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Zootopia General: Angry Smol Doggo Edition Pastebin: pasteb

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 460
Thread images: 156

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Zootopia General: Angry Smol Doggo Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist
Archives: ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/8041822

Thematic Thursdays: The polls are now open https://www.poll-maker.com/poll1003409x92424482-42
Previous Theme: Teenage Years
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How is everyone doing this morning?

Who else got a lot into the last TT?

Going to re-recommend to everyone the stories by the 'SDA' writer:

http://pastebin.com/eR1RV4yV/ (embed)

http://pastebin.com/urmuQN6L (embed)

Dramatic stuff about coyotes. Pretty interesting. What do you guys think?
Requesting a version of that where he's going 'Not Heresy' and reacting to something like, I don't know, somebody replacing chocolate milk with strawberry milk... maybe.
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I like the idea of a character trying to separate himself from a pack. Its like a reverse Pack Street. Him using Pastor to fake being straight was interesting too.
Writing needs editing badly but I think its a good start to a series.
What a cute bun. Is he already claimed?
Agreed totally. Pack dynamics should get explored outside of the specific story of Remmy and his neighbors. There's a lot there to look through.
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>I don't know, somebody replacing chocolate milk with strawberry milk
>Not Heresy
Nooo, it's good! The author did his research remember? Don't know where he researched that a fox can't fuck a bunny but a human can, but he said so!
(I mourn the loss of your brain cells for reading that bile.)
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>when your wife has the perfect mom body
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>war that kills billions
>noone knows why it happened
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>Sweaty fox cock cannot fit into willing bunny cunt, because research.
>Human with a M I R C O P E N I S however can, because research.
>This nigger has this "character" as real to himself to life as it can be.
Now does she know what she's doing to poor Des, or is she just unaware of what she does to him?
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[Wannabite Intensifies].gif
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Deep down, do you feel like you're Remmy at heart?
In that I'm a socially retarded failure who has both a superiority and victim complex?
I willed myself to read through almost all of it

It's soooo bad. It reads like...like if Chris-Chan decided to write zootopia smut. I feel bad for ragging on this author but holy hell, nobdy that's bad ever gets better without first being told they're bad

I mean I'm not gonna tell him but I'm just saying.
It wouldn't do anything anyway, he moderates all his comments.
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Of fucking course he does.
Just read through them both, interesting expansion of the world. Reminds me of a lot of tiny towns I drive through when I go to red rock country for the weekend. Shit holes like that, you're either the only football player with a decent chance at a scholarship, or you get out if you want to thrive.

Just fucking places to be born.
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>mfw Camping trip/Wilderness is winning
>mfw all the other close themes are nice too
>A war kills billions
>Reconstruction in that little time
Bull, fucking shit. You need to think about what your writing.
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She knows exactly what she's doing, and they love it.
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Anyone got any fics with pred-play in it? Asking for a friend.

>A world war lasting years begins.
>Over resources, over space
>It was the assassination of President Lionheart and the pointed fingers turn into pointed guns that started it
>Maybe it was some conspiracy between predator and prey that planned it
>Textbooks disregard the conspiracy, but others think differently
>The result was smashed cities, billions dead, everything in ruin
>The war halted because there wasn't much left to fight over
>The last year of it nothing but light skirmishes, every side sick of it all
>Lieutenant General Bogo said this to the world.

>"I stand here in the ruined city of Zootopia.
>Graves of all sort dotting the mountains of rubble.
>Some are made of sticks, shambled together in a cross. Others are a rifle and helmet.
>Most aren't marked, the city itself their tomb.
>... And I can't tell you who is who. I can't say which of the dead are wolves, or sheep, or deer.
>What I know for certain is that every grave belongs to a mammal.
>A brother... a sister. A wife, husband, uncle, aunt. Someone who was loved, someone who did love.
>And I look at my own troops and see tired eyes, tired souls.
>I look at the people I swore to protect, and I see tired eyes and tired souls.
>In the morning I look in the mirror.
>My tired eyes. My tired soul.
>I say this to the world, I don't know about everyone else...
>But I'm done fighting."

>The war ended three months later.
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Claimed? The VRBit is for everyone!
>Reconstruction is going well
>A few cities and towns look like cities and towns before the war
>Streets begin to bustle again, shops and bars lighting up the night
>Countries eye each other cautiously
>But the people hardly hold such grudges or suspicions
>Most are just happy it's all over.

>The city of Zootopia is still in ruins, reclaimed by nature
>Now neutral ground, a reminder of the war
>Also because nobody has the economic strength to rebuild the city
>Then a law enforcement patrol stumbles on something strange
>A small wooden hut at the center of the ruined city
>The patrol knocked on the door and a small ewe opened the door
>The asked what she was doing
>She said that Zootopia was once a city, and for it to become a city again, it needed the lifeblood of one to start it
>The mammals.
>The patrol asked for her name
>She was named Bellwether.

>Over the next few months, hundreds had heard of her
>Hundreds migrated to the ruined city to start anew
>People who had lost their families, orphans, they were all welcomed to New Zootopia
>Even though it was just a number of wooden huts, that quickly changed
>Over the next few years buildings made of stone and metal began to rise once more
>A few nations saw this miracle and helped New Zootopia, something to make themselves look good in the eyes of the people again
>Then three countries signed an alliance with the fledgling city-state
>The alliance emphasized on equality between predator and prey, where anyone could be anything, what Old Zootopia was.
>They called this The Zootopian Treaty, and soon all of the nations in the world and have a paw or hoof in.
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Even the bullies?

you have to bully your bun daily.
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Hey, guys, I'm still working on the 'Pack Street: The Next Generation' project!

I did this today:


I'm looking for feedback of any kind.

If you want to Betty and Remmy tying the knot and exploring domestic life, along with Al and Velvet going through their own challenges, please let me know what you think. I would love more ideas. I'm not quite sure what to do next.
You ever see that pic of some guy at a wildlife biology school? He's holding a fox boner while grinning at the camera.
He's our special Princess... the best Princess of all...
What pic?

I'm asking for a friend.
>Billions died
>Cities in ruin
>Cities are somehow back to normal.
>Business picks up immediately somehow.
>No civilians have deep grudges somehow.
>Even though little Timmy's Grandfather, Father, Uncle, Aunt, cousins, and other family members would've been among the COUNTLESS BILLIONS lost during the war times.
>Somehow have enough people/resources to immigrate to New Zootopia
>After 47 short years.

The premise is not good pal and your execution in worse
>Vicious Fox, Horny Bunny

>Wild Play (Warning, rape fantasy/roleplay that gets a bit out of hand)

>Fangs (More Dom/Sub than Pred/Prey)

Seeing these, it makes me realize that even the pred-play stories don't tend to get wild. Hmm.

Wait, is that an actual thing?
Don't forget, in the Zootopia this thread imagines, 90% of the population is gay. So that population definitely isn't bouncing back that fast.
What is VRBit? Why is the Bune so loved when it's an OC DONUT STEEL and is like a bunny version of the black dude from Star Trek TNG?
I should really do my math instead of typing out dates
I'm just going to stop.
You should replace 'gay' with 'bisexual' there.
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Don't ask me why I did this, just enjoy it.
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How about you actually use common sense next time you try to write something
0 / 10
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Because it's not a serious OC and also he's a nice guy who does cool stuff.
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I still want more of this.
He reads fanfiction and gives commentary and critique for the writers. He also records audio books and does private editing.
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This contains a little predplay, I hope it is what you search for

Anon, are you tired? Because this is a bad bait.
Have a pity (You)

Oh God, I'm dying
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That or scale the death/destruction scale down from World War 1(17 Million deaths total was a shitton back then in 1918 for a war that only lasted 4 fucking years) to something more reasonable and less earth shattering.
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the most handsome hare.jpg
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That face just reminds me of this rabbit.
Cuz he's a VR game dev.
Because he works in a studio that is developing a VR game, Mr. CIA. VRbit isn't an OC, it's his 'sona, effectively.
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>this post
now I NEED a picture of VRbit in a starfleet shirt
Oh I see. That's all I wanted to know, I aint been in these threads long.

Not bait, dummy. My genuine question has been answered.
All the timeline stuff was supposed to lead into a scifi greentext
I don't know why I bothered with it, I'm clearly not good at it.

I'm always worried about people seeing me for the first time and not knowing who I am-- I definitely do stick out like a sore thumb, huh?

My name’s comicanon, and I’m the VRbit! I do readings of people’s fics and upload them to soundcloud!

Sometimes I'm requested to do a blind read through, which is me reading the fic without knowing anything about it. That way, the author can hear my instant reactions about what I’m thinking through a fic. It's sort of like a blind play test with a video game! At the end, I give my summary, thoughts and feedback for the piece.

Here's a blind read through I did for the latest Thematic Thursday!


And sometimes I do audio books, which is me reading the fic in a radio drama style. It's sort of an acted out supplement of the work meant for entertainment purposes!

Here's the first case of Stoutwell!

I also do some writing myself from time to time. Most recently I've been doing requests for an anon who wants to learn about Zootopia's history. That's this image!

And the reason I’m the VRbit is because I rolled a bunny as my Zoosona, and I work in VR, so someone called it a VRbit! I thought it was super cute.

How are you, buddy? Are you new to the threads? How did you find out about us?
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I like to imagine it became his facebook profile pic
Ah ok, sorry. Sometimes it is difficult to discern between bait and genuinely new anons.
Also, remember, like all bunnies he likes to be lewded
Figured there was porn of Zootopia on /trash/, came looking.

Place seems comfy and full of furfaggotry.

Well bunnies, foxes, horses, and sheep are all sluts.
Animals: nature's sluts.
Those faces are a reaction pic goldmine
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sol (2).jpg
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>Figured there was porn of Zootopia on /trash/, came looking
dude, no, that's /co/ you're looking for, only wholesome SFW pics here!
I laughed for the first time today (by which I mean march 6th)
Thank you, dawg.
You could argue that maybe fungi are more slutty since they'd spread all over the earth without stopping if they could, going even faster than mammals.
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>that huge erection

Damn, Desmond is PACKING.
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What if...
>"Why is your profile pic you holding a fox's dick?"
>"Because I have absolutely no shame."

Also, sure. Because what he is holding in his hand can't fit into a rabbit but a human can. Logic.

>Figured there was porn of Zootopia on /trash/, came looking.

Though to be honest there are times where the thread is nothing but SFW pictures, times where it is equal, and then times where it is pure porn.
Left is best.
Left is also in a relationship again.
fuck, man
should i start writing again?

i know people didn't care for my shitty fetish greens
but i still wanna do stuff
and shit

maybe i'll sleep on it.
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We're super comfy!

Hope you enjoy your time here! If you're interested in fics or comics or anything else, whether it star Nick and Judy or OCs, we have that stuff in spades!

... Well, I'm glad you did it!

S I G N I T !
>implying it's knot for science
Lol, picodick confirmed.
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Middle is the only single one.
Maxine's mom has resting bitch face
Left needs to be rutted with so many predator and prey dicks alike that she walks funny.

Need to say that center is pretty cute though. Those feelings are more for soft snuggling than anything else. But then she'd probably love that.
Do it.
This one should be semi-colored.
Wait a second...

Did you also draw that picture of Percy in the Earthworm Jim suit?
"Percy, dude."


"I think I'm going to become your new dad."

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oh goody.jpg
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oh goody
bluh, maybe i can try doing a thing tomorrow?
it's 2:30 in the morning over where i'm at
and i can't come up with a decent prompt to save my fucking life.

anyways, i probably oughta head off now.

g'night /ztg/!
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She may in fact be a resting bitch.

Middle mom is pretty kind-hearted and needs affection, but she's also no pushover.

>Left needs to be rutted with so many predator and prey dicks alike that she walks funny.

Be kind to Monica.

Lemme see if I can find the .sai file and I'll get back to you in a bit.

Holy shit I loved that one.
Then write something different from a fetish green.
You can only grow by exploring the unknown.
If you have doubt about what to do ask for requests.
Kek, that's going right into my reaction pics folder
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>replacing chocolate milk with strawberry milk

oh no
Requesting gentle flirting involving Percy's mom while Percy accidentally spies from behind a set of bushes.

>I willed myself to read through almost all of it

I can't believe Anon is fucking dead.
That Charlie at the bottom is precious enough to be part of my reaction folder.
Name, unnamed anon?
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my final offer.jpg
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>nobdy that's bad ever gets better without first being told they're bad

>I mean I'm not gonna tell him but I'm just saying.
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More Facepalm.png
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The thumbnail looks like Pikachu.
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>TFW Percy would never accept your romance with Ms. Vision even if it became clear that you genuinely wanted the best for her and acted in a purely loving way.
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I feel bad for finding this funny.
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Okay enough playing around I'm going back to this read through.
Oh yeah, that's gonna get some use
Why, it's knot really that bad
>When you want to go through Comic's readings of other authors to get background and see what's going on.
>When there's just so much material already there that you feel a little bit of panic.
What are you listening to right now, /ztg/?

Hey this is the first ever picture I see about a fox dick!

And by the look of it, it is between 3,5-4 inches just as I calculated some weeks back! Yay! I can science!
Wait for VR to finish his read through that cheeky little bunner
maybe you should try not being a foxlet, that might help.
Little bit. Like an anthro Pikachu. In skimpy underwear.
do not bully the gid
>that pic
enjoy your herpes
I hope Snax comes back soon. Her art is really cute.
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What's Ms. Vision's full name?
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Inky, just a question, will you do something more with the mink shrink?
Also, have you found a last name for him?

And I salute you for your time and effort for bringing us that research, and hopefully people can stop writing about Nick having an eight inch dick.

I mean 3-4in is still stupidly big for Judy to handle, but at least it isn't the size of her entire torso.
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He's pretty damn hot.
Oh, hey, A Sig, were you doing more requests?
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Here you go.

Oh my.

>Inky, just a question, will you do something more with the mink shrink?

I haven't been able to think of anything to do with him at the moment I'm afraid. Wasn't someone writing a fic about him?

Also no, I don't have a last name. I'm open to suggestions, but I'm avoiding anything with 'Vison' in it since I'm using that one as-is.
My pleasure!
I didn't see this one at first, sorry!

Her name is Cynthia Vison. I don't have a maiden name for her, which is fine since I think she kept the last name for convenience sake.
>inverted nipples

No wonder Hugh grew up feeling inadequate; his own mother's body denied him proper milk access from the get-go.
You know milk doesn't come out of just the little nub, right?
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Right now, in this very moment?
No, since I am at work. Probably will do more when I return home.
Why? Do you want something done? Tell me.

>I haven't been able to think of anything to do with him at the moment I'm afraid
Well, if you want ideas for solo pics, since minks are semiaquatic, him in a swimsuit? Or maybe he is an odd case and he has fear of the water? Or maybe you can show his secretary?
For the last name maybe a pun on Lutreola or Mustela (parts of the European mink name)?
I was thinking maybe Lutring, to give him that German feel (even more than Otto), but I discovered there was a Lutring already in RL (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciano_Lutring) so I don't know if you want the accidental association.
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EditAnon here. I'm fucking on it.
You mean you can attach spigots to them?
Maybe she just aims them at her kid and squeezes, hoping for the best.

Be like a blunderbuss filled with half & half.
The baby's jaw could possibly unhinge and just take the entire titty in like a python swallowing an ostrich egg.
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oh boy

I can't believe VRbit's fucking dead.

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Here you go anon!

I'm in love with this conversation.

I really like Lutreola a lot personally. I don't have much against Lutring either, but I can see why that'd be a problem.

>Well, if you want ideas for solo pics, since minks are semiaquatic, him in a swimsuit?
I can do that. Likely in the near future. I also need to figure out a method that'd make him easier to draw. He's still kinda tricky atm.

>Or maybe you can show his secretary
I haven't decided her species yet. All I know is I want her to be a medium-large-sized mammal.

Actually Percy probably wouldn't be very upset about it. You're thinking of Hugh, who is an absolute momma's boy.
If it's TNG he's fine. Yellowshirts were the top casualty during that era.
You fuckers can't make me laugh like this.
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>Starfleet solved the lack of redshirts due to high mortality by using bunners
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Well... if ever I start reading Pokemon fanfiction, I could introduce myself with this picture...

Too funny, Edit Anon!


>Actually Percy probably wouldn't be very upset about it. You're thinking of Hugh, who is an absolute momma's boy.

Percy's a good boy! I guess he's hiding not to make things awkward.
I had an argument with someone that Zootopia is only the bigger hit because it came out long before Dreamwork's Sing, and it got me thinking.

You know. Seeing how many discussios Zootopia sparked even about stuff that the movie isn't even about, like, what do predators eat, what are the payouts of an elefant that they can affort a 15 dollar jumbo pup, etc, just shows how life and Possible the whole world they created was, that people want to see the clockwork that keeps it ticking.

Sing went by as non-existent by many, the whole, nearly everything is sapient even a snails and shrimps... just created a world where everyone watcher said "it's a cartoon no reason to take is seriously."

Zootopia would've been the bigger hit even if it would've come out later than Sing, because the creators took the city the world and how it would function seriously, and people watching it can't help but feel like that it could be an actual working city (despite the many questions it raises)
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Nick and Finnick.png
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Every single time anyone posts a screenshot from the movie here, I can spend ages just taking in all the little details that the animation team worked in. It really does seem like a living city.

Quick example I grabbed at random. Notice how the pavement's cracked, and has been patched, and then, somewhat out of focus in the background, there's a piece of trash that someone missed the trash can with.

They didn't -have- to put those details in. But they DID. In EVERY SINGLE DAMN SCENE.
Seriously. Pick ANY screenshot, and just look at the detail that went into it. And a lot of that detail is the evidence of people living there - which adds incredible depth and realism to the world.
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Read through finished.

Tomorrow: continuing forward with TT fics.

Goodnight, magical and wonderful /ztp/ threads! I hope you find some undiscovered bit of magic in any of the scenes in Zootopia that fill you with awe.
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The only detail they lack that bothers me is the absence of hairs on their clothes

Sleep tight bunner!
I AM a major fuck up
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That's because Marty can't aim for shit
Everyone has someone.

>The only detail they lack that bothers me is the absence of hairs on their clothes

Hah hah hah, fair point. Pretty much everything should be covered in shed fur of one sort or another.
I wonder what kinds of products have been developed in the Zootopia universe to combat this?
Why would go and lie on the internet, anon?
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>Why would go and lie on the internet, anon?
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Ok, finished reading this.
It's really good.
My only criticism would be that we got three chapters and It's still day one.
You could maybe cut off some stuff and then make them more cenral part of a different chapter.

Like :

Day 1

Chapter 1
>RPG's and visit to the Tricky Beans.

Chapter 2
>The road back.

Day 2 (or maybe few days timeskip)

Chapter 3
>Remmy and Johny go to the mall, they meet Charlie, maybe something happens with the statue and the chapter ends with them going to mall.

Chapter 4
>Adventures at the mall that you have planned...

What I am trying to say is that as good read as it is, it just kinda feels too dragged?
It kinda feels like one chapter on four pages. But maybe that is what are you going for.

Also it was nice seeing that headbutt thing. It would be nice if they actually did it. Not like a full blown head butt, But only like a soft bump of foreheads.

Overall a good chapter.
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>Marty's book
Why did Alex appear out of nowhere next to Charlie? Didn't he and Vivian step out of the car somewhere else last chapter?
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Combing. simple combing.
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yeah no.jpg
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>Everyone has someone
This looks really sweet.
What about drawing some more Zeke and Sunny, little bunny and big hyena stuff?
why nick have no neck?
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Fucking saved!
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I'm glad that you like it, anon!

Yeah, it does seem like maybe the mall day should be Sunday. And then there's the opportunity for after the road back for some mother and son bonding type stuff to happen. That could be fun to write. More Betty characterization.

The soft headbutt thing, oh yeah, was thinking of making it a point at the mall. Like some idiot gets surprised that they're actually related and Remmy does a spur-of-the-moment soft forehead whack that ends up being too strong. Could also involve it in other ways. Lots of ideas here, but I'm not too sure what should happen.
My thought was that Alex is a quick, slinky tube dude that hears to an almost super-mammal degree while being pretty damn fast. So he went off to see his dad, stopped, and then overheard his mom. Meanwhile, Vivian just went straight to where Marty is.
Sometimes that's "had", I'm afraid.
I love this so much.
Yay, I'm on this one!
Ok, do you have some specific idea/setting?
Keep in mind that I have a couple of requests I have to complete before this, so it will take some days
As long as you're still sucking air hope's not lost.
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What about a deep kiss, like this?
God, Canidae looks so adorable
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Ok, I will do it
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The rabbit is simply wonderful. We should all aspire to be as good as a boyfriend as he is. Thanks.
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They probably nose rub at least once a day.

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Hyenas make good pals.
They probably do it in their sleep without noticing either.
Hell yeah!
What instrument did Zeke play again?
I love the little things in his comics, like that naked bulb in the lamp. Just sets the idea that fancy home decor isn't in the cards for them.
Electric guitar
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Marty + Ozzy.jpg
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Zeke doesn't play, as far as I know. Ozzy plays guitar.
>I love the little things in his comics, like that naked bulb in the lamp. Just sets the idea that fancy home decor isn't in the cards for them.
It makes me suspect that this is Ozzy's apartment, not Zeke's.

>Ozzy can't meet his gaze
>Ozzy wanted to be a teacher
>trying to poison a fox with chocolate
I've been away for a while. Do we still want to ravage the savage?
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okay nothing of value here anymore
I'm more about protecting Skye's smile.
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All day everyday

canidae is a good pupper.
I want to violate angry savage.

maybe there's interest after all

haven't written anything in a while, might be good to get back on track.
go away, homo cucker
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dubs confirm
cuck the buck
make him succ
That vixen deserves to be happy.
Grizz? Or, if not, who are you?
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Figured I'd pop in, see how everyone was doing, maybe force myself to finish up SatS.
Skye is love.

Also checked.
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happy Nick.png
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Welcome back!
Many others have returned as well, you will see many old names and a lot of new ones.
I hope you will stay a bit too!
Who knows? Maybe I'll remember all the good times we had lewding the VRbit.

Time'll tell, I guess.
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Was there any other pic that followed up this one?
Man alabaster looks sultry
>On one hand, it's finally Charlie's turn...
>but it's a joke

>On the other, it's still really well drawn and continues to take the piss out of Max Fucking Midnight

>So conflicted...
Thats gross.
Remmy looked way to human, like shit. What is this abomination and why is he alive?
Is there more of this? Im interested in this character?
are you seriously not able to see it's a max midnight parody?

>max midnight

God, the drama that kicked up was so fucking delicious.
I ate all my popcorn.
Yeah, it was funny. I'm also glad it was resolved amicably without hordes of fanboys on either side making normal people miserable.
Those are some lovely MILFs you got there, Inku.
I confess I can't tell what her emotion is supposed to be.
I thought it'd be something like
>Oh no, he's hot!

The hearts in the pupils in the bottom image is pretty much a dead giveaway, Anon.
>normal people
No such thing exists here.
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Also really really tall.

Oh I didn't even notice.
I love how much Inky's given Charlie such kissable lips.
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I will always love her for this
I know that but why? Max Midnight is still bad, yet i believe he will a good character if he is not involved with zootopia and not look like Scourge the Hedgehog? I mean, he is so out of place in Zootopia
remmy looks like a nigger in this
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"It's just like one of my Hipponese animes!"

Even if someway, somehow, he could still be a good character when he isn't within Zootopia. It still doesn't change the fact of what he is, and what he stands for.
And he is, quite frankly one of the BIGGEST Bait n' Switches I have ever seen.

In Zootopia fiction and simply in general.
Seeing such an destruction of the comic and artwork is a damned tragedy.
It also doesn't help that Spin can't take Criticism to save her life and her fan's can't take off their rose tinted glasses.

And after what she tried to do to Weaver (yes I know in the end, everything turned out okay) that noone (except for her mindless fans) has any respect for her anymore.

And really, mostly. It's just fun taking the piss out of a poorly created character.

Yeah, he does seem to have that sort of ethnic quality. I wonder if that was intentional.
Well, i guess youre right. Its hard to defend her work, since it seems to attract a certain group of people i wouldnt be with
She is scaroused
just when you thought you've gotten used to 4chan autism, another shining star rises.
You cant ruin something that is already ruined. I know its supposed to make fun of max edgenight, but still.
Even in other works he wouldn't be good. Let's review what was revealed last panels.
>Nick even if jokingly kept acting like lovers with Max. Also Max is very important.
>Judy had a heart to heart with her dad, Max is so important they can't talking without mentioning him. Judy revealed she had feelings for Max and wanted to talk to him when she was down due to the Metermaid thing for support rather than anyone else, despite admitting he had closed himself and stayed away for a good while.
>Jill reveals the only reason she did the things was because she loved Max and he wouldn't dick her. She was jealous another vixen was getting dicked instead. She literally convinced two foxes to gang up on a trained celebrity officer with words and opinions alone.
>Next parts will probably reveal how much more important Max is and who else also loves him.

After the Judy attacked scene I don't think there's been a page where he wasn't mentioned or shown up.
>His case is important, it is to be expected.
Undoubtedly, considering it is the same of Judy's. Problem is, his CASE is important. It seems Spin took that as a chance to make HIM important instead.
The best type of "used".
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I want to bully this ewe
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Damn, that's cute. I didn't think I would ever find Dawn cute, but there it is.

Can we hit Bingo?
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So do I.
I bet they make for a good pie.
That's what I meant, when I said "Somehow, Someway." Meant that I really couldn't consider him a good character outside of Zoot.
Since his very existence is slammed into Zoot Lore and the world, you can't take him out of it.

And it's funny since Max shouldn't even be allowed to help out on this case, (which is what I feel Spin is trying to do)
Like some kind of ride along or some shit.

Yes, I know how bad it has gotten. I would like to think that (just like a few anon's have said before me) that it ended when they finally kissed during that dance.

And everything past that is some kind of horrible fever dream. (Sure Judy's actions were already FUCKED within first chapter, or at least when they were on the train.) But we ain't talking about Judy.

All it comes down to, is that Spin wants a furry "man" to fuck, and she is using the success of Zootopia to get it.
Even if by doing that she is spitting in the face of Judy, who and what she had done, the movie itself, and established facts.
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> mfw my OC hits only one space
> mfw canon pairing
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And that's why you don't feed protein to a prey.
Source: http://cosmickermit.tumblr.com/post/140593551823/booker-the-dewitt#
I disagree.

More protein = harder thrusts
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Zeke plays guitar, acoustic and electric. In the old band he'd sometimes play bass though, they could never keep one tied down.
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I counted two (and a half?).
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NIck thumbs up.png
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Those characteristics are not bad per se.
Au contraire, you can make a rather enjoyable character that has various of them, depending of the story, the setting, the narration. Also many of those are rather common, so not easy to avoid.
The problem is if you hit Bingo. Then it is extremely difficult to redeem such characters.


>Zeke/Ozzy duet
what are converse and graphic t mean?
I like these moms. It seems that their kids all inherited their hips, too.
Like I said, don't worry if there are a couple, Wynn.
The important part is to use them at their best potential

Literally Converse shoes and T-shirts with some particular graphic design (a la Punisher)
Converse is a shoe, graphic t is any tee shirt with a picture or writing on the front.
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It's easy to make the characteristics works, especially if you're taking a piss off the whole thing. I doubt anyone in these threads would manage a bingo with a zoosona, especially considering chosen one and special powers.

It's "Focus on appearance" and "Special Powers", innit?
I think canidaes almost gotten bingo vertically through the middle but I don't think Gazelle has ever "saved" her from death
updated so Nick has the ring on the correct paw
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Taking simple Judy's requests
Judy stuck in a tight spot, like the tunnel she went through in Little Rodentia

she gave her a reason to LIVE
Judy petting a sleeping Nick on the couch.
A group of judys carrying nick
Nay, that'd be past trauma (Maya is dead AU abloo), fake guilt to go with it and a complimentary mental disorder.

I gotta say I still quite enjoy this OC, especially considering these faux yous in the tumblr census and interest from two very talented artists whom I like and respect very much.
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Nick makes my dick feel funny
Who cares
This was a fun story
But this is what I second >>8051570
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My dick
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That's pretty gay man, go better check a therapist about that.
Is that from that comic that had cuck written all over it?
I'd gently fug Nick.
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I'd let him do whatever he wants to me
Not so much for me, though I would hang out with him.
He seems like a cool guy.
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i'll miss my favorite zootopia character.
Yes, but to be fair even the author himself is horribly sick of it.
Either way he's getting for that promoted....or Parking Duty for a whole millenia.
Eh, it is from the same artist. Not from the comic specifically.
shiet I gotta get in there boi
I'd lightly strap him down and and stimulate him.

It'd prolly result in a heavy amount of edging.
>I'm in it
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life hack.jpg
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If you don't have an oc you're in every oc collage
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that's pretty good m8.jpg
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P&P again for early morning draw requests
I think fanvids like this work better in other languages, because Im not expecting the english VAs
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that ram, but in a mech
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>Bobo hon hons in the distance
Anon is actually delivering! I'm excited!
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get this palcomix tier art out of here
a ram themed mech, or the ram in the mech?

you havent seen palcomix tier art, anon.
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>Not sure if troll or just doesn't know good art.
the palcomix tier comment is in reference to a couple days ago when the thread was pretty dead. An anon posted 6 pages of A Broken Mask (comic drawn by the same artist, written by Kulkum). People called it thread spam and palcomix tier.
>palcomix tier
skin's not nearly semigloss enough, no insane hentai dialogue, no translucent cum, and there needs to be at least three Sonic OCs for it to count
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Which Pack Streets are best friends?
I can't fucking believe relatively few people are fucking dead and more and more are coming alive with each week.
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See above. (>>8052427)
Neil and the ugly one.
Marty getting a book from the top shelf by any means necessary.
Good morning, P&P! It's a pleasure to see you.
Nick brushing his tail.
Mask is a euphemism for condom.
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Whatever you want to do senpai
Don and Dewey

But that's what makes them great husbands

>I have stared into the abyss and it stared back.

Can you fucking believe this pic is naturally nearly 11 MB's!?
I can't even put it here!

Betty and Avo
Wolter & Anneke of course, they share everything.
Ozzy and everyone
He's everyone's best bud
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cock vore.png
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99% of Zoop stuff on RedBubble is shit. Dying from total not surprise here...

Oh you're right. I've been trying to avoid the obvious ones (chosen one, hybrids, getting shit right the first time) but it seems OC x canon triggers all the autism here...idk
Funny thing is, I kinda need the abloo boo backstory. Can't win em all I guess.

Hate to break the bad news anon, but that's cancer. I'd check your doc about that.
noice to see you too, anon
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allow me
>Nice colors
>Decent Face
>Looks at page length
>Oh cool, it's a comic!?
>Wait what is the first page?

>Oh god no.
This is the only truth.
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>Well fuck me
>Black Guy in Zootopia!
Do tell. What is the first page?
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For badger we carry on.png
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Rex and everyone though I would be pretty happy if he and Ozzy were best buds though I don't think there was much evidence of that. I'll have to reread the chapter where Remmy the twins and Ozzy go to Bug burga, maybe there is something there but I don't recall anything.

Weaver did a cool pic of Rex and Martina hanging out, I hope there is more to that.
Need the blacked hand edit.
I don't think the artist posts here, but flakjackal on tumblr drew a pic of my last TT fic, White as Snow.
Oh, this fucking shit. Nearly forgot about this.
That's the comic where the niglet fucks Judy, right? Did anything else get posted? Last I remember, he was fantasizing about Judy's bungina.
>my zoosona is a nigger


I didn't mean for you to actually post it! To late now.
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awakened nigger.png
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I'm surprised
>Human in Zootopia

I've always hated this and have only ever chuckled at that one stupid green of Biggie Smalls in Tundra Town. Everything else is trash.
The directors said no monkey.
I kind of liked the story of some deer backpacker who got hunted by a neolithic human that he spotted in the middle of nowhere.
Is this that mircopenis guy?
Well, if Judy is to be used for scale, this guy is only 3.5 feet tall.

Just Judy tripping from jumping around like a spaz and is about ready to fall. The nigger looks on, being surprised.

What the fuck does that even mean?
"Awakened" As in what?
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>I'll have to reread the chapter where Remmy the twins and Ozzy go to Bug burga, maybe there is something there but I don't recall anything.
Looks like:

>Before I can retort, a sleepy-looking badger shuffles over to the table with a tray full of food. "Number sixty-nine, here's your order," he drawls before looking up and seeing me. "Hey, this guy again!"
>"Hi, Rex," I reply with a smile, glad to see a genuinely friendly face that isn't scheming for a free dinner. "Nice seeing you again."
>"You too, man. Ozzy! You're friends with this guy?"
>"Aw, you know Ozzy, he's friends with everybody," Wolter snorts.
>The hyena in question brushes his shirt off innocently as I turn to look at him. Oh, I see how it is. He's the town nice guy and I'm the grouch.
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Is this comic available anywhere other than deviantart? I can't navigate that goddamned site to save my life.
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Ready to PARTY DOWN.png
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Nice! I wonder if he goes to Ozzy's party's.
I have to say, he really deserve that.

Ozzy that he got his Money back

And the Jerk cop that his wallet got "out of his reach".
to prevent "spamming the thread with palcomix tier art" here is a link to the artist's tumblr
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Ozzy and Marty became best friends because Ozzy is the only mammal patient enough to listen to Marty's ramblings about his favorite books and insane theories
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>Looks Indian
>No claws or fangs
>No fur so he looks like a cancer patient

How could he ever compete with Nick?

Nah this is separate. The micro penis self insert is within the fanfic "The Zootopian Chronicles II: Darkness"

This is a comic. An artist was commissioned by someone else to draw said someone else together with Judy.

I feel so fucking sorry for the artist. But at least he is getting payed.
Thanks anon. I can be a real dunce when it comes to finding this stuff sometimes.

Also, people in these threads really could stand to learn how to recognize and ignore weak bait.
I could see that. Where others might nod along and agree wit whatever Marty is saying. Ozzy would be giving his full attention, asking questions and adding to tge theories when he can. Because this isn't a chore for Ozzy, hes talking to his good friend.
>it seems OC x canon triggers all the autism here
Well, I can tell you the main reasons:
-Shippers. When a ship is particularly popular it is difficult to "let it go". However, if done well, even with a very popular ship anons here will be more than accepting of this new pairing. Sadly 90% of the time we have
-Unfaithfulness. Cucking. Betrayal of trust. Call it as you want, but it happens too many times in fics of this type. For this reason many anons are wary. And then there is also the huge risk of
-Self insert. Also seen to many times.
Also, in this type of fic, there is often severe OOC and/or against canon, all to make a new character fit in a forceful way. You can understand why this is considered a minefield, and we have problems with this type of fic.
The only more difficult one is the Human in Zootopia, since it is strictly against canon. The only good fic of this type, that I know of, is the one from Toga, and even then it works mainly because it is Zootopians on Earth instead.

Congratulations! This is such a nice piece.
Can you post a link to the fic again?
nice, congrats
How weird are platypuses in Zootopia?
>"You came from an egg?"
>OC x canon triggers
I don't see the issue. It's just pathetic and gets mocked and called out as it deserves. It gets ridiculed because it's dumb, there's little room for autism here.
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Platypuses are criminals
Do you think trendy platypus moms paint their eggs and show them off on furbook
amazing piece and a great story, congratulations!

>stop being a bitch, Koslov, or you're next
what is going on in this brain of yours
That sounds so stupid that it would have to happen. However they would avoid doing this around Easter for obvious reasons.
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hybrid abominations with poison in ther veins.
Man that's one sweaty duckrat.
Platypuses are a myth and a hoax.
Venomous mammals with duck beaks and beaver tails? Preposterous.
I feel like many mammals would have the same reactions as we do.
>"What the fuck is that?"
>"What in the fuck is that!?"
Good morning /ztg/! How are we doing toda-

...Well, this already looks like it will be a fun day.

I would like to add another reason:
-The OC themselves. For an OC x canon to work, we have to actually like the character. Along with the canon characters being OOC, the OC themselves run the risk of being Mary Sues if the author isn't careful enough.

There was one Zootopia that, somewhat, managed to do OC x canon decently (JudyxOC, and somewhat NickxOC). My main gripe with the fic was the beginning of it; Judy mentions she has a boyfriend, out of nowhere, back in Bunny Burrow that she hasn't told Nick about until now. The next few chapters are the usual "abloo abloo Nick is in love with Judy abloo abloo" and then BAM, after that it is like that subplot didn't even exist. Confused why it was even needed in the first place and we couldn't just have neither with any romantic feelings towards the other.

The OCs themselves were alright, funny, dumb in their own ways, likeable. Just that start though...
I think the ONLY way it can be used "well" (that is canon x OC) is either, it's a stepping stone used to get the canon characters together.

Or if BOTH side's are happy together, with their respective other/OC. Since it seems like one side always have to be miserable if the other character gets happiness.


Shit. Don't platypuses have that claw or something that secrets some kind of poison?

These little fuckers are natural born killers.
Does the same count for echidas. I mean, they are laying eggs.
here's the link to young koslov's first icing in White as Snow
It's a screencap from /tg/.
In DnD there's a spell called "awaken". It grants a plant or animal intelligence and sentience comparable to a human.
Uhhh, sorry to anyone who supports this guy, but this is a serious crime he's committing.

>Charlie: Stealing from a cop
>Ozzy: Accepting stolen goods/money
That on top of performing for cash without a license, assuming that is a crime as stated. Just because you don't like the law doesn't mean you get to commit all the crimes you want. Remmy ought to start reporting these guys.
You a fucking snitch, anon?
You are aware that Remmy himself did also crimes?
There is also the third option: the canon character is single. So it is easy to avoid drama
I admit that I used this myself (though it wasn't really an OC, but a character from the comic)
Only because he was roped into them unknowingly. If he came to the police he could get amnesty in return for informing on the others who masterminded it.
Echidnas get a pass because they're hedgehog-passing, and they don't let anyone watch them give birth.
but they're the lovable underdogs so it's ok and they didndu nuffin
>Shit. Don't platypuses have that claw or something that secrets some kind of poison?

Only males do and it's at they're ankles. The venom isn't lethal to humans (so similar sized mammals should be fine) but it apparently gives excruciating pain for days up to a month to the lucky victim.
If Judy got hit by it shes fucked, Nick on the other hand may have a chance.
Yeah, the poison from the platypus, which is a claw on their hind feet, is easily strong enough to kill small-medium mammals. It isn't particularly lethal to humans, but causes pain so strong enough you will generally be left immobilized.
Good news is that it's not one of the popular ships, no cucking/self insert either. However these are good tips to keep in mind. I'm just trying to be mega careful.
>I want Weaver to write a scene where Remmy sits next to Betty on the steps of the building just cause he decided he wants to and Betty gives him this annoyed yet curious expression but makes room for him. They just sit down and look at the people passing by, without needing to talk to each other
Not that I'm agreeing that Charlie and Ozzy are criminals but Remmy did get rope into illegal activities by Charlie
I know, I kind of forgot that for a while I believe. My

Still, I believe Remmy wouldn't go to the Police because of Charly or Ozzy.
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The thing is "OC" can mean different things.

If someone is writing a fanfic about Officer McHorn and the struggles of the daily life of a police officer and introduce his wife, then the wife is an OC. This is nice and well because it allows the author to develop a character and benefits the story they want to tell.

If you're using a self-insert and start commissioning art what is essentially yourself getting intimate with McHorn for pure self-indulgence, this is shit.This is purge cringe, even by 4chan /trash/ standards. Of course, it's interesting to see people with aspergers-level no self-awareness and appalingly bad taste, but it's only funny when it happens somewhere else.
>Remmy is offered a cigarette one day and they start bonding more.
>Fast forward.
>A sheep and wolf harrass and blow smoke at anybody who walks by.

Oh god theres two now.
Of course not. Remmy might sound like the type to do that but he'll never actually do it
They also would make up some random storys about some random people that pass them by.
On the topic of OCs, cringe, and shitty tropes, what are fics/comics that anyone here had personal gripe with? It doesn't have to be the worst thing you read, just something about the fic/comic, a character or a specific moment, that completely ruined the story for you?
A Betty-like Remmy. Is it bad that I want this to happen badly?
Literally any story with polygamy/"bunnies fuck everything xd" bullshit
>A Betty-like Remmy. Is it bad that I want this to happen badly?

Betty and Remmy in love. Is it bad that I want this to happen badly?
I'm gonna kick your ass
Nah you're good. I think there are some people that would like to see Betty x Remmy Canon.
>Betty gets accustomed to Remmy's presence that whenever she sees the sheep, she instinctively makes room for him and he always sits down without question, even if it's only for a minute.
behold this giant mech while it stands over the ingredients of last night's pizza order. Fear him
There was one story where Judy, after thinking Nick wasn't interested in her, was going to get married to this other bunny. Nick confesses to her while drunk a few days before the wedding, and Judy decides to go with him rather than the buck. I've always hated when people confess to others that are engaged or married, always feels selfish. Also apparently fuck the buck that she cared enough about to say yes to.
Dumb shit for le abloos.
Al and Velvet, because if your lover isn't your best friend then it isn't true love.
Judy punching the shit out of Nick's arm or shoulders throughout the entire story. I find it fucking annoying that I haven't found a single fic where Nick just goes:
>"Alright carrots cool it with the punches."
Or something.
Who fo the Pack Street members would claim not to reconice Remmy, when there would be a group of sheep and Remmy would stand next to that group?
Literally everyone, but Marty or Avo would start it
All of them. Nah they'd probably be able to figure it out by scent or the only sheep that doesn't run away.

>"Which one is Remmy?"
>"Just start sniffing for burgers and you'll find him."
Judy and Nick being the best mary sue team since day one of the entire Zootopia police force.
Everyone starts to refer to them as the "Beta couple"
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forgot the image
There was other where Judy was married and got cheated along to a bunch of shit and ended up divorcing the buck to have bunsex with Nick. Problem was, the buck sacrificed himself for their family and Judy treated him like a chore to be with than as her husband, choosing work over him. Originally the end was bad because the buck emotionally blackmailed her "think of the children" and the thoughtless risk taking Judy settled down not before cheating with Nick and leaving him forever waiting for her with the carrot pen. Both ends are shit, the thought of Nick moving on with some vixen is horrible to this fucking fandom and it makes every single fic of this time automatically shit.

Every time I have to browse of WildeSkye/MeganWilde pics to fucking get the taste off my mouth.
Since I'm right now on a Nostaliga Trip I watched and old Spongebog Episode. And kind of I really could kind of imagine the Episode SB-129 in Pack Street.

Remmy tries to have some time alone and accidently freezes himself, just to wake up 2000 Years in the future.
When two mammals have an argument or a falling out, only one of them actually makes an effort to fix it. That pisses me off a lot. Whats worse its mostly Nick.
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>Al and Velvet, because if your lover isn't your best friend then it isn't true love.
Luckily for us, we know about these two for sure.
>Everyone starts getting they're asses kicked.
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brushy brushy
baby Al is a cutie

Pack Street finding his childhood pictures and teasing him about it when?
This. Judy punched Nick's shoulder what, twice in the movie? One of them could hardly be counted as a punch, more of a playful tap, and the other only happened when they literally escaped death and Nick managed to keep hold on the briefcase with the evidence. Yet a lot of fics have Judy punching him for everything, she being happy, annoyed, to shut him up.

...Why is that so prevalent? They got mainly really lucky with their first case through Nick knowing everyone and Judy's sheer refusal to die when she should have. They work well together, sure, but they shouldn't really be better than the rest of the officers who have been there for far longer.

Everyone should do this with their OCs and upload,
>Velvet's "speech font" is normal
>Al's is rough and primal
Oh my god how did I never notice Velvet had braces???
Thanks babe.
>Al has a braces fetish. You heard it here first, folks
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So it turns out Remmy is a bigger Mary Sue than Max Midnight.
Judy has a lot of racist hick brethren. Noone of them see the consequences of attempting to beat up they're POLICE OFFICER SISTER'S POLICE OFFICER BOYFRIEND.
If even you are fucking stupid noone is that brain dead.
Could you make on with Max...so it can be compared?
Focus on appearance? Loved or hated by all? Bitch got normal sheep eyes. Never said his taste in music was not mainstream.
That's just his biology though
HAHAHAHA, little bunny, you want a little car little bunny? To drive your little groceries to your little burrow filled with your little wife and little children?

Cause I fucked them.

Fucked them and cucked them.

Little bunny.
>Remmy Cormo
>Slim, yet curvy
Holy shit I'm laughing
I remember that fic, Just Like Old Times; at the time I was hoping that eventually they would either move on or something instead of Nick basically masturbating to a memory. Have them accept their situation and be friends/partners again, have Nick finally move on to find a vixen, something other than the slap-on ending of making everything work out for them. There was even one suggestion of having Judy, after years later, finally divorce her husband when the kids are old enough, only to find Nick having moved on.

But anon, we all know that Nick is dependent on Judy for his happiness. Judy would be perfectly fine without him, but Nick? Nooo.

I find it worse when Stu and Bonnie, who specifically said that they opened their minds to working with predators, are suddenly super racist towards Nick.
np sweetie
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Here I improved it for you

(I'm joking if somone's not getting it.)

This was when they were children, she does not wear them now.
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Reminds me of this
>She wears fake braces for Al at night since its his fetish.
>And she has a fetish for Al.
It's never about tropes, but how they are used.

Like, your favourite game of thrones character is a fucking mary sue and you love it. It's all about the execution.
Tyrion is best tube dude.
Brace 4 impact.

That was when they were kids.
Why do I love Darkstar so much? It's pretty simple when I think about it. Darkstar isn't just the best character in the series, he might just be the greatest character of all time. Just imaging him riding through the sands of Dorne, the wind in his hair, his mighty steed below him. As he rides through the red mountains, the ladies swoon at his very scent. They know how he smells, the essence of his smell is sold in Planky Town under the the name of "Greenblood Orgasm." The very nature of Darkstar is mystery. could he be playing a deeper game than even his creator realizes? The answer is yes, he has transcended such boundaries as the written world, and has free will to do whatever he sees fit. However, Darkstar is filled with such guile, such arcane craft that he does not even use these powers. Why, you might ask? You will never know, for the mind of the Darkstar is not one that is easily penetrated. Darkstar is such a force of nature in his realm that nothing can truly touch him, the only thing keeping him bound to the page at all is his will to exist within the preordained boundaries of his world. Darkstar is not only beyond the comprehension of us, he exists within a plane of true focus and beauty. Observe his playful smile, his gorgeous and rippling biceps, his gallant nose, and most importantly, his eyes. His eyes, like pools of saffron, provide the only glimpse into the true machinations of Darkstar. Do not stare into them. Many good men have gone mad in the attempt. Darkstar is not just a character, a formless collection of words and images, he is himself is the binding that holds the saga together. Without Darkstar, the entire series, the entire world of Westeros as we know it crumbles. The Trident would stop flowing without Darkstar, the Reach would become a desolate crater, and the Wall would melt without his frosty gaze. These are just of a few of the reasons why I like Darkstar so much.
>After Al finds out Remmy gave Charlie a blanket made from his wool, Al gives Velvet a coat made from his winter sheddings.
>Noone outdoes the alpha.
>Remmy gave Charlie
Taking and giving are two different things anon.
Charlie took the wool from him.
Stop with your Charmy faggotry

But coat of winter sheddings for V is a cool idea.
>he had to watch her precious little bunny puss hole get stuffed again and again by the biggest, baddest tough-guy jerkoff of a rabbit I could find

KEK, holy shit my sides. Cuck at its finest.
Need to see this Zootopia style.
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why no better... Shaved
>Betty shakes her head as she looks over the meager wolf fur scraps, "I don't think this is gonna work Al."
>He sighs "Alright, plan B then."
>Remmy spends another winter cold.
>Its not a very well made coat but Velvet really appreciates the sentiment and how warm it is.
>It also smells so strongly of Al so much that she can't leave home with it or she'll get too hot and bothered in public.
>She learned that the hard way when he first gave it to her, and she was working a double that night.
>Remmy spends another winter cold.
Sorry anon but Betty's arms are not cold.
She will keep him warm.
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>Remmy has to sleep over with everyone in order to survive
>Much snuggling is had
Page 10

and betty was the one that violently took it for charlie's sake

sheepdog dead

That sounds more like rape than cuck. Cuck would be that he'd enjoy his wife's puss getting stuffed by a big jerk alpha.
That's a pretty sick marty, friend.
Nicely done.
They took it.

But Remmy did not give it to Charlie.
If we want to get technical, a cuck is the husband of an adulterous wife. A cuck fetish is when the husband enjoys the humiliation of having another male fuck his wife.
Though I do agree this sounds more like rape, with the other buck forcing himself on the wife.
>Remmy gave Charlie
You may want to go back and reread that chapter
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