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Zootopia General Dox Fick edition Pastebin: pastebin.com/iY

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 518
Thread images: 188

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Zootopia General
Dox Fick edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Booru: zoo.booru.org
ZTArchive: ztarchive.com
Desustorage: desuarchive.org/trash
Previous thread (bstats): archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/5712967
Current TT Theme: Military/War/Law Enforcement (Submissions are due Oct. 13)
More information on TT: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays
I think this one beat you by a few minutes.

Use this thread.
Use this thread first
Use this thread first.
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Confusing as damn this thread hopping.
I deleted that thread because this OP beat me to shilling it.

This thread is the proper thread.
It's fine until we get threadbombers.
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The better thread won
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Important gif for every thread.gif
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Would these mice develop vore fetishes during the job?
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fuck this.png
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anyone have that picture of Remmy and Ozzy eating bugga burgers in loss style
They didn't update the fucking bstats link

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Hope you're doing alright, zhan
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Bstats fucking sucks anyway.
ZTArchive works better and has pictures

Why do we even bother with bstats

presumably if ztarchive goes down
of course, bstats is likely to get cut first
and also last time one archieve went down, both went down at the same time
Remember the time when both desu AND ztarchive was down?

Besides, bstats picks up shit that neither of the main archives have anyway.
(Case in point: the wishgranter reveal.
Reminder that the Toybox Pals discord is right here: https://discord.gg/C5HSmDM

We now return you to your regularly scheduled zootopia.
but i dont want to post there
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You're in the club and this smug as fuck fox slaps your ass. What do you do?
Bend him over and Fuck him
Ask him why he stopped at one
Follow him like a good boy
Shoulda mentioned captcha
>extra rections
evens - write shit
odds - don't write shit
dubs+ - thread's choice
Sorry anon, looks like you need to write something quality now.
Slap his ass right back!

>something quality
never 4git.
Only if he slips some pastor in my drink.
I need the single best movie screenshot of Judy's amazing hips you've got.
The one shot from the film that shows off her "wow, I can't believe Disney actually built her that way" figure better than any other.
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Ancient post coming by.
>Judy rolled her eyes at a red-eyed, teary Finnick, grinning like a madman.
>Not even looking over to them, Nick quickly corrected himself, "Something wholesome!"
>Both Judy and Finnick snerked as Nick turned on them with a glare.
>They ended up watching a rerun of Cops, and just as a buffalo and moose wrestled a rhino to the ground, the oven let out a loud beep.
>Judy watched Nick leave, and a minute later return with a plate of wings and drumsticks.
>Nick set the plate on the coffee table in front of them, "Alright, bon appetit- don't choke on a bone again, Fin, or it'll be me giving mouth-to-mouth this time,"
>The fennec grumbled, taking a small wing and tearing into it, as Nick did the same.
>The sounds of tearing, crispy flesh filled the room, and she let out a sigh, thinking to herself, 'Ugh, boys,'
>Picking up a fairly meaty drumstick for herself, she grabbed at the bone, brought it into her mouth.
>With some quick work with her teeth and tongue, she pulled a bare bone out of her mouth a moment later.
>From the corner of her eye, she saw Finnick stare at her, wide eyed and with an open mouth.
>She stared back, raising an eyebrow and grunting with her mouth full.
>Looking over to Nick, she saw him glance away.
>Swallowing hard, she turned back to Finnick and asked, "What? You've seen me eat meat before, Fin,"
>One silent pause later, and Finnick responded, "Damn, bunny, if you want something with a little more filling-"
>Judy snorted, and made a show of opening her mouth wide, then bringing her teeth together with a loud clack.
>Finnick got the message, "Ah, noted,"
>She picked out another large drumstuck, and while looking at Finnick, slowly brought it halfway into her mouth,
>And then quickly sunk her teeth into it, and tore it out.
>He just smiled, "I'm kinda gettin' mixed signals here, Jude-"
>She turned her head, glancing back at her brother.
>He looked away again, and said meekly, "Just Judy eating a regular meal, nothing odd about that,"
>Still going
fuck yes
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This is for the hips. If you asked about ass I would have got better screen
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Hehe, fat slob gets what he deserves
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I hope we see more of Nick's terrible fashion sense later on. In the movie, he wears a yellow and a green shirt both in the same style.
Work takes all the fun out of anything fetishy
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>needing pastor
Why break what's already broken?
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there was also that (in concept art book)
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oh my god.jpg
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>That tie with red flowers

Nick shops exclusively at thrift stores
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m u s k
>remember suggesting the violet smell
>tfw this will never continue
There was actually a update not so long ago.
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>not genital musk
There was, but only after we hunted down BB and asked him to update it. He mentioned he doesn't get back on bandwagons, so while I'd appreciate any more he does, I'm not hopeful.
The scent glands on a fox's face smell like violets.
I dont give a fuck I want to smell his BALLS
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>Nick woke up.
>He was in bed.
>But not his own bed.
>Where was he?
>There was something warm beside him.
>He turned his head and there was a rabbit curled up against his side.
>"Judy?" He croaked quietly.
>His throat hurt. He could barely talk.
>What happened, why was he here?
>Nick thought about the last things he could remember.
>The fair. Judy got hurt. Then she said those... things to him. When they got home he ran to his room. He pushed his dresser and bookshelf in front of the door. Then he climbed on a chair and tied his bedsheet to a light fixture, and looped the other end around his neck.
>He didn't want to be a fox anymore. Foxes were bad. They only hurt other mammals.
>Nick closed his eyes and started to tremble.
>He opened them when he felt a gentle paw on his cheek.
>Another rabbit was leaning over the bed, smiling at him. It was his older sister, Cotton.
>His shaking slowly went away as she tenderly stroked his fur.
>Then she reached down and shook Judy's shoulder.
>The young doe opened her bleary eyes and looked from Cotton to Nick.
>Her eyes went wide when she saw him looking at her.
>Judy grabbed Nick's chest and pressed her face against him. "Nick!"
>She held onto him as her tears soaked his hospital gown and kept repeating his name over and over.
>"He's awake. He's awake!" Nick heard his mother's voice and saw Bonnie jump out of a chair beside the bed. "Oh, my sweet baby's awake!"
>Bonnie brought her arms around both Judy and Nick, pulling them close against herself.
>Stu got out of the chair after Bonnie and placed a firm paw on Nick's shoulder, his other paw wiping tears from his eyes.
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judy nick why.png
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>He didn't want to be a fox anymore. Foxes were bad. They only hurt other mammals.

fuck man
>Dox Fick - The Prequel
Judeon is the purest ship.
>interspecies ships
Get out, racemixer
Yo buck tooth women r ous now, hoppy
The purest shit, maybe
Gideon is for Donald Trump
dabbit rick > dox fick
a greater disappointment maybe
Ah damn, I know how the siblings AU Nick feels, my family would keep hammering into my head the idea I'm a bad person since I was maybe 12. This isn't a good feel.
Maybe you shouldn't have been such a bad person then
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and then bunbun was a vampire
>fic where Nick definitely has feelings for Judy, but hides them because he's afraid of her rejection and losing her friendship and also emotional barriers
>Judy thinks she might have feelings for Nick but is also afraid of losing his friendship, and confused by pred/prey
>Judy and Nick about to confess their feelings when a group of female officers invite Judy to the precinct's Ladies Night Out
>Nick shuts down emotionally with an audience and wishes Judy a fun time
>Judy is too flustered with herself to go after him
>fast forward to the bar
>all the female officers seem to be hooking up with one-night stands except for Judy
>a rabbit buck spots her alone from across the bar and offers to buy her a drink
>eh, why not free booze
>he's pretty witty, smirks a lot, not too bad with banter either
>they get to chatting which eventually leads to the buck giving her a bullshit sob story about his troubled past and broken home
>Judy buys it hook line and sucker
>she wants to comfort the poor buck, help him feel good about himself again...
>a few drinks later...
>fast forward to the next morning.
>Judy's not in her bed. She has a rabbit shaped lump in the sheets beside her
>she gets up and is careful not to wake him, and starts finding evidence of him having a wife and children
>even finds his phone with a message about the wife and kids coming home later on that day
>uh oh Judy also got knocked up lol
U good person anon. We luv.

I chuckled. You always know what to say, anon.
10/10, would create a recently drawn comic dragging on for half a year and annoy everyone with it.
Why is it Japanese stuff always has the weirdest, most unnatural dialogue? Nobody talks like that ffs
Is that a reference to something?
What sounds good in one language doesn't necessarily work in another. Ever read Japanese poetry translated? It all sounds like a random mess of words.
Are you new here, or...?
It's a less cringe worthy TiWTLLL
There's a meme about Judy getting drunk and knocked by, either by cheating on Nick or when she knows Nick is interested. In the latter she falls back on him after the fact.

This version is both a spoof, and better written.
>Freckle buns

As much of a boob guy as I am, bunbun is best suited for itty bitty titties.
Oh, totally.
But just imagine Judy with freckles.
The human dick and gigantic tits make me reeee but honestly Judy's expression alone mostly saves it
freckled bun buns!
It'd go perfectly with her hayseed thing going on.
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Anna is best bun.
>Judy gets in a accident when visiting the farm.

>Got some of that new crop growth chemical on her.

>Massive tit growth.

>Life is suddenly much more difficult.
>Meets her one time after over a decade
>Talks to her for like a minute
>Decides to marry her
You deserved cucking failure you fat piece of shit
Same person.
Does someone know the name of that fic where Judy divorces her bunny husband to be with Nick?
How come, anon?
Just Like Old Times?

all that thanks to bored chinese women!

I claim Rachel
You fuck
I'll take alex
Dibs on Rachel.
Also, where is this from?
Rachel seems like she'd be down for a lot but there's something to be said for Bridget's wide-eyed curiosity
More fun that way?
Dunno, I always thought that it's not just dialogue, but various parts of storytelling in manga feel stilted. For example, not just the dialogue itself, but let's say, one character feeling the need to make a completely pointless explanation or interjection. To say nothing of the inter-panel continuity and general story flow.
She's already mine>>5730843
That's supposed to be thicc?

Fuck. Isabella then.
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"B-but i wanted to be a rapper!"
Seriously, where is this from?
How old are these bunners
Something seems skeevy
cucked out of his dream

will judy ever stop
He no longer a gud boi
He dun did sum'in now
I claim Rosie
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i think it originated from here; other works by the same anon (and the birth of dox fick):
First Reply Anon, who is sadly no longer with us thanks to Overwatch
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i remember there being two more comics, one judeon, one OCs, i don't have them saved
Bun is never too young to breed.

Some artist goes by the name of FRA(?).

At least that's what my folder was labored.
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This one too.

And a Dis/Molly one.
Here. Guy's name was firstrequest anon, did that stuff around the time we were still mostly on /co/. He jumped over to overwatch.
Maybe. Just seems unnecessary
Varying, unspecified ages.
Do you think there are cub sex trafficking rings in zootopia?
thank you very much
Yes it's called Mrs. Wilde's friends.
No, but there's a cub drug trafficking ring. Cops can't do shit to a kid who has drugs stashed in his sheath.
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Molly and Dez.jpg
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Gotchu fampai.

>FRA got Desmond's musculature and size relative to Molly down months before the rest of the thread
Not sure if I envy their son or fear for him.
no, because it's a disney film and the world is canonically cleaner and better than ours.
but of course you don't care because all you want is to indulge your depraved fetishes.
Are they also fucking Nick? I mean, like mother like daughter.
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will we see the good old days again?
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Yeah, third party coming soon.
No, but that doesn't mean it's the end of good days overall. The hype and fun of zootopia general's hayday may be long gone, but there are still fun days to be had. And when the next big thing rolls around, the cycle will start anew.
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Discord Link?
Ah I remember when we named them. I named Rosie.
Those good old days? Maybe not.
New good days? Yes.
Probably not. Most content creators have left for Discord, at least the ones everyone cares about (aka not the worthless shits who still browse these threads). Made me could post Discord circlejerk stuff to reignite the good old days with actual good stuff in these threads.
Would you prefer wildecest?
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>Most content creators have left for Discord
>Fic where Nick and Judy are confused about their feelings.
>Get drunk and almost have sex in Bunny Burrow, only for Nick to say no because he doesn't want drunk sex
>Says he wants to talk about it back in Zootopia
>Nick heads back, Judy returns a few days later
>Judy now has random buck roommate
>Nick thinks he has been replaced, despite Judy wanting to have sex a few chapters ago, and goes out with a vixen
>Judy doesn't know why Nick has been distant

I don't know what is worse, Nick not even bothering to ask who this buck (who is named Jack, because why the fuck not) before coming to conclusions, or Judy for not thinking "Oh, the guy I liked sees another guy in my apartment as a roommate".
There it is.
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>Most content creators have left for Discord

There's this amazing function on your computer, anon. You should try it sometime! It's called "alt-tabbing".
imagine neither of those. I'm always puzzled by the reaction like this. I don't want any of your shit and you can help by not posting it.
Bleh... Nothing better to do, so let me have 'em.
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>Feets is depraved
Hey cmon
>Noone considers us greentext and story writers 'content creators' :c
What? Draw requests? Write requests? Lewd? No?
Saltyanon is just trying to stir up shit.
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okay, I laughed
He's not even salty, he's just stirrin
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request time.png
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I fucked up...
Manchas seeing Otterton again.
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O hey anon,do you know where i did put my pants?

That's a hell of a gif, anon.

teen!nick and teen!judy eating chicken
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In that case, please draw Fournier. Maybe in his office doing paperwork?
Every time I log in discord I find every content creator that these threads complain that "are fucking dead" and that were from the times when these threads are good. Pretending this isn't the case is fucking sad, and quite honestly, makes me wonder if you guys even browse discord.

Doesn't change most of the dumbasses in these threads keep complaining of someone dissapearing while they are chit chatting at discord.

Reading is for faggots.
Jack and Sky(e) on a double date with Nick and Judy.
>Noone considers us greentext and story writers 'content creators' :c

you're imagining things I've never said. Also, one of he most compelling argument is a moving to discord deprives content creators of the delicious yous. With writefriends already half-starving most of the time it's not really likely.

Also, this >>5731478

As far as drawfriends are concerned, people who stopped visiting threads nearly stopped drawing zootopia related content as well.

Chumpy is (poorly) dealing with his issues, Bore hadn't been drawing anything new for month so they and many other people just sit there and chill. Would it upset someone less if they spent time elsewhere instead of discord?
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>it's a disney film and the world is canonically cleaner and better than ours
>a world with stimulants capable of turning anyone into a raging murderous beast
>a world with criminal organization
>a world with ruthless politicians that strip their citizens of their rights and endanger them for their own personal gain
did you even watch the fucking thing?

>Would you prefer wildecest?
combining them would be nice tbqh
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Honestly, I don't see the problem. They're chilling in Discord when they're not producing OC, but they can still be lurking here.

Would you rather they be posting with a signature every time so you know it's them?
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Oh boy, I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Normally Jack doesn't do much to me, but this one... is different.
Jack Savage was a mistake.
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have a short comfy comic, lazy cunts
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I don't think bore's not drawing is related to discord
>OG Spidey into feets
I'm liking this guy more n more
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is typesetter-anon dead?
But Bore has drawn Zootopia stuff recently.
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dumb fox, also, a fucking junkie

my bad, I stand corrected then
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I am a real cop 60fps.webm
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>it's another "discord drama" episode
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I'm just saying the Discord is better than this shithole and that the people who want the times back when these threads weren't so shit should join, it's less to crucify CC and more to motivate retards who freak out having an ID to find their balls to use a temp mail and a throwaway name and just join.
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Hey, isn't that VRbits pet Nick? I wonder how he's treating his Nick.
>It's a reverse psychology Discord Drama episode.
The discord is a shithole too.
More pics of Nick and Judy's kids?
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Well lets check.


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here's your (You)
now that I paid my fare, let me tell you that is the single most retarded thing I've ever seen posted this week, I hope your momma dies and you get cancer
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Uuhh... I have this
Your next move will be calling me spidey, how shocking. It's the truth.

Only when someone infringes the safespace of someone like Alabaster or Chumpy.
>whenever VRbit has a problem, he blows it up
This is not healthy behavior
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sure, i can dump a few
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You just have to find the Jack style you like, anon my friend.
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I wonder who's baby sitting for them? I bet its Mrs. Wilde. She's corrupted the poor bunnies. She only wants the best for her grandson.
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But anon, Spidey's kicking your ass.>>5731802
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I could be super fucking wrong but these guys that were posted just the other day really look like Bore's style.
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time for diabetes
There shouldn't be safe spaces in any chat that cane from 4chan.

Anyone that complains about it should be banned.
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Oh man do they all fuck in part 3?
Okay, I'll admit that lavender eyes fit the fox.
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There are two spideys, mate. And he's just stating the truth: my mother will definitely die one day and I have high chances to develop cancer considering the lifespan humanity have nowadays.

Either way, I seem to have kicked a hornet nest and nobody is happy about it. I hope at least the anon who wanted to see old CCs again can get his wish.

They are really too pissy all the time so it's more of an unspoken rule than something people put on the announcement tab.
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>Everyone needs to be a shitspewing autistic faggot 24/7. REEEE.

Just because you can't turn it off anon.
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did the anon writing fics about them ever update? lil' spidey and me bonded over those...
/r/ing any and all drawfags for more of that please, Ms Wilde involved would be top fucking notch
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aand that's all from me for now
Nice use of meme arrows.

Get the fuck out of the discord, you don't belong there.
He did at least one TBP piece.
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wait, i lied; this is the last one
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threadjournal should be added to OP and expanded (who the fuck is /fit/ lynx?)
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I don't think that's for you to decide, anon.
>5 fingers on one paw
>4 one the second
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Isn't it on the pastebin already?
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Discord a shit, no matter how much anyone sells it, the way they engage there is plebbit tier, everyone afraid of calling others shit because they know who did what, hence the reason 4chan anon posting is best posting,mostly with bunanon getting away with shit because "she's pretty", pretty skinny if you ask me (Canidae a thicc solid 10 btw), implementing +18 rules while at the same time having a containment chat for lewd stuff? for a server that came from the /trash/ of 4chan? anyway, this post makes you seem less of a fag, so yes we all fucking die, but now I hope your momma goes in peace

basically THIS

anyway, remember kids, anyone that doesn't like Wildecest, Wilde sibling incest or AUs where Nicks get all the pussy while Judy's his main girl are fags of the lowest degree, hugs and kisses bitches

Isnt there more from this author?
They actually don't have an 18+ rule, you just get banned from lewd and soc if you're under 18.
you raise valid points, but you're an obnoxious avatarfagging cunt with over-inflated self-esteem who produces nothing
>Now I can't unsee it
Guess this is my punishment for noting that in one image Nick didn't have the tail
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Bunanon posted pics? Fuck man, I wanted to see that shit
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So, in other words exactly like the threads?
She's actually really like a skinny plain jane kind of girl. 5/10. Her only standout feature is her lack of a cock but she's also lacking tits.
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>you're an obnoxious avatarfagging cunt with over-inflated self-esteem who produces nothing
>Implying I only have one ID
>Implying I don't have a zoosona
>Implying I'm not a CC in the discord
and the best part is you'll never know

no (You) for you
But I'm not wrong.
yep, you're just a bitter autistic cunt. you can now fuck off
That's my favorite type of girl anon
Why the fuck do you guys don't fucking link the posts you're quoting? Jesus Christ it's fucking annoying to have to look who you are replying to every time some cunt breaks it just because "1 (u) 1 upboat". Hiro didn't add the (You) counter yet, don't fucking jump the gun with it. Fuck yes I'm fucking mad.
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Because they're fishing for you.
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I agree man, but you know I had to do it to ya
Her face is kinda ugly though.
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>>Implying I'm not a CC in the discord

If that's the case, then that just makes you a two-faced coward who doesn't have the guts to say the same things under your CC persona.
So if you're really a CC, out yourself and stand behind your statements. If you don't then you're only admitting that you're more concerned about your image as a CC, rather than your convictions and views.
So fucking what? If you're going to reply to it anyways does it matter if it doesn't fucking show the (You)? You're still falling for the fucking bait, even worse, you realize it is bait and will still reply to it, there's no ignorance on it, just someone who wants to shit the thread because he can't resist replying.

It's like people who post "don't reply to tripfags" right after a tripfag posts, holy shit you're still giving him fucking attention.
so is yours, but you don't see me complaining
Still insalely curious, is it true that Comic tries to date people in discord?
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Gideon and Nick.jpg
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Nick and Finnick.jpg
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Yeah, but I'm bored and shitposting.
THIS is why people leave the thread for discord. Because you're all a bunch of guullible fucking morons who fall for the SAME FUCKING BAIT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. WHAT does it take for you people to FUCKING LEARN NOT TO RESPOND TO DISCORD DRAMA POSTS?
I don't try to get free attention by posting my body on discord though.
>So if you're really a CC, out yourself and stand behind your statements
What purpose would that serve?
why not instead of shilling the discord you leave it and stay here?
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Boy if I have to say I duck with plain janes one more time
reminder some anon salvaged zhan's draws

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what happened to zhan, though?

i mean i think he posted a pic yesterday about rosie getting beaten up by duke or something.
Or, as has already been pointed out, CC who aren't producing aren't producing for non Discord reasons, and still wouldn't be producing even if they weren't on Discord.
He asked Canidae.
but aren't they both gay?
It wasn't him, if I remember correctly, because it was a drawing with pencil.
His last post was the drawing of the snake-Pizzacolt story. I still regret I didn't talk to him more that night.
Of fucking course it is not. Holy shit, you are literally taking the fucking stalker Jokerposter at his word.

Are you fucking retarded?
Dunno, he just suddenly left, and deleted all his zootopia stuff.
Zhan here, a tree fell on my house and I broke my arm
no, don't be an idiot.
real zhan here, candidae fell on my arm and broke my house
Those are very neat
I'm on the discord but like my anonymity. Can Bunanon post her pic in soc again?
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Yeah, I thought he was going traditional for Inktober or something.

Yeah, last time I saw someone do that was because of family issues with what they were doing. (something like a furry nsfw art blog being found by family members)

This doesn't explain how he'd delete everything, though.
If you don't, I'll post it here.
>another discord dramer episode

Scavenger hunt time!

Hop onto your favorite offsite source for fanart, and come back with two pieces of art that hasn't been posted on the threads before.

I'll start us off and provide sources.

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Well that's just rude.
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Is bunanon doing kegels or what
>yield to bluff and give about random 50 people the ability to repost your picture at will
>it's not a bluff, so #1 happens anyway
Cmon dude, nobody is this stupid. Nobody negotiates with blackmailers and terrorists because shit like this doesn't work if one has half a brain
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Weaver said bun couldn't hold her legs together for more than 2 seconds.
Rose proved him wrong.
Dat elephant tho
Sorry, didn't see >>5733022 wasn't new, have another

>log onto the discord expecting juicy talk
>its just people talking about RPGs

i feel lied to
No, I want to protect this smile. Panda, I know you're lurking, fix this immediately
They've said they're actually underwhelming for months now. It's always just people chilling
He had been very depressed recently, albeir hardly let it on and nobody noticed.
You caught it at a good day. Most days they just post about how they are depressed.
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What's this I keep hearing about zhan?

At first I thought everyone was worried because of Hurricane Matthew, but then I saw posts saying he permanently left the Discord. Should I be as worried as I am?
Hardly. The past few weeks I've been there, there's been maybe two discussions about depression. Have a (You).
left without saying anything, removed all of his zooptoop drawing from his tumblr

hope he's ok
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sorry, no source
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Nah, I remember his post about feeling like shit. It's more like I've seen people suddenly vanish but never delete their stuff.
Hopefully a troll.
Yesterday he left the Discord (or so I heard), and deleted all of his Zootopia related work on his Tumblr. He also blocked the possibility for anonymous ask on his Tumblr. I'm worried
he left about a week ago. he popped up in the thread a few days ago and said he isn't feeling too well, thanked for support and asked for any requests, after which he disappeared without a trace.
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I'm not afraid of your logic! Have this salacious picture of Bunanon!
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spidey (29).jpg
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the fuck is this shit?
I left at >>5732146
now somebody poses at me?
he's as retarded as you are, so nobody noticed the difference
I will never understand why artists delete their galleries.

Zhan, on the off chance that you're reading this, I love you man. But that was a total dick move to do that without at least telling everyone why you did it before vanishing without a trace.
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No, I was on that thread. His last comment (that I know of) was this https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/5676828/#5688372
>tfw the last comment I did to him was a stupid gif instead of asking how he was doing
I'll never remove this regret from me
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fukkin got her
Is... Is that a Mead lewd?

It's literally signed S8, dude.
Clearly you know nothing of Candidae's hunger.
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spidey (17).jpg
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the fuck's your problem?
>not recognizing Alec's art

Come on man, there's even a signature there. Not that you should need it to spot the artist.
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Hey thread, here's a thing. I'm probably gonna go take a nap now.
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The moment I posted that ask I saw the signature. Oops.
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too lewd
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comfy graph.png
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Did the extraction go well?

Drooling right now. Femalope is so PLUMP.
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B&P ikea.png
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I missed Inky's marriage picture of these guys
Anyone have it?
That's tomorrow, it's still Monday today.
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Ah, right. Best wishes!
Does anyone know when the next Pack Street should come out?
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Fuck's sake, anon, it's not on a designated schedule. "Soon" is my best guess.
Look at the release dates for past chapters. http://pastebin.com/u/packstreet
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have a (you)

i don't know why people ask this like someone's going to have an answer

Pack Street isn't released on a schedule

AAAAA MT! I didn't see this before!

Perfect gay husbands.
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Bucky and Pronk cuntboy.png
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Im sorry Ok!

I just asked if someone has any idea.
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horns too sharp
too risky
the boipussy isn't worth it
would not bang
I really hope he's alright. I can understand if people get bored of fandoms or communities and leave, but cutting ties and purging when there seemed to be no quarrel or goodbye isn't a good sign.
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Very nice

Gay weaver art is a rare treat
>bucky wears tangas
>not the abortion variant
That is a nice Fournier
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>>5733482 here, sorry to ask but now I'm feeling down in the dumps. However I need to finish my TT submission, can I ask the thread to post some happy music to lift the mood? Sorry if it is too big of a request.

A real artist never delete its work, unless he/she is trying to cut all ties with the past and/or is depressed. This is making me even more sad...
This kills the bun
He keeps coming in and saying he's writing more but no one knows if he is actually working on it
Hey does anyone have the greentext where Remmy and Charlie molest Betty's son WITH the alternative endings. I honestly just want the alternative endings
oh, well, thanks famalama
were there alternative endings?

shit now i want to see them too
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drunk non heresy.jpg
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I'd love to have that Bellwether/Gendo Ikari picture in full rez. Anyone have it?
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no need to be an asshole
Does anyone have the comic pages with Violet Hopps in it?
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You mean replyguys' stuff?
I got a full fledged fic!
Here to reshill to the day crowd, hhere is "Everything has a Price"!

Judy needs information from Finnick, but he isn't going to tell her for nothing.


evens - try to finish green
odds - put it off indefinitely
dubs+ - thread's choice
Maybe someone who's friends with him can contact him? I'm not necessarily saying he has to come back, I'm just worried about him


Last one. Sorry for the lame photos, I didn't want to tear it up to scan.
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No, the actual comics.

Thank you!
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Thank you anons, it really helped

I'm sorry I couldn't find the one with all the endings

This one?

It's a shame, what green was? The one with Judy, Nick and Finnick. I liked it.

Reading now.

I don't know if there is one we know. He seemed pretty reserved as a person

That is understandable and this is more than enough, thank you both!
Just write the fucking thing, don't let some random chance bullshit put you off of creating great works for the thread.

And I know, "but it's not great, I'm not a good writer". I don't care, I wanna read that shit.
Wrong anon.
It wasn't a very comfy green desu.

I doubt anyone'd want to read about Bellwether raping Nick in front of Judy anyways.
I figured that might be the case, but I still want that writer to see my message and get pressured into doing something they don't really want to, for my satisfaction.
hell is warm anon laughs at you
You motherfucker. Finish it!
Oh that one. Yeah I admit I didn't feel very good about that situation.
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That's speciest. I'm a bunny and I'm stoic as fuck.
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I think some anons would be pleased if you finish it.
I only say that I would like you to finish it because I dislike seeing an incomplete work, whatever its value.
But it is still your choice to make.
*swoops in and cucks the tread*
I am El Cuckero, the cuckerist bancucko in Mecucko
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over the line.gif
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Scan anon here. Did no one scan this? I kind of forgot to finish up over the weekend, have 100 pages scanned thus far. But i want to know if i should continue or if its already been done.
Can someone link me zhan's tumblr? I know he deleted all his zoot stuff from it but I'd like to bookmark it just in case he's still alive.
I'm imagining jack savage with a sombrero, poncho and a monopoly man mustache
I've yet to see any. Keep scanning pls.

It's only been photographed, feel free to upload your scans though. But, the artist also released a bunch of the clean, non-shitty newsprint art on their twitter.

Anyway, yeah scans are superior to photos, make an album dude.
You're actually a rhino, everyone has been lying to you your whole life.
You don't know me!
Don't worry about it, thanks for looking though. I'm pretty sure someone will come upon it.
Something like this?
Does zhan even go on the discord anymore? Or here for that matter?
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Huh! I hadn't seen this one before.
Wow, that news conference would have turned out differently...

I'm a total sucker for these sort of "What If" scenarios. What if one, single important decision was changed...
>I'm very tired
Oh jesus fuck
Pls no
Actually if you look that is after Bellwether

Oh trust me the newsprint art looks like shit. The clean digital uploads will be far superior to what I got. I may have a fucking good scanner but I can't do anything if the page just had shit quality.

I have debated taking the art book apart and giving it true proper scans and not photos but, the photso are decent enough
Haven't been in one of these threads in a few weeks. Is it still about making literally everyone in Zootopia gay?
I found zhans deleted zootopia art over his reblog tumblr!
We don't need to make them gay. They already are!
I made a tumblr account specifically to ask him if he's okay, and if he could at the very least make an appearance in the threads/discord to let us know he's okay.

I'm genuinely worried as fuck

>Judy gets in a accident when visiting the farm.
>Got some of that new crop growth chemical on her.
>Massive growth.
>Bune is now over seven feet tall.
>Life is suddenly AMAZING.

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Gays are always prominent in internet communities because they are not accepted by society.
It will never ho away
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1MB, 2500x3333px
Whoah! Someone wrote a continuation of my quickie-thing! Sheeeeeit, this must be how Stephen Hawking feels

Also, what an absolutely arachnoidal thread. Welp

>Sorry if it is too big of a request.
Dude <3
They said he left the discord a week ago.
Please please please make a follow up to this where Nick finds out what Finn did to Judy.

I fucking hate gauges.
you're a cool dude, anon.
Neither of those links load anything.
F for Zhanbao, a loyal drawfag until the end
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>Stares down at Bogo
On humans I can tolerate it. On a fox?

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They project themselves in fictional characters, how can you deny this.
I don't know if he will answer. We can only hope.
I was in a car crash and lost my mother.
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>Bune is now over seven feet tall.
I am conflicted over bunazon. Bun should be small, yet bun enjoying being huge is nice in its own way.
As a gay man, I'd just like to point out that all gay Nick Ships (Nickeon, FinNick, Nickgo, etc.) are objectively shit.

Nick is for hetero only.

As a gay man I think your opinion is fucking shit and FinNick is the only choice.

Fight me faggot.
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>tfw every time I tell one of my friends I'm gay they respond with "Holy shit seriously? I had no idea. You never took me as that kind of guy."

I'm actually not sure how to feel about this.
As a gay man, I actually prefer lesbian ships. But only if there's actual chemistry for it.
Than it is your internet connection that has problems.
By me the 2 links load without any problems
The man I was cucking came after me and now I'm on the run
I think thats the most positive reaction i got, thanks!

I honestly though it would suck, writing it at work most of the time.

Also... I'll see about a follow up! I have other ideas in my head.
The quality of the writing was good.
Although as for the content I found it pretty uncomfortable. Maybe that was the point?
Don't just send one message
As a gay man, I think dicks are gross.
Is it really you, Zhan? If it is a troll, I beg you to stop
Or, better yet, everyone should spam him with messages.
It's really me.
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Even WildeSavage?
It ain't me.
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Jack Savage is only for patootie.
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3MB, 640x266px
Rare footage of Zhan during hurricane whatever.

Nah dicks can be great to toy with, see their reaction from using your fingers and tongue against it is hot as fuck.

But I will cede that asses are probably the best part.
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It's called Fortunate Son!
I think it's been said elsewhere, but if the goal was to make me dislike Finnick- mission accomplished.
Hence my request for a follow-up where he gets his comeuppance
I'm so sorry, zhan.

Not growth, but an AU. Still relevant.
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love byrons style.
evens: work
odds: don't work
Yeah... i'll get more comfy next time. Probably.

Unless the thread beats me to it, i'll see what I can do.
>we're all gonna die
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As a gay man man gay man, I'm gay for men who are gay men.

>we're all gonna die

Implying we're all not already dead.
Implying this isn't Hell.
If only Nicks mom were dead.


I love fanarts of JiD. Artist's tumblr?
I understand I can't pretend to recognize someone on an anonymous imageboard. I hope he will hop on Discord, at least there he is recognizable, and someone will post about it in the thread.
Right here
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446KB, 785x1087px
Says site can't be reached.

>I love fanarts of JiD.

Have you seen Judy is Abridged, Anon?

Yeah, not that funny.
Fuck you it's pretty fucking funny.
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Shit man. I'm so sorry for your loss.
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stoat float.jpg
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>Yeah, not that funny.

Awright Anon. Whatever floats your stoat.

I chuckled.
I can't say I'm sorry to see it gone
This is cute

I feel like I recognize that outfit... is this a reference to something?
."If this is a dream, don't wake me up."
Nick always knew he liked his ladies younger than him, he just never knew how much younger.
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Today was... not a good day. It is better going to sleep. Good nigh /ztg/, hoping that tomorrow will be a better, clearer day.

Sleep well, anon. Dream of Bellwether and Doug leaping over fences to put a stop to those awful preds.
Gotta have some bad with the good, man. Have a goodnight
>Still no fic of Chief Nick having a sex dream about July
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Was I the only one put off of Judy Is Dead from the outset?

I mean, Nick as a no-nonsense racist authoritarian is pretty much a total inversion of the character.
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not a sex dream, but close enough
>dressed down
Just accept you're the outlier. That or let your colors burst
>cuz baby you're a firework
Reminder that rabbits are not bipedal.

is that some buzzword you add every time you are trying to say you don't like something?
I was kind of put off a little by it at the beginning, but hoped it would turn into a sort of slow burn healing thing. One where July's determination, while always painfully reminding Nick of his wife, would eventually win him over, making him apologize on his own and not when he is on his death bed.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It makes me understand why some wear items to signal they're gay or at least formally come out to people they know because when you're gay you're still assumed to be straight.

Having said that, I don't think the "gay accent" is forced because I had a boyfriend who was a speech therapist who was very much in the closet from his family but was still the type you knew was gay upon meeting him.
Kit Nick at a pride parade, when?
Jid from the get go established itself as not being zootopia except for namedrops and dialogue ripped from the movies. Not sure how the greatest issue would be gritty nick.

That sounds kinda cute but i doubt something that started from the interest of turning nick into a bland "grizzly traumatized vet " would go that way.
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What about WildeSavageSky(e)?
what about it?
It's a pale ghost compared to the warm, fuzzy (sweaty) glory that is WildeHoppsSkye
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'fraid not, sonny

>black stripes
That's some real nice art. Got source?
It means you're straight-passing, and can't collect Oppression Points.
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that nick when.png
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>no more Depressed Doggo Diaries
How did those gay quadfs go unchecked?
Why did you tell it to someone in the first place?
Because I'm comfortable with my own sexuality.

I mean, I don't just tell people out of nowhere "btw I'm gay" but if the topic comes up I'm gonna answer honestly.
> but if the topic comes up I'm gonna answer honestly
oh... it's okay then. I thought you're one of these annoying, attention whores.
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