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How many here fantasize about being a fatass?

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How many here fantasize about being a fatass?
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thick boys matter
I'm already a fatass
I don't. I have a serious fear of being fat and noticing the continuously growing belly in my lap terrifies me to no end, so I'm working to change that.

But I wouldn't mind seeing a little weight in my significant other, of course.
Source on OP?
Lots of people here don't need to fantasize.
I do when I'm horny, but don't otherwise. It's been so hard to suppress it. I've put on 30 pounds over the last 3 years due to it, so I guess it's now a reality. But god I love being encouraged or berated, it gets be so hot
>metabolisms fucked
>eat two bags of chili doritos w/sour cream a day
>still skinny af
>forever a scrawny little shit
anybody got advice for putting on weight
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I'm a male and I often fantasize about being a fat ass'd girl like Bailey.

That's a pity male cannot become a girl for some hours/days.
I do and after some binging I'm finally reaching 150.
I'd love to be a wanton hedonistic pig.

(But IRL my body can't handle weight gain. The reality isn't fun for me)
fatass here, i fantasize about the sweet release of death
Eat three big meals a day, dont eat many snacks. This helps slow your metabolism down
Shut up tranny.
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Fantasy is very different from reality. I wanna be a super squishy dude at times, but the health problems and social rejections outweigh how wonderful it would feel to be chubby and soft
me too thanks. The only reason I'm not fat is because gfat sucks

I like the idea of being able to transform from a thin male to a fat woman at will.
I'd be a tubby female slob at home but regular everywhere else
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I don't need to fantasize
kik? ;)
Who wants to be fat? I know this is a fetish, and I can't change your opinion on it, but being a fatass sucks. I'm slow as shit and have high anxiety because of my weight. Also did I mention that being fat can give you diseases?
I'm already fat (187 cm 104kg) and I wouldn't gain more, but I do fantasize about being larger. Probably 150kg is the max of my fantasy as anything more comes with too many issues that ruin the attractiveness for me. For anything larger than 150kg, I will stick to 2D.
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>I don't need to
big boi
I'm already fat, I fantasize about being fatter because I can't realistically do it without putting my health in jeopardy.
Im thin, but if i found a feeder who would balloon me to huuuuge sized i would drop everything and do it.
I wish I could be pregnant with 100+ babies in what would be my uterus, breasts and balls

Does that count?
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I know about the tradeoffs, which is why I can never be fat (no matter how much I secretly want to be).

The feels.
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I don't care about that, but I like big boy bellies.
I think I'm heading down your path. I've been hungrier then usual as of late and have gotten a bit softer as a result. Only a few pounds but after eating a pizza to myself and still feel like eating some more, I can only assume that the number on the scale is only going to increase from here.
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Do you like the path you are heading down?
Does anyone here get off on what physical limitations getting or being fat will do to you? Anyone here realize they're physical limitations were or weren't exactly what they're looking for? Tell me about them
I want to play with your breasts
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Only all the time. I'd love to be able to fully embrace it and eat what I want, when I want and stop trying to control my eating since I love eating junkfood. However I also have a lot of body image problems and am actually kinda scared of getting fat, so it'll probably just always be a fantasy.
yeah don't get fat you fucking retards
but getting fat is hot
if by hot, you mean uncomfortably sweaty
Mixed feelings. I do like the extra bit of flab and it feels good to stuff myself but I think I'll miss being skinny too.
that, and it's also incredibly attractive
I'm not tranny! I would never want to change my gender forever or to the time of next operation.
I am 350lbs, this is nothing to fantasize about.
Only if I could go back to normal and shift around. Though Ive definitely fantasized about cumming inside my partner and having them gain from it.
god i hope i can reach 350 some day
I'd go for the record of fattest man in the planet if it wasn't so hazardous to health. No, make that the fattest living being. Do nothing else but get bigger and have sex. The idea of taking up lots of space and being helpless is so hot to me I don't think I'd ever be able to stop. And I bet lots of people more would go down this path as well. Being a useless, hedonistic piece of self-aware furniture lavished with the attention and lust of countless others.

But life is life I guess.
>Though Ive definitely fantasized about cumming inside my partner and having them gain from it.
That would be the most fun way to gain. I'd love to struggle with my clothing after a night of fattening sex.
it's for the best, blobs are nasty and even as someone with a fat/weight gain fetish, people usually start looking bad once they past 350 pounds or so, sometimes sooner
My personal weakness is when a girl taunts me. As in she makes fun of me for being or getting fat, and goes into the kind of detail you'd expect from a porno, tsundere, or both.
I'm the exact same way. My advice is sit down and confirm yourself to a plan of what you want to do. If you stay wishy washy then you're gonna get fatter and go out of control. If you have a set limit, you'll at least, and if you decide against it then have the conviction to not go back.
I used to be pretty fit/ Now I can't even do a crunch the same way because rolls get in the way. It seems hot but it's also very embarrassing having such a large pot belly compared to the rest of my proportions. Man boobs at my size are also hit and miss, depending on the day.
Wasn't there an erotic story like this? Some guy was given some pills to get jacked but also his cum started fattening other people
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You have no idea
If only that thread was still around
oh I want to read this so bad
they're so nice, no hair or anything! You take pills?
Tell me how they feel to have or touch
What thread?
I already am fat. I weigh like 360.
I'll keep that in mind. My fitness has taken a bit of a hit these past few months and I have been spending more time laying about and eating then doing my regular exercise. Thanks to that my abs have all but disappeared. Its weird to see but pleasant to the touch.
Ex-jocks are the best jocks.
I was never what you'd call a jock. I'm just a skinny guy that did basic exercises to keep relatively fit. While I did do crunches the main reason you could see my abs was from being that skinny.
Do you want the fluff to pile on, or do you think it'll mess up your life?
I don't really feel comfortable posting pics of myself. Besides its not all that impressive. Its just enough to cover the visiblilty of them at them moment.
Kind of. The little bit I have is nice to touch and seeing it turn into a full fledge belly would be hot.
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this thread is useless without pics desu
how much have you gained so far?
Then set a gaining goal, like 15 or 20lbs. Something that's not too far so you don't do any irreversible damage.
got a gf?
You don't want my pics, I'm covered in hair.
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Go easy on me, I haven't posted pics in a while, and I obviously haven't been taking care of myself
Ag, hang on, all my pictures want to rotate for some reason. Gotta fix that
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there we go
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Tell me how I look. Be honest, because I get off on that.
sounds perfect~

you're like the pillsbury doughboy, you look like you haven't worked out a day in your life. and it's really cute
I wonder what it's like to get taken in by an older dude who fattens you up like that. He doesn't really look that happy in the second pic.
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I weighed 117 a few months ago and now I'm 126.
That's not a bad idea though it might be hard to go back after letting myself go like that.
got a gf?
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Holy fuck. Source, please?
oh gosh, thank you~
you flatter me ever so
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I wish I was fat as well. A fat pear trap .
If you knew you'd have a feminine fat distribution would you go for it? Would you be willing to become a fat femine trap if science made it possible? I would in a heartbeat.
would you happen to know who these two are? or at least have more of them?
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that is a very nice beer gut. Make it bigger. Make it so big that women get impressed tha you can still walk. That is how you get bitches, by impressing them
>tfw love 300+lb men with a nice squishy overhang
>they are usually just chub4chub or straight
The pain desu

Different guy here (specifically >>7359696).

I'd want a hyper bottom-heavy figure, with a tremendous girly fat ass. My gut would be round and feminine, as would my moobs.
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I fantasize about being swallowed by a fatass.
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This type of guy is more my speed.

>Dat navel

It's quite deep and wide. I'm envious.
I've always wanted to touch a belly like that, they always look so soft and pillowy, but I couldn't ever imagine myself being that big
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Imagine being this dude and having a fit crazed feeder girlfriend. Every now and then she'd get to go out jogging with her constantly teasing you about how fat and out of shape you are
Having her slap your fat gut around to emphasize how big it is would be hot.
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I don't know about fat, but I'd definitely become a gorgeous trap if science allowed it. I'd want juicy hips too, so maybe that counts.
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can someone tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown
>If you knew you'd have a feminine fat distribution would you go for it?

I've already got it. Unfortunately. Living as pear-shaped male really sucks. Trust me.

> Would you be willing to become a fat femine trap if science made it possible?

Definitely no. Especially if I'm into girls, not into guys.
I'd rather have a harem of cuteboy feeders tbqh.
>Living as pear-shaped male really sucks. Trust me.
Why do you say that?
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>I've already got it. Unfortunately. Living as pear-shaped male really sucks. Trust me.
You are living the dream then. I too have a pear shape, but alas I have very manly features like body hair and a majestic beard. But if science finds a way to further feminize me while keeping my dick working perfectly I'd go right for it.
Unf, I'd love that, being teased makes me diamonds.

I also love the idea of being a lazy, carefree fatass around fit or thinner people. To watch her exercise and get exhausted while I snacked, and when she was done her cuddling on my stomach and start caressing me, teasing me about how I get as exhausted walking a few feet.
Would any of you be a slob as a fatty?
I might try it out but typically I like being clean.
I would if I could get away with it.
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5'10", 215lbs. Out of shape, and only wanna get worse.
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and butt pic.
Very nice. How big do you want to get?
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Fuck if I know. Primary goal is 350, but I'll know how far I go when I get there.
Keep it up. How long did it take you to get where you are now?
I was 160 in 2015. Managed to get to 215 or so in 2016. I wasn't gaining intentionally at 160.
It just sorta happened then, huh? Well the weight looks good on you. That belly must feel great to hold.
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Oh, it's lovely. I find my hand resting on it involuntarily all the time, or fiddling with it when I'm bored. I'm just getting to the point where I feel it bounce as I walk.
I'd do the same if I had one. How do you like the bouncing?
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I love it. Makes walking all the better, when I HAVE to. I gained 60 pounds in a year working a very strenuous job. Now I have a work-from-home job. I wonder if I can gain 100 this year.
If you keep plenty of snacks around you while you work then I'm sure you can, or at least come close. Just imagine all the different sizes of clothing you'll go through if you do succeed and how tight the ones you are wearing now will be?
me 2, man. me 2
this. Know how I can satiate this lust via the internet?
Still wondering
my belly's so flabby now. It's gotten to the point where a pocket between my belly and above my pubes have formed. It's of course always hot and sweaty. What can I do with it for fun? Other than play with it and jiggling it of course
do you have any comparison pics anon? that's a drastic change
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>Why do you say that?

Imagine that I don't live in the country as free as Murica or UK, but in the conservative country full of people trying to be like the others around. So, every guy should be with the 'V' body build (25 lvl here, I've met only one pear-shaped guy in my country, who wasn't me), in other way people look at you as at outcast or weirdo (even if you behave normall), you have a really big problems to find love (Actually only desperate 30's are willing to start anything with me, just to not be alone with 30 kitties) and clothes. You can be handsome, but if you're pear-shaped, you will never hear from the woman you're sexy, amazing etc. If you're lucky, you hear you're 'cute' & 'adorable'. Yuck.
I really enjoy wearing suits. But it's really... really hard to find good one for me, the same is with shirts. And the same is with the jeans - I can find good in my hips, but too small in length or the opposite - good in length, too tight in butt.
Next thing which sucks is the knowledge you did not meet the expectations of the family. Especially from your sister, when you know she would love to tell her friends she got a sexy brother.
Pear girls of course aren't in the same position in my country as hourglass girls or flat-as-the-floor, but they're treated normally and there are often guys willing to be with them.

Maybe if I've lived in the USA or Canada I would enjoy myself even more. But here, I have to face the fact being pear sucks and I can just dream about how it would be good to be a girl just for one day, not forever.

My manly features? It's a miracle I've got something imitating the beard. Body hair? I nearly got nothing on my arms, legs and chest. Plus, I've got a very young face. While I'm 25 lvl, I still hear from people I look as 20, sometimes I hear I look as 16.

> But if science finds a way to further feminize me while keeping my dick working perfectly I'd go right for it.

You can try hypnosis. Really.
are you gaining on purpose on? how much have you gained?
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>conservative country
> trying to be like the others around.
Are you a fellow slav? If so why are you not wearing sweatpants? Be the fattest you can be. You're 25 and not the athletic type, so that means you should be in university or gotten your BA by now. Find a cushy job and grow that ass even bigger. The sex a coworker with your massive penis and boom , you are living the best life.
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How many of you want to look like this dude with an amazon gf to tease you about how fat and weak you are.
What exactly constitutes a male pear in terms of measurements?
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What i wouldn't give to have an ass like that, and the limitation and social stigma that come with it. I'd also love to live with athletic people and ddiet crazed women as roomates who constantly poke fun at me for my massive ass.

Post your fantasies about being a fatass
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Use the image search next time
Inverted nipples on a male are pretty rare.
Me, cause I'm >>7385990 , but she'd also have to be very tender with me cause being pampered and spoiled is part of my fetish. Knowing I'm an indolent, hedonistic pet to somebody would make the teasing so much better.

Also I'd kill to have a body like that and also a beautiful/androgynous face. It's perfect.

I don't know. Role playing?
>being pampered and spoiled is part of my fetish.
That for me and being massively corrupt. Be it a politician or even better a military official. Or a mech pilot and being the pet to an amazon-like general.
Thin arms, small shoulders, small belly, wide hips, big and soft butt and thunder thighs?
I'd like to try to tempt them into trying out my lifestyle. Nothing would be hotter then watching them slowly out growing their clothing and working out less before they become just like me.
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So what , a 110cm shoulders with a 70 to 80cm right above the navel and over a 100 cm hips? Do I classify as a pear?
No, your fat seems focusing mainly on your belly, not on bottom.
I'm 75kilos at 170cm all the fat on my gut is located below the navel, all the little that went there anyway. Before I weighed 69 kg and measurements were 70cm navel and 90 hips.

I want a huge gut with a navel so deep (I'm male) that a penis can easily fit into it.
So you'd like to be a tyrant? That's hot. Piloting a mech is also a perfect job for a fatty, but I'd say being in power/command is hotter. Fat royalty is GOAT. Nonetheless, it's not for me, I'd rather have it be a really feel-good experience, have a comfortable, cushy and massively obese life because my caretakers love me and want to make my life heaven. Even if I was a fat king or prince.

Enormous office worker. Efficient, but gluttonous. I'm so fat I have my pants constantly unzipped and my lower shirt unbuttoned, so my gut can protrude proudly.
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Not by itself, no. Occasionally maybe mixed in with another fetish. For example, I might fantasize about a girl mind swapping with me to steal my body and leave me stuck in her fat form.
Nice idea. But personally I fantasize more about being forced to change into BBW by magic. Sometimes I wish this forcing happenned somewhere public, before the eyes of the others.

[spoiler](I'm the guy from >>7355488 & >>7392064)[/spoiler]
Damn, I'm always failing in doing spoilers ^^'
>That overhang

I really wish this premise was more popular in fiction, going from thin male to fat female.

Like a bunch of office guys changing into office ladies.
>>assuming that a vast majority of people on this board aren't already fatasses.

That would work for me too.
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I find it interesting that whenever a question like this comes up all the people who kind of stumbled into being fat and due to an unhealthy lifestyle are really unhappy with their bodies and the gainers who tried to be fat are super happy with their bodies.

Food for thought.

The difference is whether the weight gain was intentional or not.
I mean that's my point

A lot of the fat nongainers are like "TRUST ME YOU DON'T WANT TO BE FAT" and It's interesting to see the other party having a different opinion.
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>Post your fantasies about being a fatass
I fantasize about fat being normal and beautiful, and no, not only to weirdos on the internet, biologically. For fat males not only be considered beautiful, but for being built to be fat for whatever reason. Millions of year or they fattening for political/cultural reasons, a need for them to be fat to do whatever, extreme body dimorphism... anything. Our lifestyles being the most comfortable and blissful imaginable, feasting all day because being fatter is not only beneficial; but also much easier thanks to us being built for it. Not having to take care of our bodies, because countless others already do it for us, not doing an ounce of physical labor or exercise in our lives, only ever working on our brains.

And I fantasize not only about it being normal, but for the bodies of blobs to look as good as they do in these pictures. No cellulite, no butterfaces, no body hair, no red lines, no saggy flesh, fat "molding" the body to make it easily sit on the ground like those absurdly huge fattases our depraved imaginations have created.

oh wow, that is quite the change, you used to be so skinny. do you miss those days? has anyone said anything about your gains? i'm sure they've noticed~
can I just freeze myself until this is a reality
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I'm one of those "unhealthy lifestyle" ones and I'm kind of in the middle about it. I loathe myself for being fat and think I'd look infinitely better thinner. But at the same time, since I started browsing these threads I've started to fantasize about being fatter, feel weirdly horny when I overeat and I'm stuffed and even grope myself all the time, when masturbating or laying around.

Feels weird.

I freely admit I'm jealous of your size.
...Jesus no, that's not me, that's just a random pic.
I love it when people describe themselves/others in terms of size rather than fatness, saying things like "I'm so huge" rather than "I'm so fat".

It's probably because I'm a macrofag as well so I'm really into the idea of someone growing and getting massive in all kinds of ways.

I mean I'm envious that you're fat period. I fantasize about being an enormous pig.
Nope, and I'm digusted by 99.999% of all fatties IRL. 2d is pretty good, though, as well as slightly pudgy grills.
>I fantasize about being an enormous pig.
Groping myself is comfy, but I have other priorities in life I guess, so I'm kind of trying to get in shape. But failing at it.

Still, I'm not that fat, and that's why I also have that fantasy times a thousand. I wish I could be just an obese, slothful, huge ball of lard. More fat than man. As fat as I wanted without any kind of restraint. I wish I could do nothing but rest on a bed and gorge nonstop until I crushed that bed.

Well, if you want, you can lose the weight and keep the fantasizing. Up to you.
That's the plan, but overeating and eating what I want feels so fucking great. That's the problem, I love and hate being such a pig at the same time.
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>want to gain
>over six feet tall
>strong metabolism
>weak appetite

What do you eat?
Cheese. Tons of it. By itself, on sandwiches, croquettes, pasta, sauces... I make pizzas from scratch and eat them all by myself. There's also chocolate, which I haven't managed to go a single day without eating in a long time. I used to sneak up chocolate pellets from the kitchen I was working at last summer and I've eaten whole chocolate bars by myself.

Otherwise, nothing that scandalous, really. I eat as much and as varied as I can, lots of fruits and vegetables and stuff, but my addiction to those two is fucking damning. There's also the fact that I cannot stop once I start, and I'm so greedy I always want more, so I end up eating for three or four people.
gotta train yourself m8, download one of those calorie counter apps and set your goal to gain weight and just eat. it's rough for a while if you're unused to eating large amounts, but your body will adjust and it'll get easier
You just need to be greedy, anon. I'm sure you're greedier than you think.

And if not yes, train yourself.

Taking space is a huge part of what makes being fat hot for me. Being too wide and big for a piece of clothing or a chair. Yeah, that's size. I'm not only greedy for food, also for space, I want to take up as much of it as I can.

My my, sounds like you can be quite the shameless pig.
Yes, I am a pig. It feels so amazing to just eat whatever I want. Feeling full and go take a nap as I caress my stomach, knowing I'm making it larger and softer is one of my favorite things in life. So, part of me wishes I could just let go, but I do feel shame about it from time to time. It's comfortable for many things, but not so much for others, and there's always the health hazards. But I don't know if it would be much different if that "shame" was gone, I've been eating a lot lately. Maybe I'd just get fatter faster.

Could compromise. Remain fat, but keep your weight manageable and get more healthy food down your mouth.

More healthy but still a wild hog.
But I'm already in an awkward "compromise", more leaning to fat, I guess. I eat a lot of healthy food (I actually like and enjoy vegetables, I religiously eat at least 5 fruits a day...), but I also eat a lot of trash that I love, and I eat humongous portions of everything. I'd like to either go full healthy and exercise or go full hog and not give a shit about anything, that's where my doubt comes from in the first place. One's sensible and better in the long run I guess, but the other one is so tantalizing...
>daily meal consists of one large fast food meal a day, nothing huge just a burger and fries usually
>always been overweight, quickly approaching 275 and legs aren't comfortable anymore when walking or standing

Can we trade metabolisms? Mines broken

You might be able to have fat dreams then, if you think about being a pig that much.
You're probably severely underestimating just how many calories can be in a simple burger and fries, especially from a fast food place
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Remember, the fatter a man gets; the more feminine he starts to look.
>hairy bloated beer guts

It really does depend on the weight distribution. But all guys can be shaved.
And it feels good to be clean shaven too.
I think I got a new fetish...
>tfw ate too much tonight
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I don't really miss them at all, really. And plenty of people have. My roommates tell me to hit the gym with them all the time and I'm often shirtless cause I get really hot really easily and they tell me I've gotten fat. ;v

But fuck it.
I'm always afraid that I'll end up missing being skinny if gain, and then I'll be too fat and lazy to fix it, which is one of the reasons why I've never gone through with it

you have a nice ass though~
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I used to be overweight mostly because I was spoiled with food as a kid. I did get better, but I sucked at phys ed for most my life. I eventually gained muscle and started to burn it off, but I still had some fat.

Now I'm like borderline overweight with muscle hiding underneath. I still have a bit of belly, but nothing noteworthy. I'd love to try gaining at some point, but right now I'm okay with my size. At least the gf enjoys messing with it.
I just calculated it on McDonald's nutrition page, and two small hamburgers with a large try and a coke is ~560 calories, with 27g saturated fats

I don't have enough daily activity to even warrant a proper three meal 3000 calorie diet, so I'm not fasting. But I didn't expect a 600 calorie diet to balloon me at one meal a day either.

>enjoy snacks but don't overconsume there either
I should mention, for the record I have a brother who's almost the same age as me (younger), he eats more or less the same diet without much movement either and his metabolism is amazing since he's always at ~100 no matter what.

As they say, every man is responsible for his own soul, but it's really hard to not buy into the muh genetics argument when I'm living it
I've fantasized about being a feedee ever since I was a young girl but in practice eating too much makes me kind of nauseous, and outgrowing clothes is just disappointing. Neither do anything for me sexually despite my fantasies involving them a lot. I think I'd enjoy being forced into it by my partner, but my he's too kind and respectful to spontaneously force anything sexual, even if I've implied I'd think it's hot.

(He's also something like twice my weight and I'm kind of his feeder [we're in an LDR so I just send him some fun snacks about once a month], so it's not like I don't get my jollies on this topic in general, it's just something I'd eventually enjoy indulging myself.)
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A large fry by itself is 510 calories, dude.

That said, gaining weight on ~1170 calories a day at 275 pounds is impressive. Even if you ate two double quarter pounders with cheese, a large fry, and a large Coke you'd be at 2350, which isn't unreasonable for anyone over 150 pounds who gets some movement in. Check a BMR calculator and then aim about 500 calories below that per day, with ample water. Go 1000 below for a few days if that doesn't work. If THAT doesn't work then you might have a serious medical issue.
>loaded with calories yet not very filling
>cheap as shit
>located on every street corner

how do fast food companies keep getting away with it
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The world needs more fat people. Especially more fat men to ensure that society develops in that direction. As a scientists I will dedicate my life to ensuring that the human body not only can continue to function normally at over 500 lbs but also to work better for it. There will be a new natural selection. Men are naturally predisposed to extreme laziness. Lazy men created all the innovation that we see today. Lazy women are a detriment. Have you ever seen a woman work? By the gods, so much effort and stress for things that can be done in a much more efficient and simple way. That's why they do the repetitive drone labor. Be it science or anything else. A man created the multi channel pipette because doing it one by one is simply hell. Make men fat, pamper and spoil them and then see how far their minds take them. By sheer necessity they will find a way to make things works so they can continue they overindulgent lives. It's a foolproof system that will one day take us to space. Manual labor will either be done by robots or women so they are gonna have things to keep em busy.
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Question for apples. What does it feel like to have a beachball gut like in the pic?
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>Totally smooth pig

My dream gainer bod.
didn't they just find some virus that makes people more susceptible to becoming obese? I sure hope that doesn't start spreading around, that would be so awful~

You know, they predict so much will be automated one day.

Imagine specialized feeder robots. designed to see to all your gluttonous needs.
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Godspeed, anon.

Impressive smooth gut.
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Wonderful, anon, wonderful. I'm not that fat or smart/talented, but you bet if the prize is getting as fat as I want and being better for it, I'll work as hard as I can to surpass every expectation.

Well, I guess automated means would be nice to do it yourself but I'd rather have other people working for me, giving me their attention and
How big would you want to get if there were zero limits at all?
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I don't know... I'd be bad to not be able to move my arms, maybe that feels oppressing. But if there truly were zero limits at all, maybe there'd be a way to operate stuff with my brain, or command others to do it, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

But don't get me wrong, I'd want to get fuckng enormous. Room-sized for sure, well past the line of immobility at least. Fuck walking.
What if you grew in scale as well as girth? That way no matter how massive you get you still keep a cute face and the use of your limbs.

The great thing about being a blob is that it drives home what a big pig one has become. You can't help but be aware of your own gluttony.
It'd be nice to be a macro, I'm also into size. Seeing servants as small fleas struggling to please me, breathtaken by my leviathanic size... that would be great. But in any case, like I said:

>Fuck walking.

So fuck usable legs. I'd want to get fat enough moving me was not my job, and since my utopian thing assumed we're made to be huge and not look horrible, my face would still be that of an angel.
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>You can't help but be aware of your own gluttony.
I'd be completely proud of being a gluttonous hog. Relentlessly greedy. Savory, salty, I wouldn't care, all at once and in humongous amounts. If I had people at my command I'd order them around for anything I wanted, and in copious amounts. I'd be furious if they were late or took too long, even if I was about to barf from being so full. I'd feel envious about seeing others eat, and demand they give me what they were eating. I'll let greed bring the worst in me without shame and accept it as something I deserve and completely natural. The mere fact I want it means I deserve it.

And to make this more perfect I imagine everybody feeding and tending to me completely accepting of this, and always enthralled and pleased to have the honor of serving me. Willing to starve just to make sure I'm well pampered, and happy for me.
>tfw people this size don't look this good irl
>their belly is always covered in nasty stretchmarks and sores

why can't real life be like fiction

I'd be a slob AND a trap.

Nothing extensive beauty products couldn't fix. Keep that blubber-belly skin healthy.....smooth....and fuckable.
Would you happily swallow even people if they'd willingly climb into your mouth at your order?
Nah, that's probably over the line. Even if they wanted it. I fantasize about people to give me love and care, even if what I do might come off as abusive; I assume they want to do it and they love me, because I, myself like my body. That's just hedonism and putting my pleasure over them, I don't want them to die. They'd be way more valuable providing food than being it anyways.

It's funny because I don't dislike vore or anything, I just definitely wouldn't even think of doing it.
Anyone had a fat dream?
I had lots of them when I was younger. But they were pretty short because as soon as I realized I was dreaming I made myself fat and got an instant diamond erection and woke up. And the few dreams I had without waking up wore mighty fine. I a more recent dream I looked like pic related and I had to go up stairs acompanied by my female friends who constantly made fun of how fat I am and how out of shape I was. And that that was the result of me sitting on my ass playing vidya all day and eating.The dream was cut short when one of them came closer and said with a smile that she'd make me much fatter than this. Diamond hard erections are the bane of sexy dreams
I've had a whole bunch over the years, they're mostly just dreams where I'm living out my normal life, only I'm fat. I haven't had one in a while, though.
What if it wasn't an order and someone came to you and requested it?
>tfw used to be 310 but down to 180 now
>feel so much more amazing, able to actually get out and do shit
>fully aware of the hazards that come with being that fat
>still attracted to fat guys

oh cruel irony

You can be thin and still into fatties.
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Well, if I liked him well enough I could challenge him to something. To carry twice the food by himself, to massage me all by himself, or to give me all his food for the day and watch as I eat it. Then, let him get into my mouth and fake chew him using my tongue and gums, probably letting part of him out. I'd try to keep them out of my throat I guess, and let him know that if he wants to do it again he has to work even harder once he got out.

Making sure he didn't get in would not only be for keeping him alive, but also to tease him into thinking he'd actually be able to do it some day, and still try harder and harder to get the chance to even try.

I used to have really beautiful dreams about fat people a while ago, but now they're gone. Fuck, I want to have dreams like these, all I get is mundane shit and monstrous nonsense. I'm really jealous of you, anon, that sounds blissful.
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Speaking of feminization, I found an erotic story wherein a lesbian falls in love with a fat man thinking he was a girl. When she finds out, they agree to pretend that he's a girl.
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I sure love my hams!
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I wish I could sit on myself.
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I sure am bad at taking pictures. Shoulda shaved, too.
I want my head to be in-between your legs
I have sort of a hard time pressing them together, but I'd be glad to do that.
post belly!
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My best attempt, anon, here you go.
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And since that makes me look too large and I want to push my hams, here's an ever worse attempt.

Hope you like it.
How much do you weigh?
227 pounds, gained 22 since last year
Not bad. The weight looks great on you.
Spoilers dont work on /trash/
I'm flattered! This thread made me realize I love the way my thighs have grown and share them. I'm still pretty embarrassed tho.

very cute anon, are you still gaining?
Thicker thighs are always a plus and your belly is quite nice as well. Was the gain intentional?
I guess? I I'm not sure. I wasn't intentionally trying to put on weight, I'm just a lazy pig, but this thread sort of makes me want to...

Nope, but I haven't done anything to prevent it either, I've ballooned out for the last two years.
How much did you weigh before then?
180 or so, I wasn't exactly skinny, but I still see the difference, specially on my legs.
It probably feels pretty different too.
Not that much honestly. I have more meat to grab on and that's nice, but since my physical activity is not that hard, It's not tiring or anything. Maybe that's why I haven't tried to lose it.
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I'm at 227 as of now, but I'm strongly considering going up to 300 after I move out. Only reason I'm not at 250 right now is because I still live with my parents, and I dont want a further uptick in comments about my weight every day

I will be moving out soon, as i finally have a good enough job to live on my own though, so I will be able to become a glutton without anybody judging me
pretty qt belly anon, how long have you been gaining or trying to gain? what did you start at?
You can't change your gender because gender isn't real and only exists as a (pointless) concept. Only biological sex exists.
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About two years ago when I was in college. My freshman 15 wasnt going away, in fact it was still getting bigger, and i tried dieting yet never found the time to work out, and i always caved in snacking. eventually, I kinda just gave up and started to really like it after awhile, and I had a few friends online who were into this sort of thing encourage me to get fatter as well

I used to be pretty athletic too, but now the idea of looking like a neckbeard NEET really turns me on
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Why dream it when you can be it?
(Although I'm not really an active gainer, but I do enjoy my body. Feels good to get a squeeze of yourself and just play with your belly like molding clay.)
hard to believe you were once athletic, looking the way you do now. you look much better now

very nice, how much do you weigh?
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If I had to guess (and I do have to, since the only scale I have is pretty old and might be off), I'd say I'm somewhere in the 210 - 220 range.

Though I probably look heavier than that since I haven't build much muscle mass.
The more i think about it the more i want to be a 600 pound fatass

someone help me
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It's real easy just eat a lot of burgers.
Shhhh, its okay. The more I think I want to be teased about my butt and hips being big.
You underestimate the unbridled laziness of fatties
very nice anon! it looks so soft and squishy~ I bet it's fun to play with
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I fantasize about being a massive fatass being constantly pampered by a harem of slightly-less-massive grils
> Always fantasize about being fat
> Know that I wouldn't enjoy it IRL
> Recently I notice I've been gaining weight, not terribly much but I notice but I notice my pants don't fit like they used to
> Go to the doctor recently, been a year or two since I've been
> Never weigh myself outside of the doctor's office
> mfw I'm 200 pounds now when I thought I was somewhere around 150 (which was what I weighed last time)
> tfw know I don't have the time to work out and lose it and even if I did I don't have the discipline
> tfw conflicted about embracing it or not because I feel like once I go over 210 - 220 I won't ever go back
[spoiler] I'm just glad I'm not the only one who fantasizes about being a huge fat ass desu [/spoiler]
So many pigs, it's like a herd, heh.
that's pretty hot, did your doctor say anything about the weight?
No, this was the first time seeing this doctor, so I doubt they know. I had to get a shot in the ass though so I'm sure they noticed me struggling to button them back up. I think I've bought one pair of jeans over the past year or so and the rest I've had since somewhere around the beginning of college, and as arousing as it can be to just unbutton and let my belly out I really don't want to buy a whole new wardrobe.
no mean

help me be big
Weight Gain: Bringing all the Races Together.
Hey, >>7415484 >>7416140 here.

I was in a fancy party and I overate quite a bit. I ate like half a white chocolate cream cake. I ate like six cannellonni with the creamiest bechamel and cheese I've ever tasted and even scraped the leftovers completely shamelessly. Tiramisú, ice cream cups, mozzarella... I mixed sweet and savory stuff without caring, It was all just so good looking and I wanted it all. I ate a lot of stuff in front of everybody and I don't even feel that full, nor ashamed. It was free and nobody was taking it, why let it go to waste?

Still, for some strange reason, I don't feel like a pig at all. Mind giving me a reality check?
Hot DAMN all that went into your mouth? You must have gained five pounds from that alone, you piggy food slut!
>piggy food slut
Hnnngh yes I am a food slut, I just never stop. Maybe five pounds is a bit too much but I did eat at a portion of everything, and at least two of those I mentioned. It was all so good. Then I had lunch like nothing had happened. I fucking love food.
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What is the circumference of one of your thighs? and at what weight.
I had never done it, but apparently it's 28 inches/71 cm, and like I said earlier, I weigh 227 pounds. Is that a lot or do I just think I'm big?
My thighs are about 65cm and I'm 165lbs. Still much bigger than what normal people have. My thighs are just big for my weight.
That's not that far from mine, and you're not even a fatass, whew. I'm glad for you, anon.
Yes, you are such a food slut, guzzling down food like a pig, making your flabby body even MORE heavy. You just can't help yourself!
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>and you're not even a fatass
I've observed my thighs are growing as I gain weight too. Imagine what would happen if I started gaining weight.
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That's up to you, man, if that's the kind of body you want go for it. I bet you'd grow some gorgeous, juicy hams.

I had never thought about how fat I'm getting, cause I don't notice that much of a difference in my every day life but damn, it is making me heavy. I don't know if I should slow down or speed up, I'm still lukewarm about this. But being called a pig and teased makes me diamonds.
If I ever get the chance to get fat I'm taking it in a heartbeat. I havent exercised in years so my abs are so weak you can sink your finger in them when I flex them. I often fantasize about being 300+ lbs and waddling with friends who constantly point out I should start exercising. If I have the figure like in this pic >>7423891 I'll be content. Even more so if we get extended life spans and remain ageless and reach space,. as athletic women use me to warm up during the nights. It gets cold in space after all.
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Whoa, you're taking that kinda far, but fuck, I'd take that chance as well. Maybe a bit fatter.

>waddling with friends who constantly point out I should start exercising.

All my fantasies in a nutshell.
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>tfw only attracted to the idealized kind of fat that only exists in drawings and is impossible in 3D
>tfw will never date/be a cute trap with a huge belly
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I feel your pain, anon.
So are any of you into marco? As in getting bigger and taller as well as fatter?

If so, how big would you want to get?
I love macro but not being the one who grows.

I wanna cute fat bf I can climb like a mountain.
Would he start off giant-sized or would he be a normal sized person who you would feed until he was the size of a mountain?
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me, and big enough for regular ppl to be like cats or dogs to me, maybe a little smaller. Like this pic more or less
I love growth, especially growth by eating, so definitely the second one. Watching him expand and grow from normal size until he's bigger than entire buildings would be incredible.

I kinda prefer shrinking to growing though since it's more personal. Having a bf who could shrink me whenever he feels like it and gets me to explore his massive body at an inch tall is my dream scenario.
Do you prefer fast growth or slow growth?
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Oh man I can't decide. I love both of them equally as much.

I guess it depends on what the person growing is like. If he's shy and embarrasses easily then it's best when it's incredibly slow and drawn out and he gradually outgrows his clothes, then the room he's in and finally whole buildings all while desperately trying to cover himself up or try to stop it as a growing crowd gathers around him. If he's more of a confident type then I want him to get as big as possible as fast as possible while loving every second of it.
Slow maybe? fast would mean people would be too small for me in no time, and that's not good. Id want them to be like little pet servants whose faces I can see, not microbes.
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Would you pamper your kitty pilot? Piloting a space ship is a very difficult job. Sitting so long is straining even on his titanic rear. Would you massage it?
I'm not sure any seat, custom made or not, could withstand the amount of pampering I'd procure. That chair would not stand a chance against his ass. That space ship's budget would blow up almost as fast as him only for his replacement seats. And an ass that huge would be wide enough to be a seat by itself, imagine how much room for massage would there be...
I'm sure a very wide, bed-like seat can be arranged. Good spaceship pilots are rare to find.
new thread?
>bed-like seat
It's a start I guess.
Where is the new thread
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