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HG THREAD - All-Star Battle! Check the roster while I conti

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Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 251

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HG THREAD - All-Star Battle!

Check the roster while I continue battling this fearsome stand, 「 Autocropper 」.

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Get on with it.
I want to kick Subaru's ass.
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Looks good to me.
"To us you mean."
Fireshot does have built in cropping ability most people don't seem to know about. Use the select tool to choose what you want in your image, then on the side of your screen, there should be a column of small grey buttons, one of which is like a square. That's the crop button
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NAHAHAHAHAHA~! It totally looks fine, dude! Go ahead when you're ready!
>>6043785 (Paula)
That implies I had a mind to blow in the first place, Paula! I mean, I do, but I don't bother using it fully. I'm gonna think about it!
...The future is now, Paula! We're in the past right now, and the future is the present! Oh my God, I'm realising something!
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You seriously think that will work? What if he's got a fire flower? Or Rosalina forbid a Hammer Brother suit!
You can't just walk up to the guy an expect that to work!
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"Dude, I'm with Alfred! Let's do this!"
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Let the show begin! Who will be the star?
Wha is it? Maybe we can record for Present generations!
I want to rape Subaru
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>>6043807(Fat man)
One. It's very much legal! and B! Paula does eat enough! All eight food groups every day!
>>6043810(Old man)
That won't happen to Paula. All she has to do is zap then long enough and Bye bye problem!
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No, it will, trust me. Just fuck him up. Don't even ask any questions just pull the trigger.
The.. The mushroom cops or whatever will probably ask you questions but don't fucking say anything, let your attorney handle all of that and you should be fine, maybe five years in mushroom prison at the most.
Trust me,
I've been to mushroom prison. Don't ask.
P-Please don't do this to me
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Without any swaps...
Enter the Game!

We've already got some ora's and muda's being thrown around!

I prefer Fireshot to Autocropper, but Fireshot likes to clash with my 4chan stuff. It does stuff like freeze my post timer.
Found him!
>Uses as a punching bag
We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
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What if he's.. What if he's wearing rape tin foil, Paula? What then, Paula? It'd be real easy for somebody to rape you if they're wearing rape tin foil, Paula. You gotta..
You gotta be more careful if you're gonna survive being a stripper, Paula.
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I've just realised something that many others have realised before - time isn't really... What's the word... Real! When you go to sleep, Paula, what happens? How does time pass?
I... I don't know that feel, bro.
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Late Archer
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All eight food groups? You have to be lying. If you did that you'd have more meat on your bones!

I'd say talking to this clown is as bizarre as I care to take it.
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First up, farmin in the 1890's! Shoot, can we skip the first 60 years or so?
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"Welp. Blew it."
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Ryo-tas has Ryo-tas things to do, but she can do those things later so it's OKAY for now!
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"We are sharp dressed right?"
Not as sharp as my sharp fuckin cock in your asshole's gonna be
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Quite the Day 1.
Not very violent, but a gunshot keeps it interesting.

One might call it... Bizarre.
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The dude as fallen into a BLACK HOLE AND LIVED, and you expect a laser gun can take him out?
In fact, I HAVE used laser before, and you can guess how that turned out. He's called SUPER Mario for a reason.
And sure, they'll totally will give me a pass when I've tried to kidnap their Princess before.
REAAAAALLL smart thinking there.
Ain't getting bit!
>capcha; Plumbing River
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Same way it failed everyone! Great depression ain't a joke!
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Anythiiiiing? Buy Paula a car! Or a monkey! Maybe a mask? Maybe...
Wait! We already said that Paula wasn't a stripper! Won't they have to take it off when they do it? There would be one spot exposed.
Paula just fights so much that she loses it all. Maybe when she retires you won't be telling her to get fatter.
It's becomes one time then another when Paula wakes up. Why?
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I dunno if I wanna avoid the vampires, though. The hero can beat them up, and even then, that means I have to avoid a few friends of mine because of that! No deal!
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Haha, if it's actually sharp..
"You might want to have a doctor check it out."
Haha, it said one.
"But.. We are one."
A-ah.. Yeah right.
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With the past few days, Paula says differently!
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I didn't picture him being a friendly ghost.
Oh, and what's this? A heroic triumph!

Eggman-kun confirmed as God, not that we didn't know that already.

What a punch!
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But have you ever wondered where all of that time went? When you go to sleep and it only feels like twenty minutes passed? Why do you think that happens, Paula?
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SUUUURRREEEEE you are.....
Eggman-kun and Colonel Sanders get into a fight.
Who wins?
H-hey! What do you mean?
"I-I wouldn't say blindly..!"
Ah.. This doesn't look too good.. Damn..
"W-we're definitely going to get chewed out for these repairs.."
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Looks like we know where Sonata lives now.
That's about seven too many Subarus for my taste.

Guess they didn't have any KFCs?

Is this a trick question?

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This is why..
..This is why you're a bad villain. You've never used lasers like mine. My lasers are a hundred times stronger than the ones that're government issued, mothafucka.
No, I'm extremely familiar with rape tin foil, I know how it works. It makes a person completely anti-
A-Anti-rape-proof, it's impossible, you can't- there's no way to stop it. That's why you've gotta always.. Always check and make sure they don't have any florp on their clothes, first rule of intergalactic stripping, Paula.
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I mean, well, even if I DID mean it, it's just a prank, you know? No hard feelings about it!
W-What's a feeding spree?
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But Paula likes the storm! Especially the lightning! Can she go outside?
Maybe it's magic! Or time travel! Or... Paula doesn't really know.
Oh no! This is a real bad thing if Paula decides to be a stripper!
>running in the middle of a highway, she's happy as she can be
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Ehehehee, I ain't seen a frenzy like this since 25¢ bucket day back in 93!
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Ryo-tas will take all that hate! No matter how hard you hate Ryo-tas, she will go on!
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uh oh.....gif
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Well, wouldn't just be better to install in into my castles and airships?
At least then I would risk myself getting killed if I miss.
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You know what? This game's getting stale fast.



You're eating all the food.
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It is time
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Ryo-tas saw some pillars over there, but she couldn't find any men around them!
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Please. Paula wants to leave a beautiful body....
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I had a usual stripper from Garbopulus once, things were great, she was-
-she was great, anyway, she got caught in Space 9/11, she died.
Moral of the story is if you're gonna strip, make sure you charge extra.
We all die. Life sucks and then we die.
So just fuck it. Blow his brains out. Go for it.
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The answer is that, well... Okay, maybe I don't REALLY have an answer, but I think that you just disregard time entirely, hence why you "shut down" for about eight hours! It could be time travel, though... Hm... It's time for some science!
Don't hate me, alright?
Oh, thank goodness that's what it meant! I thought it meant something bad--
...O-Oh. I'm sorry, squirt, I think I let the both of us down...
Source of this cutie?
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One of them is your winner.
But who?
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That power is almost as terrifying as me.
Outer space! Nothing quite as scary as that!

Eggman-kun. No doubt.
Occultic 9. It's only at episode 3 and it's pretty horrible.
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It's the feast!
Looks like we've got a die-hard fan in the crowd.
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I'm outta here.gif
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I think I'll just stick with what I know, thanks.
I never really liked you to begin with.

Now if you excuse me, i got to be going. These brain-dead Nui's keep making weird sweaters.
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Ryo-tas thinks that an empty box of chocolate is scarier than this! Because when you buy some chocolate you except something to be there!
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That's real interesting! It sounds like you really want Paula to be a tripper. She already has a fulfilling career!
That's so... confusing. What happens when you don't go to sleep? What then?
Buh bye! Don't die!
Well, darn.
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That is pretty scary. Though more frustrating than anything.
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Goodbye Bows, have a goodnight.
"And sweet dreams too."
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I'm back with a vengeance...not really, but how are you all? Bored I'm guessing?
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"Better luck next time, dude!"
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It's disappointing and scary at the same time! Imagine the horror of the "Zero choco box"!
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Stop projecting your need to strip onto me, I already have kids with.. With daddy issues in my life, I don't need more.
I'm bored. Go away, I have digging to do.
And also fuck you.

>Raises 2 middle fingers
Rick out bitches, WUBBALUBBADUBDUB
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Probably would've been a good time to say winner next slide...
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Ash! Remember what Paula said a few hours ago?
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aw yiss.png
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Thanks, kid! You too!
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Not too bad son. Closed up shop for the night, and came on down here just a short while ago, and we got ourselves a game!
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Ouch. The feeling's mutual. See you later, dude.
See, that's the tricky part! Time runs normally when you're aware of it, but when you disregard it entirely, it speeds up! It's hard to explain, but I have a general idea of how this works!
Me and Paula are busy discussing how time works! It's very thrilling! How's it been, Ash?
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Hold onto this.png
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Your winscreen is almost done.
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images (15).jpg
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Thank ye kindly for hostin, and congratulations to our winnah
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Congrats to Eggman-kun, and thank you for hosting, dude!
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Those Pillarmen really did a number on you.
You know they're weak to sunlight, right? Pretty easy dodge if you ask me.
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Hmph.... Ryo-tas was so close, yet it didn't matter!
Whatever! Thanks for hosting! Ryo-tas had fun!
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Almost as terrifying as the thought of sugar-free candy.
I can't even be miffed losing to him.
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feels good to be king.jpg
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Thanks for hosting!

>And that's my cue to tap out. Have a nice night, everyone!
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>He flashed a big grin to the other, having enjoyed the gentle embrace

"We got it in the bag next time!"
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"Dude, you win a lot! Congrats!"

"Thanks for hosting!"
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Nice job winner! Paula thanks the host!
Can you disregard when you're awake or is it only when sleeping?
Hold hold hold it! Paula will host a game soon so enter then go to sleep!
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You're the one that keeps bringing it up! Bye!
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I thought there was a rule in place regarding crazy homeless people.

What, with the whole you trying not to be a sad puppy all the time?

And that game just ended....wonderful...

Great, but good luck discussing time, because I have had enough of that crud for many lifetimes.
Thanks for hosting mate.
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Congratulations Eggman-Kun!
"Thank you very much for hosting!"
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"Goodnight, dude!"
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Line up! Paula needs 24 of you to play!

No clones!
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Reigen Arataka
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Monster Kid
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Yeah yeah! And guess what? She won!
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The Star-Spangled King
Passing out, sleeping - it's when you're unconscious that you can disregard it! I mean, think of it this way - when you go to sleep, time moves much faster than normal, you know? Or, like, it moves normally, but your brain slows it down or something - it's hard to explain it!
...Hehe, because you said life"times"... Nah, we're just discussing about things like, say, when you sleep. Nothing all too pressing at all! It's Halloween soon, did you know?
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Oh, uh, okay!

Littletale Asgore

>Will be lurking on mobile, peace out.
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Colonel Sanders

Look alive, son!
Maria and Harusame
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Sanae Kochiya
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I don't think you really need to know what the list is, if it wasn't already clear to you.
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Ryouka Narusawa
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Ash Crimson
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Dank ass game
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All-Star Battle! #004.png
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More like Tenshit.
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Hi I'm Goten.jpg
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Thanks host. Looks great!
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No, not really, but it's in the hero's blood to be inquisitive and stick his nose into matters he doesn't have a place in! Whether that's a good trait or not is up to interpretation!
...It's not positive...
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Wonderful! I told you good things will follow if you just changed your attitude.

No, you see I had to deal with a very annoying jerk who could manipulate time, he was a pain in my rear. Yes I do know Halloween is coming soon...

Good eye...Looks like you got a knack for spotting games and making chicken.
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Objectively Best Girl
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speaking seriously.jpg
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I had a hunch this little lady had anotha one up her sleeve. You learn a lot about people in my line a work, how they behave, what it means and such. Not everyone is as open a book as a southerner aftah all.
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James Harden
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Jabari Parker and Giannis Antetokounmpo
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Well just don't get too nosy. That sort of of shit can get pretty annoying.
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James Lipton
Matt Foley
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Man, that does not sound like a good time. Your description reminds me of someone, but I don't know who... Blah! Anyway, Halloween is coming up soon, and I was wondering what you were gonna wear on that day!
Man, if only I knew that about a century ago... I'll try, but I'm a curious guy at heart, you know? The people here are pretty interesting, so I've gotta know more about them, right?
Louis Bloom
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Stevie Wonder
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Some errors here and there but that don't matter! Look at this while it stares back at you!
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Most of the people here make it a habit to piss me off by any means necessary, so no, I don't really agree with you. I just look out for people who need arresting and hot guys.
I accept this challenge.
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They should be, it would make things way less complicated.

That's supposed to be a spooky surprise! But you can go ahead and guess! It's something that matches my personality!
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It looks fine to me.
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Let's get going.
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"Looks dope! Good luck the rest!"
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Hehe! Paula knew she could do it!

Looks like you're super ready! Ready, set...
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Yeah looks fine, time to shit stomp the competition and make it home before dinner.
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GO! Only a few more days! A little more training couldn't hurt! At least that what Paula thought.
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As inclined as I am to agree, some people like keepin the peace by keepin it to themselves, but ya can always tell aftah a while.
Good luck, Grandpa!
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I seem to piss off people naturally - I dunno how I do it, but I always seem to annoy everyone within the first ten minutes of the conversation. Man, the hero's really an amazing guy... I hope I don't need to be arrested, officer.
>Our hero places a hand on his chin, looking up to the sky in thought.
Russia, a vampire, or one of those pyromancer things. Am I in the ballpark, or should I keep guessing?
Beer can chicken ain't evah been my speciality, but variety is the 11 herbs and spices of life!
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Huh? No my name is... W-wait.. D-don't say that you jerk..!
Huh? S-sorry! I feel a little off..
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"Gee! Working with the Colonel! This is a day I never thought would happen!"
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I don't know what the hell you are or what the hell you're doing, but it's a crime against life. I'll administer your execution.

I don't think so. Calling yourself the hero and shit means you must be good.
I'll keep my eye on you... but mostly just to look.
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Hey! What's wrong? Why you all stop?
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>He starts swinging his cane recklessly as he walks towards the source of the sound
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Perfect start! Drinks to celebrate later!
Watch and learn kiddo! The true potential of our saiyan blood!
But....don't watch this part.
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Get back here!
This ain't my cookbook! All the ingredients are mixed up! Sposed to be written in the blood of an old rooster, and I know this ain't rooster blood.
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Mostly, I'm good! I call myself the hero for a reason, and it's not for the reason most people think! Keep an eye if you wanna, but I'm just warning you now - all you're gonna see is me being generally upbeat and an all-American hero, dude!
Ah, what a beautiful day to hunt for some tributes! Wouldn't you agree?
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Maybe now I should be around more, each time I go and come back you seem to be in a bad mood, do you need Ash to be your motivator?

Comes with the experience huh? Wise. You sort of remind me of an old karate master.

Why would I dress up as Russia? Are you making fun of our friendship?

Where is the fun in that?
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When you can't do it, pay someone else to do it! Great idea!
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"Another kid to work with? Seems like an awesome idea!"
Hm.. These have a lot of familiar names.. I think I'll rest here and offer some words..
I'm not Stephen Hawking! A-and I'm pretty damn self conscious about my voice..!
>He keeps backing away out of the range of the man's cane.
People are probably going to die, they always do.
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You're making Paula think more than she should.
Maybe but Paula feeling good now so you shou- that's right! Paula has to tell you something!
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oh god why.jpg
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I will just come back for you twice as powerful!
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Death comes in pairs! Except for that last one.
Choose a random avafag and post a fitting theme song.
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No, no, I'm not making fun of your friendship at all! I was simply guessing who you'd dress up as - all you need is a scarf and a pipe and you'll look just like him, I'd bet!
Oh, hey, it's Russia! What's up, man--
Please, how do you think I feel, dude? I feel like I just discovered something groundbreaking! When you go to sleep, think about how much time you're using up just by sleeping - it'll be a good time!
Dredge turnin to drudge, dredge turnin to drudge, dredge turnin to drudge...

I bettah have learned somethin in the past 126 years, else what the heck am I doin!?
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It was worth it to see the little green imp getting beaten up.
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Nevermind, a good old dirt nap sounded better anyways...
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Here's mine. It's as fitting as it can get.
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Awwwww, feeling lonely?
But if you pick someone, is it still random?
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If you say so.
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Ah! S-sorry Sanae! I didn't mean to bring you down with me..
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>he swings his cane at the source of your voice with surprising speed for an old blind man
But that's Mion.
Good going Kaito! You jinxed me...

Huh? What is it?

Now you're saying i'm fat! The nerve!

Uhmmm...cooking chicken?
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Shoot, been decades since my pipes got primed like that!
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For real, dude - you're gonna have a good time around good 'ol Alfred Jones the American Hero! DURUFU~!
Are you calling Russia fat? Like, come on, dude, all I said was that you needed a pipe and a scarf and you'd be all set. Absolutely nowhere did I imply you were fat. Man.
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BOOM! Must've been a blast to do that!
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>Beams into the thread and starts slaughtering avas left and right
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>activates plot armour
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Knock it off! A-and you started coming out me!
>Kaito's practically jogging backwards at this point.
We all died actually, so I jinxed us all. Sorry though.
>is slaughtered
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Kukri has been coming by recently! Says he still looking for yooooooou!
Paula thinks the amount of hours you sleep is the amount of time that passed.
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I'll be the judge if I'm having a good time or not.
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"...Uh! I thought it was a simple firework!"
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BOOM? Where does he keep getting these? How does he set it off? Paula needs some answers.
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>Is sent back in time because why not.
at least he died with quints
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>writes everyone's name down in my death note
How does it feel knowing you only have 40 seconds left to live, HG? You've committed the most atrocious acts of evil on a daily basis and i'm finally disposing of you entirely.

"Then... I light this one as well and the same thing happens! Geez! Don't tell my parents, yo!"
He IS the biggest country you know...

Hmph! And to think I was actually going to give you something...

Oh no...he's here?
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My avatar is not human, the death note only works on humans
>dies without quints
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>the blind man somehow got his hands on a .500 magnum revolver, from which he empties all 5 rounds at your general direction
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What a lame death! What a lame feast!
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I never knew you could use popsicles as swords! Man, you definitely learn something new everyday--
Yes, but with the time that you used while sleeping - what could you have done within that timeframe instead of sleeping? Look, I may sound loopy, but I honestly have something going on here, dude! I don't know what, but something's going on!
General consensus says that every moment around me is a good time, so I may as well tell you now, amirite?
He's big-boned. I'm sure that if you were to punch him, you'd break your hand or something.
...I don't think anyone has seen him without his coat on, dude.
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Just think of how many Paulas you just killed! You should write your own name!
Yeah and he doesn't sound happy with you! But he never sounds happy with anyone so Paula didn't think it was special.
Paula's too tired to think on all of this.
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>Kaito having a heart attack, fucking least likely cause of death, no one saw it coming.
Give me something? Hm.. Oh well, I don't mind if you don't.
>Kaito just sort of lays down on the floor to avoid the bullets.
What's wrong with you?! This isn't your house!
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Everyone's got a different idea of a good time you know.
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You got a solid point there youngin. Bout time I turned in anyways. Have a good night, and don't forget to head to KFC whenevah you need yourself a Fingah lickin good meal fast!
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Final two!
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"What's that?"
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>he throws the empty revolver at you, but tumbles over while doing so, writhing on the ground in pain
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As am I. I'm so tired that I'm honestly stumped on the concept of time passing - how do you even get that way, dude?
I know, but most people say I'm an alright fella, y'know? I may as well wear that proudly like a badge of honour! When you get past my arrogant and bold personality, you're in for a good time!
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Close the curtains, the shows over!

Do you guys also enjoy the smell of your farts when you wake up?
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You did it!
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Thanks for the game, Paula.
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Congrats to James, and thanks for hosting, dude!
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Tired? Paula usually stays up longer than she needs to for that to happen.
My diet mostly consist of brocolli this week

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My daddy is gonna kick your butt.

Good job, I guess.

Thanks for the game.
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Funny how you can make the same face. Congratulations anyways, and thank you for hosting.
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If I can punch you just fine in the face i'm sure he is no problem, either way...i'm not his size. So I wouldn't make a good cosplay of him!

You shouldn't worry about it. He's just a sandbag.

It was to repay you for all the tea you have given me, a present.

Will do Colonel. Rest well.
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"Congrats, dude! No hard feelings!"

"Nice try, kid!"

"Thanks for hosting!"

"My best run yet!"
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You think that's funny, wait until you see my teeth
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Bravo to all who performed!
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>Kaito helps the old crazy man up then immediately proceeds to run away from him.
Congratulations James!
Thank you very much for hosting Paula.
What is it? I don't really need anything back you know..
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Well you're less annoying than about 90% of the people here.
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>Performs memorial concert in honor of your heroic deeds
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I just don't get enough sleep, that's all. It's a shame, too - I've been making efforts to correct my sleep schedule lately, and those've been paying off until, well... Yep.
The hero makes mistakes.
Except my face isn't Russia's torso, now is it? And it's just a cosplay, dude - if you had a scarf and a coat, you'd probably look like him in his teenage years, and that's close enough to the real thing, right?
And you're the first person to actually say that and mean it, so I'm gonna also wear that as a badge of honour! Man, the hero surprises himself at times...!
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yo (7).png
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"Dang, that was a great game! Thanks again!"


"Pfff. In that case, I'm not even going to peek, ha ha!"
You get a pass because you're Wiggin's friend and you have money. Not everyone has that luxury.

Oh fine, I'll bite back.
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Well I'll slink away until the next game or something.
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You're welcome!
>Is bitekissu'd


>Stabs Subaru in the heart with a steak knife.
Thanks again Gar Gar, have a good night
Y-you just shot at me! A-and you don't even know my name! What's the memorial of?! "That damn evil robot that helped me up"?! Nice song though.
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Hello, guys. What time is it for you?
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Hugs and kisses to all of you! Thank you as well!
Paula's making a mistake right now staying up this late. Night America.
Paula hopes Ash will stay safe. She wants to see him in one piece the next time she's here.
You too!

Paula would like to thank you all for making this fun for her! She has to leave now but she'll come back on Halloween! Bye now!
Yes, that was the name of the concert. It sold out Staples Center. I'm an old man and need my rest now. You'll be at least half as great as me one day, my son.
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>Subaru falls back after getting stabbed with the knife
A-Anon...I th...thought you wanted a kiss...
4:08 am
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It was going to be a surprise, but whatever.
>He pulls out a nicely wrapped pink and white box.

Hate to break it to you, but no that's no what I have in mind.

Have a nice night.
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Alright then, officer! If you wanna just dip out and wait for a few seconds, then don't let the hero keep you, alright?
It's about ten in the afternoon where the hero is, currently! Man! He's... He's really gotta get his sleep schedule back on track, actually. It kinda worries him a little...
I've made the biggest mistake of all - disrupting my sleep schedule just so I can talk to you guys. Have a good rest, Paula!
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>Our hero wipes his forehead, silently cursing to himself.
I see! Huh. Well, if that's the case, Ash, then you must be planning to go as a... Vampire! Or maybe even a youkai! Am I in the ballpark NOW?
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Goodnight Paula, have a good rest.
I'm glad you made a good buck off of that, have a good rest crazy old geezer.
I'd say it's still a surprise, I don't know what it is after all...
>Kaito takes the box from ash and begins to unwrap it.
Oh, and before I open it.. Thank you, I think I needed something like this.
Thank you for hosting.
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Ayy, who wants to write for my monthy HG mini-newspaper that I'm thinking of starting?
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Oh you are definitely in the ballpark now!

It's the least I can do for your acts of kindness.

Go ahead and open it!
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Sweet! Alright, if I'm really this close, then perhaps, you could be going as...
>He gasps.
You're going to be dressed up as Elly or Kurumi, aren't you?!
>Mini newspaper? Like a newsletter? For what, like important events that happened during that month? But this was a shitty time to ask, you're ask again during a busier time another day right?
Honestly, I'm not all like that, I just like serving the tea..
>Kaito opens the box slowly, resting the lid below the box.
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Can I do the horoscope shit instead? I'd like to think of myself as a natural fortune teller. Especially when someone is going to have a shit ass day.
Does it have a shitposting section?
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Yeah, I know it's a bad time to ask.

Thing with me is that I make up a lot of impulsive ideas and then mash them together to make a decent idea which I can improve into a good idea.

Yes, a newsletter. I'll be writing a column about hosting or something as I gather stuff from other people who might be interested in writing articles. I'm going to put it all together in a nice newspaper format so people have something fun to read. Maybe use it as the hangout thread OP image, whatever people want. If it gets a lot of interest, I'll expand the number of pages and frequency. Keep up on the latest games, events, wins, drama, avatars, contests, etc.

Sure, there's plenty of room.

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No! Come on think Alfred! I told you it would fit my personality...

>You see a blue and white scarf with gold trimmings with Kaito's name spelled in cursive.

What do you think?
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Count Dracula! Romania! All I know is that you're dressing up as a vampire, dude, you're not exactly giving me much to work with here! Gimme one more hint, will ya?
>I'd actually wouldn't mind seeing something like that, but if you're going to have people writing things for an article it's probably best to make sure they're not biased, I believe that's a problem around here right? Though if it's a thread header people would definitely read it so you probably won't have a problem there.
>Oh and I probably don't need to ask but you're making a sample of it or something to show us what it'll be like right?
>He stares at it for a couple of seconds, before quickly removing his scarf and replacing it with the new one.
I already have a really good costume to go with this! It's called 'white gold' I think!
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>pets thread
>Gladly accepts.
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You hit the nail right on the head! Don't worry you'll see it in just a few more days.

I'm glad you liked it! I had it made by one of the best tailors in France!
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It's just a sudden idea I had that would be nice for the community to have.

As for bias, anyone is free to write what they wish as long as they can support their information with more than "it's just my opinion". I wouldn't take it too seriously to be hunting out bias just yet. The only thing I won't allow are articles that harm and devalue the games and the people hosting them.
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In a few more days? Man, I've never been so hyped up for a costume before, dude! I'm thoroughly spooked jut by the thought of it, but that's not exactly a hard thing to achieve, now is it?
Sounds fun.
Of course I like it, honestly anything could have been in that box, even nothing! And I still would have appreciated the thought!
But this really is high quality, I can feel it even!
>Well I'd definitely like to see something like that. Though you definitely seem to have thought about it a little bit for a sudden idea. Was this newsletter just going to be once a month?
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Aww~ Now you are just flattering me, it's hardly original! I'm sure we will see some truly wild stuff!

May it keep you warm always!
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Yes, monthly, scaling to community demand.
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Dude, it's not like my costume is any better. Remember Jason Voorhees from those movies called Friday the 13th? Yeah, my costume's based on him. All of it's based on the delivery, right? Then I have all of that covered if I show up on Halloween!
But someone like me doesn't really meed the warmth.. I'll wear it for the style.
>I'm only asking because a lot of stuff seems to happen during a month, if it does take off I'd suggest twice a month minimum.
>want to host but hosthelper doesn't work for me

look at this faggot.

the oldfag hosts did it without one.
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I'll move forward at full speed as soon as I get a good feeling of how this machine will run.
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We could even have a photo shoot! Maybe set up the place like a haunted house!

Ahaha~ silly me I forget sometimes that you are an android, oh well i'm glad you enjoy it! it's nice to give back sometimes.
>haven't been bullied yet, overall happy with my participations, looking forward to making more avas, expecting some drama sooner or later towards self, yet wouldn't mind
Glad you're having fun
motivate me to host ;__;
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A photoshoot? Hm... Maybe! I'll consider it! Set up the place like a haunted house? Nah! If I show up here on Halloween, I'm busting through the walls with my chainsaw revving like crazy, dude! I'm so good at acting you wouldn't believe it! One of my friends - yeah, I acted in character in front of him? He couldn't tell the difference between it being me or me being in character! Man, I'm good at this!
>Just remember take a day as a breather every once in a while, momentum is good but burn out is a very real thing as I'm sure you're aware, I'd really like to see where this goes..
I'm sure it'll give someone warmth someday.. I like tying it around me and other people's necks from time to time.
>I've been here for months, I feel like no one's really shit on me yet, so don't worry about that stuff.
If it takes off, are you going to report IC drama?
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I don't remember selecting an image, but okay.
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ahaha~maybe we can go out and scare the trick or treaters together!

you can tie it around my neck anytime mon amie, but I think it suits your character very well, soft and warm.
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Sure! The both of us can put our differences aside for one day to scare the crap outta people - that's what Halloween is about, isn't it? We're gonna have a good time doing it, that's for sure!
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Not me, the one in charge of the drama column.
I love you Kamina.
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A shame we can't give Ol Rusky the fright. He's probably going to be home like the teddy bear that he is.
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Nah, dude, he probably wouldn't be scared of us at all! He may be working at home, but if he were to show up on Halloween - everyone would be scared of HIM, not vice versa! Ivan's complicated like that!
>Fucking tab, stop crashing!
In that case..
>He takes a loose end of the scarf and wraps it around Ash's neck.
There! I used to do this a lot with my family... Though it's okay we're still connected without it.
You're Illya
I go by many names.
what happened to your adventure code?
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I'm not scared of him at all! I like being around him.

You are right, it's so soft~
>He wraps his arm around Kaito
Used to? What happened?
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And I won't try to convince you otherwise, but let's just say that some others would be deeply concerned if you said that in front of them! Either way, he can't be scared, and the only things that CAN scare him is Belarus, his scarf being taken away from him, and his vodka supply running low!
>I-It's still being worked on I promise, I just don't want to host it with anything less than at least 15 feast events both fatal and nonfatal and nice backgrounds, both things it lacks.
Ah, but we just sort of drifted apart... We weren't as popular back then so we didn't have much and all lived together, haha, Miku alone has several houses now.. I'd actually like to know what happened to Meiko..
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Or burning a sunflower! Still can't believe I got away with that. All of that seems really exploitable though.

So fame and fortune has in some way, torn your family apart...I'm really sorry to hear that, Kaito. Do they not keep contact with you? Do you get lonely?
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>mfw Kamina doesn't like me
I like you though.
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Eh. He forgives people easily unless they annoy him or do something inexcusable, and I guess you didn't do anything that bad, y'know?
The reason he's scared of them is... Emotional attachments, most likely. His scarf is special, Belarus is crazy, and vodka is vodka.
I-it's not like that, we still talk from time to time, but yeah.. It's definitely weird without them raising hell around the house...
S-Says who?
Are you Kamina?
Hikki told me
I'm going to maim that fucker as soon as I see him don't worry about him feeding you lies I'm going to feed him shit fresh from my asshole
No. I just like him.
Ah...I know this feel
Ah well I think I need to get some rest.

Au Revoir~ Alfy!

Poor Kaito misses his family. Don't worry, we are here!

Goodnight Kaito!

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