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haha i hate myself

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Thread replies: 302
Thread images: 68

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haha i hate myself
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First four best cat
early to be honest friend
So...is this comic like, ever gonna continue? We never learned what Clementine takes pills for.
>tfw really want weed but i haven't the money to get it
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You know the drill, new thread, new beats.
my earphones are dying and everything sounds like trash
it really adds to the aesthetic and its fucking neat
my favourite atm
what do you guys do to stave off depression
shitpost and hang out with friends and smoke the peaceful herb
none of it really works though
I killed myself 8 weeks ago
worked wonders for my depression
look at porn and sexualize things i enjoy so i can think about that instead of how worthless i am
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Probably to get fucked up.
Jerk off, hang out with friends, listen to music, get high, play music very shittily, talk to strangers online, read, vidya, bash head against the wall, eat pizza, watch 80s sitcoms, get drunk, go for long-ass walks, try to find a partner, y'know, usual millennial garbage.
haha life is going nowhere
hey man you wanna talk or something? what kinda games do you like
Moi? Alrighty then, incoming ramble.
I mostly stick to 90s FPS (Doom, AVP, Quake, CS) due to them being flat-out simple, challenging fun. I also don't mind a well-made indie (Isaac, Lethal League, Gungeon) for similar reasons. But I'm not one to pass up a good Singleplayer campaign, and as of recent, AAA games have been getting surprisingly better at giving reasons to play Singleplayer other than to train you for Online (Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1). Seriously, it's baffling how good Singleplayer campaigns have been getting.
I spend way too much time a day consuming internet media. 4chan, YouTube, sometimes even Reddit. Then I also play some videogames with friends.

It's honestly amazing how much time you can waste doing nothing. I wish I'd never found out.
Enjoy it.
Life was shit before the internet. Fuck books.
It really was. Before the internet you had to do actual delinquent shit outside instead of shitpost online.
Find other depressed people and laugh at/insult them
>implying you were even alive back then
Well I've spent the last 3 nights crying and drinking so whatever I'm doing it sure as fuck isn't working.
Don't ever assume I'm like you, millennial.
Any one here have any advice for getting over someone you loved who more or less spat in your face when you told them?
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A great deal of time.
You could print out a picture of their face and re-enact the situation with your roles reversed, spit in their "face", and then go cry in the shower for an hour or so.
Might make you feel a bit better.
Shoot them.
Or just wait a few years. I went with the latter and I'm just now getting over it. Just remember it's only gonna get worse from here. There are other fish in the sea and they're all shitty compared to the other one. They're like off brand fish, not nearly as good as the one you liked but you'll keep trying anyway in a vain hope that one day you'll find one good enough.
I tried doing this but shooting it with a crossbow and it didn't work.

I know other guys who I could try and they are better I guess but something about this guy really had me. Worst part was I was 99% sure he was into me as well.
Okay, Gen Z.
I wanna date Will
If you didn't there would be a problem.
Just do what I do and numb yourself to the point you can't feel anything.
I've been practicing since i was like 11 though so whatever.
Ever really think how fucked up most people here are? Compared to normies we're made up of mostly barely functioning trainwrecks and it's kinda sad.
i wish i was dead
We all do. Yet will still don't kill ourselves and there's hopefully a good reason for that.
weed, osu, and spaceship shooters
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smooth as fug jams right here mofugga


also gonna try to draw douglas in that dumb drawfag thing i'm hopelessly attempting from last thread
jack off and play shitty roguelikes
sometimes talk to cute boys
Wish I knew cute boys.
>Car Seat Headrest
>Music by a gay furry who whines about all of his problems
There couldn't a band any more perfect for me or this thread. Good taste anon.
I'm going to go see him live next year, $50 AUD ticket but it's worth it.
i meant here
wanna chill dude?
Sure. Why not. What are you up to?
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Vitamin B-12
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It seems to be an emerging culture. Let's take punk's lethargy and self-deprecation and mix it with furfaggotry. Somehow the outcome isn't half bad. Let's just hope people don't start calling it furpunk.
Now that you've said you hope it doesn't, it will. Good job you jinxed us all.
i take solace in the fact that at any time i feel like it, i can just take a bus ride to a pretty suspension bridge and then jump off of it
I want to hug that kitty.
Holy shit thanks anon
I've been looking everywhere for this comic. I just couldn't remember the name of it.
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I'm sure he wants to hug you too.
Yeah, most of cate's work is great. I would definitely recommend you check out the puke city collection and Crow Cillers.
Sorry for >>6551879
and coming across as a self-centred shit. I tend to ramble when I'm drunk.
haha seriously what the fuck am I doing with myself
Fucking cunting shit piss tit arse bastard meant >>6552102
hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha Literally kill me
It's obviously Georgian slang for cinnamon red hots.
Not him but don't worry about it. Drunk shitposting in the threads is always good fun.
What the hell? An actual thread in the /trash/ board, you have piqued my interest.

Why are you guys in the trashcan?
We like it here.

Also, where is this sudden wave of new people coming from? Who sent you?
it's where we belong
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Be glad that this fuck showed of his true colors right away.

Also better to lie in garbage can untouched, than to be picked up just to be thrown back away when you get your hopes up, haha.
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the futures' not ours to see

Some faggot linked /trash/ on /v/. I came here and read the locked thread. So, I thought it was just going to be random shit that didn't belong on the board it was posted on. Being a degenerate, I started digging through the trash only finding furry porn, then I found you guys.

I gotta say, this place is pretty cool. I like the symbolism of /trash/. You guys came here and literally made 4chans trashcan your home. and judging by the possum memorabilia the symbolism goes deeper. Fucking clever I gotta say. How/when did this start?

What I find the most interesting is the lack of cancer in this thread. I guess this place is a secret? I feel the need for a conversation effort. I don't want to ruin your board, and I certainly don't want to promote typical 4chan cancer.

Unfortunately ( ironic wording ), I don't think I belong here. I'm a degenerate, but I don't hate myself or my life in anyway. My life is ass at times, but I like it. I have plenty of reasons to be depressed, but it's not in me to feel sad or mad for 2 hours. Additionally, I don't have any social anxiety at all. I get along with most people, I have plenty of friends, I don't have a relationship right now but I've had my fair share of them. I'm piss poor, college drop out, no job, and I come from a fatherless family, but all of them has seemed to have a negligible effect on my life.

Not to imply that I'm better than you, or that you don't have a reason to feel how you do. I am just the other end of the spectrum.
Thanks for the welcome, it's so weird to be welcomed. Most people on 4chan seem to have problems accepting that other people will eventually show up.
i did a little research, looks like the digital secondhand smoke threads started on

Mon 25 Jul 2016 05:19:15 No.4319876
That kind of takes some of the cool factor away that It's only been going on a few months. It was unrealistic to think you guys could have been doing this for years. Nothing good on 4chan stays good. It's always ruined by people who's sole goal in life is to make everything they come into contact with worse to hide the emptiness that pervades them.

Still, very clever. I know it won't be, but I pray that this thread stays as pure as it is now.
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I gotta say I'm touched. It sounds like you've discovered something beautiful in the sea of shit. Somehow discovering thread in the trash that is /trash/ has taught you something about yourself, and maybe it has.
But you've got things all wrong. These threads are actually suppose to about a punk webcomic featuring a possum and a raccoon. But now it's more like a friendly place to hang out and talk about our problems and shit. You don't have to be a poor and suicidal punk to enjoy these threads. You'll feel right at home here.
And posting possums.
Oh shit, I misread the fuck out of things. Everyone just seems down as fuck, and the title is "haha I hate myself". Ah well, sorry for being a dick lol

Well alright then, if there are no qualms about me being here, I'll hang around with you guys.
Wow, the evidence was all around me, and this isn't the only thread that was purposefully made here in trash.
yeah, it's basically the de facto board for furry and other degenerate stuff banned on other boards
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They say that uttering those words give you good luck.
Yeah, /trash/ is actually a vibrant community of degenerates. I believe It all started when /co/ started kicking threads into the /trash/. On /co/, only in-season shows are allowed to be posted. Also no porn. When the /co/ threads were sent to /trash/, they decided to stay here. That's why there are threads like /The Loud House/ /Steven Universe/ and /We Bare Bears/. Threads from other boards have also moved here to free themselves from the rule of their tyrannical moderators. Now there are dozens of unique communities in /trash/, like us.
haha i hate myself

also abysmal wannabe drawfag reporting in

today was an unproductive day for i am feeling very down today

pitching in my current mood in the form of a song
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and missed an upload, it's only a roughwork and i spent a grand total of fuck all in time and effort on it
not him either but i like your selection of vidya

looks good so far wannabe drawfag
haha i love myself.
i love myself every night
Most threads here are made here. Occasionally mods use the board for what it's intended for, and they move threads here, but I've only seen it happen a handful of times. Sometimes there are Kerbal Space Program threads here, because that shit is banned on /vg/ for some reason.

/trash/ is good in part because of its lack of focus, lowkey moderation, and degenerate userbase. If we had this thread on /co/, the threads would be removed the moment discussion strayed away from comics. More so because the mods hate furries. But most boards have that, and it seems many of them are moderated by a bunch of bitter bastards who just can't wait to put the boot down on any "offtopic" discussion. Shit, I once got banned from /k/ for making a thread about military equipment with the word "news" in it. Literally just that. The mod said I should go to /news/. To talk about military equipment.

Without that element of stringent moderation /trash/ manages to have a bunch of interesting threads.
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I think it's best for us to avoid the meta and just continue wallowing around in filth.
>Used to do drugs
>Still want to do drugs
>No way to get drugs

Fuck it, guess it's back to booze.
I think it's ill dawg!
Haha I hate myself
>don't have to work until tomorrow
should i get a pizza or something
I don't know, do you want a pizza?
Haha I hate myself
Watching SLC Punk
Well, turns out that I can add heart problems to the list of all of my health issues that include chronic gastritis with multiple ulcers, countless health issues, blind in one eye and the list just goes on and on...
What type? There's only one right answer.
I've got heart problems as well. Also I'm a hemophiliac so that's fun.

I try not to worry about it and just do everything normally because if it kills me then it saves me killing myself.
Any of you losers here dig Streetlight Manifesto?
Never heard of them 'til now. I'll give them a look.
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this might be opening up a can, but fuck it. I'm curious.
Where do you guys stand politically? Or do you give much of a shit at all. I'm actually kinda right leaning, conservative. Not like, alt-right but still fairly conservative. Really not that involved in politics though, I voted for the first time ever last month literally just to vote to legalize weed in my state.

Pic unrelated
I honestly don't give a shit. I live in Australia and no matter what party wins it's all the same bullshit.

I do believe people should have the right to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't physically hurt other people. If people act like a bitch about gender rights or whatever or do tell them to go fuck off though.
where is this from?
I don't give a shit what other people do as long as it doesn't fuck me over in some way.
nice pic
Same here and your post inspired me to order some pizzas.
They should provide sustenance so I can hibernate through the weekend.
same stance as you senpai
I'm either a super commie or a super anarcho-whatever. Either one as long as it's not anything we have right now because the current setup sucks ass.

Drink. It doesn't really help but at least I pass out for a while.
> right leaning, conservative
Hate to break it to you buddy but that is exactly what the """alt-right""" is.
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I'm generally in the middle when it comes to politics. Like, my positions are generally both left and right wing.

This election was a disaster and I didn't want to vote for either candidate. I just voted for propositions and local politicians this time.
It's way more complicated than that. I disagree with a lot of the stuff they tend to believe in.
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Fuck sobriety

how do normal people live without numbing themselves
not a big fan of this here closet tbqh lads
Hang up some posters, or photos of landscapes.
Might make it look nicer.
I've been meaning to go to my school's library and print out dozens of pictures of the AE86 and hang them all over my living space. They really shouldn't give people like me access to this kind of technology.
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New topic: Shit to put on your wall besides posters of bands you like

I've always wanted a print of this, but it seems they don't exist anywhere.
Also anything stanley donwood.
Same issue. Can't find shit for prints.
gas the pigs class war now tier anarchist

except not actually doing anything politically meaningful, just harboring the thought
I've got a blueprint of the original Enterprise and a bunch of Pokémon posters on my wall.
I have a world map on my wall
I have a framed picture of a bald eagle on mine. I don't even remember where I got it.
90% of people on imageboards are right-wing, or at least really tired of liberal bullshit
i've got a NCR flag, but nothing else
unfortunately the humidity means i cant hang my ziggy stardust poster or my nature calendar
i try not to get serious about politics cause i'll end up getting mad and straining relationships
i'd say i'm right of center, and libertarian-leaning on most issues
>magic the gathering
>TV or anime
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my political stance is spoon unconditional income into my gaping fucking mouth please i want to do whatever the fuck i want as a parasite instead of working a soul crushing dumbshit job
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Unironically anti gov as fuck (so anarchist)
Unironically capitalist as fuck
So this guy https://youtu.be/ahMGoB01qiA .....
But poor...... and an avid drug user........ and a faggot too
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I got this on my wall
I have no opinion what so ever, I don't care what happens to anyone
>tfw you lose hours of progress in a badly ported game because no autosaves
time to die
haha i hate myself
It's my birthday today and i went to the weed doctor and now im registered to buy medical weed.

Life is kinda rad sometimes.
happy birthday :D
Happy birthday anon
Enjoy that sick birthday kush
>Go to a therapist for the first time in years
>Diagnosed with DID
>tfw a lot more things make sense in my life
anyway how are you guys
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Got rid of my depression last year, moved to a bigger city and got in to the college i always wanted. Got a girlfriend this year. Life is good again and i am happy.

Now my friend on the other hand. He has been on and off neet since high school. He has dropped out of college thrice, it has always been things he is good at, theatre, music and art. As soon as the odds stacks against him and when something becomes overwhelming, he quits. Instantly. He doesn't seem to want a job and hates authority in general. I was his roommate for half a year but that's not important. He is currently applying for another college and i am not even sure if he is up for that one either.
Life hasn't always been great for me but he is still walking around the same circle as he did since high school. It's been almost 10 years now and i worry for him.
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Happy birthday, anon! Here is a cute gif for you.

Only ever talked with someone else with DID. How severe is it?
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>happy people near me
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Thank you
Thanks friend
This is too much, thank you. look a t this sick nasty duck
Happy birthday, Anon.

Everything is shit, I hate everything, and I didn't want to get out of bed when I woke up, but I've been sleeping for over ten hours and I'll fuck my sleep schedule up even more if I continue.
Pretty bad actually. I'm gonna start a prescription soon hopefully I can actually take it without finding the pills in the toilet or some bullshit.
Yeah man I've been tired all day today but I'm probably just gonna try to ride it out and sleep in tomorrow. Just stay safe dude.
>I'm gonna start a prescription
Hope that works out for you. Do you ever "phase out" and other sides of you take over?
Yeah. I was dating a dude and he liked one of my other people more than me so that kinda fucked me up. Most of them try to help but like I don't know man.
>i was dating a dude
seek help
Could be worse. At least you are not schizophrenic. There are people who are not even aware of being mentally unstable and that scares me more.
I'm probably schizo too or something in that area. A lot of people are aware they're mentally fucked they either can't/don't want to do something about it. My dad was fucked up hardcore.
what's good boys
did you have fun today
today was alright but now i'm just sitting here bored
I just got out of bed about two hours ago, and I haven't really done anything noteworthy since.
all day today i've been bleary-eyed and listless

i've accomplished nothing
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Happy bday bby <3
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>try to install old Windows game on Linux via Wine
>works well enough but my lappy doesn't really have enough juice to keep it from crashing
>try it again on my desktop
>plays the intro videos and then chugs at 5fps on the menus
Happy birthday

What'd you get from the birthday skeleton
Felt stupid as shit, wondered how I could still be in grad school then remembered the lods of emoney they're leaching off me
happy birthday!
Which game?
Mechcommander Gold. The second game too but that one didn't work at all.
Weapons, paintings, bulletin boards, and movie posters.
A Cylon target
How do I get the courage to see a councilor?
I don't want to feel vulnerable and I'd be putty in their hands, no? not exactly a trusting person

Legal binding

Granted you're in the US where we're pretty sue-happy

new video haha
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You guys seem like nice people. I might come here more often.
I'll come in you often, fucker
SFag detected. It's easy to be depressed in such a horrible city. Figuratively wading through bum excrement while the bums themselves have given up to the point where they don't even beg, preferring to scavenge what they can and resign themselves to an early grave.
lmaoing nope i'm from vancouver BC

i'm planning on jumping off of capilano
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Finals next friday. I need some motivation. Someone call me a faggot or something and how worthless i'll be if i fail.
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I'm drunk and feel like garbage again.
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The most notable objects are a Balinese rangda mask, a sign I stole when I was in high school, a street artist's impression of me as Soviet propaganda, and the only linoleum print I've ever made (which actually turned out really well).
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>Been selfdestructive little shit for the past year
>Started noticing my friends doing either same or similar shit that I did in the past and they're just destroying themselves
>No idea how to help them because I can't even help myself and all attempts trying to help them failed
>Now in a constant state of stress because I'm afraid what they might pull of next and how terrible it's going to be
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This will be you if you don't graduate
what you do is sit down with them
and say
dude, quit being a fucking faggot holy shit
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New topic time.
Post your hangover cures
not drinking works pretty well for that
>red bull
Pedilite taken before going to sleep after heavy drinking works for me. It can help even after you wake up too.

I scared myself one night I drank a bottle of Jim Bean by my lonesome and a bottle of Pedilite before going to bed and woke up the next day feeling great. There are supposed to be consequences to drinking a fifth by yourself.
I'm square
Usually drinking more alcohol helps
you can't be hungover if you never wake up
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exclemative words.jpg
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inside voices, clem
2 liter water when wake up. Coffee, juice, preferably sushi. Once the headache and nausea has settled, consume everything in sight.

No work: water and sleep

Work: coffee, cigs, greasy eggs
Strong black coffee with lemon juice and ice
Also works when you're already drunk and want to sober up
Then just eat whatever is in your sight, preferably chicken soup
Uh...no thanks, sorry, but thank you for the offer. *snuggle*
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>another catty sympathizer

my nigga

but you must eat the eggs
is there any torrent for that movie without jap voices
jap voices trigger my autism for some reason
Prevention by knowing my limits. I switch to water or soda at the first sign of the spins.
I wish this movie had a sequel, with a budget for animation and more cohesive story
The overall mood was great though, in the end I've enjoyed it more than I thought I will
stay trve my dudes
>Have to work like 7 hours tomorrow
Please send me your energy
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Godspeed, and may /trash/ be with you
>7 hours
Same. What do you do?
i don't know if i'm subconsciously starving myself or just forgetting to eat
>Think that the day can't get any worse
>Expensive headphones snap in half while I was putting them off my head
>No replacement so can't listen to music anymore
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Breath in LOX fumes
Nigga I work like 10 hours a day out in the cold
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czech out these OVAs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ-Rt-MgqGM great music great feel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxMQLET1-5I rad as fuck budget on animation

don't bother with Wake up!! Tamala that one had sloppy effort
the indie animators who worked on this could never ever hope to afford translators and dub voice actors sorry man there's no other option
fug xD

*bro-team "hehe*
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I hate myself
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i despise meself
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Turns out that I'm failing every single class possible in school
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prevention by taking breaks from booze and drinking water or some electrolyte drink; knowing your limits/ holding back if you have something to do tomorrow.

once you already have a hangover there is no "cure" but you can "cure" the discomfort by drinking more and the traditional drink for that is a bloody mary. if you don't have to drive to work or anything then have a few beers when you wake up, not to get shitfaced or even hardly a buzz just until your discomfort goes away (does not apply to alcoholics desu)

if you have to work then just sip water through out the day and have a coffee in the morning to help you get your bearings. you'll still feel like shit but you're be somewhat clear headed, it's just a waiting game after that.
I don't know why but I'm immune to hangovers.
I was as well before I got kicked out. I always shrugged it off and told myself I would do better next time, I never did.
Does anyone else here hate their family for no good reason? I feel like a dick but I just can't stand having a chat with them at all.

They've always been nice enough aside from all the usual stuff like "You can't be smoking" and "I can't believe you quit school". The only thing I can think of would be that they are fairly conservative but that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to hate them.

I'm not sure I can live in their house anymore but I can't find a job anywhere.
Not really. I like most of my family. Most of them are nice to me, at least to my face. The only person in my family I'd say I hate is my sister, and I have a good reason.
Does she call you a fag?
If she does I don't pay attention. I usually avoid talking to her.
I have good reasons
Drop out and start working a real job.
Unless your in highschool. In which case, just ride it out.
How do you meet people to date outside of school? I don't know anyone in this fucking town and I'm not brave enough to just walk up and talk to guys. I go to concerts, clubs and shit like that occasionally but they're all a 2 hour train ride away so I don't think that would really work well.
I don't know why, they're nice people and they've provided a lot for me. And politically we agree on a lot of the same stuff. But I just dislike being around them and desperately want to move out. I think it's my dad. He's a very weak and kind of pathetic person. Still, he'd never lay a finger on me, but in a way that's also kind of the problem, if you know what I mean.
I feel bad for not liking them since I have no good reason. I think it may be that I've lived with them for 25 years and it's really time I moved out. Too bad the economy is shit for people my age. haha.
Date or just fuck?
I would rather be dating someone but if I could get someone to fuck I sure as shit would not be complaining.
Craigslist or grindr
desu its a lot easier to meet someone on the internet than it is irl
i met a guy 3 years ago and weve been dating since

Really? Isn't that a little... unromantic and desperate? I'm only one of those things.
wellllll i mean its a lot easier to form a relationship online? like if you dont like someone its a lot easier to break it off as long as they dont like know where you live or have pictures of you
generally i think most people woulnt like post your pics online but probably be careful
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People are likeable on the internet because it's easier to lie on the internet
I guess I'll download Grindr when my new phone gets here. I'm not the most fit guy around but I'm a reasonably good looking fella so it might work out.
It's also easy to tell the truth. You have pretty eyes.
it is REALLY fucking hard to do this productive member of society shit idk

i need an apartment next year I have 0 clue how I'm gonna afford it
Do you have any friends or are you willing to move in with a stranger? If so you could get a share house.
i have 3/4 friends actually looking, they can pay, i probably can't afford. i've got a job but it's part time. i need to get a full time job with the same/better wages or convince them all to find a shittier apt somehow
I guess a better job's the easiest option but it's still not really easy. Keep looking around and cross your fingers I guess.

Have you tried telling them you're poor? If not I would flat out say you most likely can't afford it and see what you can do.

this song is fucking awful by every standard but it's also terribly fitting to this thread and i kind of like it
Not my kind of thing but it's not to bad. I guess.
>what if we like, mixed trap beats, acoustic folk, and emo/pop-punk vocals? That would be good right?

Honestly i dont hate it.
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Possum's aren't meant to be excited and happy.
can be dope
This is lit as fuck.
I needed this.
I wanted to like this but his voice is to jewish.
i dunno what that means

one of the guys who used to be in tigers jaw just released a collab mixtape with brand new (like the band) that is like this and it's actually really dope)
Maybe it's just me but he sounds like he's going to offer me insurance deals.
I heard Drunk Driver not to long ago, should i give them a more extensive look?
Yes. Twin Fantasy's a really good album and pay what you want so I would give it a look.
I believe their newest album Teens of Denial is their best album yet. It's my personal AOTY. Twin Fantasy is also great.
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I've probably been depressed since my mid teens, i keep to myself out of fear of rejection, and i'm miserable and lethargic making no progress in life in any way.

i'm kind of thinking i should ask a doctor for help, i want to get my life together desu and i don't have the willpower to do it alone. wish me luck friends
haha i hate myself

they don't
have you seen the kind of antidepressant addiction america has?

pictures of possums always brighten up my day
literally 90% of all possums are photogenic as shit

and just like that, she's gone
like an angel's kiss

nice clem, guy.
they're perfect
>done four 8 hour shifts in a fucking row

alright time to crack open the vodka and mixer for tomorrow
We're all parasites. Having a job doesn't make you not a parasite.
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Fried egg sandwich and vodka aw yess

What's your favored cheap meal posse?
glorious microwaved tendies, with ketchup, mustard, and relish
whenever i try to make anything fancier it just fails horribly so im content with trashy frozen food
When I get home after drinking, I don't go to bed immediately. I stay up for a few hours, drinking lots of water or other liquids. Usually I eat something, too.

Works really well. I barely get hung over.
>Be depressed for 3 years
>Finally go to talk with doc
>Start liftan
>Start to feel better maybe I'm not a lost cause
>Those too familiar thoughts come back. If I'm happy then I can't be depressed
>Start feeling like shit because I feel like I'm a poser for attention
Fug, yet another reason to hate myself haha.
I was depressed for 2 years.
You are a faggot. Get a hobby, find something you like, continue liftan, stop procrastinating, learn to find happiness in the small things, call your parents and tell them that you love them.
Don't be a pussy who ends up going the easy way around and kills themselves. Only losers do that, are you a loser?
>Only losers do that, are you a loser?
Not that anon, but yes
I consider myself a liberal, but in the current political landscape I'm usually considered far right. It all comes down to the fact that I value national culture and abhor social engineering. That makes me very anti-immigration, and generally very anti whatever policy the left wing comes up with to create their socialist utopia, which will never happen anyway.

Of course, people always act like you're 100% onboard with whatever politics you happen to support. I don't like the traditionalist "everything was better in the 50's" outlook of the right. But I like the paint-huffing turbo-socialist outlook of "everything will be better if we just ruthlessly shame our own, try to eradicate our own culture, and place our own people dead last in every consideration we undertake" even less.

There's not much else to say. I'm used to anti-immigration sentiment being ridiculed, so I'm kind of done giving arguments. The way the system works I don't need to give arguments. And it's not like my opponents ever give arguments beyond "you're just a Nazi". So we're done.

In my ideal system, everyone has as much individual liberty as possible. Do whatever the fuck you want without harming others. However, GROUP liberty needs to be tossed out the window stat. We live under the equality principle, so it's fucking ridiculous that you can say "I worship this god" or "I have this skin colour" and then suddenly receive more liberties than others. Sounds very left wing, doesn't it? Nope. That's Nazi-speak, these days.

It is liberalism with the truncheon I believe in, though. Be free, or else... I would allow no politics that would reduce this liberty of the individual. No wishful thinking idealism, either. The government's duty should be to the people, not to be subverted by unproven bullshit cooked up by bearded hobo's centuries ago.

But yes, that boils down to me voting far right, not because I'm a believer, but because they oppose policy that I see as being the most dangerous.
That was very coherently expressed and i have full respect for your opinions. Most people i talk with who consider themselves to be far-right, most of the time just boil down to "i don't like them muslims coming here and taking our jobs".
>In my ideal system, everyone has as much individual liberty as possible. Do whatever the fuck you want without harming others. However, GROUP liberty needs to be tossed out the window stat. We live under the equality principle, so it's fucking ridiculous that you can say "I worship this god" or "I have this skin colour" and then suddenly receive more liberties than others. Sounds very left wing, doesn't it? Nope. That's Nazi-speak, these days.
Completely agree and i consider myself to be on the left side. Even i think immigration should be limited. Not saying you should stop immigration all together but if you take in too many at once then you have no way of making sure they'll become integrated in society and end up making ghettos. Also housing, i wouldn't want anyone ending up on the street.
>"i don't like them muslims coming here and taking our jobs"

I've heard this before, and I really wonder where it comes from. Because I've never, heard it from the mouth of right wing or far right people. In fact, it's the exact opposite: The relation of complaint between muslims and jobs is that they *don't* have them or want them. And that's kind of supported by facts, such as 60% of Somali's in my country being on welfare, or the economic migrants coming for financial benefits.

I honestly wonder where this idea comes from, because the only times I've heard it is when left wing people paraphrase right wing opinions. This is something right wing people say about labour migration, and they're not really wrong in that regard. But that's Mexicans in America, and Eastern Europeans in Europe.

Nobody on the right wants to completely stop immigration. However, thanks to immigration since the 70's 5% of our population is now islamic. I think that's too much in too little time, I think there's no demonstratable benefit to it, and I think the reasons cited for doing this are wrong, if not outright criminal. And I think it's very suspect that left wing people are *suddenly* buying into the ever-expanding economy model that requires an ever-growing population. They were dead against this ten years ago. But they were still in favour of immigration back then.

I believe the reasons for mass immigration to be wrong on a whole. The government's duty is to act in the best interest of the state and its citizens, and that does not include a mandate to "rescue" any Third Worlder who wants to catch a break. They have their own governments for that, and at best we should cooperate with (or coerce) those governments. I see champions of immigration as subverting the state's mandate for their own ideological causes. They are free to pursue that ideology as individuals. But I'm done with some socialist's wishful thinking burdening our entire country.
lol im sure this sounded good in your head fucko
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Can you be offtopic on an offtopic board?
tfw you can feel yourself getting pulled into your friends petty social politicking bullshit and you would like to tell both of them to fuck off but they're also your friends so w/e

i always felt as though this thread was more fitting for /adv/ or /soc/ or something honestly but whatever. i use the catalog to get here directly so if 99% of this board is just porn i don't even really care
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What do you guys do if you stayed awake whole night during the weekend and now your whole sleeping schedule is screwed, but have to wake up/go sleep at a reasonable hour the next day?

I managed to spend up all night watching movies in bed and not realizing it was already 6 in the morning
I wish these threads went back to being opossums and Habits instead of being dragged down by the people who take the "haha I hate myself" thing seriously.
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It isn't too late you know
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Drink lots of coffee and stay up as late as possible - bed no earlier than 8.
>you can have a cigarette if you get thrown into debtors prison
hey me in 4 years
For some reason all my smokes taste like shit at the moment. It's like breathing in play-doh and I can't stand it.

If I can't smoke how else can I be youthful and rebellious?
>Haven't eaten in like two days
>Try to eat
>Everything tastes like shit

God what's the fucking point
To try and feel as shit as possible so eventually it can only get better.
What the fuck man. Eat something or seek help.
That's nourishment. You need that stuff to live.
Anyone have anything to talk about? I'm waiting for KFC to call me back about a job and all my friends are at school or work.
Eat better food.
Or just don't. Once I went without eating for two or three days and woke up, rushed to the fridge and ate a raw hotdog in a hunger induced stupor. I regretted it immediately after but hey, it got me to eat.
I've been sick for a few days I'll probably be able to eat after this shit passes over.
I'm poor.
What kind of vidya do you like
I haven't played any vidya aside from Blood Bowl and Skyrim in ages. I mostly play /tg/ games.
I play a lot of rpgs and fps. Lately I've been playing csgo and rainbow 6 siege. rts games are pretty rad too.
Well then don't eat at all and save lots of money.
i don't. i guess i vaguely distract myself with typing the details of why i hate myself into r9k.

i masturbate like 5 times a day too. that helps distract quite a lot.
>the final for one of my classes is due at 9 in the morning instead of the usual midnight.
>Haven't even started because I thought I'd have all day to work on it tomorrow
For what purpose. Literally every other assignment was due at midnight. It also said we'd have two weeks to work on it, but it was due a week after it was assigned.
The fuck is this bullshit.
Real life. It's pretty shit.
Work on the stupid shit I need to do.
Try one of those liquid meal replacements
I think it's called Soylent
You just chug that shit like a drink and you don't have to eat
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abysmal wannabe drawfag status report

>>6607305 happened and i got sidetracked hard by path of exile

also i am currently trying to decipher how the fuck the right arm works

this means i've made next to nil progress
>Anyone have anything to talk about?

I'm beginning to realize that "shit to talk about" is the real currency in life. And I don't have anything. I'm painfully aware of it every time someone asks how I'm doing.

I do nothing. Literally nothing at all, except watch Netflix and watch shit on YouTube. Sometimes I play videogames. I smoke weed every night, and I probably shouldn't. I should be doing shit. Like hobby's, looking for work, doing shit with friends. You know, normie stuff.

But I don't know about you guys, but everything feels kind of... shit? Like there's this voice in the back of my head telling me I'll suck at everything I'll try. And it's so much of a habit to do nothing that I've kind of forgotten how to do anything.
Keep it up man..... You have people would are looking forward to seeing your accomplishments, which is more than most of us can say.
Are there any irc channels or the like that you guys go to? Or one we could use? I'm hunting for friends like y'all
post your steam :3
I'm a week late signing up for classes and I still have no idea how the search tool worked
I put in the subject and class number but nothing ever comes up

I finally lost it at started yelling at my computer like an autist and now I feel fucking worse than I have in months
Unfortunate too, things were, shockingly, getting better
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>try to take some self evalutor test suggested by the school
>keeps trying to funnel me into ptsd
this feels pretty biased
>Met a person through WoW and we became friends
>He's a russian so his english is pretty broken
>Talking with him for a month or so
>He finally found out that I'm a filthy ERPing degenerate that also has porn of my WoW character
>Gets totally mad at me
>He goes on how I betrayed her (the WoW character) and "and you did such harsh to your precious, priceless lady"
>He transfers all of his characters to horde

Now I feel pretty bad
you shouldn't be
but you shouldn't play normie games in the first place
Post YOUR steam :u

My graphics card died on me last month and I have no time to fix it ;-;

It's an R9(?) series from xfx or something. The website says I have a lifetime warranty on it but when I made a support ticket for it the tech only told me things to try on my own. I just want them to send me a replacement or refund...
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I'm a weirdo when it comes to politics. When I was a teenager, I was a bleeding heart liberal, now I'm Green Moderate. Hell, I voted for Jill Stein this election (those Hilldawg lovers who are suicidal because she just barely lost, think of how I feel!). I'm glad the Trumpmeister won this election, though, even though I hate how he's a climate change denier, his victory has made the hypocritical liberal media eat itself and millions of young Americans show their true colors in the riots.

>Equal rights for everyone (both ways, of course. Women should be incarcerated for committing crimes and shouldn't be immune to the law)
>Eliminate student debt and make college free
>Crack down on anti-environmental standards and go to every measure to reverse global warming
>Pro Choice, even believe in Eugenics to an extent
>Poaching and animal cruelty need more severe punishments

>Authoritarian, I mostly cheer for cops in most riots, except for Standing Rock and when it's obvious they are being corrupt.
>Pro-Gun (anything against guns is a violation of the Constitution)
>Ambivalent towards Gay Marriage, despite being openly bisexual, I personally think it's a first world issue.
>Trans people should be in therapy, not the operating room (again, bit of an Uncle Tom LGBT). Not that they can't live how they want, I just think it's wrong for everyone to celebrate them chopping off their penises because they want to wear a dress.

I am also Anti-Israel, though I am not an anti-Semite. The Israeli government needs to be tried and persecuted for their many war crimes. Don't know which political side that goes under.
let it die guys
just kill me pete
i used to be skype pen pals with a russian dude online a lot but eventually i got bored and eventually lost contact

we were both gay, sometimes i wonder if he didn't get jumped by now
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threadstarter here

i gotta go to work

be a darling and make a new thread for me when this hits autosage (300 replies) and it reaches around page 7-10
I'm kind of worried I'm sinking into that as well. I have no one in this town to talk to and I'm losing interest in talking to my old friends online. I used to go out and fuck around, smash bottles and spray paint shit but now I just sit here online and listen to shitty music.
Dear trashcats
We once again managed to fill another thread with used cigs and empty beer bottles

Time to migr8

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