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This is a bat

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Thread replies: 237
Thread images: 109

This is a bat
Nobody can draw the bat well, oddly.
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>there are "people" that fap to this
It could be worse.
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It's okay, some people are fapping to the cheerleader bat instead of the badly drawn caricature of a character from a shit tv show.
>A billion arbitrary lines
>Off model as fuck
>Nipples poking through for no reason
What is up with all the Rouge threads lately?
Not complaining since I like bat tats.
But we have had a lot of these threads the past 2 days.
It's still better than the shit Argento draws nowadays.
>tfw still waiting for access to get past sadpanda
Someone save the thread and post Rose please.
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Whatever gets the dick going
I want Rouge to break into my bedroom and take advantage of me while I'm sleeping.
>artist: hey i want nipples to poke through cause tits
why do you guys have to do this
It's one thing to draw nipples because you wanna.
It's another to draw obnoxious looking nipple bumps with a bunch of little pencil marks in areas around it just to say "HEY GUYS DID YOU NOTICE THE NIPPLE."

It was big in the 90's for some reason, but that shit's ugly and doesn't even really convey anything. If you wanna draw the nipple just fucking draw it instead of doing weird chickenscratch.
CoolBlue makes great on model lewds
only now i reallize how far i have fallen in these 15 years
>he doesn't know
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Is /v/ yiffed now?

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Rouge game when?
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I enjoy Michiyoshi's bat. But his rabbit is superior.
https://captainjingo(dot)tumblr com/
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Also sports bra Rouge is best Rouge
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I hope you mean this rabbit.
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So the guy on the right is everyone on /v/, and the girl on the left is the girl that we all wish we could get but can't because we're ugly fat autistic losers?

Got it, or did I describe Reddit instead?

japanese sonic girl doujins have the worst case of 'the cover is the best art in the entire book' syndrome
/v/ has always been furry for Rouge
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Obviously. Lewd milf rabbit intent on impregnation is too strong.
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I'm not really an art snob or anything and mostly agree with you but spandex or even regular clothing contouring to every vein or inside of anuses and other orifices like it's fucking wax or another layer of skin triggers me something fierce. There are a few porn artists who think it's the hottest shit
What do you want, fag?
It's coming. Eventually.
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I'm surprised they haven't gotten rid of her noticeable cleavage in modern Sonic games.
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Years ago, in France.
Kids need something to get their young boners going.
Only human cock can sate Rouge
Never gets old.
>Rouge in Sonic Forces
>Possibility for battle damage due to plot
>heart bra breaks?
I thought that said 'high rise test" for a second
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I NEED more fat bat tats
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I wanna see vanilla get SCALED
I like the way you think. I want to give Cream a new sibling.
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Time to report.
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I love physics.gif
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I'm gonna need some sauce on that
Every girl was at their best in their Riders outfits.
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aw man, they threw us out
That's fine. Now we can go unrestrained.
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Like I was saying, I want to impregnate Vanilla.
just means it's time to post porn

the funny thing is there's already a thread of rouge porn up on /trash/ right now. oh well.
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Mission complete
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only for (You).png
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How do we know you didn't post it, though?
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oh, now i can post the cover i mean
Oh god. What if Barneyfag followed us?
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there isn't enough of rouge having sex with human shotas,
There isn't enough Rouge titfucks either.
Because some people have a fetish for artists progressing.

It downright weird how OBSESSED some people are over watching artists progress.
This is a good idea. One which should be pursued.
So who's into weird stuff?
Finally! It's time for full lewdposting.
Where's the rest of this
wrong thread mate.
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I'd pump her full of cum every night until her breasts started dripping fresh milk again.
where from?

its a bat thread. i posted a padded bat. this is a hypnotized bat
not him but i like to see how an artist evolves through time
what I find wrong is influencing an artist in any way. if he draws something you like its because you have something in common, and money and favors only corrupt this relationship
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tied up bat
(C85) [Tengai Aku Juumonji (Various)] Ore no Fuyu 2013

you can find it on the internet in various places, elsewhere you can find english translations on exhentai
>what I find wrong is influencing an artist in any way.
I know this is /trash/, but that's a special kind of retarded.
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yeah its retarded because of multiple reasons.
an artist is also a person and will change like everyone else. but imo sometimes things like patreon and pledges change a person to create for interest and money instead of joy. to me it feels like corruption.
I like to stumble on artist pages and see we share a common thing and enjoy it "because yes". it gives me a pleasant feeling, the best art for me is done without any second interest.
have a rouge
>you will never be snu snu'd by Rouge
Holy fuck, more werebats for the love of God.
Got any snuff?

no, thats sick and wrong. and a waste of a perfectly good bat.

have a fairybat
I want to impregnate Cream.
Loving baby making sex with Rouge and Vanilla!
>No egg to be found in Cream
>Haha no pregloli for you
I love wererogue.
Not too big on the vanilla version funny enough
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I can't get over how bad Heroes declined.

Boner killer right there.
Baby-making sex is the best sex.
>sperm just swimming around uselessly in Cream's egg-less womb
There's something weirdly hot about that.
>Wallace & Gromit
I don't get it
Click the link to see the image it's from
Don't understand why they're in the image in the first place though
I checked the tags, The pony in the picture is called Cheese Sandwich. Wallace likes Cheese, even though he doesn't really have the fame of being a predator.
>creaming yourselves over post-Canned Furry 3 Michiyoshi
Acquire taste
So this is the new Sonic porn thread, right?
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Here you go
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Rouge in Sonic Boom W H E N ?
God, fuck Ross.
>inb4 somebody posts that ugly as fuck, muffintopped, nasty, fat midget fan design
>inb4 somebody vehemently fucking defends it for no good reason
So, Ross's version then?
saucenao, iqdb, tineye, google, and yandex all give me jack shit

Give me something, please!
Probably Michiyoshi's Patreon
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Well I haven't found that image yet and I'm considering whether I want to make a patron account for this, but the artstyle seems consistent so I think you're right about the artist.
nice trips
"stop liking what I don't like" is a probable guess
Not that guy, but has Ross ever made something with clean lines, color, and shading?
Clean lines, sure.

and while he has drawn with both of those other two, no one's really obligated to color in their linework.
It's just that everything I've ever seen of Ross's art looks unfinished.
Not defending Ross, but there's nothing wrong with drawing in black and white without shading. Look at Sergio Aragones.
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Oh, well I guess he does.

I've only ever seen people post his rough linework.
Shame that it still looks like shit
That's what happens when an artist's desire for art of their fetish supersedes their time spent learning to draw correctly.
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I drew a bat for you I will now resume drawing bats
forgot the wings fucker, a pain I know all too well

Draw more cute things!
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ya I always think about it, but ultimately decide no one's gonna miss em
here i go
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Needs a version minus the red clothing
No, YOU are special kind of retarded.
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>Lewd as fuck /v/ Sonic thread
>doesn't get booted here
Killjoy mods.
Much appreciated

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I just finished a nude one with a similar pose, hope that does it. Wet version incoming
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That angle always sucks to draw sonic girls in
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Argento please stop.
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Why are people so down on Ultrahand, exactly...? Is it just because they don't like his stylized way of drawing?
he's popular
It was posted in one thread back in February. I did find the thread but I cant seem to download the images.
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>No Tails banging Marian
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Ross, that's his latest handle, Ultrahand

The only thing I hate about him is that he only posts randomly in threads, and the only reliable source for his stuff is some guy's dropbox collection.
Wait for Tails thread
>Not Tails cosplaying as Marian
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lookin' good
It's actually better than it seem. It's not that frequent to have porn where the girl look really from a Walt Disney cartoon, and ACT like a cartoon, even when she rape.
It's because slapping oversized hips & thighs is a lazy way to try and make something sexy, and he's not great at even doing that.
What's the highest resolution artwork he's made?

All I've ever seen posted of his is low res stuff.
You Lot Are Dull

I know he was hated in the early pony threads and eventually left because of that hatred.

But that was because he had some weirdass fetish with not only humanizing the ponies but also draw them as off character as possible.

I dont remember them all but i still remember that Rarity was drawn as a eight feet tall morbidly obese mime.

And still he supposedly could not understand why people hated his art.

So he was either a low effort troll or mentally defective.
He draws fat, but doesn't even understand depth. So you end up with either "fat" with flat bellies/asses or a side view with a ludicrous looking distention of those features.
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I believe... I`ll have to nip this in the bud.

Spats & midriff is better. There, I said it.
I don't remember seeing this before.
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>and the only reliable source for his stuff is some guy's dropbox collection.

Any clue about a link?

Completion date? When it's done.
Reminds me of Ken Sugimori's old pokemon style tbqhwyf
more bats
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Less bats.
Man, her hands are really goddamn offputting for some reason.
I want to plow Amy until she cums and then keep going until she gets addicted to cock.
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Her hands? Her body is 80% ass and 10% sphincter and you complain about her hands?
>southern belle cougar
I love this
Saw what?
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Rouge and Cream make a cute couple.

Especially when Cream's a massive pudding pile.
More barefoot Rouge?
Christ, I know this is a /trash/ thread, but what is it about Rouge and Vanilla that's so appealing to fatfags? And footfags, for that matter?

Her hand is as big as her torso. Kinda off-putting.
This is awful
Rouge is probably the most popular, so she gets the most fetish art. I can't give an answer for Vanilla.
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old lady.png
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Vanilla is an old lady.
welcome to /trash/
Rouge already has an ass she can make the ground break with, huge albeit likely fake tits and a wardrobe consisting entirely of tight, revealing numbers. Vanilla's milf as fuck. You do the math.
Can you normalfags gtfo? The trashcan was comfy without you.
As far as I'm concerned, fapping to Rogue IS normal.
Damn fucking right it is, LOOK at her!
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If it has the curves of a female form and no dick, I will want to fuck it. Why worry about details?
Wish Boogie was this good all the time.
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It's only as reliable as anybody can find and repost his stuff when he decides to randomly doodle bullshit for threads
like shit, it was hard enough to get what it got
I wish Boogie was good
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>tfw cute stuff about Tails & Rouge actually exist
Stop posting Silver in Rouge thread
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i cant be the only one thinking that her tits look somewhat like a prolapsed anus a little bit.
Still hawt thou.
Don't worry and have eggplant tits.
ill have you know i am a lover of breast and this pleases me.
...And anus, too.
Ay mang any person likes a good butt but a prolapsed one just kills it for me.
Yeah, her nipples are excessive.

I like how squishy and heavy TheBoogie can make tits look, though.
Why's it always Sonic threads that seem to hate Boogie
Maybe because his Sonic pics have the most examples of his worst work?
>"Where are the wings??XXDD" lol what a nerd!
but he's right, where are they?
What is this? A new Apostle art?
>shortstack thigh jobs
Yeah, low-quality version from Yiff.Party.
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>Still haven't colored this one.
Bleh. I don't care for the pics where the girls are melting
but why is rogue so angre?
>criticizing something means you're from /sthg/!
Grow the fuck up.
When will these MasterPieces be colored...
Send them as color suggestions each month for his Patreon until he colors one of them.
You can ask here I suppose.
They wont be as good as if he did them I suppose, but if you must have them done its as good as youll get.
Thread posts: 237
Thread images: 109

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