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HG / Hunger Games thread : v

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 293
Thread images: 196

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HG / Hunger Games thread

: v
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>Ahri's eyes widen at the sight of the teeth, but with a strong twist, she opens the container and quickly hands it back.
I think you underestimate this one's speed and strength... I will continue to pray that you don't meet him.

(It is, yes)
post avas you're working on/want to do
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>>7938955 (Host)
>The girl keeps the two giant women under her watchful eye, and her hand remains firmly on the hilt of her sword just in case either of the two try anything funny.

>>7939004 (Maki)
>Her hand hasn't quite left the weapon yet. She glares upwards past the brim of her hat at the giant girl.
What was that...?

>>7939008 (Host)

>>7939013 (Anon)
>The little girl growls and grumbles as she's pet. She suddenly stand and quickly points her blade towards the finger.
If you continue with this insolent behavior, I will be forced to discipline you for disrespecting the inchling race!
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Thank you comerad for help, here's some rubles for service

>Gives rubles
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So he really is like huggy!!
Still deciding a kancolle.
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Seth's mother
Thanks! Will give some of this as allowance for my daughter.
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Happy Holidays.png
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Well yeah, I suppose.
Squid no
squid yes
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i said "cute warrior", you can be rude and cute at the same time
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>Fuck you people with the Switch who get his campaign a month before everyone else.
Ask Yuubari or Vert, they'll help out
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it's over
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Thanks for hosting.
No offense but I am now going to furiously masturbate to fanart of you.
Congratulations Syria! I knew you could do it! Thanks for hosting comrade host!
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Zer0 (35).png
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Thank you.
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Half Genie Hero (71).jpg
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Thanks for hosting
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>I'm capping volume 3, when I'm done I'll get some fanart and then I'll RP her
>takes away the sharp object with no effort
It's dangerous to play with these things
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James Storm NXT.jpg
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Thanks for hosting
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arms crossed.jpg
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Thank you...
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A beautiful day to hunt..png
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I won't be getting paid for that. Good job to her and thanks.
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best girl.jpg
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(Only problem is she doesn't talk, and is kind of a bitch...)
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レン (37).jpg
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Thanks for playing.
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>Gabriel, shota, kerberos
>i still need the anime pics from the 3 even if i already play 2 of them
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Congrats and thanks for hosting
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>She hides the teeth back with a girlish giggle as she takes back the flask.
You want him dead, don't you? I'm your girl then! Thank you!
>She tries to take a drink but realizes one, big thing she forgot to do.
Dang! It's empty.
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Thank you, dear. This bout was quite amusing.
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There is a difference between rudeness and pride! I refuse to tolerate such disrespect towards me or my size.

>The inchling shoots a beam of magic from the tip of her sword at the finger!
Are you as deaf as you are large? Back! Back!
>Only to have her blade smacked away.
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>>7939027(Red Hood)
I know that this toxic personality you have will ruin you when you get older. In my opinion, I think you need a man to help you settle down and become a loving, caring, cute housewife. I'd pay to see that kind of transformation~
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Congrats to the winner, thanks for hosting.
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I'd like him dead yes, but...
>She shrugs, then manages to hide her laughter at the realization that the flask is empty.

Why would I take offense to that?
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Thank you the game, giantess.
Thought Ikoros was Neo?
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Enel's god complex would be fucking great to play with. His literal god tier ego would be great interaction fuel.
I'm actually a little surprised their aren't more One Piece characters; guess Luffy kinda fucked that in the ass didn't he?
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>Thinking about this Dunmer here.
>tfw wasted a future rocket scientist on jerking it to Ahri
Was it worth it? I'm leaning towards yes but I wanted to get you guys' opinion.
>would still like to do the mermaid
Oh is there already a Neo rper? Well nevermind then.
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"disrespect"? but i respect you for being so powerful with that size
You really this desperate to talk?
>Take her if you want her. Please.
>I honestly do not mind and I am positive you will do far greater with her than I did. I have a hard time finding time to do this anymore and if things go the way they are I will probably leave HG as a whole. It'd be best if I stuck with one avatar anyway.
I could ask you the same thing.
Not every Ahri is your decapitated bimbo.
See better Ahri right here >>7939301
>Jerking it to Ahri
The fact that you're having doubt is insulting to the fox of hotness.
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Is that so?
Oh I see what it is! You just want me to become those other bitches! Taking away what makes me me! Well screw you, that ain't happening!
>She stomps her feet on the ground and gives a childish pout.
It's not funny! Hmph! But what? What could you possibly find a but for?
Money's better than girls all day, every day.
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beauty from tragedy.png
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>If I can find the time to properly rp her, I will give it a shot.
>I wish you well during your time away.
She's pure, and I don't really care. You do what you like.
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Of course!. you can't see a a tiny but powerful warrior every day
I want to take care of a watermelon field with Ikaros.
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I'm just worried. I've seen a lot of people cut down or injured by him... Myself included...
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>A certain inchling seems very happy to hear that. She wears a proud look on her face after that compliment.
I see! Perhaps I was too quick to judge you, giant woman.
You will do fine.

I could always use an extra set of hands. All I ask is that you do not pull them out of the ground.
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And you don't think what makes you you right now doesn't make you "one of those bitches"? I almost feel sorry for you. You really are a jaded little psychopath with no future at all. You might as well kill yourself right now. Save yourself the future heartache of being "one of those bitches" in the future.
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>This one technically, since I'm still capping away.
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You keep saying you're working on but god damn when will you bring it out?
>need to do some capping
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>when I can properly wake up and remind myself I have 100 files to transfer to another device
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>Maybe Gregg. Need more images and time to put them together.
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Mae (57).png
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This CJ is getting out of control
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A job's a job.jpg
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Don't you worry about m- wait. Then why are you still here? If he's killed you?
My future is making somebody else doesn't have their own. I couldn't be happier! Free of any rules, free of an adults telling me what to do and free to blast anybody I want to. This is the life!
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>It's literally only me and Smolgore. No one else will probably pick him up.
Still a cj
>Boi you'd call it a cj anyways. I interact with other people. That's okay though, I won't hold it against you.
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Oh really.png
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Until you get caught and put in jail.
Would you believe me if I told you I've been to jail? It's not a fun place. Someone like you wouldn't survive one day in there. All your freedoms will be taken from you, and then what will you have? Your whole reason for living is stripped away from you like that.
Even if you don't go to jail, the chances of someone finding you and killing you are somewhat huge in a place like this. Acting cocky and carefree might set someone who's stronger than you off.
It's really not a circlejerk when he interacts freely. Heck off shitpost-kun.
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He didn't... I only just barely escaped.
>She covers her stomach once more.
Reminder not to respond to King Knight.
First 24
Still. A. Circle. JERK. Keep doing Mordecai, don't just jump to some shitty game.

Fuck off Assgore
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Comrade Soviet
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The Real Guy, The Best Guy
Leslie Nielsen
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Bill Nye
Tiny angry snek
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Amami Rantaro
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Mae (16).jpg
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Mae Borowski

>It's a good game, honestly. Also, that wasn't me. I post with my ava.
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Chizuru Kashiwagi
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Sukuna Shinmyoumaru
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Domesticated waifu
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Reigen Arataka
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kys Aussa
(Hanako, my wife.)
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Angry pupper
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Another entry.png
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BB Hood
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レン (93).jpg
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Maria and Harusame
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>Dude I like the game and I think the characters are fun. I'm interacting with every slide and anyone who replies to me. I'm not doing anything wrong. Sorry man.
>when you nut but she still suckin'
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0013 (1).png
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academy giggle.jpg
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>(Shit, was busy reading something and missed entry to another game...)
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Lost my way.jpg
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I bet someone as pretty as you had a pretty bad time in there. Hehehe! It's funny how so many people worry about me. This wouldn't happen if I looked like anything else. I don't have to worry about jail for a long time. Unlike you, I prepared for that.
That's too bad, miss! I thought you were strong. Guess I was wrong!
>lulz im late on purpose xd
Fuck off attention whore
baided :^PPP
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It Means Happiness (11).gif
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(Swap my dude. Need to finish an ep of the walking dead and then sleep.)
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W-why a-are you like this?
I want to violently nut inside Ahri.
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>Ahri narrows her eyes.
I am strong. I'm trying to impress upon you just how strong he is too.
>Ctrl + f (you)
I didn't want to rp anyway.
a-a-a-a-a-are y-you sure a-a-about th-this?
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Oh boy here we go.
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I'M sure that y-you're a c-complete asshole!
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You're right about that. Some would say thatI've died inside, but that's a story for another time. Besides, I've gotten out of it and came here, so it's all good.
The difference between you and I is that I made it out in one piece, and while you think you're prepared for it, I doubt you'll make it out the same way you made it in.
I don't want you to go into jail. It's not a place people wish to go to, but if you're not up for rehabilitating yourself then I think you may need some sort of awakening to get you back to acting like a normal kid.
Fuck off you annoying whiteknight and let me have this.
I'm not much but uh...hey.
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Late Grimes
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Gyro Zeppeli
..The character or the rper?
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Late Suz
The character ofcourse. Do you take me for a homo, Anon?
Was it baito
Post avas and rate
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Late Lizard
you never know. Not all anon are dude.
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Late Left Arm of the Forbidden One
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i copied rapeman oops.png
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stupid ava wallpaper.jpg
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This is getting somewhat repetitive.
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Mae (10).jpg
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>I had no idea you were Barrett.

>And you, Fat Bastard. Learn something new every day or whatever.
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All I got.jpg
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>Don't worry about it mate, I just posted my wallpaper twice, so not everyone knows.

>Now I know I don't do even one of them good enough to pass a 100% score, but thanks nonetheless.
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Late crashman
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>Expect to see Neloth and Legion at some point.
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Qt snek.jpg
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You lying sack of cunts
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Mae (58).jpg
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>Which four?

>Wait, Amami, how new are you?
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Ahri laying.jpg
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>Only have Ahri... so far.
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>Sunset is Animal Mother

I should have fucking known. Kek.
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I like them, so there's that.

The bottom row and Asgore
M-Message me later <3
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10 million hours in MS Paint.jpg
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yeah ok
de geso desu
pretty gucci if you ask me
i've seen you around for fucking ages yet you still manage to be a literal who
>copying Jiro
Automatic 0/10.
I want to molest Ruby and blame it on Kamina.
>hands u an ak-107
fat bastard makes me laugh
no offense mate but i have no idea who you are
Gonta is better.
Needs improvement on the English language in general. Also, being a bit of a dick here, but you seem to play your characters rather samey. No defining qualities.
Makes me want to NTR Ocelot/10
bring back martin
Tira a cute. Ashlotte a cutest.
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Mae (11).jpg
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>Huh, alright. I'm just somewhat surprised you like Clappy and Plague Knight, and not Rolf and the Dude or even Muffet. Those are the ones people usually say they like the best.
Lots of people have bad taste. See Bolin for example.
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>welp, can't argue about someone liking something.

>Go to ERP and ask someone to be ruby, I'm sure they'll be fine with you doing that.
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>I didn't start saying anything until January
No fuck you
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Screenshot (16).png
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>I don't really RP, I did some stuff back a month or two ago but I got sick of it after I was adding too much OC dialogue.
Someone really wants to be an anthro animal
It's Yosgay you baka
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Mae (3).gif
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>Man you have a hate boner for Clappy.

>I think my perspective's warped that all Dangans were before my time. Anyhow, I do quite like Amami, and I'm hoping you enjoy it here.

>Oh hell yeah, it got even better now.
>bec noir
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I just hate Claptrap. It's irrational. He doesn't deserve the suffering he receives. But I find pleasure every time I start a new run of BL1 and that dumb motherfucker gets shot.
it must be you
you are kamina's main ho
is that adachi
>posting anything but "image.jpg"
yeah nah
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>He lives the life I wish I was
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>Stuff on the right is filler, calm down buddy.
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>You are very wrong
>i play all of them with a different feelings
>you must watch all of them to understand
I really want to see you RP as Reigen. I also want to see your hamdog.
Haven't actually seen you rp all that much but when you do it gives me a good laugh.
I like you but I still want to see more of The Dude.
You're okay when I see you play.
Personally I don't like you but your English is okay and your rp isn't terrible.
I fucking love you, Fat bastard.
Don't see you rp all that much but you seem cool and give away spots a lot.
You're cool and your rp is nice.
Animal Mother and Suz are pretty nice.
Way too many Avas. Still have a lot of room to improve though.
You host a lot and you do rp on occasion.
Seems like a lot of meme Avas. Haven't really seen you either.
I don't know who this is.
You're cool.
You're a cunt and I fucking hate your guts.
You're cool.
Kys Bolin.
You're nice. Just don't speak solely to Asgore and you'll be fine.
Glorious fox ass.
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I dont care what you think.
>Pretending you know anyone here well enough to know their posting habits
Yeah, nah.
>loads the rifle
I'm not complaining, I think you should actually RP him.
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Gee Fumi, 2 Arthurs.jpg
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Being a xenophobic, trigger happy redneck? Atta boy.
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Phase 7.jpg
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>Internet please work

You really don't want me to kill him? Maybe you're in love with him!
You're not getting it, brainless! I will never go to it! You think I always act like this? Please! With nothing holding this place back, why should I hold back? Besides, the company takes care of any people I care. Just a little dent in my next paycheck when I do.
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Otabek (dab).png
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>Who the FUCK are you
>I talk to other people, don't you worry about me sir!

>I mentioned this in a thread yesterday about avas we wanted to play. I might make him official but I don't want people sperging on me for it.
>Blame Netflix taking off Big Lebowski so I can't rewatch it and feel completely comfortable with him.
>Helicopter samurai guy
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>Honestly didn't know people enjoyed him. Wanted to be more crude or disgusting but thought people would dislike it
>I'll have to collect more images of him
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>None taken.
>Fair enough.
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The End.jpg
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We've been through this yesterday, I think.
Fucking cunt
You're my favorite avafag desu. And not just because you host often, but I really enjoy seeing and interacting with your avas.
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>I still have austin powers downloaded desu.
>I could screencap if I dont forget about it.
Garnet, you triple fucking nigger.
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>"Way too many avas"
>im gonna have even more
>i want to have more because it feel very repetitive and if i had a lot of avas nothing will ever feel repetitive ever again
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>I've interacted with 4 or 5 of these characters and they were pretty solid. You're a cool dude.
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>Garnet was Yoshimitsu.
Awwww shit niggu, I didn't expect this one.
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O. Right, that makes more sense.
It's bretty hard to play real people. Would not advise.
Maybe I'm wrong.
he's a phoneposter mate
the shock value is why he's liked tho
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>Ahri looks a little pale.
In.. love.. with.. him? You have no idea what he's done to me or mine. I could never love a monster such as him.
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Punished Venom Ignis (Ava).jpg
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>Hence I don't really RP. I enjoy being "The Real Guy, The Best Guy" nevertheless.
Can't we have a game already, it better be 42 tributes, and not some shitty default game. I'm talkin actual costume here.
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Look at me.png
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Such sweet innocents. I'll let you be right for now, but you can't be right forever. Forensic science is a wonderful thing. With it, people can prove you're horrible with or without your facade, double personality, or whatever you call it. Your little act won't save you forever.
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eden4 (1).jpg
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Both equally awesome
First three are best, claptrap does make me laugh though.
>gives nazrin cheese
Cyka blyat
Fat bastard/10
Bill nye is my guy
>bullies all of them
Would heat
All of them are awesome.
Feels bad recognizing only haru
Glad to see you're growing out of being a meme bolin.
Thats a lot of animals
Pretty much everyone but the sabers are great.
>t-totally doesnt have a crush on mizore
But srs all of them are great.
A shipgril that isnt cancer, keep it up
Get to it
What's so bad about Fate characters tho.
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>I assume "first three" is Muff, the Dude, and Rolf, which sounds about right given past trends.
>Slams fist into face repeatedly
Who is pure?
That'd be the best. But only ifcyiu want

Your ass is grass
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Nothing just sabers become a bit of a meme in comparison to the rest of your avas
But I can't host senpai. My computer is broken and mobile hosts have shitty skills.
>a shipgirl that isn't cancer
So the other few are?
>I'm not an anime guy and I think most of the human bad guys from games I play are probably taken. I just prefer these kind of characters I guess.
maybe one day
No one
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The Blood.jpg
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I would say me, but my hands are a little too dirty.
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Nobody is free of sin. Not even your waifu.
All my avas are very meme though. The sabers got the same treatment just once.
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>Was going to say Bundt but then I remembered this happened.
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I think Yuubari, Niggato and Kongou are pretty decent desu
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>Satan calling someone senpai
My compliments to the baker
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>throws to the ground afterwards
Makes sense.
Keep at it bolin.
Maybe I dont know.
Fair enough then. Reminds me I should play claudia more
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I say my prayers, take my vitamins, and nothing went wrong, but I'm far from pure.

Any who goodnight.
The shipgirl in that person's list is also Kongou from Arpeggio of Blue Steel.
Do we even have an active Kancolle Kongo though?
Your ass is in the grass
>tfw very bad storms coming in
Goodbye HG.
If Ruby is not the word of God

God never spoke
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>You weren't the only one getting some cake that game. People REALLY wanted that cake.
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Listen here.jpg
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This. Those 3 are really the only ones we have ever had that are generally liked and accepted
Used to but they've gone
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just a shirt.jpg
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That's actually a really good question... ...
Maybe myself?
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if it has icing, we can kill it.png
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>That cake got me fanart, so I'll take it.
I got a Fucking push mower you shit

>holds onto the anon
Those damn fronts
>Now wishing I saved the moment where 2cool and the cake had a tense fight that devolved into passionate hatesex.
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We really underestimated its flour
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>I was about to post that. Ironically enough I think that came up after 2cool got Bundt pregnant the game before.

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It did look yum yums.
I am re-evaluating my opinion of you. Kys.
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Этo тaк.
That seems rather impractical on a farm.
>covers with a blanket
You're still not pure, but you're almost there. Next time we'll get you a shirt and pants.
Let me guess - Coffee machine is fucked again?
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And that's how I made a joke that resulted in me being hated forever... I'm sorry.
>This is true
I'm shitposting. Don't be such a thin skinned faggot.
Does your pet have autism?
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Answered Prayers (96).jpg
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I strive to be as best I can.

>Gimme a minute to set up, folks
This is the absolute worst possible thing!
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Why is this slut speaking to me.png
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>Just work please.
>Art thou surprised?
>You're too kind. I hoped someone said that they enjoyed talking with me.
>Something the matter?
>Thanks! Hope you like the rest of them whenever I get to play them.
>Bout time I get a male in there. May as well be one of the best of the best.
You're shaking! Maybe we can do this. We can go hunt him together!
And I'll await that day to happen. As far as they know, I'm either the solution to their monster problem or just an innocent little girl. I haven't left any trails yet and I don't plan to, pretty boy.
>You can expect her tomorrow. Glad you think so. I finally feel comfortable with all of them now.
>It's also happening to me. The block is getting flooded with all of the water.
Later kid.
>Bitches love a good wedding cake

>The cake is indeed delicious

>Bundt's fun to use but I could easily just make him filler instead of writing long paragraphs about him doing fucked up shit and being creepy.
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I was going along with the joke.
I know! Right!
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Its not really my job to know when things are broken is it?
Hmm. Thast russian handbook I ordered must be broke. I'll ask Yuubari to fix it.
There's only one one thing left to do
Get a lawn mower with 5 mowey parts. That would be pretty cool.
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Armadyl (3).png
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A-hem. If you would?
Hell no. Too expensive, goofy as fuck, too much machine to do a simple job, can be extremely dangerous
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>Garfielf opens the thread door slowly and enters the thread quietly
>after entering the thread Garfielf slowly closes the thread door
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Lift off
Thread posts: 293
Thread images: 196

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