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RWBY/RT Trash General #395 Previous threads: https://desuar

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 404
Thread images: 130

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RWBY/RT Trash General #395

Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/RWBY%2FRT%20Trash%20General%20/

Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Remember to take your medication.

1080P Episode Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!S1E3wTRQ!4RH3D97O1-ZiW_lMAu7xog
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The gay shit will never leave.
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well now that you mention it
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centaur tease.jpg
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I have a whole folder for gay shit.
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Slow tonight
Who /triggered by RWBY being the more popular RT show/ here?
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Cute Penny and Ruby bowling.jpg
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I really don't give a shit anymore
I used to be big into AH and Early RvB but don't watch any of RT's shit anymore.....
Hell, all my favorite characters in RWBY are either in the background, unimportant or dead
Like Penny, Ruby, Nora, May, Roman, Sun, Neo, Merc
>An actual character
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Gay Thoughts.png
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She's a real human bean
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May sniping.gif
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I love that little slav
She is the S.T.A.L.K.E.R we need for this show
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What if you were your waifu?
I'm triggered by how entitled Volume 4 Weiss was. Like, Jacques may be an asshole, but he still did a fuckton for the company, which is the true "Schnee Legacy", no matter how much Weiss tries to say otherwise. She doesn't even realize the only reason she lives in such an advanced age is all thanks to the SDC.
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Volume 4 fucked up blake and Weiss and Ruby Christ they are so fucking shit now
Blake was already fucked up. Weiss and Ruby...yeah
>She doesn't even realize the only reason she lives in such an advanced age is all thanks to the SDC.
Nice fanfiction
You're right. It's totally a coincidence the world started rapidly increasing its technological standing once the SDC popped up.
Are you retarded? Do you think that Standard Oil is the reason why we have cars now, too?
Dust is basically an all in one energy source for all technology in Remnant. Oil is fucking oil.
And our world runs largely on oil.
You have very poor grasp on causality. There is no reason at all to assume that SDC would be the cause, rather than the result of a technological boom.
Except it was founded after the Great War, when technology was only just getting started. Not eighty years later.

But keep going on about how the easy access to refined and purified dust had nothing to do with the increase of new technology that completely depends on dust.
Can you read? Standard Oil didn't invent petroleum. It just rode the boom into relevancy. SDC didn't invent mining Dust, implying that Jacques had fuckall to do with the general progression of mankind is unfounded reaching at best.
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What if Team RWBY were trapped on the Satellite of Love
No fucking shit the SDC didn't invent dust mining.

What they did do is essentially mass-produce it at a high-quality level. You really think half of the tech they have now would even exist if there wasn't a large supply of high-quality dust easily available, and ready to be used for testing, experimentation, and fuel?
And do you think people wouldn't go to great lengths to get said large supply of Dust even if SDC never came to be? There would be plenty of other Dust companies if SDC hadn't subsumed them all.
What's the sexiest rwby pic you have?
Well, clearly no one could be fucked to do it before Nick did it. You also don't actually know that, and even then, they wouldn't be on the scale the SDC is. There's no way they would be able to get and refine that much dust.
>Well, clearly no one could be fucked to do it before Nick did it
So Standard Oil is the reason why we use so much petroleum these days, got it.
>You also don't actually know that...
followed by
>There's no way they would be able

No, you don't know that. You don't have an inkling of what actually happened, and since SDC has never been mentioned as a shining paragon of the progression of mankind, it's pretty fucking safe to assume that it isn't.
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The SDC is fucking huge. They have the capability to mine a shit ton of dust. Obviously, smaller companies would not have that same capacity.
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Wot if
now, listen
wot if
wot if there were SEVERAL smaller companies?
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So, several different companies, each with varying grades of dust because there's no way they could all produce at the same level.
And why? We produce oil just fine with a slew of different companies at it.
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Why is she so perfect?
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If she's so perfect, then why did she get beat up by that ice cream girl?
Raven pls
What the fuck is this supposed to be?
I don't know what this is about but I see many things on there that I prefer to RWBY so nope
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out of curiosity I followed the link....what the fuck is this poll
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Best Girl
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I'd smash that.
is she implying she wants it up the ass?
Or she's teasing. Or she's gonna make you work for it. Or she wants it up the ass maybe, yeah.
not blake shes the coward running away from people like john wick
>Running away from John Wick

I wish porn artists would realize these shoes look fucking stupid. I'm not a footfag but I'd rather them be barefoot than wear these retarded shoes.
No argument here. I guess I've just gotten used to ignoring them.
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Pyrrha was shit.

Jaune is meant to be a rentboy
He already is. How else do you think he paid for fake transcripts?
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>inb4 Pyrrha was only interested in Jaune becasue she saw videos with him
I think that I will eternally butthurt about my parents mutilating my cock when I was a child
'Butthurt' is when you're pissed or annoyed about something that doesn't matter. Cock mutilation matters.
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Wiener Witch.jpg
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What if Salem didn't have vagina teeth?
You cant fool us Salem
Sexiest pics
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Quit spreading lies about me, Ozpin!
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What if your waifu joined King Radovid the V's Witch Hunters?
Fatter = sexier
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is that how spines work?
Volume 5 when?
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Fall 2017
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You ask this every day

>tfw people still use my crop
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Sauce ?
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Ruby gangbanged by CRDL doujin
Man I'm a huge supporter of people searching their own shit but crops are notoriously shit for reverse image search.
Nigga if I remember correctly the first doujin made for RWBY
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Arkos is best ship!
The image is old as shit regardless, if you've been on RWBYg for more than a week you should recognize it
I'm not the guy you were originally replying too. Just playing devil's advocate.
The doujin is so old that it's never posted.
>Not knowing RWBY doujins by heart
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>Everybody's read the 2 rwby doujins
>It's pretty much required reading
Should be in /aco/ OP
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Are all Schnees patsluts?
Wouldn't surprise me if the kids were starved for affection.
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Are you not?
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Everyone's a patslut
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Weiss Enchanted Sword Magic.jpg
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yes, all of them, even Jacques
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Holy shit a bird.png
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Even Qrow?
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/r/ing funnels
Pyrrha wouldve been a better fit for funnels or bits, cause ya know magnets. Also why in every super robot wars game do they blow the animation budget on NU-Gundam?
>Weiss will never use other weapons

So lemme get this straight: Is Qrow an animagus or what?
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Sauce is a pixiv artist, they have a Tumblr but I think they shut it down
>Willow will never hug your small bird body and completely envelope you
He turns into a bird on-screen.
What the fuck do you think?
No not really
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Bird Anatomy.jpg
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There was one frame in between the forms. If that was a red herring then it was an exceptionally terribly executed one. Not even the meme kind of "lol everything sucks," but genuinely awful from a narrative standpoint.
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What if the Rube slapped you, because you said 'clip' instead of 'magazine'?
I'd slap myself
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She punished me for my sins
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How well would DaddyoFive and his family do in Remanent?
dont care
Bully me harder Rube
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Family would be wiped out by a roving pack of Grimm attracted to the suffering of his kids.
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Weiss has such a fuckable body, god damn
What if Weiss was locked in a room with CWC?
Weiss would become a murderer.
The Canadian Wood Council?
She gives this Canadian wood
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That would be really cold and really delicious
Weiss' frigid heart keeps the ice cream from melting
It's also how you get a yeast infection
yeah probably not her smartest idea
Neither was getting creampied by total strangers just to buy passage to Haven

And she called Sun out for stowing away
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You guys know what would be really cool? If Weiss got mating-pressed by Sunn and gave birth to faunus twins.
I dont think aura can help much with that one
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arctic monkeys 3.jpg
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yes that would be cool

>cute white hair twins with white monkey tails
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Weiss Arctic Monkey 6.jpg
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That'd be cute
Weiss is neiss
is this endgame?
>Jaune dies instead of Pyrrha
>Pyrrha uses his gear to upgrade her shield
>Greatshield bash incoming
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How well would the Rube fare in the world of Avatar?
Almost certainly not
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What's her endgame? To make Jacques relieve the Schnee name?
the hints are there
Pretty much
>Watch V3 finale
>Pyrrha dies
>Don't feel much
>Watch latest episode of Samurai Jack
>That character's death left me with a gaping mouth
>Even when they were brought back to life thirty seconds later.

Why was everything about Pyrrha's death so flaccid?
But I thought the Schnees weren't even that important until Jacques showed up?
They were important way before Jacques, though they may not have made as much money because Weiss' grandpa was literally Santa and loved charity
Anon no, delusion is for the Arkos shippers
He also didn't try to beat out all competitors and saw to all mining operations and workers being well protected, didn't worry about getting rich as much as running an honorable business
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Weiss Smile V4 Finale.jpg
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Jaques made all that money but to what end? It's not gonna help when his family and everyone around him hates him and grimm are knocking on his door

At least real Schnees are special simply because they inherit their semblance. Wonder what's the origin of that?
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Weiss Legs V4 Cosplay.jpg
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Weiss V4 Hand on Hip.jpg
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Jaune x Whitley
Is shit
>Wonder what's the origin of that?
Probably some fairy tale like the Maidens and Silver Eyes
Just as retarded.
>even more MacGuffins
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Better than garbage incest
Just. As. Retarded.
It's coming anon, it's coming and you know it. They've written themselves the ultimate get out of jail free card. Anytime they need to justify something, anytime something isn't consistent with the established setting rules, anytime they need to give a character a generic power up; they can just tack "Magic" on and call it a day
God damn Eragon was a shitty book but even that had set standards for magic
*Smashes kid's head into a cabinet*
>how do we make Jaune more likable to the fandom and make tumblr shut up a little
>give him a boyfriend

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Dust and shiet
>sex ed
>consistent with the established setting rules
implying this show has established rules. half the stuff in this show falls under "works however the plot needs it to work"
Eragon's magic system was pretty solid, really.
3rd Reich when?
1939 - 1942
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Does Nora know about this?
Does it matter?
Yeah she's in the corner masturbating and crying
It was her idea
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life has many doors qrow boy2.jpg
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I'm Jaune.jpg
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>Jaune dies instead of Pyrrha
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a weapon to surpass metal gear.png
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>Ruby dies instead of Penny
>Anon dies instead of Monty
And nothing of value is lost
>Value dies instead of nothing
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Whats that Jaune? Stab Ruby and make it look like an accident? Good idea!
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The real question is 4th Reich when?
Jaune dying instead of Pyrrha would have made the series much better.
there would have to of been one to be a 4th in Remnant
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Never you nazi pidor
What would it be like if Pyrrha lived instead of Jaune?
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I thought I told you to stop browsing /pol/, young lady. You're grounded for 2 weeks.
Broken Pyrrha is best, her concepts about the world shattered, all she knew is ruined and above it all, she failed to save the man she loved and nothing she can do to fix that. That fact will eat her alive.
Pyrrha would be be angsty and despondent, falling into the depths of despair
And without Jaune, NPR would become irrelevant
>Jaune participates in the fight against Cinder
>Jaune get's CINDER'D and is vaporized while the Rube arrives just in time to watch in horror.
>The Rube runs Silvereyes.exe
>Pyrrha is heartbroken, loosing the only man she ever loved, starts wondering if she was ever worthy of anything and has to rebuild her self esteem all over again.
The last point is especially true, considering Jaune never really loved Pyrrha and it wasn't really his fault that she died.
Sexualize the Rubes
But that would mean Jaune was given the maiden powers.
Clone the Rubes
V4 would've been better
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Ozpin saw him in the dress and was inspired
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Penny with an armfull of Rubys.jpg
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>Pyrrha dies, Penny and Roman live

...No it wouldn't?
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But, Dad I must Kämpfe für mein Volk! If I don't the Judaeo-Bolsheviks will take over and destroy mein Volk through race-mixing and marxism!
Guys can't get maiden powers.
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I'm starting to think that Weiss-girl is a bad influence on you.
But Weiss is a jew
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Depends on how you spin it. Her mother has to be jew to be a jew, by Jewish law, but...
what of Ruby was upset and wouldnt talk to you because someone ate the last can of spaghetti-O's
Exactly! Jaune dying would mean a lot more to Pyrrha than Pyrrha's death means to Jaune.
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a rube.png
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What if the rube told you that 9mm was a manlet round and that real men use .45 ACP, because of it's stopping power.
But her two cans and shove one up her ass while feeding her the other one.
What if I use .22 LR?
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Pyrrha doesn't have the balls. That's why she suffers, it's a hell of her own making
and the one time she asserted herself she fucking died
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I would tell her that all guns and calibers are equal in the eyes of the /k/ube.
That being said we are entitled our opinions and must defend them
>A girl
>Trying to tell me what a real man does
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What if you treated the Rube to a fancy dinner and took her home with you where she said that she was ready to get intimate with you, but as she strips down you discover that she has a foot long cock?
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>Weiss "gas the faunus" Schnee
>foot long
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>He thinks Weiss is racist
You're a funny guy
She was but not to the degree people make it out to be
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We're not talking about volume 2+ """"""""""Weiss"""""""""" here
>not Blake.png
Rewatching this scene and Kara's voice acting was actually so great here

I can see why people like volume 1 Weiss so much, she wasn't afraid to tell her teammates what they didn't want to hear. After that communication between them was all sunshine and roses, because God forbid of friends call put each other I stead of letting them live in ignorance

This is /ourguy/ #20 on trending
This guys came out of nowhere
Which girl plays the rusty trombone the best?
Kali. Blake's getting there though.
whichever one the greentexters want to

t. Weiss x Beowolf writer
I didn't mean for that to happen

give me ideas to write though
no pt 3
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Whoever has the longest tongue. So Neo.
Nice digits
Were you talking about The Black Bone Club?
Wait, nevermind.
Probably true.
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I dunno, she's holding it all wrong
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Chelian meme.png
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>Alright cucks, first one to reveal the location of the White Fang base gets to stay on my helicopter!
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How about you top playing dressup you degenerate junkie
She'd kill herself.
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[heavy breathing].jpg
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>Rough cat tongue inside your asshole
I leaned three things today
Beastiality in not arousing at all, although this probably proves I'm a normal person
The internet is not as well policed as I thought
Searching for a word say "toaster" in this instance will turn up fucking that should not be accessible on the front page of a fucking bing search instead of people fucking toasters
How have you guys been?
Yeah she probably would.

Pyrrha is not all that mentally strong. She's the kind of athlete who ends up killing themselves in their thirties.
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For all the people who were bothered by Ghira being left out of the porn all the time
Now I can't self insert when fucking Kali
>Not fantasizing about joining in for a threesome
>Now I can't self insert when fucking Kali
If you could with Sun you can with Ghira.
>cute monkey boy
>disgusting hairy man
Anon, look closer
You're not cute though so it makes no difference.
>disgusting hairy man
Shit taste, Ghira is a fine piece of bara ass
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Well obviously. Sun is for self-inserting to fuck Kali. Ghira is for self-inserting to fuck Blake.
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I wanna melt this ice cream
Is Blaine bi/gay? Could have sworn he had a boyfriend or something. Might be thinking of someone else.
That's a sick fetish. Truly disgusting.
Blaine's gay. Rachel kissed him that one episode and he was all "Yep, I'm gay" and he went back to Kurt.
cow tits kinda ruin it, blake in general looks off
I meant the Roosterteeth employee
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Are you saying you don't Neo all hot and bothered
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>you don't Neo all hot and bothered
That's not a complete sentence, but melting the ice cream is some sadistic shit. Although I will admit that melted ice cream is just as delicious.
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Agreed, she'd be the one melting the chocolate
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I'd cover her in my cream
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What do you think her hidden arm looks like
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Dunno, it kinda looked like half of the lower part was missing. Also, I love Cinder.
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>No Ilia
What color does Ilia change to when she's horny?
Ten bucks says that she's still crushing hard on Blake in pic related
What kinda sexual things does Jaune do to Ruby thinking it's just normal team behaviour because of Pyrrha's teachings?
They would be forced to watch RT's other shows
>Pyrrha's teachings
Not a god damn thing since she never had the balls to do anything even when she had the chance
Hesitant pats on the back. Resting the hand on the shoulder on a brave day.
Hover hand
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Oh my penis
Anyone else watching this shitshow purely for Ren and Nora only?
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>implying there's any good reason to watch it
I want off this ride
Where's that coloranon's webm when you need it
>even slightly implying there's anything good about RWBY at this point
Sure as hell isnt Ren and Nora
Them and the villains
Your waifu is shit
I feel like Miles and Kerry should receive a reward for somehow managing to make 3/4s of their leading cast unlikable as fuck in the span of 12 episodes. That takes something....
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Now that we're bump limit...

>In the not-too-distant future
>Next Sunday A.D.
>There was a team named RWBY
>Not too different from you or me
>Each one was a pretty skilled huntress
>And their show was great: a huge success
>The plot had promise if a bit fast-paced
>But the writers screwed them over then they shot them into space!

>"We'll screen our shows and movies!
>The best we can find!
>They'll have to sit and watch them all
>And we'll monitor their minds!"

>Now keep in mind they can't control
>Where the screenings begin or end
>They'll try to keep their sanity
>By riffing with their friends!

>Huntress Roll Call:

>If you're wondering how they eat and breathe
>And other science facts
>Then repeat to yourself, "It's just a show
>And M&K are freaking hacks!"
>For Mystery Huntress Theater 3000!
Don't have one.
Then what are you watching it for? Literally not even trying to roast you. I'm curious.
is this a joke
are you having a chuckle
I liked Volumes 1-3 better. Volume 4 looks good, but everything else kind of sucks
I've been here too long to quit easy, I kinda wanna see where this is going
No joke.
Oh yeah definitely it's amazing how shit team Rwby has become now I want the villains to win or more screen time to Oscar and Ozpin
You were only let down because your expectations were too high in the first place. You should've known better after 3 volumes of this.
Oscar is generic, whiney, and boring as shit. If we're going the self-insert route, is almost prefer Jaune.
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Volume 3 was actually pretty good though. And the ending was awesome. That speech, while showing RNJR leaving, and the ruined remains of Beacon, and then cutting to Divide was fucking amazing
True I want Oscar is because I just want to hear Ozpin before he vanishes that and the time semblance
Everything that happened could have been done in 4-6 episodes
I mean, I just really hate Ozpin at this point desu. So maybe I'm projecting some of that onto Oscar, but still. He feels entirely unessecary
I mean they made Ruby a bigger idiot and they somehow made Blake even shittier and Weiss more like a brat
I'm giving Oscar a chance because he's only had so little time in a few episodes so there's potential, and the stuff with Ozpin is actually pretty interesting
Yeah I agree with him being unnecessary like shit why put Ozpin into a new character that they gotta put into the plot
I know a lot of people hate Jaune, but if they really had to do the two souls shit, I would've preferred Jaune. At least we know him and he's relevant to the plot because he's obviously trying to avenge Pyrrha.
They could have showed Oscar among the people tuning into see the tournament in volume 3
I dunno, Jaune doesn't seem nearly as concerned about the whole Cinder situation as Ruby was. I think Jaune was just along for the ride, helping out a friend just like Ren and Nora.
V3 was the payout of the entire series so far. It had better be good.
Even so, I feel like he'd be a better choice because they wouldn't have spend so much time introducing him and trying to get him into the plot. He's already there
It'd really clunk up the plot more than it already is though, Jaune has the whole Pyrrha thing along with helping out Ruby, and with that is all of Rubys plot and any side plot with Ren and Nora tossed in as well as Qrow, putting Ozpin inside Jaune would bring way too much drama and focus in an area where we are already dealing with Rubys shit.

Jaune made it clear he doesn't trust Qrow and easily doesn't trust Ozpin.

Yes Oscar could have been handled better but his plot with Ozpin is separated for a reason, and Oscar is made to take in whatever this is with Ozpin far easier than it would be with Jaune.
Ozpin was such an arrogant fuck. I'm not sad to see him go if he does fade. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be the true evil or something.
He was literally Dumbledore with a pimp cane
>wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be the true evil or something

Doubt it, they seem to make it pretty easy to tell what in their storytelling is good or evil, Salem is ridiculously obvious in how she is true evil, no matter how morally gray or suspicious Ozpin is he is meant to be the side of good.
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>implying the chucklefuck brothers can write anything morally ambiguous
Dumbledore was competent
I just really hate how the show seems to be pushing for this Ozpin was totally right PoV, when he was a total fuck up who didn't do anything right. Even his agents couldn't do anything right. The entire Ozluminati is made up of numbnuts
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>I wonder who's behind this post
Dumbledore also died at a tower
Ozpin is incompetent, and he died in a basement of a tower, fighting Cinder, who he should've beaten easily, as he supposedly has "game-breaking power" according to Monty
Yeah, but he didn't have SILVER EYES
I'm taking "keikaku" for 500, Alex.
>We didn't get to see what happened
Yes I'm sure that's all there is to it
>we already know he's dead because OZcar exists now
Even if you handwave away whatever the fuck went down in that basement, he's still massively incompetent. Yet we're supposed to believe he was totally in the right. Bullshit.
>wants to stop the bad guys
How was he wrong again?
We don't know nearly enough of the situation to say that with any sort of certainty.
Welcome to RWBY, where with this writing you have to believe what you're told and not what you see
>Yet we're supposed to believe he was totally in the right.
Don't know where you're getting that from
Watching Volumes 1-3 again, and then try to even argue Ozpin and his boyband are remotely competent
great argument there m8
You're not providing any points yourself though
That's not an argument
The show is very clearly trying to say he didn't do anything wrong, and his way of doing things is the right way. But everything we've actually seen is he opposite of that. He did a lot wrong, and his way of doing things just seems to blow up in his face.
>The show is very clearly trying to say he didn't do anything wrong, and his way of doing things is the right way.
Where and how is it saying that?
Well, for one, Qrow hardcore dickrides him and basically worships him, and we're supposed to believe what he tells us
You sure convinced me with those hot opinions
But Qrow also hates Winter and we're not supposed to hate Winter. He's not an infallible mouthpiece for what our opinions are supposed to be, he's just sometimes used for exposition dumps
Can't wait for Chibi to get here
Eh, it's pretty hit-and-miss for me. I'm more excited for Camp Camp
I hate how black and white the characters are, for a show that supposedly wants to be more mature and darker. For example:

Nicholas Schnee is apparently the greatest dude ever who did nothing wrong and was amazing, and Jacques is literally the devil, with no redeeming qualities. There are no shades of gray here. Nothing.
gee it's almost as if Qrow was showing hints of not being entirely impartial when he drew literal stink lines over Jacques
Yeah but we don't see anything different in the show either
The White Fang also fits into this. It's supposed to be a rebel group with a noble cause that unfortunately turned to extremist terrorism but now all its members are basically depicted as evil and its mooks are treated as no different from common gangsters. It's never clear whether we're supposed to hate them or feel sympathy for them
But the show itself reinforces that. Miles and Kerry have literally only portrayed him as some two-dimensional, generic as hell, money grubbing asshole who might as well be the devil. He's a goddamn caricature.

Qrow and Ironwood are basically the only characters allowed to be gray in this show.
Is no one going to talk about how Nicholas basically strolled onto other kingdom's continents and essentially claimed what should've been their dust reserves for Atlas? A few of those are basically right next to a Kingdom
Right of conquest
Don't speak ill of the dead
Dude. There is literally dust mine right in the middle of Mistral.
And they didn't do shit
As Pratchett put it in Making Money:

>They were indeed what was known as 'old money', which meant that it had been made so long ago that the black deeds which had originally filled the coffers were now historically irrelevant. Funny, that: a brigand for a father was something you kept quiet about, but a slave-taking pirate for a great-great-great-grandfather was something to boast of over the port. Time turned the evil bastards into rogues, and rogue was a word with a twinkle in its eye and nothing to be ashamed of.
I can't bring myself to hate Jacques. He's just too entertaining. His autistic screeching is great. That fucking mustachioed bastard
He's the epitome of the "we need more money" guy.
List 1 (one) redeeming quality that Jacques Schnee has as a character
He knows how to run a business
>thinking a character needs to have redeeming qualities to be liked
dat stache
Well yeah, otherwise they're just a shit character

Character anon, not person. It's possible to be a shit person but a great character
His pimp hand
He's written intentionally flat and two dimensional as fuck because Miles and Kerry suck ass and don't know what nuance is. Doesn't change the fact that he's entertaining as shit.
>Start noticing how action scenes cut away after every blow
>It's distracting as hell
Does RWBY do this? I wasn't paying attention.
In volume 3 it starts to do that. It's especially noticeable in the SSSN vs NDGO fight
Anyone else get the feeling there was a concerted effort to get rid of anyone who was maybe more of a Monty loyalist than they liked?

Shane obviously had to go. But Dillon and Kristina really didnt. They were very skilled at their work, too
Ease up with the tinfoil.
Weiss may be a bit racist. But she craves for the big bla- faunos cock. I reckon her porn history is full of the stuff.
Maybe they were just working at RT because they wanted to work with Monty, and now that he's gone they don't want to work there. I'm sure with their talent they can find better jobs.
Yeah RT really isn't a place where you'd want to stay for too long
Sounds like you're projecting
Probably. With the creator of Grimm Eclipse leaving (The only member of the dev team who wanted to put effort into making team RWBY not shit to play as but got shot down) everyone at RT who acknowledged the letter directly is now gone
>Not humiliation and bdsm
I assure you my porn history is not full of faunus porn.
>Weiss getting tied up in bodage and humilateld by big faunus men.

Someone make it happen.
You seem awfully sure about that
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>Implying she's the one getting tied up
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Weiss personality is perfect for getting tied up as she cums repeatedly while also being furious and shit talking the faunus.
This is actually tasty, tbqh
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>No Enabler slice
shit desu
Incest might harm Reddit sensibilities
But that's not reddit, and doesn't the reddit have regular Enabler days?
But anon, Reddit is the front page of the internet!
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Never realised how small this was, gonna waifu2x the shit out of this

get in losers
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