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/sug/ Steven Universe General - Better Than Eyeball Edition

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Thread replies: 444
Thread images: 226

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/sug/ Steven Universe General - Better Than Eyeball Edition

Last Thread: >>5608154

>Onion Gang:
Stream: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4tc82e
Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw!ooECxQBA
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/preair/04x07.mkv

>Last One Out Of Beach City:
Stream: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4sj22s
Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw!ooECxQBA
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/mega/04x06.mp4

>Episode downloads
720p (plus comics and soundtracks): https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
1080p: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
>Weekly airing schedule (click to the right of the logo, times in EST)

(Don't be a clod, mark and hide your spoilers accordingly!)
>2 minute clips and screenshots from CN's server


>SDCC SU Panel
>SDCC Zuke's SU Zine
>Show Soundtrack
>Attack the Light (mobile game) Soundtrack
>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
/co/: http://desuarchive.org/co/search/subject/sug/
/trash/: http://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%2Fsug%2F/type/op/
>Dedicated /sug/ website
Jasper is fat
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I will defend my queen.
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Give me your rare drawpile/flockdraw Sucrose drawings plz
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Becky Sucrose is the bestest Becky of all time!
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Reminder that a shortened version of this will be the new OP.
Requesting MG pegging Stevonnie
>he thinks I actually hate Lapis
You had one job.
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I don't take that job very seriously
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>when u nut but she still succin n u bae be snoopin
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>you know she's meant for fugging
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i love you.png
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looks legit enough
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which is spiciest?
wow all those people are fucking FAT
Does she usually let people know when she's there or does she just draw anonymously and then leave?
Becc looks beautiful there
Fat people are a cancer.
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Navy of course.
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>implying this needs to be debated
Where's this pic from?
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pepper spray
mango habanero
hot tomales
ghost pepper
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fatty fatty fat fat
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Rebecca is a MIDGET?!?
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Anon, she is NOT fat. Not even in the slightest. If you think this person is fat, you have serious issues.
>Civ V
Connie has patrician taste
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am I officially a FREAK for drawing this?
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So beautiful...
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cute, but too skinny.
she needs to be BEEFY!

good shit though, have I seen your art around?
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you're the reason why she's bulimic, if she dies it's your fault
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warm pearlpuke
never would have had an issue if she just RETURNED THE FUCKING FROG
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While I certainly do not like people calling Becky fat, please do not accuse her of having a serious eating disorder. That is a serious issue and it is not something to make rumors about!
i've never drawn muscles before, forgive me. and i dunno, maaaaaaybe you have.
나도 데려가 라 고!!
(nado delyeoga la go!!)
>Take me too!!

well, post some of it so I can be sure!
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someone ask her if you can really get ptsd from raping someone else.
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>acne on her chin
>possibly bloated cheeks
you wanna know what can cause that?

it starts with a b

Always add ":orig" to twitter image urls.
I'm really tempted to believe that these are just Lapidot shippers who got pissy that Lapis and Peridot weren't autistic enough for their liking.
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i drew this lapis a couple days ago and promised an anon i'd draw a poil but i forgot about it and haven't gotten around to drawing it and now i feel like a shitty person
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u fokkin wot.png
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Do these people proof read the shit they post??? Fuck...
Why do these people watch this show? It's literally about people with a ton of issues and most of those issues have been joked about at least a few times. I'd have thought they'd be triggered 24/7 by this show if they can't take a joke like Video Chat.

Hilarious and rude, I'd love to see someone do that, but in all seriousness, she's got PTSD from spending 5000 years in a mirror, not the whole mess with raping Jasper.
I HAVE seen you.
You can make up for it by drawing a doc for me!
Or just do you, drawfriends are precious.
I know, but I still want to trigger her.
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I do not want a single rumor more started about Becky, it is extremely mean and it could hurt Becky's feelings if she sees it. That is a very dire accusation to make and regardless if you are saying it out of malice or concern, it is not okay.
Yeah, so?

I'm just sharing because I care about image quality and I know a lot of people do too. And not many people know about ":orig" for twitter.
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>You can make up for it by drawing a doc for me!
anon.... she raped Jasper BECAUSE she has PTSD and that's why it shouldn't be held against her or joked about EVER
Good shit, man. I'd say that not being an asshole might actually change people hearts about putting that little extra effort into getting the better quality image, but I'd be lying. At least people won't shit on you for it though.
Of course, how could I be so callous.
At nycc if her parents are there someone should ask them if she's bulimic
You know what anon, I think that's a great idea! YOU should be the one to ask them, I think they'll be glad you asked :^)
I got these from Lamar's flickr account
Did Zuke eat Lamar
Neat. Thanks.
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What a qt
>Puke stepping on handsome talented husbando Collin's shoe
I want to fight her
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so cute I'd ask her to
why do I even bother /sug/? I lost my job, my motivation is at rock bottom, and if the political climate stays on course, I'm probably a year away from a gas chamber.

There's nothing left for me here
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There's more Steven Universe to watch.

And people who love you. [spoiler]Like me.[/spoiler]
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there will always be cute rubies
[spoiler]Why does ctrl+s work on this board if the spoiler tag doesn't? I just look dumb.[/spoiler]
You'll be perfectly fine, Eyeballposter.
Lapis thinking Steven was trapped in the laptop was one of the best things that happened to me in a while
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it's to root out the dummies
dumb stupid retard lapis > beta lapis?
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No bully Zuke!!!!
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I thought Video Chat was going to be more Zuke-tier fanfic bullshit, but boy I'm glad I was wrong.
I wanna be her platonic friend. For real.
literal shit > beta Lapis.

t. Lapisfag
cute rubies that won't have a chance to be redeemed before season 5 is over because the crew hasn't devoted enough time to the townies yet

I bet eyeball isn't even going to kidnap Connie's dad
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I want Amethyst to be my roomate.
Zuke's head on a silver platter > Beta Lapis
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it's jasper.gif
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yeah but they're cute though.
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She seems like a good friend!
Why did I think that was Hussie in the sombrero when I was looking at the thumbnail?
does she have down syndrome
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I want all Zuke supporters to GET OUT
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That's really rude anon, no she does not.
>admitting that you'd have to be fucking Hitler to not like Zuke

Well there you go.
She must have, no other explanation for why I want her dead.
Captcha: Cunt
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Hitler was right.
So memes and jokes aside, which gem, if any, is most likely to be shattered?
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Lapis, Pearl or Ruby.
It's a kids show so obviously not the main CGs. If one had to be shattered then maybe Centi or Jasper? Or a Diamond?
I wish it was Peridot
We've already seen that he was wrong about Zuke at the very least.
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>Being this retarded
>Being this bluepilled
LMAOing @ ur life.
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watch your fucking back, anon.
so she's just really autistic then?
Bismuth, provided she comes back. It's a pretty classic trope: Redemption through death for the zealot.
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Fixed up the Peridot from before.
what's that off to the right?
>temple statue

The only one who needs to be watching their back is Ruby, my man.
She looks like she has D cups.
Like Nux. Poor guy.
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Also drew a subpar Steven.

I may possibly do requests tomorrow, it'd be good practice.

Goodnight, /sug/!
A greatsword
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Please don't say these things, this would hurt her feelings if she saw this :(
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My attempt to draw a wooden sword I bought from the Renaissance fair this weekend.
Jasper, Ruby or Pearl.
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Good guess.
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Nice quads, Garnet.
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stay cool.gif
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swell! you keep drawing, friend.

I swear to christ anons will bleed tonight.
>Lapis thought Steven was trapped in a computer
I love that Lapis is dumber than a bag of rocks.
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For reference.
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What if our Lapis is dumber than most Lapis Lazulis?
Only one I'd argue against is Jasper, and only because I feel like she'd already be dead if they planned on going that route for her.

Only real option for her actually being shattered at this point is if one of the diamonds killed her when she reported back to them, and Steven somehow saw it. There's no other really compelling reason to kill her anymore besides to cement the diamonds as powerful and ruthless.
She traded smarts for strength
Jasper would approve
pearl aint going anywhere, the writers and fans love her to much
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same old world.gif
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Lapis is even dumber than the rubies
I mean, she was smart enough to figure out how to contact the CGs after making it to HW without getting caught. I'm still not sure how she managed that one. Do you think we'll ever get a flashback to the prep of the original Earth mission some day?
Jasper is the perfect quartz and Lapis is the worst lapis lazuli.

They ARE perfect for each other.
What is she doing? Is she wondering what the rush is? Do the weapons not tip her off
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>implying cunning and guile are part of being strong
Steven will heal her later anon, do you think they have the balls to kill a character forever? Naw.
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She was waiting for her girlfriend Bismuth to come pick her up
>"imperfect" by stuffy definition, but still braun over all
Best Lazuli in Jasper's point of view.
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Jasper is dumb
Refer to: >>5611407
Maybe she asked for a "phone" and Peridot just didn't think there was anyone to call except on Homeworld.
That is obviously not the case else she wouldn't have earned so many Pearl Points.
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green baby.jpg
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If Jasper is really dumb and Lapis is very dumb, then what does that make Malachite?
Digamma please go
[spoiler]actually I'm digamma[/spoiler]
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Best fusion.
Lapis isn't dumb, she just tends to react to situations without thinking and lets herself get carried away by her emotions.
OHHH my god



I hear that shit now
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click click clickclickclickclickclickclick

Jasper is silly.
She's a wind-up toy solider who hits like a freight train
Isn't Malachite toxic when wet?
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only if you're allergic to copper
Oh man, we need a steampunk AU where all the gems are automatons and Jasper is a hulking wind-up golem that destroys everything in its path but is so unstable she can only operate on tracks.
Is this a part of the secret message in the soundtrack Aivisura mentioned? Reminds me of the cluster calling out
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>toxic when wet
What a way to die.
This is a fun read.
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reminder that this happened
what if it's supposed be Malachite saying "love me" rather than Jasper or Lapis
Then I will cry because that's really sad
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that's silly, we already love her.
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>tfw your moms hate you and everybody else wants you to die
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We all get what we deserve!
Brb cryan
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>Vidalia: "Buck up, kiddo. You may not be friends with my son, but I'll let you be my bottom from now on."
>Lars: "This is so embarrassing."
>Vidalia: "Oh, don't be that way. With a build like yours this the only kind of action you were ever going to see. You should feel thankful that of all the dicks in town you get my 9 iron."
>[Lars begins to tear up and tries to hold back from crying]
>after the act Vidalia is sitting on the floor of her garage leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette
>a few feet away Lars is still laying there face down minutes after they finished
>Lars slowly raises himself up, his face despondent
>Vidalia [half grinning]: "Hey, Lars right? Sorry about all the "bitch"es and "faggot"s. I didn't mean it. I was just caught up in the moment, you know?"
>Lars [still despondent]: "yeah"
>Lars grabs his pants and slowly puts them back on.
>Vidalia: "Want a cig?"
>Lars: "uh, no thanks"
>Lars grabs his backpack and begins walking out.
>Vidalia: "Oh, and in case your interested, I teach painting here Wednesdays at 6:30. You should come." she says with an ever so slight devious grin.
>Lars pauses, looking around at the paintings. "I'm not really-"
>Vidalia tilts her head forward and with a serious face looks deeply into Lars eyes.
>Lars: ... "s-sure, I'll try it out"
>Lars walks out.
>Vidalia: "See you then, tiger."
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Shit nigger that's fantastic.
Lion is the most underrated character
He is a mary sue
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cry baby.png
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Alright, this has officially lost all meaning
All I hear is the song by Melanie Martinez, fits pretty well too
well i named it that because of the song so
>that one blinking out of place blue pixel near her reflection


This is the most severe instance of man-face I've ever seen in a piece of fanart
i knew someone would say that

i can't explain how much i love this picture even so. non-pretty/ugly jasper is also underrated
she looks like handsome squidward there
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>We finally meet the other lapiseses [Lapisi?]
>They're all super serious like peridot in her early appearances
>Lapis Lazulis are supposed to be an upper aristocratic class
>All of which wear shoes
>our lapis is a giant no-shoe fart-sound-making doofus

For some reason I really want this. Heck, I'd like to see peridot interact with a normal era 2 peri just to see what happens
Or maybe they are menial labor. Why would an aristocrat have the powers of a glorified forklift?
The theory I'm currently running with is they're historians. They just need to witness events to record them.
>highly dexterous water manipulation = forklift

Now you're just being silly. At worst they will probably be performers of sorts.
You don't give historians the ability to lift oceans.
You know this makes a lot of sense when you think about Lapis' huge fixation on the past

Being able to just move an entire body of water out of they way would be pretty rad ability for an archeologist to have
Don't be dense. She can lift oceans.
You say that like it's a simple power. She can make water clones capable of combating the people they're clones of.
We, are literally the worst fandom to have ever existed. We need to stop. This is too much. It’s gotten so bad, I mean where do I start? Attacking an artist for their style, that’s shitty and bad enough. But we broke Lauren Zuke. We hurt her so bad she deleted her twitter. Am I personally to blame? No. Is everyone in the fandom to blame? No. But I feel as though we are all responsible for the atrocities committed by this fandom. We need to get it together. We need to apologize to Lauren. We need to better ourselves. Now.
Oh god damn why is PS2 emulation so finicky and full of texture problems?
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lol what a faggot

One of these things requires orders of magnitude more energy and is something no amount of other gems can compete with.
>guilt by association
Emotion engine.
I don't understand what you're arguing. Yeah, she's super strong, but what practical use is moving an ocean that would land her a spot on BD's court? At least her mirror powers can be used to keep records, but if she simply moves oceans around for what ever reason, she'd be on par with Bismuth.
PS2 and Xbox emulators will always be shit for another.... maybe 6 years.
why did everyone freak out about this autist quitting twitter
Stop being a cuck, there's no reason to apologize if you didn't do anything, you're basically doing the "I'm so sorry for slavery", if you want any "justice" go to tumblr, though they won't give a shit about because they're all braindead.
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I just want to play Ratchet and Clank, why does everything have to look like a nightmarish hellbeast of broken textures?
She was visiiting Earth. I don't believe they ever said she was "part of BD's court". Also she doesn't have "mirror powers" or whatever those are.
Just buy a PS2 on ebay, or even at goodwill.
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>But I feel as though we are all responsible

Except we're not. The people who did it are responsible, that's how doing something works.

If you fight someone on the street, and I'm standing there while you get the shit kicked out of you, did I kick the shit out of you?
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First drawing of today, so its a bit shitty, but here's a mala for you.
I LOVE that you're experimenting with the hair, it looks awesome. But those orbs are making me laff
>can't even figure out the play button
is she getting more stupid as the series progresses?
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By "mirror powers" I'm referring to her ability to replay past events like in Same Old World.

She's also clearly seen in BD's court in The Answer, even if she's just a silhouette.
>Same gem shape
>Same gem placement
>Same outfit
>Same hair

It's a pretty safe bet this is the exact same Lapis we know.
yeah didn't put that much effort into it, i want to draw her fullbody but its hard to figure out anatomically, its like 3 torsos and a head.
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>someone drew best fusion for me
Wow, wasn't expecting that.

Thanks Anon, it looks good.
>By "mirror powers" I'm referring to her ability to replay past events like in Same Old World.
That was an interrogation technique Homeworld used.

>She's also clearly seen in BD's court in The Answer, even if she's just a silhouette.
And Quartzes, Pearls, and Rubies were there. That doesn't denote a special status.

>It's a pretty safe bet this is the exact same Lapis we know.
Not that it matters, but no it's not safe to say that. Lapis said she was there temporarily, not that she was there for hundreds of years as the rebellion got stronger.
See a full-body from you is something to loo, forward to
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Ugliest gem
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What is Pearl thinking?
And here I thought metal men were a crackpot theory.
>Woop woop
>boner why
>That was an interrogation technique Homeworld used.
She literally moves water onto the Galaxy Warp to start playing her backstory for Steven in Same Old World. Homeworld had nothing to do with her ability to do this.

>And Quartzes, Pearls, and Rubies were there. That doesn't denote a special status.
The Quartzes were acting as high status guards, literally protecting the entrance to BD's palanquin.

The pearl was acting her part as BD's sign of status

The Rubies were only there to escort Sapphire.

Everyone you mentioned had a specific duty to fulfill by being there, but Lapis is just standing around as part of the court.

Notice there's a distinct lack of working class gems on the terrace?

>Not that it matters, but no it's not safe to say that. Lapis said she was there temporarily, not that she was there for hundreds of years as the rebellion got stronger.
The rebellion had already started by the time The Answer happened. Gems are ageless. A short visit for her could be 50 years for us. Beyond that, we don't know when during the war Lapis was imprisoned in the mirror. She could have been caught in a war zone shortly after The Answer.
>She literally moves water onto the Galaxy Warp to start playing her backstory for Steven in Same Old World. Homeworld had nothing to do with her ability to do this.
I forgot about that. My bad.

The fact is, you don't give a nobleman a lifetime's supply of sticks of dynamite to carry around with him wherever he goes. You give the dynamite to someone who will use it, like a miner. Similarly Lazulis wouldn't have such power unless they were meant to use it. Since by far and away their greast power is moving oceans around, that is likely what they were designed to do.

Okay, that was my reasoning. Now for my headcanon. Lapis Lazulis don't "move" oceans per se. They filter out heavy water for fusion.
Lapis looked shy or like an outcast to me in the court flashback
>OH... now I know why Sugilite's voice actor is Nicki Minaj...
>The rebellion had already started by the time The Answer happened. Gems are ageless. A short visit for her could be 50 years for us. Beyond that, we don't know when during the war Lapis was imprisoned in the mirror. She could have been caught in a war zone shortly after The Answer.
The rebellion was on its last legs until Sapphire was taken out of the picture. From that point the rebellion grew from 2 and perhaps a handful to hundreds or thousands of Crystal Gems. That was when the war ended and when the war ended was approximately when Lazuli came to Earth, got poofed, and was interrogated by Homeworld. The Answer was fairly early in the war and Lazuli being poofed was fairly late.
pretty sure they are quite lewd with eachother when steven isnt around
>They filter out heavy water for fusion.
Interesting idea, but gems seem to obtain all their power by some kind of energy produced by gems. Fusion is likely unnecessary because they have a perfectly reliable form of energy production already. Not to say it's not possible, I just doubt it personally.

>The fact is, you don't give a nobleman a lifetime's supply of sticks of dynamite
Well, I don't think they exactly gave Lapis's their water powers. But she needs those powers to use her recall ability as far as I can tell, since she needed to surround the warp with water to begin playing her memories.

And if she's meant to be a rudimentary worker, she isn't dressed like it, and neither were any of the gems on the terrace.

There appear to be other Lapis's on the terrace who don't look out of place, though that's a bit harder to tell since they could be different gems.

>That was when the war ended and when the war ended was approximately when Lazuli came to Earth, got poofed, and was interrogated by Homeworld. The Answer was fairly early in the war and Lazuli being poofed was fairly late.
Lapis's flashback starts in a very peaceful field, which implies she came during a time of peace. She then goes on to describe the situation of HW from her perspective in the mirror. The HW forces are first insistent she gives them information, but eventually they start losing hope of winning. It sounds much more like she was captured early, and they kept her trapped throughout the war.
>Interesting idea, but gems seem to obtain all their power by some kind of energy produced by gems.
You mean stored. All energy comes from fusion one way or another.
In real life yes. It's unclear in terms of the SU universe. I think it was described that gems are powered by "life force" in Keeping it Together, which is a bit vague. Though, that would imply gems really do have a lifespan, which would raise other questions.
>Lapis's flashback starts in a very peaceful field, which implies she came during a time of peace.
That's shaky at best.
Forgive me if I opt for headcanon that makes sense.
So she's literally just standing in the middle of a field and it flashes to war in the span of a single second? Since the scene obviously isn't literal, it likely meant to show representation of something. It seems likely to me that was to communicate that she first arrived when there was no war.
You're arguing sense in a universe with matter duplicators and time travel devices. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying its possible the SU world doesn't work the way we expect it to.
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>You're arguing sense in a universe with matter duplicators and time travel devices.
Both are physically (or more accurately mathematically possible within physics) so I don't know what you are on about.

>it may not work that way
Well yeah, that's why it is headcanon.
>So she's literally just standing in the middle of a field and it flashes to war in the span of a single second?
It represents she got caught in a sudden battle she had no intent on being there for. Just showing her in a battle would have implied she intended on being there.
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An actual matter duplicator would take an immense amount of power to run, since you would need to generate enough energy to recreate into each and every atom of the object you're creating. It's possible, but complete science fiction.

>time travel is mathematically possible

>Well yeah, that's why it is headcanon.
Which is why I'm not arguing you're wrong, just saying the world may work unexpectedly.

On a war ravaged planet, why would she unexpectedly be in a war zone. If the Rebellion had been going on for hundreds of years, and cost enough lives to measure up to the Cluster, why would she not have had the possibility of being caught in a war zone in mind?
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I just saw the shorts

If Steven took less than a minute in going from his house to the barn, why are they doing a videoconference anyway?
>why would she not have had the possibility of being caught in a war zone in mind?
Lapis is stupid. Like legitimately stupid. Like tutors after school to keep her out of special ed. tier stupid.
Nice meme.
Gems work by having pockets of space folded into the gem. That's why they can store items. They don't need to assemble everything out of pure energy a la E=m*c^2.

Time travel is as possible as wormholes. Both work in the mathematical sense within physics. They just require negative mass/energy.
Because Steven likes being nice to Peridot, and Peridot loves tech.
Because technology.
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Just so stupid. Look at that stupid face.
Except it's true
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Amy and Poil flirting.jpg
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My favorite moment in that short
>Amethyst teasing Pearl
>Pearl being thirsty as fuck and getting aroused
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twerk it.jpg
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I think steven probably panicked and used his hulk jump to get there faster which wasn't necessary until that point

Okay, so there's Cooking with Lion, Gem Karaoke, Novelty Backpack, The Classroom Gems, Steven Reacts, Steven's Song Time and Video Chat. Did I missed anything from the shorts?
You are cancer.
Anyone here think that Steven is too emotional?
You are too emotional.
>People on /qa/ talking about if we should just delete all the porn boards
Fuck man
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sceptical peri.png
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Shouldn't the shorts justify an /sug/ on /co/? What is this tyrannical garbage?
That is probably just /pol/, they've taken up a spot in that board
Kek, no way in a million years anon, it'd be like shooting yourself on the foot.
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chibi amy.jpg
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It'd last a day, so what would be the point?
Imagion coming on tomorrow and finding out that /d/ /h/ /gif/ /aco/ and /u/ are gone.
I guess /trash/ would see a lot more traffic
Fuck /pol/ and their anti porn garbage

/b/ 2.0
/trash/ is like a better version of /b/
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Ruby I guess.png
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Oh Christ, that'd be depressing.
If this happens I'm out of here, fuck that shit, I can deal with some shitposting and weird ass porn, but I don't want it to be that 100% of the time.
Pretty sure she does it anon
Well lets put it to the book that if shit goes down completely on 4chan, we can just go to 7chan or something. Or at least have a discord where we can still talk if we lose our place here
I'd agree with this, it would be nice to have a contingency place. If I came on tomorrow and /sug/ was just gone I don't know where to start looking for it
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Here are 2 chrome extensions that makes saving twitter images super easy


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me too
cool sword
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So is there any pregnant garnet pictures?
>The bottle said "No tears"
What does that mean? Did she buy lube?
Why would anyone want that?
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hello /sug/
"No Tears" shampoo isn't supposed to burn your eyes if you accidentally get some in it.
masturbation. Hell any preg pic would be good. All I've ever seen is pearl though
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Pearlmethyst is love
Pearlmethyst is life
OH, I gotta get my mind outta the gutter...
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two birds.jpg
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It is
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Poil amy hug.jpg
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shake it lady.gif
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Sleeping Cuties 2.png
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I named one of mine exactly like yours, great minds think alike I guess
guys I can't get enough of Amy twerking for pearl, is there any fanart of it out there
No, it's actually no more tears. As in, no more hair tearing.
I have that one saved as Sleepy Cuties 2 funny enough
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Nothing in the Pearlmethyst tag as far as I can tell.
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Oh then this is probably dev-anon, what's up man?
Yeaa I thought it was you. Home sick for the second day in a row. The cough has gotten worse.
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Sorry to hear about it bro hopefully it'll go away today, sorry for leaving so soon the other day, but I was just dying kek.
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>quick, to the nearest teleport pad
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Hopefully! No problem bud. What's up with you?
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Mirror Gem & Ocean Gem VHS.png
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Posting this in the new thread

Here you go both original Lapis episodes recorded from a real VHS. Give any feedback you want. Tape quality,etc.

kill yourself
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Not yet
Just rewatching the show, looking for foreshadowing imagery, Ronaldo fucking nailled the predictions about the diamonds back in season 1.
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Nice nap.png
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Yea I noticed that one when rewatching it with my friend. Was mind blowing but I couldn't say it to them because they still didn't know about it at all.
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Forgot pic AGAIN!
Pure cringe
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weird fucking happenstance when the bigger picture is on tumblr but in jpg, and deviantart only has the thumbnail but in png
Those faces are horrifying.
I wish I had a buddy to watch SU with too it must be such a good time.
I'll download it since you weren't a dickhead this time, thank you indexer.
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>connie's homework folder is empty
You cheeky cunt

How is it that a single two minute short is better than the rest of the season so far? Based Colin
Yea it's nice. They don't have internet anymore so I was bringing them chunks of episodes to watch together during the summer nuke. There are the shorts now at least. They are moving soon though sadly.
We've not had many episodes this season.
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amy poil hug.gif
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That sounds adorable, I'm sorry about that but why are they moving?
kill yourself
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So why is Amethyst the only one without a wikipedia page. Do they need to make her blatantly gay so she can get more attention?
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So... You ready for me? Then step the fuck up, it's time to die.
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Huggie Buddies.jpg
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Something about going to a better school there/getting a better job/having their own place.

I'm not entirely sure on the specifics. We have been avoiding talking about it directly.
>mango habanero
S-stop. That's my favorite, and I do not need to go to work fantasizing about spicy analingus.
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Ooh Jasper, you can come anytime.
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one fucking day.png
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There's the indexer I love to hate, and hate to love.
I know how it feels, but it happens, a better life for them, right? Maybe it's for the best...
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amy wow.jpg
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Probably, sadly she is very underated by everyone.
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Cheering up Pearl.jpg
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They have been my only real friend since like 6th grade. I'm glad it's going to be a better life for them but it's really going to suck. It's on the other side of the country now too. Before it was just going to be on the other side of the state so I'm not really going to be able to visit them either.
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I was just quoting Yakuza 1, but if you want lewd Jasper dick that's fine too.
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amy and pearl 3.png
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Ah man that's heartbreaking, but that doesn't mean you'll stop talking right? Watching SU while Skyping is fun too!
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You better post the entire thing.
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Sorry, P.png
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Yea I'll have that at least.

Now that I think about it might not. They haven't been getting internet because him and his girlfriend were "addicted" to it and he played way too much WOW. They didn't say that directly but they implied those were reasons along with saving money. They just got rid of all of that stuff because they have a phone plan and just get DVDs and TV shows from me.
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Gem Karaoke > Video Chat > Steven Reacts > Cooking with Lion > Steven's Song Time
I didn't save the full one but it doesn't show it. Jasper snaps the speedo on mostly off frame and then lapis says that with her still mostly off frame.
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kill yourself
>stevens song time last
shit taste famalam
>Recap of all the times Steven should have asked questions: the song
>Anything but last
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Just chilling.jpg
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Ah geez, maybe they'll get the money they need once they move, and if all fails, phones are still around right? Texting doesn't sound that bad.
forgot to post the correct order
Steven's Song time >= Video Chat > Gem Karaoke > Steven Reacts = Cooking with Lion
I just had a thought

VHS youtube poops
Steven's song time is dead last because his voice makes my ears bleed and it's not even that good of a song.
Swap cooking with lion with Steven's song, then Steven song with Steven reacts and you're golden.
Gem Karaoke > Video Chat > Steven's Song Time > Steven Reacts > Cooking with Lion
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Yea. Until then I'll just keep living like it's not happening because there is no date set in stone.

What did you think of the new shorts?
Garnet can't sing (this song)
Amethyst is alright
Pearl is amazing
Steven could do better
I'd like to hear Connie sing more
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American Boy.png
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I liked all of them, my favourite is gem karaoke, what's yours dev-anon?
>Connie starts singing at the part of the song that describes begging for attention and fame

It's like poetry.
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Please, P for me.jpg
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It's nearly a tie between gem karaoke and the video call one. Anything with more Gem singing is great.
>Pearl is amazing
What? Pearl's singing was the very definition of mediocre here.
Clearly not a song made for her but she still did very well.

Also anyone else notice that Pearl's hair color changed.
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Happy hopal.jpg
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Yeah, they were the reason I started re-watching the show on the first place, this show is so great I can't get enough of it... nice trips by the way.
Someone paste
over Pearl's part.
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>Connie only joins in when the song is at the part that talks about being a star

What a fucking bitch, first she blows off Steven as soon as she hears nothing magical is happening and now she does this.

Could they make the fact that she only wants the fame and adventure from Steven and not his friendship any clearer?
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nice ol hug.png
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I got quints a few days ago that was also 8s when taking drawing requests.
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kill yourself
Not sure if this is ironic or if people are trying very hard to find reasons to hate Connie.
Lucky! Are you taking any requests today?
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What a surprise, Connie only joins in when she can take center stage for herself.
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kill yourself
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not yet
Why would it be ironic? Ever since her mother let up on the rules she's been taking more and more for herself.
Fuck off.
At Steven's request.
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One Stone.jpg
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I probably will but the quality of them has been a lot lower while sick. I got some new pens and brush pens in the mail though and I want to try them.
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Opal is the worst gem.
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>you will never be invited to sing with the gems
Doesn't change the fact that she went there as soon as she was sure she could get away with it.
kill yourself
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You have shit taste Sadiefag.
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kill yourself
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I actually love this design.png
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It's fine if you don't wanna man, yesterday I woke up and my body just said NO, feels really bad to force yourself...
So long as Indexer likes her I'm gonna hate her.
> Crying breakfast friends = earth gems
> Angry Lunch enemies = Homeworld gems
> Conflict resolved by fusing into a sandwich
Steven will fuse with a diamond
kill yourself
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That's a stupid reason to hate a character for
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Yopal is much better
qt! Thanks for larger version
Well I'm stupid person and Indexer's a fucking cock monger.
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I told you I'm not going to yet
I will see how I feel later. Also I got the VHS setup (almost) working how I want it. DVD to VHS is a lot easier than sd to wii to VHS but still not as good as PC to VHS directly.
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274KB, 1109x807px
Lunch Trio W H E N
>You will never get to chill at the barn with two meme nuggets all day and have to stress and worry instead
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Why do you need a VHS? Are you going to make some aesthetics?
I never thought about this, and there's even all 4 colors for Opals, white, pink (well it's more like a red but still), blue and yellow... I want this!
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I'm making
full episode rips for fun
/whatever else I feel like
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Forgot the pic
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Amy and pearl 6.png
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Oh I didn't know it was you who made those, really good work man, I thought you just used after fx, or sony vegas to do it, really nice regardless of it!
My video drives are shitting themselves as usual, thanks AMD
can you link the .mp4 directly?
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Opal Coatpal.png
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I'd like to make a set of tapes with all of the episodes in order for fun with some custom boxes and such. Would only take like 6 6 hour tapes.
I accidentally played this over my speakers when getting it for you so it better be worth it
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Would /sug/ a diamond? Also I need stuff to draw, can't be nsfw.
draw something nsfw
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Hopal for Opal 2.png
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That's really cool, what do you do with the covers? Do you make your own art for them? Or do you print screenshots/pictures?
Amethyst and Pearl doing something fun
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Stronk Opal.jpg
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I haven't made any yet but I'd either make them solid color silhouettes or look up some old VHS show covers and try to make them look like that.
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happy birb.gif
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Opal isn't even a real gem, it's just a fusion.
Pearl sniffing a bunch of roses
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>post yfw you saw a close up lapis's feet and hands in video-chat
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Kek, that sounds like fun, I could picture the cover for TLoooBC already, something like Pearl and Amy on the front seats, Steven in the back in a car while drifting, with a shadowy figure of S on the background, with some cheesy lines about it...
She's not a gem, she's not a human, she's an experience!
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Pritanka wearing a hospital gown with scratches and bruises all over her?
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Are you saying Garnet isn't a gem you massive retardado.
Do I sense a huefag?
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illegal alien.jpg
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Close but no.
She's not, otherwise she would be able to make her own decisions about what to do with her life rather than just being a manifestation of two midget lesbians constantly fucking one another.
Garnet herself says that she's her own gem. The midget lesbians might as well not exist.

Took out the Onion Gang and LOOBC links because they should be in the episodes Mega anyway.
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>The midget lesbians might as well not exist.
Love Letters
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>that mess of a gem
what the fuck am I looking at?
Fusions are their own beings if they stay fused too long, Sugilite is the best example for how it can go from simple fun to straight up terrifying after being fused too long.
Then how come Garnet is just Ruby and Sapphire making decisions?
It's not though. If it were Ruby and Sapphire they would literally fall apart at every turn. It's the very existnce of Garnet that keeps them together for so long, Garnet's will to exist is too strong and it doesn't help that Ruby and Sapphire's love is what keeps them glued together.
She's not, if you stay fused too long the feeling of being separate is forgoten, that can only get broken if you conflict with each other, it's like playing a rhythm game for hours, at some point you forget how it is to be out of the rhythm and you just play along.
Then how come Garnet is nothing and it's just Ruby and Sapphire making decisions?
Except that it's not. Garnet is her own gem with her own flaws and insecurities that only Garnet can relate to, not Ruby, not Sapphire.
Please go claim the new board in the name of Steven if you are a pass user
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