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Write-Faggotry Thread #17 Last Thread: https://desuarchive.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 294
Thread images: 92

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Write-Faggotry Thread #17

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/7915338

Write stories, share works, ask for critique, post requests, you name it.
(from last thread)


Well look at that, I was able to keep my promise after all.


Awkward at first, but an enjoyable challenge. I kept wanting to describe what she was doing, to set the scene, but I wanted to keep it purely to what she was saying. So I had to find ways to get her to describe things without it feeling clunky and awkward. I think I did okay on some of those. Still, restriction breeds creativity, so I'm glad I did it. It was fun! I'm also a huge fan of dirty talk, but often don't like writing dialog, so this was a way to appease that fetish, while working on one of my weaknesses.
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Anchor posting for Bunny Mint story.
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Something with this please?
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The yinglet princess, revised edition. Posted the other day and the thread it was posted in went unarchived since desustorage went down last night.

Posting this here so I can cross link from other boards.
wtf is a yinglet?
It's some disgusting ratbird thing from an online comic. I think there's a general for it on this board.
Did anyone save the greentext from the last Trap Link thread, the one where he becomes a service girl in a gerudo inn? It was really well written and surprisingly cute.
https://archived.moe/trash/thread/8185196/#8186903 works as a backup
Which thread? here on trash or on d?
Trash. And i tried the archive but so far I've had no luck >>8239463.
Well yeah, archived.moe doesn't have search.

However, if you dig into your browser history, find the 404d thread and get the number from url, you may be able to open it there.
Do you anons do requests?
We do have a few writers around, but it's all a matter of luck whether they pick you up.
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Requesting something about edging.
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Ok I think that's about everything from 16th thread.
Pft, as if I was really going to take a break from you lovable raggamuffins. I'll keep doing these daily prompts. Not like it requires a great deal of effort on my part to post one picture a day.

Day #31, rule reminder: use the posted picture as inspiration for a scene or story, your choice. No post limit.


Always appreciated.
Nice that you enjoyed the challenge.
>Don't like writing dialog
But it seemed like you had fun with that Phosphora story though
Still not giving up on Florges toots

To keep autism contained. The idea/suggestions are linked here http://pastebin.com/Zx3Uj2QY

tl;dr Main character dominates Florges by making her embarrass herself via teasing/lewding her to fart. Stuff in pastebin are suggestions

I absolutely did, it's true. The dynamic between the three characters was a lot of fun to work with. I also enjoyed writing dialog for the characters in my Roxy Rocket story, what with all the sarcasm and ass, but not so much for my characters in my OC story, even though they're all my own creation so I should be able to write dialog just fine for them.
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I found it in another thread
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That's the one I capped from /d/, while the talk here was about a /trash/ thread?
Although I guess it could've been a repost in the first place.

It's actually still up >>>/d/7310374
And also on a pastebin >>>/d/7310893 http://pastebin.com/AevjNBXM
With a sequel >>>/d/7314640 http://pastebin.com/zUtxkh3f
Thank you anon. Thank you
I'm just a reposter, anon, go pile the thanks on the writer.
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Day #32, "livin' off the high of last night" edition.
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>They had been chasing him for only a few hours, long enough for the sun to set and the moon to rise.
>Yet, the ferocity of their pursuit made it feel like days to Jack.
>The coming night gave him darkness to utilize, to hide, but they too were able to use the shadows.
>Better than he could.
>Jack wasn't sure how many of them there were.
>One? A dozen? Hundreds?
>They moved with such blinding speed that he could never tell.
>It had to be more than one, at least, he told himself.
>No creature, natural or machine, could move so fast as to strike both his chest and his back, in different directions, at the same time.
>Had Aku finally sacrificed the element of terror and intimidation he liked to put into his machines, for the sake of speed and elegance?
>Pure killing machines, nothing made to strike fear from their appearance.
>Only their actions.
>With each hiding spot found, Jack was afforded a few moments of rest, to steady his breath and focus.
>Yet they were becoming more frequently exposed.
>They were learning his patterns, his movements, and he had next to nothing on them.
>Jack had grown careless, and rather than take in his surroundings, fully, from his new hiding spot, he dashed out, hoping to find another area before they caught him.
>The clouds began to part, and the light of the moon shone down into the clearing in the woods that may become his tomb.
>The moment his foot stepped into the light, Jack felt the stinging force of the pursuer slam into his back, launching him into the middle of the illuminated clearing.
>Before he could curse himself for his foolishness, the sound of speed danced around him, and he soon found himself pinned on his back to the ground.
>Seven, there were seven of them.
>One on each arm, straddling his forearms and pressing down on his biceps with their hands, using their weight and exploiting his exhaustion to keep him pinned.
>One on each shin, straddling similarly to his arms.


>A fifth svelte assassin rode on his abdomen, with its thin hands pressed down onto his exposed chest, his clothes have almost all been shredded throughout the pursuit.
>His dignity kept through a minor bit of cloth.
>A pair of warm thighs squeezed around his head, disallowing him from looking around.
>Warmth, that was odd.
>Machines were cold, and hard.
>This one, all of them, were soft and warm.
>He could almost feel blood pumping through the bodies that were pinning him down.
>The seventh stood, staring down at her prey, weapon in hand.
>Her companions looked at her with their same, expressionless, white masks, waiting for her to fulfill the destiny that had been thrust upon them since birth.
>She watched his chest rise and fall rapidly, his heartbeat and heavy breath the only sounds in the clearing.
>He was not a demon, nor magic, nothing.
>He was a man.
>A man who had been terrorizing their great master, Aku, for far too long, and one who had to be dealt with.
>Yet how could a man be the cause of such woe?
>"Do it," one sister said.
>"Finish it," another said with more venom.
>"Kill the samurai!" the six said in unison.
>"No," the standing woman said through her ceramic mask.
>"Do you seek to betray your destiny?" a sister asked.
>"Do you seek to betray us?" another added with a hiss in her voice.
>"No," she repeated. "We will take his life," she clarified, "after we take from him the seeds of life."
>Though they all understood her meaning, it took Jack a few moments to piece together the meaning of the words.
>The women examined Jack from behind their masks.
>Growing up, they had known only women, and their shapes.
>The only man they knew about, was Jack.
>He was constantly on their minds, from birth, through their childhood and teenage years, until now.
>Not one among them could honestly say she hadn't thought about what it would be like.
>"His seed will make our order stronger, strong enough to be worthy of Aku's blessing."

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>Hearing no protest, the standing sister set to begin.
>As the thunder clouds moved in, Jack was granted only a brief glance at her face as the mask was removed, before the light of the moon was eclipsed by the coming storm.
>He saw only flashes of her undressing, thanks to the persistent lightning strikes that signaled the coming rain.
>With every flash, he saw, for only a moment, a new womanly curve.
>Young, perky, full, breasts being exposed.
>The gentle arch of the back.
>The roundness of the hips and butt.
>The long, smooth, stretch of the legs.
>He felt movement on his body.
>As soon as the weight upon his torso was lifted, it returned, though this time he did not feel the cool leather of their catsuits against his flesh.
>Now, against his stomach, he could feel the heat of bare flesh against his own.
>Again, a weight was lifted somewhere on his body, only to be replaced by another woman.
>They took turns, changing positions on his body so that he was always pinned, while one girl undressed.
>The flashes of lightning continued to give him brief glimpses at the changing state.
>One moment he could make out one of the women pinning him down.
>Seconds later, with another flash, she was nude.
>If it was even the same woman.
>Eventually the storm clouds moved far enough away from the moon to let in just enough light to illuminate the scene.
>Seven women, young, firm, tight and nubile, positioned around and against his body.
>He could feel the heat between their legs radiating against his skin.
>One sister licked her ruby lips in hunger.
>Another bit down on her bottom lip in anticipation.
>One's body shuddered with excitement, and another unconsciously moved her hips back and forth, grinding herself against his arm.
>No longer was there a pair of legs wrapped around his head, or a woman being left to stand on her own from him.
>Now two women, one on either side of his chest, clung to him.

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>Arms crossed across his chest, a hand clinging to the shoulder opposite its owner.
>Their legs draped across his legs, giving enough room for both them and the women who pinned his shins down.
>The first sister, the one who could have taken his life, sat on his lap, staring down at him with her almond shaped eyes.
>They were all identical, save for their hair style, but there was character in each.
>In their body movements, in the way they looked at him.
>The subtle twitches and clenches that let him know each was identical, but were individuals.
>The woman on his lap reached back and stripped away his last remaining garments, leaving him now fully exposed to the world and his captors.
>"Prepare him," the woman said before she let herself fall down onto his chest, and thrust her pouty lips against his trembling pair.
>"Yes, Ashi," the two at his legs said in unison.
>He had never felt a pleasure like this before.
>Certainly on his travels, he encountered many beautiful women, and no small amount of them made their attraction to him clear.
>However, he was singular-minded, focusing only on Aku, and never retired to any to their bed.
>Now he was experiencing his first kiss, and from a naked woman and her six, equally bare, sisters, grinding themselves against him.
>The two women on his legs leaned forward, and started to prepare him with their mouths.
>Lips kissing, tongues lapping, mouths sucking.
>It was the first time for all eight people on the ground.
>Though, the daughters of Aku were trained since birth on how to exploit the strengths and weaknesses of the human body.
>Though the training was meant to teach to inflict pain, the line between pleasure and pain was a thin one, and easily crossed.
>Ashi's tongue danced around in his mouth.
>Her inexperience would be noticeable to anyone with experience, but neither of them knew better.
>They only knew that it felt wonderful.


>"He is ready," a pair of twin voices sounded from behind Ashi.
>A trail of saliva connected her lips with Jack's, for a moment, while she pulled back.
>Her sisters kept his cock upright and steady, so that Ashi could move down onto it with as much ease as possible.
>Jack could read the trepidation on her face as soon as his girth began to test the tightness of her.
>These were not warriors who relented, however, and before long she had engulfed him fully into her.
>Things began slow, tender, teasing, testing.
>But they were all quick studies, and Ashi was able to speed things up before Jack could feel any sort of romantic feelings from the slow love making.
>Now she was fucking him.
>Trying to get him to explode and milk him of his warrior's seed.
>Ashi's voice cried out in pleasure, entering into a duet with Jack's own groans of delight.
>He never knew something could feel so good.
>She was so warm, so inviting.
>He wanted to live inside that warmth forever.
>Watching her pleasing shape, and feeling her youthful pussy squeeze him, Jack held out no longer and let forth his precious gift he wanted to save for someone special, someone whom he could grow old with, back in his own time.
>Ashi let out one more powerful, moaning, scream as she felt herself fill up, her own cum mixing with his own.
>At the height of their shared climaxes, the storm came in full, releasing a torrent of rain onto the orgy of virgins.
>Taking a few moments to collect herself, Ashi remembered it was nice to share with your sisters, and started to pull herself off.
>After he fell free of her grip, he saw a single droplet of him try to escape, only for her to catch it and finger it back into herself.
>Not a drop would be wasted that night.
>One by one the other sisters took their turn, demonstrating their pleasure in different ways than the others, further separating each into her own person.

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>Some whimpered and let out little squeaks.
>Others moaned deep and guttural.
>One girl spoke in such fowl language that it caused her sisters to laugh.
>A couple girls used their hands to massage Jack's body as they fucked him, gaining pleasure from the feeling of his muscles, tracing each hill and valley with their fingertips.
>While others derived extra pleasure from massaging their own bodies.
>Loving hands squeezing at their own breasts and thighs, showing Jack just how firm and tender they were.
>With each new woman, the ratio of pleasure and pain began to shift.
>It became harder and harder to keep up, and he was growing sore and dry.
>Yet they would not relent, they would not stop.
>With the fog of pleasure lifting ever so slightly, the pain reminded him of the danger they posed.
>As soon as they were done with him, they would aim to kill him.
>So, Jack decided the only way to escape, was to leave them more exhausted than they would leave him.
>Aided by the slickness of the rain and the distraction of the sex, Jack was able to pull his arms free.
>Yet, he did not use this to push them off.
>Instead, he used the opportunity to throw his hands against his current lover's curves, and aid in her massage.
>The other women were on guard, ready to end this foolish plan, but upon seeing the face of pure pleasure on their sister's face, they thought otherwise.
>Throughout the storm, Jack emptied out into each and every woman, at least twice, while each of them found at least three orgasms.
>In the rain, the most distinguishable characteristic, their hairstyles, was lost, and they all wore the same, wet, look.
>Jack took them from behind.
>Jack struck their behinds.
>He traced their curves with his fingertips and mouth.
>By the storm's end, the eight lay on the wet ground, with eight smiles, sleeping softly.
>As soon as he was certain they were dead asleep, Jack made good on his escape, reluctant though he was.

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Can't believe I forgot to include this pic during the story.
clothing damage is my fetish. Can a story be made out of it or is it best done in games?

Unless the writer is god tier, the visual medium will always be better for sexy stories. That's not to say it's impossible to do in text. It would likely tie in the ENF fetish, too.
In the process of transferring over my non-giantess related content on pastebin to a new pastebin account. The current, Mouths of Babes, account will remain, along with all the giantess content.

All non-giantess related stories will now be found here:


All giantess related stories can still be found here:


All the screengrabs from my past stories include the old link, so I'm going to go through and edit it to include the new one, and compile them into an imgur album to link here, in case anyone wanted the up-to-date versions.
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Good morning bumpanon
Just make a new anchor post to screencap for your new pastebin and I can change them up quickly.
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I wish.

Super cool of you to do that. Totally no obligation, though, so if you decide not to, that's completely fine.
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All my greentext content has been moved to a new pastebin location:


If/when they are turned into full text versions, you can still find them at these locations:


>16 stories on hentai foundry
>Only portrays 5 of them
Well that's annoying


So, I got the first portion of pastebin link updates done, will get to the rest tomorrow.
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On hentaifoundry, story tab on Djinn shows a number of 16, but only 5 stories are published if clicked on

You may have a filter that blocks out any stories that hit certain criteria. At least I hope that's the case. I don't think 11 of my stories are hidden from the public, at least; they got views.
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Much appreciated!
I'm not a registered user, so I wouldn't know of any filters unless there's a wall between registered/unregistered viewable content.

>unless there's a wall between registered/unregistered viewable content.

There shouldn't be, but I know AO3 has that kind of feature, so now I'm going to make sure HF doesn't, and if it does, that it's turned off on my end.

Gave it a test run, just logging out and checking my profile page. Sure enough, only 5 show up. That's something I'll need to try to fix. Thanks for pointing it out!
I can open all of them just fine.

IIRC hentaifoundry does have some default filters, that can be disabled in your settings once you've made an account.

I don't recall what are the filters specifics outside of hiding the futas.

And extra odd wrinkle is that I can search for a story, while on the site as a guest, and it'll appear. It's when you pull up my gallery, as well as when you browse the category it's in, that it doesn't show up. For example the webcomics category says it has 13 stories. While logged in, those 13 appear. While logged out, only 3 do.


Well that severely limits traffic from guests, so that's a shame.

To >>8288387, I would just suggest using the AO3 link and seeing if you can get all the stories that way.
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Day #33

According to the FAQ, "The default content filter settings will block, Lolicon, Shotacon, Teen, Guro, Furry, Beastiality, Other, and Futa (the horror)."

I know some of my stories have the Teen, Other, and Furry tags. I'll go through and see which ones do and if those tags are only semi-related to the story. Otherwise, those will sadly stay hidden from guests (on HF).

So I switched "Super Sexuality" off of teen, because I made a point in the story of stating she was 20 years old, and she's the youngest person in those three chapters. I also did the same for "Riveting Adventures of Roxy Rocket." I'm not sure why that was marked as teen. Oversight on my part.

I also took "Hijinks with Hilareola" and "Misbehaving Misdreavus" down from the "other" category. Though I took "other" to mean "any other fetish that listed already," it's specifically "other offensive content." I don't think clown transformation and a pokemon that is, for all intents and purposes, human in appearance, count as offensive content. Though I may put the Misdreavus one back into "other."

The rest have to stay as teen or furry, because they involve teens or furries.

Looks like the Misdreavus one is also in the teen category, and sure enough, I mention that Ethan is a teenager, so that one will stay filtered for guests.

Sorry for the inconvenience! Was not aware.
finally made some time to read your first story regarding spiderman and Black Cat.

It was...quite something for sure. Had a pretty strong start with the taboo relationship going on, but got a bit weak in the end when he just gave up like that after struggling for so long. There are a few paragraphs that are hella long and could be broken down some, but the detail is pretty spot on, and is handy for someone not too familiar with the marvel series. Counteracting Rogue's sapping powers was pretty damn creative on your part and I liked those scenes, even if lesbians isn't my fetish.

The ending kinda felt like a bad end, as there was (and still is) huge potential for an alternate ending like some other spiderman marvel games. I always imagined him stealing the Symbiote for himself, or the Symbiote taking the opportunity to latch onto Spiderman to fuck, leaving Cat (and possible a number of others) to deal with their actions and have to go save the poor boy from the same lust that overrode Cat. But that's just me.

Thanks for sharing dude. Will look forward to more stuff you write.

Thank you so much for the feedback!

"A Spider's Web" definitely has plenty of faults, as it's the first erotic story I ever wrote, though I do like to think I learned lessons from it. The story growing weaker as it went on isn't surprising, I don't feel I do endings well, but most writers don't.

At the time, I had a huge crush on Rogue (still do), so I definitely wanted to include her, even if it felt a bit forced, since she's X-Men and Black Cat is Spider-Man. Sure it's all the same universe, and same state, but that boundary is still present. Of course, the hardest part of writing Rogue erotica is how do you get her able to fuck? I know a lot of writers just say, "She wears an inhibitor," or "she has control of her powers now, I won't say how," or not even bring it up. Personally, I enjoy the task of trying to figure out either A) how to get her powers under control for at least long enough to have sex, or B) how to have sex when her powers are not in her control. I'm glad you enjoyed the reasoning I gave for her being able to turn her power off.

The ending is definitely bad end. It used to be darker. Originally, Mary Jane is just outright killed. No ceremony to it, her neck is just snapped. Many reviews said they didn't like that. So I went back and tweaked the ending so she just ends up the gimp of the new sexy king and queen of the world. As for the world domination through sex thing...I 'unno, it sounds silly now, so many years later, but I look back on it with some fondness. Your idea of Spidey taking on the Symbiote to save Cat, or the Symbiote just latching onto him once it has the opportunity, and other characters having to deal with that would have been a great ending, honestly. I'm sorry I didn't go with that one. Far more room for more chapters with that than with what I did.
Well that I think is one of the magic of the marvel universe, the multiuniverse theory, meaning that more than one endings can and will happen, although it is pretty ironic since the evil end of Spider-Man web of shadows had him leading an army of symbiots in New York to cover the world, and he can turn Black Cat into one too during the game.

It has been a while since I last actually read/seen a succubus do her job until the end (fuck men until their life essence is fully drained, rip them), which was a nice touch for me too.

Would chat more directly with ya, but Ao3 doesn't have a messaging system and I'm too lazy to go and register for hentai foundry

>Well that I think is one of the magic of the marvel universe, the multiuniverse theory, meaning that more than one endings can and will happen

If I ever decide to revisit that story (I probably won't, not unless I finish up every other story that came after it), that ending is something I will definitely want to draw from.

And feel free to shoot me any questions, and especially any comments about my stories, here.
Midnight bunp
Noon bump from commieland.
Welcome to the light of day, capitalist scum
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Arright, here comes the rest of pastebin updates.
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It's been a while, but I request a story about adult Simba transforming into a gassy, female warthog and then having sex with Pumbaa.
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(oops, used the wrong image there for a moment)

Day #34

Anyone know any stories like this without the role reversal?
Pet play/converting people into pets? Not that I know of.
Just read the Ooo baby (adventure time?) story.
This one was quite heavier on the exposition before the lewd, even for someone unfamiliar with the series. Details are still pretty good, but that backstory was a tad too much for my taste. There may be a better way to do that type of info dump, such as Bubblegum looking at pictures of Finn with Marceline, which would remind her of her fling with that vampire (cur small dump there), or even her monologuing some like what some scientists do.
While the story was hot truthfully though I think the surprise got totally ruined by Marceline coming in from above and chatting before they tied the knot. Personally I think Princess should have tried mounting Finn, only to be overwhelmed and cum hard, questioning how it is possible before Marceline appears and then threesome intensifies. That would prevent exposition from hindering what would be a really hot scene.

Tldr get the time and place to do info dumps. Beware of heavy loads in one sitting, especially during the smut scenes.

On a general note, I noticed that your recent writing/greens assume that people are super experienced and had sex on more than one occasion. While that is fine, it might not be a good idea to mention that during the smut so that the reader can make their own guess as to how experienced the folks are. Plus it kinda kills some tension talking about sex partners during smut. I mean, would you be turned on if your girlfriend/boyfriend talked nonstop about how they and their ex fucked like rabbits?

I.e: in the skyla greentext, she probably did tease and did HJ/titjobs for trainers, which is fine, but then the narrative added the time she had sex with some big dicked dude. That hurt my arousal some, since I assumed Skyla was still a virgin up until that point, albeit a lewd one. Tbh I still wanna see her as a virgin, though I am biased since skyla gets raped/loses virginity quite a lot in these threads.

Just a couple of notes to me.

Appreciate the feedback!

>This one was quite heavier on the exposition before the lewd, even for someone unfamiliar with the series.

I have noticed I am eager to do exposition in some cases. In this one, the requester simply wanted a story where Finn was naturally gifted at sex, much to PB's chagrin, and to possibly include Marceline. My natural inclination is to give more backstory and reasoning to a smut rather than very little, or none at all. Maybe I'm trying to add legitimacy or "realism" to it? I dunno, but I do think I've gotten better at both A) avoiding heavy exposition, and B) avoiding unnecessary backstory. The picture prompts I've done helps a lot with B. A just came from time and getting over myself.

>While the story was hot truthfully though I think the surprise got totally ruined by Marceline coming in from above and chatting before they tied the knot.

I still prefer Marcy coming in after the blowjob, and before PB can try fucking Finn, because I felt it added something of a "I bet you can't outlast him" challenge from Marcy to her, but I do see what you're saying. It broke up the sex flow, causing some of the "heat" to cool.

>On a general note, I noticed that your recent writing/greens assume that people are super experienced and had sex on more than one occasion.

Honestly can't recall many instances other than the one you gave where I do that, though I do see I have done it more than enough times to make a note of it. These were done not so much to set up that a character is a slut, but to act as some motivation from one or more characters. Like Wonder Woman and Superman recalling all their past partners is necessary to that story. Triana does so because it's a cuckolding (I think?) story. But as for Skyla...yea I'm not sure why I added that.

It's something I'll keep in mind, though, thanks!
Yeah the superheroes make sense since they get into lewd shenanigans almost all the time in DC comics/Marvel, so it wouldn't be a surprise if they had experience. Plus the truth rope kinda had it be needed. Just do a double check every now and then to make sure what you got is needed, but not overly so (or with the OR for experience level).

In fact, can you remove that big dick in skyla bit in the narrative story if you got the time? Rereading it again it sticks out too much and kinda dampens the ending because of the promise the trainer made of 'taking something precious.'

My strategy for exposition is usually to inject it at appropriate parts, whether by letting character interactions show exposition (feels more natural than narrator explaining for audience) or during a break/transaction in-between nonsmut scenes. To be fair, your recent stories do have a better job at spacing out what needs to be explained.

I still like the stuff you make, so glad you're open to taking some critique.

>In fact, can you remove that big dick in skyla bit in the narrative story if you got the time?

I'll go back through, read over it, and see if it really does feel out of place. If so, I can edit that out, no problem. It's not necessary to the plot, after all.

>I still like the stuff you make, so glad you're open to taking some critique.

Glad you've enjoyed what I've written, and always happy to hear more thoughts on the content.
were there ever any greentexts done with a deathclaw from fallout 4? like the models Scrungusbungus uses in his sfm animations?
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>Have an extremely long degenerate mess planned out
>have little desire to write these days even though people liked it
>despite the fact it was full of degenerate deviantart tier fetish shit
>because i write good
>Not sure if i should continue it simply because it's what I know best


If writing makes you happy, then yes. If having others read your work, and enjoy it, makes you happy, then yes. If neither of those, then it's hard to justify.

As the saying goes, writers hate writing, but love having written.
Cool. Thanks for the consideration.
Y'know it has been a while since I provided feedback like this outside of grammar checks. If you don't mind, I think I might take a look at each of the published stories once a day and see if there are any pointers I can make.

Do you have any specific order you'd like me to read?
>As the saying goes, writers hate writing, but love having written.
That's the complete opposite for me. I find the process fun, but the end result pisses me off. There's not a single one I can look back on and say "This isn't completely awful and doesn't enrage me."

Go for it, sounds great! No order that I can think of. Maybe the shorter one-offs first, might be easier.
So did you look at the scene I talked about?

Not yet, but once I get some things done around the apartment, I plan to.

Went back to check on the paragraph in question. Wasn't as long as I had expected it to be, but I can see how it feels out of place. Mostly because I mentioned how it was big enough to push up against her stomach from the inside. Probably a bit much. So just snipped it, and the mention of her comparing the trainer's size to other trainers' in the past.
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Day #35
sounds good. Make sure to update the Ao3 version too with the change for consistency.
...I think I'll try something with this.
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Might I request a story based on this?

> Make sure to update the Ao3 version too with the change for consistency.

Will do.

>...I think I'll try something with this.

Please do!

You'll have to offer up some more details about who the characters are, and what you're looking for in the story.
Just read Boob tube (Jessica Rabbit).
Wew lawd, whoever that requested this story had one hell of a lip fetish. Her lips made one hell of a mess for the lucky man, with the kiss, I think, being the strongest part of the scene in terms of control. While blowjobs aren't my favorite things to read, this one adds a lot of detail that practically smears itself into my mind each paragraph so much that it makes me shudder.

While I did make some critique before about mentioning previous experiences with partners (>>8310956), I believe the comparison between toon dicks and human dicks work better in context here to highlight the differences of drawn vs. real (with the latter being far more desirable), though if I recall she is married to Roger Rabbit, so it did come off a bit weird to me that she sucked multiple toon dicks. To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if that detail was left out to avoid potential cucking. Plus I did find it amusing about the mention of toon cum being signs, confetti, or food. Guess even in porn toons make me laugh.

Decided to focus on a shorter story this time since I'm fighting a cold, but overall this one makes for a strong one-off. Personally I'm more fond of Jessica's tits than her lips, but that red can draw you in very well.
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It's complicated. It does, but my drive to do anything at all is basically zero because of my fear of screwing up, things not going my way, or something going wrong because what doesn't these days.

Well, that's only part of it, but... Yeah.

Yea, if I recall the requester wanted it purely a blowjob, otherwise I'm sure I would have included a titjob. I mean, it's Jessica Rabbit. Happy you enjoyed both the sex and the jokes! I used a similar idea of "funny" sex with the clown transformation story, which was a lot of fun to write.
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Day #36
Hello fellow writefags, I have a little problem. Lately I've been having the urge to write smut after a long time and although I still remember the basics, the problem is this: both characters in this story are virgins and I have no idea of how to write about their first time and make it believable. I keep getting mixed opinions on how first times go, some say that they can't be enjoyable EVER and others say that they can be pretty great. Who do I trust?
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You trust the one that arouses you more
Strange opinions personally, especially ones split like that. Honestly the best I can suggest is this: take it slow. Assuming it is their first time, they would take their foreplay slow and consensual. Y'know, kissing, touching, reassuring, that kind of stuff. Maybe even warn the partner if they're moving too fast/too hard. From my limited time writing and a lot of time reading, slow and steady for a first time usually wins the race. Whether they enjoy it or not is up to you, as it is mostly a learning experience for everyone. Some things work, others not so much. I assume it would be enjoyable to some degree; otherwise why else would they fug?
Thanks for the advice! Sometimes it's hard to know what to do with so many different opinions but in the end, I'm the one who should feel comfortable with what I write, right? I'll definitely keep what you said in mind
I was hoping for some Scantybad using Ben as a living sex toy, teasing him with her mouth, dropping him down her shirt, stuffing him up her pussy. Ben is a cocky dude so he's trying to give as good as gets.

Like the above anon said, taking it slow makes it the most relatable. Also, depending on how confident your characters are, it will be awkward. Embarassing seeing each other naked, with a lot bashful covering up of their bits. Probably going to do it under the covers. Might try doing something they saw in a porno and realizing it doesn't work.

Other things to keep in mind is it will likely be a bit painful for the girl (I assume this is a M/F pairing). If she's never gone deep with fingers or a dildo, she'll likely have a hymen to break. The guy will also likely not hit the mark right away. She might need to guide him in. Also he's guaranteed to cum (unless they just give up half way through), but she might not. The emotional attachment might be enough to get her over the hump, however.

Although it can be embarrassing, painful, and awkward, assuming these characters care about each other, they will enjoy themselves immensely.


I'm not too familiar with the characters, so I'd have to do some research, but I've worked with giantess stuff before, so I can probably do something along those lines.
>The life of an orc was a simple one.
>Raid the enemy for the warlord at any cost.
>Death is only an inconvenience to an orc in battle
>You will be revived by the great one and try again until you and your brethren succeed
>What you did not expect was getting mounted by the enemy, almost literally
>This elf, rather than shooting you down with the arrows on her side or even a knife to your neck, chose to immobilize you with dart poison
>While you were down, something else rose in your place however, making your loincloth relatively useless
>To say it was quite the shock seeing her disrobe in front of you is an understatement
>You almost had a heart attack when she decides to sit down right on your rock-hard pecker
>No words were said between the enemy and you, but the way her red eyes were leering at you were not of anger or of any grudge you know
>They almost seemed like she wanted something, and that she was going to get it from you
>Was she a thief? You had no valuable belongings on you other than your weapon and what (little) you wore on your body.
>She positions herself on the tip of your-
>Oh shit
>Is she seriously going to
>The slam she just made onto your pelvis confirms it
>The first roar of the forest came out from you
>No amount of training or orders from the warlord could have prepared you for this turn of events
if you're Djinn I got a question for you. A few threads back you said you had NieR Automata in your games to play query right? How far did you get in the game?

Just yesterday I got endings D and E, although I chickened out of officially getting E, as I wanted to get everything else done first. So right now, Nier 2 is a game I play in my off time, cleaning up side quests, finding weapons, and getting the 21 "joke" endings.
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I recently got around to reading up some info about the game too, and the concept is...interesting to say the least. I might play the previous Nier game to get a better grasp before diving into Automata.
Just asked because I came across a rather amusing pic that might be fun for you to greentext about 2B 'training' 9S to quit being troubled over her ass n' thighs (or more like her having fun with his emotions, if you don't mind a bit of OOC).
Up to you as to what she does, but I recommend one 'lesson' involving spanking android booty as a means to 'resist'
Would you fuck off already?
Fuck I hate my work schedule for both influencing and getting in the way of my inspiration

Women teasing men, sexually? Taunting them with their bodies? Oh yea, I can work with that. No promises, but it's a concept I'm going to mull over, see if I get that ol' spark of motivation.

I do come the crossroads of deciding whether or not to give them genitals. I mean, they have no reason they should have them, and seeing Adam naked he definitely doesn't, but of course his conditions of birth are different than the other androids. But at the same time, androids have blood, so they aren't lacking in unnecessary elements.

Also it's smut, so genitals should be in there, but it almost might be fun to do smut where neither character has any sexual organs, just thoughts. I dunno, I gotta mull it over, get some other opinions.

In the mean time, I'll just keep collecting 2B ass pictures.
>I might play the previous Nier game to get a better grasp before diving into Automata.
They aren't really related at all.
Midday bump.
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(Note: Might contain spoilers for Automata for people that didn't play through the first ending.)

Hmm...personally I think they do. If androids are modeled after humans, they might have the same parts. Adam and Eve are probably the exception at most, what with them bring (made?) out of robots mimicking humans. They might not function for the same purpose (procreation/giving birth) but they would be there. Plus why the hell would androids be given chests and ass for days if there was no advantage for having them? There is some implication that androids do get into relationships so they must get something more than emotional benefit out of it. But that is just my thoughts.


"You want to *** 2B, don't you?"
Just read sequencial discoveries (scarlet).
It is always a giddy feeling reading a woman discovering sex for the first time. Scarlet seemed so innocent and unaware here that it was kinda adorable. I haven't read the webcomic, but I think you portrayed the characters good enough. No sex for you was the most amusing scene since I instantly thought of the soup Nazi fellow from Seinfeld, followed by Art's reaction.
Scarlet trying on lewd underwear and clothing was also a mix of cute and lewd too since it helps capture more of her behavior while also giving hints and description of her body type.

Interestingly I feel like this one's smut was weaker than the other stories I reviewed from you. The introduction to masturbation was abridged down, which is a shame since I wondered how Scarlet and Kat would feel like teaching the technique while aroused. Threesome had some impact to that weakness too, with some of the more usual scenes being abridged (guy comes from BJ scene, Scarlet's first time scene, lesbian scene, etc). Maybe the story was getting long or you were more interested in capturing the character's essence, but it is notable to me. Just my thoughts anyway.

That's more or less the conclusion I came to, that they probably have genitals for the same reason they have anything else that isn't necessary to their motor functions - because they can.


The smut being minimal is a criticism I had received before on that story, so you're not alone. That was written back years ago, where I would type out stories in one sitting. I did this because I felt this allowed the idea to come out unfiltered, undiluted, and pure. It's also why I didn't do edits during a proof read, if I did it at all.

It was a dumb idea, to say the least, but one I've thankfully grown out of. The consequences of the one-sitting practice was I would, actually, get tired, and just wanted to get to the finish line as soon as possible. So I would end up with a lot of foreplay, but very little penetration, to use a fitting metaphor.

Still, I think it worked out well for that story, specifically, because it was mostly about Scarlet learning about sexuality, rather than having a week-long orgy.

Super Sexuality is also another "discovering sex" story, though far less innocent. It's less about Kara learning about what sex is, and rather how to have sex without crushing a guy's dick mid-coitus.
Oh yeah I saw that on Ao3. Tried reading it overnight but couldn't focus. Might give it another go tonight...probably as soon as I can get this orc green wrapped up or so.
w h a t e v e r
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Day #37
working on something,

woman goes into a job seminar and transforms every into anthros
Good morning bumpanon.
I need a life
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Requesting a story about a Tapu Lele trying to seduce her trainer with outdated wooing techniques
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Bumping with another attempt at this Ava's Demon request. A prompt, outline and picture for somebody to write from.

I actually like this story. Also helps that this is literally the first Sectonia story written. If you don't mind, I think I'll try expanding on this green as a whole once I get my writing mojo back.

By all means, please do. I'm honestly delighted by the idea of someone continuing off of a story I did.
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Day #38
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I didn't even know this thing existed.
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>not keeping up with the waifumons

One character's sole motivation in Sun&Moon is that she wants, /and gets/, some space jellyfish mon tentacles all up inside of her.
I knew of this one, Lurantis, and Salazzle.
Shame I didn't know of Tapu, it's fairly cute.
still meh
Who interested in the obscure kink of inanimate transformation?

"Oh, lord, oh fuck. This really, really sucks." Miina thought this semtiment to be unfair, or at least she would have if he had been actually talking. Penko's communication options were quite limited as he struggled in his new body which lacked the critical organ of a mouth. The sensation of actions felt a lot like they did when he was human, but without any lips to part or vocal chords to stretch, he was making some lame progress expressing his feelings about his form, caused by the brat standing above him. Said brat was quite enjoying her ability to articulate at the moment, the air filling with dumb, petty gloating. "Ha! Take that fuckin' nerd; that's what you get 'fashion-expert'!"
Despite her childish boasting, Miina didn't have too much malicious intent in her, at least, more malicious than were her actions. The short gal', dressed in a horridly unmatching raindow skirt, long-sleve sweater, and bunny beanie was fully responsible for the pain of the boy in front of her. After a breif spat with the visually-offended Penko, the girl had no hesitation in employing some of her mystic powers for some ironic punishment. Moments after a bizarre chant that worried the once-man about her mental stability, he found his muscles cramping and his stomach churning as his body began to meld, fold, and morph into the state she described in the acient tounge of the Xaeranios (direct translation: 'Transformation Pervs'). Within a few whiplash inducing moments, he found himself to be transformed into a cute, sylish red & black plush stiletto heel. At least, that's what he could gather from the little bit he heard the brat screaming about. Her method of transformation left him with his senses, merely relocating his organs and appendages and changing their material being, and his facial organs were displaced to the shoe's sole, allowing him a clear view of the black, lightless ground.
This all was already extremely uncomfterable, but Penko found something else about his footwear found much more intolerable. Miina's choices to shape him mostly relied on how his human body structure used to be, face down at the sole and back arched to form the in-sole, but his legs crossed back over his arched-back to form its leather body. She formed the sizable heel itself from the most similar apendage and, being affected by gravity and human feeling just the same in this form, Penko was struggling to keep his sanity supporting his weight with only his face and his manhood. Furthermore, the matter of propotions in transformation allowed for little leniancy, so his cock was trobbingly sensitive from being basically stretched out and forced to maintain a rock solid erection. The young and brash Miina had no idea how poor her choice was. She didn't see any reason for him to complain; she turned him into something totally cute, after all. After finally finishing her obnoxious victory speech, she picked up the heel by its heel, releaving him of the horrid pressure. Of course, the brat was nowhere near finished with her lesson. Grinning a cresent-moon of braced teeth, she bounched along the medow toward her home, nausiatingly jiggling the footwear along with her.
Miina's shack was a tiny, makeshift home filled to the brim with things, but with practically nothing of interest. Toys, clothes, tomes, and electronics littered the ground, but this didn't seem to bother the deftly moving girl, who navigated her floor barefoot without any issue. Setting Penko at the floor of her desk, she happily sighed as she rooted out an indentical heel from a pile beside and set herself to equipping the shoes. Miina was a lithe shortie, but the moment she stood the transmogified boy had no idea how he was going to stand it. Her weight bore down on his back and actively pressed his face into the hardwood floor on her hut. "Uh-huh, uh-huh. Pretty hurts, doesn't 'et~", Miina slurred, sadisticly dragging her foot across the floor. Her movements weren't quite as graceful, but she began to navigate through her home at a somewhat constant rate, wobbilly lifting her feet in the hair and dropping them to the ground with a solid clack. Penko found the task miserable. Every time she lifted her leg the weight was taken from him, but his face scraped against the wooden floor in the most terrible ways as she pulled back to step forward. Her foot was securely wrapped within his 'legs', and, though he had no control of it, he felt his mucles tense and ache as they reacted to tighten and hold her.
Only adding to his overstimulation was the fact that the tip of his shaft was being endlessly teased, simulated, and rammed into the floor. He was disgustingly turned on and hormonal through no fault of his own (he certainly didn't like being tramped by the brat) but simply by the fact his manhood was forced into its aroused state. He was saved to humilation of revealing his sexuality by his new body, which gave him no ability to achieve release. More and more stimulation was applied as the girl gained confidence in her ability to strut her new footwear, leaving the house and going out into the windy wilds. If in a human state, Penko would have ejaculated instantly, but he could only be tortured by the intense and only unceasing arousal to no avail. Miina was planning on turning back, but she was surprised at just how much she enjoyed walking in the heels. She did need to make a quick trip to the marketplace... surely, if she enjoyed it so much, he could stand to be a cute shoe for a few hours, yes? Breaking into a sprint, she was off, taking the suffering shoe with her.
Three painstaking hours later, the girl returned carring a cartload of supplies. Finally, finally home! Her feet ached and were covered in sweat... what a busy day, and why did she decide to go in such high-rise shoes!? Miina took off the sore-inducing footwear as she entered her home and threw them into the heap of junk sitting in the center before leaping onto her matress and passing out. The thought of the rube boy hadn't even crossed her mind for those long, painstaking hours. In fact, the scatterbrained Miina forgot about him completely; how silly! Oh well, she'd be sure to find him and (maybe) remember what she did in a few months when she actually cleaned the place.

>Who interested in the obscure kink of inanimate transformation?
Interested but I'm about to pass out right after giving off this bump so I'll give a read later
Just read the kid Icarus uprising story.

Did you play the game? These character interactions and banter are pretty damn good and almost represent their game counterparts, save for of course phosphora's increased desire for angel dick. The face sit quick scene amused me the most, as if she was marking her territory on his face.

Although the belly centered story has me questioning whether an average woman's belly is soft to the touch (fat) or tight to the touch (muscle), assuming she does a few exercises to keep fit, but not so much as to develop abs. Had some difficulty picking it up throughout the story (soft/firm, tight/relaxed), even in the amazing details being put in, so perhaps some clarity can be added there, somewhere.

I saw this being made in the thread, so the difference in quality between your early stuff and now is really evident, so you definetly came a long way.

Also apologies for late review. Sickness got the best of me and spent the day sleeping.
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I can't really give feedback as I'm not a writer nor is this my fetish, but this seems fairly competent. It's put together nicely with descriptive wording.
Though, there are a few typos like "Semtiment", "Breif", "Bounched", and "Medow", so running it through a spellcheck wouldn't hurt.

Brutal ending

I have not played the games, no. I let the OR know that, in case they were worried about misrepresentation of the characters, but they were helpful in directing me toward some wikis, along with a youtube link that included the bulk of the three characters' scenes together. Happy to hear I nailed down their personalities!

Her stomach would be soft to the touch, a gentle, caressing touch. Put a little more pressure on, and Pit would be able to feel the tightness of her abs beneath. It wasn't so much a six pack she had going on, but a stomach that, say, a yoga instructor might have. I'll keep in mind that I need to be more clear with descriptions like that, because it's not the first time I've described something as both soft and firm.

And as always, thanks for the feedback!


I swear, as soon as I'm about to finish typing up a post, a new bump comes in.
>I swear, as soon as I'm about to finish typing up a post, a new bump comes in
I always bump at page 8 just so I don't forget. If I see other people bumping I'll usually lay off unless it hits 10.
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Day #39
more of the same
oh well
I should have proofread but I got lazy so I DIDN'T. Thanx 4 reading.
Good morning, bumpanon
I've got nothing better to do

Well I mean I could get around to reading that inanimate thing up above orrrr to write my own stuff I've had in mind for like a month but meh.
I just submitted a full text version of the Sectonia story to my HF and AO3 accounts. My plan, right now, is to submit one story a week, so as to space out what content I have, and give me time to edit each one without feeling rushed (by myself).

I was going to start with my own Cia story, but for some reason the way I wrote it means I have to do a lot more editing of that one than I would have to do with others, so it'll have to wait.
>117 words
Even sealing off the internet doesnt help when every computer has solitaire and minesweeper...
Someone post stepanon's 24 verses.

Never delete, and plan the beginning and the ending first.

We can say this about any kind of work.

Perfectionism is a bitch.
Hm okay, pretty interesting.

Feels like it could use more detailed descriptiveness on the process, and on the sensations for more lewdness - buut that may be more personal preference, I purple it the fuck up (in the total of one thing I managed to complete that is https://pastebin.com/2nPdmgxR)
aand bump from page nine.

Day #40
Tale of Two Rulers is a fun read for this ship.
Let your gay dead thread die if there's no interest
I'm gonna start bumping more just to spite you

There's interest. It's just, as writers, we naturally procrastinate.
A lot.
So this dude on FA wrote a story for this picture of mine, but I took a look through it to find it was horribly ESL. Could someone take a crack at detangling the work?

"Amethyst was stuck in the Pillory; how did they get there you ask? It is simple, they were hired to a female strict job in a company that satisfies its costumers constantly and that is how they made money, using females and the pleasure of their costumers! Well, Amethyst loved to just constantly be fucked or taste a cock or two, he dressed to look as feminine as possible to get hired for the job. However though, the first costumer he got was very angry that he got a male instead of one of the females that he was promised.

The result of that was the company CEO got the owl into the Pillory for a public execution. The executioner turned out to the costumer who reported Amethyst for being a male rather than female. Amethyst surprised sighed as they knew what had to be done, they willingly opened their mouth as the costumer would slowly and excruciatingly push their cock into Amethyst’s throat. Amethyst did everything to please the costumer as they wanted to at least do one more thing before they ended up being nothing but a corpse.

Amethyst licked and gagged around the cock constantly as they began to slowly choke, thus their instinct would kick in as they struggled for air by trying to pull back only for Amethyst’s head to be met with the wood that is blocking their exit for air. The Costumer didn’t like the struggling and would headlock Amethyst in place so that they couldn’t move their head. Amethyst continued to please the costumer as much as he could but slowly began to grow weak with a blue blush finally showing up on their face. Finally, the costumer did something that make Amethyst gag violently before they let the bile of their stomach out making the most satisfying choking sounds in the process.
"Although the costumer disgusted didn’t want to go unfinished he would start pumping cum into Amethyst’s throat which just mixed with the bile slightly, all the cum was being pumped straight to the stomach and the owl began to feel their heart slow down as the costumer smiled warmly. At that instant, Amethyst would go limp, twitching now and then as their body was desperate for the air that would never come to them and finally succumbing to their death, all because they wanted a cock or two."
I don't know whether beak counts as teeth and I don't want to know what the green stuff is.
I was gonna say vomit, but birds upchuck pellets, so I really don't know
Bile, yeah. Maybe bad choice on the character's part, but the imagery was pretty hot.
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Requesting some greninja foot growth/self-worship
Feet should grow to around the size of his head
Feet should be both sweaty and musky (vague while normal but definitely noticeable once grown)
Worship should either be foot sniffing then foot licking or vice versa
Just read that story.

I'm surprised no one made stories based off such a beautiful Kirby boss. What with her insect tendencies, backstory, and bee boob hearts you'd think she be perfect for those kind of stories.

Story wise, make sure not to spoil a plot point that soon (telling the audience that breaking him in would be difficult without her actually trying it yet).

It is kinda amusing how she tried initially treating him like a doll (decorating him, collar up) before human refuses to play along.

Suggestive wise, the detail of her tit grope upon the 'try kinetic approach' scene is a bit missing, in comparison to how her chest size/texture was built up earlier, along with the underuse of her backside.

Honestly I never imagined her blue patterns being removable. The heart/chest plate yeah, though the removal until she was all yellow was something I wasn't prepared for. Kinda weird.

Smutwise it felt quicker compared to the other new stuff. Kinda sad, since it would be fun seeing how you mess around with the size difference (massive titjob, whether using entire body, humping a tit and making a mess on her chest, actually using her bug butt as a bouncy fap material, etc).

So while the smut was fine, I think this story suffered quite a bit from missed opportunities. Maybe they can be added in the future or in other works, but that'd be up to you.

I agree. The lacking of certain elements comes from never having done a story about a character like that. I've done furry, but only ever the characters from Sequential Art, which, while technically furry, have a mostly human shape. Sectonia is more bee than anything. So I was unsure of my ability to accomplish what the poster wanted me to do, but they seemed happy with it in the end, so I was satisfied. I agree I could have added more to it, though, description wise. Maybe I'll go back in and edit it, after I'm doing converting everything else into full text.
Is anyone is open to requests involving traps and Monstergirls?
Are you that guy with "monstergirls are instant orgasms, so they try to have gays have sex with them to last longer"?
night write
Shh, there is no writing here, only bumps in the night.
Just voice your ideas mate.
Well if you do, make a note of that somewhere, especially since this is technically the first smut written about the giant bee/wasp thing, ever.

What else do you have in your convert list?
I posted this back here in late January but I picked it up again, I could use some criticism no matter how harsh


(disclaimer: no fugs involved)
I've been following this story since its first posting here. Assuming it's still based on 'alien' it feels like the added parts might soon deviate completely from the original plot of the series after they all realize they are androids. Not sure if it is a good thing or bad, depending on what your intent is.

Actually, in hindsight that might be bad, because now as a reader I have no idea where you want to take this story if you are deviating from Alien's main selling point: dealing with the alien that the company always tries capturing. I think going any farther away from Alien (focusing too much on Android realization/purpose/meaning of life) may make the Alien fanfic...not a fanfic, better off as its own story. Look into that will you?
>Dallas pouts for a chapter or two, has the idea to drop the ore refinery on the original crashed alien ship to destroy it, everyone agrees and has a last huzzah.

>At that point, Weyland-Yutani realize something has gone horribly wrong with the android experiment, which was supposed to be viable due to "record glitching" not officially listing the Nostromo as destroyed, something that can be swept under the rug once it's all done and everyone's powered off. An outlying WY-PMC ship chases and boards them, and the android crew turn into renegades set on damaging Weyland-Yutani, in honor of their fallen biological counterparts (originals).

At least, that's the plan. Not many details ironed out before that, but after all it's fanfiction, not a rewrite of the original movie (the "Ron Cobb" stuff is just a meme that I made, if he was in charge of the movie back in 1979 he said he'd be more enamored with the android/s than the actual alien, since it was Giger's pet basically).

But anyways, it's set after the events of Aliens, which means both Alien 1&2 still have happened, landing and all. It'll be revealed in the story at some point, once the crew gets released into a public space station and they find out the year isn't 2131, but rather 2189ish. Whole story centers on the android crew becoming a resistance against Weyland-Yutani.

Thank you for your interest though, let me know what you think of the above
That does clear up the question some. I don't quite remember the movies all too well, but I guess it sounds good to me. I'm not sure if the movies bothered developing the company, so it could do to make some insight into their business.

Everything that's on my pastebin that is not yet on my HF/AO3 accounts.
bumping this request because it sounds hot as fuck
neat stuff in here
Yeah, unfortunately low general activity.
>Collecting 2B ass pics
The album can't come soon enough
it will pick up eventually

Day #42
Requesting some greninja hyper pregnancy/growth
Details/plot progression:
>greninja buys a(n alleged) cloning jutsu scroll
>she tries it out at home, and once it's performed she starts wondering why there's pressure in her breasts and belly
>she's also starting to get aroused
>both her breasts and belly are expanding, her tits almost the size of cantaloupes and her belly looking almost 7 months pregnant
>she then realizes something is wrong with her body and starts panicking
>her fear eventually gets replaced with lust, and she starts thinking about masturbating
>she begins fapping, with her gut and tits speeding up in growth
>she orgasms, and while she's winding down she realizes her growth has stopped, her breasts as large as watermelons and her belly the size of an exercise ball
>she then feels kicks inside her belly, and sloshing is heard from her tits
>she realizes she's now pregnant
>as she wonders how to cope with this, a sharp pain is felt in both her abdomen and tits, which is quickly being replaced with lust
>her belly starts to pulse and soon lurches out in size, the same thing happening to her breasts too
>she spontaneously orgasms from this
>this repeats a few more times with the growth spurts increasing in strength each time
>her growth is almost done, but she feels one last growth spurt at the end
>that spurt is massive, her body almost literally exploding in size
>her growth is finally done, her tits the size of exercise balls, her nipples as large as paint cans, and her gut nearly 1.5 times her height
>she decides to have a closer look at that scroll
>it's a legit cloning jutsu, but it's done in a rather unorthodox way
>the user basically becomes pregnant with clones of themselves, with orgasms increasing the number of clones
>once she realizes this she hopes that she'll go into labor soon
Tbh that's pretty curious.
Just read Super Sexuality.
Well this story took a different turn than what I expected. Honestly thought she would go on a fucking spree of sexual frustration villains, to the point they had to beg the justice league for help. Found it amusing how Kara was exposed to rough sex in one and more tamer sex in the next. Makes for a nice contrast in-between chapters.
Honestly my favorite scene is the payback Kate gave to Batman, leaving him hot and bothered after the 'one time' deal. The cat and mouse teasing game was pretty amusing, but at the same time shows evidence of her having some more control over her horniness, whether from the fucks she received or just the morning after effect.
...You'd think super man would be super pissed about her lewding up Batman and Wonder woman like that if he has super smell.

Nothing really strikes me as odd or off putting in what you have written for this so far.
Although for third chapter I do have a question: Is Kara a lesbian/had experience with women in your story? I think an alternate third chapter to contrast the other two would be her exploring such a thing/opportunity rather than be part of a peepshow with Ivy/Quinn. Sure Wonder woman was there, but the drug played into effect. Still not into lesbians, but
>80 inches of titflesh being played with
*Sweating intensifies*
Question: Do RPs count for write-faggotry? I have a few good ones going at the moment.
Yes. Even if it didn't, this place is dead as fuck so might as well post it them anyways.
Hmm want to request something with Jessica now

>Although for third chapter I do have a question: Is Kara a lesbian/had experience with women in your story?

She had never had sexual experiences with women before that moment, no. I didn't decide whether or not she had ever been attracted to women, though. I think I put in a line about Ivy's toxin wearing off half way through, but WW and Kara kept going at it, so that's my "Well, she's into girls now at least" line.

Happy you enjoyed it, overall! I did think about sending her on an angry-dick hunt across the Justice League's rogue gallery, but I'm happy with the direction I took. I wanted her to see that there were ways she could have satisfying sex without having to only target those with strength that matches her (of which there are few). Even though she does end up with someone who can match her strength, by the end of chapter 3, I like to think that even if WW wasn't super strong, she'd still be able to help Kara get off.

Of all my stories, I think that one gets the most requests for another chapter, so if/when I can come up with an idea for one, I'll likely continue her sexual exploration adventures.
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Hmm, alright
RP 1: My OC, a tiger named Kinskie, owns an adult theater which has live acts each week, he's been taking auditions recently and found a sheep gal who is a dom and paired her up with another well known dom from the stage, their act will entail her breaking him down on stage. (This one is sort of dead in the water because my the people I'm rp'ing with seem to never be on.)

RP 2: another OC, a neko girl explores uncharted planets to find places suitable to host colonies, it's an extremely dangerous job but she rushes in head first, however this usually ends up being a bad end of some kind. However, unbeknownst to her, the company she works for has cloned her a number of times, and any time one of them become expired or is no longer able to explore due to impregnation or some other status effect they wake up a new clone and send her out. Her body is outfitted with a number of implants designed to gather information and make her more responsive to some of the more dangerous / lewd acts that exploration might entail. So far in the RP she has been cloned 4 times, the first was turned into an incubator for the eggs of a plant like hive mind, the second was mauled by the local wild life, the 3rd was taken and impregnated by the locals, and the 4th is currently alive, but she and her vessel were seized by space pirates and now she's the duck toy for the crew.

RP 3: literally just Scales vs Furs, a lizard army has overrun a feline kingdom as has been enslaving the race and with their prince and princess, the prince is being feminized and being used to break the spirit of the feline people, the princess is given to the lizard army as a toy to help raise their moral

3 is my favorite so far, pic related is my OC Kins
Roserade full text is complete. I think it turned out nicely, for a nonstop smutfest. Next after that is going to be the Tiff Krust story, and then Olivia, or vice versa. Tiff is shorter and easier to edit. Olivia is longer, and thus will take more time.
Was it posted yet? Don't see it on Ao3
Oh snap. OR of Olivia here. Been lurking for a while waiting on that narrative. Will definitely keep an eye out. Will also paste this reminder now that it might be relevant.
In case a reminder for Olivia narrative...
>I did note that I glossed over the baby steps of showing Olivia how a relationship works. That's my bad, but if/when I make this into a full narrative, I'll slip that in.
>do you think you can give him the stamina to also cum inside her pussy as well?

Day #43
>the unorthodoxal way to share souls from hunting
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Towergirls Dog Princess watersports/scent kint fanfic: >>8473983

If anybody actually wants to read this they're probably on /trash/.
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I wish we had more fics for Gunnerkrigg Court but I don't even know any writers who read it.
>thread is mostly dedicated to smut
>hardly anyone posting anything other than smut and smut requests/reveiws/reposts
fuck. where is my comfy thread for actual writefags, not faggots who write.
So what do you want, random chatter about ideas and fetishes?
i want a thread less driven by horny teenagers, or at least a seperate thread to house said horny teenagers.
i want disussion of actual prose, not titty hoes. written by anons obviously, otherwise i'd just go to /lit/
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Good luck
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i know, tis but a dream here on trahs, aka /fur/ v 2.0
How is the /d/'s smut general doing?
I think they're slightly less dead than us.
Well quick check shows their threads only last a week until reaching bumplimit so that's quite a bit more lively. And the only mention of "bump" was actually in context rather than upping the thread.
Just read Tracer Twins (again?) I think you posted this story here once before.

Not too much into overwatch, but I think the poster girl has time travel as her ability, right? I found it amusing how you used some tech and bull to make her jump into an alternative timeline...And the first thing she does is has sex with her other version. That's definetly a way to say 'go fuck yourself.'

Smutwise still not much into lesbians, but you do go into a lot of detail into the undressing process, making even prepping for showering as a strip tease...to no one but the audience. Kind of a nice bonus to the masturbation scene.

Also once again, try not to refer to previous lovers/experiences as often during smuts, particularly when she was fucking herself. The person who knows Tracer the best is Tracer, so she should have the confidence to know how plump that backside is. This is...well technically, her time, so it should be focused on her, not what others experienced with her. Although recently I recall Tracer being confirmed a lesbian, so there could be leeway in that regard. Not sure if it was made before or after that release, but do keep that in mind.

>Not too much into overwatch, but I think the poster girl has time travel as her ability, right?

Something like that. Due to an accident involving an experimental jet, she got phased out of time, so she appears as a ghost, drifting in and out. Thanks to the harness she wears on her chest, it keeps her locked into our timeline. But it also allows her to manipulate her own time stream, or something like that, briefly - giving the illusion that she's moving really fast from point A to point B.

> I found it amusing how you used some tech and bull to make her jump into an alternative timeline

First thing on the agenda was how to deal with Tracer's harness. Because it's not supposed to come off, so she can't get fully naked, and it would just look awkward. So with some bullshit science, I got around that, and found a way for her to open up the rift.

>but you do go into a lot of detail into the undressing process, making even prepping for showering as a strip tease...

Sometimes I'll make sure to do something like that, so even everyday activities come off as sexy. It's like porn. Washing a car isn't sexy on its own, but it can be just by changing the focus.

>Not sure if it was made before or after that release, but do keep that in mind.

This was made quite awhile before she was canonized as a lesbian, though in this story I think I planned her to be bi, but after doing the Roxy Rocket story, I thought about the idea of having just a pure lesbian, rather than play into the "everyone is bi in porn" rule.

The whole 20 chapter story was mapped out sometime after Ana was released, so it's out of date thanks to Sombra and Osira. Don't think I can fit either one into the story easily, since it's more carefully constructed than my other smut stories, but I might find a way for Sombra.

And as always, thanks for reading, and mega thanks for reviewing!
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Day #44
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Requesting Brian transforming into an exact copy of Peter so he can have sex with Lois.

Bonus points if farting or belching is incorporated.

Nier: Automata
Here's a request.

>A world sex competition exists.
>It's less about winning and more about having the best sex possible.
>One of the events is holding back an orgasm.
>There are two participants. One of them is completely naked, and has to move in any way that the other person says.
>They can also be forced to wear clothing or use toys, within reason.
>Their goal is not to cum.
>The second person has to make that person have a full orgasm. This is important, because someone who is really trying can make an orgasm take forever.
>They get a full list of the other person's fetishes and sexual preferences, and can use whatever sex toys they bring.
>The male version of the event is the most popular because of how visible their orgasms are.
Just read a bit of English for Sinners before Ao3 servers shit themselves (up to chapter 2).

I'll be honest: the first chapter angered me quite a bit because I fucking know there are people that treat the English language like those examples and I've seen it first hand in my final days in high school and in my university. As someone drilled in proofreading, I couldn't stop twitching at the sight of such things.

Ranting aside, I think this is the first time I've seen you written a story in first person rather than in third. Nice change of pace.

With all the V names in the characters though it can be difficult to keep track of who is who, especially when they jump to nicknaming each other. There may be a higher intent for them to all have names starting with V, but it can get confusing, even with how well their bodies and first impressions are described. There might be a way to clear that up, but I'm not sure of the method, especially considering this is an OC story.

Harper's problem is an interesting one. Took a risk that didn't pay off that demoted him down to a normal/intensive teacher makes for a decent start, though a shame he gave up after (presumedly) such a struggle to keep his passion ignited. With these girls in his classroom he may as well be at risk getting fired or worse. Those grandmas better keep him in check during the schedule.

Finally...English class...Goth girls...magic...Is this your take on Bible Black?
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>This april fool's
They better not touch my /trash/ can

>I think this is the first time I've seen you written a story in first person rather than in third.

It is, and it threw me off for a bit, but I got used to it. For whatever reason, when I tried writing the story in third person, it just didn't sound the way I wanted it to. First person was the way to go.

>With all the V names in the characters though it can be difficult to keep track of who is who

Yes, this is a big regret of mine, I will admit. Honestly, there's no reason why all their names start with V. I just think names that start with V are somehow sexier than most. It's not until one of the later chapters that I preface the chapter by saying that although their names are the same, I would be referring to them by consistent names to help with clarity. Valentina became Val, Vanessa became Van, and Vivika stayed as Vivika.

>Finally...English class...Goth girls...magic...Is this your take on Bible Black?

I wouldn't be surprised if there was some unconscious influence going on when I wrote this, but it honestly wasn't on my mind while I did. Goth girls is just one of my top fetishes, and the dynamic of a female student seducing a male teacher, reversing the power dynamic, is very hot.
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ffm two elizabeths.webm
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Day #45
Requesting a story in which the boards /r9k/ and /soc/ are merged and the potentially political consequences.
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I don't think anyone is deprived enough to do that
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Now that it's Sunday, the full text Roserade story is now posted on HF and AO3.


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Requesting to know whether a request posted short of bump limit would get reposted in the next thread if it was finished but not in time.

You mean if someone took on a request in one thread, but by the time they finished, another one popped up? If so, then yes. If you get a request accepted, and it's not posted by the time the thread dies, put up an anchor post in the next, for the writer to reply to and what not.
Good to know. Thanks.
Any written stuff from the thread is screencapped and posted up in the next one.
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Day #46
Ok screencaps time. Right before I go to sleep though, so somebody please repost them in the new thread.

Aku girls.

That one kinda died on the vine.

Some inanimate TF suddenly.
Not sure if written for these threads or just repost from somewhere else.

And... that's it? Slow one, it seems.
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As we're pretty close to autosage and thread seems kinda deadbeat at the moment, I've gone ahead and made the next one.


Move in, fellow degenerates!
Thread posts: 294
Thread images: 92

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