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/nitwg/ - Night in the Woods Roastie Edition >Write Bin

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Thread replies: 364
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/nitwg/ - Night in the Woods

Roastie Edition

>Write Bin

>Art Booru
Sup nerds
If someone can give me a download link to the OST part 2 that would be much appreciated.
i heard jackie sucked off three dudes before deciding she wanted to be a girl
>implying she still doesn't suck a mean dick

git gud
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Wiggle for Wiggles.
Can you upload all of them?
This she is sucking my mean dick right now

It's mean because it slaps her face regularly

I'm missing one.
Actually the last thread is still up, so I'll grab em from there.
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Here's a link to a playlist, hope this helps

Yo for any yall that missed it. Finished the Lori and Steve Fic.
Starting work on Mae x Cole
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That's probably the last thing that will ever be made involving Steve. He's not a very popular character. Had you wrote a Lori/Mae fic, it would have been universally beloved.

It's sad. I liked Steve.
Are you gonna make em have SEX

Cause personally I don't want em to. But I do feel like Mae would probably want to give him a kiss.
It's lewd right? I want to see those two fuck around, Cole deserves it
DESU after writing this fic I understand why a lot fics have very little sex or are gay. Actual penetration is very hard to make interesting, unlike say oral which is much more meticulous to describe.
That's why I don't do penetration in any of my porn fics :^)

shit is boring as fuck, it's oral/foreplay all the way and teasing
i need germ's sprite STAT
Will have sex, most likely will be longform.

Premise is: Mae goes to apologize for being a dick at the party, and starts a relationship with Cole after finding out he's one of those college kids that go home every weekend.
>and starts a relationship with Cole
figured it'd be more just a one time suckjob type of deal or a lust of the moment. Making it all official is something else, but will read it regardless
You do you. If you are gonna make em fucc, then a slow burn would be good. It'd be weird for Mae to go from "I hate cute guys!" to "Pound my pussy harder!~" on the first meeting y'know?
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If Night In The Woods was adapted to a movie, what group/studio/whatever do you think would do it best?
I feel like Mae is Exactly that impulsive lmao
They dated for a few months at least. Mae used to go over to Cole's house and the two would play videogames together.
She's impulsive, but she also has to get over her massive anxiety.
I could see her meeting him and apologize yadda yadda and she brings up the kiss thing and wants to make it official/apologize so she kisses him.

And then goes home and masturbates like 6 times while fantasizing about Cole fucking her.
And then on day 2 has impulsive sex.
Laika Studios
Disney :^)
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I dunno. I mean, she definitely masturbates regularly judging by the porn-addled computer. It depends on if she sees her relationship with Cole as a terrible mistake or another good thing she fucked up. I'm kind of inclined to think the latter, since she seemed bitter about Cole not showing more interest in her sexually.
I meant when they were dating, when she was a seventeen year old girl. I'm wondering if she secretly wanted to try to do more things with Cole, but was too afraid, so just fantasized about them instead.
Everything about Cole leads me to believe he's a genuinely good guy, and that he definitely likes Mae as a person. He of course is attracted to her, so I would imagine his lack of attempting to try anything sexual can be attributed one part to him not wanting to make Mae uncomfortable/force something on her and one part Mae being. Mae.
She probably wanted Cole to try something and definitely regrets nothing happening between them later on in life, but she would never have admitted she wanted Cole to do stuff with her. She's got anxiety for days, while also watching enough nasty ass porn to gridlock her computer, so whatever websites she was visiting was something a little less well known than PornHub.
Also, this is probably why she describes her ideal date as a wrestling match with someone aggressive. She wants someone that won't ask her, someone that'll just do it (her). Cole was sweet and she thought he was cute, but he was too timid to Just Do Itâ„¢ and combined with Mae fucking up everything trying to initiate a kiss she probably just wants someone with big brass balls/breasts to take the initiative in the future.
So she wants to be raped, but by somebody she likes and wants to rape her? That doesn't make sense.
Have you ever spoken to a woman, anon
I can see that, definitely.

[spoilersdon'twork]...I mean, that's what I did.[/spoilersdon'twork]

Yeah, he seems nice in a way that would lead him to be cautious of pushing Mae into anything. Maybe even realizing that Mae might want things that she isn't necessarily ready to do.
No, she wants someone like Bombshell. Bombshell wasn't going to beat around the bush if the night continued, Bombshell was there to fuck bitches and drink beer, and she was almost done with her beer.
She wants someone to relieve her of the anxiety of offering up her own vulnerability. Instead of approaching someone else and having to impose upon them her desires and risk both being rejected or hurting them, she wants to be approached, offered what she wants, and only have to accept it.
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It just occurred to me that a lot of people on this site won't understand my reference.
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Remember, ignore and report shitposters. Do not give them the attention they seek. It's our responsibility to keep this thread pure.
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Would the game have been better if the dream sequences were more varied?

Like, have the first and second ones as is, but the third one having some other gimmick/goal to it aside from activating all the ghost musicians.
The game would have been better if it had more gameplay elements, yes. As is, it's just a walking simulator with minigames. Wish we had more everything.
I liked that aspect of them. It got progressively more difficult to find the musicians so the first one was like a tutorial.

I kind of wish they had some more connection to the rest of the story though, they basically seemed to have nothing to do with it.
The kickstarter cited puzzles and The Lost Constellation had puzzles. Did NITW? The only thing that could qualify is electrocuting yourself to get into Gregg's apartment, which shamefully took me a few minutes longer than I would have liked.

There doesn't seem like many opportunities for puzzles in the game that wouldn't break immersion, i think?

I'm probably wrong here.
Yes, it had jumping puzzles, where you have to think about where to start jumping so the third extra high jump happens in the right place.

The dream sequences were also sort of like puzzles because you have to find the musicians and then realize you need to activate those blue bar things.

It's just all so easy that it kind of doesn't seem like puzzles.
Honestly I would of preferred it be like Sam and Max lite.
Actually that sounds fucking great why didn't we get that instead?
I'm honestly surprised that, in over three years, the kickstarter stuff never leaked. Especially after the game actually launched. An entire booklet full of artwork and comics, an entire animated short about Angus and Gregg. Hell, a lot of the kickstarter updates had information that was never released to the public.

We have jackshit. Anybody who came here and claimed they backed the campaign lied, as nobody has posted anything.
Wait animated short???
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We've seen snippets of the comic, but that's about it.
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I think this unhealthy scrawny Bea is the best Bea, for some reason.
Bea a bes!
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Only when she's in a tender, loving embrace with her unexpected lover. Life loves to throw the craziest curve balls.
Yes. The $50 tier was for the animated content. The Angus & Gregg short was the only one made. Bea's short was talked about in an update back in 2015, but a lot of the kickstarter stuff got put on the backburner while they actually made the game. The Bea short is apparently still getting made.
Because it's the most realistic depiction of her. She's on a journey to find an early grave.
kinda hot to be honest
Is she paying him under the table for that as well? What else does Germ do for Beatrice without the IRS knowing?
Is Germ slav or a slavaboo?
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>"Hey brother, how's work goin'?"
>"Just fine. Construction's surprisingly slow t'day so the boss had me on a side project to stretch out my hours."
>"What'd he had you workin' on then?"
>"Lil' renovatin' on the Video Outpost backroom. A strange add-on they requested back there."
>"They need more shelves for more "vintage art" shipments?"
>"Naw. They had me install two changin' rooms back in a corner right next to each other"
>"Now what in the hell does a video store need a changin' room for?"
>"Lil' doe at the front desk says they're tryin' ta increase profits with a trial room of sorts. Let folk pop a tape in to see if they really like what they saw on the box art."
>"Sounds reasonable."
>"Yeah, I didn't think to much 'bout it until that lil' doe requested a last minute alteration."
>"What'd she need?"
>"...Odd thing she needed. Said there needed to be a hole between the stalls 'bout yea tall"
>"What for?"
>"Had my head scratchin' on that one m'self. She said it's to give older folk video tape lessons."
>"Like, teach 'em how to use a VCR? So she gets in the other stall an' tells em how to put a tape in?"
>"Yeah. Apparently lots of lonely old folk here still struggle with em. Lil' doe said she charges $30 for ten minutes of lessons an' an extra $50 for every five minutes after that to make sure the folk don't waste her time."
>"Do ya really need a hole for that? Couldn't she just help em inside?"
>"Said some folk still want some privacy even when they're gettin' help."
>"Steep price for a little help though."
>"Down right robbery taking advantage of old folk like that if ya ask me."
>"Shame how little respect the elderly get these days."
>*Peers inside the bar window*
>"Looks like the game's startin' up. Let's watch the Smelters kick some ass."
>"Go Smelters!"
>"Go Smelters!"
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>hey brother, how's work goin?
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Am I not supposed to find this image arousing?
claw hand job
I know her hand is complete shit in it. But still, I like her with a bloody bat. I like that side of her. I want more of her at her darkest moments.
Silly Mae, you're not supposed to put jelly on your bat!
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Wasn't someone making a porn story with these two this weekend? I hope they come through
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this was fucking adorable
Sorry, I canceled it. Too lazy :^)
Lotta nuts in her mouth I guess.
Considering it's not porn, no. Christ you people need to keep your hands off your dicks for 2 seconds
You people are too judgmental. You're going to hurt somebody's feelings one day.
Fuck you
Bet you don't even like the Smelters, faggot.
I would welcome the intimacy.

Somebody made Angus and Gregg in Second Life. How Second Life still exists is beyond me.

second life is an economy onto itself

people make actual money there
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First off, it doesn't have to be porn to be arousing. Second, you can find something sexy and not masturbate to it.
Did you just hit puberty or something?
i bet jackie would clean her teeth for free
>it doesn't have to be porn to be arousing

If you're getting hard to Mae with strawberry jam on her face and on her bat then you have even worse problems than hitting puberty, faggot.
wow that looks really bad
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I can see him as a slavaboo for sure
Thank you for confirming.
He's not even me. I just like the concept of Mae breaking and going full on homicidal. Sue me.
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>Walk into your bedroom
>This is on your bed
Would you succ ?
I think I poop a little
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i would get the FUCK outta there
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Then, you gotta tell someone you trust.
Like your teacher, a police officer or your pare-
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How would the story be if HE was the director?
Or you'll be labbled a delinquent and take a long fall
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Now that Jackeye is done with the series,

>post your feeling when Nitw is the next OFF/Yumi Nikki
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Yes. Yes yes yes.

Adam Sandler
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Adam sandlers? You know the guy from Grown ups 2
That is a cute Beabea.
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good taste nigga. Those gator tiddies need a good succ
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I legitimately did not know that.

I feel dumb.
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I have no idea what that is.
I think that's the point anon
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Hey, pretty cool.
Nigga it looks like my bed got replaced.
enjoy your new tit pillows then
Kinks aside I bet that'd be a comfy pair of tits.
I will!
Thank you, father!
Yeah I'm not complaining. But I am curious as to how it got in the door without being taken apart.
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thanks dud
feel free to check out the other stuff.
Bea's tit pillows are surprisingly squishy. Just squeezed on through
I feel like we're the basement of NitW internet discussion. All the raw garbage you don't see anywhere else seeps down to here.

And I wouldn't have it any other way. Love you /trash/ mammals.
I bet Mae would love it here.
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It fits the place just fine, then. LOVE YOU ANONS
You too anon. Even though I literally just got here today after finishing the game last weekend. Gonna browse the booru later.
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Are these original compositions based on NiTW?

If so then I really dig them. They almost capture the same feeling. Almost.

Every other place I go just doesn't have the same candor. It's too filtered and nice nice. I mean not that it's a bad thing, but people will censor themselves in other environments.

Hey man, as long as I get more cat porn I'm cool with it. Because cats are the best furry anthros.
so was the "everything sucks forever" and "let's steal from my boss who trusted me" lines only in the demo videos or whatever? I never saw those scenes anywhere in the game
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We're probably the most honest place for NiTW discussion. Most other places seem a bit too stiff.
This thread has made me a bit too stiff.
I'm about to make myself a bit too stiff by posting this
Well, that certainly didn't do anything to alleviate my issue. I think it made it worse.
Literally, the sexiest furry.
Yeeeeep, that'll happen
>My best friend invites me on a road trip down across the country
>Don't really hang out with her much anymore so I was super excited to catch up with her
>So much has happened in the last month that we I can totally vent to her

>The day comes
>Get ready to jump into the passenger seat
>She's there
>She's already fucking there
>That fucking smug piece of shit woman child

>"I'll be right back"
>Run back inside
>I've been planning a way to get rid of this fucking cat for weeks now
>Have a sack of supplies
>Run back to the car and sit with the bag

>"blah blah tacos blah blah ugh"
>All she ever talks about is meaningless garbage and her dead grandpa
>The worst part is my friend is laughing with her
>Try to steer the conversation into some real political shit
>Starts to get good
>Cat derails it with it some entry level philosophical bullshit

>Finally we make a rest stop
>Run to the single room genderless restroom (all gas stations have these here)
>Set up my clever trap
>Designed to tie her up and leave her trapped while sending a note under the door that says "Sorry Bea. Just leave me here." (Bea is my friend)
>Knew those painful and humiliating years in the scouts would pay off

>Find out the cat just went outside like a fucking degenerate
>Instead my best friend tries to go in the bathroom
>Do everything I can to stop her
>She looks concerned and annoyed but it works
>Run inside to disable the trap but just get caught
>Waiting there for my friend to come in
>For minutes
>Then hours
>Realize she probably just fucking left me

>Spend the time counting the tiles on the wall
>Notice something written on one of the tiles
>"For a good time come here at 8:30 ;)"
>Don't know the time but start to panic
>Still can't break lose
>Hear the door break open
>Thank fucking God the cashier finally noticed I never left the restroom
>Or so I thought
My ass is still sore. I hate that fucking cat.
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Why do you guys think Bea wears an ankh necklace? Is it based off Death from the Sandman comics or is it just a goth thing?
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She was built to be a cumslut. Fucking sucking off dudes and shit while her mom is at home taking care of her baby. What a slut.

God I love her
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You really should just write a Jackie lewd fic instead of typing all this, anonsama
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To represent the life she doesn't have
I bet there's someone under that counter servicing her.
Probably does it every day.
How do I find a solid friend group like Mae's? Or a friend group at all?

I'm gonna be 25 soon and i live in nyc and i have litearlly no friends. Finishing NITW made me terribly self-aware that it's what I desire and don't have

not to go totally /r9k/ but we're all trash mammals here
Probably. Only one of her more frequent and trusted cute guy customers gets the lucky honor of having a face full of doe pussy for her entire 8 hour shift. The only time he gets a break is when she makes a round to the back section when a cute guy happens to walk in there
at this point?

coworkers and old friends
's easy
be autistic
magnetize to other autismos
worked for me
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jackie is not for rape
Literally old friends from high school and college. I would say coworkers as well, but all the coworkers at the place I work are married and have kids n shit.
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Believe me I'm the same way. She's so damn hot.

We need a Doe fanfic already....so badly. Or based signirsol to make a new pic about her. I hope he does
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>solid friend group like Mae's
Mae's group is shit, but if you want to for real make friends then get a social hobby where it's normal for total strangers to engage with each other so you don't look like a complete fucking loser when you force yourself into an established friend group.
Agreed. She is for cuddles and cute blowjobs.
Go Smelters.
I'll shit out a fic for her, just as something to do until someone can do something better.
Gotta make sure to capture her personality and the overall spirit of the game, so it may take a while.
Aunt Molly still has no art. Literally nothing. Not even a clean tumblr doodle. Should I just give up hope of lewds?
Aunt Molly a shit, so yes.
Awesome, man. I think the general idea so far with her is she's flirty as hell and when a cute guy walks into the porn section she walks back there as well and flirts some more, eventually winding up on her knees. Though go with whatever you think sounds good
She deeply cares about Mae and wants her niece to be safe. As a police officer, she would have more intimate knowledge of how people in the town are going missing, as the police would be the one group to notice when troublemakers vanish. She tries to protect Mae throughout the game.
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there's this and the miami edit
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>The only time he gets a break is when she makes a round to the back section when a cute guy happens to walk in there
This put the image of her shoving her cum-filled taco into some guy's face and making him clean it out with his tongue like a cuck.
I can certainly work with that.
Does she actually have a name? I can't remember.
Nope, no name in the text file either, just video store doe

cuck shit is crap though, so nah
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It's a dirt job, but someone has to do it.
>A cultist who threatens Mae into staying away from a dangerous situation and refuses to do anything about what is happening
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Could probably try to actually draw something with her but it wouldn't be that good.
Go into your town and find a local cop. Tell them you saw a ghost kidnap a kid. Let me know how that goes.
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Having ot played or read about this game yet /nitwg/, i have two questions:

Can i make the cat have a heto romance?

Has TGWeaver killed himself yet because he didn't make this game first?
That was my interpretation too. I kind of want to write a fic from her perspective in the style of a detective thriller.
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>expects any romance or opportunities for Mae
ha, ha ha, ha ha ha
First question: No romance but she's apparently doesn't care if she fucks a guy or a girl.

Second: He's too busy getting his dick sucked by /ztg/ to care.
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The way she even refers to the tracks and the hills, where the cult mainly operates, makes me think she strongly suspects some bad shit.

Molly: I was just stopping by to see how you were doing.
Mae: Why?
Molly: After the other night I mean.
Mae: Why wouldn’t I be fine?
Molly: Mae, a lot of things that happen around here,
Molly: sometimes in town, sometimes out by the tracks,
Molly: sometimes up in the hills...
Molly: ...
Mae: What?
Molly: It's my job to make sure folks like you
Molly: never see something like what you saw the other night.
Mae: You’re not doing a very good job of
Molly: Better than you might think.
Mae: I’ve been back less than 3 days and I already saw dead body parts.
Mae: Which wasn't a big deal, but
Molly: You didn't see Tom Jennings shoot his brother in the stomach
Molly: last night out on Doty Line Road. Out past Arner.
Molly: You didn't have to walk out into that cornfield.
Mae: Geez.
Considering how sarcastic the rest of Molly's dialogue is this one super serious and fucked up one really makes you kinda feel for her. It's obvious she's seen some shit even for a small town cop.
The small town thing would make it worse, I would think. Every fucked up thing that happens in town, happens to and is commited by someone she more or less knows personally.
I want to gag on her hot [spoiler]feet[/spoiler]
Told yall writefags are lazy. Maecole up to 1k expect a drop tomorrow at latest.
Whatever she's seen, it's enough that a severed arm on the ground barely fazes her anymore.
What lewd situations could one even draw her in anyways
She's got a uniform, handcuffs and a gun.
I'm sure there are things that could be done with that.
Mall Cop in lingerie, Mall Cop playing with her baton, Mall Cop fucking someone else with the same baton, Mall Cop taking nude photos, Mall Cop handcuffing someone and domming them.
None of the cops in my town are related to me, or known cultists
Mall Cop taking full advantage of her authority
dude she had to deal with some kids finding an arm next to the pizza
Inept Saturday morning antagonist Jackie is best Jackie
After getting noise complaints and hearing rumors of degenerate practices in the video store, Molly comes to investigate.

Video Doe "bribes" her to keep Molly from shutting the place down.
Not really, no. It was funny the first time
jackie trying to throw mae into the pit but ends up falling in herself. she lives a life of endless tentacle rape from that point on
All these Molly ideas are great. Too bad the guy was probably just asking hypothetically.
>Spoiling the season finale

What do you animals think of Garbo and Malloy?
So, if you go on Bea's route Gregg apparently still stole the robot. You think if you keep doing Bea's route Angus just tells him to throw it out eventually and they move on faster than with Mae helping him with it?
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they're funny!
are they REALLY
This is oddly hot for some reason despite just going for comedic effect. Wonder if we'll ever get more porn of them
someone post bea no gay for the 50th time
Their humor is about the same level as most of the humor in this general, so technically yes.
i always knew that their comedy was /trash/
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too late
shapes is just slowed down rainy possum springs and the germ one is original
>Mae was a cumslut at college
I'm okay with this
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> gregg masturbating

the highlight of these doodles
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I liked the idea about Molly in lingerie.
>Germ gets underwear shots from the local police woman.

Good boy.
That head does not look like it belongs there.
N i c e.
i can see germ liking milfs
you got some sameface problems my lad
Don't see a lot of fanart on canvas with oil paints.
>germ somehow has everyones nudes on his computer
>except for maes
>this bothers germ alot
>tries to get them off of maes laptop
>none anywhere
>gets butthurt
>puts a bunch of shitty adware all over her computer
Try making Molly's head a bit larger. and flatter.
>casey will never be a milf
Got an intro and a flashback scene written up. Will do some proofreading and editing and then upload it before I start working on the meat and potatoes.

Everything is going well so far, though.
I'd say just upload it when it's done, no? I mean no point posting like 10 lines and cutting off before the good stuff leaving us blue ball'd.

Ah fuck it, you can do it if you want. Just kinda sucks not reading the entire thing in one go
>ends up asking Mae for nudes.
>Mae accepts
>next thing they know they both fucked
>"Wow that was great."
>"It was ok."
>"Y'know Mae, you taste a lot like Bea!"
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This was the exact fucking image I had in my head when I saw the Mall Cop pic. Thank you based anon.
its moments like these that make me wonder whatd it be like to fuck on a trampoline
>huh why is this gen in /trash/ and not /vg/ I wonder?
>One more reason for gassing furries I s'pose

So like I just finished this. The ending was kinda underwhelming tbqh

Guess that it's mostly on me, I accidentally spoiled myself but not much. I only knew that there was some kinda eldritch horror in it but how it and the cult would play out I didn't know. I was getting pretty hyped when I made the connection with the 'god dream' and the painting in the history building or whatever. Then I got to the mines... I was honestly hoping that Mae would jump in the hole and find Casey's ghost or something. So in the end the cult was really just a bunch of fanatic old nutjobs? To take a jab at dem conservatists? Then what about Mae's conversation with what I assumed to be the demon? I'm guessing it was intentionally left ambigious but that just makes it more dissappointing for me... however...

I was surprised to find myself enjoying the little routines Mae had... wake up, talk to Mom, listen to Selmers' poems, jump up to Lori, feed the rat babies, hangout with the dudes, play some Demon Tower before going to bed... it felt really homely. The cute art style was definitely helping too.

Overall it was pretty nice, not sure if it deserves the 10/10 rating steam gave it but I enjoyed it. It's more interactive than any other visual novel I give it that.

SSsssoooo any chance for some sort of sequel? Now that the cultists are dead... the town is pretty much doomed to turn to shit.
It'd be a mix of pain, pleasure and comedy.

So completely worth it. Though his trampoline is right next to his deck so I imagine he has a second one for doing things he doesn't want his family to see.

I love it, but I can definitely see some flaws with it and I feel like 10/10 is definitely too generous.

Sequel... I feel like the story with them is done. It was left open ended which is a double edged sword. I like it, but some people want more.

Also a thread on /v/ results in instant "WOW SHITTY SJW GAME REE REEE REEEEEEEEEEEE" so I think most people wanted to not try for a /vg/ one, but who knows.

There's actually a good amount of discussion around the porn talk, if you dont mind sifting through it!
>ending wasnt good enough make more

kys and then lurk moar
the look definitely suits her. just seems like she'd be very unhealthily skinny
Nah, the ending is pretty underwhelming. The game feels pretty half finished. The original pitch was very supernatural including astral projection and powers and stuff like that.
It got toned down HEAVILY in the final game for whatever reason. I guess they wanted to make it more grounded? But ultimately it's pretty clear some spooky shenanigans were afoot.
I personally think the Black Goat was indeed real, and whatever it did got the attention of the Cat God, it created a tear somewhere in a different dimension? Plane of existence? I dunno really.

No sequel is in the works at the moment.
Question. Did you do Bea or Gregg for the hangouts? Or did you mix and match?
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Why didn't Bea let Mae run around naked in the woods? What a bitch.
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reminder if you aren't all of the following:

>have good taste in music
>a socialist
>puny dick

you have zero (0) chance with bea
haha wow i meant non-puny dick
Because Bea can only have Mae running around naked in her house.
You know, that image is one of my favorite ones of her. I just like seeing her look like that. It's cute.
...beat me to it:
Hell yeah I'm gonna get come gator gu-
>puny dick
ah heck...
>Running around her house

She'd be chained to a radiator while Bea whips her with a belt for squandering her time at college. Mr. Santello just stares at the T.V. and wonders where he went wrong.
that racoon lady needs to slow tf down. she had like 5 kids by the end of the game..
It's only for a little while after they fuck. Then it's back in the closet for 12 hours of hard mathematics research.
that's kinda hot
shut up germ....

Spotted the bondage faggot. BABBYS FIRST FETISH GET THE FUCK OUT
My first fetish was legs
You fresh outta the 1800s?
I just want the gator and cat to kiss goddammit
Hot. Sweaty.

I definitely want more. I really want Bea's life to turn for the better you know?

I didn't say it wasn't good it was just kinda... unfulfilling. And that's not the reason why I would want a sequel but because I feel kind of attached to this group now you know? I could watch a seinfeld like series revolving around them.

I mixed it up. Definitely went out with Bea more. I got the robot thing and glass breaking with Gregg and went to the mall, grocer and the party with Bea but somehow missed out on the graveyard thing?
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No I just want to stick my dick in between a pair of thighs sometimes. And calves turn me on.
This of course led to me developing a foot fetish and an ass fetish, which led to my anal fetish. The degradation aspect of anal led me to my domination and by extension bondage fetish, which led me to my ex who was into choking which gave me a choking fetish, and by the time we broke up I was a full blown sadist.

Now I'm scared I'm going to end up like my dad and hit a future gf/wife like he did.
Even still, this picture turns me on in a most subtle way that most other pictures don't.
You can only do 2 of the 3 ghost hunts before the game ends, yeah.
I'd say it's worth at least one replay just to go over what you missed.
You probably didn't do the Germ hangouts and meet Rabies, or after meeting Rabies, go sit on the bridge did you?
>barely any foursomes with the goth girl trio

cmon guys youre not even trying at this point
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>ex who was into choking
lucky lad
Do the wyyrd tyyns even have any porn? well there is that one fic, which was amazing. Other than that
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This is the only thing I even have of them.
sauce me
She even let me put it in her butt once.
For like 10 seconds, then she made me pull out, but it was 10 seconds of heaven.

God I miss that bubble butt. She was a band chick, had the absolute perfect lower body with just a bit of thicc.
Just finished this game. Bea is really fucking cute, and definitely my favorite. Can't get enough of her. The atmosphere is very nice. The art is cute, the sound design is great, and I love the characters.

But holy shit the story was weak. Not only that, but it got extremely rushed and flimsy in the end-game. Kind of ruined it for me gameplay-wise.
Damn man they need some lewds
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Is this game actually good or is it just you fags fapping to the characters?
I want to hug Mae and tell her it will all be okay while I get a job helping Bea at the Pickaxe.
And I want to fuck the mom.
Is it worth $20?
>You can only do 2 of the 3 ghost hunts

Aw man. I wanted to do Bea's last like some kinda cherry on top. Turns out I should've skipped Angus... actually no I should've skipped Gregg now that I think about it. Angus' was a lot more scarier to me.

>Germ hangouts and meet Rabies
Nope I did those, I always went to the food donkey or the end of town to check for my nigga Germ. He cool.

btw how old is he? Do you think he listens to Death Grips? Strikes me like the kinda guy who would.
Haha god no.

He's either 17 or 18. I'd still recommend a second playthrough.
If you got everything you could get otherwise you can just rush the main story to get the hangouts you missed.
He's like 18? Mae and Bea are 20 and Germ was 2 years behind Mae in High School.
http://pastebin.com/iRmJMiDP I think.

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I think it's pretty great and I'm not attracted to any of the characters. I think it was worth the money, but that's an individual thing really. Putting it on a wishlist and waiting until it gets $5 or $10 off isn't unreasonable at all.
he totally listens to DG, he says in one hangout he likes black metal, crossover thrash, and hip-hop.
>get the hangouts you missed

I think I will. Also there is a right answer to give to the wyyrd tyyns right?
First time you see them the answer is "The Boat". It's literally just there to tell you about the Pentagram sidequest though.
>Also there is a right answer to give to the wyyrd tyyns right?
The answer they are looking for is related to "a shipwreck."
The second question about "what is god in this place?" I don't know if there is a best answer for that but I chose "caring but distant."
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Went a bit overboard so it ended up being longer than expected. Sexytimes are included in the flashback, so no worries there.

However, I must warn you that I am a terrible writer, so expect lots of repetition, lack of creativity, poor syntax and formatting, typos, terrible pacing, too much dialogue and not enough description and generic sexy talk.

If none of that bothers you then it should be fine.

How the heck are you supposed to pronounce her name? Is it bee or bay? bee(y)ah?
looking forward to reading it after work!
bee. her full name is beatrice
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Like bee.
It's short for Beatrice, so Beeah would make sense, but it would also sound stupid.
Nah, it's just the first consonant of her name like most nicknames are. Be-Ah-Triss. What would be dumb is if they didn't add the "a" onto Be.
Why is Mae suck a cock? There are so many times in this game where things would have been just FINE if the devs didn't make stupid shit vomit out of her mouth
It didn't even go anywhere either, every fuckup she makes just gets fixed overnight anyway so that they can make the plot keep marching. It's just like part of her character or something to be (unintentionally) really shitty.
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it IS part of her character to be unintentionally shitty though

she's THE LITERAL spaghetti spiller
It's terrible.
Brain-damaged is not an endearing trait.
which makes her all that much more relatable
Mae is a girl who has a legitimate mental issue, in person I'm sure it would be less endear, but watching her is much like watching a fuzzy train crash.

Maybe. There's definitely something to be said about watching a train crash and the benefits of that

But for a game that centers all of its gameplay on dialogue trees, I kind of wish I got at least one or two good options every once in a while.

I also wish that 99% of dialogue options weren't blatantly just illusions of choice, but I'm sure I'll be told that's just due to the cosmic horror theme the game has or some such thing, rather than the devs being lazy or not giving a shit.
thank you based anon of godly taste
It was in the pastebin in the OP, by the way. Lots more in there. >>8323439

No more wyyrd tyyns though, sadly.
Illusions of choice are pretty common in this sort of game. Especially given how there are only two endings, both of which are essentially the same, with only some minor details changed depending on your actions.

I enjoyed the game immensely, but it may have been better off as a cartoon or something.
dialogue options in this game affects what future dialogue will be about.

So even though option 1 and option 2 lead to the same result in the current dialogue, picking option 2 will give you MORE dialogue for future conversations.
i forgot to mention this is why a lot of the dialogue feels really good and natural. It's not something that you pick up on the first time playing though.
I enjoyed the platforming, that's probably the strongest gameplay bit in my opinion.
I actually enjoyed the character interactions more than the gameplay itself, though the platforming was pretty well implemented and exploring the town was fun.

The overall plot didn't really do much for me, but getting to know the characters, especially the minor ones like Selmers and Lori was nice.

I think a lot of that enjoyment comes from being able to relate to one or more of them, though. I can imagine that those who don't wouldn't enjoy it as much.
Common or not, it's not really the best tool to use for this sort of thing.
At least, not the way they did. If you want to make the point that your choices don't matter, usually the "illusion" part of the illusion of choice mechanism has to show up.

Only a select few conversations have any major forks, and they're pretty obvious. The vast amount of dialogue is the small "hey what do you think of x" for which you have two or three ways of saying an identical response.
May as well have just eliminated the option to pick an answer and just make it a cutscene, because that's the end result anyway.

For what it's worth, learning an extra few lines of text about something is not something I consider a big enough discrepancy to warrant the label of "choice", even though you clearly don't agree with me on that.

Do you talk to robots a lot?
The writing flows well. The dialogue options are clunky.

Platforming sections were pretty good. Mae has a nice jumping animation.
where's jackie
Sucking Bombshell's dick in the bathroom.
I don't know if it was just me thinking the game was cleverer than it is, but I felt like even though it was repetitive sometimes, having that sort of routine where you wake up each day and scour the town for storylines to progress actually tied into the themes of the game in a way. You develop a familiarity with the town and the people that mirrors Mae's.
>Bombshell has a dick

>Mae and Bombshell sneak off during party
>Bombshell takes Mae to the empty side room
>"Mae, ok just hear me out if this makes it weird we can pretend this never happened."
>Pulls down pants
>Bombshell is transexual, still has the dick
>Mae looks her straight in the eyes
>"This only makes it better because I have no effing idea how to scissor."
That I actually did kind of like, at least for a while. I don't know if it was cleverness or not either, but it definitely worked in favor of the game rather than against it.
I still prefer Jackie for dick sucking shenanigans since she's canon dickgirl, or ftm whatever the fuck. Bombshell is amazing though
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I like this idea.
trans girl dicks are not for sucking nor fucking

they are for cute teasing and that is it

it is the polite and proper thing to accept their wish to be a woman and you have to treat them like one

girl pussy (male) ONLY
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Thanks for writing some Doe, anon. We really need more of her. Kudos bro
Mae just is completely ok with Bombshell whatever she has.

It's both touching, and sinful. The way I like it yo.
Fine, if you must.
Go ahead.
are you going to call her "him" next anon? you fucking misgendering piece of fascist shit
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I can't call HER(she) anything with all this cute dick in my mouth right now
Nah, if Jackie wants to be called female we should respect that.

While teasing their transcock because affording transitioning surgery is fucking unreal when youre already in college.
>Mae never got her number.
>They will never hang out
>Bombshell will never carve a pentagram into Mae's belly and summon impregnate her with demon babies
So many missed opportunities
How's that feminine goat dick taste?
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It's amazing, man. addictive even. love the feel of that cute thing in my mouth
Well make sure you keep on sucking until she fills your mouth with her warm, delicious goat milk.
Only taking tiny breaks to tease her more and type, my man. Then back to bobbing on that feminine rod of hers. It's become quite a mess.

>tfw there's like no Jackie art to post
This game being not popular will forever cause me many angery.
And it's only going to get more messy once she explodes in your mouth. Going to have to lick all that gooey, sticky mess off of her fuckstick. Can't let her be dirty, after all.

I'm sure in time it will gain more love from artists, if nothing else.
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people need to upload more art to the booru, i've seen some art uploaded in these threads that hasn't been uploaded to the booru yet
That's a given, she blows quite a heavy load for such a pretty little lady, too. But that's why she has these fat, full goat balls. A man has to take good care of their antifa goat wife.

>in time
Idk man, everyone (some people) said that jackseptiecie whatever the shit is called youtuber was going to make it explode in popularity and no such thing happened. But yeah here's hoping
I'm being lazy sue me

Or do it yourself, you don't need to register an email to upload art. Just make a username and password and you're good to go.
Those fat, full goat balls are going to be nice and empty pretty soon. Though I'm sure they'll be filled up quickly enough, then you get to milk her all over again. You can never have too much!

Someone said in the thread earlier that he just recently finished it, so maybe in the coming weeks stuff will start to pour in like Jackie's cum is going to pour down your throat.
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>all this gay shit
Jackie's a freak in the sheets, too. With an overflowing mouthful of her goat jizz she'd be down for snowballing. Making out with your goat wife and swapping spit and jizz in a lust driven haze is the BEST.

>feminine penis
Can you leave, fag? the bara thread is over there
She has a lot of ass to choke on, if her body image problems are anything to go by.
I'd choke on Mae's ass
Oh, I can imagine she'd have all kinds of fun ideas for things to do with her bodily fluids.
I dunno, I feel like she may not have the best hygienic practices.

She hangs out with feral rats, after all.

We get it, you want to fuck a fictional goat and be fucked by one, but please, discussion happens here too.
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Anon please she's a cat she washes nightly and shoves her own tongue up her ass
i think our delicate general will manage to get through a bit of jackieposting anon
Just as long as nobody mentions the B word.
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yeah yeah keep your bitch panties on, I was just fucking around a bit, this place is full of horny pervs anyway.

Jackie is awesome though, hope she gets more fanfics
>Licks own asshole
>Has a propensity for vomiting
She's never going to get kissed.
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what's the context of this image
fic where mae hooks up with bombshell and sex is going great until mae finally makes out with bombshell

at which point bombshell is DISGUSTED at what mae's mouth tastes like (vomit and shit) and bails the fuck out of there

leaving mae to cry like the spoiled little bitch she is god i fucking hate her
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Anon, are you okay?
Do you want to talk about it?
I'm off to bed, g'night Possum Springs! Have my favorite tune in the game https://infiniteammo.bandcamp.com/track/home-again
jackie please go to bed

I'm super down for this.
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Good night, sleep tight, don't let the Eldritch bugs bite!
As big a disaster Mae is, I still feel like she'd at least brush her teeth before going to a party.
brushing teeth is for kissers
She brushes with cough syrup.
You know she wanted some hot bear lip.
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She was self conscious enough to check herself in the mirror so I assume she has some basic hygiene knowledge. She's pretty off but she isn't 100% socially retarded. No one ever complains about her smelling bad or having bad breath, and you know any of her friends would tell her straight up.

All she needed was like 3 more minutes of conversation.
Just 3 and she would've been drowning in bear ass.
She could have gotten her mouth on two sets of lips that night.
Instead she runs off to find her missing friend.
We all need a Mae in our lives.
A ship so nice I made it twice.
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We really don't.
I'd risk a baseball bat beatdown for someone who cares enough to turn down drunken lesbian sex to make sure I'm okay.
she says herself her friends are kind of keeping her anchored in reality anyway
If she had another episode I doubt one of her friends would be a victim, she didn't even know the kid she hospitalized
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You can get that without the risk of bodily harm you know. Like, basically anyone that's not a piece of shit would do that, without the hallucinations of a goat that may or may not exist.
That image is adorable.
Also new OTP.
Germ says she smells weird at one point I think
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Germ is not a good judge of normality.

Nobby only made a couple because some autistic fucker got mad at him giving Ibon a hoodie.
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We might need a new thread guys.
Was it after they got out of the well?
It would be understandable then, since she'd be all sweaty and soaked in mine water and other nasty things.
It was at least two people who were freaking out and shitting up the threads anytime this came up. People could probably just ask him to draw it again and he more than likely would if the thread didn't go apeshit after.
I'm half convinced it was one guy mobileposting or something. The speech pattern was always the same.
I think he's gone now though, haven't seen him in a few days. Haven't seen Nobby lately either. He go back to the Zootopia threads or what?

We could always rescue him?
I remember them being in the parking lot
No idea. I went to /ztg/ like once this month after not checking there in forever and it was just Pack Street shit and he wasn't there. He said he'd still do some requests from here when I asked on Tumblr though. He's probably just busy.
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>bringing him to this cesspool
That place went to shit ages ago. It's the biggest OC circlejerk plaza now a day. I shudder even thinking that I used to go there daily when the movie was new.

Anyway washing the taste out of my mouth with MAE PISS
Okay new
Does she even drink water? Her piss would probably taste awful. Moreso than regular piss.
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