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HG thread And that is too much for her as well. This is

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Thread replies: 318
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HG thread

And that is too much for her as well.
This is a really violent event.
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It's fine if you don't apologize whenever you need to speak your mind, sis.
I don't really know how else to put it.

there are times I wish things were uneventful. That's probably why I don't do too much during the week unless I need to.
But I don't blame you.

That's how it always is. Like a schedule at this point.
But it doesn't really matter, it runs without it here.

>she just turns and walks off halfway through the lecture

Honestly, what a motormou--
>...And is immediately run over
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>Sheriff JR Smith
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Stop right there, civilian! I'm in need of that vehicle to get rid of any potential Sabers that could show up!
>She gets hit by it
B-but the Sabers....
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The feast just happened. Why are you thinking about food now?
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And of course she just let it fall in to disrepair.

>>5630324 (Magolor)
So lemme guess, enthusiasm isn't something you do, huh?
>>5630342 (Kaito)
Something surprising? Tanks weren't always the essence of my being, you know. Hell, once upon a time, I wanted to be the opposite of what I am now.
>Oh christ, it's happened in Texas, too.
Eh. I'm just not in a right sort today.
Hmh. It could be that it's just too different for you. Maybe too drastic a change, or running in opposition to something about you?
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That would depend on the situation.
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>>5630342 (Kaito)
Probably, but let's be real now. She wouldn't hurt me. I mean, I hope she wouldn't. She seems like a nice gal, to be honest, so I hope she wouldn't. Wanna make bets?
>>5630358 (Sakuya)
Nowhere, dude! Just close your eyes and just wait for a few seconds, will you? It's a surprise!
>America just waits in place until she closes her eyes, head tilting to the side.
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I wouldn't say you're missing much? It was exhausting just being there.
And how do you suggest we do that?
I understand.
>"However if you happen to harm her, I will not wait to burn you to unfamiliarity. Are we clear?"
After doing nothing for fourteen years, anything would be better. But let's not continue to talk about myself. How have you've been, miss?
Sounds like mostly that south that's being plagued by it, all those arrests in Alabama and Arkansas. Minnesota is in the clear according to the map, so no clown hunting for me.
See? So it's dumb to get mad at me! It's better you didn't anyways. getting angry will give you wrinkles.

You're forgetting who you're talking to. I'm a man with no life, yet at the same time with infinity life.

I never told you to sleep in the street. You did that on your own accord.

What else am I supposed to do? My love interest is supposed to chase and stalk me, not the other way around. The last time I got involved with a girl like you it ended...terribly.

It's only a bad idea because you killed me! How could you do such a thing to me!?
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These games are getting more and more violent.
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I thought that I saw a Saber right behind the group that you were a part of! We had to hurry to eliminate it, or else it could have killed all of you!
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>She picks him up and rockets over to McDonalds at high speeds
Perfectly. I would sooner harm myself than cause her any pain.
>bows his head.
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And in most you're content to lie back or whatever, huh?
...Eh. Whatever.
>Oh well, we're Texans, we're all armed to the teeth here. It'd be piss-easy to scare them off.
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Yeah, yeah, I get what you mean. I just hope you won't think any lesser of me for wanting to "persuade" any potential imposters not to touch my family, dude. I wouldn't be that violent normally; that's Allen's job. Trust me.
Whatever you say.
Who are you again?
Whatever indeed.
Kirby what do you want?
You say that now, but some of these Motherfuckers are crazy
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And we have our final two. It will be difficult to make a card for either of them.
Hm.. I wonder why.
It seems like it's the latter, really. More suited for someone else.
Besides... it makes me cold, and causes it to snow. Not exactly the most comforting effect to equip.

And yet it seems like I can't help it sometimes.
Similar for Minnesota, and my extended family has a, eh, colorful history with self defense. My uncle is an ongoing trial over pulling a gun on a squatter, who my cousin (not my uncles son though) also happened to pull a knife on. That's just the tip of the iceberg. We're a confrontational bunch.
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I wonder how Kiritsugu will react when I tell him the bike he gave me exploded.
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So, a tall human woman with long straight hair, who's nice and happy, and that uses magic, I'd continue the list but, it's late.
Nope, no time, I'm leaving for the night, I work tomorrow.
I'll give you an idea next time we talk, it's a little late.

>Goodnight everyone.
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You don't need to be so cruel...
I didn't even want to sleep, I just because I knew you didn't want to be alone.
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..Ah. Sorry, then.
Myself? I've been gathering more effects from others around here. It's rather helpful... in most cases. But some feel more right than others.
Night Kaito
This clown shit is too much for me man. I had run from three of you... it wasn't fun.
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But...aren't you Saber?

>halfway there he falls off and cracks his head on the road

Don't worry America, I didn't think anything of you at all. Remember: you are NOT Russia.
>Sakuya tilts her head to the side thinking for a second. Was this a trap? He shouldn't know anything that can kill me. He never did try to hurt me so maybe I can trust him.
>Sakuya let out a sigh before closing her eyes, waiting.
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You ready for Halloween?
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Then why did you come to me if you already know? Things don't always end your way idiot.

Ahem...Araragi, it may be true there's only so much you can take right?
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...Perhaps I should continue onwards, he may revive before reaching our destination.
>She picks up the body and goes even faster
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Why is Yukine so obcessed with Hoshi?
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At least I won't have to go look for that.
Fuck no I ain't.
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Of course I'm a Saber! But I'm the best Saber out there! The one that accepted the righteous quest of eliminating the cancer of this universe, the Artoria Species!
Why don't you people every ask these questions privately?
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Well done Maki. Your prize will be up in minutes.
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I think it's because you need a good laugh. I get this feeling you haven't laughed in a very, VERY long time.

Good night my little sweet pea.

Since when did you care about me being left alone?
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Then either tell me what you want or leave me alone.
I have... Things to do you know!
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Thanks for hosting, and congrats
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Let's see how well you did.
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...Aw. Here I was just about to bet Texas to you. G'night, Kaito! Have a good rest!
...I'm not Russia! That's right, I'm not as crazy as he is, dude! I wouldn't be that much of a psycho to actually do that! I feel better than ever now! BETTER DEAD THAN RED~!
Man, I feel like I just offended somebody there.
>America just snickers to himself before high fiving someone that just walked onto the scene. After a few exchanges, America walks off, leaving... Another America, just as a girl. Oh, boy, here we go...
Open your eyes, Sakuya! I hope you don't mind me being here for the time being!
Congrats to Maki, and thanks for hosting, dude!
Because I care about your opinions
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i want apple pie
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The race has ended, congratulations.
That's stupid if there's an actual reason and you know who knows it. Uninformed conjecture incites shitflinging
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Here to deliver three messages, all from erp/

1) hi!
2) could all your waifus come over there
3) "Embrace the hatred more guys" - love Carnage.

Now, do you want me to send some messages?
I think you care about our (You)'s
..Do chuckles and small giggles count? Sometimes I do that before a kill.

I did well before everyone ran over me....
In any case, thank you for hosting.
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Well... Everyone has a limit... And I don't want to find out mine...
I care about everyone to some extent.
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thanks for hosting
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>I'm TEXAN. I got this.
>Besides, one of the people who lives here is a human mountain.
>Family has a nasty habit of entering blackout rages too. We can be some of the scariest motherfuckers around.
There's reasons, no doubt about it....
Hehe...I actually like the cold and such. Favorite time of year, winter. Pretty strange, though....
Eh, I never cared about my height that much. But the rest of it.... Later.
Congrats, lady. And thanks for the show.
Saki is the bestest and cutest female OJ
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Oh, oh! Tell ERP that America said hi, and that he can't wait to see Canada and Iowa soon! That's my message, thank you!
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Thanks for hosting.
I did better than any of the other Sabers, which clearly proves that I'm the best one.
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"Hello other land! Hope you're having fun!" - Magolor.
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*she claps*
What a fantastic entrance!
Of course. My name is Sienna Contiello. You may also call me Squigly.
Thank you for being a gentleman about this. Enjoy yourself.
I hope he isn't too harsh, Ms Ped- Ms. Saber.
Okay then. Until next time stranger.
It's perfectly fine miss.
*she tilts her head*
How does it work?
It was a pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Because I thought you were a sweet girl, not a sweat girl.

My head hurts...

S-So you're a main character too!? Gah, how could I have been blind!?
>he poses for the Saber
I, Natsuki Subaru, am also a righteous man! I will help you delete the cancer of this world and restore the justice and humbleness!

Thank yoooou for the game!
Alfred, are you going to bang them?
>Take this!
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I-I was joking...
Well not really. I just wanted to see you get angry. It's fun to watch other people suffer some times.

Tell them I want one of them to let me marry them. My name's Subaru by the way.
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And I am Magolor! It's a pleasure to meet you!
P-please don't hurt me!
I'm always filled with joy when I see you. Have a good one.
You're a Texan with some weird mental problems. I don't know who'll kill me first. You, or the fucking clowns. Besides, what are you going to do when 5 of those motherfuckers jump you like me out of nowhere? Nerve wracking I tell ya.
We're just not afraid of shit going down if it needs to go down more than anything. Unfortunately, for my extended family, that translated into a decent number of felonies when circumstances made those seem like things which had to go down.
I'll stop Araragi, not because you asked..it's just that.

Sweat girl? Now what is that?
>she reads it, eyes widening.
>she gives a thumbs up of approval, before sprinting off once more
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BigDead93 is based.
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>Sakuya opened her eyes, looking at the female that now stood before her.
And why are you?
If it's more than one, gtfo.
Please tell erp to beware of any dangerous clown attacks at night.

We have arrived at our destination. However, this McDonalds appears to be closed at this hour.
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Not in that instance. Why not chuckle and giggle at other things that aren't morbid? Girls like gross comedy, right?
>Subaru goes on and on about something only men do in hopes to get a giggle out of Uro-tan

How much do you care for me?

I dunno, but it's the opposite of sweet, so it has to be bad right?
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Surely there's Apple pie here somewhere!
Amen. That's what I did.
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Of course I'm the main character of my own story that's about my long and tiring journey of hunting down those who call themselves Saber!
>She sheds a single tear
B-but I didn't expect others to understand the importance of my quest this easily. You're the second person who believed my words.
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Yeah, OJ!
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Just let me rest for awhile. This head injury is killing me...
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...They're my family. Three guesses, Anon, and the first two don't count.
Yep, it's funny to watch people suffer! Why else do you think I pretended you didn't exist for a few minutes? Anyway, I doubt you'll ever see me legitimately angry, Subaru. I'm not that emotional! I'm a smart guy!
>America giggles, pointing at the other America slowly sneaking away.
Well, if you want me to be honest, Alfred was jealous that Anya got to meet you first instead of me, so he had the bright idea to bring me here to settle the score! Sakuya, right?
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I like the rain, myself. Snow, you have to shovel away and melt.
Regardless of how I feel about it.. It's another tool to use.

Oh, I didn't tell you about those....
I won't bore you with details. They're powers I can use at will, collected from either people or objects. My chainsaw is one.
This place in particular... seems to have plenty of them.

It's been a while since I've heard any good jokes.
>she appears to be listening, but you don't see much of a reaction
there's few things men can do that women can't.
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>It takes a fuckload to get us to go that far, at least, but I'm more or less a pacifist. If I do get in to a fight I tend to just try and choke them out.
>But this is more of a "if they show up at my house" kinda thing. I'm not worried about anywhere else, Pasadena's just too fucking small for this shit.
>At least it's not just wanton cruelty of the like. Presumably.
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I hope to meet the other woman in this sometime. Thank you for this.
Same to you. What brings you here if you don't mind me asking.
You're welcome sir.
I see, so you will do it just because you want to... Thank you.
Enough to not punch you in the face every time you open your mouth.
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Another piece of scrap metal decided to get up and start walking and talking?
And I'm putting "talking" loosely, since it sounds like an outdated voice calibrator.
Squigly is for tender cuddles
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Oh, just traveling across time and space, finding inspirations for my attractions.
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>Falls asleep
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You were just thinking of sweat dripping off my body weren't you?

No thanks needed of course.
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Oh thank NOVA he's asleep.
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Bore me? That sounds really interesting. Just how different they can get?
Attractions? Like a park, sir?
Is it just me or is 4chan taking ages to load?
Are you me?
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Sort of, yes. Along with a few obstacle courses as well.
I also host parties.
hiro downgraded the server

he runs it on an rPi now
>Nope, it's just wonking out.
You're a lucky fucker is all I gotta say.
Irish, the old school version as far as America goes

Mostly. One of them got hopped up on PCP and robbed a gas station. My great uncle sold heroin back in the 70s. Another uncle once got tied up in his house by some folks he owed drug money to. Surprisingly, they're mostly reformed. Mostly.
M-Me? Is that you? I never thought I'd see you again...!
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I know... I just wanted to say it anyway...
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How wonderful! I haven't been to one of those in decades. How successful has the project gone?
That's one of the sweetest things I've heard today.
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>Oh, fuck, missed it, sorry.
Ah, but it's so pristine.... Hehe. Then again, maybe I picked that preference up from someone else, too.
Though, it doesn't sound too handy, regularly,
>First time I've ever been called that.
>Christ. At least they're reformed. Both my elder brother are goddamn druggies and smokers.
>The eldest has been arrested so many times that he supposedly is on a first-name basis with every cop here.
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I hope you enjoy, Ms. Maki.
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Of course I believe you! You've given me no reason not to. I understand how hard it is to tell people about our status. I too have problems with it. Whenever I tell people I'm a main character they laugh at me, but they'll see...th-they'll all see...

I suffer enough as it is! Watch someone else quiver for a change, alright!?

Yeah, like-
>whisper whisper whisper
>whisper whisper whisper

You would never actually do that to me, r-right?

You're not the best person to imagine sweating, but I'm always up for you doing it for artistic value.
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This location opens in 6 hours, I would suggest sleep until then.

Sudden hostility detected. I do not wish to cause any harm.
It goes so far back, that when we did our family tree, we found it we are related to several horse thrives that were hung back in Ireland a couple hundred years ago or so.

Sucks about your brothers. You could always talk to my mom about dealing with very similar circumstances, except she had 6 of them
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let me explain everything.png
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It's been... Slow.
There are a lot of dimensions, I don't even think I can count how many I've travelled through.
And to be honest, a lot are, kinda boring.
Not this one though. It's probably one of the few places I've had to stay a while for just to get an idea.
Found out* we are related to several horse thieves*
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Jeez, calm down, dude. It's not like I could've made someone else suffer, but I understand you completely. I'll hold off on it because we're mates, yeah? I mean, the hero's not a complete idiot, now!
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I.. suppose it could be. It's just I assume most don't really want to know all about it.
Well... let's see. During my time in my dreams, there were about 32 effects. What you saw is usually what you got. The chainsaw and bike I use now were two obvious ones.
One replaced my legs with springs and let me jump higher, another could turn me into a boy, one was literally just a trombone, some would turn me into different creatures or change my height.

And most of them required a LOT of exploring to find.

>she chortles a bit
Yes, but.. those are a little obvious....

...Maybe not.
>as she changes to the effect, the jingle that usually sounds sounds different. A light snowfall begins to descend upon the two
It's pretty if nothing else.
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>he tries getting off of the robot, but inevitably falls off
Good night whatever your name is...
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Well you're at the very least smart enough to stay out of my way.
Just don't try anything funny. I've already scanned your internal systems and have found primitive weaponry, which is consistent with everything else I've seen.
Only because I don't want to get into trouble.
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>Sakuya let out a low laugh before smiling.
Well, if he wanted me to meet you then he should of just said it than being so suspicious.
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Don't worry, sidekick. I'm sure if you assist me in dealing with this menace, your fellow citizens will appreciate you more than ever!
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>We don't know much about our own history aside from a few cigar boxes that've now been lost from when our family moved here, honestly.
>Well, and bits and bobs of people we're related to.
>Either way, it's all goddamn annoying.
>She gawks a bit at Urotsuki, first and foremost, before glancing around at the snow.
Well...you are right. You look pretty much like a completely different person, now.... Kinda freaky.
You've learned well Araragi, listen well this will be the only time I'll say this..Thank you as well.

Are you calling me fat? what is wrong with me sweating? People have thought of me as an idol.
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And just what do YOU want?
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Sorry to hear that but I'm glad you can find some inspiration here. I hope that I'm still moving by the time you're finished.
Oh my. They all sound really unique. Not all of them seem to be useful though. And you said you can get these from touching others as well?
I know you're not an idiot, but I do know your schools need a little work. You should look towards Finland for some help!

You want something a little less obvious?
>whisper whisper whisper
How's THAT for you?

Who's going to get mad at you? I don't think anyone here cares. I'd be surprised if you go to jail in all honesty.

C'mon, I deserve more than sidekick. Like I've said I'm also a hero. I can't be a sidekick with my experience.

I'm going to need to check to make sure you're telling the truth here. Please lift up your shirt.
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He wanted to make it some sort of "prank" since you disliked Anya so much! He could have worked a bit more on the delivery, however. Man, Prussia's more subtle than he is...
>America straightens her back, giving a graceful smile.
Anyway, I'm Amelia F. Jones! As you can probably guess, I'm America! Pleasure to meet ya in person, Sakuya!
My grandpa's dad apparently inherited a castle at one point, but he would have had to move back to Ireland to claim it, and it's not like he was born there.
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Aigis. Have a good nights rest Subaru.
>She moves him in front of the front door of the McDonalds, then walks off.

My designed purpose is to hunt for creatures named shadows. My limited physical weapony is merely an aid for combat, my main method of destroying shadows is through my persona.

I am curious however, if missiles and railguns is considered primitive to you, then what assortment of weaponry might you possess?
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Finland? Hm... I dunno, his hands seem to be a bit full looking after Sealand with Sweden. Perhaps another time when I remember it? And I know I'm not an idiot, but people keep saying I am!
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I hope so too?
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Do you have any experience in dealing with Sabers? This is a really important question.
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>Goddamn. I still would've jumped on the opportunity myself. At least for the bragging rights.
....you're so full of yourself.
Oh well. Maybe I'll look into it one day and buy it.
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Is something the matter?
And those trips don't lie.
Hmm... Maybe I can get you to say that a few more times in the future... We'll see, but for now, I have to go...
You know my parents are police officers, right? They could send me to jail at anytime if they feel like I'm misbehaving.
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>Just buy a goddamn castle?
>So who got it?
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Beside Rika-tan who else would call you an idiot?

Not really, but I do have experience dying! I've die quite a bit up until now, and I won't stop anytime soon.
I've also had a hand in killing a huge white whale and arch bishops.
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>sighs. the snowfall spreads to a larger area around them
Would you really want to use an ability often if it didn't feel like you?

Other people, or objects that stand out. I couldn't even describe a few.
All the effects from here are from other people.

>you see her smile a bit, and she covers it with her hand
Pfff... I think you can stop.
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Funny, I'm current hunting down a Shadow myself.
And we might have similar weapons, but do not have nearly enough speed, power, and computing to take me down.
And what's this about a Persona?
I'm simply stating facts. Do you want evidence for this? Because I can give it to you.
I'm ambitious, and we haven't a clue what happened to it.
Well it's just that your wording was a tad odd...
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That's good and all, but those things can't be compared to Sabers! Just look at me, the best Saber ever, and you'll understand that.
I did not express any desire to combat you. However...
>She shouts, and behind her materializes the android's persona
I would not doubt my ability to defeat you if such a battle were to occur.
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About every person here, save for a few others, like... Kaito... You... Um, Sakuya, probably... Toriel, Chen... Yep. A few others here like me, Subaru! I mean, I could just be exaggerating there. What do you think, dude?
Your parents wouldn't actually do that to you...right? That'd be really messed up.

>he keeps on going as soon as he sees her smile
>whisper whisper whisper
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Please by all means... deliver your best shot.
Say hi to erp
Just don't take it lightly or I'll burn your eyes off, this proof is all your getting.

Good night, you won't be able to coerce me that easily.
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>She looks around at the sky, briefly holding a hand up to catch a few snowflakes.
Of course not. That's why I kept mine hidden for so long.
...You're sounding all depressed now. Need a hug?
>Well, that's a shame. Any idea what it's name was?
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...but still weak.
It would be a waste of my energy to fight now.
We shall wait until someone wishes to start a game.
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How neat. So do you always try to look for these effects? I don't know what you do outside of here.
It was, wasn't it. Well I can't say I hope that I'm alive when it's finished. Because I am not.
I'd have to ask my mom, and my grandpa isn't exactly the best person to ask if it came to that, seeing as he's rarely lucid these days after the second series of strokes
Give me a beat, HG.
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>Beats you profusely.
>starts beatboxing
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No offense, but I think I could take you down fairly easily in a hand to hand combat scenario. I know what your weakness is.

You've had that many people say you're an idiot? I don't know if I can believe that. It's too much to be real.

>he quickly looks away
Ahaha, I-I didn't think you'd actually do that...
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*her voice becomes shakier when telling this*
To put it in simple terms, I am dead. Do you know what a zombie is?
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If I may ask you.
Why does your exterior resemble that of a hedgehog? This is a curious design choice.
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>Damn shame, can't say much else.
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>you hear a small chuckle
Seriously, that's just ridiculous!

? Your magic, or...
... I think I should be fine. Besides, I'm probably cold to the touch like this.

Outside of this place... I'm training to be a mechanic. I find it challenging and useful to my own ends.
..Speaking of looking for those effects.
>she reaches a hand out and touches you, waiting to see if something happens.
It got you to shut up now didn't it?
>She lets go of her shirt.
You dare say that I don't have proof, I could get anything without gaining weight
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Well, not explicitly, but I can tell that my relationships with everybody here could be a hell of a lot better. I kinda came to terms with it after speaking with Rammy about it, so the hero won't lose sleep because of it!
...The hero's tough, after all. After the conversation I had with her, I think I could confidently list ten people that like me!
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Please don't eat me! I don't taste very well!
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I was designed for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic the Hedgehog.
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Alright, alright, I'll stop. I don't want you dying from laughter. Knowing that you've gotten at least a chuckle out of something other than murder is good enough for me.

S-sure, but there's no need to do what I say. I'm mostly...actually, I'm an all around idiot.
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My magic, and my little 'friends'.
>She grins a little, and holds her arms out
I don't mind the cold. Besides, I could use one anyways.
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*she jumps a bit at the touch but eventually settles down*
How do you know if you have anything?
This is what I was afraid of when I was telling you.
*she begins to walk closer*
I'm not going to do that.
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I never would of found that one out, I deal with idiots constantly so it's nothing.
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I am unsure which of my 34 new questions should I ask. I believe I should be recharging my body in fact.

Farewell, droid.
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You're not?
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Recharge? Are you serious?
Whatever, we shall meet again.
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Good night... And good night to myself...
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I think you've got the wrong idea here. A hero doesn't care what other people think. They have a single job, and that's to protect those who both like and dislike them. They're a symbol of peace and justice, not a symbol of popularity.

It is something! You can't go doing that sort of stuff in public! It's indecent!
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Good night miss.
You too as well.
You have my word. I am not like whatever you have heard or seen.
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Now you're going the high road after asking a women to lift up her shirt huh? Voyeurism can be tasteless honestly though so I can't fault you on that.
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Alright then.
>she doesn't show any aversion even after the initial jump
If you did have an effect, there would--
>sparkles of light surround her, and a small, satisfying audio cue plays
Mm. there's your answer. You DID have one for me, it seems.

It's a good thing I seem to have more hugs in me these days...
>she leans forward and embraces you. she is indeed cold to the touch, but it's not too bad for a few moments.

That wasn't all that funny, it was just... a little ridiculous, okay?
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Like I said, I didn't think you'd do it. I feel like a sick pervert now.

You're not even going to let me have this one thing to feel good about? You're horrible Uro-tan.
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Farewell to the both of ya!
But... I couldn't really be bothered arguing with you, because you're right. A hero shouldn't care what a certain guy thinks of him, but it kinda jabs at me everytime I'm reminded of it. I guess I'm just being a little bit of a chicken there, amirite?
...Aw, crap, I'm being a downer again! Say something inspirational, Subaru, I'm sick of being a sadsack! I'M THE HERO~!
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I'm glad we can pass this. Correct me if I'm wrong but would you be called an alien?
*she claps her hand in excitement*
I can hardly wait to see what is it.
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Well you should after trying to pull that on a maiden, you'll get over it the next time you speak toward me I'm sure. I'm going to leave now for bed so goodbye.
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At least for me, huh?
>She shivers a bit, but clings on anyways
...Thanks. And you know, you don't have to stay in that if you don't want to. I don't like snow THAT much.
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I'm Halcandran, but if you want to be general, then perhaps.
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>he pats America on his back
All you can do is smile and be the best hero you can be. I know for sure there's someone out there besides me who sees you as their hero. Rest easy, and make sure you come back in better spirits.

Ahaha, yeah, just don't do it again.
I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you...
It did work though. I won't deny I laughed.

Let's see... it'll probably be one of your regular powers.
>she closes her eyes, and after another short jingle, her hair grows out into twintails and her skin grows a pale blue. when she opens her eyes, they're unchanged.
I wonder what it does...

...Oh. Good point.
>she unequips the yuki onna effect, the cold subsiding from her and the snowfall stopping.
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>America just gives a tired smile, despite not being tired. Like pic related.
The hero has one job, and that's to protect everyone. I know that some people like me, so it's a bit selfish to be hung up about this, amirite? I'm supposed to be the one giving you the speeches, dude! I'm in better spirits already, but it'll take me a while to be in tiptop shape!
I don't have a day job, so I wouldn't worry about it.
As long as you keep on laughing at good thing I'll be happy. There's no reason to laugh at dark, painful things, y'know?
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>She laughs a little
If I wanted to, I could just cast a spell anyways. Feeling better?
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*she starts speaking with a faux-horrific voice, her smile betraying what's she saying*
Oh nooo! Please Magalor. Don't take my brain!
My regular powers you say. Well I can throw my voice out anywhere. It is the only way you can hear me speak right now. If I focus I could even attack people with it.
Hello... sir? Are you okay? It seems you didn't get any sleep.
I don't think you're an idiot.
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Very funny.
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It's also my job to give speeches too! The MC is always supposed to keep everyone spirits up, and that includes you as well! Whenever you're feeling down I'll be right there to pick you up!
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>He looks like he's seen a ghost

>But it's only his normal reaction to things that confuse him.
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But of course, Brian. I know you don't think I'm an idiot; Hell, I'd be a fool to even imply you hate me. I just... Feel really bad at the moment, that's all. I'll be better in a few minutes, don't you worry about me now!
And that's the hero's job as well! If you ever feel bad or need help on something, I'm your hero! I know that you'll be there to pick me up when I'm feeling down, and I'll do the same if you feel bad as well! You're just as much as a hero as I am!
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Maybe. Some use it to cope with the terrible things around them.

Yes, plenty better without that on. And it should be a lot warmer now for you.
>she pats your back
At least I can change out of it.

Really? Hm....
Meaning, you can project it from anything?
>a dark purple version of the creature around Sienna also appears around her, though not through her head.
You can't tell me you feel really bad and expect me not to worry. I'm here to offer whatever support I can.
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Hehehe. I'm sorry. I couldn't pass on the opportunity. But you should be careful, Magalor. Last time I was here, someone was looking for aliens.
Well hello sir! That's quite a get up you're wearing. Why do you have the chair?
Yeah you can...
*her voice trails off as she sees the snake*
I forget about that.
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Maybe a little.
>She seems to finally relax a bit
And hey, maybe you'll get more comfortable with it over time. Or it'll get more comfortable with you.
It's a good copping mechanism, but there's no reason to use it when others are suffering. You should want to help them like how I tried helping you. The more you help people the better you'll feel!

All I need you to do is refrain from killing me and I'll be good. Despite my past I'm somewhat at peace with myself. I just gotta stop dying painfully...

Anyways, I'm gonna hit the hay. See you sometime later America.
Goodnight Suby
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And I'll be sure to ask you for it when I need it! I'm just not one to rely on others when I need it, that's all! I AM the hero, after all, and-- And-- I even have a holiday celebrating my independence! I should honour it by being independent, right?
And you can expect me to honour your wishes, Subaru. I'll always be the one to help you in your time of need! See ya later, MC Subaru! I'll be seeing you!
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I see, I'll be sure to be careful then.

Well, I must be going back to my ship.
Farewell Squiggly!
We all need other people sometimes, even you. UNITED States, never forget that. If anything, that attitude implies I probably shouldn't wait for you to ask, cause you never would!
>trying to use the ability, her voice only seems to be coming from nearby, not from Urotsuki herself
Well.... I can use it to scare people.
Actually! This would be helpful communicating from long distance...
...forget about what?

I'd say more than a little.
>she smiles
It did take me a while to use the bike well, after all...

Mm. If you're really wanting to help others.
Goodnight, Subaru.
Through every rift of discovery some seeming anomaly drops, out of the darkness, and falls, as a golden link into the great chain of order.........
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See you.
Either way, I think I need this more.
>She weakly laughs
Your effect or the one I made?
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Good night Subaru.
You don't know either? Gah, this is so awkward!
Good luck and good night.
It is quite neat, miss. Well...
*not really knowing how to explain it, Sienna just motions to her own snake*
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Oh, I... I have one as well.
It's an interesting-looking thing. Like a snake....What does it do?
>she lays a hand on her own and pats it on the head

The former, by far. It was the first time I was riding one, so... It wasn't a pretty sight.
>she chuckles a bit.
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Well, at least you were alright.
>She slowly disentangles herself, and makes her way over to the tank, pulling herself up
Though, seems a bit more complicated than just a lack of skill.
...Hell, actually, you could be pretty scary if you knew how to use mine or that effect well enough.
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It must be the same things as Leviathan. He can breath fire, stretch a good distance and just be a great helping hand.
nice pass bro
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I... I never would, to be honest. I'm the guy everybody depends on, whether they like it or not! That's why people are annoyed of me, I bet; because I always do things whether they want me to or not! I AM the hero, after all! It's what I do!
And I'm going to have to be the guy who helps you even when you don't think you need help, huh?
It WAS still a dream, ultimately.
>she follows after, leaning on the side
Yeah... The whole laser stuff is going to take a long time to get used to using while riding on it.

He's got a longer reach than my chainsaw... I might be able to get used to this.
>she smiles a bit
In any case, thank you.
>rips off the tape
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Perhaps, but I ain't one to show weakness unless absolutely necessary, am I? I don't want to inconvenience you, now. It's my job to help others, after all! I do it for free, too!
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You can sit up here, you know. It shouldn't have any kick, at least. I'm wondering just how much exactly you got from that effect, too....
...And the other one could be worse. Most yuki-onna are known to be extremely hostile to humans.
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Well! This may have been the most interesting 'talk' I've had in here. I hope I can talk to you another time.
Glad to be of use then, Urotsuki. If he's like Leviathan, he will be a wonderful partner.
*a loud yawn escapes for her*

But that's enough for me today. Good night and have a wonderful life.
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Tape Face shows his true form.webm
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It's no inconvenience, that's what friends are for. You help others, including your friends when they need it, and they're there to help you when you need it.
Your next opponent is a warrior, both fearless and fierce! He wanders the Void in search of ultimate arms of war. Brash is he, and reckless; though emotional and mercurial. His single-minded stubborn--er, 'stoicism' is the stuff of legend! For centuries has this soldier roamed the Beyond....

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Later, Sienna.
Alright, what's this crap about?
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Have a good night, then. I hope we get to talk more another time.

>a few moments later, she sits atop the tank once again
It's not that I felt... It mostly felt... lonely, really. Maybe a little envious.I wonder if that's how she feels.
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>As if on cue an Evil Eye floats it's way out of the tank silently, carrying with it a pair of cans.
Well, don't be that way, hehe.... You got me, at least. Still, probably not too good to linger in that way anyways.
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See ya later, the both of ya! Have a good rest!
I mean, you're right, but I just feel... Nah, that'll just get me down even more! The key to being positive is not letting anything get you down, right? I'll just try not to talk about it, and that'll make me feel better! That's how the hero rolls!
...You know, I'm pretty friggin' interested in this story! Keep going; I like it!
Yeah, I'd rather not. Even I know those kinds of feelings won't do you much good.
Besides... I feel pretty relaxed on your tank.
>her eyes watch the Evil Eye once it gets close enough. they go to the can as she takes it, setting it down beside her.
Tell me. It might feel bad immediately, but it won't ever get better if you pretend it isn't a problem.
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But you can't get better with it without use...egh. What a pain.
>She doesn't waste time in cracking it open. The eye stares for a few seconds, and then drifts off.
Amazing how cozy a tank can be, huh? Hehehe. Sometimes I've even thought of making one that could be a proper house.
Hell, Sigma had proper sleeping room, at least.
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...I feel unwanted around here at times. I wish I could say my honest feelings openly, but I just feel like I'm ridiculed because I'm the hero, and heroes aren't supposed to feel weakness. Like I said to Subaru, I came to terms with it after speaking to it with someone, but it jabs at me a little when I'm reminded of it. Is that better, dude? Did I do good?
His illustrious cackles reign from the peaks --now, FINALLY, his obsession for weapons has led him to this field of battle. Not MAN nor BEAST shall stand in the way of his unrelenting quest for vengeance....I...present to you...


It's not because you're a self-proclaimed hero, I'll give you that.
You did very good. It takes a lot of guts to admit something like that.

Let me tell you a weird fact about this place. Everyone feels unwanted at times, even me. If you want to speak your mind, you might run into some negativity or ridicule immediately, but it fades pretty quick if you take it in stride with your head held high.
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Tape Face gets ready.webm
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>Tape Face takes out his goggles and an aviator's helmet, prepared for the implied onslaught that might occur
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Ugh, taikos. What's next, gonna call down Raijin? Just get on with it.
Oh. Taiko drummers.... I saw a performance once when I was a kid.
...They're sorta cool.
>she shrugs

It's a paradox. Or catch-22. Whatever they call it.
>she pulls the tab and snaps it open, taking a sip.
I mean, I've spent so much time around it. It might be worth making a... giant mobile home, given how much I stay over here now.
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Well, what do you present, dude? This sounds just like a movie trailer, and I'm pretty damn intrigued!
Then I don't know what the problem is-- Well, I kinda do. It's my personality, but I can't do anything about that, can I? Or maybe it is because I'm a self-proclaimed hero...?
I did good? Good! I always wanna do my best!
I stride in with my head held high, obviously. I think it's because I expect so much and then I have something happen to me that brings me down. Of course, I can always shrug it off as all heroes do and go on with my life! Right? I can just let it go and let them think what they want of me!
Exactly! Be a good sport and there's nothing they can really do to you. You're the hero, be the bigger man you know you are!

I've got to go to bed now Alfred, but I hope this helped. Good night man.
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House Tank.jpg
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Yeah, exactly.
Hm...still. Something like that'd be huge, bulky. Be better off with smaller...point defenses for it instead, opposed to the big main gun.
At least there's my hideout for now, huh? At least I think it's a decent little base.
>She takes a drink from her own.
It's the fact that you claim to be this hero of sorts, and yet you have done nothing important, nothing of value to prove your heroism.
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I AM the hero, after all! I'm better than they make me out to be; and if all else fails... I guess I can always just pop other next door and look for Canada, right? It really did kinda help me a bit!
See ya later, Brian!
Hm... Well, you do have a point there. I don't have much to be heroic about here since that was all in the past. Would World War Two count, or would it not since I joined about two years in, Anon?
>A worm-hole tears along the bed of the surface; a shadowy figure looms out of the rift, with an arsenal of exotic weapons he gathered during his obscure journey.
I can say, it'd be the first house I've seen with guns built ON the thing.
Sure, it's decent, but it's also stationary.

...Okay. Hello.
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Ooh, an even MORE dramatic entrance! Holy crap this is so cool oh my God! Who's mighty, dude? I wanna know who's so mighty!
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Get on with it.
Hehehe, nothing in half-measure! The teachings of the Asakura family and Mima.
Hey, I can't really keep moving while fixing or building crap, now can I? I needed to find somewhere to store things and rebuild Sigma.
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I wish my life wasnt a fucking wreck
It'll get better in the end.
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Grab it by the balls and take charge.
I'm not talking about what you represent, I'm talking about you, the person behind the veil of the stars and stripes.

What have you done to confirm your heroism as much as those who sacrificed their lives in the war you just mentioned?

What makes you just as special as they, the ones who came back home, victorious and heroic in the eyes of their friends, wives, mothers, and children at home, or even the ones who never returned but left a legacy just as heroic, if not more?
post porn of your avatar or post porn of someone elses avatar
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Well... Okay, you have me there. Me representing the people themselves and being there when historical events happened isn't exactly the definition of heroism there. I could just laugh it off and just say "I'm America", but you do bring up some valid points there. I mean, living as long as America lived and representing America isn't exactly heroic, is it?
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And they taught you well.
I guess it'd have to be big if you wanted that from it... Too big to move.
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>The springs out of the worm-hole, landing gracefully into the heat of battle.

ENOUGH OF THE EXPOSITORY BANTER! Now we fight like men! And LADIES...and ladies who dress like men! For Gilgamesh...it is morphing time!
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>Implying that even exists of Rika
>Though I guess I have the next best thing, but have my newest image instead.
They sure did.
>She smiles wistfully
Exactly. Even if I don't need tools, I still gotta force it all in to shape. Especially considering just how damn big it is, too.
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>Alfred looks lost for a second before snapping back to reality.
Oh! You're that Gilgamesh guy that Ivan had Ki tell him about! Like, I'd be happy to fight you, dude! Problem is that, well... It's kinda unfair if you've got armor and all I have are guns, you know? Dunno what you mean by "morphing time", though. Sounds like one of those children's hero shows, I'll be honest with ya!
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...Mhm. So how many times've you practiced that?
And a game hasn't even started yet, unless you wanna fight THAT badly.
>she revs her chainsaw
Here to fight, hm? I'll show you how I fight...

>she takes another drink
It'd still be pretty cool. And if you ever wanted to move, you wouldn't have to change houses. You'd just... bring it with you.
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Yay, work is over!

>Hugs this random person
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I'm no mere child, NO MERE PAWN IN FACT! I am... I am a legend you see, YOU SHOULD BE QUAKING IN FEAR!
....can I have it?
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Oh, believe me, that'd be something I'd love, just for the effect. Hm.... Now that I think of it, it may take some research, but I might be able to do something about that with Sigma, actually.
Ah! By the way, we dealt with that 'little' doppelganger prob-
>She immediately lets out an ear-piercing shriek, kicking and flailing
Oi! I'm a girl, you idiot! And what, didn't you hear me?
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>Squeezes tighter as your shriek begins to die.
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Well, everybody is a legend right here in the arena, you know. I have no doubts that you're the coolest guy in the world, but I'd spruce up that little exposition of yours if I were you. Something about it is just a bit... Boring, I dunno. That's just me, however!
>she puts a hand on her shoulder
...You didn't pick a good person to hug.

Can you have it? Of course not.
It's a unique weapon made specifically for me. And I'm not facing you unarmed.
Do you even know where you are?

Research, hm? Well, sounds like a project to work on for a whi--...
>she covers her ears
>she's tugging on you to pull you away
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>The noise does not, in fact, die down. Incredibly, it only gets worse.
>She moves a hand towards her belt and draws a long dagger, waving it threateningly overhead
>Tape Face just sits there, head in his hands and staring blankly at the supposed demigod
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>Transfers to this new target like a facehugger.
>You feel as if someone had pulled a magnet off of your body as she lets go.
>when u bust a nut and she keeps sucking
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>She whirls around, still holding the weapon out
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>calls in a artillery strike
....uh...I heard you, but the message was not cle-- wasn't well received.
I MUST HARNESS THIS WEAPON INTO MY COLLEC--..I have no idea, by the way...have you've seen a villainy subject trek among this place?
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Miki is finally off work! She needs something soft to rub her cheeks against! Her muscles are soooo tense and there are no cats around so small girls will do!
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>They seem to impact harmlessly against nothing in an area around the tank.
>she tumbles back, pushing back at you from where she's sitting
What.. do you think you're doing!?

Well, too bad. Your spear... lance, whatever is a weapon anyway.
...This is the arena. For the Hunger Games. We all basically meet here and fight to the death.

...I could think of a few people like that.
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For what reason, dude? There's no reason for you to call anything in here!
Still, I'd probably give them a quick read over, make them a little bit... Razzle-dazzle, you know?
As for your questions, welcome to Hell-- I mean, the Arena, where you can hang out AND kill your friends at the same time! It's a good time all around! As for who Ki is? I dunno, Ivan just said that you had something to do with her. Something about legends and all of that.
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>Fuck, wrong person.
What was so hard to understand about it?
...Want me to deal with her?
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Stress relief, is it working for you? Didn't you want this?
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Really, just let me handle it...

Why do you think a hug from a stranger would do that?
>keeps pushing at you
I-i'll kill you for this...
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Because it would be extremely painful.
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This tenseness is already killing Miki, she would rather have it feel good for just a big longer before she dies of it.
>Wraps legs around too
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AND? I might be in an extreme-pain-inflicting MOOD, now!
>She lets out a slow, shuddering breath, rubbing her arm awkwardly
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Miki will just push you away with her foot! She's a very good dancer! It will be very hard to hold on to your knife!
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I could just disintegrate you with magic. Or sic a demon on you. Or a horde of monsters.
>massages Miki's feet
>she reaches for her chainsaw, revving it once and starting to lift it

Don't let her bother you. Some people just don't understand personal space.
anyway... what were you saying about the doppelganger?
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You're really scaring Miki right now!
>Scratches leg

Say! Can you use any magic to give Miki some food? If you're going to feed Miki to big scary monsters, don't you want Miki to be nice and fat so they can have a good meal?

Thank you, stranger! Miki feels much better, she feels like she can dance for another hour!

Are you one of the set designers? Miki watched some carve an ice sculpture today! Will you be making one shaped like Miki?
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I mean, come on now. You're friggin' Gilgamesh, dude. You had drums, a narrator; I'd be surprised if you WEREN'T a legend.
...You want some food? Well, we may not have any chefs and all of that around, but I'd be totally happy to give you a burger as an appetiser to suffice! You want one, or are you just gonna wait for a legit chef?
I'll carve you into something scarlet and chunky if you don't let go....
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Unfortunately, I love my personal space....
...But yeah. She went and tried to do...'that', again. But I know me.
>She grins slightly
And I had a friend or two. You saw that woman with the angel wings back at the hideout, right?
I don't have any reason to give you anything other than a messy death.
Assuming the first one's for m, I'll have you know I was trained in magic by the greatest evil spirit in all existence!
And the games are the most absurdly against-the-odds sorts of victories you can come across here.
Thread posts: 318
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