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Desktop Thread MANDATORY ENTRY FEE: 1 (one) cute anime imag

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 191

Desktop Thread

1 (one) cute anime image for each desktop you post
you are more than welcome to post more if you desire, but you MUST post at least 1 (one)

(You)s are very precious resources, please don't waste them

>Windows guides
http://nanami-tan.info (W7/8/10)
>Linux guide

5 cute rules:
- pretty much we just post anime now
- we are in charge
- please do not use hate speech in the desktop thread
- don't reply to her posts

Last thread summary:
U fucking piece of shit, this is the first time I'm actually replying to your shit "Is this the new desktop thread?" question. I've always held myself back but now I just can't handle it anymore. You're a fucking piece of shit and should seriously kill yourself because NO, this isn't the new desktop thread and NO, THE DESKTOP THREADS ARE OFF /g/ BY NOW YOU FUCKING AUTISTIC SHIT. You're even pretending to be fucking female even tho you probably have a dick, please kill yourself already, you have a serious mental disorder, nobody can help you and your pedophilia anime fetish. SO FUCK OFF, YOU'RE PISSING OFF EVERYONE HERE AT /g/. I WISH THE MODS BANNED YOU OR THAT YOUR FUCKING TRASH PC FILLED WITH ANIME PEDOPHILIA DIES ALREADY. Please don't every try to reproduce either with a male or female you fucking imbecile. You seriously make me so mad every time you post over here you fucking mentally challenged neckbeard. I hope you're aware of how everybody hates you over here and how much of a moron you are, you fuckong cuntbag. You probably still live in your mother's basement and I hope you fucking know how much of a dissapointment you are to your parents and how much you should be ashamed of yourself and your stupid question and riced weeaboo desktop. So fuck off and never come back cause I will find you and when I do, I will wipe your stupid hard drive and all shit that's on it and I will put you in a mental hospital where you belong or make you kill yourself so you'll finally end this stupid bullshit. FUCK OFF ALREADY. KILL YOURSELF. DO SOMETHING, JUST DONT EVER POST HERE AGAIN OR I'LL FUCKING SLICE YOUR THROAT YOU FUCKING UGLY ASS PEDOPHILE! THIS ISNT THE NEW FUCKING DESKTOP THREAD FUCK OFF THERE ARENT ANY DESKTOP THREADS, STOP POSTING ALREADY. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTS AND FUCK EVERYONE AROUND YOU FOR RAISING YOU LIKE THAT. FUCK OFF!!!
tfw live in mother's basement :~(
my desktop
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v. cool america.png
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>when you dump your waifu for her pet cat
when u try to __ but u accidentally acbn
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Snail 58.jpg
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All Time You Count: 1063
who can beat me and is below 4000
>and is below 4000
no fair lol
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>when you
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Touhous 841.jpg
2MB, 1836x1951px
yes but i still saved it
but bunnies don't moo
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in age of empires II you can summon a giant gorrilla boy as a unit
thats me. im the giant gorilla boy
that's me in the pic
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deleting thing so look at it now if you want
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*circus music
the circus music is playing because ure posts are those of a clown !! haha owned
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Euphonium 93.jpg
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hello this is my desk top
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mio is cute 168.jpg
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qt pic
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mio is cute 155.jpg
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saving the cute ones ^^
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autism test

is this anime



its wabi sabi
I say she looks sad or slightly annoyed/angry
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My daughter is 18, shy, and I would like for her to get out and be a typical 18 year old girl. She does not drink, smoke or do drugs. I have kinda sheltered her. She is in her 1st year of college. She has her license and her own car. Not looking for you to hook up with her but rather go places and have fun. She has long light brown hair, blue eyes. Shorts, shirt and flip flops is her daily attire. This is not for a booty call. Just want her to get out and meet new friends and experience Hawaii. Send me an email and we can arrange a place to meet up.

(this is your girlfriend for the day)
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Rare picture of __
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desktop inspector
ur under arrest
you can't arrest me

i'm japanese
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question 2: are you a girl
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hideaki anno.jpg
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no, it's me, neon genesis evangelion
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that's it ur coming down to the station punk
*joke about deconstruction your genre*
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am i __ yet.jpg
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v. cute ritsu, she's my favorite touhou

this post tries to hard
^--- post ironic comment
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Touhous 849.jpg
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wth I love mouse butt now???

dumping some qt mice btw
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Touhous 854.png
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Touhous 857.jpg
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night night every1
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Touhous 858.png
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Touhous 859.png
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good night
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ignore the text its not cute.png
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And I'm off to sleep as well
>Tfw break only 1 hour into shift
Wow lame
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>tfw i don't :~(
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how do i do this

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ohaio morning everyone
<--- life inspo
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i accidentally did the lucid dreaming thing where u get sleep paralysis and it was like going through a meat grinder or soemthing but then I had like 5 lucid dreams
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but I still couldn't summon a single 2d anime girl
that sounds kowai
tfw tiny tiny little bug walking on my monitor
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New Game! 584.jpg
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its a bat
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ultimate dead thread
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I forgot my hard drive with all my anime pictures at home
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wow look how small her mouth is
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What are you testing
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my new internet protocol address
You naughty girl
it's not true baka
nice legs
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I'm coming yui!
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K-ons 297.jpg
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desktop thread thanksgiving
Me with the selfie stick
me taking a picture of my food
im all the other ones
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Oreimo 137.jpg
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Snail 72.jpg
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if no one replies 2 this post whtin 30 seconds im taking snail for my own permanently its a verbal contract
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if no one replies to this post within 30 seconds i fucked you're waifu dude
wow rude
haha thanks for the (you) fucker
wow don't call me names
nothing presonal nerd
a bloody nose!
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the number of the weed
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So, uh, are desktop threads still banned or what?
something like that
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Well, shit. Unless you mean off-topic funposting is disallowed, in which case it's all good.
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Yeah, yeah, enjoy your stay in this "desktop thread". I think I've actually seen a desktop screenshot several dozen posts ago!
See ya.
hopefully not, go back to weird Russia chan
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Snail 87.jpg
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I've done so many mental gymnastics that my body has become a sleek and slender image of perfection. Every day I hit the balance beam, I do 50 cartwheels, I stand on my head for 3 hours. it's hard to imagine being having anything but six-pack abs and a heightened sense of superiority. I've achieved all of this by taking Brain Forceâ„¢ every single day. I've become the statuesque, masculine figure that I've always fantasized about in my wet dreams.
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Snail 84.jpg
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the cutest snail of All Time
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Everyone is probably to busy with thanksgiving or using discord
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I feel like such a loser for not going anywhere for thanksgiving but I really don't want to go anywhere to talk to people I hardly know.
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nicos thighs...
haha remember that funny joke from the discord hahah
calm down baka it's thanksgiving people aren't going to be posting as much
kuro must of not gotten internet and where he went for thanksgiving
it's been really weird having him post less
the joke was that you should come to the discord but I'm still mad about no posts
i agree but a certain baka wont join
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imouto update reading FLCL + like 10 others and assassin classroom
how long do u think until she's posting loli in desktop threads
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that's how ill keep in touch when I'm gone of course
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my aunt, seating people for Dinner: "lets break the families up!"
me: "haha cool ty auntie youre the best *eats dinner surrounded by strangers that i hate instantly*"
haha owned
me posting in desktop thread: "i'll tell my tale of pain and woe and receive sympathy upvotes"
rude idiot nerd: "haha owned"
wtf downvoted
yeah anyone who isn't there is missing out
haha that guys a big retard. i secretly hate him. lets make him join the discord in order to harvest more material to sneer at secretly lol

-direct quote from hacked discord chatlog
join the discord u big baka it's just the same people u talk to on here
but wouldnt that mean im already in the discord. because im talking to my self (dead thread) lol?
no it means ur the nerd too shy to talk to the nerds that u already talk to every day anyway
mfw all this peer pressure
mfw u forgot ur face
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my face
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aoi_Bungaku this seems interesting
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youmus pushup bra...
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ritsus unexpectedly girlish "yan!" sound... mios coolness....
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1MB, 2483x3540px
tfw u catch up to the scanlation
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if u save this one u have to give me a (You)
why the h*ck are monitors in landscape when manga is in portrait
because everything in life is designed to own u
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200KB, 500x685px
woah i'm leet i can bypass captchas without a pass?
http://www.red-lang.org/ this seems interesting
[a link to all of my previous posts in the archive] this seems interesting
those seem interesting
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should i save this
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Snail 80.jpg
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ohaio lads
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me on the right
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check em
ahhhh whats wrong with her foot
lol its just the bottom of her foot from that angle
thats not how feet work (T ^ T)
wtf the girls in the original star trek show are so qt
maybe bc it was all in sd back then you had to get extra attractive people to make up the difference
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Snail 37.jpg
255KB, 1920x1080px
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Snail 57.png
473KB, 993x1000px
tfw everything u eat goes directly toyour thighs
pls stop posting my gf without my permission
ikr my gf is so cute
haha owned
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my gf dressed up as my other gf
wtf how many gfs do you get
all of them
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Snail 74.jpg
780KB, 1371x2000px
thats it im taking snail back
too late nerd
hmm really makes u think...
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Snail 66.png
211KB, 400x600px

i knew u would say that so i win
uhh u cant argue with FACTS >>6475740
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Snail 41.jpg
1MB, 2069x3024px
im looking at her butt rn she mus tbe my gf thats logic
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Snail 12.jpg
53KB, 1280x720px
tfw u need to turn the world on its head for snail to be ur gf
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96KB, 786x1017px
good morning dudes
<-- snail talking to u
dam owned shes my gf now
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Snail 117.jpg
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snail talking to U
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1480065489992 copy.jpg
208KB, 1280x720px
u mistranslated the moonrunes
now she's pointing at me
checkmate baaka dont bother replyoing
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no she's pointing @ me nerd
nu uh
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cute picture of my gf
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my gfs thighs...
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picture of my gf with her gf
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Touhous 229.png
589KB, 729x900px
picked up this gf on a blackfriday sale lads
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238KB, 520x700px
>discount gfs
rare expensive gf
what happened to her legs???
im on a payment plan i haven't gotten those yet
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while you nerds were arguing I bought myself a snail gf

snooze you loose
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2MB, 3024x4032px
u dont even want to know how much this gf cost
is that your gf lol?
shes one of them
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wow I think the adderall is kicking in, this is going to be a supercharged day at work
powerful technioque
I wonder if there's going to be a crazy amount of packages on black Friday, next week should be crazy with cybermonday and stuff
i slept like 18 hours and drank an energy drink i dont think ill be sleeping tonight
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>join discord group
>turns out fbuntu is in it
dam owned
Which one is he?
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Nico 117.jpg
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nico nico niiii
thats my gf
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Nico 118.jpg
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wow she must be hungry
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cute picture of my gf
wow why do you guys have so many gfs
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my gf's cute nails
my gf is a doll
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my gfs
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Nico 1.jpg
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Nico 54.png
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Azusa 74.gif
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Azusa 100.png
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enough gfs for every1
me on the left
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K-ons 418.jpg
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Azusa 278.jpg
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Azusa 220.jpg
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Azusa 170.jpg
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look how stretchy azusas face is
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picture of my gf
time for a new thread
illl make it hold on
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Azusa 272.jpg
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Desktop Thread - watermelon edition

1 (one) cute anime image for each desktop you post
you are more than welcome to post more if you desire, but you MUST post at least 1 (one)

(You)s are very precious resources, please don't waste them

>Windows guides
http://nanami-tan.info (W7/8/10)
>Linux guide

5 cute rules:
- pretty much we just post anime now
- we are in charge
- please do not use hate speech in the desktop thread
- don't reply to her posts

Watermelon growing rulez:
if you post a really cut eanime pic than it maesns your watermelons grow twice as size

the watermelon competition will be judged by the mayor of the town, the local head of the council, and the police chief. They will judge them on roundness, colour, presentation, size, weight, and lastly taste

the prize is 1 million dollar
Thread posts: 304
Thread images: 191

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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