours because I believe he/she would do a much better job. On one request (where gallade rests on his knees and strokes his dick), me and that colorfag both colored the same request and I really liked that colorfag's style better on those deliveries (he even did alts). I think he visits at least once a week.
If you're talking to me (>>8856037), I have no idea what you're on about with the gardevoir request or whatever
Assuming you're talking about http://colordump.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=378

I'm still here; Just work the past week or so has kept me a bit busier than expected and a bit drained mentally.

I said a thread or two back that I was going to do >>8848994 , and I still intend to.

There was also one with with a Gallade and Gardevoir double teaming Wally that I'd like to do (http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/8445851/#q8639436), but I don't wanna go doing multiple at once; First things first is this Gallade.

If someone else wants to take them up instead, they're welcome to; I am by no means a quick worker on these things.
if you're talking about >>8848994
then you're replying to the wrong dudes, i literally just came here to make that anchorpost and lurk.
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Requesting an edit with smaller balls (roughly mid thigh to kneecap)
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Here is the pantyless one. Is this alright? I think completely nude would take too much time because it requires editing the robot. Definitely possible though.

It is awesome to know you are still here. Brings my spirits up.

>>8858216 >>8858386
I'm terrible at guessing, sorry.
I like it, anon
I do think the vag line should be just a bit darker, though
We can't post requests for edits of renders, can we?
You can request anything that is an edit
You will get a delivery if someone decides to do it
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594KB, 1280x720px

Renders? Like renders of 3D models? Request whatever you want, but difficulty might put people off from doing it. In the end, it is still an image to edit. If it is an actual 3D model file, I do know some 3D modeling so texture edits are possible.
File: Judy Booty Edit 1.png (3MB, 900x1555px) Image search: [Google]
Judy Booty Edit 1.png
3MB, 900x1555px
Okay. Here goes nothing...

Requesting an edit of her butt so it fills the entire bottom half of the image. Sorta like this (pic in next post)

>Renders? Like renders of 3D models?
Thanks anon
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Judy Mega Booty Ref.png
2MB, 900x1555px
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Judy Booty.png
4MB, 1100x1900px
Also sorry for one more post, but here's the original if you need it since that first pic is actually an edit. Also for the guide I drew maybe a bit less oval and more round. I kinda drew the guide a bit wrong.
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190KB, 900x1555px
Someone a bit better at image manip could probably do it better, but this is just something quick.
Thanks anon. I'm gonna be honest and saw it looks a bit weird though; her left cheek looks pretty warped.
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1MB, 1280x1220px
I made this in a few minutes in gimp, just because I love this image. If someone with more talent wants to take a stab at it, please do.
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490KB, 250x186px
Who is the artist of that awesome image?

I'm off to bed. I won't be able to color most of the day tomorrow.
Oh yes
This is excellent
(if you're going to upload this to the booru I'd like you to upload both the normal colors and the zubat colors versions)
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Requesting for his ears to be slightly pointed like an elf's, but nothing to crazy. Just you know, pointed ears. Thanks.
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Also can I get an edit of this so his dick is a tad smaller than it is? Like, maybe near nine or eight inches, rather than it is normally. Thanks a bunch.
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154KB, 553x1080px
Sharp enough?
Color job and clean up please, not sure if she's naked or not though, think she is but wearing panties only

If unsure about coloring the first pic here's a second one to mess with.

References: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/8/8d/Wave_the_Swallow.PNG/revision/20120307003210

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Dong Shrink.png
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Noticed something after I posted.

This good?

>and clean up
That's already rather clean as it is; I really hope you're not talking about the shading, because it'd be a real shame to take that away. Also not very fun.
OR here, it looks great. Thanks a ton
I'm not huge into artist names, it was my request in the /b/ drawthread. You can try taking the uncolored version and asking around in there though, maybe they will pop up.
Requesting removal of the close-up images around the snek.
Hey that's terrific! I was just tired and I think I forgot to mention to do the same thing to the balls, too. Sorry, proportions get to me. Other than that, though, that edit's fantastic, thank you so much!
OR here, that is perfect! Thanks a ton, you're amazing.
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70KB, 500x500px
Requesting color
nah I don't mean shading, just mostly the board wasn't finished so either clean that up or leave as is would be fine
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Requesting a cock for this cute critter
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Requesting this be edited so he is female.

Remove the bulge, add small tits around B-C cup range and change the shirt to be just solid green instead of the logo.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could do this for me.
Alternatively, make the tits G cups or something. =D
(Seconded tho, would be a cute she)
File: 11_010_eng.jpg (242KB, 1280x1812px) Image search: [Google]
242KB, 1280x1812px
Requesting color for Krystal.

If you do make the cupsize G, please do it as a separate one I'm not a fan of big tits and I'd have to get it edited to be smaller
>liking realistic proportions makes me a faggot

Sick opinion there friendo
You still are a faggot.
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Christ, here I am for another elf edit.

So yeah, if he could have pointed, small elf ears, that would be wonderful. Also, maybe cleanup some of the lineart so you can't see the process through his dick? Thanks in advance, and thanks for putting up with all this elf stuff.
In case you want a doujin of him.
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You're a legend, Thank you so much.
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/r/ing a lineart of this pic
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I cleaned off the watermark and a few of the lines at her ankles
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390KB, 600x557px
To the anon who directed me to this thread when I fucked up and went to the drawthread, or pretty much anybody, just give her a nose. I always think this looks fine from a distance and then when I get an up close view i'm reminded she basically has no nose and my autism flares up over it.

Thank you in advance.
Thank you, its lovely!
File: 1492746982655edit.png (335KB, 600x557px) Image search: [Google]
335KB, 600x557px
While I was already fixing the nose I tweaked the awkward eye placement. If you don't like that, I can give you one with just the nose.
That is really great work. Matches the style perfectly.

Not OR, but yeah, that eye looked way off.
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295KB, 600x557px
Whoops, I guess someone beat me to it, haha! Still, I'll post this anyway. Nice work on fixing the eye placement by the way.
Wasn't sure, some people are into massive nuggets but not massive dongs.

I'll see what I can do when I finish eating.
OR here, thanks guys, these are great. Appreciate it.
You're an angel, thank you
File: masterploxy.jpg (123KB, 924x833px) Image search: [Google]
123KB, 924x833px
Any photoshop wizards that can make the nipple slightly bigger and normal on lugia here, please?
Thanks but already saw it. Wish it showed him having sex with Neko Shogun instead of the two ugly elephants.
that's one tiny nipple.
Aye, not sure what the artist was going for. Rest of the body looks great though.
If no one does it, I can in early evening.

I have time to color today.
Neato, looking forward to see what you can do.
Very nice~!
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Looks shopped but better what I could have done, cheers anon.
File: biotox.png (3MB, 3000x3000px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 3000x3000px
Requesting this colored
Reference: http://d.facdn.net/art/yowesephth/1355077028/1355077028.yowesephth_biotox.png
Sweaty feet and musky feet edits
Lilac colors
Reference: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5HaXeJJZtLHS1d0SEdtbUhrdmc
Furaffinity disallows hotlinking. You'll have to direct-post it or put it on imgur.
Can't you just copy and paste the URL into the address field?
Requesting my request get done.
requesting your request not get done
I'm requesting for those two characters to have human cocks with foreskin like https://e621.net/post/show/1142727/2016-after_sex-alektor-anthro-anus-avian-balls-big
and that we can see it and their balls better, so guess the toys would need to be removed.
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143KB, 1024x768px
Requesting the cum edited out of her pussy while leaving it in her ass.
But jokes on you i never revealed my request
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136KB, 1280x914px
/r/ to color this pokemon
I want to lick that Arcanine's asshole.
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270KB, 1900x1329px
requesting color edit
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Dong Shrink.png
396KB, 1280x1434px
Totally didn't forget and fall asleep.

How's this?
I would like to do a vector of this, but I have no idea what the hell she is wearing. Can you clarify?
Oh shit! You're the man, man!
Do you want this one done first or >>8841771 ?

I'm off to sleep, but I'll see if I can get one of those done soon.

Actually, can you clarify what's going on near her ass? I have no idea what that object is. Maybe I'm just bad at telling what's going on in pictures. Unless you want the object in her ass removed which is fine too. My best guess is that it's an anon coming up from a sewer hole and sniffing her ass.
>My best guess is that it's an anon coming up from a sewer hole and sniffing her ass.
Not them, but that's what it looks like to me as well.
>>8841771, but I'd like to see you add sweat and musk for >>8857978 before it
File: tripping.png (1MB, 3850x2800px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 3850x2800px
Requesting a panty-less edit of Spoilerina in pic related from Yo-kai Watch 2
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>a charming looking thief sneaks into the thread and starts stealing everyone's porn while they are not looking
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/r/ colors
So someone can do it and not realize its the post that you requested not to be done
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87KB, 905x1280px
What about this?
(Original colors please, and white for the hands)
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27KB, 494x342px
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requesting nude or bottomless edit
OR here, no idea what he's coming from, she is indeed facesitting a anon though. I'm gonna go with >>8902286 and say it's some kind of sewer hole.
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watermark y doe.png
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Requesting a removal of the watermark in this image. The signature in the bottom left is fine though, watermarks are just so distracting to my penis.
not OR but can someone fix her right forearm? It's curved in a weird way.. (Our left, her right arm)
I'd like to request a clean up of the sketch marks of this image that's the main request. IF you could also fix her arms and add the bottom half of her body that would be amazing beyond words.
Image source is Mina from the show Bunnicula, artist is unknown, it was done by an anonymous drawfag from a /co/ thread which is linked on the booru,
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tsareena butt.png
361KB, 1141x1096px
not too happy with how it came out but i won't have much time for myself soon so i figured i'd post what i have, it's really messy so i kept accidentally erasing parts of her that needed to be there.
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1MB, 1280x1812px
I think the shading is off, so the colors turned out not as I expected. I adjusted levels to try to make it slightly better.

Looks better than the sketch. The drawing needs a re-ink to truly bring it out. I think OR will like this though.
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192KB, 550x1500px
Indeed I rike!!!
Not OR but im gonna parasite and request dickgirl version
Also if you want you can edit him out entirely and just add a large dildo in instead
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837KB, 1213x1280px
God fucking damn this took me forever

I'm thinking the anon might be a better choice.
File: cimg0056.png (2MB, 1094x821px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1094x821px
Transparency is fun
bump cause why not, another coloranon thought I meant shading and such for clean up so just omit that part since I didn't mean shading
Looks beautiful.
File: 1492710267693.png (16KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
16KB, 500x500px
Not too familiar with ZSF. Changes?

I found a couple of small transparency errors and will fix on booru upload.
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2MB, 1094x821px
Lots of fun. But you gotta meme to the fullest.
sauce on the sonic image on the bottom left?
File: kero.gif (308KB, 880x1500px) Image search: [Google]
308KB, 880x1500px
It's from the artist bb43. I forgot where. Some of the artwork still has no source even without the source_request tag.
Wow, you did a great job, thanks!

Well, if you're gonna be that generous than i suppose she could be blushing, and the anon's suit be black instead of green. Other than that, you're golden.
File: Peridot.png (551KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
551KB, 1280x720px
A green alien using those things in their arms as a limb enhancers in a suit with a V neck
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146KB, 1081x1280px
Somewhat simple request, if anyone could add the missing neck tube for mewtwo here, please.

>bonus challenge mode
A touch of eyeliner to make her look a bit more feminine.
>absolute madman mode
Some sort of bandage on her hands, they're already behind her back like they were supposed be tied or something.
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16KB, 500x500px

That makes more sense to me. I don't watch Steven Universe much, but it's a big thing among my friends. I don't think that she ever conjured that armor on the show. I have some sort of idea on what it would look like though, but her finger placements to make the shield are terrible; I pictured it going around the shield.
File: Mirage_15.4.17.png (91KB, 1346x1525px) Image search: [Google]
91KB, 1346x1525px
I'd like this Mirage coloured please, and if possible, some changes - the hand grabbing her boob looks off (wrist mostly), and I think there's a line or two that could be added to her left boob to show the arm, and the curve of the boob. Would be appreciated, but isn't necessary.
As for the dude, make him a jackal or something like that.
File: noivern trade.png (526KB, 1773x943px) Image search: [Google]
noivern trade.png
526KB, 1773x943px
Requesting this sketch completed
References: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Noivern
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149KB, 1200x1600px
Can i get a version of this specific edit with the bulge from the original?
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218KB, 1280x1280px
Requesting colored

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Thanks m8
That feels too incomplete to me. I don't know how to replicate the lines either (looks like charcoal?). I would take this one to the drawthread.
Alrighty then
Hopefully I get a fast delivery
I believe in you
Cerberus from CCS?
File: Pixel Edit.png (69KB, 612x625px) Image search: [Google]
Pixel Edit.png
69KB, 612x625px
returning old inkfag, good to see these are still a thing
there u go, hope you enjoy it

Not sure what you are talking about. That name or location rings no bell. If it's a person, I'm not that person.
I finally recognized what you meant. Yes, that is he. From the "bon bon" scene where he shakes his butt at the camera. It was a request from here.
oh my god its perfect

thank you so much
Those are boys from otogi jushin akazukin? Fuck wish Dagasi draw more of them like this.
Not OR but this is pretty sweet, can i get a version with the hand colored brown?
Same, should look even better if someone colors it!
Those fingers are supposed to work for everything, from a touchscreen to a weapon. Now she lost them and became a meme, so that pic reminds me of her good old times.

And thanks a lot for this, looks fantastic.
Bump. Doing some website work atm.
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174KB, 383x706px
/r/ color
Why is the board so fast lately? Can't keep bumps up at work.
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Requesting color for this
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Requesting creempie edit with extra double cum, please.
Requesting uncensor
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59KB, 632x932px
>actually takes time out of his job to bump a porn edit thread on 4chan

Legitimately pathetic.
File: where.png (412KB, 431x700px) Image search: [Google]
412KB, 431x700px
not allowed on /trash/, for dumb reasons
I thought loli was allowed? Hasn't there been Gwen threads since the board was made?
I don't know
I just know loli and shota porn aren't allowed here
Note the sticky thread at the front of the board
And for arbitrary reasons, underage furry characters are an exception to this
Yeah. Cub is allowed for some reason. Going to see if I can color something.
Most of the time I feel like I'm the only colorfag here and I lose hope. I feel like I work towards a lost cause.
I've started practicing but right now I can only do flats and I can't into shading
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1MB, 3850x2800px

I can't shade well either. Hell, I can barely freehand. My genital work tends to look very off (see attached). While shading is nice, I don't think anyone minds if their deliveries are flat colors. Most of my deliveries are flats. It's definitely better than no delivery at all. If you want to practice shading though, some of these requests on this thread are great candidates. Let me know if you need help with anything (such as how to prepare work for color) or if you want request ideas.

Why am I not surprised it's a Samurai Jack meme with all the shitposting going around containing images from the show. Here's your (You). I know you want those. Only takes 10 seconds of my time to bump.

Reference please (source would be great too, this is a nice image). I'm assuming Simba from Lion King, but am not sure.
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357KB, 671x988px
Requesting removal of futa parts please
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1MB, 2400x2400px
Requesting either a color or lineart of this?
>no argument back
File: image.png (752KB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
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ded bird
Any chance I could get this colored without a reference image? It's one of my favorite images. Maybe white socks and one piece with black gloves, brown and white style deer-fur, a light brown or blonde hair, blue eyes?
I wanna suck the fox cock
Bump for cocks
She has hooves just incase it wasn't obvious, also bump
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73KB, 1000x1000px
Sure, here you go.
Speedy service! Thanks!
Could you add a belch onomatopoeia?
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279KB, 671x988px

I actually wouldn't mind some vore requests right now.
I was actually wanting to do this request for a while, but got sidetracked on other requests. What color do you want the dick/balls?
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629KB, 1192x1080px
It's kind of a long shot, but i'm wondering if anyone here is capable of doing plastic surgery/anatomy sort of edits, because this Miranda here sorely needs them.

her right arm is way too tiny and short, her left breast is smaller than the other, her nose is too big and high up, her eyes are too close together, her lips look bad and her chin is round and fat.

i'm not sure if it can even be done but it would be interesting to try.
Her breasts look fine to me, she's just lifting the left one up?

she's like, pressing it down, but it's not spilling outwards from it, or squeezing much against her hand
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192KB, 857x1200px
It kind of stings not knowing how to add light to drawings. I still can't get it right, so I wen't flat colors.

there are many tutorials on how lights work, you should spend an afternoon reading up on it and just testing it on pics after you deliver the basic colors

the three most important things that go into lightning in a drawing are direction, intensity and texture, with refraction and tone being more advanced stuff.
File: wip2.png (195KB, 600x529px) Image search: [Google]
195KB, 600x529px
got this piece a while ago, apparently the artist only posted the literal screenshot, so I tryed sort of jury rigging it to look like a normal piece
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46KB, 600x450px
heres what it was originally

it look ok?
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131KB, 617x576px
I did an attempt. Still figuring out what nipples I like best.

Thanks for the advice. I feel like I struggle on picturing where the light hits what part of the object. I can't picture it well in my mind and/or imagination.

That's a great replica. I can be very picky though and let you know of a couple things, but theses are minor opinions and overall this is an amazing job:
- Missing shadows near the face/ears/bandana
- I would increase the brightness of the skin/spot colors and cowbell earring just a tiny bit.
- The very light glow around her body spots look off to me. I don't think it fits the piece well.
- The glass rim looks fucked up on both images. Redraw the glass rim so it is actually circular around the glass.
- The font looks bad aliased. Add the BRAND text and the (R)egistered symbol too.
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276KB, 1920x1080px
Can someone edit out the girl on the very bottom right of this image? It's my wallpaper right now but her face is very distracting and also I'd rather not have her in the image anyway.
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11KB, 158x163px
You wan the succ anon?
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126KB, 1000x1000px
requesting the color of nipples to match her nose color/a darker color
Bump before I go to bed
Lol she looks like the autistic little sister of the three
Her nipples are just fine go fuck yourself
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100KB, 827x1853px
Could I get her hair to be white instead of brown? Not gray, or white gold, but just a standard white hair color. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for fulfilling a 3 year-old wish!
Did it work anon?
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122KB, 1000x1000px
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1MB, 827x1853px
Black color to white is probably the hardest to do. It would look much better if the original image had light-colored hair.
Not OR but is it possible to change her eyebrows as well?
File: makecake.jpg (125KB, 1600x809px) Image search: [Google]
125KB, 1600x809px
I used to do makeover edits for myself and did some requests a while ago, if you want me to do one feel free.
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1MB, 827x1853px
Cool thanks
File: Deerish.png (572KB, 700x998px) Image search: [Google]
572KB, 700x998px
Yo, have some colors. Hope I've got everything correct.
Goddamn! You're too powerful!
File: 1144656_DG7GG7X9_rosefuck.png (479KB, 2500x2500px) Image search: [Google]
479KB, 2500x2500px
Show me what you got. Give it colors!

That last one is a bit closer to the source material design wise
You've been requesting it for three years?

Holy fuck
request color of this:
Can anyone edit out the baby in her belly?
Damn, thanks a ton man way better than I imagined! I love it man
request color of this picture
cheers man
File: ChU3mOrUUAAf772.jpg (54KB, 588x791px) Image search: [Google]
54KB, 588x791px
Could someone color this for me, please. I'm not too pick about the colors, maybe dark brown or black for the hair.
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some fag.png
187KB, 588x791px
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54KB, 525x750px
Requesting color for Android 18
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693KB, 1280x1280px
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195KB, 525x750px
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718KB, 1146x931px
Could someone make these breasts smaller? Still big of course, but not gigantic like they are now.
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228KB, 806x784px
wonderful editfriend thanks
>Page 8
Not so fast.
>>Page 8
>Not so fast.
Not so fast.
let me show you how it's done
Any chance you could do one with a transparent or plain white background? I want to make a wallpaper out of this and the very nice looking background would be a bit hard for me to replicate
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272KB, 1280x1111px
Anyone mind coloring in this yoshi?

File: Deerish.png (582KB, 700x998px) Image search: [Google]
582KB, 700x998px
Glad you liked the outcome.

I got 'chu senpai.
I very much did like the outcome, thanks again for the one without the background.
>Page 9
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2MB, 1728x1689px
If you are satisfied with the combined version I'll post separate versions on booru. Assume that for your future requests if they are from me.
Even without "proper" lighting, it's still very good, thank you. Still, can you change foreskin to be black, leaving only tip exposed? And if you get better in add light and wanna give it other go later or someone do it, would be awesome.
Anyone working on this?
The sweat is a bit hard to see but aside from that it's great!
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184KB, 857x1200px

I'll make it a bit easier to see and upload it to booru and the muskless one.
Dubs bump
>tfw bumping OC drawthread and edit thread at same time
Hey, OR here. Thanks a lot, you're fantastic. Much appreciated.
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782KB, 1900x1329px
I'm surprised how well the weird shading contributes to the artwork when colored. I'm not sure if my flame tail works out though. I could try a different fire effect if you want, but I was just smunging a bunch of brushes together.

I'm not that into bondage. I like the pizza cats though. But maybe next thread me or someone else will do it. Too many requests I liked. Just request again next time.
I quite like the flame effect
Thanks, anon, it's all great
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781KB, 1900x1329px
Awesome! ...I noticed a tiny sliver of pink by charmeleon's leg and that shit bugs me to no end. This removes it.

>>8841842 I want to eventually do one of your requests next thread since you requested several times. Is the mirror necessary? Because it would be a lot easier to do this without the mirror. I didn't know penis gourds were a fetish either. I learned they are called koteka. Do you have preference for gourd color? And a ref for >>8964985 next thread would be great too. I can't make out that character well.
I also noticed that the dick should probably be a different color, since the lack of balls imply reptile penis
He is a reptile.
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781KB, 1900x1329px
So how about a dark red penis. I think that fits him well.
Thanks :3
Yes the mirror is necessary. And no, I don't have any preference for gourd color.
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58KB, 473x719px
Requesting adding nipples and a vagina to her.
Don't worry about bumping after the delivery list is posted. People at work cannot color atm and it will be 300 posts when they return.
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1MB, 1444x1253px
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550KB, 2340x4160px
It's maybe to much to ask, but could anyone do lineart for this piece?
Everything from the neck down is 10/10.
Everything from the neck up is atrocious.
request color of this sonic and amy pic
File: ZWd7bLd.png (117KB, 500x600px) Image search: [Google]
117KB, 500x600px
Requesting a pussy edit
File: yoshcolora.png (1MB, 1444x1253px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1444x1253px
made some small changes
Not OR. But it looks great. What brush did you use for the shading?
"deevad/basic digital brush smoothing" and
"deevad/grainy blending"
Both are default brushes in MyPaint.
Thanks anon
I will make next thread when it dies
Thread made.
Thread posts: 298
Thread images: 140

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